Vladimir Putin, hands off Ukraine! 🇺🇦 #StandWithUkraine #StopPutinNOW #StopRussia
Saturday, 26 February 2022 - 05:45 pm (CET/MEZ) Berlin | Author/Destination: Knut WingschCategory/Kategorie: General Reading Time: 581 minutes (latest update: 2 January 2024) Russo-Ukrainian War, Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russo-Ukrainian War, Second Chechen War 1999 to 2009, Russo-Georgian War (Abkhazia, South Ossetia), Transnistria War, Russian military intervention in the Syrian civil war and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Against the background of the statements made by some simpletons, especially Westerners, this:
There are exactly two options: If Putin stops the war of aggression and annihilation against Ukraine and withdraws his mercenaries completely from Ukraine, there will be peace. If Ukrainians ceased their resistance to Putin’s war of aggression and annihilation, Ukraine would no longer exist. Everything coming from Russia that is not stopped in Ukraine and pushed back today can be in Warsaw the day after tomorrow. It is therefore in the greatest security interest of the EU and NATO to support Ukraine as much as possible, instead of just standing by and thereby sealing the own fate.
One can only have the highest and greatest respect for the Ukrainians for their incredible courage and exemplary bravery in defending their free and democratic Ukraine against the tyrant Putin and his dishonorable mercenaries. This is not only an inspiration to peoples around the world struggling for their own freedom, democracy and independence, but also to those in the West who have always known that democracy and freedom cannot be taken for granted or come for free, so that the fight for both must continue. Those who saw it differently up until February 24th, 2022 and still convinced themselves that Putin “just wants to play” has now largely realized that he doesn’t want that, but instead want to wipe out Ukraine and its inhabitants and wants to wipe the country off the map alltogether. What is particularly dangerous about this is that Putin, unlike his fellow autocrats and dictators, who can only convince themselves that they can wipe out other countries (e.g. Iran, that is trying to convince itself to be able to wipe out Israel with its barely existing army – completely ridiculous. With the exception of the nuclear bomb that is still to be built, which Benjamin Netanyahu and #45 absolutely want to make possible for Iran), actually has the necessary military capabilities and means to do so. Of course, a prominent role in the resistance is played by the former actor and current President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who for a long time was not believed capable of the task, also because of his professional career (in contrast, the cowboy actor Ronald Reagan and his not exactly flawless political network is still celebrated in conservative circles like the reincarnation of Jesus and his Reaganomics is honored like the Bible), and now no longer just “plays a role”, but apparently has found his mission as the leader in the struggle for the freedom of Ukraine. He’s in his mid-40s, agile, mobile, flexible, aggressive and, above all, authentic, so that people take him seriously and are happy to follow the request when he says, “Guys, now it’s about everything, so butt up, load your weapons and let’s go!” Leadership by example. He stands up at the same time and says in an internationally audible voice, “Putin, you’ve been at war against my country since 2014. Even against my entire country since February 2022, but you’ll never get it. Not during my watch!” In this way he carries his fellow citizens with him and is an important motivator not only for his whole country but also for the countless supporters abroad. This is the very stuff that heroic stories are made of. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that after the war he will be able to tell many of them himself instead of falling victim to Putin’s hired gang of murderers. In contrast, imagine the motivational stimuli it would send if the maximally fact-free and remote from reality 72-year-old Botox grandpa Putin, now obviously completely confused due to his age, were to shuffle onto the battlefield with his walker. In fact, it is now the case that even the first oligarchs who are important or even very important to him are turning their backs on him, following the line “if the donkey is dead, get off”. The different motivational situations are of course particularly important here and may even be decisive for the war. While the Ukrainians are not only fighting for freedom and democracy, but for their homeland and their country’s right to exist, for Putin’s mercenaries it is just another foreign assignment at the end of which they will return home, with a some thousand exceptions. They have already made the ultimate sacrifice for Putin’s madness and more will follow. In contrast to the Ukrainian fighters, none of them are war heroes, but helpers in serious and most serious war crimes. If this insight has prevailed in Russia, it will certainly cause some waves there, which will certainly not be positive.
Important questions remain unanswered, which even the experts cannot answer. This includes the question of whether Putin has simply become senile, a case for the loony bin or whether he is serving the so-called madman theory? That will be answered in the coming months, maybe years. Another question is what is to be achieved and with what final goal? The destruction of the post-war order, gradual at first and continuing to gain momentum, is obvious, but how far does he think he can get with it? Basically, you can already see that all his basic assumptions were wrong. If he thought it would bring him back to the Premier League and the International Round Table, he was dead wrong. These doors will remain closed to him from now on. NATO, transatlantic relations and above all the EU are more united than they have been in years. If you look at the UN resolutions, then he turned 3/4 of the world against him. He doesn’t even have real friends inside Russia any more, he only had them outside for large sums of money anyway. China only needs Russia as a cheap supplier of raw materials (if the USA and the EU decide to stop importing oil, natural gas and coal from Russia, then the Russian economy will go down the drain completely, because China only pays 1/3 of what the west pays) and calf-biter against the west. War crimes trials are usually prepared for months and years. In the case of Russia, the facts appear to be so clear that the first trial has already begun. On the other hand, what is obvious are the motives, because they can be found more often: offended vanity, because it is all too clear that the competition with the democratic and liberal West cannot be won, especially when it comes to the competition of social models and the economy. The “strong man from the Kremlin” (actually he is anything but strong) finds himself in a row with his other fellow autocrats and dictators, whether from Belarus, China, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, even the Islamic State and many more. All of them cannot deal well with the fact that they are and remain inferior and they all have in common that they can only achieve their goals with the help of extreme criminal energy and the most barbaric violence until sooner or later they die of their own medicine. Difficult weeks, months and maybe even years lie ahead of us. Coupled with unbearable suffering for Ukraine. We will get through this by showing unbroken solidarity with Ukraine and by continuing to keep NATO, the transatlantic relationship and the EU as close together as possible. If that succeeds, then it can already be said today that we will win, regardless of who thinks he can afford to compete against us. In the end, we will continue to be the winners. Next time we should perhaps not celebrate this as demonstratively and loudly as in the past, because that apparently also led to injuries on the other side, which at some point turned into the “desire for revenge”. Whatever the motives, they are, above all, the ultimate intellectual bankruptcy. Putin’s Russia, which considers itself strong, displays the full range of significant weaknesses here. Starting with tanks that fall apart without being shot at, to the mass imprisonment of opponents of the war, to the once again collapsing economy. There was a time when even some Russians believed that Putin could bring about a positive turn for Russia instead of being just another useless dictator. A massive misjudgment.
Even on 22 March 2022, no clear prognosis can be made about the further progress of Putin’s war of aggression and annihilation against Ukraine, especially since there are not only completely different assessments and analyzes from the Ukrainian and Russian sides, but also different results within the West. The extent to which the analyzes can be wrong here, too, is shown by the initial forecasts that “Russia will take over Ukraine within the first two to three days”. One could hardly have been further away from the actual conditions on the ground. From a position of military inferiority, Ukrainians are putting up such incredible and fierce resistance (Guerrilla warfare, Hit-and-run tactics) to Putin’s mercenaries that their advance has been halted in many places. This led to a change in Russian tactics. Instead, Putin is now razing one city after the other to the ground, causing an army of millions of (internal) war refugees and unbelievable suffering among the civilian population. Even if it is of little use to the Ukrainians at the moment and Putin’s war of aggression and annihilation can go on for weeks and months to come, they have already achieved Putin’s complete defeat with their resistance by vaporizing all of his war aims. He put everything on one card and lost everything. He has not been able to implement anything he wanted to achieve or have any prospects of being able to achieve this in the future, regardless of what further crimes he will commit, in order to try to achieve at least partial goals.
- A “reunification with a brother people” that they don’t want at all and don’t see themselves that way anyway? Will never succeed.
- The capture of an independent and free state “by surprise”, the people of which have been preparing for this for months? This ends in disaster for both sides.
- Returning to the superpower league by making yourself the greatest war criminal of the 21st century while eclipsing even Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and making him look like an apprentice? The door remains closed and turns one’s own country into a pariah state.
- Russia’s return to the international community will only become conceivable and possible again after Putin and his ideological successors. However, the way to get there can be long. It also depends on the participation of the Russian people themselves.
- Indefinite suspension of Russia from as many international formats and bodies as possible, with the clear goal of replacing the Putin regime and the clear announcement: “For you, there is only one way out the door and not a single one back.”
Perspective: The most difficult, but at the same time unavoidable path for the international community is to vehemently promote and finally achieve the ultimate end of the Putin era in Russia. There is nothing dictators fear more than their end, which can end up being just as unpleasant as those of those they have killed themselves. In this respect, the previous sanctions are a good start that can be expanded. But first the West will have to be clear about how they want to get rid of Putin:
- The usual Western circles of seats, with the aim of persuading Putin to give up voluntarily – this variant is of course completely illusory and is therefore only mentioned for completeness. A coward like Putin will not go voluntarily because of course he knows how far he would get, namely, with luck, to the next street corner.
- Another, purely theoretical variant would be elections, but of course they would only make sense if the results were implemented. The past elections have shown that actual results are not even used as a guide, but the only one who decides who stays president and who becomes or stays “MP” is Putin. Anyone who sees things differently or even wants to build up an opposition will end up in the gulag or in the grave, which is ultimately the same thing.
- Tightening of sanctions to the point of “starving Russia” so that the state will collapse in on itself and, like after the collapse of the Soviet Union, will be dependent on international humanitarian aid, so that the regime will be washed away. With the exception of Putin’s useful idiots from Die Linke and AfD, this approach is likely to be supported by the broad majority in Germany. It almost seems as if that would also be the Tsar’s favorite variant, because recently he has his palace spokesmen ranting about the fact that gas deliveries to the EU will in the future have to be paid for in worthless Russian Monopoly rubles only, although this is contractually stipulated as payments for deliveries are to be made in euros or US dollars. If payment were not made in rubles, gas deliveries would no longer take place in the future. Of course, the EU correctly rejected the request, because on the one hand there is not enough of Putin’s play money to be able to pay for gas deliveries and on the other hand it would undermine own sanctions against the Russian state bank, among others. That is of course out of the question. What is charming about the solution is that should the Kremlin actually suspend supplies, dependence on Russian energy supplies would end overnight, because once out of the door there would be no going back for Russian energy supplies to the EU. This is exactly what the EU and its federal states should be working towards in order to ultimately be able to pass the buck completely on Russia – strategically and tactically that would at least be clever. What would be the consequences? The EU then has to put real pressure on to get replacement suppliers up and running. This is getting better and better bit by bit, but it will still be a while before full replacement deliveries are achieved and become bumpy for the economy, whereby serious forecasts for the latter are not possible because too many variables play roles that cannot be reliably weighted. In the future, Putin’s Russia will have to forego 2/3 of its income from gas deliveries, because China only pays about 1/3 of what the EU pays. That would significantly increase Russia’s dependence on China, and what this usually leads to can be seen in the example of the dependence of various African states on China. This severely limits Putins future scope for “adventures”, especially since he will have serious problems with keeping the Russian state from collapsing and parts of its population from starvation. Former chancellor “Gas-Gerd” Schröder should be careful in the future with whom and where he drinks. As is well known, it is very easy to get a cup of polonium tea as a parting gift and “thank you for nothing”.
- Tightening sanctions with the aim of empowering the Russian opposition to bring about system change from within, giving the people the choice of granting Putin the mercy of a court trial or letting him end up like Muammar al-Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein. Not a very realistic variant, especially since large parts of the Russian population have succumbed to the Kremlin’s propaganda brainwashing, so that Putin’s “real” approval ratings are actually surprisingly high.
- Count on the FSB to come up with a reasonably credible, low-noise and timely solution. At least they used to be good at it in the past.
Of course, future prospects are not only important for Ukrainians, but also for the hundreds of thousands of Russians who have left their homeland indefinitely in opposition to Putin’s war of aggression and annihilation against Ukraine. For them it is unforgivable that their country is committing the most serious crimes in and against Ukraine. The West is already preparing for the reconstruction of Ukraine. That is good, right and important. At least here it is ahead of the developments instead of just running behind. After this “passed test” the West will sooner rather than later move on to the next one: China.
In mid-August 2022, dictator Putin continued unabated with the expansion of his war of aggression and annihilation against Ukraine, relying on the consent of a majority of the Russian population, which had evidently been prepared for this precisely by decades of state propaganda. In the West there are still plenty of Putin apologists who want to persuade themselves and others that Ukraine will lose because it can’t/shouldn’t be otherwise – at least that’s what they think. These are the same people who assumed that “Russia will overrun Ukraine in three days” at the beginning of the expanded Russian state terror in Ukraine. After that didn’t work out, it was assumed “that it would happen within a week” or “within a month”. None of this was true. Instead of simply admitting to themselves that they were completely wrong, they are now entangled in further fantasies about “Ukraine’s inevitable defeat”. In any case, Ukraine and its population are not even thinking of doing Russia and its apologists a favor and are still not only holding up well, but were able to stop the advance of Putin’s mercenaries in many places or even push them back in the north. There are increasing signs that a counter-offensive is being prepared to finally throw the Russians out of Ukraine – including the entire east, south and of course Crimea. The determination and courage with which the Ukrainians continue to defend their homeland and thus their existence is exceptionally brave and exemplary. However, they do this with high losses, which they also inflict on the Russian state terrorists and war criminals. While it is still a punishable offense in Russia to call the Russian war of aggression and annihilation against Ukraine war at all, the Ukrainians keep sending large numbers of filled body bags to Russia and thus bring war bit by bit into every Russian living room. Western secret services are now assuming up to 70,000 dead and war-disabled on the Russian side. From a psychological point of view, both are important: the numerous deaths, to show the Russian population directly what dictator Putin is doing in Ukraine on their behalf, and the numerous war invalids, who will remind the Russian population for decades to come of what the Russian dictator Putin did on behalf of the Russian people in Ukraine – and at what cost to Russia. The fact that Ukraine has been able to hold out so well so far is of course mainly due to the continuous deliveries of arms and ammunition from its western allies, with the United States of America leading the way by a clear margin, without which the situation for Ukraine would look far less promising. On the other hand, Germany, the largest economy in Europe, has failed so dramatically on several levels that trust in the Scholz administratioon has largely been lost, even though it is crystal clear that the security of Western Europe is also at stake here, because after all it is Putin’s declared goal to spread Russian state terrorism across the entire continent. Full-bodied announcements have been and are being made, but these would only materialize in a year or two. Time that Ukraine does not have. She needs maximum help immediately and she only gets that in homeopathic doses from Germany. If you look at the close interlocking of former and current SPD officials with the Russian kleptocracy and their obsession with Putin, this is not really surprising. Unwillingness to face the fact that Putin and his Chinese pal Xi Jinping have openly entered the war on democracy and freedom is only fueling high inflation rates in the West right now, but the shelling is getting closer by the day. Instead of going on the offensive and becoming proactive oneself, one prefers to sit like a rabbit in front of a snake and finally wonder how it can be that Europe is falling further and further behind in all areas. Indifference, ignorance (“That’s none of my business?”, “It’s thousands of kilometers away.”, “I do not care!”, “This is not my war!”), coupled with a nostalgia for Russia that has always lacked a serious basis (Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact/Hitler–Stalin Pact), unwillingness to act and incompetence lead to Europe (having) gambled away its formerly good future prospects with an open eye. For many Ukrainians this was and is already deadly. Depending on the outcome of the war, it will take one to several decades to rebuild the trust that has been destroyed in Ukraine, but also in the Baltic States. At least there is no need to worry about relations with Poland and Hungary, because they had already collapsed. As long as there have been no lasting changes in government and political reorientation, this will not change either. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for Ukraine that it will continue to receive sufficient and extensive support, at least from its responsible western allies, to be able to successfully survive the war against Russia.
Of course, the reactions and statements in the so-called “social networks” are interesting, disconcerting to frightening, which make clear the whole range of concentrated ignorance and/or unwillingness on the subject, additionally fueled by Putin trolls. This takes revenge once again for the fact that basic economic knowledge and connections are taught far too little or not at all in general schools. The nationalists of the EU states see themselves as the only victims of the enormous price increases and inflation of the past few months, “because it is a home-made problem and everyone else is much better off.” Either the sparse overview of the big picture has been completely lost in the meantime or was not there at all. Anyone who trundles through life in such a fact-free manner can of course not make any viable and sustainable decisions and is ultimately not even able to make qualified voting decisions because the essential basics are already missing. The provision of Internet for private use is basically a very good thing, if only to deal with various topics and to acquire extensive knowledge. In this respect, this is a big step on the way to global democratization. However, if you only use it to watch porn or play online games, then this medium is of no use either. The fact that Vladimir Putin is the only person responsible for the malaise and that the victims are Ukraine and the Ukrainians is completely suppressed, as is the documented fact that Germany is only average in the consequences. While inflation in Germany is around 10%, in Estonia, for example, it is well over 20%, i.e. more than twice as high. In the meantime, the British have been hit particularly hard, because the consequences of Brexit, Covid-19 and Putin’s war of aggression and destruction against Ukraine come together here and are causing alarming poverty rates in the population, which will increase again over the winter. For Ukraine, the upcoming winter will mean by far the greatest sacrifices in all respects.
The Federal Government: War in Ukraine: Military support for Ukraine. Online support project: NAFO.
From 23 to 24 June 2023, there was an episode that was as interesting as it was surprising, during which Putin’s most serious criminal cook Yevgeny Prigozhin‘s head of the Wagner Group carried out an uprising/rebellion (others call it a mutiny or a failed coup/coup d’etat), but finally canceled again. To this end, he had his Wagner Group march from their camps in the Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine under the title “March of Justice” in the direction of Moscow. On the way there, the cities of Rostov-on-Don and Voronezh, among others, were taken without a fight and were cheered by the residents as if they had been “liberated”. The regular security services did not intervene for fear of the Wagner Group, so they could easily have taken Moscow. Before this could happen, Prigozhin ordered his troops back to their base camps, while being only 200 km away from Moscow. It is not yet known what he would have wanted to do there anyway. Whether he would have “only” taken over the Defense Ministry to send the military leadership to hell, or whether he would have taken over the Kremlin as well is all part of speculation. Expert observers assume that he will pay for his escapade with his life. If you look at his résumé, there is no reason to regret it, because in fact it was about the uprising of one criminal against another criminal. In the meantime, the Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko had intervened and negotiated a settlement that was apparently acceptable to Prigozhin. Since then, Prigozhin has been in Belarus. His Wagner Group sets up camps there (in the meantime there has been a bit of confusion, especially since Lukashenko claims that Prigozhin is still in Saint Petersburg and that the Wagner Group is in their camps in the Ukraine). For Vladimir Putin, the entire episode is one big disgrace, especially as it became clear on the world stage that his power has eroded significantly and is standing, his inability to ensure public safety and order (a core promise to his followers), but at the same time he is dependent on the Wagner Group, not only in Ukraine, but also in some African states and in Syria. Unfortunately, the Ukraine itself has so far hardly been able to benefit from the inner-Russian chaos in its defensive struggle against Putin’s war of aggression and annihilation.
Today is the 8th of July 2023, day 500 of Putin’s/Russia’s war of aggression and annihilation against Ukraine. Putin could have withdrawn his war criminals from all of Ukraine at any time within those 500 days and there would have been instant peace. But he doesn’t even think about it. That is why Ukraine continues to need all possible support for our own security and if there is no other way, due to supply difficulties in other places, then also with cluster munitions (according to the USA, about 14% duds can be assumed. The Russian cluster bombs leave about three times as many duds), which the Russian state terrorists have been using against Ukrainian soldiers and civilians since the beginning of the extended war in 2022 . The support package should also include a clear and unambiguous perspective for Ukraine to become a member of NATO immediately after the end of the war. The USA, Ukraine and Russia have not joined the Convention Banning Cluster Munitions. So it doesn’t apply to them. Russia has been using the cluster bombs against Ukrainian soldiers and civilians since the beginning of the extended war of aggression and destruction in 2022. At the same time, the West is slowly running out of stocks of other ammunition and missiles for Ukraine, so there is no alternative to supplies at this point. Deliveries to Ukraine should and must continue in order for Ukraine to win the war. Critics of the shipments must first of all bear in mind that the endless delays in the shipments of war essentials and equipment to Ukraine for more than a year and the equally slow increase in the production of weapons and ammunition have led to the situation that now what is available is used. Weapons and ammunition that are to be produced in the coming years are of no help today. Of course, it would be nicer if none of this was needed at all, but for that, Putin would have to end his war against Ukraine. He doesn’t want, can’t and won’t do that. Only when it becomes clear that Russia can not win will he have to give in. In order for Ukraine to bring about this situation, it is still receiving much too hesitant support from the West, which is knowingly and deliberately prolonging the war completely unnecessarily.
At the turn of the year 2023/2024, the situation has hardly changed. The fighting continues with undiminished intensity without either side being able to gain any significant space, although it is a big win for Ukraine to be able to successfully defend itself against the seemingly superior aggressor. The Russians have suffered significantly higher losses than the Ukrainians. One can only congratulate on that. The West continues to support Ukraine’s efforts far too hesitantly and little, so that, contrary to the numerous promises in Sunday speeches, it does not give the impression that they actually want to see Ukraine win. Apparently business interests continue to predominate in Russia. This short-sighted approach also unnecessarily endangers the West. Instead of extensively providing equipment, weapons and ammunition for the Ukrainian armies, as well as their own, and thus building up a deterrent potential, the “Zeitenwende” is obviously already forgotten. This is so tragic and dangerous because there are elections in the USA in 2024 and it cannot be ruled out that Donald Trump could get a second term in office, with consequences that could even lead to the USA leaving NATO, which would leave Europe without own deterrence and would therefore be largely defenseless. Putin would certainly not miss this opportunity, especially since the Russian economy has already been converted to a “war economy” and in 2024 70% more will be invested in the defense budget than before. So you should remember the names of the current EU heads of government and their government members, because they are the ones who are leading the EU and Ukraine into the abyss with full eyesight.
Media coverage: Reuters, 13 March 2014: Merkel warns Russia of ‘massive damage’ if it persists, The Washington Post, 13 June 2019: Putin’s dangerous campaign to rehabilitate Stalin (Stalinist repressions, Great Purge and Neo-Stalinism), The Guardian, 10 July 2019: Vladimir Putin’s Russia is rehabilitating Stalin. We must not let it happen, The Washington Post, 8 May 2020: Facing a dim present, Putin turns back to glorious Stalin, The Guardian, 30 April 2021: European Union ‘Groundless’ Russian sanctions against its officials condemned (the terror regimes in Russia and China seem to feel pretty safe. That should be changed as soon as possible), France24, 30 April 2021: Russia bars eight EU officials from entry in tit-for-tat move (the end for Nord Stream 2 is getting closer and closer), Politico.eu, 30 April 2021: Russia bans top EU officials in retaliation for sanctions, DW, 1 May 2021: Russia-West ties hit low with diplomat expulsions, NBC News, 17 May 2021: Russia’s New Stalin Center evokes pride, and revulsion, The National, 12 November 2021: Russia sends paratroopers to Belarus-EU border for ‘war games’ amid escalating crisis, New York Times, 12 November 2021: As Belarus Strongman Goads the West, Russia Grows Increasingly Wary, CNN, 13 November 2021: UK army chief warns risk of accidental war with Russia is greater than ever, Politico.eu, 13 November 2021: Putin chides Lukashenko over threat to cut off gas to EU, DW, 15 November 2021: Ukraine: NATO alarmed by Russian troop buildup on border, The Times, 16 November 2021: Threat of rising gas bills as Germany blocks new Russian pipe, The Guardian, 16 November 2021: Russia: Moscow admits to anti-satellite missile test but denies ‘dangerous behavior’, CNN, 16 November 2021: Chaos in eastern Europe suits Putin, BBC, 16 November 2021: Gas prices soar after setback for Russian pipeline, France24, 16 November 2021: NASA chief ‘outraged’ by Russia missile test that endangered astronauts on ISS, Foreign Policy, 17 November 2021: How to Stop Moscow From Squeezing Ukraine’s Energy Sector, Foreign Policy, 19 November 2021: Is Russia Preparing to Invade Ukraine?, Al Arabiya, 20 November 2021: White House calls on Russia to de-escalate tensions with Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 20 November 2021: US patrol boats sent to back up Ukrainian Navy near Black Sea, DW, 21 November 2021: Russia slams Western ‘hysteria’ over Ukraine, The National, 22 November 2021: Ukraine has an ally in its standoff with Russia – and it’s not the US, The New York Times, 22 November 2021: Trying to Blur Memories of the Gulag, Russia Targets a Rights Group (BBC, 11.11.2021: Memorial: Russia moves to close major human rights group, Memorial International, Joseph Stalin, Gulag, Stalinist repressions), Politico.eu, 23 November 2021: Ukraine: NATO’s original sin, Foreign Policy, 23 November 2021: What Russia Really Wants in the Balkans, The Guardian, 24 November 2021: Russia: Court cases threatening human rights group Memorial start, The Hill, 24 November 2021: NATO to discuss ways to deter Russia: Lithuanian official, BBC, 26 November 2021: Ukraine leader alleges coup plan involving Russians, CNN, 26 November 2021: Ukrainian President says group of Russians and Ukrainians planning coup against him, The Guardian, 26 November 2021: Ukraine: Intelligence warning of Russia-backed December coup, president says, Politico.eu, 26 November 2021: Ukraine PM calls for NATO’s help against Russia, The National, 26 November 2021: Biden ‘concerned’ about Russian threats against Ukraine, Politico.eu, 27 November 2021: Ukraine’s president alleges coup attempt involving country’s richest man, Politico.eu, 28 November 2021: EU, NATO stress unity on Belarus, The National, 29 November 2021: Latvia calls for permanent US troops to guard against Russian threat, DW, 29 November 2021: Meeting near Russian border, NATO weighs response to Moscow’s military maneuvers, Al Arabiya, 29 November 2021: Latvia calls for permanent US troops to guard against Russia threat, DW, 29 November 2021: Why are Russian ‘vaccine tourists’ flocking to Europe?, The Washington Post, 29 November 2021: Threat of Russian invasion of Ukraine tests Biden administration, Politico.eu, 30 November 2021: NATO warns Russia of ‘high price’ for any attack on Ukraine, The Guardian, 30 November 2021: Ukraine: Russia will act if Nato countries cross ‘red lines’, Putin says, The National, 1 December 2021: Blinken says Russia is building capacity to invade Ukraine in ‘short order’, The Times, 1 December 2021: Why the fate of Ukraine lies in the hands of one man: Putin, The Guardian, 1 December 2021: Ukraine: US warns Russia has plans for ‘large-scale’ attack, France24, 1 December 2021: US urges Russia to retract troops from Ukraine border, threatens sanctions, The Washington Post, 1 December 2021: The best response to Russia’s threats is a closer relationship with Ukraine, CNN, 2 December 2021: US and Russia officials meet as concerns grow over Ukraine, The Times, 2 December 2021: Russia has no say in Ukraine joining Nato, Moscow told, CNN, 2 December 2021: Analysis: Would Putin get away with invading Ukraine again?, BBC, 2 December 2021: Russia warns of military confrontation nightmare, Politico.eu, 2 December 2021: Views collide as Blinken, Lavrov discuss Ukraine, Foreign Policy, 2 December 2021: Russians Believe Ukrainians Want to Be ‘Liberated’, CNN, 3 December 2021: Russia positions more forces, supply lines as fears rise of potential Ukraine invasion, The National, 3 December 2021: Biden aims to make it ‘very difficult’ for Putin to move against Ukraine, The Times, 3 December 2021: Great expectations: why the West is looking to Germany to counter Russian aggression, DW, 4 December 2021: US claims Russia planning Ukraine offensive, The Times, 4 December 2021: Putin to demand from Biden guarantees against Ukraine joining NATO (it is primarily up to Ukraine to decide whether or not to become a member of NATO. Obviously, the Ukrainian government is striving for membership, also in order to be able to better defend itself against Putin and his state terrorists in eastern Ukraine and in Crimea), CNN, 4 December 2021: US intelligence estimates Russian troop levels on Ukraine border could reach 175,000, Politico.eu, 4 December 2021: Putin’s choice: Hot war or a deeply frozen conflict, DW, 4 December 2021: US claims Russia planning Ukraine offensive, Al Arabiya, 4 December 2021: Russia dismisses US media reports about possible Ukraine offensive, The New York Times, 5 December 2021: What’s Driving Putin’s Ukraine Brinkmanship?, France24, 6 December 2021: US vows to boost military presence if Russia attacks Ukraine, The Times, 6 December 2021: Putin invites Ukrainian separatist leaders into his party, Politico.com, 6 December 2021: U.S. and Europe ready ‘significant and severe’ sanctions if Russia invades Ukraine, The Guardian, 6 December 2021: Ukraine: US says it will send troops to eastern Europe if Russia invades, France24, 6 December 2021: Video: On Ukrainian frontline, Russian troop build-up reports spark concerns, The New York Times, 6 December 2021: On Ukrainian Front, Grinding War and Weary Anticipation of Invasion, The Hill, 6 December 2021: Five things to know about Russia’s troop buildup near Ukraine, CNN, 6 December 2021: Biden faces high-stakes test in call with Putin over Ukraine, Politico.eu, 7 December 2021: UK to Russia: Invading Ukraine would have ‘catastrophically high’ consequences, The Times, 7 December 2021: Western leaders plan reprisals if Russia invades Ukraine, Politico.com, 7 December 2021: Biden warns Putin on call against Ukraine invasion, The Guardian, 7 December 2021: Ukraine: Prepare a swift response to possible Russian invasion, Latvia tells west, Politico.eu, 7 December 2021: What’s Putin really up to with Ukraine?, BBC, 7 December 2021: Biden and Putin talk as Ukraine tensions rise, The National, 7 December 2021: Biden takes hard line with Putin over possible Ukraine invasion, The Hill, 7 December 2021: Biden tries to tamp down tensions with Putin call, The Washington Post, 7 December 2021: Biden tells Putin U.S. will take economic, other actions if Russia escalates Ukraine conflict, The New York Times, 7 December 2021: Biden Warns Putin of Economic Consequences if Aggression Continues, NPR, 7 December 2021: Why Russia-Ukraine tensions have again reached a boiling point, CNN, 8 December 2021: ‘Ukraine isn’t in NATO’: Biden rules out US troops but vows sanctions if Russia invades, Politico.com, 8 December 2021: Sending U.S. combat troops to Ukraine ‘not in the cards right now,’ Biden says, The Times, 8 December 2021: Russian invasion of Ukraine would be like World War Two, warns defence chief, The Guardian, 8 December 2021: Ukraine: Russia expects urgent talks with US after Biden-Putin summit, The National, 8 December 2021: Biden warns Putin of severe consequences if Ukraine attacked, DW, 8 December 2021: Transatlantic allies ramp up pressure on Russia over Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 9 December 2021: Turkey won’t confront Russia in event of war in ally Ukraine, The Guardian, 9 December 2021: Germany: Foreign minister under pressure over Nord Stream 2 sanctions, Politico.eu, 9 December 2021: EU to hit Russian mercenary group Wagner with sanctions, The Guardian, 9 December 2021: Ukraine: Eastern and central European nations urge Nato unity in Biden-Russia talks, The Hill, 9 December 2021: Biden reassures Ukraine’s Zelensky of U.S. support amid Russian aggression, The Washington Post, 9 December 2021: Amid fears of a Russian invasion, Biden seeks united front with Ukraine and allies, Arab News, 10 December 2021: NATO chief rejects Russia demand to bar Ukraine entry (if Russia would be a democracy and not be run by a bloodthirsty dictator, it could ask for NATO membership as well), The Times, 10 December 2021: We’ll protect you from Russia, Biden tells eastern Europe, The Guardian, 10 December 2021: ‘Nobody wants to be Putin’s slave’: On the Ukraine frontline as tensions rise, The Times, 10 December 2021: Flashpoint Ukraine: can Biden find a balance between deterrence and provocation?, Foreign Policy, 10 December 2021: What Impact Would U.S. Sanctions Have on Russia?, The National, 11 December 2021: Truss and Blinken warn of ‘serious consequences’ if Russia invades Ukraine, The Times, 11 December 2021: Of course the Russians are coming to Ukraine. They want to rebuild their empire, France24, 11 December 2021: US: Russia should withdraw from Ukraine border or face ‘massive consequences’, The Times, 11 December 2021: Putin blames Nato for pushing Kiev towards war, Politico.eu, 11 December 2021: G7 ministers warn of ‘strong response’ if Putin advances into Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 12 December 2021: Putin laments Soviet collapse as demise of ‘historical Russia’ (there is pretty much no one outside Russia who would agree with this assumption), France24, 12 December 2021: G7 urges Iran to agree nuclear deal, warns Russia against invasion of Ukraine, The Guardian, 12 December 2021: Ukraine: G7 leaders warn Russia all sanctions on table over border buildup, The Times, 13 December 2021: Russia has ‘no trust’ in Nato over Ukraine (yes, the poor Kremlin terrorists. Again totally misunderstood by the rest of the world, the little rascals! :-D ), Politico.eu, 13 December 2021: EU slaps sanctions on Russian mercenary group Wagner, The Guardian, 13 December 2021: Gas crisis: Gazprom profits as Russia prospers from Europe’s gas crisis, DW, 13 December 2021: Vladimir Putin says he drove a taxi after fall of Soviet Union (is it known whether even a single passenger ever arrived at the destination he wanted to or whether they all had to agree with the destination that Putin thought was correct?), France24, 13 December 2021: EU imposes sanctions on Russian mercenary group Wagner over human rights abuses, The Guardian, 13 December 2021: Natural gas: Prices near record highs as Berlin rejects pipeline from Russia, DW, 13 December 2021: EU sanctions Russian ‘Wagner’ mercenary group, The Times, 14 December 2021: Vitali Klitschko ready to join Ukraine’s fight against Russia, Israel Hayom, 14 December 2021: ‘Russia may soon be forced to deploy mid-range nuclear missiles in Europe’ (the Russians already stzationed rocket systems capable of nuclear war heads in Kaliningrad, pointing at Paris, London and Berlin, but are accusing NATO of alleged aggressions towards Russia? Who is this bimbo trying to trick?), The Times, 14 December 2021: West should not fall for Putin’s Ukraine bluff, Politico.eu, 14 December 2021: How Europe can calm the Russia-Ukraine crisis, DW, 15 December 2021: Germany expels two Russian diplomats after Tiergarten murder conviction, The Times, 15 December 2021: ‘Russian agent’ jailed for murder of Chechen dissident in Berlin, DW, 15 December 2021: German court points finger at Kremlin after Berlin murder verdict, Politico.eu, 15 December 2021: Scholz wants dialogue with Moscow but warns of ‘high price’ for attacking Ukraine, The Guardian, 15 December 2021: Germany: Russian government ordered murder of Chechen in Berlin, court rules, Politico.eu, 15 December 2021: Don’t fall into Putin’s trap, Estonian PM warns the West, The National, 15 December 2021: Germany’s Scholz warns of ‘high cost’ if Russia violates Ukraine’s territorial integrity, Al Arabiya, 15 December 2021: Germany expels Russian diplomats over state-ordered killing, The Guardian, 15 December 2021: Ukraine: EU to warn Vladimir Putin of ‘massive consequences’ of invading, The National, 15 December 2021: Germany expels two Russian diplomats after murder conviction, Der Spiegel, 16 December 2021: Daria Navalnaya, Daughter of Alexei Navalny: “I Started Seeing Agents Everywhere”, Al Arabiya, 16 December 2021: Ukraine’s leader seeks Russia sanctions before it’s too late, The Times, 17 December 2021: Russia demands Nato remove all troops from eastern Europe (of course, right after the Russian state terrorist permanently withdrew his gangsters from Crimea, eastern Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Syria and along the EU borders), Politico.eu, 17 December 2021: EU leaders threaten Russia with sanctions over Ukraine, The Guardian, 17 December 2021: Ukraine: Russia issues list of demands it says must be met to lower tensions in Europe, France24, 17 December 2021: EU threatens to hit Russia with sanctions, but will they work?, BBC, 17 December 2021: Russia lists demands for defusing Ukraine tensions, France24, 17 December 2021: In Russia, the battle for the memory of Soviet repressions, DW, 17 December 2021: Russia issues list of demands to NATO, Foreign Policy, 17 December 2021: Why Ukraine’s Fight Against Corruption Scares Russia, The Hill, 17 December 2021: White House says Putin hasn’t made up mind on invading Ukraine, The Washington Post, 17 December 2021: It’s an open secret there’s no NATO plan for Ukraine. Why not just tell Putin?, The Economist, 18 December 2021: A forced brotherhood: Why Russia has never accepted Ukrainian independence, Al Arabiya, 18 December 2021: Russian natural gas exports to Europe via Yamal pipeline drop sharply, The National, 18 December 2021: UK ‘highly unlikely’ to send troops to fight Russia in Ukraine, The Times, 18 December 2021: Get your tanks off my lawn and don’t come back, Putin tells Nato :-D , Al Arabiya, 18 December 2021: Russia sends nuclear-capable long-range bombers on patrol over Belarus, DW, 18 December 2021: NATO mulls deploying troops to Bulgaria, Romania — Der Spiegel, France24, 18 December 2021: Russia demands US, NATO curtail activity in East Europe to defuse Ukraine crisis, DW, 18 December 2021: Germany warns Russia of pipeline ‘consequences’, Al Arabiya, 19 December 2021: German Defense Minister in visit to Lithuania says Russia cannot ‘dictate’ to NATO, CNN, 19 December 2021: ‘A four-week window’: Biden is moving fast to deter Putin from invading Ukraine, The Washington Post, 19 December 2021: On Ukraine’s front, a real war overshadows worries about a possible future one with Russia, DW, 19 December 2021: German defense minister: Russia will not ‘dictate’ to NATO, Politico.eu, 19 December 2021: Europe remembers its forgotten war, Al Arabiya, 20 December 2021: Russia suspends fruit imports from some Turkish, Iranian suppliers, DW, 20 December 2021: Russia expels two German diplomats over Berlin park assassination (they are for sure very happy about being allowed to return home – especially, unlike the victim killed by the Kremlin in Tiergarten, unharmed), The Times, 20 December 2021: Russia wants ‘urgent’ answer to demands over Nato withdrawal, France24, 20 December 2021: Amid Russia tensions, Lithuania advocates for more robust Western response (but there is also a positive aspect to all the negative aspects for which Putin’s Russia is synonymous: not even the kleptocracies of the EU eastward expansion want to become Soviet again, so that there is a rare consensus within the EU with regard to how to deal with Russia. even if the paths to get there are not yet congruent. It is astonishing or incomprehensible that an external threat is always required before we act together, instead of becoming proactive in order not to be brought into the situation in the first place), Al Arabiya, 20 December 2021: Russia expels two German diplomats in tit-for-tat move, The New York Times, 20 December 2021: U.S. and Britain Help Ukraine Prepare for Potential Russian Cyberassault, France24, 21 December 2021: Putin warns West of military measures over Ukraine threats, DW, 21 December 2021: Germany’s Scholz and Russia’s Putin discuss Ukraine in first call, Reuters, 21 December 2021: European gas prices hit record as Russian flows via Yamal reverse (so much for “Nord Stream 2 is a purely economic project”. The Kremlin terrorist tries to secure his only reliable source of income through blackmail and military aggression and at the same time wants to prevent the energy transition. It is time to turn to other, albeit more expensive, alternatives and at the same time to devote more time to the energy transition), The Guardian, 21 December 2021: Russia: Putin warns of possible military response over ‘aggressive’ Nato (so, Russia’s grumpy dictator is still in “Bullsh!t Bingo” mode), DW, 21 December 2021: Vladimir Putin threatens ‘military-technical’ reaction to NATO over Ukraine, France24, 21 December 2021: Thirty years after Soviet collapse, Russia maintains grip on breakaway Georgian province, DW, 21 December 2021: Ukraine: Toxic waters: How not to phase out coal, The Guardian, 22 December 2021: Gas: Kremlin denies restricting supplies to Europe for political gain (it’s so obvious that denying won’t work), France24, 22 December 2021: Germany urges dialogue with Russia, says ‘greatly concerned’ by Putin military threat, DW, 22 December 2021: Russia plans talks with US, NATO in January, The National, 22 December 2021: US accuses Russia of further escalation on Ukrainian border, The Guardian, 23 December 2021: Vladimir Putin: Russian president accuses west of ‘coming with its missiles to our doorstep’ (equal rights for all. After all, he stationed his nuclear-capable medium-range missiles years ago in Kaliningrad and aimed them at Berlin, London and Paris. Now it’s NATO’s turn to backlash. It is about time), Saudi Gazette, 23 December 2021: Putin says Russia doesn’t want war with Ukraine but urges West to meet his demands (in Putin’s parallel universe every day is apparently Spongebob’s “opposite day” :-D At no point did NATO promise to stop the eastward expansion. It cannot do that either, especially since countries that want to become NATO members can apply accordingly after meeting the entry requirements – they usually do so to protect themselves from Russian attacks. If Putin’s Russia did not behave like a drunken and aggressive bar thug, there would be far less reasons for Eastern European countries to seek NATO membership. Nobody can seriously object to countries like Ukraine, Moldova or Georgia wanting to free themselves from Russian annexations in order to become democratic and prosperous countries in contrast to Russia. That is also a reason why Putin is attacking the countries. When it becomes clear that they have much more successful social models than is the case in Russia, his political career will come to an end), France24, 23 December 2021: Russia-Ukraine: Putin blames West for tensions, demands security guarantees (while the West demands security guarantees for all of Ukraine from Russia and the withdrawl of its troops from eastern Ukraine and Crimea), BBC, 23 December 2021: Putin says ball in West’s court on Ukraine crisis, France24, 23 December 2021: Putin says Russia doesn’t want Ukraine war but needs ‘immediate’ guarantees, The Guardian, 23 December 2021: Nord Stream 2: how Putin’s pipeline paralysed the west, DW, 23 December 2021: Russia: Putin addresses Ukraine, NATO tensions, Foreign Policy, 23 December 2021: Putin Remains Defiant, Threatens Ukraine in Annual Presser, The Times, 23 December 2021: Russia clearly intends to attack neighbour, claims Lithuania, DW, 23 December 2021: West condemns Wagner Group Mali ‘deployment’, Politico.eu, 23 December 2021: Putin demands Western security guarantees to end threat of Ukraine invasion, DW, 23 December 2021: Germany, France call for Ukraine truce to hold, Politico.com, 23 December 2021: Russian buildup near Ukraine gains steam, new satellite images show, The Guardian, 24 December 2021: Ukraine: Russian consulate in Lviv hit by molotov cocktail (with the help of the phrase “Since 5:45 am we are now firing back”, Germany constructed the beginning of the Second World War. As a decent dictator, Putin seems to have chosen an example here), The Natiional, 24 December 2021: New satellite images show Russia building up more forces near Ukraine, CNN, 24 December 2021: Putin’s bid to rewrite history, The Washington Post, 24 December 2021: Ukraine stood with the West in 2014. Today we must stand with Ukraine., Politico.eu, 24 December 2021: Former French PM Fillon joins board of Russian petrochemical giant, The Hill, 25 December 2021: Ukraine president, US lawmakers huddle amid tensions with Russia, Al Arabiya, 25 December 2021: Gorbachev’s resignation 30 years ago paved the way for the end of USSR, The Sunday Times, 26 December 2021: Thirty years on, collapse of the Soviet Union haunts Russians again (the implosion and selfdestruction of the Soviet Union was a great joy for the liberated peoples of the former Eastern Bloc and a very good reason for a boisterous celebration in the rest of the world. In addition to the founding of the European Union, that was the most beautiful event in the second half of the 19th century), The New York Times, 26 December 2021: Ukraine’s Plan B Against Russia: A Civilian Militia, The Guardian, 27 December 2021: Ukraine crisis: How Putin feeds off anger over Nato’s eastward expansion, Foreign Policy, 27 December 2021: How Russia Decides When to Invade, The Guardian, 27 December 2021: Russia: Court increases jail sentence for Gulag historian, DW, 28 December 2021: Russia orders closure of human rights group Memorial (Memorial International, Joseph Stalin, Gulag, Stalinist repressions), France24, 28 December 2021: Russia’s Supreme Court orders closure of top human rights group Memorial, The Washington Post, 28 December 2021: Russian court abolishes renowned human rights group, The New York Times, 28 December 2021: Russian Court Orders Closing of Prominent Human Rights Group, Politico.eu, 28 December 2021: Top Russian court orders shutdown of human rights group Memorial, DW, 28 December 2021: Victims of Soviet repression seek justice, Irish Times, 28 December 2021: Russian court orders closure of country’s oldest human rights group, The Guardian, 28 December 2021: Russia: Court orders closure of country’s oldest human rights group, DW, 28 December 2021: Dark times ahead, BBC, 28 December 2021: Russia orders oldest rights group Memorial to shut, DW, 28 December 2021: Putin’s gas weaponization hits a hot spot in Berlin, The Times, 28 December 2021: ‘Russian lawfare’ claim as Ukraine military adviser arrested, DW, 28 December 2021: Is Putin escalating gas weaponization?, DW, 29 December 2021: Russia says Nord Stream 2 loaded with gas, no alternatives needed (if Russia says something like that, it is better to already have an alternative up and running), France24, 29 December 2021: Moscow court orders closure of Memorial human rights centre, DW, 29 December 2021: Moscow court orders Memorial Human Rights Center to be banned, The Guardian, 29 December 2021: Russia: Court orders closure of another human rights group, DW, 29 December 2021: Between histories: Russia remembers the Soviet era 30 years on, The Economist, 29 December 2021: Russia bans Memorial, a seminal human-rights group, The Times, 29 December 2021: Moscow court orders total closure of oldest human rights group, Politico.eu, 29 December 2021: Russian court bans second major human rights group in 2 days, The Times, 29 December 2021: Russia warns Sweden and Finland against joining Nato (laughable. As if Kremlin trolls would have a say in this), DW, 29 December 2021: Russia introduces mandatory medical checks for foreigners (awesome! Finally, Russia isolates itself from the rest of the world. A few years too late, but better than never), BBC, 29 December 2021: Russia orders health and drug checks for foreigners, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 29 December 2021: Russia Launches Compulsory Medical Exams For Foreigners, The Atlantc, 29 December 2021: Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine Is Backfiring, Politico.com, 30 December 2021: Biden-Putin call ushers in new phase of diplomacy, BBC, 30 December 2021: Ukraine tensions: Biden and Putin phone call seeks ‘diplomatic path’, The Guardian, 30 December 2021: Biden and Putin exchange warnings during phone call amid rising Ukraine tensions, France24, 30 December 2021: Biden, Putin see hope for ‘meaningful progress’ after call focused on Ukraine, DW, 30 December 2021: Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin hold ‘constructive’ phone call, CNN, 31 December 2021: Biden pushes Putin for Ukraine de-escalation in second call this month, Arab News, 31 December 2021: Biden and Putin trade warnings over Ukraine, but vow diplomacy (the sanctions would not be a “colossal mistake”, but would be the result of “colossal stupidity” in Putin’s attempt to further damage the sovereignty of Ukraine instead of withdrawing his terrorists from eastern Ukraine and evacuating Crimea immediately. Putin’s Russia is rapidly developing into Europe’s Iran), Al Arabiya, 31 December 2021: Biden warns of sanctions over Ukraine; Putin says will lead to rupture in ties, The Times, 31 December 2021: Vladimir Putin warns Joe Biden against sanctions over Ukraine crisis, The Guardian, 31 December 2021: Ukraine: Russian foreign minister warns west over ‘aggressive line’ in crisis, Haaretz, 31 December 2021: Putin Is Trying to Erase the Past, With the Help of an Israeli Historian, Los Angeles Times, 1 January 2022: U.S. and Russia face deep differences ahead of Geneva talks, CNN, 2 January 2022: 2022 could be a make-or-break year for Europe, The Guardian, 2 January 2022: Ukraine: Russia ‘very likely’ to invade without ‘enormous sanctions’, says US official, DW, 2 January 2022: Biden promises Ukraine ‘decisive’ response if Russia invades, The Hill, 2 January 2022: Biden tells Zelensky US, allies will ‘respond decisively’ if Russia invades, The Washington Post, 2 January 2022: Biden speaks with Ukrainian president and reaffirms U.S. commitment amid Russian standoff, France24, 3 January 2022: EU’s Borrell to visit Ukraine frontline amid Russia tensions, Irish Times, 3 January 2022: The Irish Times view on tensions over Ukraine: the price of an invasion The Irish Times view on tensions over Ukraine: the price of an invasion, Politico.eu, 3 January 2022: On Russia, NATO cannot fold, The Atlantic, 3 January 2022: The U.S. Is Naive About Russia. Ukraine Can’t Afford to Be., DW, 3 January 2022: Ukraine tensions: Normandy format talks set for Thursday, New York Post, 3 January 2022: Biden stands idle as Germany endangers Ukraine over Russia’s gas, The Guardian, 4 January 2022: Europe: Gas price hike of more than 30% stokes fears for home bills, The National, 4 January 2022: Borrell heads to Ukraine determined not to be spectator in power games, Bloomberg, 4 January 2022: Europe Sleepwalked Into an Energy Crisis That Could Last Years, The Guardian, 4 January 2022: European Union: Top diplomat visits Ukraine frontline in show of solidarity (shortly after the start of the Cold War, the saying went around the Pentagon: “We had the wrong strategy. Instead, we should have let the Germans defeat the Russians first, before we defeated them!” When the Russians threatened to lose to the Germans, they received support from America with weapons, ammunition and equipment (Lend-Lease Act), which then turned the course of the war against Germany and ultimately led to the establishment of the Soviet Union. None of this would have happened without the supplies from the USA, including the current situation in and around Ukraine), Foreign Policy, 4 January 2022: Ukraine Needs a Political Deal at Home to Defend Against Russia, CNBC, 5 January 2022: Nord Stream 2 could be major leverage against Russia — but using it is complicated, Al Arabiya, 5 January 2022: Top US, German diplomats reiterate warning to Russia over Ukraine, Politico.com, 6 January 2022: Biden talks tough on Putin, but European allies are less ready for a fight, The National, 6 January 2022: ‘Dozens’ of Kazakhstan protestors killed by police in Almaty (it is always the same, whether Belarus, Russia, Syria, China or now Kazakhstan: When autocrats/dictators lose control of the situation, they jabber something about alleged “foreign provocateurs are threatening our peace-loving autocracy/dictatorship” to justify to shoot at their own people. In this case, once again supported by Putin’s mercenaries, as he cannot afford that democracy-like state structures are established on Russia’s borders, because that would be his political end. His war crimes in Syria, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova are always warnings to the Russian population: “If I did something like that abroad, what do you think I would do to you if you would oppose my dictatorship?” At least the deployment in Kazakhstan now offers him a face-saving opportunity to withdraw his troops from the Ukrainian border), The Washington Post, 6 January 2022: Russian troops intervene in protest-roiled Kazakhstan, where security forces have killed dozens of demonstrators, The Times, 6 January 2022: ‘Nato must find a path for Putin to retreat on Ukraine’, The New Yorker, 6 January 2022: The Russian Memory Project That Became an Enemy of the State, The New York Times, 6 January 2022: In Kazakhstan, Putin Seizes on Unrest to Try to Expand Influence, Foreign Policy, 7 January 2022: 3 Big Things to Know About the Russian-Led Alliance Intervening in Kazakhstan, The Times, 7 January 2022: Russian troops pour into Kazakhstan in protest crackdown, France24, 7 January 2022: Russian intervention in Kazakhstan risks ‘destabilising’ ethnic divides, Al Arabiya, 7 January 2022: NATO rules out any halt to expansion, despite Russia demand on Ukraine, Politico.eu, 7 January 2022: Putin’s Kazakh gambit tightens his grip on ex-Soviet space, The Guardian, 7 January 2022: Nato Chief warns of real risk of Ukraine conflict as Russian buildup continues, The New York Times, 7 January 2022: Russian forces surround Ukraine on three sides. This map shows how Moscow’s positioning could widen the conflict., Foreign Policy, 7 January 2022: Why Russia Sent Troops Into Kazakhstan, Politico.eu, 7 January 2022: Stoltenberg: NATO will be ready if Russia talks fail, Arab News, 8 January 2022: UN calls on all involved in Kazakhstan unrest to choose peace over violence, Politico.com, 8 January 2022: Putin puts out fires across a former Soviet empire clamoring for change, The Times, 8 January 2022: New defence chief warns of Russian threat at sea, DW, 8 January 2022: Kazakhstan protests: Boon or bane for Putin?, Business Insider, 8 January 2022: Blinken issues warning to Kazakhstan. ‘Once Russians are in your house, it’s sometimes very difficult to get them to leave’ (that’s obviously very true. Just ask Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Georgia, or Moldova, just to name a few), The New York Times, 8 January 2022: U.S. Details Costs of a Russian Invasion of Ukraine, The Times, 8 January 2022: Kazakhstan protests: Rumblings in Russia’s underbelly, BBC, 8 January 2022: Kazakhstan unrest: Blinken questions Russian troop deployment, The Washington Post, 8 January 2022: Putin dreams of a Russian ‘sphere of influence.’ Kazakhstan’s protesters are the latest to push back., The New York Times, 8 January 2022: How the U.S. Intends to Punish Russia for a Ukraine Invasion, DW, 8 January 2022: US refuses to draw down troops in Eastern Europe, The Washington Post, 8 January 2022: The West has enabled Putin long enough. It is time to stop., The New York Times, 9 January 2022: Russia Invites Calamity if It Invades Ukraine, The Times, 9 January 2022: US plans to cripple Russia’s banks if it invades Ukraine, The New York Times, 9 January 2022: In Ukraine Conflict, Russia Relies on a Promise That Ultimately Wasn’t, The Times, 10 January 2022: Germany should arm Ukraine to atone for Nazi crimes, ambassador says (Kiev is neither completely wrong nor completely right, especially since there are a whole lot of shades of gray between black and white, which is why even experts can come to quite controversial or diametrically opposing assessments. It’s always a question of perspective. That Ukraine has now come to this assessment and reaches for every straw is understandable in view of the threat posed by Putin’s hordes. Whether or not the argument will work is of course an entirely different question. In the interests of common security in the EU, however, it is correct that the delivery of defensive weapons should have taken place a long time ago. Nord Stream 2 is one thing, territorial integrity something else and much higher in importance. One cannot gild the butt of the war criminal Putin on the one hand and leave his victims out in the cold. Where is the “values-led foreign policy approach” or does it take a vacation on certain issues?: Germany–Ukraine relations, Reichskommissariat Ukraine, Ukraine during World War II, War in Donbas, Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation. At the same time, nobody should be fooled. The Scholz administratio (Putin’s 5th column shows in the first test that neither the EU nor the USA can rely on them, but instead waits subservient for the orders and instructions from the miniature dictator from Moscow. Anyone who acts so completely irresponsibly instead of taking a clear and unambiguous position in favor of Ukraine poses an intentional danger for the European project. If this comes from the leadership of Europe’s largest economy, then it even actually poses a serious security threat to Europe) will pursue the same appeasement strategy towards Putin’s dictatorship as Neville Chamberlain did towards Hitler (and at the same time inadvertently allowing states friendly to Ukraine to bring in weapons and materials to increase resistance to Russian aggressions). In addition, there is shockingly strong sympathy among the German public for Putin’s regime, stronger than for the democratic USA. It was the USA who brought Germany freedom, democracy and prosperity and Russia the exact opposite. After all, economic interests also play a major role. The “Eastern Committee of the German Economy” is a lobby association to which, among other things, the largest German stock corporations belong. From there, business contacts to Eastern Europe, among others, are strengthened and maintained. They are largely indifferent to the rule of law and territorial integrity. As long as they can conduct their business, the despot Putin can do what he wants from their point of view. If that means that entire states lose their freedom, so that the dwarf with the Napoleon complex from the Kremlin can advance his great power fantasies (even the Soviet Union 2.0 will never become a world power again), then that’s how it should be. The problem with this is not only that the association sees the world this way, but above all that it can enforce this world view due to economic power. This also applies to dealing with the procedures of the Communist Party dictatorship in China), Politico.eu, 10 January 2022: Russia downplays Ukraine invasion, but US makes no concessions, The Times, 10 January 2022: US dodges Russian demands for Nato curbs on eve of Ukraine talks, CNN, 10 January 2022: US: No breakthrough in ‘frank and forthright’ talks with Russia over Ukraine crisis (absolutely right. Putin is not interested in negotiations, otherwise he would have turned up with negotiating options instead of the comic that he presented instead. Putin’s Russia, an economic dwarf (or a “gas station with nuclear weapons”), has exactly three significant export items on offer, namely oil, natural gas and war crimes. He does not want to deliver the first two to Ukraine; he has been supplying the latter since 2014. Now he wants to increase the “export quota” by sending more mercenaries to Ukraine. The fact that he is only negotiating with the USA is understandable and logical. Through permanent, military self-dwarfing, the EU has made itself an international laughing stock. So there is not a single comprehensible or reasonable reason why one should waste time negotiating with such a bunch of wimps about war and peace in Europe. You simply force a solution uplon them that they can’t defend themselves against because they don’t want it anyway (the Roman Empire already ceased to exist because it disarmed itself, had forgotten how to fight and defend itself and thus invited opponents to attack). Instead, they wave the white flag before the actual battle), The Times, 10 January 2022: Russia rejects US plea to withdraw border troops, The National, 10 January 2022: US and Russia share ideas but little progress after key Ukraine talks, The Guardian, 10 January 2022: Ukraine: US-Russia talks ‘useful’ but no progress made (Kim Jong-un was able to enforce his wish to talk to Trump. Now Putin was able to get his way with Biden. Nothing came of this with the former and it is to be expected that the same will be the case for the latter), Al Arabiya, 10 January 2022: Two Ukraine soldiers killed as tensions with Russia soar, The Guardian, 10 January 2022: ‘It’s our house’ Mood in Kyiv calm despite threat of Russian attack, BBC, 10 January 2022: Russia downplays threat to Ukraine in Geneva talks, France24, 10 January 2022: No breakthrough in Russia-US talks on troop build-up near Ukraine, The New York Times, 10 January 2022: Russia has begun positioning helicopters, a possible sign that planning for an attack against Ukraine continues., NPR, 10 January 2022: Russia digs in on Ukraine never joining NATO, on a day of talks with the U.S., The Hill, 10 January 2022: US looks to ward off Ukraine conflict in talks with Russia, The New York Times, 10 January 2022: In Talks on Ukraine, U.S. and Russia Deadlock Over NATO Expansion, The Times, 11 January 2022: Moscow rejects US plea to withdraw border troops, Reuters, 11 January 2022: Germany’s chancellor must show leadership on Russia – Ukraine envoy (in fact, Ukraine has had a so-called “accession perspective” for quite a while. So the key to joining NATO lies entirely with Ukraine itself, which must first meet the entry requirements. However, it is still very far from that, among other things because reforms are being unnecessarily delayed and sub-issues such as corruption have deteriorated instead of improving. The Ukrainian government cannot delegate the responsibility of “putting things in order”, but has to take it on itself if one day, from the accession perspective, an actual accession is to become. The hurdles for membership in the EU are even higher. The sooner the Ukrainian government starts working on it, the sooner accession can take place. To insist that Russia’s German gas customers should pay Ukraine 2 billion euros annually for doing nothing is either pure provocation or pure cheek. Definitely to be rejected in both cases. In addition, the ambassador should think about how Ukraine will raise the 9.5 billion euros (or half the amount for the EU companies involved) to compensate the Nord Stream 2 consortium in the event that the pipeline should not go into operation), Khaleej Times, 11 January 2022: Ukraine welcomes ‘efforts’ by West, Russia to ease tensions, Politico.eu, 12 January 2022: NATO, Russia in a standoff after talks in Brussels, The Times, 12 January 2022: Neutrality won’t protect Ukraine from Putin, The Guardian, 12 January 2022: ‘Europe is sidelined’: Russia meets US in Geneva and Nato in Brussels:, CNN, 12 January 2022: Putin’s next move could hinge on high-stakes NATO talks, DW, 12 January 2022: NATO open to more talks with Russia amid Ukraine tensions, The Guardian, 12 January 2022: Ukraine Nato chief warns of ‘real risk of conflict’ as talks with Russia end, DW, 12 January 2022: Russian gas boost fuels Moscow’s China pivot (China is paying half the amount of what the EU is paying, bringing down the profits for Russia to zero, profits that are needed to fund Russia’s state budget), The New York Times, 12 January 2022: NATO and Russia Talk Frankly, but Past One Another for Now, NPR, 12 January 2022: 4 things Russia wants right now, DW, 13 January 2022: Jens Stoltenberg: NATO will never compromise on core principles for European security, NPR, 13 January 2022: U.S. is ‘fully prepared’ if Russia invades Ukraine, secretary of state says, Politico.com, 14 January 2022: U.S. intel suggests Russia is planning a false-flag operation, DW, 14 January 2022: Russia wants quick US response on Ukraine security proposals, France24, 14 January 2022: ‘Be afraid’: Cyberattack targets Ukraine as Russia moves more troops, DW, 14 January 2022: Ukraine government websites hacked in ‘global attack’, Politico.eu, 14 January 2022: EU races to help Ukraine fight cyberattack, CNN, 14 January 2022: Russia plotting ‘false-flag’ operation to justify invasion, BBC, 14 January 2022: US warns of Russian ‘false-flag’ Ukraine operation (it was a false-flag operation right from the start, by annexing Crimea and starting a war in the east of Ukraine under false Russian statements, assumptions, allegations, historical revisionism and attempts to reverse guilt. The current push is just a continuation of massive breaches of international law), The Guardian, 14 January 2022: Russia: US claims Moscow planning ‘false-flag’ operation to justify Ukraine invasion, Politico.com, 14 January 2022: U.S. intel suggests Russia is planning a false-flag operation, The National, 15 January 2022: EU unimpressed by Kremlin ‘intimidation’ over Ukraine, The Times, 15 January 2022: Russia plans ‘false-flag’ operation in Ukraine after presumed cyberattack, The Guardian, 15 January 2022: Ukraine: UK defence minister warns of ‘consequences’ if Russia invades, CNN, 15 January 2022: Putin presents a profound threat to peace in Europe as ‘drumbeat of war’ sounds on Russia-Ukraine border, France24, 15 January 2022: US says Russia is planning a ‘false-flag operation’ to justify invading Ukraine, Gulf Times, 15 January 2022: US ‘talks to energy firms’ over EU gas supply in case of Russia-Ukraine conflict, Politico.com, 16 January 2022: The Unorthodox Weapon We Need to Defend Democracy, CNN, 16 January 2022: Top Republican: US is in new cold war with Russia, Politico.com, 16 January 2022: Romney: Putin can’t be allowed to rebuild the Soviet Union, The New York Times, 16 January 2022: Ukraine Doesn’t Need the West to Defend It. We Need Help Preparing for War., The Hill, 16 January 2022: Russia cannot ‘tolerate’ NATO’s ‘gradual invasion’ of Ukraine, Putin spokesman says (these days one has to ask oneself more often what drugs the war criminals from Moscow are taking in order to come up with such obvious distortions of the truth and lies), The Washington Post, 16 January 2022: Even if Putin doesn’t seize all of Ukraine, he has a larger strategy. The U.S. needs one, too., Israel Hayom, 16 January 2022: Russia is running out of time to invade Ukraine, Irish Times, 16 January 2022: The Irish Times view on European defence: impetus for ‘Strategic Compass’ sought (the EU has incredible potential, but at the same time is far from realizing it. In view of Putin’s continued aggression against Ukraine, but also against Poland, the Baltic States, Sweden and Finland, this becomes particularly clear again. In this case, this has to do with the military self-districting of the EU states, which are individually defenseless against Russia, but also with the fact that the EU, as a result of a lack of foresight, is ignorant of the importance of security policy (security policy takes effect when nothing else does. Fair-weather politicians consistently ignore this aspect until it is too late) and, guided by short-sighted, mostly rather dull nationalism, has decreed military impotence. All serious mistakes. For years this blog has also been pointing out the consequences, but a simple “you see, I’ve been telling you for years!” of course doesn’t do the trick right now. As in many other cases, it would have been nicer to have been taught something else instead of being confronted with what was already to be expected. In order to be better positioned in the future, one first has to look at the “misconstructions” of western political systems in order to be able to understand why the EU fails time and time again and is therefore completely ignored when it comes to existential security issues (even if one tries to cushion this with a cosmetic-diplomatic concealer so that the credibility of the EU is not damaged even further internationally than the state decision-makers are already doing). By far the biggest problem is that state leaders do not pursue medium and long-term strategies, but think in terms of election periods. That may be logical and correct in and of itself, but it always deals a blow to the EU’s viability, especially since the leaders are committed to their own state, but not to the same extent to the EU. Unlike politicians, constructs like the EU thrive on medium- and long-term development strategies, which are in general supported by the large party blocs in the center, even if there are different views on the details. If politician X in EU state Y now makes decision Z for tactical reasons, which may seem sensible for partisan reasons, he simultaneously undermines the medium and long-term prospects of the EU. It is particularly explosive when it comes to politicians and parties who have little or nothing to do with the rule of law and democracy, but instead have a lot of sympathy for senseless, small-minded nationalism (about the dull nationalism that has prevailed over the centuries repeatedly led to devastating wars in Europe, the EU and its predecessor organizations were once founded). At first glance, they are only dwarfing their own EU states, which at least has some ironic aspects. Instead of “restoring their great, heroic nations” to their supposed “old glory”, they achieve the exact opposite: they isolate their allotments, devalue them, diminish their future prospects and thus look more like break clowns than serious EU member states. Unfortunately, it does not stop there, but also has a negative impact on the EU. The weaker the individual EU states are or become, the weaker the EU itself becomes. However, the EU and its member states will only be fit for the future and able to survive if the EU is perceived as a strong, unified, united community, which is currently the case almost exclusively in economic terms. In many other areas, a lot of improvements have to be made in order to be able to keep up at all. The EU likes to see itself in the role of a “soft power”. In times like the present, this is a romantic-sentimental idea, albeit a partially understandable one, but it simply does not meet the actual challenges. No one needs a “soft power” when at the same time a “hard power” is holding a pistol to their head, while pulling the safety pin of a hand grenade. The EU must be both and be able to do both at the same time in order to be fit for the future and capable of surviving. Of course, this only works with extensive inner unity. If a “downsize” should first be necessary for the EU to become fully capable of acting again, then this should be pushed accordingly, in order to build an “EU 2.0” around the founding states, while at the same time “EU 1.0” is rolled back and terminated. After all, it makes no sense to work on a construct that is only supported by some of the members, while another part is only member to tap into funds and at the same time work massively against the success of the EU. The latter can also do this outside the EU, but would not be rewarded with massive financial aid from Brussels for their subversive and destructive activities), DW, 17 January 2022: Alexei Navalny says he has ‘no regrets’ 1 year since arrest, The Times, 17 January 2022: Life on the Ukrainian border: ‘Trenches. The cold. That’s our reality’, The Guardian, 17 January 2022: Ukraine: Russia would pay ‘high price’ for attack, says German minister, DW, 17 January 2022: Germany’s Baerbock visits Ukraine amid rising tensions with Russia, The Economist, 17 January 2022: As war looms larger, what are Russia’s military options in Ukraine?, The National, 17 January 2022: UK pledges troops to provide training and extra weapons to Ukraine, Foreign Policy, 17 January 2022: Will Russia Attack Ukraine?, The National, 17 January 2022: Germany vows to do everything in its power to guarantee Ukraine’s safety, CNN, 17 January 2022: Putin is pushing the West’s red lines. And China is watching, The New York Times, 17 January 2022: Russia Thins Out Its Embassy in Ukraine, a Possible Clue to Putin’s Next Move, The Times, 18 January 2022: West drops threat to expel Russian banks over Ukraine, CNN, 18 January 2022: US weighs more military support for Ukraine to resist Russia if it invades, Politico.eu, 18 January 2022: Scholz: Germany will discuss Nord Stream 2 penalties if Russia attacks Ukraine, The Times, 18 January 2022: British anti-tank weapons sent to defend Ukraine, Politico.eu, 18 January 2022: Germany’s Baerbock faces down top Russian diplomat Lavrov in Moscow, CNN, 18 January 2022: Putin and Biden are caught in a high-stakes gamble over Ukraine, The Guardian, 18 January 2022: Ukraine crisis: Nato invites Russia for fresh talks on Europe, Al Arabiya, 18 January 2022: US warns Belarus over role in aiding potential Russia invasion of Ukraine, DW, 18 January 2022: Russia sanctions: How to punish Moscow over Ukraine threat?, The Washington Post, 18 January 2022: Russian troop movements have some U.S. officials fearing the worst, The New York Times, 18 January 2022: Putin to Ukraine: ‘Marry Me or I’ll Kill You’, Jerusalem Post, 19 January 2022: Iran sees ties with Russia as ‘new Middle East’, Politico.com, 19 January 2022: Allies wait on U.S. approval to arm Ukraine as invasion worries mount, CNN, 19 January 2022: Biden predicts Russia ‘will move in’ to Ukraine, but says ‘minor incursion’ may prompt discussion over consequences, The Guardian, 19 January 2022: ‘We don’t like dictators here’: Fear and defiance on Ukraine’s frontline, France24, 19 January 2022: Biden warns of ‘disaster for Russia’ if Putin invades Ukraine, CNN, 19 January 2022: Ukraine warns Russia has ‘almost completed’ build-up of forces near border, France24, 19 January 2022: Blinken pledges US military aid on visit to Kyiv amid fears of Russian invasion, Politico.eu, 19 January 2022: Blinken defends Ukraine’s ‘democratic and European path’, The New York Times, 19 January 2022: Russia and Iran Put on a Show of Unity — Against the U.S., France24, 19 January 2022: ‘Ready to defend our values’: Tensions rise in Sweden’s Gotland amid Russian threat, The New York Times, 19 January 2022: Biden Says He Expects Putin Will Order Ukraine Invasion, The Washington Post, 19 January 2022: Biden predicts Putin will ‘move in’ to Ukraine but will regret it, DW, 19 January 2022: Why Germany refuses weapons deliveries to Ukraine (Dear Ukrainians, I can only apologize for this irresponsible federal government. I didn’t voted for the Putin fan club SPD, but have to live with their unbelievable decisions as well. Fortunately, there are responsible governments that will provide you with the equipment you need to successfully resist Putin’s aggression), NPR, 19 January 2022: Thousands of Ukrainians are training to protect their cities in case Russia invades, DW, 19 January 2022: Why Germany refuses weapons deliveries to Ukraine, BBC, 20 January 2022: Biden believes Putin will ‘move in’ on Ukraine, Politico.eu, 20 January 2022: Despite Biden and Macron, Western allies remain united against Russia , The Guardian, 20 January 2022: Ukraine: Joe Biden thinks Russia will attack – but will face a ‘stiff price’, The Times, 20 January 2022: Russian troops move closer to Ukraine border, Politico.com, 20 January 2022: Senators wrestle with Russia sanctions as Ukraine crisis deepens, CNN, 20 January 2022: Tensions are high on Ukraine’s border with Russia. Here’s what you need to know, The Hill, 20 January 2022: Biden’s remarks on Russia should worry Ukraine, The New York Times, 20 January 2022: On Ukraine, Biden Flusters European Allies by Stating the Obvious, France24, 20 January 2022: Is the Ukrainian military really a David against the Russian Goliath?, The Washington Post, 20 January 2022: U.S., European officials hold crisis talks as Ukraine standoff intensifies, The National, 21 January 2022: Russia ‘must choose diplomacy or conflict’ Blinken tells Lavrov in ‘frank’ Ukraine talks, Politico.com, 21 January 2022: Baltic states step up in arming Ukraine against potential Russian incursion, The Guardian, 21 January 2022: Ukraine: Russia and US to meet in Geneva fears of war grow, The Hill, 21 January 2022: NATO members scramble to support Ukraine amid Russian threat, The National, 21 January 2022: UK tells allies to cut economic dependence on Russia and ‘step up’ in support of Ukraine, Politico.com, 21 January 2022: The Russia Sanctions That Could Actually Stop Putin, CNN, 21 January 2022: Photos from Ukraine’s front lines, where soldiers brace for possible attack (meanwhile there are unconfirmed press reports that even in Russia there are people who are not willing to die for Putin’s madness. It is still unclear how large the group of people is and whether they even exist. It can also be fake news, especially since it is known that opposition figures in Russia are locked up in gulags and tortured to death there), The Times, 22 January 2022: ‘Ukrainians are ready to tear apart Russians with their bare hands’, BBC, 22 January 2022: US ‘lethal aid’ sent to Ukraine amid Russia tensions, The Guardian, 22 January 2022: On the Ukraine frontline: ‘We are ready for whatever comes’, CNN, 22 January 2022: On the front lines, Ukrainians brace for possible attack, BBC, 22 January 2022: Do Ukrainians and Russians think war is possible?, The Hill, 22 January 2022: British government: Kremlin looking to install pro-Russian leader in Ukraine, Foreign Policy, 22 January 2022: A Russia-Ukraine War Could Ripple Across Africa and Asia, NPR, 22 January 2022: Britain says Russia is planning to install a pro-Moscow leader in Ukraine, The Sunday Times, 23 January 2022: Fears mount Russia will weaponise gas supplies, DW, 23 January 2022: UK warns of Russian ‘plot’ to replace Ukraine government, Khaleej Times, 23 January 2022: Ukraine to target Russian influence after UK warns of plot, The New York Times, 23 January 2022: U.S. Orders Family Members of Embassy Staff to Leave Ukraine, The National, 23 January 2022: UK deputy prime minister warns Ukraine of ‘very significant’ Russia invasion threat, Haaretz, 23 January 2022: Why Is Germany Appeasing Putin on Ukraine?, France24, 23 January 2022: ‘We’re at war’: The ‘Lithuanian Elves’ who take on Russian trolls online, CNN, 23 January 2022: Biden hears options for US troops near Ukraine, BBC, 23 January 2022: Russia-Ukraine tensions: UK warns of plot to install pro-Moscow ally, The Hill, 23 January 2022: US orders families of embassy staff in Ukraine to leave country, The New York Times, 23 January 2022: Biden Weighs Deploying Thousands of Troops to Eastern Europe and Baltics, Politico.com, 23 January 2022: U.S. orders diplomats’ families to leave Ukraine, urges Americans to depart, The Washington Post, 23 January 2022: U.S. threatens use of novel export control against Russia, The Hill, 23 January 2022: US threatens sweeping export controls against Russian industries, The New Yorker, 23 January 2022: Putin, Ukraine, and the Preservation of Power, Wall Street Journal, 23 January 2022: Is Germany a Reliable American Ally? Nein, NPR, 23 January 2022: Who is Yevheniy Murayev, the man the U.K. says Russia wants to install in Ukraine?, The Guardian, 23 January 2022: Russia: Ukraine taking UK claim of invasion plot seriously, says adviser, BBC, 24 January 2022: Ukraine: US orders families of embassy staff to leave, Politico.eu, 24 January 2022: Forget NATO, Ukraine must refocus on the EU, The National, 24 January 2022: Nato deploys added military assets to eastern Europe amid Russia tensions, Politico.eu, 24 January 2022: Germany vows financial aid for Ukraine after diplomatic row, CNN, 24 January 2022: US places up to 8,500 troops on alert for possible deployment to Eastern Europe amid Russia tensions, Al Arabiya, 24 January 2022: NATO outlines ‘deterrence’ plan as tensions with Russia soar, CNN, 24 January 2022: Russian naval exercises off Ireland’s coast ‘not welcome,’ says Foreign Minister, Politico.eu, 24 January 2022: EU to weigh €1B aid package for Ukraine, CNN, 24 January 2022: NATO allies put forces on standby as tensions rise over Ukraine crisis, The Guardian, 24 January 2022: A measure of autonomy in eastern Ukraine is the only way out of this crisis, The Times, 24 January 2022: Kiev puppet is a part of Putin’s toolkit, warns US, DW, 24 January 2022: Ukraine-Russia crisis: EU foreign ministers meet to coordinate strategy with US, CNN, 24 January 2022: US preparing to bolster troops in Eastern Europe, sources say, DW, 24 January 2022: What would a Russian invasion of Ukraine trigger for the EU?, The Guardian, 24 January 2022: Ukraine: Nato reinforces eastern borders as tensions mount, The Hill, 24 January 2022: Biden touts ‘total unanimity’ with European leaders after call on Russia-Ukraine, DW, 24 January 2022: Germany seeks mediating role as Ukraine tensions rise, The Hill, 24 January 2022: Pentagon puts 8,500 troops on higher alert over Russia-Ukraine tensions, The Washington Post, 24 January 2022: U.S. puts 8,500 troops on heightened alert as Russia masses troops on Ukraine border, The New York Times, 24 January 2022: NATO is sending more jets and ships to Eastern Europe, signaling growing fears of a potential Russian threat., The Times, 25 January 2022: PM threatens Putin with ‘toughest sanctions ever’ (and how could it look like? “No more fish & chips for naughty, little Vladimir!” ?!?), Politico.eu, 25 January 2022: Good work, Volodya! Putin resurrects NATO, The New YOrk Times, 25 January 2022: Where Is Germany in the Ukraine Standoff? Its Allies Wonder., CNN, 25 January 2022: How Putin’s $11 billion pipeline split NATO and the EU at a time of crisis, The Guardian, 25 January 2022: Has the west fallen for Putin’s tricks in Ukraine?, CNN, 25 January 2022: The view in Moscow, France24, 25 January 2022: Macron says Europe is preparing ‘common response’ in case of Russian aggression, BBC, 25 January 2022: Ukraine: How will we know if war has started?, France24, 25 January 2022: Russia launches new military drills near Ukraine, in annexed Crimea (at the end of the day, Putin can try whatever he wants, but he can completely forget about dreams of returning to the world stage as a world power. That won’t work anymore. Russia is a military power, but the democratic and, above all, economic substructure is completely missing to become a world power. The latter in particular is unavailable for the country. With two times as many inhabitants and a much larger factor in land area, the country generates just half of Germany’s GDP. So Russia’s Pinky and the Brain can fantasize as much as they want, but their world power fantasies always fail colossally – just like in the comics. For Europe, this means that, years after Putin has disappeared, the country may again become a reasonably reliable partner or remain what it already is, namely Europe’s Iran with its proxy and state terrorists stationed in large quantities in all Eastern European countries, but also in in the West), The New York Times, 25 January 2022: Germany Wavers in the Ukraine Standoff, Worrying Its Allies, The Washington Post, 25 January 2022: U.S. steps up arms shipments to Ukraine, The Hill, 25 January 2022: US shipment of military equipment, munitions arrives in Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 25 January 2022: U.S., NATO step up war footing in crisis over possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, DW, 25 January 2022: Ukraine: Joe Biden says US could sanction Vladimir Putin, The Hill, 25 January 2022: Biden says no American forces moving into Ukraine, The National, 26 January 2022: Russian invasion of Ukraine could come by mid-February, US diplomat says, Wall Street Journal, 26 January 2022: Germany Slips Away From the Western Alliance, Khaleej Times, 26 January 2022: Russia issues arrest warrant for Navalny’s brother, The National, 26 January 2022: Ukraine talks held in France as Moscow warns on demands, Irish Times, 26 January 2022: Fishing group to meet Russian ambassador over naval drills, Politico.eu, 26 January 2022: Irish want Russia to cancel offshore war games in ‘Europe’s blind spot’, Irish Times, 26 January 2022: Russian warship flotilla spotted off Norway ‘probably’ bound for Irish coast, Politico.com, 26 January 2022: U.S. delivers written response to Russian demands amid Ukraine crisis, Al Arabiya, 26 January 2022: Germany offers Ukraine helmets, Kyiv’s Klitschko ‘speechless’, The Guardian, 26 January 2022: Why are Germany and France at odds with the Anglosphere over how to handle Russia?, Politico.com, 26 January 2022: Will There Be a War Over Ukraine? 13 Putin Watchers Weigh In, The Times, 26 January 2022: When Kiev wants guns, Berlin sends helmets, The Guardian, 26 January 2022: Germany: Offer of 5,000 helmets is ‘joke’, says Vitali Klitschko, Politico.eu, 26 January 2022: Putin’s meeting with Italian business leaders turns into political battlefield, The Times, 26 January 2022: Xi denies asking Putin to delay invasion until after Olympics, The Guardian, 26 January 2022: Ukraine: US responds to Russian demands as talks held in Paris, France24, 26 January 2022: US rejects Russian demand that Ukraine stay out of NATO, CNN, 26 January 2022: What is SWIFT and why it might be the weapon Russia fears most, France24, 26 January 2022: US, NATO respond to Russian demands, as Paris hosts talks on Ukraine crisis, DW, 26 January 2022: What is the ‘Normandy Format’ for resolving the crisis in Ukraine?, NPR, 26 January 2022: The U.S. says it will stand firm against major Russian demands as tension rises, The Washington Post, 26 January 2022: Encircling Ukraine, Russia showcases its new military prowess, Jerusalem Post, 27 January 2022: Germany charges Russian suspected of space tech espionage (how else could poor by any measure Russia obtain first world technologies?), Politico.eu, 27 January 2022: German prosecutors say university researcher passed rocket secrets to Russia, The Times, 27 January 2022: Russian scientist charged with spying on German rocket technology, Haaretz, 27 January 2022: Putin’s March of Folly in Ukraine, Irish Times, 27 January 2022: Russian naval manoeuvres reveal Irish neutrality is untenable, Politico.com, 27 January 2022: Nuclear fears mount as Ukraine crisis deepens, The Times, 27 January 2022: Russian mercenaries target another African nation, The New Yorker, 27 January 2022: What Makes Putin Fear Ukraine?, The Guardian, 27 January 2022: Ukraine crisis: Russia remains open but ‘not optimistic’ over talks, CNN, 27 January 2022: Russian gas shutdown would be ‘catastrophic’ for Europe, France24, 27 January 2022: Ukraine welcomes February talks but says Russia won’t stop efforts to destabilise, Foreign Policy, 27 January 2022: Is Defending Ukraine Vital to U.S. Security?, The National, 28 January 2022: Russia claims ‘rational elements’ of US peace proposals pave way for talks, CNN, 28 January 2022: What would war look like?, Politico.eu, 28 January 2022: Ex-German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder mocked for Ukraine comments (“Putin’s gas man” is a textbook example of a corrupt politician whose bank account is apparently far more important to him than the interests of his home country, without which he would never have become chancellor. In retrospect it would obviously have been better if this had not happened. However, it is hardly less disturbing that a large number of German politicians and business leaders are still listening to him), BBC, 28 January 2022: Ukraine crisis: Putin’s geopolitical jigsaw, Politico.eu, 28 January 2022: German industry bosses to meet with Putin this year (they beg for an audience with the war criminal), France24, 28 January 2022: US calls Security Council meeting over Ukraine, steps up pipeline warnings alongside Germany, Politico.com, 28 January 2022: Biden admin blocks military aid to Egypt over human rights concerns (interesting, right? While the Biden administration is freezing military aid to Egypt because of massive violations of human rights, Germany has arms deals worth billions with the regime and thinks that it’s a really good idea At the same time, the Scholz administration is undermining Ukraine’s right to self-defense against the war criminal and state terrorist Putin and his hordes by banning the sale of defensive weapons, and thinks that’s a really good idea, too. Apparently not only the Putin regime is at war with Western values), Politico.eu, 28 January 2022: ‘If a war starts, they will come here first’: Latvia mounts a wary border watch, The National, 28 January 2022: Putin tells Macron the West has not addressed Russia’s security concerns, The Times, 28 January 2022: Gas supplies from the Gulf may come with a catch, Politico.eu, 28 January 2022: Ukrainian president downplays US assessment of imminent invasion, The Times, 28 January 2022: Germany: conflict leaves Europe’s ‘good cop’ at the crossroads (the German government is not a “good cop” but a bunch of Putin fans who, out of cowardice, refrain from selling defensive weapons to Ukraine), Irish Times, 28 January 2022: Russia says security impasse remains as Ukraine decries ‘panic’ over war fears, The Times, 28 January 2022: How Russia’s military forged a path to the forefront of warfare, CNN, 28 January 2022: Ukraine official: Biden’s call with President ‘did not go well’, The Hill, 28 January 2022: Belarusian president vows war if Russia, Belarus attacked, The Guardian, 28 January 2022: Ukraine: Putin accuses Nato of ignoring Russia’s concerns as crisis simmers (*hahaha* he and his state terrorists are threatening Ukraine for years, but it’s Russia that has security concerns), CNN, 28 January 2022: Ukraine’s president: Tone down the rhetoric, The Hill, 28 January 2022: Biden says he’ll send troops to Eastern Europe in ‘near term’, The Washington Post, 28 January 2022: Putin’s case for invading Ukraine rests on phony grievances and ancient myths, Foreign Policy, 28 January 2022: Russia Can Win in Ukraine Without Firing a Shot, The Economist, 29 January 2022: What are Vladimir Putin’s military intentions in Ukraine?, The National, 29 January 2022: France and Germany send envoys to help ease Ukraine-Russia border tensions, The Economist, 29 January 2022: Russia’s roulette: A war in Ukraine could have global consequences, Irish Times, 29 January 2022: Russia moves naval exercises outside Ireland’s Exclusive Economic Zone, CNN, 29 January 2022: EU chief tells CNN ‘nothing off table’ in response to Russia, The Times, 29 January 2022: The fortunes of Russia’s megarich are safe as houses in Londongrad, CNN, 29 January 2022: How war in Ukraine could disrupt the world, The New York Times, 29 January 2022: U.S. Sanctions Aimed at Russia Could Take a Wide Toll, The Hill, 29 January 2022: US targets Russian disinformation in bid to defend Ukraine, DW, 29 January 2022: NATO’s on notice in Ukraine crisis: What’s next?, The New York Times, 29 January 2022: Putin Has Long Tried to Balance Europe. Now He’s Working to Reset It., The Hill, 29 January 2022: UK’s Johnson says he’s ordered armed forces to prepare for deployment next week amid Ukraine tensions, The National, 30 January 2022: Nato says military aid to Ukraine will not include combat troops, The Guardian, 30 January 2022: Ghosts of Germany’s past rise as Olaf Scholz seeks strategy for Ukraine, The National, 30 January 2022: US offers Russia ‘diplomatic way out’ of Ukraine invasion, The Guardian, 31 January 2022: Live: Ukraine crisis: UK considering further military deployments and ‘unprecedented’ sanctions, The Washington Post, 31 January 2022: Germany isn’t turning its back on NATO. It only looks that way., The National, 31 January 2022: Ukraine’s civilian militia trains to protect Kiev from Russia, The Guardian, 31 January 2022: Unlike Putin’s Russia, the west doesn’t know what it wants in eastern Europe, France24, 31 January 2022: Ukrainians cope with fake bomb threats as Moscow mounts hybrid war, The National, 31 January 2022: Russia behind ‘largest mobilisation of troops in Europe in decades’, says US, France24, 31 January 2022: Ukraine’s ordinary citizens train to fight in case of Russian invasion, DW, 31 January 2022: Russia, US face off over Ukraine at UN Security Council, Wall Street Journal, 1 February 2022: U.S., Allies Wonder if They Can Count on Germany in Russia-Ukraine Crisis, The National, 1 February 2022: Boris Johnson visits Ukraine to ‘galvanise support’, The Times, 1 February 2022: Putin accuses US of warmongering as Johnson visits Ukraine, The Guardian, 1 February 2022: Ukraine: Russian invasion would be a disaster, says Boris Johnson in Kyiv, BBC, 1 February 2022: Ukraine tensions: US trying to draw Russia into war says Putin (while in the real world Putin started his war against Ukraine already in 2014 and then there is this: Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, signed by Russia), The Guardian, 1 February 2022: Britain’s failure to tackle Russian dirty money has enabled Putin’s aggression, Los Angeles Times, 1 February 2022: Ukraine’s president may be our only hope, The New York Times, 1 February 2022: Putin Signals Openness to Diplomacy While Blaming U.S. for Crisis, The National, 1 February 2022: Why Germany isn’t turning its back on Nato (the current federal government is hoping to bring about a solution by appeasement of Putin and by dancing their names. Spoiler: It won’t work. International trust in the Scholz administration’s loyalty to the alliance has already eroded so much that no one seriously expects any serious support from Berlin. At the same time, of course, this also sends signals beyond Europe to Israel and what one can expect of “the security of Israel is German reason of state”. Should Israel need urgent military support, Berlin will send the country 5,000 orange juice presses, which it considers “a strong signal of solidarity with Israel” and will communicate it this way. After all, vitamin C is essential for life. Of course, the presses are delivered in sustainably produced jute bags so that the oranges can be transported home from the plantations. The bags are of course delivered with batik works by a well-known name dancer and peace movement participant to brighten up the grumpy mood a little), Los Angeles Times, 1 February 2022: Ukraine calls on the West to take tougher ‘prevention’ measures against Russia, Politico.eu, 2 February 2022: Europe is ready to pay the cost of Russia sanctions, The National, 2 February 2022: British MP warns on ‘worrying escalation’ behind Houthi UAE attacks, Politico.eu, 2 February 2022: Germany bans Russian broadcaster RT’s German-language channel, Arab News, 2 February 2022: US sending nearly 3,000 troops to Eastern Europe in coming days, Al Arabiya, 2 February 2022: Biden orders thousands of US troops to Eastern Europe over Russia threats, CNN, 2 February 2022: Long on rhetoric, short on revelations. What Putin’s Ukraine comments told us, Politico.com, 2 February 2022: U.S. deploys troops to Eastern Europe; thousands more on standby, CNN, 2 February 2022: Satellite images show Russian military buildup around Ukraine, BBC, 2 February 2022: US boosts troops in Europe amid Ukraine tensions, DW, 2 February 2022: A culture of torture and fear is rife in Russia’s prisons, France24, 2 February 2022: Russia to target German media in response to German ban on RT, DW, 2 February 2022: Russia’s RT channel blocked by German regulators, The Washington Post, 2 February 2022: Belarusian leader’s closer ties to Putin could sway Russia’s calculus on Ukraine, NPR, 2 February 2022: Biden shifts some 3,000 U.S. troops closer to Ukraine, Politico.com, 2 February 2022: Why the Donbass is the Key to Putin’s Gambit in Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 2 February 2022: Biden to send thousands more troops to Eastern Europe amid Ukraine crisis, The New York Times, 3 February 2022: Europe Thinks Putin Is Planning Something Even Worse Than War, The Washington Post, 3 February 2022: Russia tries to cast Western-backed Ukraine as aggressor, suggests disputed peace deal as path forward, DW, 3 February 2022: Russia shuts DW’s Moscow bureau, withdraws staff credentials (that was of course to be expected, especially since the Napoleon miniature edition (Homunculus) from the Kremlin has to try to give his lemmings, his fifth columns in the west, fanboys and -girls the impression as if the Russian state propaganda organ RT would be in some ways comparable with free media and press such as the Deutsche Welle. This is of course not the case, but this example also shows how little freedom and democracy the Russian population has to get by with. Russia has never been a beacon of democracy, but at least there was hope that a hybrid form could be established. These hopes have since been dashed. Instead, Russian dissidents are now talking about a “North Koreanization of Russia.” Even if there is still a long way to go before successful implementation, the path has been mapped out), Politico.eu, 3 February 2022: Kremlin bans Deutsche Welle from operating in Russia, The Guardian, 3 February 2022: Russia: Moscow to expel German broadcaster after RT banned in Germany, Al Arabiya, 3 February 2022: US intelligence: Russia may stage video to create pretext for Ukraine war, Politico.com, 3 February 2022: Why Conservatives Should Be Eager to Deter Putin on Ukraine, Politico.eu, 3 February 2022: NATO chief: Russian deployment in Belarus ‘biggest since Cold War’, The Times, 3 February 2022: 3,000 US troops won’t scare Putin, ex-Nato commander warns, Irish Times, 3 February 2022: Russian, US, French and UK warships spotted off south coast by Defence Forces, The Times, 3 February 2022: Putin and Xi form alliance to defeat sanctions over Ukraine, The Guardian, 3 February 2022: Ukraine: Russia plans ‘very graphic’ fake video as pretext for invasion, US claims, CNN, 3 February 2022: US accuses Russia of planning to use ‘graphic’ fake video to justify Ukraine invasion, DW, 3 February 2022: Ukraine: Fear of war on the border, The Atlantic, 3 February 2022: The Reason Putin Would Risk War, BBC, 3 February 2022: US accuses Russia of plotting fake invasion pretext, DW, 4 February 2022: Germany’s former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to join Gazprom board (that makes it easier at least, because now we can tell Gazprom in German where they can stick their Nord Stream 2 pipes), Politico.eu, 4 February 2022: Former German Chancellor Schröder nominated for Gazprom board, DW, 4 February 2022: Why Deutsche Welle is not the same as RT, The National, 4 February 2022: Amid crisis in Ukraine, Putin in Beijing praises China ties, Politico.eu, 4 February 2022: Russia, China call for halt to NATO enlargement (the demands are of course followed immediately by NATO, on the day on which Easter and Christmas are celebrated at the same time. If the world were a request concert, Russia and China would not be aggressor states and NATO wouldn’t be necessary. But since they are, NATO will need to continue to grow to protect its member states), The Times, 4 February 2022: ‘Few are ready to die for Putin and the motherland’, The Guardian, 4 February 2022: ‘Cold war ideology’: Xi and Putin urge Nato to rule out expansion as Ukraine tensions rise, CNN, 4 February 2022: Putin and Xi call for halt to NATO expansion during show of unity at Beijing Olympics, Der Spiegel, 4 February 2022: “We Really Have Other Problems”: What Do Russians Near the Border Think of a Possible Ukraine Invasion?, BBC, 4 February 2022: China joins Russia in opposing Nato expansion, France24, 4 February 2022: ‘NATO will not get involved militarily in Ukraine’, says alliance’s deputy chief, The New Yorker, 4 February 2022: How a City Close to the Ukraine-Russia Border Has Been Shaped by War, The National, 5 February 2022: UK and France agree to fight against ‘malicious Russian activity’, Arab News, 5 February 2022: Biden looks for a European anchor in Berlin, Al Arabia, 5 February 2022: First US reinforcement troops arrive in Poland, more expected, Jerusalem Post, 5 February 2022: Thousands rally proclaiming ‘Kharkiv is Ukraine’ in city near Russian border, Politico.com, 5 February 2022: Russian bombers fly over Belarus amid Ukraine tensions, France24, 5 February 2022: First US troops intended to reinforce NATO allies in Eastern Europe arrive in Poland, DW, 5 February 2022: Critical journalists in Russia fall silent, Politico.eu, 5 February 2022: Ukraine links arms with Turkey, Poland and UK as NATO membership remains distant, DW, 5 February 2022: Kyiv wants de-escalation, but also more weapons, CNN, 5 February 2022: Why Beijing won’t put its economy on the line to rescue Putin, The Washington Post, 5 February 2022: Russia could invade Ukraine within days, U.S. assessments find, The New York Times, 5 February 2022: U.S. Warns of Grim Toll if Putin Pursues Full Invasion of Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 6 February 2022: Scholz says Germany open to boosting troops in Baltics, The National, 6 February 2022: Russia could invade Ukraine ‘as soon as tomorrow’, US national security adviser says, Al Arabiya, 6 February 2022: US says Russia preparing full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 6 February 2022: 50,000 casualties, 5 million refugees expected if Russia invades Ukraine, Politico.com, 6 February 2022: Sorry, Mr. Putin. Ukraine and Russia are Not the Same Country., France24, 6 February 2022: US officials warn Russia is preparing full-scale invasion of Ukraine, The New York Times, 6 February 2022: Ukraine Crisis Enters Critical Phase as Macron Seeks to Mediate, DW, 6 February 2022: How Russia is helping the US reassert its dominance in European security, CNN, 6 February 2022: New satellite images show advanced Russian military deployments in Belarus, DW, 6 February 2022: : Germany’s Olaf Scholz goes to Washington amid criticism, The New York Times, 6 February 2022: Germany’s “invisible” chancellor, Olaf Scholz, will meet President Biden amid criticism over Berlin’s Ukraine approach., DW, 6 February 2022: Why the EU needs Russian energy giant Gazprom, The Washington Post, 6 February 2022: Scholz says response to Russia will be ‘united and decisive’ if Ukraine is invaded, Politico.eu, 7 February 2022: UK to send 350 more troops to Polish border amid Russia tensions, Politico.com, 7 February 2022: Biden vows to shut down Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades, as U.S. and Germany pledge unity (after the press conference one can only feel even more ashamed of German politics. The only thing that comes to mind is “Oh, if only he had stayed silent”. At least that wouldn’t have made it worse. It would have been better if he had kept the wishy-washy stuff that the Chancellor said to himself and had not attended the press conference at all. Doesn’t give clear answers, evades questions, says something that has nothing to do with the questions at all and thus continues to play into Putin’s hands. Any student would have gotten a straight F for such a performance), Politico.eu, 7 February 2022: Olaf Scholz’s hard lessons in German leadership, France24, 7 February 2022: Watch live: Macron holds press conference with Putin in Moscow, Politico.eu, 7 February 2022: Germany to deploy 350 troops to Lithuania to try to reassure allies, BBC, 7 February 2022: World leaders in talks amid Ukraine invasion fear, CNN, 7 February 2022: Macron takes lead on Europe’s efforts to defuse crisis, Foreign Policy, 7 February 2022: The Gold Medal for Foreign Policy Goes to Germany, Politico.eu, 7 February 2022: Putin welcomes Macron into his lair, The Times, 7 February 2022: Former general Leonid Ivashov attacks Putin for ‘provoking war’, CNN, 7 February 2022: US and Germany still split on Russian pipeline, The Guardian, 7 February 2022: ‘Tanks, tanks, tanks’: Ukrainians on Russia’s military buildup at the border, The New York Times, 7 February 2022: Putin Warns the West and Ukraine, but Keeps His Intentions a Mystery, The Times, 7 February 2022: Britain will not flinch over Ukraine, says Johnson, DW, 7 February 2022: Biden promises no Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades Ukraine, The Washington Post, 7 February 2022: Biden vows to stop natural gas pipeline to Europe if Russia invades Ukraine, DW, 7 February 2022: Germany to send additional troops to Lithuania, The New York Times, 7 February 2022: A Russia-to-Germany gas pipeline project would not go forward if Moscow invades Ukraine, President Biden said., DW, 7 February 2022: Baerbock: Germany ‘ready to pay high economic price’ for Ukraine peace, CNN, 7 February 2022: Nord Stream 2 pipeline proves to be a sticking point in Biden and new German chancellor’s show of unity, The National, 8 February 2022: How Russia’s turn to Belarus changed Nato’s four-decade mindset, The New York Times, 8 February 2022: Europe Is on the Brink of War, and Germany Has Gone Missing, The Washington Post, 8 February 2022: Russia sends warships toward Black Sea as Europe ramps up Ukraine crisis diplomacy, DW, 8 February 2022: Ukraine crisis: ‘Our goal is to avoid a war in Europe,’ says Germany’s Scholz, CNN, 9 February 2022: What is the Minsk agreement and is it a way out of Ukraine crisis?, The Times, 9 February 2022: Ukraine crisis: Poles stand alone in military support if Russia invades, poll finds (of course, after all, the majority of Ukrainian refugees will end up in Poland if Putin invades further parts of Ukraine), Politico.com, 9 February 2022: Senators consider sanctions for cyberattacks on Ukraine, invasion or not, The Times, 9 February 2022: Russian landing ships gather off the coast of Ukraine, The New York Times, 9 February 2022: Finns Don’t Wish ‘Finlandization’ on Ukraine (or Anyone), The Guardian, 9 February 2022: Belarus: Military drills to begin as Russia ratchets up Ukraine tensions, The New York Times, 9 February 2022: Russia can seize control over Ukraine or keep strong economic ties to Europe. It will be hard to do both., The Washington Post, 9 February 2022: Fears of Ukraine invasion rise as top Russian commanders fly to Belarus for massive military drill, DW, 10 February 2022: NATO presence needed from Baltic to Black Sea, Latvian PM says, The New York Times, 11 February 2022: U.S. Says Russia Could Invade Ukraine at Any Time, DW, 11 February 2022: Biden urges Americans to leave Ukraine, The Washington Post, 11 February 2022: Ukraine crisis will test U.S. like no time since Cold War, DW, 11 February 2022: Talks on eastern Ukraine to resume in March, sources say, The Washington Post, 11 February 2022: Unsurprisingly, Russia is in another doping controversy, Los Angeles Times, 11 February 2022: U.S. says Russia could launch invasion of Ukraine within days, CNN, 11 February 2022: Ukrainians are wondering if their comedian-turned-president can handle the world stage, The Times, 11 February 2022: Explosions in the distance rattle nerves of Baltic states, Al Arabiya, 11 February 2022: US moves F-16 squadron from Germany to Romania as tension spikes over Ukraine, The New York Times, 11 February 2022: We Underestimated Putin Once. We Can’t Make That Mistake Again., The Times, 11 February 2022: Veterans of Kyiv rue the day they gave up their nuclear arsenal, The New Yorker, 11 February 2022: Who Blinks First in Ukraine?, Politico.com, 12 February 2022: How the West Gets Ukraine Wrong — and Helps Putin As a Result, BBC, 12 February 2022: Ukraine crisis: ‘We don’t have the option to leave’, France24, 12 February 2022: Satellite images show Russia adding military pressure on Ukraine, BBC, 12 February 2022: A dozen nations tell citizens: leave Ukraine now, The Atlantic, 12 February 2022: Why the West’s Diplomacy With Russia Keeps Failing, CNN, 12 February 2022: Russia has surrounded Ukraine on three sides. Here’s where an invasion could be launched, The Times, 12 February 2022: Defence secretary warns of ‘whiff of Munich’ in Ukraine, The Washington Post, 12 February 2022: Russia’s military move into Belarus poses risks to more than Ukraine, The Guardian, 13 February 2022: Live Ukraine crisis: Kyiv tells airlines to skirt Black Sea amid Russian drills; UK defence secretary cuts short holiday, DW, 14 February 2022: Ukraine crisis: What can the US expect from Germany? (how Olaf Scholz managed to gamble away so much international trust in such a short time is remarkable. It’s just unbelievable how he could stumble like that, and this after being world champ in crisis management Angela Merkel’s student and vice chancellor for years. It will take years to put things right again, quite independently from if Ukraine is joining NATO, which itself knows that it is far from being ready to meet the admission requirements and that the significantly higher EU access requirements are even harder fulfill. Overall, however, as after Afghanistan, the considerable weaknesses of the EU security and defense policy are becoming all too clear. Nevertheless, there are still incorrigible people who believe that they would do better on their own than in a group – they just won’t, but on the contrary, contribute to further self-dwarfing and the loss of importance of Europe on the world stage – self-chosen fate. However, the $1 million question over the next few years will also be how to bring Ukraine closer to the EU so that it can be included in the “Common Security and Defense Policy”. That will also depend on how the EU manages to set up a joint, active EU army to complement NATO. This step, which has been overdue for 20 years and is becoming ever more urgent in view of the mounting challenges, can no longer be ignored even by the simple-minded peace movement and name dancers. Neither Germany’s ever-increasing responsibility in the military defense of European interests against ongoing and escalating Russian aggression. Not to mention the challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa. If Europe doesn’t want to be overwhelmed by crises all the time, it has no choice but to invest heavily in defense. Otherwise, Germany and Europe’s future prospects will crumble before our very eyes. There are, of course, those in Europe that would be only too happy to see this happen, but they also fell for Russian and Chinese state propaganda and see Putin and Xi Jinping as democrats suffering from military aggression from NATO. However, the simpletons cannot credibly explain why they didn’t finally move to Russia, China or Saudi Arabia, even though in their views everything is terrible in the democratic West. So Europe’s decision makers can completely ignore their voices and instead focus on securing the future of Europe), The National, 14 February 2022: Glimmer of hope in Ukraine talks as Scholz prepares for Moscow showdown, DW, 14 February 2022: Ukraine reaffirms desire to join NATO after envoy comments, The National, 14 February 2022: Ukraine to offer ‘many concessions’ to avert Russian invasion, Politico.eu, 14 February 2022: Scholz, Zelenskiy play down talk of NATO membership for Ukraine, DW, 14 February 2022: Germany’s Scholz holds crisis talks with Ukraine’s Zelenskyy in Kyiv, Arab News, 14 February 2022: German leader heads to Kyiv and Moscow to calm ‘critical’ Russia war threat, Politico.eu, 14 February 2022: On stage at the Kremlin: Putin and Lavrov’s de-escalation dance, Politico.com, 14 February 2022: The Lesson Stalin Could Teach Putin About Invading a Neighbor, The Times, 14 February 2022: Ukraine Crisis: How a Russian invasion could play out, The Guardian, 14 February 2022: Russia: Moscow sending thousands more troops to Ukraine border, BBC, 14 February 2022: Ukraine: How prepared is Russia for an attack?, France24, 14 February 2022: ‘Russia could take action in Ukraine as early as this week,’ Blinken says, The Times, 14 February 2022: Alexei Navalny faces ten years in prison ‘as world looks away’, France24, 14 February 2022: US plans to offer $1 bn in credit guarantees to Ukraine, NPR, 14 February 2022: German chancellor warns of far-reaching sanctions if Russia moves on Ukraine, The Washington Post, 14 February 2022: Inside the White House response to a potential Ukraine invasion, Politico.eu, 15 February 2022: Russia-Ukraine tensions could trigger market crash, says EU regulator, Politico.com, 15 February 2022: ‘Kill Your Commanding Officer’: On the Front Lines of Putin’s Digital War With Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 15 February 2022: London marine insurers add Russian, Ukrainian waters to high risk list, Politico.eu, 15 February 2022: Left without a voice, anti-war Russians pen open letters to Putin, Gulf Times, 15 February 2022: US offers USD 1 billion loan to support Ukrainian economy, Al Arabiya, 15 February 2022: US tells Russia it wants ‘verifiable, credible, meaningful de-escalation’, BBC, 15 February 2022: Ukraine crisis: Russian attack still a possibility – Biden (so far there is little evidence that Putin would actually withdraw troops from the Ukrainian border. Rather, it appears that he is merely moving the troops around and where Russian troops are actually withdrawn, they are replaced by the troops of his henchman, the Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko. Irrespective of this, the Americans achieved a partial victory in the propaganda war here. The chances of success in a war are of course always influenced by the element of surprise, which the Russians have completely lost here, and which at the same time made it unmistakably clear to all the world that Putin is still the invader, assailant, attacker and aggressor against Ukraine. Unlike Europe and unlike 2014, this time the Americans did not let themselves be lulled or taken by surprise by the Russians, but instead literally put all the cards (satellite images, maps with troop deployments, etc.) on the table right from the start in order to make it clear from the beginning where Russian and Belarusian troops are located, in what strength and with what weapon systems. The Europeans, on the other hand, are sitting like rabbits in front of a snake, as they did in 2014, or have even fallen for Putin’s state propaganda in large numbers once again. Once again it becomes clear how little Europe is able to ensure its own security – self-chosen and self-inflicted. Without the US, Europe would once again be completely defenseless and helpless against Putin’s continued aggressions. For how much longer does Europe want to dwarf itself, expose itself to global ridicule and the unbelievable embarrassment that goes with it? How long will the decision-makers want to turn a blind eye to the absolute inability to implement a common security and defense policy without feeling the slightest shame before they finally act responsibly and take the necessary steps emphatically until an appropriate, common defense is in place?), France24, 15 February 2022: Live: Biden says Russian attack in Ukraine ‘still very much a possibility’, The National, 15 February 2022: Russia and Germany keep Ukraine peace talks alive after partial troop withdrawal, The Guardian, 15 February 2022: Live Ukraine crisis: Biden warns that Russia invasion ‘still very much a possibility’ – live, The Times, 15 February 2022: ‘No evidence’ of Russian troops withdrawing, Al Arabiya, 16 February 2022: Russia attack on Ukraine ‘still very much a possibility’: US President Biden, CNN, 16 February 2022: Biden to Russian citizens: “You are not our enemy”, Al Arabiya, 16 February 2022: NATO plans for new possible battlegroups in Europe amid Russia tensions: Stoltenberg, CNN, 16 February 2022: What’s happening in Ukraine right now? CNN reports, BBC, 16 February 2022: No sign of Russian de-escalation on ground – Nato, Irish Times, 16 February 2022: Biden to citizens of Russia -‘ You are not our enemy’, Al Arabiya, 16 February 2022: UK will double the number of troops in Estonia as part of NATO mission, CNN, 16 February 2022: Russian buildup continues, but insufficient for full-scale invasion, Ukrainian military intelligence says, The Times, 16 February 2022: UK scraps golden visas over Russian dirty money fears, Politico.eu, 16 February 2022: Von der Leyen: On Ukraine, EU is hopeful but ‘prepared for the worst’, BBC, 16 February 2022: We don’t see any troop withdrawal – Ukraine president, Politico.eu, 16 February 2022: NATO boss Stoltenberg says Russian threat is ‘new normal’, The Guardian, 16 February 2022: Live Ukraine crisis: Nato considering new battlegroups in eastern Europe after ‘no sign’ of Russian de-escalation, Politico.eu, 16 February 2022: War warnings and calls for unity: Just another day in Ukraine, The Times, 16 February 2022: Russia moving troops into ‘attack areas’, says minister, Politico.eu, 16 February 2022: Putin’s paradox: ‘Ukrainian’ separatists are Russian citizens, Foreign Policy, 16 February 2022: America’s Eyes in the Skies Over Ukraine, CNN, 17 February 2022: Blinken: ‘I am here today not to start a war, but to prevent one’, Politico.eu, 17 February 2022: UK scraps golden visas for foreign investors amid Russian money crackdown, CNN, 17 February 2022: US cranks up the information warfare against Putin, DW, 17 February 2022: Germany and Ukraine: Trade and aid, but no weapons, CNN, 17 February 2022: Western officials remain skeptical of Russia’s claims, DW, 17 February 2022: NATO fears Russia is seeking pretext to attack Ukraine, Politico.eu, 17 February 2022: EU unity is vexing Putin, Estonian prime minister says, Arab News, 17 February 2022: US says Russia is preparing pretext to invade Ukraine, Politico.eu, 17 February 2022: NATO has ‘seen’ Russian false-flag attempts in Ukraine, Stoltenberg says, BBC, 17 February 2022: Russia seeking excuse to invade Ukraine, US says, Al Arabiya, 17 February 2022: Ukraine’s Zelenskiy says pro-Russian forces shell kindergarten in ‘big provocation’, BBC, 17 February 2022: Satellite images show Russian activity near Ukraine, Politico.eu, 18 February 2022: West must brace for years of Putin pressure on Ukraine, Latvian PM says, The Washington Post, 18 February 2022: Ukraine’s Lviv becomes ‘western capital’ as some diplomats leave Kyiv, Politico.eu, 18 February 2022: Crimea: The peninsula poisoning relations between Russia and Ukraine, The Washington Post, 18 February 2022: Biden gathers Western allies amid reports of evacuations from separatist area, Politico.eu, 18 February 2022: Ukraine and West see false flags flying as pro-Russian separatists urge civilian evacuation, CNN, 18 February 2022: Russian-US diplomacy stalls, with a shelled Ukrainian kindergarten a stark reminder of the lives at stake, Politico.eu, 18 February 2022: Ukraine warns West: Don’t fall into Putin’s NATO trap, Foreign Policy, 18 February 2022: Biden: Putin Has Decided to Invade Ukraine, Irish Times, 18 February 2022: Ukraine accuses Moscow-led militia of stoking tension with mass evacuation order, The Times, 18 February 2022: Fears mount that Moscow is planning ‘false flag’ attack, Politico.eu, 18 February 2022: Alexander Lukashenko’s risky balancing act with Russia and Ukraine, BBC, 18 February 2022: Russia accused of staging fake crisis in east Ukraine, The Guardian, 18 February 2022: Ukraine crisis: Pro-Russian separatists order mass evacuation of east of country, CNN, 18 February 2022: CNN confronts ‘Europe’s last dictator’ over Russian military drills in Belarus, Al Arabiya, 18 February 2022: Russia has posted up to 190,000 personnel ‘in and near Ukraine’: US diplomat, The New Yorker, 18 February 2022: The Ukraine Transparency Initiative, Politico.eu, 18 February 2022: Ukraine and West see false flags flying as pro-Russian separatists urge civilian evacuation, Miami Herald, 18 February 2022: Russia is flexing its muscles in Latin America. How will Washington respond?, The New York Times, 18 February 2022: President Says Ukrainian Capital Will Be a Target, Foreign Policy, 18 February 2022: Russia Planning Post-Invasion Arrest and Assassination Campaign in Ukraine, U.S. Officials Say, Politico.com, 18 February 2022: Biden says he believes Putin has decided to invade Ukraine, The Economist, 18 February 2022: Why Russia has never accepted Ukrainian independence, CNN, 19 February 2022: Vladimir Putin has succeeded in uniting his opponents, France24, 19 February 2022: OSCE reports more than 1,500 ceasefire violations in a single day in Ukraine, CNN, 19 February 2022: Putin oversees nuclear drills near NATO borders, France24, 19 February 2022: West should stop ‘appeasement’ policy towards Russia, says Ukraine’s Zelensky, The Times, 19 February 2022: We should treat Putin as the gangland bully that he is (that is of course correct. On the other hand, of course, this always raises the question: Which lunatic will succeed Putin and will he (one can probably rule out that a woman will ever become President of Russia) be better for the international security situation or will it get even worse?), The Guardian, 19 February 2022: Live Ukraine: Nato moves staff out of Kyiv; UK foreign secretary says invasion could happen as soon as next week, Politico.eu, 19 February 2022: Boris Johnson calls on NATO to go global, The Times, 19 February 2022: West has appeased Putin for 15 years, says Ukrainian president, Politico.eu, 19 February 2022: Ukraine’s nuclear lesson: Don’t trust Russia’s security ‘guarantees’, DW, 19 February 2022: What’s behind Putin’s saber-rattling, NPR, 19 February 2022: A rebel in east Ukraine accused Kyiv of planning an attack. The U.S. says he’s lying, The New York Times, 19 February 2022: Putin’s Baseless Claims of Genocide in Ukraine Hint at More Than War, New York Magazine, 19 February 2022: Is Putin Sane?, The Economist, 19 February 2022: Whether he invades Ukraine or backs down, Putin has harmed Russia, Foreign Policy, 19 February 2022: Causing Crisis Works, The New York Times, 19 February 2022: Shelling Escalates in Eastern Ukraine as Thousands Flee, Fearing Attack, The Economist, 19 February 2022: Alexander Gabuev on why Vladimir Putin and his entourage want war, Los Angeles Times, 19 February 2022: Artillery fusillades from Russian-backed separatists set Ukraine’s east on edge, CNN, 19 February 2022: Why Donbas is at the heart of the Ukraine crisis, Politico.com, 20 February 2022: Finland’s president sees changes in Putin: ‘It was a different kind of behavior’, The Washington Post, 20 February 2022: Russian forces stay in Belarus, fueling Ukraine invasion fears, NPR, 20 February 2022: Putin and Macron discuss a cease-fire in Ukraine as shelling appears to escalate, Politico.com, 20 February 2022: Harris offers support for defiant Ukrainian president, Arab News, 20 February 2022: Russia extends troop drills; Ukraine appeals for cease-fire, The Guardian, 20 February 2022: Starmer: Russians hide cash in ‘soft touch’ UK, Politico.eu, 20 February 2022: Kremlin lashes out at Ukraine and NATO after call with Macron, CNN, 20 February 2022: CNN reporter describes the challenges of covering the conflict in Ukraine, BBC, 20 February 2022: Russia plans biggest war in Europe since 1945 – PM, The Guardian, 20 February 2022: Leave Putin in no doubt: Russia will be economically crippled – and he may be tried for war crimes, The New York Times, 20 February 2022: At the Munich Security Conference, Ukraine’s president accused his Western counterparts of appeasement., CNN, 20 February 2022: Roughly 75% of Russian conventional forces deployed against Ukraine, US official says, The New York Times, 20 February 2022: Bond Between China and Russia Alarms U.S. and Europe Amid Ukraine Crisis, The Washington Post, 20 February 2022: Putin warned the West 15 years ago. Now, in Ukraine, he’s poised to wage war., BBC, 20 February 2022: Russia keeps troops in Belarus amid Ukraine fears, The New York Times, 20 February 2022: U.S. Learned of Kremlin Order to Proceed With Invasion, Officials Say, The Washington Post, 20 February 2022: Putin may go to war to capture Ukraine. With Belarus, he did it without firing a shot., CNN, 21 February 2022: US says it has credible information about Russian ‘kill list’ in potential Ukraine invasion, The Guardian, 21 February 2022: Live Ukraine crisis: Putin rails against Kyiv and Nato in televised address (this is no longer just historical revisionism, but outright lies. In fact, Kievan Rus’ was the nucleus of Ukraine and Muscovite Rus’, from which Russia arose, was only an insignificant part of Kievan Rus’. So if actual history were to be used for current action, Kiev would be in charge of Russia and certainly not the other way around. On the other hand, why should Kiev do something like that? Ukrainians want to be European, Western and democratic. Putin’s economically ruined and politically desolate club stands in complete contradiction to this. Apart from militarily, Putin’s Russia is once again broken and ungovernable by democratic standards, as it always has been. Why would Ukraine want to burden itself with such unnecessary baggage? There would be neither rational nor irrational reasons for this), CNN, 21 February 2022: Russian banks imported $5 billion in foreign cash in December, New York Magazine, 21 February 2022: Is Putin Choosing War in Ukraine?, The Times, 21 February 2022: Russia has ‘kill list’ of Ukrainians, The New Yorker, 21 February 2022: Inside the High-Stakes Fight to Control the Narrative on Ukraine, The Guardian, 21 February 2022: Ukraine: Belarus should face same sanctions as Russia in event of invasion – EU, The New York Times, 21 February 2022: This Is Putin’s War. But America and NATO Aren’t Innocent Bystanders., Politico.eu, 21 February 2022: EU reaches deal on military training mission in Ukraine, The Guardian, 21 February 2022: Is it still possible to avoid a major war in Europe?, NPR, 21 February 2022: Why Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons — and what that means in a Russian invasion, The Times, 21 February 2022: Ukraine crisis is a wake-up call for the West, The New York Times, 21 February 2022: Belarus says Russian troops might not leave unless NATO pulls back from Eastern Europe., Politico.com, 21 February 2022: As Putin sends troops into Donbas, White House avoids the ‘I’ word, Politico.eu, 21 February 2022: EU approves emergency €1.2B aid for Ukraine, Politico.com, 21 February 2022: U.S. sanctions Russia for declaring independence of eastern Ukraine territories, Politico.eu, 21 February 2022: Ukraine asks EU to send in cyber forces, Gulf News, 21 February 2022: Russia-Ukraine crisis updates: Putin signs decree to recognise breakaway Ukrainian regions, The National, 21 February 2022: Putin signs decree recognising breakaway regions as independent, Irish Times, 21 February 2022: Putin recognises two breakaway Ukraine regions as independent, France24, 21 February 2022: Live: Putin recognises self-declared republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine (even before Putin’s annexation of Crimea, which was in violation of international law, and his war on eastern Ukraine since 2014 (Helsinki Accords, Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances), there were raids by Russia, which, however, are hardly noticed in the West and have been “frozen conflicts” for years (Moldova and the Transnistria War and Republic of Georgia and the Russo-Georgian War), but ultimately always follow the same pattern: there are parts of a sovereign state is militarily occupied, so that this state can no longer act freely in international alliances or is not even included in them. Russia, which is far removed from democracy and freedom, is thus pursuing the goal of preventing other states in its immediate vicinity from becoming democratic, free and constitutional, because that would be an existential threat to the Putin system. This also applies to the expansion of Putin’s war in eastern Ukraine, operated by his pro-Russian terrorists stationed there, who are to be rewarded for their continued terrorism against the civilian population with the handover of the Ukrainian lands of Donetsk and Luhansk. In doing so, Putin destroyed the Minsk Agreement (Normandy Format). Of course, this is highly contrary to international law and is therefore null and void from the international perspective, especially since the parts of the country naturally continue to belong to the national territory of Ukraine. The West will now begin to implement the multi-stage sanctions against Russia that have been in preparation for weeks. So far it is only known that the sanctions are to be adapted to the respective escalation levels, but which they will actually be is still unclear. On the one hand, one almost has to be glad that something is being done at all, because economic interests often prevail among some actors in the West instead of doing the right thing, so that a joint, unified approach is anything but a matter of course. On the other hand, a determined, tough, clear and unequivocal action against Putin right from the start of his renewed escalations would have ensured that he would have completely refrained from expanding his war in eastern Ukraine), CNN, 21 February 2022: Putin orders troops into pro-Russian regions of eastern Ukraine, NPR, 21 February 2022: Putin orders ‘peacekeeping’ troops to Ukraine after recognizing breakaway regions, Politico.eu, 21 February 2022: Europe faces sanctions nightmare of paying for Putin’s war, DW, 21 February 2022: ‘The Minsk process is dead’: DW’s Nick Connolly reports from Kyiv, The Atlantic, 21 February 2022: Vladimir Putin’s Hall of Mirrors, Politico.eu, 21 February 2022: ‘War, death and destruction’: U.N. Security Council members slam Russia’s Ukraine escalation, The Washington Post, 21 February 2022: Putin orders troops into two separatist Ukraine regions, Los Angeles Times, 21 February 2022: Russia orders troops into eastern Ukraine as fear of war grows, The Washington Post, 21 February 2022: Why are Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine’s Donbas region a flash point for Putin?, The New York Times, 21 February 2022: Putin Orders Troops to Separatist Regions and Recognizes Their Independence, Politico.eu, 22 February 2022: UK sanctions five Russian banks and three oligarchs, CNN, 22 February 2022: Russia is already paying a hefty financial price for its aggression, France24, 22 February 2022: Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General: ‘This is a crisis created by Russia alone’, Politico.eu, 22 February 2022: Germany shelves Nord Stream 2 pipeline (now the same ones will be crawling out from under their rocks and out of their caves who were already of the opinion in 2014 that Russia would be able to cope even if the West stopped buying oil and gas at all, especially since one could finally sell to China. Sure, just like in 2014, you could also sell to China in 2022, but then as now at significantly reduced purchase prices than those paid by the West. Since the Russian state budget is dependent on the income, it will have the already known consequences: Real wages continue to fall, investments cannot or only partially take place, Russian in-house production, including in the food sector, is of ridiculous quality and the Russian economy is still decoupling further away from the world market than it has already done. As a small foretaste, the Russian stock exchanges reacted to the “positive prospects” with a price drop of 17%. As usual, Putin’s far-sightedness extends to the tip of his own nose), France24, 22 February 2022: Live: Ukraine minister urges EU to promise future membership, BBC, 22 February 2022: Putin’s angry speech rewriting Ukraine’s history, CNN, 22 February 2022: Putin’s speech was shocking to many, but not to people in Kyiv, The Guardian, 22 February 2022: As Putin’s tanks roll into Ukraine, he knows exactly who to feel sorry for: himself, BBC, 22 February 2022: Russia orders troops into eastern Ukraine, France24, 22 February 2022: Defying West, Putin orders troops to pro-Russian breakaway regions of east Ukraine, The Guardian, 22 February 2022: Live Ukraine crisis: ‘an invasion is under way’, US says of Russian troop deployment, BBC, 22 February 2022: West sanctions Russia after Ukraine escalation, Politico.com, 22 February 2022: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: White House official: ‘This is the beginning of an invasion’, The Guardian, 22 February 2022: ‘This is a bumpy long road’: The mood among Moscow residents, France24, 22 February 2022: France condemns Putin’s ‘paranoid’ speech on Ukraine, The Times, 22 February 2022: Johnson announces Russia sanctions as Germany halts Nord Stream 2, Irish Times, 22 February 2022: Ukraine-Russia: EU to ban lending to Russian central bank after Putin orders troops over border, The National, 22 February 2022: EU sanctions Russia in ‘answer to grave violations’ in Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 22 February 2022: Biden cuts Western financing for Russian sovereign debt in first tranche of sanctions, DW, 22 February 2022: Ukraine crisis: EU agrees to Russia sanctions package, The New York Times, 22 February 2022: U.S. and Allies Pause Pipeline and Cut Off Bank Financing, The Washington Post, 22 February 2022: U.S., allies announce sanctions after Russian troops enter eastern Ukraine, The New Yorker, 22 February 2022: Putin Launches His Invasion of Ukraine, The Atlantic, 22 February 2022: The Russian Incursion No One Is Talking About, NPR, 22 February 2022: Why Luhansk and Donetsk are key to understanding the latest escalation in Ukraine, Dutch News, 22 February 2022: Putin is showing ‘total paranoia’, Dutch PM says as Ukraine crisis escalates, France24, 22 February 2022: Ukraine crisis: Ukraine declares state of emergency, calls on citizens in Russia to come home, Forward, 22 February 2022: Eastern Ukraine’s Jews brace for food shortages and antisemitic provocations, CNN, 22 February 2022: Russia is already paying a hefty financial price for its aggression, France24, 22 February 2022: Moldova, then Georgia, now Ukraine: How Russia built ‘bridgeheads into post-Soviet space’, CNN, 23 February 2022: Trump sides with Putin as Biden tries to stop a war, France24, 23 February 2022: Ukraine crisis: A low-cost disinformation campaign aids Putin’s playbook, CNN, 23 February 2022: US warns full-scale invasion of Ukraine could be imminent, Gulf News, 23 February 2022: War fears mount as Ukraine declares state of emergency, summons citizens home from Russia, The National, 23 February 2022: Zelenskyy: Putin refused talks and has approved Russian offensive, Haaretz, 23 February 2022: Ukraine Crisis? Time to Call It the Putin Crisis, The National, 23 February 2022: Ukraine imposes state of emergency amid Russia threat, Gulf News, 23 February 2022: Russia’s richest lose $32b as Ukraine crisis deepens, BBC, 23 February 2022: Ukraine tells citizens to leave Russia immediately, The National, 23 February 2022: Russia’s super-rich shed $32bn in net worth as Ukraine crisis escalates, BBC, 23 February 2022: Ukrainian rebels ask Russia for military aid, The Atlantic, 23 February 2022: How Much Will the West Sacrifice for Ukraine?, The Guardian, 23 February 2022: Live Ukraine crisis: self-proclaimed republics of Luhansk and Donetsk ask Russia for military aid, Irish Times, 23 February 2022: Ukraine declares state of emergency and urges citizens to leave Russia, Politico.eu, 23 February 2022: EU targets Putin’s inner circle with sanctions, Los Angeles Times, 23 February 2022: Russia attacks Ukraine, The Washington Post, 23 February 2022: Russia attacks Ukraine
@ Viewsridge/cc-by-sa-4.0 (thank you very much for the meticulous daily updates to the map)
As was to be expected after the Russian troop deployment around Ukraine, the fascist and insane war criminal and state terrorist Putin (in no other parliament in the world are there more fascists and neo-Nazis than in the Russian State Duma by Putin’s grace) has now attacked and raided other parts of Ukraine in the most serious breaches of international law. Of course, this is also the result of complete failure and complete misjudgments on the part of Western governments (which apparently assumed that the 150,000 Russian soldiers were only stationed around Ukraine to organize a big picnic or love-in there. Nobody could expect that they are only there to invade Ukraine – at least not if you are a political decision-maker and that despite the fact that Putin has been at war with Ukraine since 2014), above all the Federal Government under Chancellor Scholz, to show Putin clear boundaries, to initiate military containment measures upfront and in addition to strengthen the Ukraine militarily upfront so that the country would be able to build up a credible deterrent in the first place. It’s too late for that now. In the matter, of course, the aggressor is Putin, but in order to be able to escalate to such an extent, various Western governments first encouraged and enabled him through hyperventilating activism on the one hand and completely doing nothing in creating existential foundations, like weaponery and trainings for the Ukrainian army on the other. Security and defense policy is not for beginners, Sunday speakers, name or dream dancers, peace activists or Putin apologists, but for real politicians who have both feet on the ground based on facts and therefor, unlike the aforementioned, don’t fall on their backs when there is some unpleasant headwind. For years it has been clear, even to the half-blind, where Putin’s journey is headed to. The fact that the EU states, among others, have turned a blind eye to this, instead of pursuing a credible security and defense policy by building up a powerful EU army to supplement NATO, can at best be judged as grossly negligent. In some cases, intent must be assumed. In 2022, anyone who utters sentences like “We couldn’t have imagined that Putin…” or “We were completely surprised that Putin…” has apparently been living under a rock for years and should immediately be stripped of any form of (government) responsibility, because such people pose significant security risks for the 460 million EU citizens who can see in the coming months what will happen to the suffering Ukrainians, also thanks to the failure of western governments and can also happen to them if the current course of the common security and defense policy is maintained. The severely disturbed Putin will not succeed in developing Russia into the Soviet Union 2.0 and certainly not into a superpower, because the country is not designed for that at all in its constitution, but he will probably stir things up for a while. As can be seen from Putin’s escalation of his war in Ukraine, any idiot can fire a gun. Above all, you become a superpower through economic power, a stable democracy, a large reach and strong friends. None of this applies to Putin’s Russia, and it will remain so. As the great US President Barack Obama rightly pointed out, Russia is a regional power (albeit one with a well-equipped military and nuclear weapons) with high levels of institutional corruption that have formed mafia-like structures. Nothing more will come of it. The country is rich in natural resources, but has not made anything out of it and is therefore still an economic dwarf, which is why the population has to continue to live in abject poverty. Another reason is the low diversification of the economy and the low quality of the products from regional productions. Wars are, of course, basically no fun events. The good mood is kept within narrow limits until the days after which it is finally over. At the same time, right now we are not in the situation or position to bury our heads in the sand or indulge in our own fears. The citizens of Ukraine count on our support and help against Putin’s war. We must neither deny nor deny them either. What knowledge gains remain after such a day?
- The NATO Founding Act of 1997 has come to an end. This has historical significance and relevance for all that is to come.
- Even in Europe, the territorial integrity of states under international law (Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations) is not worth the paper it is written on and the Russian approach will find imitators around the world.
- Putin and his followers have now managed to isolate the country and make it a pariah. The West should support his efforts to the extent that all economic and political relations are completely broken off for the time being.
- the consequence of this day for the EU can only mean what has been discussed in this blog for years, namely to significantly increase operational and combat readiness, as well as the military budgets to get back into the position permanently and at a high level level to be operational and ready to fight together. Today also shows once again that months of negotiations from a position of weakness, in which one can only write begging letters because one has lost the powerful fly swatter (Big Stick diplomacy), do not lead to an acceptable result, but on the contrary have an inspiring effect on the other side. There are far too many madmen in positions of power for the EU to continue to have glaring weaknesses here. It must be ensured that, in case of doubt, foreign policy measures can also be enforced with the help of heavy metal, because only that is the language that the other side(s) understands.
- Every government of an EU state must be obliged to think carefully and with foresight in terms of security and defense policy on a permanent and long-term basis and to act accordingly in order to prevent situations like the one we are currently experiencing from arising in the future or even worse, as they are at present , apparently to be surprised by a development that has been foreseeable for a long time. Anything else is completely irresponsible and unacceptable.
- nationalistic pettiness coupled with pretended “historical responsibility” (even if one takes “historical responsibility” seriously, Ukraine would have clear priority over Russia in this regard) are ultimately just a fig leaf for “cowardice in the face of the enemy”. Gone are the days when you could afford it. Yesterday Russia invaded Moldova, Georgia, Crimea and eastern Ukraine, today Russia invades all of the rest of Ukraine, tomorrow the Baltics, Romania, Bulgaria and Poland. How long does the simple-minded German Michel think he can talk himself out of it before he too will admit that he is neither innocent of the development nor can he stay out of it? Something can be done about military weakness, but there is still no cure for ignorance, arrogance and stupidity.
On a personal note: I’m a “cold war kid”. Even as children we were taught not to believe anything that the Russian state propaganda was trumpeting, but to wait and see what at least two credible western sources believed to be correct has been verified (in this case also applies: “The first casualty of every war is the truth.” Even “normal” warring parties then tend to whitewash their own situation. In the case of Russia it is obvious that even only propaganda, half-truths and lies are used. Despite all the sympathies for the Ukraine, one should not overlook the fact that cover-up tactics are sometimes used here, too, primarily to make it more difficult for the Russian attackers to assess the situation on the ground. You should significantly limit the use of so-called social networks for yourself, because apart from a lot of nonsense, propaganda, hate and hate speech, they don’t contribute anything in such situations anyway and you can finally do without them. Of course, this also applies to the “YouTube University”. Instead, it makes much more sense to use the classic media (serious national and international newspapers, journals and magazines or TV documentaries)). There was no internet for private use, so the filters worked quite well. That still has an effect today. Real trust in the Russian leadership and its subordinates and systemlings could not arise, also because of the general behavior in Russia. Several visits to the country have deepened the impression even further. In this respect, the news of Putin’s expansion of the war against Ukraine did not surprise me at all, especially since it was simply to be expected. It seemed less credible to me that Putin would position 150,000 troops around Ukraine and then withdraw them again because he was so impressed by the numerous Western sitting circles because of him. In addition to the Ukrainians, I also feel bad for the under-30s in the West who have been exposed to unfiltered, (pro-)Russian propaganda on social networks for years and who have not been “immunized” against the propaganda and have not been prepared for chances on the one hand and the real risks and dangers in dealing with Russia, because they are now completely helpless and torn without knowing how to deal with the situation, what the prospects are or what they can do positive in this situation for themselves and others. Of course, it is clear that it is not “the Russians” who are waging war (which is why the tiresome topic of “cancel culture” is somewhat misplaced here as well. Instead of choking off every Russian voice here with a lawnmower or placing athletes and artists under general suspicion of belonging to or serving the Putin regime, although when viewed objectively the opposite is very often the case. Sure, war creates fear and then all too often leads to generalizations. But that’s not fair at all. Not smart either. It is correct to exclude athletes who compete in various sports for the national teams of Russia from international events. But how does one come up with the not very intelligent idea of putting a “ban” on individual athletes who compete for themselves? Of course, this also applies to artists. Countermeasures should be taken quickly here, because after the war Russia and the world will need every voice that advocates for a renewal of Russia), but Putin and his henchmen, who send Russian soldiers to their deaths without hesitation in order to enforce their own completely disturbed world view, at least regionally, and stuff their pockets with money, while the Russian population will become even poorer than it already is. Contrasting assessments could be made on the subject of Russia. Even if I never trusted Putin’s Russia, interrupted by a small Medvedev wave (who, however, now also seems to be completely insane) and was right, that doesn’t mean that other assessments couldn’t have been made, if only for diplomatic reasons. I did not reject Nord Stream 2 in principle at first either. That only changed later and in the face of new challenges. At the moment it seems to be fashionable to want to badmouth the Merkel governments. In fact, they weren’t, and if you look at “Olaf and the Ampelmännchen” that becomes particularly clear. What can be blamed on the reigns of Merkel and her predecessors is the neglect of the issues of “security and defence”, which also contributed to the tsar considering this as an “invitation”. If the EU had been able to defend itself, he would have thought twice about whether he actually wanted to start his war crimes in Ukraine since 2014 or whether it would be better not to do it. Even if I recognized it that way, it doesn’t mean that in Berlin, too, especially with regard to political and diplomatic considerations, one could inevitably have come to the same knowledge gain. This has only been the case since the expansion of Putin’s war of aggression and annihilation against Ukraine. It’s all the more annoying that a lot is announced in a big way, but little is actually done. This has already caused Germany’s reputation international damage and will remain associated with the names “Scholz” and “Ampelkoalition” in the history books. The nationalist small-small ambitions that are also visible here do considerable damage to Germany, the EU and Europe and ultimately only benefit right-wing extremists such as the AfD, Le Pen and of course the serial war criminal and dictator Putin.
The Guardian, 24 February 2022: Live Ukraine crisis: Russia plans to ‘encircle and threaten Kyiv’, Blinken says, Al Arabiya, 24 February 2022: Ukraine FM says Russia carrying out ‘full-scale attack’, NPR, 24 February 2022: Explosions are heard in Ukraine after Putin announces a Russian invasion, Al Arabiya, 24 February 2022: Russia plans on ‘decapitating’ Ukraine’s government: US defense official, The Guardian, 24 February 2022: Full report: Ukraine fights for its survival as Putin presses forward, The New York Times, 24 February 2022: Live Updates: Russia Begins Invasion of Ukraine From Land and Sea, Al Arabiya, 24 February 2022: Explainer: What to know as Russia attacks Ukraine, Arab News, 24 February 2022: IAEA says Ukraine nuclear power plants running safely, no ‘destruction’ at Chernobyl, The Guardian, 24 February 2022: ‘No to war’: Thousands join anti-war protests in Russia after Ukraine invasion, Irish Times, 24 February 2022: Russia invades Ukraine: 57 reported dead, tens of thousands flee homes amid ‘dark hours’ for Europe, BBC, 24 February 2022: How hard will it be to defend Ukraine?, The Times, 24 February 2022: How will Nato respond to the war in Ukraine?, The Guardian, 24 February 2022: First day of invasion Airstrikes at dawn as Russia begins ‘war of aggression’, BBC, 24 February 2022: Ukraine warns of new iron curtain as Russia invades, Al Arabiya, 24 February 2022: Germany’s chancellor: Russia is trying to wipe Ukraine off the map, Haaretz, 24 February 2022: ‘I Don’t Know Why He’s There’: Russian Mothers Say Soldiers Tricked Into Going to Ukraine, Irish Times, 24 February 2022: Ukraine latest: Biden says Russia will be ‘a pariah’ as US outlines further sanctions, DW, 24 February 2022: Germany has to wake up to Russia, CNN, 24 February 2022: How to provide aid to those in Ukraine, The Times, 24 February 2022: Ukraine invasion: latest pictures, Irish Times, 24 February 2022: Shock and shame in Berlin as Russians and Ukrainians face reality of war, BBC, 24 February 2022: Ukraine invasion: Russia’s attack in maps, The Guardian, 24 February 2022: Swift: What is the payments network and what would shutting Russia out of it achieve?, The New Yorker, 24 February 2022: Putin’s Historic Miscalculation May Make Him a War Criminal (just have a look at Syria, to understand that Putin already is a war criminal), Arab News, 24 February 2022: UN human rights chief calls on Moscow to halt its assault on Ukraine, Irish Times, 24 February 2022: Attack on Ukraine will cost Russia dearly, Biden warns, BBC, 24 February 2022: Ukraine deaths as battles rage after Russia invasion, France24, 24 February 2022: Live: Kyiv in ‘defensive phase’ as Russian forces enter Ukraine’s capital, Irish Times, 24 February 2022: Ukraine’s second city wakes to war, Daniel McLaughlin reports from Kharkiv, Jerusalem Post, 24 February 2022: The Ukraine-Russia conflict echoes loudly in the Middle East, The Times, 24 February 2022: Hundreds arrested in anti-war protests across Russia, The Guardian, 24 February 2022: Putin: Decision to invade Ukraine raises questions over ‘sense of reality’, Al Arabiya, 24 February 2022: Some Kyiv residents try to flee, others stock up after Russia attacks, CNN, 24 February 2022: Here’s what Biden has said about sending US troops to Ukraine, Irish Times, 24 February 2022: Lara Marlowe: Negotiations masked Putin’s plan to invade Ukraine, The Times, 24 February 2022: Johnson targets Russian banks and oligarchs with ‘severe’ sanctions, The Guardian, 24 February 2022: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will change the face of Europe for ever, Al Arabiya, 24 February 2022: Russian cyberattacks on Ukraine could worsen amid armed conflict: Expert, Irish Times, 24 February 2022: The Irish Times view on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Europe enters a dark new era, BBC, 24 February 2022: ‘Turning point in history’ – World leaders react, The Times, 24 February 2022: A dark day for Europe, The Guardian, 24 February 2022: Eight sobering realities about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, BBC, 24 February 2022: ‘Ecological disaster’ warning as Chernobyl seized, CNN, 25 February 2022: Russian forces seize control of Chernobyl nuclear plant and hold staff hostage: Ukrainian officials, Al Arabiya, 25 February 2022: EU targets Russian economy after ‘deluded autocrat’ invasion of Ukraine, Haaretz, 25 February 2022: Russia Summons Israeli Envoy Over Statements Supporting Ukraine, France24, 25 February 2022: EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell: ‘Nobody can trust Putin’ after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, The National, 25 February 2022: Fight or flight: Ukrainians forced to make hard choices as war unfolds, Al Arabiya, 25 February 2022: Russia has ‘complete air superiority’ over Ukraine: Western intel official, France24, 25 February 2022: In pictures: Ukrainians face Russia’s military assault, CNN, 25 February 2022: Six maps explaining the Ukraine-Russia conflict, The Times, 25 February 2022: Fog of war descends to obscure the fate of markets, The Atlantic, 25 February 2022: Bury the Old World Order, France24, 25 February 2022: ‘Ukraine is not our enemy’: In Russia, hundreds arrested in anti-war protests, Gulf Times, 25 February 2022: Ukraine soldiers battle Russian troops in capital, Forward, 25 February 2022: Jewish history is repeating itself in Ukraine. This time, we must fight Putin back, Politico.eu, 25 February 2022: China’s Xi asks Putin to negotiate with Ukraine, Gulf News, 25 February 2022: World leaders fine-tune punitive measures against Russia, Forward, 25 February 2022: Here’s how to help Ukraine’s Jewish community, The National, 25 February 2022: Beyond the Headlines: Kiev under siege, CNN, 25 February 2022: What does Putin want in Ukraine? The conflict explained, France24, 25 February 2022: Putin calls on Ukrainian army to ‘take power’ into own hands (if the situation weren’t so dangerous, one would actually have to laugh out loud: Russian state terrorist and war criminal Putin seriously accuses Ukraine of “mass murder of Russians,” which isn’t happening at all, while Putin himself wants to wipe out Ukraine and all Ukrainians with it. It is hard to gauge how far Putin has already departed from reality), Gulf Times, 25 February 2022: Thousands cross borders out of Ukraine, men told to stay and fight, Irish Times, 25 February 2022: ‘The situation now is threatening for Kyiv’, says mayor as Russian missiles pound the city, DW, 25 February 2022: Ukraine will survive — but the West should be ashamed, Al Arabiya, 25 February 2022: Russia facing ‘greater resistance’ than expected from Ukraine: US defense official, Politico.eu, 25 February 2022: Ukraine slams West’s inaction as Russian forces bear down on Kyiv, Gulf News, 25 February 2022: Dramatic photos show Russia’s attack on Ukraine as it unfolds, Politico.com, 25 February 2022: NATO deploys troops to eastern flank as Russian attack escalates in Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 25 February 2022: NATO leaders agree to bolster eastern forces after invasion, The National, 25 February 2022: Nato deploying rapid reaction force for the first time to defend eastern borders, CNN, 25 February 2022: Ukraine and Russia’s militaries are David and Goliath. Here’s how they compare, Irish Times, 25 February 2022: ‘We don’t want to leave’: Fear and defiance in Ukraine as country faces all-out war, Forward, 25 February 2022: Claiming “De-Nazification,” Putin’s actions recall other Nazi crimes, Times of Israel, 25 February 2022: US says Russian forces lose momentum to stiff Ukraine resistance, Arab News, 25 February 2022: LIVE: Russian invasion of Ukraine enters second day, Al Arabiya, 25 February 2022: US sanctions Russia’s Putin, Lavrov and other top officials after Ukraine invasion, Politico.com, 25 February 2022: Russia-Ukraine conflict: What Does Putin Really Want?, Jerusalem Post, 25 February 2022: After Ukraine, Russia warns Finland of ‘military reprecussions’ if it joins NATO, Politico.eu, 25 February 2022: EU to freeze Putin and Lavrov’s assets, Al Arabiya, 25 February 2022: US troops in Latvia tells Putin ‘don’t mess with us,’ minister says, Times of Israel, 25 February 2022: Russia ejected from rights body, loses sports hosting roles, ousted from Eurovision, BBC, 25 February 2022: Snake Island: Ukraine says soldiers killed after refusing to surrender (Snake Island, Attack on Snake Island, Hero of Ukraine), CNN, 25 February 2022: Soldiers’ defiant last words as Russian warship targets Snake Island, Politico.eu, 25 February 2022: ‘Go fuck yourself,’ Ukrainian soldiers on Snake Island tell Russian ship before being killed, The Hill, 25 February 2022: Cell phone carriers waive charges, allow free long-distance calling to Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 25 February 2022: Council of Europe suspends Russia over Ukraine invasion, Jerusalem Post, 25 February 2022: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the death of international law, The Guardian, 25 February 2022: Where has fighting been focused on day two of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?, Al Arabiya, 25 February 2022: Ukrainian expats protest in Jordan capital against Russia’s invasion, The Times, 25 February 2022: Ukraine’s resilience raises the stakes for Russian troops, The Guardian, 25 February 2022: Explainer: Where has fighting been focused on day two of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?, Times of Israel, 25 February 2022: For some Russian-speaking Israelis, Putin is a hero; others would ‘kill the bastard’, The Guardian, 25 February 2022: Russia’s war in Ukraine: Complete guide in maps, video and pictures, The New York Times, 25 February 2022: Russia vetoes a U.N. Security Council resolution calling on it to withdraw from Ukraine., CNN, 25 February 2022: NATO Response Force activated for first time, The Times, 25 February 2022: Russian invasion of Ukraine: the latest pictures, The Guardian, 25 February 2022: ‘It’s not rational’: Putin’s bizarre speech wrecks his once pragmatic image, CNN, 25 February 2022: Seven crucial questions about Putin’s war on Ukraine, The National, 25 February 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: Russia military ordered to advance, Al Arabiya, 25 February 2022: Russia says it is surprised by Lebanon’s condemnation of invasion, The Guardian, 25 February 2022: Effort under way to challenge Russia’s right to seat on UN security council, CNN, 25 February 2022: Video shows explosion after fighter jet shot down, official says, The Times, 25 February 2022: Mikhail Khodorkovsky: ‘I thought Putin was a new type of leader but he’s a madman’, The Guardian, 25 February 2022: We’re appalled by Putin now, but be clear: the west gave him the green light, NPR, 25 February 2022: Russia vetoes UN Security Council resolution that denounces its invasion of Ukraine, CNN, 25 February 2022: Europe finds itself in a bind over Ukraine response at the end of a truly dreadful week, Al Arabiya, 25 February 2022: EU approves Russian asset freeze that includes President Putin and Sergey Lavrov, Los Angeles Times, 25 February 2022: Ukrainian brothers — former world boxing champs — ready to fight Russian troops, BBC, 25 February 2022: Ukraine conflict: Champions League final moved from Russia & F1 GP cancelled, The Guardian, 25 February 2022: It’s Putin’s tale of two cities – London for his oligarchs, Kyiv for his bombs, The Times, 25 February 2022: Ukraine arms civilians as Russians advance on Kyiv, New York Magazine, 25 February 2022: Putin Gets Hit in the Wallet, Irish Times, 25 February 2022: German rude awakening on Russia infuriates Poland, Gulf News, 26 February 2022: Months of planning, warnings: How conflict has unfolded, CNN, 26 February 2022: Putin’s war was launched on a runway of lies, DW, 26 February 2022: Ukraine: Kyiv fights back against Russian assault, Gulf News, 26 February 2022: Russia attacks Ukraine: Ukrainians shelter in subway stations, basements, BBC, 26 February 2022: Ukraine maps: Tracking Russia’s invasion, Gulf News, 26 February 2022: Russia attacks Ukraine: Scenes from the frontlines, CNN, 26 February 2022: Annexations, a rump state or puppet rulers. Here’s what Putin may be planning for Ukraine, DW, 26 February 2022: Ukraine: Anti-war protests take place around the world, BBC, 26 February 2022: Ukraine’s Zelensky asks citizens to resist and Europe to do more, Gulf News, 26 February 2022: TV comedian president finds his role as wartime leader, The National, 26 February 2022: Russia launches missile and artillery barrage on Ukrainian cities, CNN, 26 February 2022: US to impose sanctions on Putin following Ukraine invasion, BBC, 26 February 2022: Kyiw warns of sabotage groups as curfew imposed, The National, 26 February 2022: Germany lifts block on sending lethal weapons to Ukraine, Times of Israel, 26 February 2022: Russia bans words ‘invasion’ and ‘assault’ in media, warns several outlets, The Washington Post, 26 February 2022: U.S. and allies vow to cut off some Russian banks from key network, Arab News, 26 February 2022: Ukraine’s leader vows to continue fighting Russian assault as he appeals for more outside help, The Washington Post, 26 February 2022: ‘Weapons to anyone’: Across Ukraine, militias form as Russian forces approach their cities, Los Angeles Times, 26 February 2022: U.S., European allies bar Russian banks from critical SWIFT banking network, Jerusalem Post, 26 February 2022: Israel fails to sign onto US text condemning Russia at UNSC, The Washington Post, 26 February 2022: Campaigns to boycott Russia build momentum, Los Angeles Times, 26 February 2022: Three maps explaining the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Times of Israel, 26 February 2022: As Ukraine puts up a fight, Germany and others begin stepping up military aid, CNN, 26 February 2022: Battle rages for strategic bridge in southern Ukraine after days of fighting, The Washington Post, 26 February 2022: Ukrainians flee to E.U. nations, including some that previously spurned refugees, CNN, 26 February 2022: Two vast explosions seen in Kyiv appear to be around Vasylkil, Politico.eu, 26 February 2022: Protesters take to the streets across Europe to oppose invasion of Ukraine, Haaretz, 26 February 2022: Vladimir Putin Is Not Adolf Hitler, but the Echoes Are More Than Troubling, CNN, 26 February 2022: There have been “more than 250” missile launches by Russians at Ukraine as of this morning, US official says, The Washington Post, 26 February 2022: Mapping the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Politico.com, 26 February 2022: Half of Russian troops amassed around Ukraine now invading, U.S. says, The New York Times, 26 February 2022: Live Updates: Russia Bombards Kyiv in Renewed Night Assault, CNN, 26 February 2022: In pictures: Protests across the world show support for Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 26 February 2022: Ukrainian forces fight to hold on to Kyiv amid Russian onslaught, Politico.com, 26 February 2022: White House asks Congress for extra $6.4B to help Ukraine, The Hill, 26 February 2022: Biden says Putin is ‘producing the exact opposite effect that he intended’, CNN, 26 February 2022: Zelensky refuses US offer to evacuate, saying ‘I need ammunition, not a ride’, New York Magazine, 26 February 2022: The Seize of Moscow, The Hill, 26 February 2022: US, allies to kick certain Russian banks out of SWIFT banking system, Politico.eu, 26 February 2022: Putin’s miscalculation, France24, 26 February 2022: Cancellations, revocations and repudiations: Russia becomes persona non grata in sport, The New York Times, 26 February 2022: See where the fighting is taking place across Ukraine., The Hill, 26 February 2022: Live coverage: US officials say Russia frustrated with Ukraine’s resistance, France24, 26 February 2022: War in Ukraine: Invasion takes Russians near the border by surprise, NPR, 26 February 2022: Select Russian banks are being booted off the SWIFT bank messaging system, The New Yorker, 26 February 2022: Putin’s Bloody Folly in Ukraine, France24, 26 February 2022: France, allies preparing ‘crushing’ sanctions on Russia, foreign ministry says, BBC, 26 February 2022: Ukraine: France seizes Russian ship over sanctions, The Hill, 26 February 2022: People around the world protest Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Politico.eu, 26 February 2022: Germany to send Ukraine weapons in historic shift on military aid, France24, 26 February 2022: As it happened: Kyiv under curfew as France, Germany pledge to arm Ukraine, Irish Times, 26 February 2022: Ukrainians and Russians gather in Dublin as bombs rain down on Kyiv, NPR, 26 February 2022: A part of the NATO treaty could turn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine into a wider war, BBC, 26 February 2022: Roman Abramovich gives Chelsea ‘stewardship’ to trustees of charitable arm, Reuters, 26 February 2022: Chechen leader, a close Putin ally, says his forces have deployed to Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 26 February 2022: Finland, Sweden comments on NATO show how Putin miscalculated: President Biden, The Hill, 26 February 2022: Russian military threatens Ukraine nuclear power plant, DW, 26 February 2022: EU, US, UK to exclude some Russian banks from SWIFT, Al Arabiya, 26 February 2022: US will provide $350 million in new military aid to Ukraine: Blinken, France24, 26 February 2022: Poland, Sweden refuse to play Russia as Abramovich hands over Chelsea control, Al Arabiya, 26 February 2022: Russian army ordered to broaden Ukraine advance: Defense ministry, Irish Times, 26 February 2022: ‘Stop Putin, stop war’: Protests sweep Europe against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 26 February 2022: Russia-bound cargo ship intercepted by French navy in English Channel, NBC News, 26 February 2022: Germany sends weapons to Ukraine after criticism, Al Arabiya, 26 February 2022: Russia watchdog bans media from using ‘invasion, assault’ in Ukraine attack reports, BBC, 26 February 2022: Germany to send weapons directly to Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 26 February 2022: Chechnya forces deployed in Ukraine: Kadyrov, DW, 26 February 2022: Germany reverses ban on weapon sales to Ukraine — as it happened, Daily Mail, 26 February 2022: Germany will send 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 missiles to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia – after overruling its own weapons transfer policy dating back to WWII, Al Arabiya, 26 February 2022: Russia vetoes UN Security action on Ukraine as China, India abstains, Politico.eu, 26 February 2022: What if Putin attacks NATO next?, The Washington Post, 26 February 2022: Germany abandons muted approach to aid for Ukraine, sending weapons and green-lighting sanctions, The Times, 26 February 2022: Volunteers hunt traitors and Kremlin spies as paranoia grips Kyiv, Politico.com, 26 February 2022: Half of Russian troops amassed around Ukraine now invading, U.S. says , The Times, 26 February 2022: Inside Putin’s mind: absolute power blinds the new tsar, Al Arabiya, 26 February 2022: Germany to supply Ukraine with anti-tank weapons, missiles: Chancellor Scholz, The Times, 26 February 2022: Taking on Putin with peashooters, Politico.eu, 26 February 2022: Putin’s European pals have to eat their words, The Times, 26 February 2022: Back to the new USSR, Putin’s empire of profit, The Guardian, 26 February 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine latest: gunfights continue in Kyiv as Germany sends anti-tank weapons and missiles, Foreign Policy, 26 February 2022: China and Russia’s Friendship in Ukraine Is Without Benefits, Gulf News, 27 February 2022: Russia attacks Ukraine: People in Kyiv take cover as Russian troops approach, BBC, 27 February 2022: Ukraine conflict: Your guide to understanding day three, Foreign Policy, 27 February 2022: 3 Things the World Should Know About Putin, BBC, 27 February 2022: Putin puts nuclear deterrent on ‘special alert’, DW, 27 February 2022: Ukraine: Russian strikes hit energy installations — live updates, BBC, 27 February 2022: How badly will Russia be hit by new sanctions?, DW, 27 February 2022: Germany’s reversal on Ukraine weapons policy ‘response to Putin’s aggression’, BBC, 27 February 2022: Ukraine invasion: Russian planes face near-total airspace ban to west, DW, 27 February 2022: German Chancellor holds speech on Russian invasion of Ukraine, France24, 27 February 2022: Live: Ukraine agrees to talks with Russia at Belarusian border, CNN, 27 February 2022: Molotov cocktails and personal arms. See how Ukrainians are fighting back, The Guardian, 27 February 2022: Kharkiv: Governor claims Russian troops repelled from city, BBC, 27 February 2022: Russia central bank urges calm amid cash run fears, France24, 27 February 2022: Nations ban Russian planes from their ‘democratic skies’, The Guardian, 27 February 2022: Full report: Vladimir Putin puts Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert, CNN, 27 February 2022: Putin orders deterrence forces — which includes nuclear arms — to be put on high alert (meanwhile, state terrorist and war criminal Putin is apparently so nervous about the prospect of a crushing defeat in his war on Ukraine that, after only four days of conventional war, his only option left is the nuclear card. Who would have thought that a bunch of Ukrainian militias could cause so much trouble for the self-proclaimed “superpower” Russia? Good thing and “move on”!), BBC, 27 February 2022: Ukraine invasion: Kharkiv fighting ‘like Star Wars above your head’, The National, 27 February 2022: Japan sanctions Russia’s Putin over Ukraine invasion, The Guardian, 27 February 2022: Flight bans Germany, Italy and France join airspace block on Russian aircraft, France24, 27 February 2022: Putin orders nuclear forces on high alert (it is remarkable how many people are unsettled by Madman Putin because of the “alertness of the Russian nuclear forces”: 1. The nuclear forces are always on alert in order to be able to react immediately to first strikes with second strikes. 2. If you use your nuclear arsenal first, you only die second, so you gain nothing. 3. What some people seem to overlook is that the West is also very well equipped with nuclear weapons. So Putin’s “threat” with the nuclear card is the announcement of a passive suicide. Too cowardly to hold the gun to his own forehead, he tries to provoke a situation where the West does it for him), The National, 27 February 2022: US says Putin nuclear high alert order part of pattern of manufacturing threats, CNN, 27 February 2022: Ukrainian foreign minister: Putin’s nuclear readiness move attempts to put pressure on Ukraine, Arab News, 27 February 2022: EU to ban Russian state media RT and Sputnik says von der Leyen, The Guardian, 27 February 2022: Ukraine: Volodymyr Zelenskiy appeals for foreign volunteers to join fight against Russia, The National, 27 February 2022: EU funds purchase of weapons for Ukraine, steps up Russia sanctions, targets Belarus, Arab News, 27 February 2022: Thousands protest against Russia across European cities, Haaretz, 27 February 2022: The Israeli Kettle and the Russian Pot, The Washington Post, 27 February 2022: A Ukrainian ‘IT army’ is fighting Russian propaganda, The New York Times, 27 February 2022: Ukraine Invasion Tests Ties Between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, Irish Times, 27 February 2022: Russian military admits that some of its troops have been killed and wounded in Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 27 February 2022: Russians hold anti-war rallies amid ominous threats by Putin, The Atlantic, 27 February 2022: Who is Vladimir Putin’s Revisionist History For?, Irish Times, 27 February 2022: Ireland to fund provision of non-lethal equipment to Ukrainian military, The Guardian, 27 February 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine: US condemns Putin’s nuclear deterrence order; EU to buy arms for Ukraine, The Sunday Times, 27 February 2022: Germany hikes defence spending as allies expel Russia from Swift banking system, France24, 27 February 2022: Russia’s faithful conflicted over Ukraine war, The Guardian, 27 February 2022: Media: EU to ban Russian state-backed channels RT and Sputnik, CNN, 27 February 2022: Norway says its sovereign fund will divest from Russia, Times of Israel, 27 February 2022: Putin’s claim to rid Ukraine of Nazis is especially absurd given its history, Gulf News, 28 February 2022: Russia attacks Ukraine: ICC to investigate alleged war crimes, Foreign Policy, 28 February 2022: Putin’s War Is Europe’s 9/11, The National, 28 February 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: US states move to punish Russia for war, The New York Times, 28 February 2022: Ukraine Presents a Moral Crisis, Not Just a Military One, Gulf News, 28 February 2022: A look at West’s toughest sanctions yet on Russia, Forward, 28 February 2022: In Ukraine, a long history of Russian crimes against Jews, The National, 28 February 2022: Turkey blocks warships from Bosphorus and Dardanelle straits, Gulf News, 28 February 2022: FIFA throws Russian team out of World Cup, IOC calls for Russia sports ban, The New York Times, 28 February 2022: Sanctions Leave Russian Economy Reeling, The National, 28 February 2022: Levee en masse: The old law of war guiding Ukraine’s citizen soldiers, France24, 28 February 2022: ‘Putin is weak when we are together,’ says ex-Ukrainian president Poroshenko, Times of Israel, 28 February 2022: War crimes likely being committed in Ukraine, The Hague says, opening probe, France24, 28 February 2022: Live: Presidents of 8 EU states call for immediate talks on Ukrainian membership, Arab News, 28 February 2022: World must prove that might does not make right, The New York Times, 28 February 2022: Live Updates: Ukrainians Flee as Russia Bombards Civilians, Jerusalem Post, 28 February 2022: ICC prosecutor to proceed with investigation into alleged war crimes in Ukraine, The National, 28 February 2022: ‘Syria Was Putin’s Laboratory. Now He’s Taking His Methods to Ukraine’, NPR, 28 February 2022: Russia’s central bank doubles a key interest rate as sanctions spark economic turmoil, Al Arabiya, 28 February 2022: Ukraine offers amnesty and money to Russian soldiers who lay down their weapons, Los Angeles Times, 28 February 2022: Putin’s fears of a unified, stronger Europe are fast becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy, The National, 28 February 2022: Russia’s military vulnerability exposed by Ukraine hardware, Miami Herald, 28 February 2022: Dan Le Batard: With war raging in their home country, Klitschko brothers fight for their beloved Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 28 February 2022: Russian rocket strikes kill 11 in Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, says regional official, Los Angeles Times, 28 February 2022: Russians line up at banks as ruble plunges, interest rates jump and sanctions bite, Haaretz, 28 February 2022: Two Jewish-Russian Oligarchs Call to End ‘Bloodshed’ in Ukraine, France24, 28 February 2022: Belarus approves hosting nuclear weapons, Russian forces permanently, The Hill, 28 February 2022: Multinationals flee Russia, punishing Moscow, Arab News, 28 February 2022: Turkey blocks warships from Bosphorus, Dardanelles, France24, 28 February 2022: ‘Take oligarchs’ Riviera villas’: Ukraine war hijacks French presidential campaign, The Hill, 28 February 2022: Live coverage: Russian military convoy stretching 40 miles outside Kyiv, Miami Herald, 28 February 2022: Does Miami have a Little Russia or a Little Ukraine? This is where the war hits home, BBC, 28 February 2022: Day 5: Tracking Russia’s invasion in maps, The Atlantic, 28 February 2022: What Volodymyr Zelensky’s Courage Says About the West, CNN, 28 February 2022: Russia is waking up to sanctions. The West must not stop here, The Hill, 28 February 2022: US sees Putin nuke threat as posturing, Los Angeles Times, 28 February 2022: Zelensky is beating Putin — at least in the public relations battle, CNN, 28 February 2022: Two Russian oligarchs call for an end to Putin’s war, France24, 28 February 2022: From the Maidan protests to Russia’s invasion: Eight years of conflict in Ukraine, BBC, 28 February 2022: Fresh fighting forces Kyiv residents back into shelters, CNN, 28 February 2022: Ukrainian intel suggests Belarus is prepared to join Russian invasion and US suspends operations at embassy, The Washington Post, 28 February 2022: In just 72 hours, Europe overhauled its entire post-Cold War relationship with Russia, The Atlantic, 28 February 2022: Putin Accidentally Revitalized the West’s Liberal Order, CNN, 28 February 2022: The first five days of Russia’s Ukraine invasion have not gone well. Here’s why, The Hill, 28 February 2022: Ukrainian forces need more weapons, ambassador warns senators, The Guardian, 28 February 2022: Ukraine conflict leads EU to rid itself of Russian sacred cows, CNN, 28 February 2022: Vladimir Putin is facing stiffer opposition than expected — both inside and outside Ukraine, Politico.com, 28 February 2022: Russia-Ukraine conflict: European plan to donate fighter jets to Ukraine collapses, The New Yorker, 28 February 2022: In Ukraine, Daily Life in the Face of War, New York Magazine, 28 February 2022: Russia’s War of Self-Destruction, CNN, 28 February 2022: Russia faces financial meltdown as sanctions slam its economy, The Washington Post, 28 February 2022: U.S., European allies freeze ‘Putin’s war chest’ as Russia careens toward economic crisis, The Guardian, 28 February 2022: War crimes: ICC prosecutor to launch investigation into Ukraine crisis, CNN, 28 February 2022: White House closely monitoring Russian convoy now reported to be more than 40 miles long, DW, 28 February 2022: Could Turkey close the Bosporus to the Russian navy?, Jerusalem Post, 1 March 2022: Ukraine conflict: Mastercard blocks multiple Russian financial firms, France24, 1 March 2022: Russia, Belarus suspended by World Rugby ‘until further notice’, The Washington Post, 1 March 2022: What to know about Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s TV president turned wartime leader, France24, 1 March 2022: Live: Kyiv residents take shelter amidst reports of Russian air strike, CNN, 1 March 2022: Russia bombs residential area of Kharkiv and intensifies Kyiv assault as talks with Ukraine end, Gulf News, 1 March 2022: Russia attacks Ukraine: Putin underestimated West’s response to attack, says Biden, The National, 1 March 2022: Russian rouble’s freefall comes to a halt after central bank intervention, Der Spiegel, 1 March 2022: European Commission Vice President Margrethe Vestager: “This Is a Cold War for the 21st Century”, Jerusalem Post, 1 March 2022: Ukraine-Belarus border: Russia preparing 300 tanks to enter Ukraine, Gulf News, 1 March 2022: Zelenskiy tells EU: ‘Prove that you are with us’, The National, 1 March 2022: No Nato allies considering no-fly zone over Ukraine, says Boris Johnson, NPR, 1 March 2022: Russia bombards a Kyiv TV tower and the Babyn Yar Holocaust memorial site, Jerusalem Post, 1 March 2022: Pro-Putin Chechen general who led ‘gay purge’ killed in Ukraine, The Hill, 1 March 2022: Worries grow over Putin’s stability, mindset, Politico.com, 1 March 2022: Canada wants ICC probe of Russia for alleged war crimes, Haaretz, 1 March 2022: Apple pauses sales in Russia and stops all exports, The Hill, 1 March 2022: Belarus president stands in front of battle map indicating Moldova invasion plans, BBC, 1 March 2022: Ukraine conflict: What is a vacuum or thermobaric bomb?, New York Magazine, 1 March 2022: It’s Probably Too Late for the Oligrachs to Stop Putin, NPR, 1 March 2022: Putin’s claim of fighting against Ukraine ‘neo-Nazis’ distorts history, scholars say, BBC, 1 March 2022: No-fly zone: What it means and why the West won’t act, Politico.com, 1 March 2022: Putin’s ‘Denazification’ Claim Shows He Has No Case Against Ukraine, The Hill, 1 March 2022: International Court of Justice will hold public hearings on allegations of genocide in Ukraine, CNN, 1 March 2022: Zelensky urges Biden to send strong message on Russia and says: ‘I’m not iconic. Ukraine is iconic’, The New York Times, 1 March 2022: Russia appears to be targeting civilian areas with increasingly powerful weapons. See which cities have been attacked today., New York Magazine, 1 March 2022: Could Putin Go Nuclear?, France24, 1 March 2022: Ukraine war brings Sweden, Finland even closer to NATO, CNN, 1 March 2022: Why did it take the West so long to wake up to Putin’s outrages?, Al Arabiya, 1 March 2022: Russia should be removed from UN Human Rights Council: US Secretary, France24, 1 March 2022: War in Ukraine: Increased NATO presence in Romania is ‘legitimate’, FM says, The New York Times, 1 March 2022: As Large Convoy Nears Capital, Violence Looks Set to Escalate, CNN, 1 March 2022: The West’s $1 trillion bid to collapse Russia’s economy, France24, 1 March 2022: ‘We need to impose sanctions on Belarus too,’ says Latvian FM Edgars Rinkevics, Politico.eu, 1 March 2022: EU countries won’t send Ukraine fighter jets after all, The Washington Post, 1 March 2022: Moscow steps up assault on residential areas, Los Angeles Times, 1 March 2022: Huge Russian convoy advances on Kyiv as missile hits heart of Kharkiv, France24, 1 March 2022: UN member states condemn Russia’s war in Ukraine during General Assembly meeting, CNN, 1 March 2022: Opposition to Putin’s war is alive on Moscow’s streets. But no trace of it is covered on Russian TV, Politico.eu, 1 March 2022: Get ready for a long war, France24, 1 March 2022: Ukraine: ‘Nobody is adding to the escalation except Putin,’ says Georgia’s Zurabishvili, The Guardian, 1 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Kyiv TV tower hit, killing five, as Moscow threatens ‘high-precision strikes’, DW, 1 March 2022: On German-Polish border, residents rally to help Ukrainians, CNN, 1 March 2022: Airstrikes on Kyiv hit a Holocaust memorial, Ukrainian official says, France24, 1 March 2022: Ukraine conflict: Is Putin’s nuclear escalation hot air or a genuine threat?, DW, 1 March 2022: Munich Philharmonic drops star conductor Valery Gergiev over Putin ties, Jerusalem Post, 2 March 2022: Ukraine foils assassination attempt on Zelensky by Chechen special unit, The Washington Post, 2 March 2022: Biden: Russian forces targeting civilian areas, The New York Times, 2 March 2022: Key Southern City Falls; Bombing of Civilian Targets Intensifies, The Hill, 2 March 2022: Russian economy taking ‘serious blows,’ Kremlin says, The New York Times, 2 March 2022: Eastern European countries fear catastrophe as Vladimir Putin seeks to reclaim Russia’s lost sphere of influence., The Washington Post, 2 March 2022: U.S. to expand financial attack, aiming to seize billions held by Putin allies, The New York Times, 2 March 2022: Much of the world has denounced Russia’s aggression. In Asia, reactions are more mixed., Gulf News, 2 March 2022: Russia attacks Ukraine: Russia, Ukraine ceasefire talks Thursday on Belarus-Poland border, The National, 2 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: UN votes to condemn Moscow’s aggression, Arab News, 2 March 2022: What is on the table at crucial Ukraine-Russia talks?, Al Arabiya, 2 March 2022: UN General Assembly in historic vote denounces Russia over Ukraine invasion, Jerusalem Post, 2 March 2022: Russian seizure of Chernobyl 1st military clash in nuke disaster area – IAEA chief, NPR, 2 March 2022: How everyday Russians are feeling the impact from sanctions, Haaretz, 2 March 2022: The Biggest Winner in Ukraine So Far: Turkey’s Erdogan, CNN, 2 March 2022: The shifting map of Ukraine makes Russia’s intentions clearer, Politico.eu, 2 March 2022: EU officially boots Russia’s RT, Sputnik outlets, The Atlantic, 2 March 2022: Why the Cultural Boycott of Russia Matters, France24, 2 March 2022: As it happened: UN General Assembly overwhelmingly reprimands Russia for Ukraine invasion, The Times, 2 March 2022: ‘The Nazi who should be de-Nazified is one man — and his name is Putin’, BBC, 2 March 2022: Ukraine crisis: Biden threatens to punish Putin over invasion, NPR, 2 March 2022: Photos: Russian missile strikes intensify the destruction in Ukraine, France24, 2 March 2022: ‘The invasion of Ukraine is suicide for Putin,’ says Kremlin critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky, DW, 2 March 2022: Ukraine: ICC to investigate suspected war crimes — live updates, CNN, 2 March 2022: Europe is making once-unimaginable decisions to counter Putin’s aggression, The Guardian, 2 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: 38 countries including UK, refer atrocities to ICC, DW, 2 March 2022: UN: Large majority backs condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Irish Times, 2 March 2022: More than 2,000 Ukrainian civilians killed since Russian invasion began – state emergency service, The Times, 2 March 2022: Dnipro ‘will be a Stalingrad for the Russian attackers’, DW, 2 March 2022: Ukraine: Zelenskyy says Russia wants to ‘erase our country’, BBC, 2 March 2022: Russia faces war crimes probe for Ukraine invasion, France24, 2 March 2022: War in Ukraine sparks anti-Russian cultural backlash, DW, 2 March 2022: Sanctions on Russia: Death by a thousand cuts (if Putin continues his wars as before, he will lead Russia to total ruin just as his Soviet predecessors successfully did with the Soviet Union. That would be extremely desirable for the democracy, security, freedom and stability of the world. In addition, it will also become very uncomfortable for Putin domestically if, as at the end of the Soviet era, a veritable famine spreads. These are excellent prospects in the medium and long term), The Guardian, 2 March 2022: UN: Emergency session votes to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and calls for withdrawal, The Times, 2 March 2022: Putin is set on genocide, claims UN envoy, The Atlantic, 2 March 2022: Russia’s Looming Economic Collapse, DW, 2 March 2022: Ukraine conflict: Japan stiffens resolve on Russia, but it comes with a price, Irish Times, 2 March 2022: Russian oligarchs’ yachts on the move as sanctions reveal reach of dirty cash, The New york Times, 3 March 2022: Russia Gains Ground in Southern Ukraine, DW, 3 March 2022: Ukraine: The situation in Kyiv one week into the war, The Washington Post, 3 March 2022: After call with Putin, Macron is convinced ‘worst is yet to come’ and Russia wants all of Ukraine, French official says, The New york Times, 3 March 2022: A call between the French and Russian presidents left France persuaded that Russia wants “control of all of Ukraine.”, France24, 3 March 2022: War in Ukraine: ‘If civilians are directly targeted, that is a crime,’ says ICC prosecutor, BBC, 3 March 2022: Ukraine: Amateurs dig in to fight Russian troops from Kyiv forests, DW, 3 March 2022: Germany to ship anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine — reports (shortly before the impact, the pilots who were shot at will think “Wait a minute, I know them!” .. sort of “friendly fire”), CNN, 3 March 2022: Russia’s largest airline yanked from global reservation systems, BBC, 3 March 2022: Mariupol under siege: ‘We are being completely cut off’, DW, 3 March 2022: Russia: Fewer independent media outlets every day, CNN, 3 March 2022: France seizes superyacht owned by sanctioned Russian oligarch, NPR, 3 March 2022: Russians seize nuclear plant after attack, Ukrainian officials say, The Guardian, 3 March 2022: Putin has a history of atrocities. Just how far will Russian forces go in Ukraine?, CNN, 3 March 2022: CNN reporter identifies strange moment in new Putin speech, BBC, 3 March 2022: Ukraine conflict: Drone shows extent of damage in Borodyanka, DW, 3 March 2022: Are bans against Russian arts targeting the right people?, The Guardian, 3 March 2022: History demands the west deploy every legal and financial weapon against Putin, CNN, 3 March 2022: Biden’s Middle East allies change tune on Ukraine war as conflict escalates, The Guardian, 3 March 2022: Ikea: Retailer closes all stores and factories in Russia amid exodus of western firms, The Algemeiner, 3 March 2022: ‘Get Out of Ukraine, You B*stard’: Holocaust Survivors in Kyiv Send Defiant Message to Putin, CNN, 3 March 2022: Russians struggle to understand Ukraine war: ‘We didn’t choose this’, The Guardian, 3 March 2022: Russia’s war in Ukraine: Complete guide in maps, video and pictures, BBC, 3 March 2022: Ukraine: How might the war end? Five scenarios, The Guardian, 3 March 2022: War brought Vladimir Putin to power in 1999. Now, it must bring him down, CNN, 3 March 2022: Russian oil isn’t sanctioned, but nobody wants to touch it anyway, The Times, 3 March 2022: Putin ‘hid invasion plan from cabinet, who are now too scared to resign’, DW, 3 March 2022: Ukraine fighting for survival: Has Russia’s dirty war only just begun?, The Guardian, 3 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Zelenskiy asks Putin for direct talks after Macron tells Russian president he is making a ‘major mistake’, The New york Times, 3 March 2022: Russia Has Suffered a Crushing Moral Defeat. And Russians Know It., The Times, 3 March 2022: Russian invasion of Ukraine: latest maps, pictures and video, Irish Times, 3 March 2022: War in Ukraine: 10 terms and concepts explained, Foreign Policy, 3 March 2022: Why Putin Keeps Talking About Kosovo, Politico.eu, 3 March 2022: Economic pain keeps on coming for Russia as invasion rages, Los Angeles Times, 3 March 2022: Palaces, super-yachts, Swiss accounts. How rich is Putin and can sanctions hurt him?, Politico.eu, 3 March 2022: French volunteers rally to Zelenskyy’s call to join war in Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 3 March 2022: Russian forces strike, seize a nuclear plant as they pound southern Ukraine, Haaretz, 3 March 2022: Panic in First Captured Ukrainian City: ‘Russians Are Entering Houses, There’s Looting’, Times of Israel, 3 March 2022: Ukraine, Russia agree on humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians, The Washington Post, 4 March 2022: Russia seizes nuclear plant in Ukraine, The Hill, 4 March 2022: How the US is helping Ukraine fight Russia, The Washington Post, 4 March 2022: Europe awakens to the Russian threat, CNN, 4 March 2022: One million refugees flee Ukraine as Russia escalates bombardment of key cities, The Hill, 4 March 2022: The Hill’s Morning Report – Russia’s war against Ukraine grinds on, Times of Israel, 4 March 2022: We need air defenses from Israel, not goodwill statements, Lviv commander tells ToI, CNN, 4 March 2022: Russia squeezes southern Ukraine amid warning ‘worst is yet to come’, Gulf Times, 4 March 2022: Russia’s crypto volumes are stalling across major exchanges, Ukraine sets up multiple crypto wallets, The Guardian, 4 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: ‘World narrowly averted nuclear catastrophe’ over Zaporizhzhia fire, says US envoy to UN, Gulf News, 4 March 2022: Russia attacks Ukraine: G7 urges Russia to stop attacks near Ukraine nuclear plants, Arab News, 4 March 2022: US envoy to UN slams ‘reckless’ Russian attack on nuclear plant, Moscow denies shelling, Al Arabiya, 4 March 2022: NATO rejects calls for no-fly zone over Ukraine, The National, 4 March 2022: Foreign fighters answer Zelenskyy’s call to defend Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 4 March 2022: US taking ‘all measures’ to stop Russia benefiting from IMF assets: Treasury official, Arab News, 4 March 2022: NATO rejects Ukraine no-fly zone, says ‘not part of this war’, The New York Times, 4 March 2022: Panicked Rush to Flee Kyiv as Russian Forces Bear Down, Al Arabiya, 4 March 2022: Russian police search offices of banned rights group Memorial, sparking outcry, The New York Times, 4 March 2022: The fire at the nuclear complex was only about 1,500 feet from a reactor, maps show., Jerusalem Post, 4 March 2022: UNHRC votes 32-2 to probe Russian human rights violations in Ukraine, The New York Times, 4 March 2022: The U.S. and Europe are using sanctions to punish Vladimir Putin and fuel unrest in Russia over the war., Haaretz, 4 March 2022: ‘I Fled the Nazis, Now I’m Fleeing the Russians’: Jewish Refugees From Ukraine Find Shelter in Moldova, NPR, 4 March 2022: Russia blocks access to Facebook, The New York Times, 4 March 2022: ‘I Want Peace.’ Zelensky’s Heroic Resistance Is an Example for the World., DW, 4 March 2022: Do cryptocurrencies offer Russians a way round sanctions?, NPR, 4 March 2022: The battle for Ukraine could test the limits of closer ties between China and Russia, The Hill, 4 March 2022: Putin can be prosecuted for crimes of aggression — but likely not any time soon, The New Yorker, 4 March 2022: The War That Russians Do Not See, Politico.eu, 4 March 2022: The EU’s plan to cure its Russian gas addiction, New York Magazine, 4 March 2022: Putin’s War Looks Increasingly Insane, Politico.eu, 4 March 2022: Brussels paves way to slap trade tariffs on Russia, Miami Herald, 4 March 2022: Russia told Germany to hand over a U.S. citizen. After invasion, he was sent home to Miami, Politico.eu, 4 March 2022: Economic meltdown gives Putin a route back to Soviet repression, Los Angeles Times, 4 March 2022: Russians seize nuclear power plant amid heavy bombardment of Ukraine, CNN, 4 March 2022: Russia’s second biggest oil company calls for an end to Putin’s war, Politico.eu, 4 March 2022: Russian shelling of nuclear plant raises radioactive threat in Ukraine, CNN, 4 March 2022: Putin, the emperor with no clothes, The Washington Post, 4 March 2022: Zelensky calls for direct talks with Putin as U.S. Embassy calls nuclear plant attack ‘a war crime’, CNN, 4 March 2022: ‘It is not just Ukraine we are protecting’, BBC, 4 March 2022: Ukraine conflict: Before and after images reveal Russian destruction, Politico.eu, 4 March 2022: The fighting is in Ukraine, but risk of World War III is real, BBC, 4 March 2022: Ukraine war: ‘My city’s being shelled, but mum won’t believe me’, France24, 4 March 2022: When a country becomes a battlefield and what it means for Ukrainian women, DW, 4 March 2022: Ukraine: EU foreign ministers slam Russian attacks on civilians, France24, 4 March 2022: In pictures: Ukrainians struggle between flight or living under fire on ninth day of Russian invasion, France24, 4 March 2022: ‘If not us, then who?’: Polish postal workers risk their lives to bring aid into Ukraine, DW, 4 March 2022: Ukraine President Zelenskyy urges victory of ‘freedom over slavery’ — live updates, France24, 4 March 2022: Shoigu and Gerasimov: Masters of Putin’s wars, BBC, 4 March 2022: Ukraine crisis: Kharkiv residents still sheltering underground a week on, The National, 4 March 2022: Russia is worried not only about Ukraine in Nato, but also about Nato in Ukraine, France24, 4 March 2022: Near Ukraine border, Western arms arrive quickly and discreetly, DW, 4 March 2022: Ukraine: NATO’s Stoltenberg says coming days ‘likely to be worse’, France24, 4 March 2022: Live: Russia blocks Facebook and restricts Twitter access, stifling war coverage, BBC, 5 March 2022: Putin says sanctions over Ukraine are like a declaration of war (grteat, that the sanctions are obviously working pretty well. The more, the better), The Economist, 5 March 2022: Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is wrecking two countries, The Times, 5 March 2022: Ten days of war through the eyes of Ukrainians, Jerusalem Post, 5 March 2022: Last surviving Nuremberg Trials prosecutor: Putin should be ‘behind bars’, Irish Times, 5 March 2022: Fintan O’Toole: Greater Russia ends up as Lesser China. Good luck with that, The Times, 5 March 2022: Merciless Putin shells evacuees, Irish Times, 5 March 2022: Russians brace for big squeeze as rouble loses third of value, Jerusalem Post, 5 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: Over 350 civilians killed so far, UN confirms, The Times, 5 March 2022: Sandbags on streets and mines on beaches: Odessa braces for war, The New Yorker, 5 March 2022: Volodymyr Zelensky Leads the Defense of Ukraine with His Voice, The Times, 5 March 2022: How does Putin extract himself from this nightmare of his own making?, The National, 5 March 2022: Singapore to impose sanctions on Russian banks and cryptocurrency funding, Al Arabiya, 5 March 2022: Russia’s Putin says Western sanctions are akin to declaration of war, Los Angeles Times, 5 March 2022: Cease-fire in two southern Ukrainian cities falls apart, stalling evacuations, The Times, 5 March 2022: The Kremlin mercenaries hunting Zelensky, Politico.eu, 5 March 2022: Russia obstructs Iran nuclear deal as the Kremlin frets over its oil income, Irish Times, 5 March 2022: Ukrainian statehood in jeopardy says Putin, blaming leaders for continuing conflict, CNN, 5 March 2022: ‘They shoot at anyone who tries to leave.’ Ukrainians describe terror of living under Russian occupation, Los Angeles Times, 5 March 2022: Increasingly isolated, Putin finds a few allies in Latin America, The National, 5 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: Mariupol evacuation postponed as city officials blame Russia, Arab News, 5 March 2022: The world’s leading luxury brands suspend business in Russia, Forward, 5 March 2022: Jewish Ukrainians gear up for fierce Russia fight, alongside the ‘neo-Nazis’ they say Putin is lying about, BBC, 5 March 2022: War in Ukraine: Thousands march in Kherson against occupiers, DW, 5 March 2022: Members of Putin’s inner circle hit by Western sanctions, CNN, 5 March 2022: US working with Poland on the possibility of providing fighter jets to Ukraine, France24, 5 March 2022: The battle for Kyiv: ‘Come here, and you’ll see what kind of a reception you’ll get!’, Politico.eu, 5 March 2022: White House weighs 3-way deal to get fighter jets to Ukraine, The Guardian, 5 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Biden and Zelenskiy discuss more support for Ukraine as Visa, Mastercard pull out of Russia, Irish Times, 5 March 2022: ‘My family have been bombed’: Emotional Ukrainians protest in Dublin, BBC, 5 March 2022: Ukraine conflict: Your guide to understanding day 10, France24, 5 March 2022: Protests ring out in Europe demanding end to Ukraine invasion, DW, 5 March 2022: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy urges citizens to fight — live updates, CNN, 5 March 2022: Chinese Foreign Minister: “Evolution” of Ukraine situation is “something China does not want to see”, Politico.eu, 5 March 2022: Putin likens sanctions to declaration of war, says Ukraine statehood at risk, DW, 5 March 2022: How vital is nuclear energy for Ukraine?, France24, 5 March 2022: Live: Russia, Ukraine blame each other as second attempt to evacuate Mariupol fails, Gulf Times, 6 March 2022: US lawmakers vow to release $10bn in aid to Zelensky, Jerusalem Post, 6 March 2022: US working with Poland to provide Ukraine with fighter jets, Times of Israel, 6 March 2022: Putin says future of Ukraine statehood in doubt as ceasefires collapse, Gulf Times, 6 March 2022: Protests in Hamburg, Paris against Ukraine war, The National, 6 March 2022: Russians rush to shop amid fears for the future and a free-falling rouble, Arab News, 6 March 2022: Live updates: Ukrainian paramedic remembered for bravery, CNN, 6 March 2022: Video shows Russian jet falling from the sky, France24, 6 March 2022: Putin threatens Ukraine ‘statehood’ as Moscow sanctions tighten, The National, 6 March 2022: US and Europe discuss plans to ban Russian oil imports, Blinken says, Arab News, 6 March 2022: Russian attacks halt plans to evacuate Ukrainian civilians, Al Arabiya, 6 March 2022: Approximately 20,000 foreign volunteers in Ukraine fighting against Russians: FM, The New York Times, 6 March 2022: Police Detain Thousands at Antiwar Protests Across Russia, Times of Israel, 6 March 2022: ‘Putin is a fascist’: Hundreds of protesters march for Ukraine in Tel Aviv, Haaretz, 6 March 2022: We Jews Know Where Putin’s Dehumanizing Language on Ukraine Leads, CNN, 6 March 2022: Defiance and disobedience are flourishing in Russian-held Ukraine, The New York Times, 6 March 2022: Ukrainians Find That Relatives in Russia Don’t Believe It’s a War, Los Angeles Times, 6 March 2022: Russian attacks intensify in Ukraine; Zelensky again pleads for no-fly zone, CNN, 6 March 2022: Ukrainians are giving two lessons in democracy that Americans have forgotten, BBC, 6 March 2022: Ukraine: Russia has attacked schools and hospitals, says deputy PM, The Atlantic, 6 March 2022: What a Decade-Old Conflict Tells Us About Putin, The New York Times, 6 March 2022: The Cancellation of Mother Russia Is Underway, CNN, 6 March 2022: US and Europe weigh plans for Ukrainian government in exile, BBC, 6 March 2022: Ukraine war: Residents run from Russian shelling in Irpin, near Kyiv, France24, 6 March 2022: Investigation: civilian zones in Kharkiv hit by Russian cluster munitions, NPR, 6 March 2022: Russia invades Ukraine live updates: More than 360 civilians have been killed, The Sunday Times, 6 March 2022: Sandbags on streets and mines on beaches: Odessa braces for war, CNN, 6 March 2022: The disaster we should have seen coming, BBC, 6 March 2022: Protests across Russia see thousands detained, France24, 6 March 2022: Live: US has seen ‘very credible’ reports Russia committed war crimes, says Blinken, DW, 6 March 2022: Correspondent perspectives: Reporting on the war in Ukraine, DW, 6 March 2022: How useful are Turkish-made drones fighting in Ukraine?, DW, 7 March 2022: Ukraine rejects humanitarian corridors that lead to Russia — live updates (now the illegal forced Russification and forced assimilation (very similar to that with the Uyghurs in China) is taking place, as was the case after the theft of Crimea and the start of the war in eastern Ukraine in 2014. In this way, these people are not only torn from their homeland, but also robbed of their Ukrainian identity in order to wipe out Ukraine and the Ukrainians in this way as well. If you look at the Russian demographics, from their point of view this is even necessary for survival, because nobody wants to become Russian voluntarily, not even the Russians themselves, because, among other things, reproduction has declined to such an extent that there are hardly any real Russians left. At least that gives hope for the future, because then the loyalties are of course clear – fortunately they don’t lie with Russia), France24, 7 March 2022: Live: Macron condemns Putin’s ‘moral cynicism’ over humanitarian corridors, CNN, 7 March 2022: Ukraine slams Moscow’s offer to evacuate civilians to Russia and Belarus as ‘immoral’ (apparently, the wars in Chechnya and Syria with the most severe destruction and war crimes, including in Grozny and Aleppo, are now the role models for Putin’s war against Ukraine), The Washington Post, 7 March 2022: Odessa braces for Russian assault, DW, 7 March 2022: DW correspondent perspectives: Reporting on the war in Ukraine, The Washington Post, 7 March 2022: Democrats, Republicans reach deal to ban Russian energy imports, suspend normal trade relations, The New York Times, 7 March 2022: Civilians Caught in Escalating Russian Attacks, NPR, 7 March 2022: Levi’s halts sales in Russia, evoking Cold War scrambles for blue jeans, New York Magazine, 7 March 2022: The West’s Sanctions on Russia Are Working Too Well, The Hill, 7 March 2022: Putin’s attacks on civilians raise pressure on US, NATO, The National, 7 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: Europe steps back from US effort to ban Russian oil and gas, Al Arabiya, 7 March 2022: Putin has deployed nearly 100 pct of pre-staged forces into Ukraine: US official, NPR, 7 March 2022: Russia is trying to recruit Syrians to fight in Ukraine, U.S. says, The National, 7 March 2022: Russia has deployed nearly all staged forces in Ukraine, Pentagon says, Al Arabiya, 7 March 2022: Russian no show at UN court hearings on Ukrainian war, Politico.eu, 7 March 2022: Putin is likely to hit NATO in the Baltic if he wins in Ukraine, EU vice president warns, Jerusalem Post, 7 March 2022: Kremlin announces humanitarian corridors from Ukraine to Russia, Belarus, The Times, 7 March 2022: Xi is the only leader who can stop this war, Politico.eu, 7 March 2022: Ukraine slams Moscow’s humanitarian corridors to Russia as ‘absurd’, BBC, 7 March 2022: War in Ukraine: ‘It’s hell, it’s really hell’ – Families flee bombs in Irpin, The Times, 7 March 2022: Russia offers to end war ‘in a moment’ if Ukraine accepts demands, BBC, 7 March 2022: Russian shelling prevents evacuations once again, Jerusalem Post, 7 March 2022: Russia destroyed Ukraine nuclear neutron generator – IAEA chief, The National, 8 March 2022: US intel chiefs expect Putin to ‘double down’ in Ukraine with ‘no sustainable end goal’, Arab News, 8 March 2022: Russia recruiting Syrians to fight in Ukraine, Pentagon says, Times of Israel, 8 March 2022: Ukraine accuses Russia of attacking humanitarian corridors as civilians flee cities, The National, 8 March 2022: UN rights chief decries Russian protest arrests, Al Arabiya, 8 March 2022: In nod to Russia, Ukraine says no longer insisting on NATO membership, DW, 8 March 2022: Ukraine: Civilians flee as first safe corridors open — live updates, The National, 8 March 2022: Call for Russia to allow independent inspectors into seized Ukrainian nuclear sites, Al Arabiya, 8 March 2022: Biden bans all Russian oil imports to the US, but warns ‘it will cost us’, DW, 8 March 2022: Joe Biden bans US imports of Russian oil, gas after Ukraine’s pleas, France24, 8 March 2022: Pentagon estimates 2,000 to 4,000 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine, The National, 8 March 2022: China ‘ready to play constructive role’ in Ukraine peace talks, Al Arabiya, 8 March 2022: Pentagon estimates 2,000 to 4,000 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine, France24, 8 March 2022: Russian generals face peril as Ukraine invasion intensfies (there is no single Russian war hero in all of Ukraine, only helpers of state terrorist and war criminal Putin. Very well done by the Ukrainian resistance forces. Congrats! :-) ), The National, 8 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: Biden imposes ban on Russian oil, coal and gas, BBC, 8 March 2022: Ukraine: Civilians evacuated from two areas under attack, France24, 8 March 2022: War in Ukraine: How the Russian army is surrounding Kyiv, Al Arabiya, 8 March 2022: Germany calls on OPEC to increase oil output, Politico.eu, 8 March 2022: Russian military’s corruption quagmire, France24, 8 March 2022: Live: Biden announces ban on Russian oil imports over Ukraine invasion, Irish Times, 8 March 2022: Fintan O’Toole: West needs to think carefully about endgame in Ukraine, BBC, 8 March 2022: Ukraine: Are arms shipments from the West making a difference?, CNN, 8 March 2022: ‘He said he was going towards Kyiv.’, Politico.eu, 8 March 2022: Commission plans to get EU off Russian gas before 2030, Irish Times, 8 March 2022: United Nations advises staff against using ‘war’ or ‘invasion’ regarding Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 8 March 2022: Ukraine welcomes tougher Western sanctions against Moscow; U.S. bans Russian oil imports, Politico.eu, 8 March 2022: EU makes it clear crypto is covered in sanctions against Russia, Belarus, CNN, 8 March 2022: Putin’s clumsy military campaign in southern Ukraine makes little sense, The Washington Post, 8 March 2022: U.S. to ban imports of Russian oil, Los Angeles Times, 8 March 2022: Polish plan to get fighter jets to Ukrainian military complicates Harris’ visit to Warsaw (the vehemence with which President Selenskyj presents his demands for fighter jets is of course absolutely understandable. Nobody would do it differently in his position. On the other hand, in the event of the delivery of the Polish jets, the security of 450 million EU citizens would be in danger. Therefore, for the time being, the answer can only be negative. Of course, it cannot be completely ruled out, especially since Putin could of course escalate further at any time, so that NATO would have to intervene and then additionally equip Ukraine considerably), New York Magazine, 8 March 2022: The Terrible Case for a No-Fly Zone in Ukraine, Politico.eu, 8 March 2022: ‘We told you so!’ How the West didn’t listen to the countries that know Russia best, The New Yorker, 8 March 2022: “We Watch the News and We’re Crying”, The Hill, 8 March 2022: Angry Putin set to ‘double down’ in Ukraine, intel chiefs warn lawmakers, The Atlantic, 8 March 2022: Of Course Putin Is Being Canceled, The New York Times, 8 March 2022: Putin Has No Good Way Out, and That Really Scares Me, NPR, 8 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (March 8), The National, 9 March 2022: Pentagon: Russia drops ‘dumb’ bombs as US and allies work to build Ukraine’s air defence, Arab News, 9 March 2022: Airstrike hits Ukraine maternity hospital, 17 reported hurt, The National, 9 March 2022: Blinken: Russia will suffer ‘long, bloody, drawn-out mess’ in Ukraine, Politico.com, 9 March 2022: U.S. closes door on sending fighter jets to Ukraine, The New York Times, 9 March 2022: Live Updates: ‘No Water, No Heating, No Gas’ in Besieged Ukraine City as Maternity Hospital Is Hit, Los Angeles Times, 9 March 2022: Russian strike hits children’s hospital amid evacuation effort, Ukraine says, NPR, 9 March 2022: War in Ukraine: Russian strike devastates a maternity hospital in Mariupol, Zelenskyy says, New York Magazine, 9 March 2022: Russia’s Antiwar Protesters Are Terrified And still marching., The Times, 9 March 2022: Putin infuriated by Russian intelligence failures in Ukraine war, DW, 9 March 2022: Correspondent perspectives: Reporting on the war in Ukraine, The Hill, 9 March 2022: US, Poland still discussing possible jet deal, CNN, 9 March 2022: Mariupol mayor asks for help and calls for no-fly zone after maternity hospital bombing, The Washington Post, 9 March 2022: Fearing crackdown, thousands of Russians crowd into few remaining trains and planes to flee, The Times, 9 March 2022: ‘Dumb bombs’ make Russian aircraft vulnerable to attack, CNN, 9 March 2022: How Putin ‘destroyed’ the ruble and brought Russia to the brink of default, DW, 9 March 2022: War in Ukraine: Former NATO commander Wesley Clark talks to DW, The Guardian, 9 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Russia admits using thermobaric weapons, UK says; fears Putin could use chemical attack, DW, 9 March 2022: Ukraine war: How a ‘fact-checking’ website is spreading Russian propaganda, CNN, 9 March 2022: Ukraine’s first lady emerges as a staunch defender of her nation on social media, The Guardian, 9 March 2022: History is brutally back, and Ukraine will test Europe’s appetite for the consequences (leaving aside the question to what extent “complicity through active passivity or complete omissions” is not already a fact, it is obvious that NATO and the EU are in a lost position as long as they play by rules while Putin knows none. He is completely indifferent to the dead, even in his own ranks. The already devastating destruction and enormous human casualties are not enough for him at all. His anger and ruthlessness are heightened by Russian casualties, his army’s ineptness, and the increasing desertions of his soldiers. Even if it goes against all Western understanding and all Western logic, NATO and the EU will not be able to avoid the question of when they have to intervene to stop Putin’s genocide against Ukraine and the Ukrainians for much longer. This war, too, is documented far too well and in real time for one to be able to excuse oneself later with pretended, alleged unawareness of the situation on the ground), NPR, 9 March 2022: Olena Zelenska, Ukraine’s first lady, says Russia is waging mass murder of civilians, DW, 9 March 2022: Scholz: Sending Polish jets to Ukraine via US base in Germany ‘certainly’ not an option, CNN, 9 March 2022: ‘He’s in a corner’: Expert breaks down Putin’s nuclear threats, DW, 9 March 2022: EU parliament demands end to ‘golden passports’ for Russians, The Times, 10 March 2022: Britain to boost Ukraine’s defences with laser-guided missile system, France24, 10 March 2022: Ukraine: Mothers, children and elderly adapt to life underground, NPR, 10 March 2022: Photos: As millions flee, Russia defends attack on Ukrainian maternity hospital, The New Yorker, 10 March 2022: The Growing Fear of a Wider War Between Russia and the West, Forward, 10 March 2022: ‘Our city is totally destroyed’: One refugee’s story as she crosses the border from Ukraine, The Hill, 10 March 2022: Fears grow over Russian chemical threat to Ukraine, Israel Hayom, 10 March 2022: Putin’s cardinal mistakes, DW, 10 March 2022: Ukrainian sports stars who have taken up arms, France24, 10 March 2022: As it happened: Russian tanks advance northeast of Kyiv, EU leaders hold crisis talks at Versailles, New York Magazine, 10 March 2022: Ukrainian Family Killed in Russian Bombing Identified, France24, 10 March 2022: Video: Irpin mounts resistance against Russian tanks advancing on Kyiv, Los Angeles Times, 10 March 2022: As Ukraine-Russia talks falter, battles intensify in Kyiv suburbs, France24, 11 March 2022: Live: From Kharkiv to Mariupol, humanitarian situation worsens in Ukraine’s besieged cities, The Hill, 11 March 2022: NATO: Russia is launching many air operations from Belarus, France24, 11 March 2022: As Odesa prepares for war, residents are divided over which side to take, NPR, 11 March 2022: Russian strikes hit western Ukraine as offensive widens, The Hill, 11 March 2022: The best possible US endgame in Ukraine is not what you may think, The National, 11 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: Zelenskyy claims Ukraine has reached ‘strategic turning point’, Jerusalem Post, 11 March 2022: Belarus may be preparing to invade Ukraine, France24, 11 March 2022: ‘We won’t be welcoming the Russians with roses’: Odesa prepares for attack, Jerusalem Post, 11 March 2022: Russia to allow thousands of Middle East volunteers to fight Ukraine, The National, 11 March 2022: Russia’s bioweapon claims deemed unfounded at UN Security Council, Jerusalem Post, 11 March 2022: Israel’s mediator role can’t justify lackluster support – Ukrainian envoy, NPR, 11 March 2022: Why Belarus is so involved in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 11 March 2022: China’s computers hacked by US to attack Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, The National, 11 March 2022: Biden moves to strip Russia of preferred trade status, Jerusalem Post, 11 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: US, G7, EU to strip Russia of ‘most favored nation’ status – source, Al Arabiya, 11 March 2022: Syrians can volunteer to fight for Russia in Ukraine: Kremlin, Jerusalem Post, 11 March 2022: EU unveils fourth set of sanctions against Russia, Arab News, 11 March 2022: Stoltenberg: Ukraine conflict must not spark NATO-Russia war, Jerusalem Post, 11 March 2022: Ukraine claims Russia planning false flag terrorism in Donbas, Times of Israel, 11 March 2022: What does Putin think he’s doing? An expert’s primer on why he invaded, what’s next, Al Arabiya, 11 March 2022: Ukraine says Russia is relying on conscripts and mercenaries, Haaretz, 11 March 2022: The Great Jewish Oligarchs’ Escape: ‘The Ground Is Trembling. They Will Stream Into Israel’, Jerusalem Post, 11 March 2022: UNSC to discuss US, Ukraine ‘biowarfare labs’ at Russia’s request, Haaretz, 11 March 2022: Putin Wanted Another Crimea. He May Get Another Chechnya, The New York Times, 11 March 2022: Live Ukraine Updates: Biden Moves to Suspend Normal Trade With Russia, Times of Israel, 11 March 2022: Senate passes $1.5 trillion spending bill including Iron Dome aid, Ukraine help, The Hill, 11 March 2022: Biden: Direct conflict between NATO and Russia would be ‘World War III’, Haaretz, 11 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine Updates: Ukrainian Official Says Israel’s Mediation Is Useless, ‘Bennett Wants Us to Surrender’, The New York Times, 11 March 2022: Over Ukraine, Lumbering Turkish-Made Drones Are an Ominous Sign for Russia, The Hill, 11 March 2022: Russian regulators restrict access to Instagram, The Washington Post, 11 March 2022: Biden, European allies move to strip Russia of trade status, The Hill, 11 March 2022: Misinformation colors how Russians are seeing the Ukrainian war, NPR, 11 March 2022: War in Ukraine live updates: Russia intensifies air attacks; U.S. blocks Russian imports of vodka and other goods, Los Angeles Times, 11 March 2022: Biden, Europe revoke Russia’s trade status, ratcheting up economic pain for Putin, CNN, 11 March 2022: Russia’s misinformation offensive impedes diplomatic efforts to end the war, The Cut, 11 March 2022: TikToking From a Bomb Shelter, Politico.com, 11 March 2022: Biden moves to reimpose Cold War trade restraints on Russia, CNN, 11 March 2022: Biden warns Russia will pay a ‘severe price’ if it uses chemical weapons in Ukraine, DW, 11 March 2022: Putin’s inner circle: Who has the Russian president’s ear on the war in Ukraine?, The Hill, 11 March 2022: Mayor of Ukrainian city Melipotol detained by Russians, CNN, 11 March 2022: Russia’s richest businessman tells Putin: Don’t take us back to 1917, DW, 11 March 2022: Debate about Polish fighter jets for Ukraine was divisive — and distracting, The Atlantic, 11 March 2022: The West Isn’t Doing Enough to Save My Homeland, CNN, 11 March 2022: The 40-mile-long Russian convoy near Kyiv has moved. Here’s what it means for the Ukrainian capital, Politico.eu, 11 March 2022: EU hits Russia with new sanctions on luxury goods, metals and energy projects, The Guardian, 11 March 2022: G7 nations strip Russia of ‘most favoured nation’ status, CNN, 11 March 2022: In Moscow, McDonald’s packs up, radio falls silent and the brain drain begins, DW, 11 March 2022: Kherson, Ukraine: Life under Russian occupation, Politico.com, 11 March 2022: Ukraine is on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe, The New Yorker, 11 March 2022: The Russian Military’s Debacle in Ukraine, The Guardian, 11 March 2022: Two weeks of war in Ukraine – photo essay, CNN, 11 March 2022: It’s 8:30 p.m. in Kyiv. Catch up on the latest developments in Ukraine, DW, 11 March 2022: Joining the war: Foreign nationals flock to Ukraine, The New York Times, 11 March 2022: The Price of Putin’s Belligerence, BBC, 11 March 2022: Watch: Our correspondent goes into no-man’s land with the Ukrainian army, The Guardian, 11 March 2022: Russians using Serbian loophole to avoid EU flights ban, The National, 11 March 2022: Chernobyl’s orphans are grown up but war threatens a new generation of parentless children, The Times, 11 March 2022: Meet Ukraine’s Ghost of Kyiv who is ‘coming for Russia’s soul’, Irish Times, 11 March 2022: Endgame in Ukraine: How could the war play out?, Politico.eu, 11 March 2022: Removing Russia’s trade privileges — what you need to know, France24, 11 March 2022: ‘We fight for democratic values. We need help,’ says Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko, CNN, 11 March 2022: After over three decades of covering Russia, I leave in despair. One man has extinguished the bright hope many once felt, DW, 11 March 2022: EU leaders pledge increased military aid for Ukraine — live updates, Irish Times, 11 March 2022: Ukraine: Situation in Mariupol ‘critical’ as EU ready to impose harsher sanctions on Russia, BBC, 11 March 2022: Ukraine war: Large Russian convoy redeploys near Kyiv – satellite images, The National, 11 March 2022: Russian general killed and clutch of spy chiefs arrested, The Washington Post, 11 March 2022: Despite risks and official warnings, U.S. veterans join Ukrainian war effort, The Guardian, 11 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Russia could use chemical and biological weapons, US warns, as sanctions against Moscow are tightened, The Times, 11 March 2022: African fighters prepare to join Russian troops, Irish Times, 11 March 2022: We should not be neutral when it comes to naked military aggression, France24, 12 March 2022: YouTube blocks Russian state-funded media, including RT and Sputnik, around the world, DW, 12 March 2022: Scholz, Macron speak with Putin again over Ukraine conflict — live updates, France24, 12 March 2022: Live: Russia forces encircle Kyiv and continue Mariupol siege, CNN, 12 March 2022: End of an era in Russia as sanctions bite and Western companies take flight, DW, 12 March 2022: Life in wartime Ukraine: Silence and violence, France24, 12 March 2022: Thousands in Florence gather to hear Zelensky, protest war, CNN, 12 March 2022: Significant destruction seen in Makariv, a Ukrainian village 30 miles west of Kyiv, Los Angeles Times, 12 March 2022: Russia intensifies assault, warns U.S. weapons sent to Ukraine are ‘legitimate targets’, The New York Times, 12 March 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Desperation Grows in Cities Under Continued Russian Assault, The Times, 12 March 2022: Could Putin and Russia really lose the war with Ukraine?, Gulf News, 12 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine crisis updates: France says Putin is not ready to end Ukraine war, fighting rages; Zelensky open for talks with Putin in Israel, The National, 12 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: Russian forces close in on Kyiv and bombard other cities, Arab News, 12 March 2022: US denounces Russian claims of Ukrainian biological weapons as a ‘false flag’, The Washington Post, 12 March 2022: Russian forces take strategic city as Kyiv, other areas face fierce bombardment, BBC, 12 March 2022: Ukrainians resort to desperate measures for food and water, NPR, 12 March 2022: Photos: Ukrainian refugees assisted by the EU government as they flee their country, The New Yorker, 12 March 2022: What the Russian Invasion Has Done to Ukraine, Politico.eu, 12 March 2022: EU’s Borrell makes premature pledge of €500M more military aid to Ukraine, The Atlantic, 12 March 2022: The War in Ukraine Is Just Beginning, NPR, 12 March 2022: Russia’s wars in Chechnya offer a grim warning of what could be in Ukraine, BBC, 12 March 2022: Ukraine war: Evacuations ‘extremely difficult’ amid shelling, The Times, 12 March 2022: Born to the sound of bombs, the Ukraine babies bringing hope amid the despair of war, Arab News, 12 March 2022: The world is entering uncharted territory, Politico.eu, 12 March 2022: Around 1,300 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed, Zelenskyy said, BBC, 12 March 2022: Ukraine war: Kyiv prepares for Russian attack, Irish Times, 12 March 2022: Ukraine accuses Russia of killing civilians trying to flee fighting near Kyiv, The Times, 12 March 2022: The new legion of foreign fighters: who are they and where do they come from?, BBC, 12 March 2022: War in Ukraine: How Russia is recruiting mercenaries, The National, 13 March 2022: Nato warned ‘very little time’ left before Russia attacks Poland as 35 killed in strikes, Arab News, 13 March 2022: Russia strikes military base near Polish border, 35 dead, Ukraine says, Al Arabiya, 13 March 2022: Russia bombs Ukraine military base where foreign instructors worked, 35 dead, The Times, 13 March 2022: Russian airstrikes hit Ukraine military base near Polish border, The National, 13 March 2022: Ukraine is upending the world order – but not how Russia thought it would, Al Arabiya, 13 March 2022: US: Russian use of chemical weapons in Ukraine would cross ‘shocking additional line’, The Times, 13 March 2022: Putin wipes out entire Ukrainian city of Volnovakha, The New York Times, 13 March 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Russian Airstrikes Kill at Least 35 at Base Near Polish Border, The Washington Post, 13 March 2022: Dozens dead in attack near Poland, The Times, 13 March 2022: Andrey Kurkov: Ukrainians will never be Russians, Los Angeles Times, 13 March 2022: Russia strikes Ukrainian military training base near Poland, killing at least 35, NPR, 13 March 2022: Russia invades Ukraine live updates: A Russian attack on a base near the Polish border leaves 35 dead, The Times, 13 March 2022: Russia ‘using banned white phosphorus bombs’ in attack on Ukrainian city, Politico.eu, 13 March 2022: Death toll rises to 35 in Russian missile strike on base in western Ukraine, close to Poland’s border, Irish Times, 13 March 2022: Russian attack on Ukrainian base near Polish border leaves 35 dead – regional governor, BBC, 13 March 2022: Ukraine war: ‘Sky turned red’ as missiles hit Lviv military base, The Times, 13 March 2022: Navalny still needling the tsar from his ‘friendly concentration camp’, France24, 13 March 2022: More than 800 detained in Ukraine protests across Russia, DW, 13 March 2022: Putin will take his quest as far as Russians allow (meanwhile, Putin and his fascist gang are not only indiscriminately killing Ukrainian women and children, they are also bombing churches and monasteries, thereby once again underpinning the image of Russia and the Russians: a gang of uneducated, uncultured, dishonorable criminals), The Guardian, 13 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: dozens reportedly dead after military base hit; US journalist killed by Russian forces, France24, 13 March 2022: Video: ‘Some groups of Russian soldiers are still hidden in the nearby forest’, BBC, 13 March 2022: Russia widens assault to hit military base near Poland, DW, 13 March 2022: Ukraine: Talks with Russia could yield results in days, Kyiv says — live updates, France24, 13 March 2022: Live: Russian missiles strike Ukrainian military base near Lviv at Polish border, The Guardian, 13 March 2022: Toxic Putin is going for bust. The west must stop him before this contagion spreads, Foreign Policy, 13 March 2022: Odesa’s Defense Stiffened by Belarusian Volunteers, The Washington Post, 13 March 2022: Russia asks China for weapons, U.S. officials say, Financial Times, 13 March 2022: US officials say Russia has asked China for military help in Ukraine, Foreign Policy, 13 March 2022: The Intellectual Catastrophe of Vladimir Putin, New York Magazine, 13 March 2022: Sixteen Days in Ukraine: The first generation born after Ukraine won independence documents the beginning of the Russian invasion., The Guardian, 14 March 2022: Live Ukraine war: civilians leave Mariupol via humanitarian corridor; Russian ex-foreign minister calls for ceasefire, The Washington Post, 14 March 2022: What shocking images of Ukraine’s dead say about media — and our biases, The New York Times, 14 March 2022: Live Updates: U.S. Warns China Not to Help Russia as Strikes Continue in Ukraine, The Guardian, 14 March 2022: ‘They’re lying to you’: Russian TV employee interrupts news broadcast, The National, 14 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: US and China have ‘substantial talks’ on Ukraine and Russia, The New York Times, 14 March 2022: Live Updates: U.S. Warns China Not to Help Russia as Strikes Continue in Ukraine, The Washington Post, 14 March 2022: Employee bursts onto live Russian state TV to denounce war: ‘They are lying to you here’, The National, 14 March 2022: Russia’s offensive ‘stalled’ in Ukraine but Moscow not backing down: Pentagon, Los Angeles Times, 14 March 2022: Russian forces edge closer to Ukraine’s capital as leaders plan more talks, Irish Times, 14 March 2022: Can Ukraine triumph over the Russian Goliath?, The Hill, 14 March 2022: UN allocates $40 million for humanitarian aid to Ukraine, The National, 14 March 2022: EU imposes fourth set of sanctions against Russia, Politico.eu, 14 March 2022: Ukraine presses the EU to get real about trading with the enemy, Irish Times, 14 March 2022: Anti-war protester disrupts Russian state live TV news, The Atlantic, 14 March 2022: Putin Needs an Off-Ramp, The Hill, 14 March 2022: International Criminal Court to issue ruling on allegations of genocide against Russia, Irish Times, 14 March 2022: Aircraft lessors face billions in write-offs as planes re-registered in Russia, The National, 14 March 2022: Russia’s KUB-BLA kamikaze drone intercepted in Ukraine, CNN, 14 March 2022: Russia could default on its debt within days, The Times, 14 March 2022: Russian debt default on the cards after Kremlin issues warning, Haaretz, 14 March 2022: Ukrainian Official Slams Yad Vashem Over Zelenskyy’s Speech Request, CNN, 14 March 2022: China has expressed some openness to providing military and financial aid to Russia, US cable suggests, Irish Times, 14 March 2022: Hundreds of Ukrainians flee besieged port of Mariupol as death toll mounts, BBC, 14 March 2022: Ukraine war: Drone shots show Mariupol devastated by fighting, The Times, 14 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: latest maps, pictures and video, France24, 14 March 2022: US expresses ‘deep concerns’ on Russia-China ‘alignment’, CNN, 14 March 2022: Anti-war protester interrupts Russian state TV news broadcast, BBC, 14 March 2022: Ukraine war: Editor interrupts Russian TV news show, France24, 14 March 2022: As it happened: Over 2.8 million have fled Ukraine, EU agrees on fourth set of Russian sanctions, DW, 14 March 2022: Ukraine demands ‘immediate’ cease-fire — live updates, Reuters, 15 March 2022: Russia quits Council of Europe rights watchdog, The Washington Post, 15 March 2022: Russia has lost Ukrainians forever, The New York Times, 15 March 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: 3 European Leaders Say They’re in Kyiv in Show of Support, The Washington Post, 15 March 2022: How Ukrainian children understand the war, The National, 15 March 2022: Meet Russia’s siloviki — Putin’s inner circle, Al Arabiya, 15 March 2022: Russian invasion poses ‘clear, growing threat’ to food security in Ukraine: FAO, Arab News, 15 March 2022: European leaders visit Kyiv, Zelenskiy hints at compromise outside NATO, Los Angeles Times, 15 March 2022: European leaders travel to Ukraine as attacks kill civilians near central Kyiv, DW, 15 March 2022: What would Russian WMDs mean for NATO’s ‘red lines’?, The Hill, 15 March 2022: Lawmakers raise pressure on White House to back Poland plan, DW, 15 March 2022: Russia formally departs Council of Europe, The Atlantic, 15 March 2022: Putin’s Nuclear Threats Are a Wake-Up Call for the World, DW, 15 March 2022: Russia seeks 13-year jail term for Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, The Algemeiner, 15 March 2022: ‘We Know What Real Nazism Is’: Jews in Beleaguered Ukrainian City of Odessa Denounce Putin’s ‘Massacre’, France24, 14 March 2022: Russian TV journalist fined for on-air Ukraine war protest, CNN, 15 March 2022: In new letter, Republican lawmakers urge Biden to supply air defense systems and fighter jets to Ukraine, France24, 15 March 2022: Ukraine official says there is ‘room for compromise’ in ‘very difficult’ Russia talks, The Guardian, 14 March 2022: Live: More than 3m have fled Ukraine, says UN, as Czech, Polish and Slovenian leaders arrive for Zelenskiy meeting, BBC, 15 March 2022: Marina Ovsyannikova: Russian journalist tells of 14-hour interrogation, NPR, 15 March 2022: A Russian who protested the war on live TV refused to retract her statement in court, France24, 15 March 2022: Russia says quitting Council of Europe, BBC, 15 March 2022: Russia sanctions Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and others, Politico.eu, 15 March 2022: The case for a no-fly zone in western Ukraine, NPR, 15 March 2022: What Ukraine war news looks like from Russia, The Times, 15 March 2022: Ukraine peace talks are progressing, says Zelensky, Politico.eu, 15 March 2022: The war in Ukraine is not ‘a picnic’, DW, 15 March 2022: Fact Check: Is Russia using butterfly mines in Ukraine?, Times of Israel, 15 March 2022: Putin has zombified my kind, good friends back in Russia, The Times, 15 March 2022: Russia seeking to impose ‘Stalinite police states’ in Ukraine, Irish Times, 15 March 2022: Ukraine: 20,000 flee Mariupol as Biden to travel to Brussels for Nato summit, The Times, 15 March 2022: Brain drain: educated Russians flee Putin’s regime while they can, Al Arabiya, 16 March 2022: Russia quits Council of Europe rights watchdog, DW, 16 March 2022: Opinion: Courageous show of solidarity with Ukraine, The Times, 16 March 2022: Russian journalist Marina Ovsyannikova fears for her safety after TV protest, DW, 16 March 2022: The Azov Battalion: Extremists defending Mariupol, The National, 16 March 2022: Russia weighing sending more troops to Ukraine, Pentagon says, DW, 16 March 2022: International Court of Justice orders Russia to suspend invasion of Ukraine, Haaretz, 16 March 2022: Even if Zelenskyy Accepts a Humiliating Peace Deal, Putin Won’t Abide by It , DW, 16 March 2022: Viral protests: Russians continue to denounce war, risking imprisonment, The New York Times, 16 March 2022: Live Updates: Ukraine Counterattacks as Russia Pounds Civilian Targets, The Washington Post, 16 March 2022: Stop imagining Putin’s overthrow. Fantasies won’t help Ukraine., Miami Herald, 16 March 2022: Zelenskyy pleads for help in impassioned speech to Congress, Los Angeles Times, 16 March 2022: Zelensky prods Biden to pledge more Ukraine aid in emotional, end-run speech to Congress, The New Yorker, 16 March 2022: What Young Ukrainians Have Lost Overnight, The Hill, 16 March 2022: Zelensky challenges conscience of Congress, New York Magazine, 16 March 2022: Zelenskyy Invokes Pearl Harbor and 9/11 in Impassioned Speech to Congress, The Hill, 16 March 2022: Five takeaways from Zelensky’s virtual address to Congress, The Atlantic, 16 March 2022: Vladimir Putin Has Fallen Into the Dictator Trap, The Guardian, 16 March 2022: Joe Biden calls Vladimir Putin a ‘war criminal’ – as it happened, BBC, 16 March 2022: Olga Smirnova: Ballerina leaves Russia for Netherlands after denouncing war, NPR, 16 March 2022: Fears are growing that Russia will default on its debt. Here’s what you need to know, BBC, 16 March 2022: Russia’s state TV hit by stream of resignations, The Times, 16 March 2022: Germany accused of trying to water down Russia sanctions, The Guardian, 16 March 2022: Live: Mariupol theatre sheltering civilians bombed; Biden calls Putin ‘war criminal, The Times, 16 March 2022: ‘Hundreds trapped’ after Russian strike on Mariupol theatre, BBC, 16 March 2022: Kremlin fury over Biden ‘war criminal’ comment, The Times, 16 March 2022: US gives another $800m in arms after Zelensky appeal, Politico.com, 16 March 2022: Biden announces fresh aid to Ukraine but stops short of Zelenskyy’s demands, Irish Times, 16 March 2022: Russia dropped powerful bomb on Mariupol theatre where hundreds sheltered, Ukraine says, France24, 17 March 2022: Russian in exile over Putin’s invasion of Ukraine: ‘I hate this war’, DW, 17 March 2022: Ukraine war: Russia blocks ships carrying grain exports, Politico.eu, 17 March 2022: Kremlin’s occupation blueprint goes up in smoke as Ukraine fights back, The Washington Post, 17 March 2022: Russia’s military is incompetent. That makes it more dangerous., Jerusalem Post, 17 March 2022: Syria to supply Russia with 40,000 mercenaries – Ukrainian Defense Min., Politico.eu, 17 March 2022: Ukraine’s businesses want EU cash and Turkish battleships to keep economy alive, DW, 17 March 2022: NGOs and tech firms join forces to help Ukraine, Der Spiegel, 17 March 2022: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: “Putin Lives in Historic Analogies and Metaphors”, CNN, 17 March 2022: Anatomy of the Mariupol hospital attack, France24, 17 March 2022: Live: ‘A thousand’ Chechen volunteers heading to fight for Russia in Ukraine, Kadyrov says, Haaretz, 17 March 2022: To Understand Putin, You First Need to Get Inside Aleksandr Dugin’s Head, The Atlantic, 17 March 2022: I Have a Message for My Russian Friends, Politico.eu, 17 March 2022: Inside the mind of Putin’s attack dog: Diary of a warlord, Arab News, 18 March 2022: Putin appears at big rally as troops press attack in Ukraine, The New York Times, 18 March 2022: Biden Warns China of ‘Consequences’ if It Aids Russian War, The Washington Post, 18 March 2022: Mixed signals on peace talks unsettle West, The New Yorker, 18 March 2022: Ukraine’s Radio Station of National Resistance, The New York Times, 18 March 2022: What Happened on Day 23 of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 18 March 2022: Explainer: Why Putin uses WWII to justify war with Ukraine, Politico.eu, 18 March 2022: From ‘Londongrad’ to Kremlin foe: City of London sours on Moscow business, The New York Times, 18 March 2022: A Realist Take on How the Russia-Ukraine War Could End, The Hill, 18 March 2022: Support in both parties grows for providing air power to Ukraine, The Atlantic, 18 March 2022: Only NATO Can Save Putin, Al Arabiya, 18 March 2022: Russia blasted by West at UN for spreading bioweapons ‘nonsense’ over Ukraine, France24, 18 March 2022: Odessa ‘turned into a fortress’ as city readies for war, NPR, 18 March 2022: 109 empty strollers sit in a Lviv square, representing children killed in the war, CNN, 18 March 2022: Putin celebrates anniversary of Crimea annexation at stadium rally amid Russia’s onslaught of Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 18 March 2022: Hezbollah denies sending fighters to Ukraine in support of Russian invasion (that’s better for them. If they should mess with the West, that would be their complete end, for then they will be hunted down until there are none of them left – especially in their homes), DW, 18 March 2022: Schwarzenegger to Putin: ‘You can stop this war now’, France24, 18 March 2022: War in Ukraine: The bombing continues, Biden warns China against helping Russia, DW, 18 March 2022: Swiss commodities traders help fill Putin’s war coffers, CNN, 18 March 2022: Biden uses call with Xi to lay out consequences for China if it supports Russia attack on Ukraine, The Guardian, 18 March 2022: Live: Fighting in centre of Mariupol; Biden outlines ‘consequences’ if China aids Russia, The Times, 18 March 2022: Specialist Ukrainian drone unit picks off invading Russian forces as they sleep, BBC, 18 March 2022: Ukraine war: Drone footage shows level of devastation in Mariupol, CNN, 18 March 2022: Russia has attacked Lviv. Here’s why the western city is so important to Ukraine’s defense, DW, 18 March 2022: Ukraine: Hundreds still trapped under Mariupol theater, Zelenskyy says — live updates, The Times, 18 March 2022: Ukraine crisis: 130 saved from destroyed theatre in Mariupol, The Guardian, 18 March 2022: Syrians join Russian ranks in Ukraine as Putin calls in Assad’s debt, BBC, 18 March 2022: Putin hails Crimea annexation and war with lessons on heroism, The Times, 18 March 2022: Vitali Klitschko: The Russians are not stupid people, but they have the wrong government, Irish Times, 18 March 2022: Ukraine: 130 people rescued from bombed Mariupol theatre but more may be trapped, Politico.eu, 18 March 2022: EU has ‘very reliable evidence’ China is considering military support for Russia, The Hill, 19 March 2022: Ukraine mobilizes volunteer ‘IT Army,’ crypto community in war with Russia, The Washington Post, 19 March 2022: Nearly 10 million have fled their homes, but defiant defense stalls Russians, NPR, 19 March 2022: With small, portable weapons, Ukraine’s fighters keep Russia at bay, The Hill, 19 March 2022: Zelensky calls for peace, warns Russia effects of war will last for generations, NPR, 19 March 2022: Russia invades Ukraine: Russia says it used a hypersonic missile to hit a munitions warehouse in Ukraine, CNN, 19 March 2022: Dozens of troops reported killed in strike on Ukrainian barracks, DW, 19 March 2022: Wounded Russian soldiers fill Belarusian hospitals, CNN, 19 March 2022: How aid organizations are responding to the crisis in Ukraine — inside the country, at the border and beyond, The Times, 19 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine peace talks a ‘smokescreen’ for war crimes, France24, 19 March 2022: Russian troops enter central Mariupol, air strikes take place in Mykolaiv, The Hill, 19 March 2022: Ukraine mobilizes volunteer ‘IT Army,’ crypto community in war with Russia, Al Arabiya, 19 March 2022: Africa mostly quiet amid widespread condemnation of Russia, CNN, 19 March 2022: New satellite image shows massive damage to Mariupol theater after bombing, Al Arabiya, 19 March 2022: Ukraine to receive more US Javelin and Stinger missiles within days: Official, Haaretz, 19 March 2022: Ukraine Is Making Nationalism Great Again, Al Arabiya, 19 March 2022: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy urges Switzerland to crack down on Russian oligarchs, The Hill, 19 March 2022: Pentagon chief says Russia has ‘struggled with logistics,’ made ‘missteps’ in Ukraine invasion, Al Arabiya, 19 March 2022: Russia used hypersonic missiles in Ukraine: Defense ministry, The National, 19 March 2022: Russians push deeper into ‘destroyed’ Mariupol as locals plead for help, Times of Israel, 19 March 2022: Canada trolls Russia with mock edits to its proposed UN resolution on Ukraine, The National, 19 March 2022: Around 100 Ukrainian soldiers feared dead after Russian strike on barracks, Arab News, 19 March 2022: Saudi FM meets Ukraine envoy in Riyadh, expresses support for de-escalation in war, The National, 19 March 2022: Ukraine says conflict kills fifth Russian general, Al Arabiya, 19 March 2022: UAE offers civilian assistance amid Russia invasion of Ukraine: Foreign minister, The National, 19 March 2022: Russia uses ‘Kinzhal’ hypersonic missile for first time in Ukraine war, Arab News, 19 March 2022: Russia claims hypersonic missile strike as Ukraine urges peace deal, BBC, 19 March 2022: Ukraine war: ‘Tanks in streets’ as fighting hits Mariupol centre, The National, 19 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: ‘destroyed’ Mariupol on brink of conquest, BBC, 19 March 2022: Ukraine conflict: Scores feared dead after Russia attack on Mykolaiv barracks, The Guardian, 19 March 2022: Live: Russia-Ukraine war latest: Boris Johnson criticised for comparing conflict with Brexit, as 190,000 civilians ‘evacuated from frontline’, The New York Times, 19 March 2022: Putin Made a Profound Miscalculation on Ukraine, BBC, 19 March 2022: Russia claims first use of hypersonic Kinzhal missile in Ukraine, The Guardian, 19 March 2022: Those on the right who loudly praised Putin have now fallen strangely silent, The New York Times, 19 March 2022: While Putin Shrinks, Zelensky Soars, Irish Times, 19 March 2022: Fintan O’Toole: Putin miscalculated the loyalty of his cheerleaders in the West, The Times, 19 March 2022: White van army of British volunteers mobilises for Ukraine, The New York Times, 19 March 2022: Deadly Strike on Ukraine Barracks Punctuates Russian Military Gains, Irish Times, 19 March 2022: War in Ukraine: Russian forces push deeper into Mariupol, The New Yorker, 19 March 2022: The Complexities of the Ukraine Dilemma, Los Angeles Times, 19 March 2022: As Russia pushes into the heart of Mariupol, Ukraine’s Zelensky urges direct talks with Putin, NPR, 19 March 2022: Ukrainian women are volunteering to fight — and history shows they always have, Politico.eu, 20 March 2022: ‘I don’t feel safe going back.’ Russia’s future has gone into exile, NPR, 20 March 2022: Ukrainian officials say Russia has bombed a school with 400 people sheltering inside, Haaretz, 20 March 2022: Iron Dome and Beyond: Israel Can, and Must, Save Lives in Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 20 March 2022: US suggests Turkey to transfer Russian-made missile defense system to Ukraine, The Washington Post, 20 March 2022: Ukrainian officials: Russian forces bombed art school with 400 inside, Forward, 20 March 2022: In appeal to Israel, Zelenskyy invokes the final solution: ‘You cannot mediate between good and evil’, Haaretz, 20 March 2022: War in Ukraine: ‘Putin Is Failing on All Fronts,’ NATO Deputy Chief Tells Haaretz, Jerusalem Post, 20 March 2022: Ukraine claims more Wagner mercenaries trying to assassinate Zelensky, Al Arabiya, 20 March 2022: Officials confirm death of senior Russian naval officer in Mariupol, CNN, 20 March 2022: Zelensky to CNN: If talks fail, there will be a wider war, Haaretz, 20 March 2022: Zelenskyy Tells Israeli Lawmakers: Russia Is Plotting ‘Final Solution’ Like the Nazis, The New York Times, 20 March 2022: Live Updates: Ukraine Rejects Demand to Surrender Mariupol, Al Arabiya, 20 March 2022: Hacktivist group Anonymous launches series of cyberattacks against Russia, NPR, 20 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (March 20), The New York Times, 20 March 2022: Russia Will Remake Itself. But It Has to Crumble First., France24, 20 March 2022: Negotiation is only way out of war, Ukraine’s Zelensky says, Los Angeles Times, 20 March 2022: Ukraine accuses Russia of bombing shelter, deporting citizens, The New York Times, 20 March 2022: It’s Now Putin’s Plan B in Ukraine vs. Biden’s and Zelensky’s Plan A, NPR, 20 March 2022: More than 900 civilians have died in Ukraine. The true number is likely much higher, The Hill, 20 March 2022: Russian navy commander killed in Mariupol fighting, The New York Times, 20 March 2022: Truth Is Another Front in Putin’s War, The Sunday Times, 20 March 2022: Ukraine accuses Russia of killing 56 care home residents in Luhansk, The National, 20 March 2022: UK’s Liz Truss appalled at reports of forced Mariupol deportations, The New York Times, 20 March 2022: Russian Forces Bombard Mariupol From Land, Air and Sea, The Washington Post, 20 March 2022: As Mariupol faces a Russian onslaught, the hope for negotiations becomes murky, The Guardian, 20 March 2022: Live: Russia-Ukraine war: 56 elderly people killed by Russian forces, official says; Zelenskiy compares Russian offensive to Nazi Germany, DW, 20 March 2022: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy pressures Israel for air-defense systems — live updates, CNN, 21 March 2022: Calling Putin a war criminal is a bigger deal than you think, Times of Israel, 21 March 2022: Israeli lawmakers tear into Zelensky for Holocaust comparisons in Knesset speech (of course, major historical events are never repeated 1:1 and President Zelensky exaggerated a bit in his speech here, but who can blame him in the current situation? Probably nobody. At the same time, he is not wrong either, because the Russian war criminal Putin does not recognize the statehood of Ukraine and therefore not the Ukrainians themselves. Apparently he wants to erase Ukraine bit by bit from the map, and with it its history and culture. Unlike Hitler who was mainly fixated on Jews during the Holocaust, Putin is apparently taking the path of “creeping genocide” against all Ukrainians, regardless of religious affiliation. Ukrainians are wiped out through killings, but above all through expulsions and forced Russifications. It’s less gory, takes longer, generates less international backlash, but overall is at least as “effective” as the Holocaust was. In a way, it is a “mixture” of the Holocaust and the actions of the Chinese against the Uyghurs, regardless of religious affiliations or affiliations to population groups. In addition, there are other serious and very serious war crimes, such as torture, mass rapes (sex slaves are kept in basements, apparently inspired by the Islamic State), carpet bombing with cluster bombs, etc.), The New York Times, 18 March 2022: China’s Information Dark Age Could Be Russia’s Future, France24, 21 March 2022: Fears of food shortages after Russian attacks on grocery stores in Ukraine, BBC, 21 March 2022: War in Ukraine: Kyiv shopping centre hit by Russian missile, CNN, 21 March 2022: Russia bombards Mariupol; hundreds of thousands trapped, Jerusalem Post, 21 March 2022: Yemeni-Houthi leader: Ukraine at war because it is led by a Jew, BBC, 21 March 2022: Live: As it happened: Ukrainian resilience making Russia reassess – negotiator, France24, 21 March 2022: Live: EU accuses Russia of committing ‘massive war crime’ in Ukraine’s Mariupol, The Times, 21 March 2022: Ukrainian cities being ‘wiped off the face of the Earth’, The Guardian, 21 March 2022: $17bn of global assets linked to 35 Russians with alleged ties to Putin, DW, 21 March 2022: Ukraine: EU’s Borrell slams Russian ‘war crime’ in Mariupol, The Times, 21 March 2022: Struggling Russians ‘plant mines’ and dig in for a long war, BBC, 21 March 2022: Ukraine conflict: Russia trying to starve Mariupol into surrender – MP, The National, 21 March 2022: Russia’s diplomatic isolation set to deepen in fresh UN vote on Ukraine, The Guardian, 21 March 2022: Lukashenko is dragging Belarus closer to a war that most of its citizens don’t want, The Times, 21 March 2022: West ‘naive’ to think China will abandon Russia over Ukraine, The Hill, 21 March 2022: Zelensky says Mariupol being ‘reduced to ashes’, Los Angeles Times, 21 March 2022: Global outrage grows over Putin’s merciless attacks in Ukraine, The New York Times, 21 March 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: As Russia Pounds Ukrainian Cities, U.S. Lobbies an Anti-Kremlin Alliance, NPR, 21 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (March 21), The National, 22 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war latest: referendum will be held on any peace deal, says Zelenskyy, The Washington Post, 22 March 2022: Biden warns Russia could resort to chemical weapons; Zelensky says some cities bombed beyond recognition, NPR, 22 March 2022: Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to address Japanese parliament, Jerusalem Post, 22 March 2022: Ukraine’s Zelensky will take part virtually in NATO summit, Politico.eu, 22 March 2022: Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy tops POLITICO 28 poll as most powerful person in Europe, The National, 22 March 2022: Ukraine‘s western backers confident in weapons supplies, Haaretz, 22 March 2022: Explained: Why Israel’s Iron Dome Won’t Help Ukraine Against Russia, The Times, 22 March 2022: Russian forces retreating and deserting, Ukraine claims, Politico.eu, 22 March 2022: ‘The only thing Putin understands is strength’: US aircraft carrier flexes muscle in the Med, CNN, 22 March 2022: What we know about Russia’s death toll in Ukraine (ultimately, the exact numbers are initially irrelevant. They are accomplices to the war criminal Putin, so the more the better), Arab News, 22 March 2022: ‘This war is unwinnable:’ UN chief renews plea for Ukraine peace talks, Politico.eu, 22 March 2022: Vladimir Putin is making Ukrainians more Ukrainian, CNN, 22 March 2022: Putin spokesman refuses to rule out use of nuclear weapons if Russia faced an ‘existential threat’, BBC, 22 March 2022: A bomb hit this theatre hiding hundreds – here’s how one woman survived, Washington Post, 22 March 2022: Russian air force action increases despite flood of antiaircraft missiles into Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 22 March 2022: Russia withdrew from WWII peace treaty talks with Japan, CNN, 22 March 2022: Belarusian military could ‘soon’ join war in Ukraine, US and NATO officials say, The Times, 22 March 2022: Run on banks and empty shelves as sanctions bite in Russia, The New York Times, 22 March 2022: Live Updates: Pentagon Says Russian Combat Forces Have Shrunk as Ukraine Mounts Defense, Washington Post, 22 March 2022: Americans may be greatly underestimating the impact of 10 years of Putin’s propaganda, Politico.eu, 22 March 2022: Alexei Navalny given 9-year jail term after being found guilty on fraud charges, BBC, 22 March 2022: US slams Russian refusal to rule out nuclear arms, The New York Times, 22 March 2022: The Grand Theory Driving Putin to War, Washington Post, 22 March 2022: Meet the author of Putin’s deadly playbook, The Times, 22 March 2022: Crowdfunded drones give Ukrainians an edge, The Guardian, 22 March 2022: Why is Mariupol so important to Russian forces?, The New Yorker, 22 March 2022: The Purges in Putin’s Shrinking Inner Circle, The Times, 22 March 2022: Russia accused of using white phosphorus in Ukrainian city, CNN, 22 March 2022: Consequences of Putin’s “aggression against Ukraine span well beyond Europe,” EU Commission President says, The Atlantic, 22 March 2022: How Western News Is Getting Around Putin’s Digital Iron Curtain, The Times, 22 March 2022: Russia plans kidnapping and violence in ‘great terror’ to end Kherson protests, The New Yorker, 22 March 2022: The Purges in Putin’s Shrinking Inner Circle, The Guardian, 22 March 2022: Olena Zelenska thanks other first ladies for supporting Ukraine, The New York Times, 22 March 2022: Odessa and the Ukraine That Should Have Been, The Hill, 22 March 2022: Five ways US sanctions are hurting Russia, The Times, 22 March 2022: Putin and Biden learnt lessons from Syria’s gassing of civilians, The New Yorker, 22 March 2022: The Devastation of Kharkiv, Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 22 March 2022: Ukrainians go on counteroffensive even as Russia tries to subdue strategic port, DW, 22 March 2022: Ukraine says Kherson faces ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ — live updates, NPR, 22 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (March 22), DW, 22 March 2022: Can Ukraine negotiate with ‘a war criminal’?, France24, 22 March 2022: Kremlin critic Navalny sentenced to nine years in prison for embezzlement, DW, 22 March 2022: Zelenskyy offers ‘compromise for everyone’, Haaretz, 23 March 2022: Ukraine Fears ‘Europe’s Last Dictator’ ‘Will Join the Russian Invasion, The Guardian, 23 March 2022: ‘We’re going back to a USSR’: long queues return for Russian shoppers as sanctions bite, CNN, 23 March 2022: Ukrainians push back Russian forces east of Kyiv, The Hill, 23 March 2022: US determines Russia has committed war crimes in Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 23 March 2022: Biden administration formally accuses Russia of war crimes as humanitarian crisis in Ukraine deepens, NPR, 23 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (March 23), Daily Mail, 23 March 2022: Russian military secrets could be laid bare after Ukraine captures electronic warfare systems (Krasukha), New York Magazine, 23 March 2022: U.S. Officially Accuses Russia of War Crimes in Ukraine, The Hill, 23 March 2022: Close Putin ally warns of nuclear dystopia, NPR, 23 March 2022: U.S. officially declares that Russian forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine, France24, 23 March 2022: ‘Russian forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine,’ Blinken says, Arab News, 23 March 2022: As Ukraine war ends first month, Putin hits back at sanctions with oil payment changes, Al Arabiya, 23 March 2022: NATO Arctic drill takes on new significance after Russia invasion of Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 23 March 2022: Russian losses in Ukraine exceed Soviet losses in Afghanistan, The Times, 23 March 2022: Ukraine war: Putin ‘at risk of coup’ by Russian security services, Times of Israel, 23 March 2022: New drone footage shows massive extent of devastation in Ukraine’s Mariupol, Politico.eu, 23 March 2022: Rubles for gas: Putin trolls the West over its energy addiction, BBC, 23 March 2022: Nato to boost forces in eastern Europe as Ukraine war rages, The Guardian, 23 March 2022: Nearly a month in, the Russia-Ukraine war is defying all expectations, The Times, 23 March 2022: The experts were wrong: Russia hasn’t won, and it’s not going to, BBC, 23 March 2022: Russian veteran reformer Chubais quits job as Putin envoy, The Guardian, 23 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war latest news: Russians now adopting defensive positions outside Kyiv, says US; concern for trapped Chernihiv residents – live, CNN, 23 March 2022: The bodies of Russian soldiers are piling up in Ukraine, as Kremlin conceals true toll of war, BBC, 23 March 2022: Ukraine war: Ukrainian fightback gains ground west of Kyiv, France24, 23 March 2022: Threat looms of Russian attack on undersea cables to shut down West’s internet, DW, 24 March 2022: Putin’s war in Ukraine may still fail, The Guardian, 24 March 2022: Live: Nato has never been more united, says Biden; Russia and Ukraine exchange prisoners, DW, 24 March 2022: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy calls for global protests one month since Russia’s invasion – live updates, Arab News, 24 March 2022: West unites to back Ukraine and seek ‘ruinous cost’ for Putin, DW, 24 March 2022: Putin’s war in Ukraine may still fail, Times of Israel, 24 March 2022: Jewish businessman paid for Nazi graffiti in Ukraine before Russia invaded – report, Haaretz, 24 March 2022: Putin’s Oligarchs’ Rush for Israeli Luxury Rentals, Preferably in Cash, Der Spiegel, 24 March 2022: Surrogate Motherhood in Ukraine: “Keep Calm. The Life of Your Child Depends On It”, The Washington Post, 24 March 2022: The worse things go for Putin in Ukraine, the more China will back him, France24, 24 March 2022: The battle of Irpin: Meeting the Ukrainian resistance, Politico.eu, 24 March 2022: NATO leaders warn China: Don’t act as Russia’s enabler, The Times, 24 March 2022: ‘Butcher of Mariupol’ inflicts brutality he learnt in Syria, Al Arabiya, 24 March 2022: Putin made ‘big mistake’ invading Ukraine: NATO chief, Politico.eu, 24 March 2022: Germany’s Scholz rejects Putin’s rubles-for-gas demand, The Times, 24 March 2022: Defenders sink prized enemy ship after role in propaganda video, Irish Times, 24 March 2022: Ukraine sinks Russian ship amid claims Moscow deporting civilians, BBC, 24 March 2022: Russia’s cost of living soars by more than 14% (that should at least be doubled to 30% and more, just to remind the Russians on a daily basis how great and awesome their leadership is), DW, 24 March 2022: Renault suspends Russia operations after backlash, The Atlantic, 24 March 2022: Putin Doesn’t Realize How Much Warfare Has Changed, Politico.eu, 24 March 2022: Oil has an autocracy problem, BBC, 24 March 2022: Ukraine counter-attacks gain more ground near Kyiv, UK says, Irish Times, 24 March 2022: Europe facing ‘long haul’ over Russian invasion, says Taoiseach, DW, 24 March 2022: Chechen and Tatar Muslims take up arms to fight for Ukraine, The Guardian, 24 March 2022: Putin may ramp up his war in Ukraine – here’s how Nato should respond, The Atlantic, 24 March 2022: Ukraine’s Three-to-One Advantage, BBC, 24 March 2022: Defiant Ukrainian troops tell Russians: ‘Go home while you’re still alive’, France24, 24 March 2022: ‘Putin banked on NATO being split, he’s getting the opposite,’ Biden says, Jerusalem Post, 25 March 2022: Ukraine-Russia war: Chernihiv effectively cut off by Russian troops – gov., Times of Israel, 25 March 2022: 300 feared dead in Russian strike on Mariupol theater, city hall says, France24, 25 March 2022: Russian invasion of Ukraine: Kremlin’s propaganda machine running at full throttle, The Times, 25 March 2022: Nato will act if Russia uses chemical weapons in Ukraine, says Joe Biden, Irish Times, 25 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: what we know on day 30 of the invasion, France24, 25 March 2022: Ukraine says it has destroyed a large Russian landing ship in Berdiansk, CNN, 25 March 2022: Ukrainian crew member who tried to sink a yacht linked to an oligarch: ‘It was my first step for the war with Russia’, The New York Times, 25 March 2022: Russia Says Focus Is Shifting Away From Kyiv, Toward Eastern Ukraine, France24, 25 March 2022: Live: Russia signals scaled-back war aims, France summons envoy over dead body tweet, The Washington Post, 25 March 2022: Ukrainians have faced Russian terror before, The New York Times, 25 March 2022: America Thinks the War Is About Ukraine. Russia’s Neighbors Disagree., The Washington Post, 25 March 2022: The ‘deglobalization’ of Moscow, Los Angeles Times, 25 March 2022: Coinciding with Biden visit to Poland, Russia signals scaled-back goals in Ukraine, The New Yorker, 25 March 2022: The Biden Official Who Pierced Putin’s “Sanction-Proof” Economy, New York Magazine, 25 March 2022: A Mayor at War: Vitali Klitschko on keeping himself and Kyiv alive., NPR, 25 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (March 25), The Guardian, 25 March 2022: US plan to provide 15bn cubic meters of natural gas to EU alarms climate groups (umm .. Putin is a war criminal and dictator, but not a “climate group”), The Times, 25 March 2022: Putin’s crimes will stain Russia for decades, The National, 25 March 2022: France’s Macron: no reason to accept Russia demands for gas payments in roubles, Politico.com, 25 March 2022: Russia’s Kyiv offensive stalls, as Ukrainians counterattack in the south, The Guardian, 25 March 2022: Putin’s bombs and missiles rain down, but he will never destroy Ukraine’s culture, Haaretz, 25 March 2022: Russia’s New Disinformation Tactic: Fighting ‘Fake News’ With Fake News, The Guardian, 25 March 2022: Ukraine will not surrender one inch of land to Russia – the west must understand this, Politico.eu, 25 March 2022: Russian brigade commander killed by his own forces (“know your real enemy”), Arab News, 25 March 2022: France, Turkey, Greece working on ‘humanitarian operation’ for Mariupol evacuations: Macron, Politico.eu, 25 March 2022: Macron says France will spearhead operation to evacuate Mariupol, The Guardian, 25 March 2022: Live: Hope for Mariupol evacuation as France negotiates plan; Moscow says first phase of invasion complete, Politico.eu, 25 March 2022: Leaders rebuff Zelenskyy’s latest pitch to join EU, The Times, 25 March 2022: Russia hints at scaling back war on Ukraine, Irish Times, 25 March 2022: Russia scaling back ambitions as it claims first phase of war complete, CNN, 25 March 2022: One month into war, Zelensky is done with niceties, The Times, 25 March 2022: Ukraine diary: echoes of Syria as great cities are gutted and innocent lives lost, BBC, 25 March 2022: Next stop Kyiv – the battle on the capital’s outskirts, France24, 25 March 2022: Russian journalists quit over Putin ‘propaganda’, CNN, 25 March 2022: Russia says first phase of war is over as its advances in Ukraine appear to have stalled, BBC, 25 March 2022: War in Ukraine: Estimated 300 dead in Mariupol theatre strike, Haaretz, 26 March 2022: Russia Enters a Ukrainian Catch-22, The Times, 26 March 2022: Russian troops ‘drove a tank over own colonel’ after losing half their brigade, DW, 26 March 2022: Ukraine: Biden calls for Putin’s removal during Warsaw speech, The Hill, 26 March 2022: Biden declares Putin ‘cannot remain in power’ in fiery Warsaw remarks, Los Angeles Times, 26 March 2022: In fiery speech, Biden calls out Putin on Ukraine: ‘This man cannot remain in power’, Al Arabiya, 26 March 2022: Putin ‘cannot remain in power,’ says Biden, NPR, 26 March 2022: Biden says of Putin: ‘For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power’, Los Angeles Times, 26 March 2022: Russia spread anti-vax lies in Ukraine. Will it cause a COVID crisis for Europe?, Politico.com, 26 March 2022: Biden, off the cuff, says Putin ‘cannot remain in power’, CNN, 26 March 2022: Biden says Putin ‘cannot remain in power’, The Guardian, 26 March 2022: Live: Russia-Ukraine war: Biden says Putin ‘cannot remain in power’; US offers further military support, The Times, 26 March 2022: Farce as White House clarifies Biden assertion that Putin must be toppled, BBC, 26 March 2022: Vladimir Putin ‘cannot stay in power’, Biden says, CNN, 26 March 2022: What the second month of war in Ukraine may bring, The New York Times, 26 March 2022: Biden’s Barbed Remark About Putin: A Slip or a Veiled Threat?, BBC, 26 March 2022: Ukraine war: Ros Atkins on… Putin’s false ‘Nazi’ claims, The Guardian, 26 March 2022: Wanted: Russian revolution to topple tyrant. Internal applicants welcome, DW, 26 March 2022: Ukraine: Biden decries Putin’s rule during Warsaw address, CNN, 26 March 2022: Zelensky’s Ukraine is real. Putin’s doesn’t exist, France24, 26 March 2022: As it happened: Multiple rockets hit Lviv in western Ukraine, DW, 26 March 2022: Ukraine: Russian strikes wound several in Lviv — live updates, BBC, 26 March 2022: Ukraine war: Five wounded after explosions hit western city of Lviv, France24, 26 March 2022: Fight against Russia’s Ukraine war is a ‘new battle for freedom’, Biden says, DW, 26 March 2022: Ukraine: Russians living in Prague stage anti-war rally, Arab News, 26 March 2022: Ukraine represents a watershed moment for global corporations, Times of Israel, 27 March 2022: Ukraine said to recapture several villages, as Russia hits Kharkiv nuclear facility, The National, 27 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine latest: Russia trying to split Ukraine in two, says intelligence chief, Jerusalem Post, 27 March 2022: Putin launched a regime change war, and some think he’s the victim, The National, 27 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine latest: Russia trying to split Ukraine in two, says intelligence chief, Al Arabiya, 27 March 2022: In call with Putin, Turkey’s Erdogan stresses need for ceasefire, The Hill, 27 March 2022: Rand Paul standoff throws Russia bills into limbo, The New York Times, 27 March 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Russian Forces Regroup, Focusing Efforts on Strategic Targets, Politico.eu, 27 March 2022: Supplying Ukraine an ‘evolving conversation,’ says U.S. ambassador to NATO, The Washington Post, 27 March 2022: Zelensky open to ‘neutrality’ and negotiations over Donbas, The Hill, 27 March 2022: Ukraine can defeat Russia — but the West must help, Politico.com, 27 March 2022: Biden’s trip to Europe: A triumph, a walk back, and no clearer end game, DW, 27 March 2022: Joe Biden gives strong speech on Ukraine, freedom, The Sunday Times, 27 March 2022: Moscow-backed Luhansk ‘to hold vote on leaving Ukraine to join Russia’, DW, 27 March 2022: Ukraine warns Russia is trying to split country in two — live updates, CNN, 27 March 2022: Ukrainians disrupt and derail Russian offensive as war moves to new phase, DW, 28 March 2022: Ukraine: Civilian evacuations suspended over Russian ‘provocations’ — live updates, DW, 28 March 2022: Russia labels Deutsche Welle a ‘foreign agent’, France24, 28 March 2022: Live: Ukraine retakes control of Irpin, ‘catastrophic’ situation in Mariupol, CNN, 28 March 2022: Zelensky says Moscow is ‘frightened’ after Kremlin bans his interview, The Times, 28 March 2022: Defeat in Ukraine will spell doom for Russia, The Guardian, 28 March 2022: Live: Russia-Ukraine war: Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian peace negotiator had ‘symptoms consistent with poisoning’, The Times, 28 March 2022: The West must back Ukraine for a long war, NPR, 28 March 2022: Biden says he was expressing ‘moral outrage’ when saying Putin shouldn’t stay in power, Irish Times, 28 March 2022: Putin averse to Ukraine compromise ahead of crunch talks, says US official, NPR, 28 March 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (March 28), The Hill, 28 March 2022: Biden: Putin comments were an expression of ‘moral outrage,’ not policy change, Los Angeles Times, 28 March 2022: A Russian empire ‘from Dublin to Vladivostok’? The roots of Putin’s ultranationalism, The New York Times, 28 March 2022: Live Updates: Biden Says He Stands by His Putin Comments, Arab News, 28 March 2022: UN chief steps up efforts to secure humanitarian truce in Ukraine, The National, 28 March 2022: Europe recommends ending golden passports and visas for Russians, Haaretz, 28 March 2022: Russia Just Hit a Holocaust Memorial in Ukraine. Israel Doesn’t Want to Talk About It, The Washington Post, 29 March 2022: Germany, urged to ‘stop Putin’s war machine,’ resists Russian energy embargo, Politico.eu, 28 March 2022: Excuses, excuses? Why some companies won’t stop trading in Russia, The New York Times, 28 March 2022: Putin and the Myths of Western Decadence, Politico.eu, 28 March 2022: EU ‘ready’ to set up fast-track trade routes for Ukraine, The New Yorker, 29 March 2022: Why Do So Many Russians Say They Support the War in Ukraine?, The Hill, 29 March 2022: Top commander in Europe: US not ‘currently training’ Ukrainian forces in Poland, Poltico.com, 29 March 2022: Biden: ‘We’ll see’ whether Russia reduces offensive around Kyiv, NPR, 29 March 2022: How Putin Conquered Russia’s Oligarchy, The New Yorker, 29 March 2022: The One Place in Lviv Where the War Is Never Far Away, The Washington Post, 29 March 2022: Ukraine outlines peace proposals; Russia says it will reduce Kyiv, Chernihiv attacks, The Hill, 29 March 2022: Biden skeptical of Russian claims it will reduce military assault in Ukraine, The Atlantic, 29 March 2022: The Rhino of Kyiv, France24, 29 March 2022: Navalny top aide: ‘Putin shortened his time in power when he went to war in Ukraine’, Los Angeles Times, 29 March 2022: Russia says it will reduce attacks as talks with Ukraine resume, The Washington Post, 29 March 2022: Ukraine to negotiators: Don’t eat or drink at Russia talks amid poison concern, BBC, 29 March 2022: Ukraine war: Russia says it will curb Kyiv assault as peace talks progress, France24, 29 March 2022: War in Ukraine: Latest developments, The New York Times, 29 March 2022: Live Updates: As Talks Progress, Russia Says It Will Reduce Attacks in Northern Ukraine, BBC, 29 March 2022: Ukraine war: Dozens of Russian diplomats expelled by four EU nations, DW, 29 March 2022: Russia pledges to scale down military activity near Kyiv, Chernihiv — live updates, CNN, 29 March 2022: Why Turkey is in a unique position to mediate, Politico.eu, 29 March 2022: Russia says it will reduce Kyiv offensive to ‘increase trust’ for future peace talks, France24, 29 March 2022: Russia is using abductions to intimidate Ukrainians in occupied territories, The Times, 29 March 2022: Ukraine peace talks: Russia says it will ease assault on Kyiv, BBC, 29 March 2022: UK and US urge caution on Russian pledge to reduce attacks, CNN, 29 March 2022: Russia says it will reduce troop numbers and military operations around Kyiv and Chernihiv, but Biden and other US officials express skepticism, Politico.eu, 29 March 2022: Visegrad defense meeting called off over Russia split, The Times, 29 March 2022: Putin’s war is going nowhere, but neither is he, Irish Times, 29 March 2022: Russia says it will ‘dramatically’ scale back military activity around Kyiv, Politico.eu, 29 March 2022: US Treasury: More Western sanctions to target Russian economy, supply chains, The New York Times, 29 March 2022: What if Putin Didn’t Miscalculate?, The Guardian, 29 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: western officials urge caution over Russia’s peace talk promises, Al Arabiya, 29 March 2022: US weighs $500 mln more for Ukraine despite peace talks, Forward, 29 March 2022: I am a Ukrainian Jew. I have lost my mother to Russian disinformation, Arab News, 29 March 2022: Russia promises to scale back Ukraine war but West skeptical, The National, 29 March 2022: Germany sees Russian fossil fuel purge as ‘de facto embargo’, The Times, 30 March 2022: ‘Ukrainian missiles’ hit munitions depot in Russia, Politico.com, 30 March 2022: Rebuilding Ukraine Will Be Costly. Here’s How to Make Putin Pay., The Guardian, 30 March 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Putin demands Mariupol surrender; US promises financial support for Ukraine, Irish Times, 30 March 2022: Russian forces bombard outskirts of Kyiv despite promise to scale back, CNN, 30 March 2022: Protest posters pop up all over Ukraine, The Times, 30 March 2022: Russia ‘using banned landmines’ in northeastern Ukraine, CNN, 30 March 2022: Orban’s juggling act with Putin and Europe faces a key test, Politico.eu, 30 March 2022: Boris Johnson: Sanctions should intensify until all Russian troops leave Ukraine, France24, 30 March 2022: Several EU countries expel Russian diplomats over alleged spying, CNN, 30 March 2022: This was their beloved home. But life in these Ukrainian towns will never be the same, France24, 30 March 2022: Defiance and destruction as Ukraine recaptures towns near Kyiv, Politico.com, 30 March 2022: U.S. to send Ukraine additional $500M, Biden tells Zelenskyy, France24, 30 March 2022: Russia’s war on Ukraine: ‘Time and strategic military advantage is on Ukraine’s side’, BBC, 30 March 2022: Ukraine refugee exodus reaches four million, CNN, 30 March 2022: Aid agency complex was struck at least twice, new images show. A Ukrainian official called the attacks a ‘gross violation of the 1949 Geneva Conventions’, BBC, 30 March 2022: Ukraine War: Putin demands Mariupol surrender to end shelling, France24, 30 March 2022: Live: Russia regrouping forces to focus on ‘key fronts and Donbas’, BBC, 30 March 2022: War in Ukraine: Russia launches new attacks after peace promise, DW, 30 March 2022: Ukraine: Chernihiv governor says shelling continues despite Russian pullback promise — live updates, Jerusalem Post, 30 March 2022: South Ossetia to hold referendum to join Russia in future, The National, 30 March 2022: Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher raise over $35m for Ukrainian refugees, NPR, 30 March 2022: War in Ukraine live updates: Heavy losses force Russian troops to regroup in Belarus and Russia, the U.K. says, The New York Times, 30 March 2022: ‘Like Living in a Horror Movie’: A Ukraine Town Dying a Slow Death, The Hill, 30 March 2022: US says Putin feels ‘misled’ by Russian military, The New Yorker, 30 March 2022: Why I Chose to Stay in Ukraine, The Washington Post, 30 March 2022: Ukraine has widened the breach between U.S. and Persian Gulf countries, Los Angeles Times, 30 March 2022: Attacks hit Ukraine’s north despite Russian pledges to scale back, The New York Times, 30 March 2022: Putin Was Misinformed on Ukraine, U.S. Intelligence Shows, The Washington Post, 30 March 2022: In bloodied front-line town, Ukrainian forces push Russians back, BBC, 31 March 2022: Germany condemns Putin gas supply “blackmail”, Arab News, 31 March 2022: Europe’s Russian gas in jeopardy, Ukraine braces for new assaults, BBC, 31 March 2022: Ukraine war: Russia threatens to stop supplying gas if not paid in roubles, Los Angeles Times, 31 March 2022: U.S. military veterans answer Zelensky’s call to fight, but not all are chosen, Politico.eu, 31 March 2022: Zelenskyy to Belgium: Value peace over Russian diamonds, BBC, 31 March 2022: Ukraine war: Russian forces regrouping for attack – Nato, The Guardian, 31 March 2022: Only total military failure will curb Putin’s ambitions in Ukraine, DW, 31 March 2022: Kyiv waits for evidence of Mariupol cease-fire — live updates, CNN, 31 March 2022: Ukrainian women escaped to give birth in a country free of war. They want their children to know why Putin forced them to flee, Politico.eu, 31 March 2022: EU countries should set up Ukrainian cash conversion scheme, Commission suggests, The Guardian, 31 March 2022: Ukraine in fresh effort to evacuate Mariupol after Red Cross warnings, NPR, 31 March 2022: Russia’s war in Ukraine reminds Georgians of what they survived in 2008, The Times, 31 March 2022: Oil prices fall as President Biden considers release from strategic reserve, BBC, 31 March 2022: Ukraine war: Russian troops leave Chernobyl, Ukraine says, The New York Times, 31 March 2022: Putin ‘Just Threw Over the Chess Board,’ and Russians Feel Shame and Dismay, Time, 31 March 2022: ‘Putin’s Appetite Will Only Grow.’ Estonia’s Prime Minister Says We’re Not Doing Enough to Stop Russia, The Guardian, 31 March 2022: Live: Russia-Ukraine war latest: Russian forces leave Chernobyl; Germany rejects Putin’s gas supply ‘blackmail’, The Times, 31 March 2022: Diminished Putin has already lost, says UK defence chief, Jerusalem Post, 31 March 2022: ‘Murderous European dictator is back’ – Holocaust survivor, The National, 1 April 2022: All Russian forces leave Chernobyl site after radiation exposure, The Times, 1 April 2022: Putin threatens Europe’s gas supply — but backs down, DW, 1 April 2022: Sergey Lavrov visits India with US relations at a crossroads, The National, 1 April 2022: Zelenskyy says situation in some places tough as he fires top officials, The Times, 1 April 2022: Born under Putin, died for Putin: the teenage conscripts bearing the brunt of the assault on Ukraine, The National, 1 April 2022: Ukraine retakes Sloboda and Lukashivka villages on supply route near bombarded Chernihiv, Jerusalem Post, 1 April 2022: China should not interfere with sanctions on Russia, EU says, The National, 1 April 2022: UN nuclear experts begin mission to Chernobyl next week, Politico.com, 1 April 2022: U.S. quietly approves more aid as Ukraine braces for ‘chemical and biological’ attacks, NPR, 1 April 2022: ‘Russian mutants lost this round,’ Ukraine says after troops leave Chernobyl, France24, 1 April 2022: As it happened: Ukraine denies attacking fuel depot inside Russia, The National, 1 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine latest: Ukraine says it foiled attempted missile strike on Odesa region, NPR, 1 April 2022: Russia threatens to fine Wikipedia if it doesn’t remove some details about the war, CNN, 1 April 2022: Saudi-led coalition and Houthis agree on truce in Yemen, raising hopes for the ‘start of a better future’, France24, 1 April 2022: On the ground: Kharkiv residents caught in the line of fire, BBC, 1 April 2022: Ukraine war: Gruesome evidence points to war crimes on road outside Kyiv, CNN, 1 April 2022: International Red Cross team was unable to reach Mariupol and will try again tomorrow, The Guardian, 1 April 2022: Live: Russia-Ukraine war: Kyiv says Ukraine not behind attack on Russian oil depot; exchange of captured troops reported, The New Yorker, 1 April 2022: How Far Is the West Prepared to Go for Ukraine?, BBC, 1 April 2022: The heavy losses of an elite Russian regiment in Ukraine, The Washington Post, 1 April 2022: Some young Russian men fear ending up in battle as military launches conscription push, New York Magazine, 1 April 2022: How Russia’s Oligarchs Laundered Their Reputations in the West, The New York Times, 1 April 2022: Why Putin Went Straight for the Nuclear Threat, Los Angeles Times, 1 April 2022: Ukraine reclaims territory as it strikes inside Russia, The Washington Post, 1 April 2022: Painful choices lie in the path to peace in Ukraine, The New York Times, 1 April 2022: What Happened on Day 37 of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, The Atlantic, 1 April 2022: What Ukrainian Families Can Learn From Taiwan, The Times, 1 April 2022: UK missile shoots down first Russian helicopter in Ukraine war, DW, 1 April 2022: Ukraine: EU parliament president visits Kyiv, Politico.eu, 1 April 2022: ‘We will help you rebuild your cities,’ European Parliament president tells Ukrainians, DW, 1 April 2022: Ukraine: Red Cross convoy forced to turn back from Mariupol — live updates, The National, 2 April 2022: Ukraine claims control over capital Kyiv region as Russia shifts to east, Al Arabiya, 2 April 2022: Almost 300 people buried in ‘mass grave’ in Bucha outside Kyiv: Mayor, France24, 2 April 2022: Ukraine regained control of ‘whole Kyiv region’ says defence official, The National, 2 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine latest: ‘heavy battles ahead’ despite Russian pullback near Kyiv, France24, 2 April 2022: Ukraine claims Kyiv region as Russians pull back, bodies in nearby towns, The Algemeiner, 2 April 2022: Russia Headed for Recession Despite Ruble Rebound, US Says, BBC, 2 April 2022: War in Ukraine: Street in Bucha found strewn with dead bodies, The Hill, 2 April 2022: Ukrainian civilians executed, people buried in mass graves in city of Bucha, officials say, CNN, 2 April 2022: Putin is making the same mistakes that doomed Hitler when he invaded the Soviet Union, BBC, 2 April 2022: Ukraine says it has retaken entire Kyiv region, The New York Times, 2 April 2022: Putin Is Losing in Ukraine. But He’s Winning in Russia., The Times, 2 April 2022: Boris Johnson eager to arm Ukraine for defence of Odesa, Los Angeles Times, 2 April 2022: Ukrainian officials warn of executions of civilians as Russian forces retreat in Kyiv region, The New York Times, 2 April 2022: What Happened on Day 38 of the War in Ukraine, New York Magazine, 2 April 2022: Ukraine’s Life-or-Death Therapy Sessions, Politico.eu, 2 April 2022: US will reportedly help Ukraine by sending Soviet-made tanks (great. Friendly fire at its best), NPR, 2 April 2022: UNESCO says 53 cultural sites in Ukraine have been damaged since the Russian invasion (no matter how hard Putin’s cultural Taliban try, they will not be able to wipe out Ukrainian culture), DW, 2 April 2022: Experts warn Black Sea mines pose serious maritime threat, Irish Times, 2 April 2022: War in Ukraine: Talks with Ukraine ‘hostile’ but must continue, Kremlin says, Politico.eu, 2 April 2022: Pope lashes out at ‘potentate’ Putin over ‘anachronistic claims’ on Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 2 April 2022: China carried out massive cyberattack operation on Ukraine, DW, 2 April 2022: Ukraine says its troops regain full control of Kyiv region — live updates, The Hill, 3 April 2022: NATO chief calls Bucha executions ‘horrific’, The Washington Post, 3 April 2022: Zelensky, entering new stage of war, faces political test, The Hill, 3 April 2022: NATO chief says Russia shifting strategy: ‘This is not a real withdrawal’ , NPR, 3 April 2022: War in Ukraine: Scenes of devastation emerge in recently liberated areas around Kyiv, The New York Times, 3 April 2022: “This is true barbarity”: Residents of one town described weeks of hunger and horror under Russian occupation., The Hill, 3 April 2022: Zelensky accuses Russia of genocide, The New York Times, 3 April 2022: Ukraine Is the First Real World War, The Hill, 3 April 2022: Pope Francis condemns ‘sacrilegious war’ in Ukraine, The New York Times, 3 April 2022: Live Updates: Reports of Atrocities in Ukraine Spur Outrage, The Hill, 3 April 2022: Dead bodies in Bucha spark push for harsher action against Russia, NPR, 3 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 3), The Hill, 3 April 2022: Evidence of Russian war crimes mounts along with global outrage, The Washington Post, 3 April 2022: Scenes of horror in Bucha spark outcry, Los Angeles Times, 3 April 2022: Ukraine, U.S. and other countries condemn Russia for alleged civilian executions, The Washington Post, 3 April 2022: Odessa rocked by explosions as Russia claims strikes on oil refinery, fuel depots, The Sunday Times, 3 April 2022: Superior tactics frustrate Russia but Ukraine’s supply line may be vulnerable, Al Arabiya, 3 April 2022: Ukraine says 410 bodies found near Kyiv, witnesses traumatized, The Sunday Times, 3 April 2022: Russian missiles hit Ukraine’s key port of Odesa, Irish Times, 3 April 2022: ‘We are being exterminated’: Kremlin accused of war crimes after Bucha attack, Arab News, 3 April 2022: Russia accused of ‘apparent war crimes’, Moscow denies killing civilians in Bucha, Irish Times, 3 April 2022: Russian ambassador to be invited to attend Zelenskiy address to Dáil, The Sunday Times, 3 April 2022: War in Ukraine: Town of Bucha shattered by Russian invaders’ atrocities, CNN, 3 April 2022: Is Putin banking on an endless war?, Irish Times, 3 April 2022: The horrors of Bucha: Bodies turned into ‘human rugs’ by Russian tanks, France24, 3 April 2022: Slideshow: Death, destruction in wake of Russian troop withdrawal from northern Ukraine, BBC, 3 April 2022: Ukraine war: Bucha street littered with burned-out tanks and corpses, DW, 3 April 2022: Ukraine: Germany’s Scholz vows response over Bucha deaths — live updates, CNN, 3 April 2022: Here’s what a CNN team on the scene of a mass grave in the Ukrainian town of Bucha saw, France24, 3 April 2022: Bucha mourns at mass graves in wreck of Russian retreat, The Guardian, 3 April 2022: Live: Russia-Ukraine war: Ukrainian prosecutors find hundreds of bodies in towns near Kyiv, Politico.eu, 3 April 2022: EU warns of tougher sanctions after reports of civilian executions in Russia-held Ukrainian towns (Instead of insisting on the complete exit from Russian natural gas, which is currently not possible at all, it would make sense to first reduce imports of Russian oil and coal to zero in order to then gradually follow suit on the subject of natural gas. As long as there are not enough replacement supplies, there is no point in thinking about “quick exits”.), The New York Times, 3 April 2022: Putin Had No Clue How Many of Us Would Be Watching, BBC, 3 April 2022: Global leaders condemn ‘despecable’ Bucha killings, France24, 3 April 2022: Live: Zelensky slams ‘torture of whole nation’ as Bucha killings spark outrage, Politico.eu, 3 April 2022: EU warns of tougher sanctions after reports of civilian executions in Russia-held Ukrainian towns, The Guardian, 3 April 2022: How alleged atrocities in Bucha compare to previous Putin campaigns, Politico.eu, 3 April 2022: Peace, putsch or European Syria: 3 endgames for Ukraine, DW, 4 April 2022: Ukraine: Satellite image shows trench at a mass grave site in Bucha — live updates, The National, 4 April 2022: US and UK seek Russia’s removal from UN body over Bucha atrocities, Politico.eu, 4 April 2022: Zelenskyy calls out Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy for blocking Ukraine’s NATO bid (even if it may seem cynical, Ukraine’s NATO accession would still be out of the question based on objective criteria, even more than 10 years after the Bucharest decisions. With all due respect for Ukraine’s desire for admission, this was and is not the fault of Merkel or Sarkozy, but the responsibility of the Ukrainian governments – NATO, 3 April 2008:Bucharest Summit Declaration , The Guardian, 2 December 2008: Nato allies divided over Ukraine and Georgia), Jerusalem Post, 4 April 2022: Liberman equivocates after Lapid condemns Russian war crimes in Bucha (Liberman’s position, as the representative of Russian Jews in Israel, has been clear for years), Haaretz, 4 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Israel’s Lieberman Condemns War Crimes but Says There Are ‘Mutual Accusations’, The New York Times, 4 April 2022: As Russia Pulls Back, the Horror and Atrocities Mount, The Washington Post, 4 April 2022: Bucha massacre tests Europe’s ‘red lines’ on Russian energy, Der Spiegel, 4 April 2022: War Crimes in Ukraine: Peace in Europe Must Now Be Defended Against Putin’s Russia, DW, 4 April 2022: Ukraine: Germany expels Russian diplomats with Bucha deaths in focus — live updates, BBC, 4 April 2022: Biden calls for Putin war crimes trial over civilian killings, The Guardian, 4 April 2022: Orbán’s victory in Hungary adds to the darkness engulfing Europe, The Times, 4 April 2022: Putin ‘wanted conquest — now it’s annihilation’, CNN, 4 April 2022: Pro-Putin leaders win two elections in Europe, reminding the Kremlin it has friends in high places, The Times, 4 April 2022: Wagner Group’s hardened mercenaries pictured in eastern Ukraine, The Guardian, 4 April 2022: Live: Russia-Ukraine war: Biden calls for Putin war crimes trial; Borodyanka worse than Bucha, says Ukrainian prosecutor, Politico.eu, 4 April 2022: Germany, France to expel Russian envoys after reports of atrocities in Ukraine, The Times, 4 April 2022: Recognise genocide in Bucha, Zelensky tells world, DW, 4 April 2022: Russian invasion is a chance to reinvigorate the climate fight, Politico.eu, 4 April 2022: EU weighs ban on Russian oil over war crimes as pressure builds on Berlin, NPR, 4 April 2022: U.S. ambassador to the U.N. calls for suspending Russia from the Human Rights Council, The Hill, 4 April 2022: Zelensky visits Bucha, says Russian atrocities will make talks ‘very difficult’, Jerusalem Post, 4 April 2022: Russia to resume flights with Israel and 51 other ‘friendly’ countries, Los Angeles Times, 4 April 2022: Biden calls for war-crimes trial of Putin after mass graves found around Ukraine capital, The National, 5 April 2022: Germany and France expel Russian diplomats with suspected spy-agency links, Jerusalem Post, 5 April 2022: The endless ignorance of tying Ukraine needs to Israel’s Iron Dome (“This was odd, considering Israel had condemned the invasion and was helping Ukrainians.” – by not sending any weapons and by helping Jewish Ukrainians only), The Washington Post, 5 April 2022: Zelensky to address U.N. Security Council; E.U. eyes ban on Russian coal, Jerusalem Post, 5 April 2022: Zelensky: Ukraine will be like Israel, not demilitarized like Switzerland after war, Politico.eu, 5 April 2022: Von der Leyen, Borrell to meet Zelenskyy in Kyiv, The Hill, 5 April 2022: Zelensky to call for more help from West in address to UN Security Council, The Washington Post, 5 April 2022: Zelensky demands accountability after ‘terrible war crimes’, France24, 5 April 2022: EU allies expel almost 200 Russian diplomats amid outrage over Bucha killings, BBC, 5 April 2022: Zelensky accuses Russia of worst crimes since WW2, CNN, 5 April 2022: Russia is focusing on eastern Ukraine. Retired general explains how to stop them, Al Arabiya, 5 April 2022: US to ban ‘all new investment’ in Russia on Wednesday: Source, CNN, 5 April 2022: Europe is finally coming after Russia’s energy, France24, 5 April 2022: Live: Zelensky tells UN that Russia turning Security Council veto into ‘right to die’ for Ukraine, CNN, 5 April 2022: Bodies tied up, shot and left to rot in Bucha hint at gruesome reality of Russia’s occupation in Ukraine, BBC, 5 April 2022: Ukraine war: More than 60% of Putin’s war chest frozen, Truss says, The Guardian, 5 April 2022: ‘Motorcade of shame’: outrage over pro-Russia displays at Berlin rally (these scumbags live in safe, democratic, liberal Germany and glorify the war criminal Putin and his war of aggression and annihilation on Ukraine. They should all have been taken into custody pending deportation and deported to Putinstan), The Times, 5 April 2022: Russian troops ‘trying to quit’ after heavy losses in Ukraine, CNN, 5 April 2022: It’s Tuesday night in Kyiv. Here’s what you need to know., The Times, 5 April 2022: Satellite images show bodies in Bucha before Russian retreat, DW, 5 April 2022: Germany closes Russian darknet market Hydra, The Guardian, 5 April 2022: EU to propose fresh sanctions including ban on Russian coal, The Hill, 5 April 2022: Saudi state oil producer set to raise prices amid Ukraine crisis, DW, 5 April 2022: EU to propose ban on Russian coal, The Times, 5 April 2022: Hunt for the ‘Butcher of Bucha’, a commander blessed by the Orthodox Church, NPR, 5 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 5), DW, 5 April 2022: Ukraine warns of full-scale Russian attack in eastern regions — live updates, The Hill, 6 April 2022: What comes after Putin?, Politico.eu, 5 April 2022: Ukraine says EU road links won’t make up for loss of Black Sea trade, Politico.eu, 5 April 2022: How Russia’s vigorous ruble defense could backfire, Jerusalem Post, 6 April 2022: Hungary’s foreign ministry summons Ukrainian envoy over ‘insults’, Times of Israel, 6 April 2022: UK sanctions EJC chief Moshe Kantor in latest round of measures against Russia, Al Arabiya, 6 April 2022: New US sanctions target Russia’s largest bank, Putin’s kids, The National, 6 April 2022: Russia pays bondholders in roubles after US blocks dollar payments, The Washington Post, 6 April 2022: By denying a Ukrainian culture, Putin flattens his own, Jerusalem Post, 6 April 2022: Turkey detonates stray naval mine in Black Sea amid Ukraine war, Al Arabiya, 6 April 2022: US training small number of Ukrainians on Switchblade drones: Defense official, DW, 6 April 2022: In the shadow of the atomic bomb: Life during the Cold War, Haaretz, 6 April 2022: U.K. Slaps New Sanctions on Russian Oligarch Moshe Kantor, The National, 6 April 2022: Russia’s isolation deepens as UN suspension vote looms, Al Arabiya, 6 April 2022: Russia’s war could last for years as Putin still wants ‘whole of Ukraine’: NATO chief, The New York Times, 6 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Civilians Flee Eastern Regions as the West Ramps Up Sanctions on Russia, Arab News, 6 April 2022: UK security guard extradited from Germany over Russia spy charges, The New York Times, 6 April 2022: Why Russian Sanctioins Won’t Stop Putin, Los Angeles Times, 6 April 2022: More sanctions hit Russia as Zelensky warns of new wartime hardships, The New York Times, 6 April 2022: New Russian Land Mine Poses Special Risk in Ukraine, The Washington Post, 6 April 2022: In Bucha, the scope of Russian barbarity is coming into focus, The New Yorker, 6 April 2022: Collecting Bodies in Bucha, The Washington Post, 6 April 2022: Is coup against Putin possible? Russia’s history offers clues., Politico.eu, 6 April 2022: UK delays tariffs on Russian whitefish, The New York Times, 6 April 2022: NATO Nations See Differing Paths as Ukraine War Enters Uncertain Stage, Politico.eu, 6 April 2022: British man charged with passing information to Russia, NPR, 6 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 6), The Times, 6 April 2022: Putin’s big lie makes most Russians complicit, Politico.eu, 6 April 2022: UK targets biggest Russian bank with fresh sanctions, The Times, 6 April 2022: Ukrainian forces use Russians’ ‘blazing sun’ thermobaric weapon against them, The Hill, 6 April 2022: Senators close in on deal on Russia trade, oil ban, The Times, 6 April 2022: Ukraine can ‘break’ Russians if West supplies enough weapons, Politico.eu, 6 April 2022: Bucha killings not ‘far short of genocide,’ Boris Johnson says, The Guardian, 6 April 2022: Russian teacher ‘shocked’ as she faces jail over anti-war speech pupils taped, The Times, 6 April 2022: Nato needs more eastern bases, says US general, The Guardian, 6 April 2022: Live: Russia-Ukraine war: Russia’s retreat from Kyiv ‘largely complete’; people in east told to flee, The Times, 6 April 2022: Flee now or risk death, people in eastern Ukraine are warned, The Guardian, 6 April 2022: After the horrors of Bucha, Ukrainians have changed the way we look at this war, CNN, 6 April 2022: US pushes Russia to the brink of default, Politico.eu, 6 April 2022: Russian war crimes in Ukraine: So much for ‘never again’, CNN, 6 April 2022: The fight for Sloviansk may be ‘the next pivotal battle’ of Russia’s war in Ukraine, The Times, 6 April 2022: EU to snatch Kremlin’s oil and gas profits to rebuild Ukraine, DW, 6 April 2022: German term ‘Putinversteher’ goes international, BBC, 6 April 2022: British embassy guard charged with spying for Russia, DW, 6 April 2022: Russia must not win the war, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz tells Bundestag, DW, 6 April 2022: Ukraine: US announces new sanctions, hitting Putin’s daughters, major Russian banks — live updates, France24, 6 April 2022: ‘Putin will be gone soon’: Exiled Russian dissident Ilya Ponomarev, BBC, 6 April 2022: Who are Putin’s daughters? What we know about his family, France24, 6 April 2022: Ukraine braces for fresh Russian offensive in east, DW, 6 April 2022: European Parliament President Metsola saw courage and resilience in Zelenskyy, France24, 6 April 2022: French priest renowned for uncovering massacres warns of ‘Buchas everywhere’, NPR, 7 April 2022: Ukraine seeks more arms as U.S. and allies consider new penalties for Russia, DW, 7 April 2022: UN votes to suspend Russia from its Human Rights Council despite opposition, The Washington Post, 7 April 2022: Germany says it picked up messages on killings, undermining Moscow’s claims it was not involved, The National, 7 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: UN suspends Moscow from Human Rights Council, France24, 7 April 2022: War in Ukraine: Mariupol evacuees ‘exhausted psychologically, physically’, The Times, 7 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: latest maps, pictures and video, CNN, 7 April 2022: A Ukrainian mother had plans to change her life this year. Russian forces shot her as she cycled home., France24, 7 April 2022: Live: Kremlin says Russia has suffered ‘significant losses’ in Ukraine, The National, 7 April 2022: Klitschko accuses Russian troops of using mobile crematoriums to hide atrocities, France24, 7 April 2022: Act or dissolve, Zelensky challenges UN, but Ukraine atrocities already pile pressure on Russia, NPR, 7 April 2022: Putin’s daughters were just sanctioned. Here’s what we know about them, France24, 7 April 2022: Kadyrov’s men: a brutal force serving Putin in Ukraine, CNN, 7 April 2022: Drone video team turns the tables on hiding Russian vehicle, The National, 7 April 2022: Nato offers hope of more military aid after Ukraine plea for ‘weapons, weapons, weapons’, BBC, 7 April 2022: Bucha murders: German report says Russian troops discussed killings, CNN, 7 April 2022: CNN speaks to Ukrainians forcibly deported to Russia, France24, 7 April 2022: In east Ukraine, an evacuation under bombardment, DW, 7 April 2022: ‘We have to defend ourselves’ — young Ukrainians and the war, BBC, 7 April 2022: Battles in Donbas will look like World War Two, says Ukraine, DW, 7 April 2022: Investigation: How Russia could get away with attacks on Ukraine hospitals, The Times, 7 April 2022: UN suspends Russia from human rights body over atrocities in Ukraine, CNN, 7 April 2022: Russian troops discussed killing Ukrainian civilians in radio transmissions intercepted by Germany, source says, Irish Times, 7 April 2022: Russia suspended from UN human rights council over Ukraine, Politico.eu, 7 April 2022: Scholz holds up German tank deliveries to Ukraine, DW, 7 April 2022: Ukraine: EU agrees new sanctions targeting Russian coal — live updates, The Times, 7 April 2022: Kyiv begins to bloom again after Russian withdrawal, Al Arabiya, 7 April 2022: Russia rejects suspension from UN rights council as ‘illegal, politically motivated’, Politico.eu, 7 April 2022: The power of a story: Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Ronald Reagan remake, NPR, 7 April 2022: U.N. members vote to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council, The New York Times, 7 April 2022: How Germany Became Putin’s Enabler, The Guardian, 7 April 2022: Live: Russia-Ukraine war: Kremlin admits ‘significant’ troop losses; Russia suspended from UN human rights council, Al Arabiya, 7 April 2022: Credible reports of ‘torture, rape, killings’ by Russian soldiers in Ukraine: Blinken, The New York Times, 7 April 2022: Russians discussed killings of civilians in radio traffic intercepted by Germany, officials say., DW, 7 April 2022: Germany intercepted Russian troop calls on atrocities in Ukraine: report, NPR, 7 April 2022: Satellite photo shows Russian troops were stationed in Chernobyl’s radioactive zone, The New York Times, 7 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: In Congress and at U.N., Votes to Further Isolate Moscow, Arab News, 7 April 2022: United Nations suspends Russia from human rights body over Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 7 April 2022: Russia will defend its interests, Kremlin says after UN human rights body suspension, DW, 7 April 2022: Germany intercepted Russian troop calls on atrocities in Ukraine: report, The New Yorker, 7 April 2022: The “Shadow” of International Law, The Times, 8 April 2022: Russian metals giant demands war crimes inquiry over Bucha, Al Arabiya, 8 April 2022: Scene in Borodianka near Kyiv ‘much more horrific’ than Bucha: Zelenskyy, The Times, 8 April 2022: Ukraine needs weapons now in battle for Donbas, Nato told, The Hill, 8 April 2022: Russian missile that struck rail station had ‘for the children’ written on it, Politico.eu, 8 April 2022: UK and Germany won’t send tanks to Ukraine, The New York Times, 8 April 2022: What Happened on Day 44 of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, The National, 8 April 2022: Boris Johnson says former Warsaw Pact countries key to meeting Ukraine weapons needs, France24, 8 April 2022: Life under the bombs in the western Ukrainian town of Zhytomyr, CNN, 8 April 2022: Aftermath shows devastation after missile strikes train station, Politico.eu, 8 April 2022: EU freezes assets of 4 Russian banks, The Hill, 8 April 2022: Here are Russia’s alleged war crimes in the Ukraine invasion, France24, 8 April 2022: ‘This is home’: Kyiv slowly awakens after Russia withdraws, The National, 8 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Dozens killed or wounded in rocket strike on train station, Politico.eu, 8 April 2022: UK and Germany won’t send tanks to Ukraine, France24, 8 April 2022: War in Ukraine: Courage and resilience amid Russian offensive, Irish Times, 8 April 2022: EU leaders arrive in Kyiv to reassure Zelenskiy on membership bid, Arab News, 8 April 2022: Ukraine seeks tough reply after missile kills 52 at station, France24, 8 April 2022: ‘Evil with no limits’: More than 50 killed in rocket attack on Kramatorsk rail station in Ukraine, Politico.eu, 8 April 2022: Von der Leyen on Putin: ‘He has to fail’, The Times, 8 April 2022: ‘The Russians are determined to kill our civilians and children too — they booby trap teddy bears’, DW, 8 April 2022: Ukraine: EU chief offers Kyiv fast track to membership, CNN, 8 April 2022: Europe turns its back on Russian coal. Is oil next?, France24, 8 April 2022: As it happened: EU’s Von der Leyen promises to speed up Ukraine membership process, Irish Times, 8 April 2022: War in Ukraine: At least 50 people killed in rocket strike at railway station, DW, 8 April 2022: German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier calls for Putin war crimes probe after Bucha killings, CNN, 8 April 2022: ‘Kill them all, for f**k sake’: Shocking intercepted audio reveals conversation between Russian soldiers, The Guardian, 8 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: children among at least 50 people killed in Kramatorsk train station attack, DW, 8 April 2022: Ukraine: 50 people die in rocket strike on Kramatorsk train station, France24, 8 April 2022: God, church, Tsar: The world of Russian oligarch Malofeyev and his Western associates, CNN, 8 April 2022: Russia or die, DW, 8 April 2022: Ukraine: Scholz, Johnson condemn ‘atrocious’ train station strike — live updates, BBC, 8 April 2022: Biden blames Russia for ‘atrocity’ at station that killed 50, The New York Times, 8 April 2022: U.K. Takes a Hawkish Lead on Russia, but Will Europe Follow?, The Atlantic, 8 April 2022: Why Europe Needs Ukraine, CNN, 8 April 2022: There are “international war crimes being committed” in Ukraine, European Parliament president tells CNN, NPR, 9 April 2022: This is what a Ukraine town looks like after Russian troops withdraw, The Washington Post, 9 April 2022: What is the Wagner Group, the Russian mercenary entity in Ukraine?, The Times, 9 April 2022: Fleeing Ukraine women and children among the dozens dead in Russian strike on Kramatorsk train station, The New York Times, 9 April 2022: Boris Johnson Visits Kyiv as Slovakia Sends Air Defense System, The Washington Post, 9 April 2022: Ukraine braces for a new and potentially more challenging phase in war, The New York Times, 9 April 2022: NATO has shifted to providing Ukraine with longer-range weapons to counter an expected Russian offensive., Jerusalem Post, 9 April 2022: Global donors pledge 9.1 billion euros to support Ukrainian refugees, NPR, 9 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 9), The Hill, 9 April 2022: Ukraine, allies brace for the worst as Russia regroups, Politico.eu, 9 April 2022: ‘Why isn’t the world helping?’ Ukrainians plead for more weapons from the West, The Times, 9 April 2022: Civilians from Ukraine went to Kramatorsk station to escape Russia’s attacks. It turned into a killing zone, Irish Times, 9 April 2022: Ukraine prepares for ‘hard battle’ in country’s east as rail attack death toll rises to 52, Politico.eu, 9 April 2022: EU’s diplomatic delegation to Ukraine moves back to Kyiv, Los Angeles Times, 9 April 2022: Zelensky forecasts ‘hard battle’ in Ukraine’s east as civilians flee expected fighting, BBC, 9 April 2022: Ukraine: Johnson pledges aid to Zelensky in Kyiv meeting, The Guardian, 9 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Johnson makes surprise trip to Kyiv for talks with Zelenskiy, The Times, 9 April 2022: Putin is in a hurry to end the war in Ukraine but his demoralised army is scrambling for reserves, CNN, 9 April 2022: Putin appoints new commander for Ukraine, DW, 9 April 2022: Ukraine: Boris Johnson in Kyiv meeting with Zelenskyy — live updates, Politico.eu, 9 April 2022: Live: Ukraine’s Zelensky calls on West to follow UK example on military aid, CNN, 9 April 2022: These Russians are turning on Putin and burned an effigy of him, The Times, 9 April 2022: Mariupol: Documenting a medieval siege in the 21st century, BBC, 9 April 2022: Ukrainians told to flee eastern region immediately, DW, 9 April 2022: Germany: Bundeswehr arms deliveries to Ukraine ‘reached a limit’, CNN, 9 April 2022: Ukrainians shocked by ‘crazy’ scene at Chernobyl after Russian pullout reveals radioactive contamination, The Washington Post, 10 April 2022: Russian students are turning in teachers who don’t back the war, The New York Times, 10 April 2022: How Do We Deal With a Superpower Led by a War Criminal?, The Washington Post, 10 April 2022: Exodus swells to more than 4.5 million as battles lines shift, Haaretz, 10 April 2022: Ukrainians Are Starting to Stream Back Home, Bracing for War of Attrition With Russia, The National, 10 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Russians stole lethal substances from Chernobyl, claims Ukraine, Arab News, 10 April 2022: Kyiv keeps pressure on West to do more, as battle looms in Ukraine’s east, Al Arabiya, 10 April 2022: Ten civilians killed in strikes in eastern Ukraine: Governor, Politico.eu, 10 April 2022: Russian bombs rupture a Greek community fighting for its history, NPR, 10 April 2022: From Nuremberg to Darfur, history has seen some war criminals brought to trial, Los Angeles Times, 10 April 2022: Ukrainian forces brace for a redoubled Russian assault in the east and south, Politico.eu, 10 April 2022: Russian oil and gas embargo could stop war within weeks, says former Putin adviser, CNN, 10 April 2022: The struggle to hold Putin accountable, The Times, 10 April 2022: Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya aims to topple ‘Kremlin’s puppet’ in Belarus, NPR, 10 April 2022: War in Ukraine: Eastern Ukraine is bracing for an expected Russian onslaught, The Hill, 10 April 2022: Zelensky on NATO: ‘no longer interested in their diplomacy’, Irish Times, 10 April 2022: War crimes in Ukraine: Justice unlikely unless Russia is defeated, DW, 10 April 2022: Russian ex-foreign minister: Genuine diplomacy is not working in Ukraine, The Times, 10 April 2022: Refugees fearing atrocities flee eastern Ukraine, DW, 10 April 2022: Ukraine: Pro-Russia demonstrations spark outrage in Germany (where and if possible, directly withdraw residence permits, expel them and prohibit re-entry. Where this is not possible, impose maximum fines and/or imprisonment for glorifying Putin’s war crimes. We have enough domestic enemies of democracy and the constitution in Germany, so that Putin’s idiots shouldn’t be given any space or even encourage them), Irish Times, 10 April 2022: War in Ukraine: Dnipro airport ‘destroyed’ as battle looms in east, The New York Times, 10 April 2022: Ukraine’s Draft Dodgers Face Guilt, Shame and Reproach, DW, 10 April 2022: Ukraine: Scholz and Zelenskyy vow justice for ‘war crimes’ in phone call — live updates, The National, 11 April 2022: Ukraine says tens of thousands killed in Mariupol, BBC, 11 April 2022: War to cut Ukraine’s economy by nearly half, The National, 11 April 2022: Russia tries to triple force numbers for new offensive in eastern Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 11 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: ‘Germany made an obligation to support Ukraine with weapons’ – Habeck, Al Arabiya, 11 April 2022: Zelenskyy calls for more military aid ahead of Russian offensive on eastern Ukraine, The National, 11 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Poland vulnerable to Russian attack as it supplies arms to Ukraine, Arab News, 11 April 2022: EU outlier Orban faces isolation due to support for Putin, Al Arabiya, 11 April 2022: Mariupol mayor says Russia’s siege has killed more than 10,000 civilians, The National, 11 April 2022: Has Putin lost Asia too?, The New York Times, 11 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Claims of Atrocities Mount as Russia Prepares a Renewed Offensive, The Washington Post, 11 April 2022: Ukraine braces for new Russian offensive in east, Arab News, 11 April 2022: Ukraine braces for fall of Mariupol, Russian assault on east, BBC, 11 April 2022: Hidden wealth of one of Putin’s ‘inner circle’ revealed, The New York Times, 11 April 2022: Putin’s War in Ukraine Is a Watershed. Time for America to Get Real., DW, 11 April 2022: Austrian chancellor concludes ‘tough’ talks with Putin in Moscow, BBC, 11 April 2022: Ukraine conflict: Why is Russia losing so many tanks?, The Washington Post, 11 April 2022: Austrian chancellor says he had ‘tough’ talks with Putin, DW, 11 April 2022: Borodyanka — liberated, but in ruins, BBC, 11 April 2022: Ukraine facing ‘crucial’ period as Russia focuses on east, France24, 11 April 2022: Live: Pro-Russia separatists say in control of Mariupol port, CNN, 11 April 2022: Russia has appointed a new general for Ukraine. Can Moscow reboot its war in time for Putin to claim a victory?, DW, 11 April 2022: Power and myth of the Kremlin, NPR, 11 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 11), BBC, 11 April 2022: Ukraine War: Russia warns Sweden and Finland against Nato membership (just another emergency reminder for Finland und Sweden to join NATO as soon as possible), Politico.eu, 11 April 2022: Slovakia in talks over possible transfer of MiG jets to Ukraine, CNN, 11 April 2022: Austria’s leader says his face-to-face meeting with Putin was ‘not a friendly visit’, DW, 11 April 2022: EU to help ICC investigate war crimes in Ukraine — live updates, Politico.eu, 11 April 2022: France kicks out Russian spies working ‘under diplomatic cover’, France24, 11 April 2022: France expels six suspected Russian spies ‘operating under diplomatic cover’, CNN, 11 April 2022: Here’s what we know about Russia’s new general for Ukraine, Politico.eu, 11 April 2022: Austrian chancellor says trip to see Putin was ‘not a friendly visit’, BBC, 11 April 2022: Ukraine: ‘Russian soldiers raped me and killed my husband’, CNN, 11 April 2022: Turkish drones have become a symbol of the Ukrainian resistance, The Times, 11 April 2022: Putin may use white phosphorus bombs to take Mariupol, Britain warns, Politico.com, 11 April 2022: Russia’s War on Ukraine: Russians readying for new offensive in eastern Ukraine, U.S. official warns, Irish Times, 11 April 2022: Russian forces ramp up efforts to gain control of Mariupol, The Guardian, 11 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war latest: child among Kharkiv shelling victims, says mayor; Austrian leader’s talks with Putin ‘open and tough’, The Times, 11 April 2022: Ukrainians braced for ‘last battle’ in Mariupol as ammunition runs low, Irish Times, 11 April 2022: Pandora Papers: New release reveals more than 800 Russians behind secret companies, Al Arabiya, 12 April 2022: US expects new ‘atrocities’ in Ukraine from Russian general dubbed ‘Butcher of Syria’, The New York Times, 12 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Putin Says Peace Talks Hit ‘Dead End’ and Vows That War Will Go On, Haaretz, 12 April 2022: Coalition of Holocaust Museums Condemn Russian ‘War Crimes’ in Ukraine, The New York Times, 12 April 2022: A Ukrainian Philosopher on What Putin Never Understood About Ukraine, NPR, 12 April 2022: Photos: 10 million displaced as eastern Ukraine braces for major Russian assault, Los Angeles Times, 12 April 2022: ‘New stage of terror’ possible, Zelensky warns as Russia menaces Ukraine’s east and Putin vows to press on, Politico.eu, 12 April 2022: Putin and Lukashenko describe Bucha killings as ‘fake’ and ‘staged by Englishmen’ (in doing so, they adopt the strategy of war criminal and dictator Joseph Stalin. After he invaded eastern Poland and had hundreds of thousands of Poles slaughtered, he claimed that it all came from the Poles themselves and that of course he was completely innocent. In Russia today there are people who actually want to believe that, just as they want to believe the lies of the war criminal Putin), NPR, 12 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 12), DW, 12 April 2022: Does Russian commander in Ukraine deserve his ‘bloody’ reputation?, Al Arabiya, 12 April 2022: US unable to confirm Russia’s use of chemical weapons in Ukraine: Pentagon, BBC, 12 April 2022: Ukraine war: Putin vows to continue invasion until ‘noble’ aims met, France24, 12 April 2022: Russian invasion of Ukraine: UN officials say Ukrainian women and children need more protection, The Guardian, 12 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war latest: Zelenskiy announces capture of Putin ally in Ukraine, CNN, 12 April 2022: Putin’s bullying backfires as Finland and Sweden edge closer to joining NATO (Russia has never had a say in the admission of new NATO members and it will remain so. It does, however, have a humorous component, because without the constant threats to Finland and Sweden from Russia, the countries would not even aspire to NATO membership. So Putin shot himself in both feet again. In addition, Putin had Iskander missiles stationed in Kaliningrad years ago), BBC, 12 April 2022: Grieving Russians can’t believe talk of war crimes in Ukraine, DW, 12 April 2022: Ukraine says pro-Russian politician Medvedchuk recaptured — live updates, The Times, 12 April 2022: Belarus leader Lukashenko: Britain staged Bucha massacre of civilians, France24, 12 April 2022: Chemical weapons threat raises stakes for Mariupol’s last stand, BBC, 12 April 2022: Donbas: Battle in east Ukraine expected to be bloody and decisive, The National, 13 April 2022: Zelenskyy mocks Putin for saying war is going to plan, CNN, 13 April 2022: Putin ally Viktor Medvedchuk detained in “special operation,” Zelensky says, Irish Times, 13 April 2022: Putin defends ‘noble’ war and says diplomacy at ‘dead end’, The National, 13 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: US pledges another $800m in military aid to Ukraine, CNN, 13 April 2022: Kremlin-connected children grew up in the very countries whose societies their parents claim to reject, The National, 13 April 2022: Opec cuts 2022 supply and demand forecasts amid Ukraine conflict and high inflation, Haaretz, 13 April 2022: Jew vs. Jew: How Putin’s Ukraine War Has Torn Apart the Russian-speaking Jewish World, Al Arabiya, 13 April 2022: Russia’s war on Ukraine is ‘terrorism,’ Moscow ‘worse than Nazis’: Baltic leaders, The National, 13 April 2022: What is genocide and will Biden’s accusation hurt Russia?, The New York Times, 13 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Putin’s Aim to Weaken NATO Falters as Finland and Sweden Weigh Joining, Arab News, 13 April 2022: Russia says no escape for last defenders of Ukrainian port, prepares for new offensive, Al Arabiya, 13 April 2022: Russia using same tactics in Ukraine as in Syria: Ukraine FM Kuleba, The New York Times, 13 April 2022: U.S. and Ukrainian Groups Pierce Putin’s Propaganda Bubble, The Washington Post, 13 April 2022: Western leaders pledge more military support as Russian troops reposition, NPR, 13 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 13), Al Arabiya, 13 April 2022: Explainer-Mariupol: Ruins of port could become Russia’s first big prize in Ukraine, The Hill, 13 April 2022: US mulls using forces stationed in Eastern Europe to train Ukrainian troops, The Atlantic, 13 April 2022: Zelensky’s Prayer, NPR, 13 April 2022: Images of Zelenskyy show the physical toll that trauma and stress can have on the body, BBC, 13 April 2022: Ukraine war: Mass surrender of troops in Mariupol, says Russia, Politico.eu, 13 April 2022: Ukraine announces capture of top Putin pal Viktor Medvedchuk, Irish Times, 13 April 2022: Russia likely to target other countries if Ukraine does not receive more weapons – Zelenskiy, CNN, 13 April 2022: Putin shrugs off setbacks despite Russia’s pariah status and heavy losses in Ukraine, The Times, 13 April 2022: Truth will out about Russian war crimes in Ukraine, says British prosecutor, The Guardian, 13 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war latest: Zelenskiy pleads for weapons to avoid ‘bloodbath’; Trudeau echoes Biden on use of word ‘genocide’, DW, 13 April 2022: Ukraine: Germany’s Scholz vows to send more weapons — live updates, CNN, 13 April 2022: Top US State Department official: US will likely determine genocide has been committed in Ukraine, France24, 13 April 2022: Detained tycoon Viktor Medvedchuk: Putin’s man in Ukraine, DW, 13 April 2022: Mass graves and destruction in Bucha and Hostomel, The New York Times, 13 April 2022: Free Advice for Putin: ‘Make Peace, You Fool’, The National, 14 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Russia says missile cruiser sinks after claimed Ukrainian missile hit (Awesome! You just have to love the Ukrainian defenders), Arab News, 14 April 2022: Russia warns of nuclear deployment if Sweden and Finland join NATO, The New York Times, 14 April 2022: Live Updates: Russian Warship Ukraine Claimed to Have Hit Has Sunk, Moscow Says, Los Angeles Times, 14 April 2022: After Ukrainian missile attack, Russia reports its Black Sea flagship sank while being towed, CNN, 14 April 2022: Medvedev warns Russia would bolster military over potential Swedish and Finnish NATO membership, NPR, 14 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 14), The Hill, 14 April 2022: Russian military’s damaged Black Sea flagship sinks, CNN, 14 April 2022: Some Belarusians want to fight Russians in Ukraine. They also hope to free their country from Putin’s grip, Irish Times, 14 April 2022: Moscow accuses Ukraine of striking villages on Russian territory (if so, that would be great news. The closer Ukraine can bring Putin’s war of aggression and annihilation against Ukraine to Russia, the less effective Putin’s propaganda lies will be), NPR, 14 April 2022: A Russian woman is jailed for replacing store price tags with anti-war messages, CNN, 14 April 2022: What images of Russian trucks say about its military’s struggles in Ukraine, Politico.eu, 14 April 2022: Ukraine claims missile strikes on Russia’s ‘fuck yourself’ warship, The Times, 14 April 2022: Russia’s Black Sea flagship sinks after ‘direct hits’, The Guardian, 14 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war latest: Russia says Moskva warship has sunk after reported missile strike – live, DW, 14 April 2022: Russian warship ‘Moskva’ has sunk — What do we know?, Irish Times, 14 April 2022: Sinking of Russian flagship Moskva has symbolic importance beyond Ukraine, CNN, 14 April 2022: Russian warship Moskva sinks in Black Sea, Russian Ministry of Defense reported via state media, DW, 14 April 2022: Why Ukraine’s Donbas region is so important to Putin, Politico.eu, 14 April 2022: Russia’s propaganda machine takes another hit, New York Post, 14 April 2022: Ukrainian woman raped, killed by Russian troops found in mass grave in Bucha, France24, 14 April 2022: Russia says flagship Moskva cruiser of its Black Sea fleet has sunk, DW, 14 April 2022: Courageous rail workers keep Ukraine running amid war, The Times, 14 April 2022: Ukraine-Russia war 50 days in: before and after pictures show devastation, DW, 14 April 2022: Ukraine’s Wladimir Klitschko: ‘We are prepared for anything’, Irish Times, 14 April 2022: Russia’s flagship Black Sea vessel sinks while being towed after explosion, DW, 14 April 2022: War in the world’s breadbasket, France24, 14 April 2022: US indicts Russian lawmaker for alleged anti-Ukraine propaganda campaign, DW, 14 April 2022: Ukraine: Russia says its Black Sea flagship ‘Moskva’ has sunk — live updates, Arab News, 14 April 2022: Russian authorities arrest journalist for reports on Ukraine, The Guardian, 14 April 2022: Russia’s Moskva cruiser sinks following Ukrainian claim of missile strike, BBC, 15 April 2022: Russian warship: Moskva sinks in Black Sea, Al Arabiya, 15 April 2022: Russia says Black Sea flagship Moskva has sunk, BBC, 15 April 2022: Russia ‘hits Kyiv missile plant’ after losing iconic warship, The National, 15 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Police say 900 bodies recovered in Kyiv region, The National, 15 April 2022: Ukraine expects Russia to seek military ‘trophy’ in time for May 9 parade, The New York Times, 15 April 2022: Live Updates: Putin Draws Line on U.S. Arms for Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 15 April 2022: Sunken Russian warship was an early symbol of Ukrainian defiance, BBC, 15 April 2022: Ukraine war: Russia threatens to step up attacks on Kyiv, The New York Times, 15 April 2022: How Russia Media Uses Fox News to Make Its Case, The National, 15 April 2022: Ukraine war leads to Poland doubling size of army, BBC, 15 April 2022: Russian warship: Moskva sinks in Black Sea, The New York Times, 15 April 2022: $100 Billion. Russia’s Treasure in the U.S. Should Be Turned Against Putin., CNN, 15 April 2022: Russia formally protests US weapons shipments to Ukraine, The Times, 15 April 2022: Ukrainian fighter pilots launch ‘buy me a jet’ campaign, France24, 15 April 2022: Ukrainian FM Kuleba urges France to call atrocities in Ukraine a ‘genocide’, The Guardian, 15 April 2022: Live Captain of sunken warship killed in explosion, says Ukraine; Kyiv official says 900 civilian bodies found, The Times, 15 April 2022: US troops to give Ukrainians a crash course in battlefield weapons, CNN, 15 April 2022: Exclusive: Zelensky says world should be prepared for possibility Putin could use nuclear weapons, The Hill, 15 April 2022: Zelensky says world should prepare for Russia to use nuclear weapons, BBC, 15 April 2022: 900 civilian bodies recovered in Kyiv region – chief of police, The Times, 15 April 2022: Russia humiliated as Ukraine celebrates destruction of Black Sea flagship, The Hill, 15 April 2022: Pentagon backs Ukraine’s claim it hit Russian warship with two missiles, CNN, 15 April 2022: Moskva sinking: What really happened to the pride of Russia’s fleet?, France24, 15 April 2022: Live: More than 900 civilian bodies found in Kyiv region, police say, CNN, 15 April 2022: US assesses two Ukrainian missiles struck Russian warship, The Hill, 15 April 2022: Ukraine has used facial recognition tech to notify hundreds of Russian families of dead soldiers: report, The Times, 15 April 2022: Kremlin targets Kyiv anti-ship missile plant, Irish Times, 15 April 2022: Kyiv accuses Russia of killing civilians as war intensifies in eastern Ukraine, NPR, 15 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 15), The Hill, 15 April 2022: Russia sends formal letter warning US to stop arming Ukraine: report, Los Angeles Times, 15 April 2022: Russia renews attacks on Kyiv and fights to seize Mariupol, NPR, 15 April 2022: As Ukraine investigates Russian war crimes, the U.S. and EU allies offer assistance, DW, 15 April 2022: Ukraine war: Germany boosts military aid budget to €2 billion — live updates, The New Yorker, 15 April 2022: The Siege of Chernihiv, The Hill, 15 April 2022: Ukrainian defense minister quips sunken Russian warship ‘a worthy diving site’, DW, 15 April 2022: On the road with Ukraine’s territorial defense force, NPR, 15 April 2022: A Russian warship in the Black Sea was sunk by Ukrainian missiles, U.S. official says, Politico.eu, 15 April 2022: Russia’s Moskva warship sinks in Black Sea, DW, 15 April 2022: Expert interview: What Russia did in Syria, may predict what happens next in Ukraine, Politico.eu, 15 April 2022: Ukrainians protest Pope’s Good Friday reconciliation gesture (a clear distinction must be made here. While Ukraine has decided for itself that ALL Russians are its enemies, Ukrainians and Russians have been living and working together in good and friendly ways for decades in the West. It makes absolutely no sense to try to drive a wedge between the two migration groups. On the contrary: For the host countries it is even important in the sense of social and societal peace that this does not happen. In this respect, one can take note of Ukraine’s objections here, but nothing more. There are certainly those Russians or those of Russian descent living in the West, who have fallen completely for the propaganda lies of the Putin regime. As a rule, these people have integrated little or not at all in their host countries and are otherwise of little or no use as well. In Germany, less than 10% of Russian speakers have this problem. So there is no reason to impute this to all Russians), The National, 16 April 2022: Hope, fear and tears: Five stories from Ukraine’s border with Poland, Reuters, 16 April 2022: Text at pope’s Good Friday service scrapped after Ukrainian protest, The National, 16 April 2022: Germany to provide over €1bn in military aid to Ukraine, The Economist, 16 April 2022: What is at stake in Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 16 April 2022: Russia bans entry to British PM Boris Johnson, high-level government officials, The National, 16 April 2022: More military aid will shorten war, says Ukraine’s Zelenskyy, The New York Times, 16 April 2022: Live Updates: Russia Targets Military Facilities Across Ukraine and Steps Up Attacks in East, The Hill, 16 April 2022: Putin’s gambit: To kill a president, DW, 16 April 2022: Ukraine: UN Security Council lacks teeth, The National, 16 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Boris Johnson and other top UK officials banned from entry to Russia, The Hill, 16 April 2022: Ukraine weathers previously unthinkable: 50 days of Russian war, DW, 16 April 2022: Ukrainians queue up for Russian warship stamp, BBC, 16 April 2022: Ukraine war: Russia bans Boris Johnson from country over Ukraine war, Los ANgeles Times, 16 April 2022: Blasts rock Kyiv and Lviv as Ukraine braces for payback over sunken Russian flagship, The Hill, 16 April 2022: Sinking of Russian warship offers Ukraine a morale — and maybe strategic — boost, CNN, 16 April 2022: Russia bans UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other top officials from entering the country, NPR, 16 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 16) , Irish Times, 16 April 2022: Ukraine: Missiles strike Kyiv as Russia claims to have taken control of Mariupol, CNN, 16 April 2022: ‘We all realize that we will not be forgiven.’ Ukraine braces for new assault after sinking of Russian flagship, France24, 16 April 2022: Behind the frontlines, Ukrainians find world of ways to help, The Guardian, 16 April 2022: Russia bans Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Ben Wallace from entering country, The Times, 16 April 2022: Lessons from history: how Ukraine will be rebuilt, France24, 16 April 2022: Live: ‘Elimination’ of last Ukrainian troops in Mariupol would end negotiations, says Zelensky, The Guardian, 16 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow attacks UK’s ‘anti-Russian hysteria’; Zelenskiy and Johnson discuss Mariupol, BBC, 16 April 2022: Talks over if Mariupol defenders killed – Zelensky, DW, 16 April 2022: Germany holds Easter peace marches in shadow of Ukraine war (a bunch of out-of-time weirdos. The mere cheekiness of recommending that the Ukrainians lay down their arms so that the war would supposedly end faster, but in fact of course to be slaughtered by the mercenaries of the Russian serial war criminal Putin, completely discredits the bunch), The Guardian, 16 April 2022: Russians who fled at outbreak of Ukraine war reluctantly go home, Haaretz, 17 April 2022: Russia Summons Israeli Envoy After Lapid’s ‘Regrettable’ Remarks on Ukraine War, Politico.com, 17 April 2022: Zelenskyy on Mariupol: ‘With each passing day, it’s growing more unstable’, Jerusalem Post, 17 April 2022: Russia summons Israeli ambassador after slamming Lapid condemnation, The New York Times, 17 April 2022: Atrocities in Ukraine War Have Deep Roots in Russian Military, Politico.com, 17 April 2022: Austrian chancellor: Putin ‘in his own war logic’, Al Arabiya, 17 April 2022: A Ukrainian-made weapon that delivered Russia a huge naval loss, what is the Neptune?, The National, 17 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Kyiv pauses civilian evacuations from eastern region, Al Arabiya, 17 April 2022: Russia’s Putin has ‘his own war logic’, believes he’s winning: Austria’s Chancellor, CNN, 17 April 2022: Russian forces to close entry and exit to Mariupol and introduce pass system, mayor’s adviser says, The New York Times, 17 April 2022: Last Troops in Mariupol Hold On as Russia Demands Surrender, CNN, 17 April 2022: Injured, alone and destined for a Russian orphanage, a 12-year-old Ukrainian girl is recruited for Moscow’s information war, BBC, 17 April 2022: Ukraine war: Trucks stuck at Poland-Belarus border as EU sanctions deadline passes, Arab News, 17 April 2022: Ukraine vows to fight to the end in Mariupol as ultimatum expires, France24, 17 April 2022: In Irpin, Ukrainian police try to collect evidence against Russian military, CNN, 17 April 2022: Ukraine’s prime minister: Mariupol “still has not fallen”, BBC, 17 April 2022: Mariupol defenders ignore Russia surrender deadline, Irish Times, 17 April 2022: Mariupol defenders continue to defy Russian order to surrender, France24, 17 April 2022: Ukraine vows to ‘fight to the end’ in Mariupol as Russian ultimatum expires, CNN, 17 April 2022: Ukraine rejects deadline to surrender in Mariupol as Russia threatens to eliminate resistance, DW, 17 April 2022: Ukraine: Mariupol situation remains dire, says Zelenskyy — live updates, The Atlantic, 17 April 2022: How to Seek Justice for Rape in the War on Ukraine, BBC, 17 April 2022: Ukraine forces in Mariupol will ‘fight to the end’, Al Arabiya, 18 April 2022: ISIS vows ‘revenge’ for ex-leader’s death, calls for taking advantage of Ukraine war, The Hill, 18 April 2022: Zelensky on Russian military actions in southern Ukraine: ‘This is nothing but deliberate terror’, NPR, 18 April 2022: War in Ukraine live updates: Russian strikes in Lviv cause the far-western city’s first fatalities, Jerusalem Post, 18 April 2022: Zelensky: We don’t think the world believes in ‘never again’ – CNN, Politico.com, 18 April 2022: Lonely Anatoly: The Russian ambassador is Washington’s least popular man, Jerusalem Post, 18 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine War: More Russian soldiers refusing to fight in Ukraine – GUR, The National, 18 April 2022: Russia has begun offensive for eastern Ukraine, says Zelenskyy, Al Arabiya, 18 April 2022: Russia says destroyed large depot of US, EU weapons in Ukraine, Manager Magazin, 18 April 2022: Why so much of the world won’t stand up to Russia, The National, 18 April 2022: US to train Ukrainian troops on howitzer use against Russia, Al Arabiya, 18 April: Putin honors troops posted in Bucha for ‘heroism, courage’ as Kyiv decries atrocities (the Russian serial war criminal Putin honors the serial war criminals he deployed in Ukraine for serial war crimes committed there with an award for serial war criminals), The Hill, 18 April: Putin honors brigade accused of Bucha war crimes, Forbes, 18 April: Putin Honors Army Unit Accused Of Bucha Killings, The New York Times, 18 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Russian Offensive in East Has Started, Ukraine Says, Jerusalem Post, 18 April 2022: Ukraine-Russia War: Russia uses Ukrainian children as human shields – GUR, The National, 18 April 2022: Ukraine fears Russia will hold sham referendum in occupied Kherson, The New York Times, 18 April 2022: Bleak assessments of the Russian economy clash with Putin’s rosy claims., CNN, 18 April 2022: Zelensky: Russia will have difficulty replenishing arsenal amid sanctions, BBC, 18 April 2022: Battle for the Donbas has begun, says Zelensky, DW, 18 April 2022: Ukraine says Russia is launching attacks in Donetsk, Luhansk — live updates, Los Angeles Times, 18 April 2022: Russian assault in eastern Ukraine has begun, Ukraine President Zelensky says, NPR, 18 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 18), CNN, 18 April 2022: Western exodus could cost 200,000 jobs in Moscow, says mayor, BBC, 18 April 2022: Ukraine war: Dramatic images appear to show sinking Russian warship Moskva, Politico.com, 18 April 2022: Zelenskyy: Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine has begun, The Guardian, 18 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Russia has started Donbas offensive, says Zelenskiy; seven killed in strikes on Lviv, France24, 18 April 2022: Biden has ‘no plans’ to visit Ukraine: W.House, CNN, 18 April 2022: Ukrainian woman on Vladimir Putin: ‘Why can’t they stop this one idiot?’, BBC, 18 April 2022: Ukraine war: First civilian deaths in Lviv shatter sense of safety, France24, 18 April 2022: Live: Russia has launched its offensive in Ukraine’s east, says Zelensky, The Algemeiner, 18 April 2022: PA President Abbas Expresses Support for Putin Over Ukraine Invasion as Russia Slams Israeli ‘Illegal Occupation’, Al Arabiya, 19 April 2022: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy says Russia has begun ‘battle of Donbas’, Politico.com, 18 April 2022: Russia unleashes offensive on Ukraine, ushering in new phase of war, Al Arabiya, 19 April 2022: Putin bears responsibility for ‘war crimes’ in Ukraine: Germany’s Scholz, NPR, 19 April 2022: Who is the real Elvira Nabiullina?, The New York Times, 19 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Russia Declares New Phase of War as Forces Clash in East, Los Angeles Times, 19 April 2022: Russia intensifies its assault with fresh strikes on eastern Ukraine, NPR, 19 April 2022: Ukraine says Russia’s offensive in Donbas has begun. Here’s what we know, Al Arabiya, 19 April 2022: Ukraine: Russia using bunker-buster bombs on Mariupol plant where civilians shelter, The Guardian, 19 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war latest: Mariupol ‘offered ceasefire’ for surrender; eastern city captured by Russia, The National, 19 April 2022: What is the Stormer missile system the UK is planning to send to Ukraine?, BBC, 19 April 2022: Forces clash along Ukraine’s eastern front line, Arab News, 19 April 2022: Ukraine war exposes how much Tehran has tilted toward Moscow, Der Spiegel, 19 April 2022: The Scholz Problem: Discontent Grows in Berlin over Chancellor’s Ukraine Response (the “German solo effort” has been going on for quite a while. While other NATO partners are providing what they can, the Scholz government is refusing help where it can and could. Germany is once again on the wrong side of history. The consequences are thousands of dead Ukrainians and a triumphant serial war criminal Putin. This will not be forgotten either nationally or internationally: While the Scholz government is “thinking about making heavy equipment available to Ukraine,” other NATO partners are making the heavy weapons provided to them by Germany available to Ukraine as a matter of course. It doesn’t get any more absurd than that. On the other hand, this of course answers questions: by refraining from action, those who have relied on military support from an SPD-led Germany in times of dire need are made aware that they are abandoned as soon as the SPD darling Putin is at stake . The SPD had eight weeks to deliver heavy weapons to Ukraine. Not one was actually delivered in that period. The analysis is as simple as it is devastating: the SPD would rather sacrifice Ukraine, Ukrainians, Eastern Europe, democracy and freedom than defend Ukraine and Europe against the war criminal Putin), The New York Times, 19 April 2022: China and Russia Are Giving Authoritarianism a Bad Name, Al Arabiya, 19 April 2022: Russia focused on Mariupol, atrocities could be worse than Bucha: European official, France24, 19 April 2022: Live: UN chief denounces Russia’s eastern offensive, calls for four-day ‘humanitarian’ truce, The National, 19 April 2022: Wagner Group wipeout sees 3,000 mercenaries killed in Ukraine, The New York Times, 19 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 19), CNN, 19 April 2022: Zelensky says situation in Mariupol remains “brutal and unchanged”, Arab News, 19 April 2022: The decline in Israel-Russia ties, Politico.eu, 19 April 2022: The plan to rebuild a green Ukraine, The Times, 19 April 2022: ‘Our beloved city is shelled day and night – but we will not break’, DW, 19 April 2022: West pledges weapons for Ukraine as Russia hits Donbas — live updates, The New York Times, 19 April 2022: The U.S. Races to Arm Ukraine With Heavier, More Advanced Weaponry, CNN, 19 April 2022: What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn’t really know, The Guardian, 19 April 2022: The Guardian view on war in Ukraine: a new but no less brutal phase, Irish Times, 19 April 2022: Russia captures town in eastern Ukraine in new phase of war, The Times, 19 April 2022: Russia begins assault across Ukraine’s eastern front, The Guardian, 19 April 2022: ‘Russian warship, go …!’: Ukrainians queue for stamp celebrating act of defiance, BBC, 20 April 2022: Ukraine war: Kyiv’s allies pledge more weapons to help win war, The National, 20 April 2022: Russian oligarch under western sanctions denounces Kremlin’s ‘massacre’, Haaretz, 20 April 2022: As Ukraine Bleeds, Putin’s Puppets in Europe Are Getting Stronger, France24, 20 April 2022: Civilians still trapped as Mariupol evacuation fails, says Ukraine deputy PM, The National, 20 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Moscow tests nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile, Arab News, 20 April 2022: Many civilians still trapped in Mariupol as Russian deadline expires; refugees top 5 million, Al Arabiya, 20 April 2022: ‘Present to NATO’: What do we know about Russia’s new nuclear-capable missile?, The Atlantic, 20 April 2022: Russia’s Isolation From the West Will Outlast the War, The Times, 20 April 2022: Russia upgrades northern fleet as Finland debates joining Nato (to put even more military pressure on Finland, just to make sure that the country will finally ask for NATO admission is a great act of support. Thanks for that one, Vladimir), France24, 20 April 2022: Taciturn Scholz under fire for hesitant Ukraine stance, The New York Times, 20 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Fighting Flares in East, as Russia Issues Warning With Missile Test, The Times, 20 April 2022: Germany refuses request to send weapons to Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 20 April 2022: Ultimatum ignored in Mariupol as attacks intensify in east Ukraine, The Algemeiner, 20 April 2022: Israel Agrees to Supply Helmets, Vests to Ukraine Rescue Services, BBC, 20 April 2022: Anguish for thousands trapped in Mariupol as evacuation stalls, The National, 20 April 2022: Little Ukraine and the solidarity of a diaspora in New York, CNN, 20 April 2022: Pushed back from Kyiv, what’s Russia’s military strategy now?, The Atlantic, 20 April 2022: Liberation Without Victory, The Guardian, 20 April 2022: Putin’s key supporters are now playing a desperate face-saving game in Ukraine, CNN, 20 April 2022: Zelensky says discussions with European Council president were “substantive”, DW, 20 April 2022: Ukraine says planned Mariupol evacuations fell short — live updates, The Hill, 20 April 2022: Russia test launches intercontinental ballistic missile amid war, Politico, 20 April 2022: Forged by war: Ukraine’s new sense of nationhood, DW, 20 April 2022: Will the West ever deal with Putin again?, BBC, 20 April 2022: Russian tycoon lambasts country’s ‘massacre’, The Guardian, 20 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Russia demands Mariupol surrender as fewer civilians than hoped escape besieged city, NPR, 20 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 20), Irish Times, 20 April 2022: Soldiers besieged in Mariupol call to be evacuated with civilians, Politico, 20 April 2022: Russian and Belarusian tennis players banned from competing at Wimbledon, DW, 20 April 2022: Cracking down on peace: How Russian anti-war protesters face persecution, Irish Times, 20 April 2022: Ukraine war: Mariupol resistance on verge of collapse, The Times, 21 April 2022: Call off steelworks attack, says Putin as Russia ‘liberates’ Mariupol, BBC, 21 April 2022: Seal off last Mariupol fighters, Putin tells forces, The Times, 21 April 2022: Battle for drone supremacy in struggle for control of Donbas region, France24, 21 April 2022: Live: Russia pummels last Ukrainian defenders in port city Mariupol, DW, 21 April 2022: Lviv: Living in the shadow of Russia’s war with Ukraine, The Times, 21 April 2022: Putin warns West with long-range Satan 2 missile, The New Yorker, 21 April 2022: Is the Russian Military a Paper Tiger?, DW, 21 April 2022: Why is the Donbas so important for Russia?, The Times, 21 April 2022: ‘There might not be a city for my family to return to’, Irish Times, 21 April 2022: War in Ukraine: Putin claims victory in ‘liberated’ Mariupol, The Times, 21 April 2022: Mothers of Russian soldiers ‘encourage them to kill civilians’ (great, that the Ukrainians already killed that many facist Russian war crimiinals. The more the better and where ever you can find them!), CNN, 21 April 2022: Putin rattles his ‘Satan II’ nuclear saber to hide Russian failures in Ukraine war: analysts, The New York Times, 21 April 2022: ‘I Don’t Think It’s Going to Stop in Ukraine’: 10 Americans on Putin’s War, The Times, 21 April 2022: Battle for drone supremacy in struggle for control of Donbas region, Foreign Policy, 21 April 2022: Russia’s Military Has a Railroad Problem, The New York Times, 21 April 2022: The U.S. will outfit five artillery battalions for Ukraine and provide new drones that explode on impact., Al Arabiya, 21 April 2022: Pentagon developed custom-made ‘Ghost drone’ for Ukraine to use against Russia, The Hill, 21 April 2022: Staggering Ukrainian refugee numbers show no sign of slowing, The New Yorker, 21 April 2022: The Long Holy War Behind Putin’s Political War in Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 21 April 2022: Ukraine says Russia buried up to 9,000 civilians in new mass grave near Mariupol, Los Angeles Times, 21 April 2022: Russia claims Mariupol amid fresh evidence its troops killed civilians, The New York Times, 21 April 2022: Biden Says Putin ‘Will Never Succeed’ in War; U.S. to Send Ukraine More Aid, Al Arabiya, 21 April 2022: US says Russia’s claim of victory in Ukraine’s Mariupol is more ‘disinformation’, Times of Israel, 21 April 2022: Russian envoy: We’ll ‘respond accordingly’ if Israel gives Ukraine defensive gear, The National, 21 April 2022: Russia could ‘still win’ in Ukraine, western officials fear, The Washington Post, 22 April 2022: Trump says he threatened not to defend NATO against Russia, The New Yorker, 22 April 2022: This Earth Day, We Could Help the Environment – and Ukraine, NPR, 22 April 2022: Possible mass graves near Mariupol shown in satellite images, The National, 22 April 2022: London police receive 50 referrals over possible war crimes in Ukraine, The New York Times, 22 April 2022: One Ukrainian War Casualty: The World’s Largest Airplane, The Washington Post, 22 April 2022: Commander: Russia seeks ‘control’ of south, The National, 22 April 2022: Russia wants full control of southern Ukraine after Mariupol ‘liberation’, The New York Times, 22 April 2022: Hackers Claim to Target Russian Institutions in Barrage of Cyberattacks and Leaks, Arab News, 22 April 2022: Kremlin pursues more cases against critics of Ukraine war, The Hill, 22 April 2022: Hillicon Valley — Ukraine postal service hit with cyberattack, Al Arabiya, 22 April 2022: Amsterdam Trade Bank, part of Russia’s Alfa Bank, declared bankrupt, DW, 22 April 2022: Why isn’t Germany supplying Ukraine with heavy weapons?, The Hill, 22 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 22), The New York Times, 22 April 2022: What Happened on Day 58 of the War in Ukraine, DW, 22 April 2022: Russia says it seeks ‘full control’ of southern Ukraine, access to Moldova’s Trans-Dniester region — live updates, The Hill, 22 April 2022: Fears grow for Mariupol — the ‘center of hell’, The Times, 22 April 2022: Russian submarines launch cruise missiles at Ukraine from Black Sea, Irish Times, 22 April 2022: The dead and the survived: A tale of two Ukrainian soldiers, NPR, 22 April 2022: Another possible mass grave with as many as 9,000 bodies is found near Mariupol, CNN, 22 April 2022: It’s just past 7 p.m. in Kyiv. Here’s what you need to know., The Times, 22 April 2022: Russians guilty of war crime horrors in Ukraine could face ‘Nuremberg’ trials, The Guardian, 22 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war latest: Russia still bombing Azovstal steelworks, Ukraine says; UN secretary general to meet Putin, Politico.eu, 22 April 2022: Olaf Scholz cites risk of nuclear war in refusal to send tanks to Ukraine (in real life, Scholz and the SPD’s Putin fan club apparently don’t want to spoil things entirely with the tsar. Finally, the Kremlin hands out lucrative consultancy contracts), BBC, 22 April 2022: UN must help evacuate Mariupol – Ukraine’s deputy PM, Politico.eu, 22 April 2022: Trolling Russia, Ukraine registers Moskva shipwreck as ‘underwater cultural heritage’ (*hahahaha*), CNN, 22 April 2022: Russian troops use rape as ‘an instrument of war’ in Ukraine, rights groups allege, Irish Times, 22 April 2022: Allies delivering weapons to Ukraine, says Zelenskiy as Russia seeks control of country’s south, BBC, 22 April 2022: Ukraine war: Inside Kyiv’s trench defences, The Times, 22 April 2022: Putin’s ability to shock is his best weapon, CNN, 22 April 2022: ‘We don’t realize how strong we actually are’: How Alexey Navalny became Russia’s opposition leader, France24, 22 April 2022: Mariupol holds out while EU calls for the opening of humanitarian corridors, BBC, 22 April 2022: Ukraine war: Russia aiming for full control of south, commander says, France24, 22 April 2022: In ruined Kyiv suburb, residents ask, ‘What have we done to Putin to be slaughtered like this?’, DW, 22 April 2022: Why isn’t ?Germany supplying Ukraine with heavy weapons?, Jerusalem Post, 23 April 2022: Berlin institute taps World War Two experience to document Ukraine war crimes, Politico.eu, 23 April 2022: Ballistic missiles won’t make the difference in the Donbas — drones will, The National, 23 April 2022: What is the Phoenix Ghost killer drone the US is giving Ukraine?, Jerusalem Post, 23 April 2022: Russia using weapons supplied by France, Germany against Ukraine, The New York Times, 23 April 2022: The Former Chancellor Who Became Putin’s Man in Germany, Arab News, 23 April 2022: Turkey closes airspace to Russian planes carrying troops to Syria, Al Arabiya, 23 April 2022: Zelenskyy threatens to quit talks if Russia holds ‘pseudo-referendums’, The New York Times, 23 April 2022: What Happened on Day 59 of the War in Ukraine, The Hill, 23 April 2022: 5 things to know about Russia-Ukraine war this week, The Guardian, 23 April 2022: Putin has ignited a new anti-colonial struggle. This time, Moscow is the target, Los Angeles Times, 23 April 2022: Ukraine fends off Russian attacks as Mariupol, Odesa take pounding. Top U.S. officials to arrive, The Guardian, 23 April 2022: Back in the USSR: Lenin statues and Soviet flags reappear in Russian-controlled cities, The Hill, 23 April 2022: US races clock to ship weapons to Ukraine, The Guardian, 23 April 2022: In Mariupol, Putin now rules a wasteland pitted with mass graves, Politico.eu, 23 April 2022: Getting out alive: Ukrainian civilians flee the Russian onslaught, The Guardian, 23 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: baby killed in missile attack on Odesa, Zelenskiy says; Ukrainian president to meet Antony Blinken on Sunday, DW, 23 April 2022: Ukraine says missiles hit residential buildings in Odesa — live updates, BBC, 23 April 2022: Mariupol steelworks: Video appears to show children in Azovstal bunker, CNN, 23 April 2022: It’s 11 p.m. in Ukraine. Catch up on today’s developments here, DW, 23 April 2022: North of Kyiv, battle of Teterivske demonstrates ‘imprecise’ Russian military style, BBC, 23 April 2022: Odesa apartment block hit by missiles, France24, 23 April 2022: Several killed in Russian missile strike on Ukraine’s Odesa, The Guardian, 24 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Blinken and Austin in Kyiv for Zelenskiy talks, says adviser, Jerusalem Post, 24 April 2022: Russia wants to force Ukrainian POWs to donate blood – Ukrainian official, Arab News, 24 April 2022: Ukraine leader pushes for more arms; US officials to visit, The Guardian, 24 April 2022: The awful truth is dawning: Putin may win in Ukraine. The result would be catastrophe, The New York Times, 24 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Commander Says Mariupol Steel Plant Hasn’t Fallen, The National, 24 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Zelenskyy says Orthodox Easter gives ‘great hope’ of victory, Arab News, 24 April 2022: The search for a magic formula to end Russia-Ukraine war, The New York Times, 24 April 2022: With Us or With Them? In a New Cold War, How About Neither., NPR, 24 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 24), The Sunday Times, 24 April 2022: Retired US general calls for Nato troops in Ukraine, DW, 24 April 2022: Ukraine: Zelenskyy meets Blinken, Austin in Kyiv, says Ukrainian official — live updates, Politico.com, 24 April 2022: U.S., Ukrainian officials weigh ‘high possibility’ of Putin invading Moldova, The Sunday Times, 24 April 2022: Gerhard Schröder defends lucrative work for Russian energy giants, DW, 24 April 2022: Are there still Russian soldiers in Belarus?, CNN, 24 April 2022: It’s 6 p.m. on Sunday in Kyiv. Here’s what you need to know, BBC, 24 April 2022: Odesa missile attack: ‘My world was destroyed by a Russian missile’, DW, 24 April 2022: Mariupol: Before and after pictures show extent of devastation, The National, 25 April 2022: German coalition divide over heavy weapons supplies to Ukraine deepens (actually, one would have to laugh at the naive ignorance and stupidity of “Olaf und den Ampelmännchen” (chancellor Scholz’s coalition) if the consequences weren’t so dramatic: 1. so far, one has obviously learned far too little from the completely failed appeasement policy towards Putin, and it even gives the impression that one wants to return to it in order to satisfy the love for Putin and the passionate anti-Americanism of the left wing of the SPD, 2. turning a blind eye to facts and figures out of sheer cowardice is exactly what spurs on bar thugs like serial war criminal Putin even further. They start small (Georgia and Moldova) and, after realizing that the West only wets itself anyway and at most gives Sunday speeches, then really get going. Assuming that Putin would cease warfare after he might take Ukraine is as likely as Easter and Christmas on the same day. In fact, in that case he would move on to Georgia and Moldova, target Finland and the Baltics, and finally attack at least Poland. This is also why it is of the utmost importance that he is not allowed to win in the Ukraine and that this must therefore be prevented by all means, regardless of whether German Putinversteher, who are now apparently completely disconnected from reality, “do not want to inflict humiliation on the poor, little serial war criminal Putin “, 3. Putin wants to achieve Russian imperialism with the complete destruction of Western values and ways of life. According to his ideas, all European states should be militarily subdued, democracy, freedom and the rule of law should be abolished, NATO should be abolished and, of course, the American security umbrella for Western and Central Europe should be cleared. The German government is making his efforts easier for him by shining through active passivity, instead of doing what would be right better yesterday than tomorrow, by helping Ukraine to create the best defensive possible, while at the same time draining Putin’s coffers and putting up an effective European security architecture (if the Visegrad states still don’t want to participate, they can stay out and take care of their own security – which of course won’t succeed, although Hungary’s Orban apparently can’t wait to finally become part of the Soviet Union again) as quickly as possible. This is grossly negligent and thus violates the oath of office taken to avert damage to Germany. In fact, the federal government has already caused massive damage to Germany in the few months it has been in office, 4. in Putin’s troubled world, all states south and west of Russia’s true borders are already warring parties. Berlin’s attempt to use the excuse “Moscow could see us as a war party” to avoid having to deliver has thus become obsolete. Putin has viewed Germany as a war party for weeks. There are no longer any credible excuses for Berlin to continue refusing to work. Organizing any nonsense or making untenable statements to distract from the topic no longer work as smokescreens either, 5. What has apparently also remained completely unconsidered is that President Biden in the USA could certainly be replaced in the next election by #45 and, even after the start of Putin’s war of annihilation against Ukraine, he positioned himself very clearly in favor of Putin and against NATO. The significant security risks for Germany and the EU would then come from two sides (not even considering China)), Jerusalem Post, 25 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine War: ICC joins team probing alleged war crimes in Ukraine, The Atlantic, 25 April 2022: Ukraine and the Words That Lead to Mass Murder, Jerusalem Post, 25 April 2022: Explosions heard near gov’t building in pro-Russia Transnistria (for sure a Russian false flag attack, in order to “justify” the expected Russian escalation against Moldova), Politico.eu, 25 April 2022: US seeks to ‘weaken’ Russia as it pledges more military help for Ukraine, The New York Times, 25 April 2022: Explosions hit Transnistria, a Russian-allied region of Moldova, amid fears of a new front in the war., Politico.eu, 25 April 2022: Putin wants to de-Nazify Ukraine — that’s ludicrous, say the country’s Jews, The New York Times, 25 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: U.S. Says It Wants Russian Military Weakened, Politico.eu, 25 April 2022: Commission wants EU agency to protect evidence of war crimes in Ukraine, Irish Times, 25 April 2022: US officials pledge more military aid on visit to Kyiv, CNN, 25 April 2022: It’s Monday night in Kyiv. Here’s what you need to know., The Times, 25 April 2022: Russian ‘nail bomb’ shells killed civilians in Bucha, BBC, 25 April 2022: Ukraine war: US wants to see a weakened Russia, France24, 25 April 2022: ICC prosecutor to join EU team investigating crimes in Ukraine, CNN, 25 April 2022: Foreign investors are ditching China. Russia’s war is the latest trigger, BBC, 25 April 2022: Ukraine: Facing the Russian Army on the front line in Donbas, France24, 25 April 2022: Mariupol is almost wiped out but will ‘never surrender’, says top Zelensky adviser, DW, 25 April 2022: Russia announces expulsion of 40 German diplomats in tit-for-tat move — live updates, Der Spiegel, 26 April 2022: “We Have Never Seen Such Firepower”: Russia Ramps Up the Pressure in Eastern Ukraine, DW, 26 April 2022: Germany will deliver anti-aircraft tanks to Ukraine, Arab News, 26 April 2022: Russia pounds eastern Ukraine as West promises Kyiv new arms, DW, 26 April 2022: Russian missile attack claims civilian lives in Odesa, The Times, 26 April 2022: Drones suspected after strike on Russian depots, DW, 26 April 2022: US plans regular Ramstein Air Base meetings on Ukraine, The Washington Post, 26 April 2022: Putin agrees to international aid with Mariupol evacuations, Al Arabiya, 26 April 2022: Germany to supply Ukraine with heavy weaponry for first time, Arab News, 26 April 2022: Chernobyl radiation ‘abnormal’ since Russian takeover: IAEA chief, The Washington Post, 26 April 2022: ‘Putin never imagined’ this global support for Ukraine, U.S. defense secretary says, Al Arabiya, 26 April 2022: Swiss veto German request to re-export tank ammunition to Ukraine, The New York Times, 26 April 2022: Live Updates: Allies Send More Arms to Ukraine as Russia Accuses NATO of Proxy War, The Washington Post, 26 April 2022: U.S. monitors blasts reported in Moldova breakaway region bordering Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 26 April 2022: Escape from Mariupol: 10 minutes to pack up, then a risky 11-hour drive, Politico.eu, 26 April 2022: It’s time to be bolder to help Ukraine, The Times, 26 April 2022: Russian military equipment losses ‘will take years to replace’, The Hill, 26 April 2022: Defense & National Security — Austin huddles with counterparts on Ukraine, The Times, 26 April 2022: Nervous Germany agrees to send anti-aircraft guns, CNN, 26 April 2022: Germany agrees to send heavy weapons to Ukraine after major policy U-turn, Politico.eu, 26 April 2022: US rallies global allies to help Ukraine repel Russia, NPR, 26 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (April 26), CNN, 26 April 2022: Exclusive: Top US general tells CNN ‘global international security order’ is at stake following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Politico.com, 26 April 2022: Amid the war in Ukraine, PR firms defend Russian-tied clients, The Guardian, 26 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow warns UK of ‘proportional response’ if it continues ‘provoking’ Ukraine to attack, BBC, 26 April 2022: Germany to send tanks to Ukraine in U-turn, DW, 26 April 2022: Germany will deliver anti-aircraft tanks to Ukraine, France24, 26 April 2022: ‘Very dangerous’: Chernobyl marks anniversary amid war, DW, 26 April 2022: Is Switzerland right to prevent the delivery of ammunition to Ukraine?, CNN, 26 April 2022: US forces have had close encounters with drones on Belarusian border, defense official says, DW, 26 April 2022: US plans regular Ramstein Air Base meetings on Ukraine, BBC, 26 April 2022: Ukraine war: Russia accuses UK of provoking attacks on its territory, DW, 26 April 2022: Russian missile attack claims civilian lives in Odesa, BBC, 27 April 2022: Putin warns against ‘outside intervention’ in Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 27 April 2022: Microsoft discloses onslaught of Russian cyberattacks on Ukraine, The Times, 27 April 2022: Ukraine can use British weapons to hit Russian territory, says armed forces minister, Haaretz, 27 April 2022: Ukrainian Holocaust Survivors Flee for Their Lives a Second Time, The National, 27 April 2022: What is Transnistria and how could it be the next Ukraine war flashpoint?, Jerusalem Post, 27 April 2022: Russia sees its oil output falling by up to 17% in 2022, The New York Times, 27 April 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: War’s Effects Widen as Russia Vows More Reprisals, Haaretz, 27 April 2022: As Israel Remembers the Holocaust, Genocide Is Again Happening in Europe, NPR, 27 April 2022: U.S. war aims shift in Ukraine — and bring additional risks, The National, 27 April 2022: Amal Clooney: Ukraine a ‘slaughterhouse right in the heart of Europe’, The New York Times, 27 April 2022: Russia Uses Cyberattacks in Ukraine to Support Military Strikes, Report Finds, NPR, 27 April 2022: Photos: As many flee, Russia aims to take control of eastern Ukraine, The Times, 27 April 2022: Russia’s casual savagery is seared into its soul, Los Angeles Times, 27 April 2022: Russia cuts gas to Poland and Bulgaria as West mounts new arms push, The Hill, 27 April 2022: Five things to know about Transnistria, a potential hot spot in Russian conflict, The Times, 27 April 2022: Liz Truss fears Russia’s war on Ukraine will last a decade, NPR, 27 April 2022: Chechnya once resisted Russia. Now, its leader is Putin’s brutal ally in Ukraine, Politico.com, 27 April 2022: What’s Putin’s Next Move? Look to Syria, The Times, 27 April 2022: Putin warns Ukraine’s allies: I’ll retaliate as quick as lightning, Irish Times, 27 April 2022: Russia’s attempt to strong-arm EU on gas could backfire, BBC, 27 April 2022: As it happened: Putin warns against ‘outside intervention’ in Ukraine, The Guardian, 27 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Putin warns of ‘lightning fast’ retaliation if west intervenes; Mariupol commander makes urgent plea, CNN, 27 April 2022: How Transnistria, a Russian-backed region in Moldova, is getting pulled into the war in Ukraine, The New York Times, 27 April 2022: Fears Are Mounting That Ukraine War Will Spill Across Borders, The Times, 27 April 2022: Push to send arms before Russians encircle Donbas, BBC, 27 April 2022: Transnistria and Ukraine conflict: Is war spreading?, CNN, 27 April 2022: Russia shifts tactics, steps up pace of assault in Ukraine’s east and south, Al Arabiya, 28 April 2022: ‘Postcard from Moscow’: Russia strikes Kyiv during UN chief visit, Ukraine says, Arab News, 28 April 2022: UN chief in Ukraine after EU-Russia gas row, Politico.com, 28 April 2022: White House sends Congress $33B request for Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 28 April 2022: US considering listing Russia as state sponsor of terrorism over Ukraine war: Blinken, The National, 28 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Security Council failed to ‘prevent and end war’, admits UN chief, Al Arabiya, 28 April 2022: UN Security Council ‘failed to do everything to end Ukraine war’: Guterres, France24, 28 April 2022: UN team ‘shocked’ but ‘safe’ after strikes hit Kyiv during Guterres visit, The Guardian, 28 April 2022: Moldova facing ‘dangerous moment’ amid fears it could be drawn into Ukraine war, BBC, 28 April 2022: Ukraine conflict could last years, Nato warns, The Atlantic, 28 April 2022: Photos: Two Months of War in Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 28 April 2022: Ukraine says identified ‘more than 8,000 cases’ of suspected war crimes, BBC, 28 April 2022: Mysterious Zamestim artwork in St Petersburg signals Russia’s anti-West defiance, The Guardian, 28 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Kyiv rocked by missile strikes as UN chief visits Ukraine capital – live, CNN, 28 April 2022: He was tortured by Russians for 8 days and left in the forest to die, BBC, 28 April 2022: Biden proposes $33bn to help Ukraine in war, Politico.eu, 28 April 2022: Latvia’s foreign minister wants planes for Ukraine — and sees ‘momentum’, The Times, 28 April 2022: Sending Ukraine weapons risks security of Europe, Russia tells Nato (what a joke. The only ones who endanger Europe’s security permanently are the serial war criminal Putin and his gang of murderers. No one else), Politico.eu, 28 April 2022: Ukraine files first war crimes charges against Russia over Bucha killings, CNN, 28 April 2022: Ukrainian president says missiles struck Kyiv while UN chief was visiting, Politico.eu, 28 April 2022: Commission’s ruble-for-gas scheme won’t work, Bulgaria warns, NPR, 28 April 2022: Photos: In Ukraine war, grief and desperation hang over week 9 of battle, Politico.eu, 28 April 2022: Germany signals more Ukraine support, wavers on defense spending, The Washington Post, 28 April 2022: Kremlin slams West for backing Ukraine’s right to strike Russia (of course they do, as they know far too well that the winey Russian war criminals and losers won’t see daylight again if Ukraine would retaliate), NPR, 28 April 2022: Canada’s House backs a motion recognizing Russia’s actions in Ukraine as genocide, DW, 28 April 2022: UN chief Guterres decries ‘absurdity’ of war in visit to Ukraine — live updates, The New Yorker, 28 April 2022: The War in Ukraine Is a Colonial War, Los Angeles Times, 28 April 2022: Russia launches new wave of attacks on Kyiv as U.N. chief visits; Biden seeks massive new aid package, DW, 28 April 2022: Ukraine: German lawmakers overwhelmingly approve heavy weapons deliveries, The National, 29 April 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Russian troop frustration mounts over slow gains in Ukraine, Al Arabiya, 29 April 2022: Russia FM Lavrov reacts to sanctions: West has always been ‘Russia phobic’ (the exact opposite is the case. Russian war criminals find it very difficult to deal with the fact that their country is an economic dwarf, politically insignificant, unable to compete with the West and its very successful social model. The resulting insignificance for Russia is therefore compensated with military means in order to at least persuade itself that things would be different. Normally the West feels sorry for such underdeveloped countries and their people, so development aid is given. After the gratifying collapse of the Soviet Union, this also happened at first. However, ever since Putin developed Russia into a fascist state very similar to Nazi Germany, the West has naturally distanced itself from Russia. After Putin launched the war of aggression and annihilation against the whole of Ukraine in February 2022, Ukraine naturally received maximum support from the West. Putin’s party clown Lavrov is once again confusing cause and effect and at the same time trying to reverse guilt. But he won’t succeed in doing that for a single moment because of the overwhelming evidence), The Guardian, 29 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Russian forces suffering ‘colossal losses’ in eastern battles, says Kyiv, DW, 29 April 2022: India defends its Russia position, criticizes West at Raisina Dialogue, Politico.eu, 29 April 2022: Russia faces threat of sanctions on nuclear power industry as Germany backs uranium ban, The National, 29 April 2022: Russia admits firing submarine-launched missiles at Ukraine, DW, 29 April 2022: Elvira Nabiullina: The central banker Vladimir Putin is relying on to clean up Russia’s economic mess, Al Arabiya, 29 April 2022: Lavrov: ‘Special operation’ in Ukraine aimed to protect Donetsk, Luhansk republics (Putin’s court clown at work), Politico.eu, 29 April 2022: EU ‘shocked and appalled’ by Russian strikes on Kyiv during UN chief visit, Foreign Policy, 29 April 2022: Biden’s Dangerous New Ukraine Endgame: No Endgame, The Times, 29 April 2022: Ghost of Kyiv dies in battle ‘after shooting down 40 Russian aircraft’, DW, 29 April 2022: Ukraine: Radio Free Europe journalist killed in Kyiv shelling — live updates, CNN, 29 April 2022: A new realization dawns for Washington, Europe, Kyiv and Moscow, The Times, 29 April 2022: ‘Suspicious’ neighbours caught up in Ukraine’s hunt for collaborators, France24, 29 April 2022: Zelensky says Russia talks close to collapse as fighting rages in east Ukraine, CNN, 29 April 2022: Pentagon spokesperson gets emotional talking about Putin’s actions in Ukraine, The Times, 29 April 2022: Kremlin turns to submarines after loss of Moskva, The Guardian, 29 April 2022: Editorial: The Guardian view on Putin’s nuclear threats: Russia is losing in Ukraine, BBC, 29 April 2022: Russia building up troops for fresh attacks in the east – Ukraine, Irish Times, 29 April 2022: Putin condemned for ‘depravity’ in Ukraine as Russia takes ‘colossal losses’ in eastern battle, CNN, 29 April 2022: At least five Russian businessmen have died by apparent suicide in just three months, The Times, 29 April 2022: Why Putin dare not lose the battle for Donbas, France24, 30 April 2022: Dnipro residents mobilise to support their fellow citizens and the war effort, BBC, 30 April 2022: Civilians escape besieged Mariupol steelworks, DW, 30 April 2022: Ukraine: Kyiv police find bound men in Bucha as Russia continues eastern assault — live updates, BBC, 30 April 2022: Ukraine – the narrative the West doesn’t hear, France24, 30 April 2022: 20 civilians have been evacuated from Mariupol’s Azovstal site, The Times, 30 April 2022: Inside Transnistria: is this next on Putin’s hit list?, Irish Times, 30 April 2022: Peace in Ukraine: What will it take and how can it happen?, The Guardian, 30 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow says threat of nuclear war must be kept to minimum; 20 wounded civilians evacuated from steel plant, Irish Times, 30 April 2022: Ukrainian forces hold back Russian advance as 100,000 civilians remain in Mariupol, The Times, 30 April 2022: Has Russia already started World War Three?, Arab News, 30 April 2022: Russia pounds Ukraine’s south and east, knocks out Odesa airport, Al Arabiya, 30 April 2022: Twenty civilians leave Mariupol’s Azovstal site: Ukraine regiment, Arab News, 30 April 2022: ‘Russia does not consider itself to be at war with NATO, but NATO does,’ Lavrov tells Al-Arabiya (Putin’s propaganda party clown is at it again *hahaha*), The Hill, 30 April 2022: Georgia presses US for support amid fears of Russian wars, Jerusalem Post, 30 April 2022: China-Russia relationship increasingly worrying Americans – PEW poll, The New York Times, 30 April 2022: What Happened on Day 66 of the War in Ukraine, NPR, 30 April 2022: Rape has reportedly become a weapon in Ukraine. Finding justice may be difficult, The Hill, 30 April 2022: For victims in Ukraine, saying ‘genocide’ does matter, The New York Times, 30 April 2022: Ukrainian Official Outlines Intentional Ambiguity on Strikes Inside Russia, The Atlantic, 30 April 2022: Putin Isn’t The Only Autocrat Misusing History, Times of Israel, 30 April 2022: US slams Putin’s ‘depravity,’ dismisses Russia’s Ukraine invasion reasoning as ‘BS’, Los Angeles Times, 30 April 2022: Russian artillery pounds cities, towns and villages in eastern Ukraine, France24, 1 May 2022: US Speaker Pelosi meets Ukraine’s Zelensky on unannounced visit to Kyiv, DW, 1 May 2022: Vladimir Putin has gravely miscalculated in Ukraine, BBC, 1 May 2022: Ukraine war: US accuses Russia of depravity and brutality, France24, 1 May 2022: UN confirms deal with Russia, Red Cross on evacuating civilians from Mariupol plant, The Atlantic, 1 May 2022: ‘We Can Only Be Enemies’, DW, 1 May 2022: In Ukraine war, Twitter Sherlocks are coming of age, The Guardian, 1 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: UN evacuation under way from Mariupol steelworks; Pelosi dismisses fears of provoking Russia, BBC, 1 May 2022: Safe passage for civilians to leave Mariupol under way – UN, DW, 1 May 2022: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy says 100 civilians evacuated from Mariupol steel plant — live updates, BBC, 1 May 2022: How Ukraine’s ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ legendary pilot was born, CNN, 1 May 2022: Pelosi makes unannounced trip to Kyiv, becoming highest-ranking US official to meet with Zelensky since the war began, The Guardian, 1 May 2022: ‘I don’t feel safe here’: Transnistria fears could spark Moldova exodus, CNN, 1 May 2022: Russians plunder $5M farm vehicles from Ukraine — to find they’ve been remotely disabled, The Times, 1 May 2022: ‘Putin fixer’s troll factory’ turns fire on social media and pop stars, BBC, 1 May 2022: Ukraine war: Mariupol civilians evacuated from steelworks bunker, The Times, 1 May 2022: Russia ‘is already paving the way for a takeover of Moldova’, CNN, 1 May 2022: Large fires break out at Russian military installation in Belgorod, The Times, 1 May 2022: First civilians evacuated from Mariupol steelworks after ceasefire agreed, Irish Times, 1 May 2022: Ukraine war: United Nations confirms evacuation of civilians under way from Mariupol, NPR, 1 May 2022: About 100 civilians escape Mariupol steel plant as Pelosi visits Zelenskyy in Kyiv, The New York Times, 1 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: About 100 Civilians Are Evacuated From Mariupol Steel Plant, Politico.eu, 1 May 2022: Scholz hits out at critics who oppose sending arms to Ukraine, Arab News, 1 May 2022: Nancy Pelosi visits Kyiv and vows US will stand by Ukraine ‘until victory is won’, The Hill, 1 May 2022: Pelosi secret visit to Ukraine highlights expanse — and limitations — of US support, Arab News, 1 May 2022: Russia shoots down Ukrainian bombers as civilians evacuated from Mariupol, The New York Times, 1 May 2022: Long lines at Ukrainian gas stations reveal just the tip of a looming crisis., Arab News, 1 May 2022: Ukraine clarifies ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ legend after reported death of heroic pilot, Jerusalem Post, 1 April 2022: Lavrov claims Zelensky has Jewish blood ‘just like Hitler’, Haaretz, 1 May 2022: Lavrov Compares Ukraine’s Zelenskyy to Hitler, Who Also ‘Had Jewish Blood’, Jerusalem Post, 1 April 2022: More Mariupol residents died in Russian invasion than under Nazi occupation – mayor, France24, 2 May 2022: Live: Civilians attempt evacuation from Ukraine’s besieged Mariupol, The New Yorker, 2 May 2022: The Costs of War, NPR, 2 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (May 2), The National, 2 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Putin’s forces lose ‘a quarter of combat power’ in nine weeks, The New York Times, 2 May 2022: Live Updates: West Works to Put Ukraine Pledges Into Action, DW, 2 May 2022: Ukraine: UEFA bans Russian teams from Champions League — live updates, France24, 2 May 2022: Russia thrown out of women’s Euro, banned from European club football next season, The National, 2 May 2022: Indian PM Modi offers Ukraine war warning as he visits Germany, The New Yorker, 2 May 2022: How Ukrainians Saved Their Capital, DW, 2 May 2022: Germany ready to support EU ban on Russian oil, The National, 2 May 2022: Ukraine has pushed Russian forces 40 kilometres east of Kharkiv, Pentagon says, The Guardian, 2 April 2022: What would victory actually mean now for Ukraine – and for Europe?, DW, 2 May 2022: Modi, Scholz call for peace in Ukraine following talks in Berlin, Politico.eu, 2 May 2022: Amid broken ties and families, Crimean views toward Russia start to shift, Irish Times, 2 April 2022: Ukraine war: Russia ‘resumed shelling’ of Mariupol steel plant after first group evacuated, The Guardian, 2 April 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: rocket strike hits Odesa; people trapped in Mariupol steelworks face evacuation delays, The Times, 2 May 2022: Russian ‘nuclear tsunami’ will wipe out Britain, Kremlin-backed media threatens, BBC, 2 May 2022: Russian war effort ‘minimal at best’ – US official, France24, 2 May 2022: Civilians attempt evacuation from Ukraine’s besieged Mariupol, CNN, 2 May 2022: There will be civilian evacuations from Mariupol on Tuesday, city council says, The Times, 2 May 2022: Ignore Putin’s threats and expand Nato now, BBC, 2 May 2022: Russia attacking Mariupol steelworks after evacuations, says Ukraine commander, Haaretz, 2 May 2022: From Antisemites to Golda Meir, Ukraine Plans to ‘de-Russify’ Street Names, Times of Israel, 2 May 2022: Israel: ‘Message made clear’ in rebuke of Russian envoy for Lavrov’s Hitler remarks, Jerusalem Post, 2 May 2022: Lavrov’s antisemitism means Israel no longer neutral on Ukraine-Russia (for Israelis, Lavrov’s anti-Semitic provocation is challenging in two ways: For security reasons (Syria), the Israeli government did not want to take a clear position on Putin’s war of aggression and annihilation against Ukraine. That is now changing and it remains to be seen what direct consequences this will have for the country. At the same time, there is solidarity at least with the Ukrainian President Selenskyj, although many Jews find it difficult to show solidarity with Ukraine, especially because of the role of some Ukrainians during the Holocaust and the rather slow historical processing up to now), The New York Times, 2 May 2022: Israel condemns Russian foreign minister’s comments as antisemitic., Haaretz, 2 May 2022: Bennett Condemns Russian FM’s Hitler ‘Lies’ (what’s interesting is that the Russian leadership has been arguing anti-Semitic nonsense inside the country for years, but that seems fine. It was only after Lavrov made his statements on Italian television that they resonated internationally. That’s quite astonishing, especially since under Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Putin was still considered a “true friend of Israel”. Apparently, the categorization “true friend” has slipped in a very right-wing manner), Palestine Chronicle, 2 April 2022: Israel Summons Russian Ambassador over Lavrov’s Comments on Hitler, Antisemitism (VIDEO), Times of Israel, 2 May 2022: Ukraine FM responds to Lavrov: ‘He can’t hide the deeply rooted antisemitism’, Haaretz, 2 May 2022: Lavrov’s ‘Grotesque’ Hitler Remarks Fuel ‘Global Antisemitic Fire,’ U.S. Jewish Leaders Say, Al Arabiya, 2 April 2022: Zelenskyy: Lavrov a ‘great Hitlerism connoisseur’, will Russia-Israel ties remain?, The National, 2 May 2022: Israel denounces Lavrov’s ‘Hitler had Jewish blood’ claim and summons Russian ambassador, Politico.eu, 2 May 2022: Israel condemns Sergey Lavrov’s remark that Hitler ‘had Jewish blood’, Al Arabiya, 2 April 2022: Israel denounces Lavrov’s Hitler comments as ‘unforgivable,’ summons Russian envoy, The Guardian, 2 April 2022: Sergei Lavrov Israel summons Russia envoy over minister’s Hitler comments, DW, 2 May 2022: Is Putin’s threat of ‘lightning-fast’ response escalation or empty rhetoric?, France24, 2 May 2022: Outrage in Israel as Russia’s Lavrov claims Hitler had Jewish roots, CNN, 2 May 2022: Russia’s Sergey Lavrov asserts Hitler “had Jewish blood,” prompting Israeli government fury, BBC, 2 May 2022: Israel outrage at Sergei Lavrov’s claim that Hitler was part Jewish, The New York Times, 3 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Biden Speaks at Missile Factory, as Evacuees from Mariupol Steel Plant Reach Safety, Jerusalem Post, 3 May 2022: Russia claims Israel supports neo-Nazis in Ukraine after Lavrov-Hitler flap, Times of Israel, 3 May 2022: Moscow, under fire for Hitler comments, says Israel backing ‘neo-Nazis’ in Ukraine, The Hill, 3 May 2022: Russia doubles down on diplomat’s Hitler remarks, The Times, 3 May 2022: Russia accuses Israel of supporting Kyiv ‘neo-Nazis’, Arab News, 3 May 2022: Israel, furious over Lavrov’s Hitler comment, cannot burn its bridges with Russia, The Guardian, 3 May 2022: Russia: Moscow accuses Israel of backing ‘neo-Nazis’ in Kyiv as diplomatic row grows, Los Angeles Times, 3 May 2022: Port city Mariupol under renewed Russian fire after evacuations; more attacks in the east, The New York Times, 3 May 2022: Russia’s War Has Been Brutal, but Putin Has Shown Some Restraint. Why?, Politico.eu, 3 May 2022: EU smells trouble, and Trump, in US abortion fight, NPR, 3 May 2022: The complex effort to hold Vladimir Putin accountable for war crimes, The Times, 3 May 2022: Russia bombards Azovstal steelworks as first survivors reach safety, Politico.eu, 3 May 2022: Finland and Sweden ‘can count’ on Germany for protection and NATO membership support, The National, 3 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Russian forces storming Mariupol plant, The Times, 3 May 2022: Britain sends Malloy T150 drones to carry heavy kit to Ukrainian front, Politico.eu, 3 May 2022: Hungary ‘outraged’ by Kyiv’s claim it was warned by Russia of Ukraine invasion (what is interesting, of course, is that Orban has been so deeply in Putin’s pocket for years that it is much more likely that the information from Kyiv is more accurate than that from Budapest. When looking at the vehement reaction from Budapest, Kyiv obviously has a point here. In the end it will be seen who was right), The Times, 3 May 2022: To beat Vladimir Putin the West must help Belarus too, The Guardian, 3 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Russia attacks Azovstal plant after first civilians evacuated from steel works reach safety, France24, 3 May 2022: Scores of civilians reach safety as Russia renews assault on Mariupol plant, BBC, 3 May 2022: Relief as Mariupol steelworks refugees arrive to safety, CNN, 3 May 2022: Why May 9 is a big day for Russia, and what a declaration of war would mean, DW, 3 May 2022: Russian war censorship denounced on World Press Freedom Day, Jerusalem Post, 3 May 2022: EU targets Russian Patriarch Kirill in new round of proposed sanctions, DW, 3 May 2022: Ukraine: Russia steps up attacks on Mariupol steel plant — live updates, Haaretz, 4 May 2022: Israeli President: ‘Lavrov Is Spreading Antisemitic Lies. I Expect Him to Apologize’, Times of Israel, 4 May 2022: Lavrov’s ‘Jewish Hitler’ comments are latest manifestation of an old, dangerous myth, Haaretz, 4 May 2022: Moscow: Israeli ‘Mercenaries’ Fighting Alongside Ukrainian neo-Nazis, Palestine Chronicle, 4 May 2022: Israeli Mercenaries Fight alongside ‘Ukrainian Neo-Nazis’, Moscow Says, The Washington Times, 4 May 2022: Russia intensifies missile attacks, hitting transport hubs, The National, 4 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: EU proposes ban on Russian oil imports, Haaretz, 4 May 2022: Russia’s Antisemitic Attack on Israel Is Shocking and Deliberate, The National, 4 May 2022: Ukraine accuses Russia of planning military May 9 Victory Day parade in Mariupol, The Economist, 4 May 2022: Putin is failing in Ukraine but succeeding at oppressing Russia, The National, 4 May 2022: Germany will train Ukrainian gunners despite escalation warning, Foreign Policy, 4 May 2022: Belarus Is the Other Loser in Putin’s War, DW, 4 May 2022: Pope Francis clearly points the finger at Russia, The National, 4 May 2022: Biden to speak with G7 about further Russia sanctions, CNN, 4 May 2022: Drone footage shows how Russians destroyed one Ukrainian town in savage battle, DW, 4 May 2022: Ukraine: Contact restored with Azovstal defenders amid heavy fighting — live updates, CNN, 4 May 2022: Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s supply lines are intensifying. Ukraine’s national railway hasn’t buckled, France24, 4 May 2022: Trading strikes as tension builds in Ukraine no-man’s land. CNN, 4 May 2022: Ukraine retakes a Kharkiv region village and inches closer towards Russian border, The Times, 4 May 2022: True horror of Mariupol theatre strike revealed, BBC, 4 May 2022: Ukraine war: Russia denies it plans to declare war on 9 May (and everyone was like, “Of course, if Putin says that, then it must be true!” *hahaha*), CNN, 4 May 2022: It’s 11 p.m. in Kyiv. Here’s what you need to know, Irish Times, 4 May 2022: War in Ukraine: Russian forces enter territory of Mariupol plant as EU proposes oil imports ban, Politico.eu, 4 May 2022: Welcome to Russia’s ‘holy war’, NPR, 4 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (May 4), Los Angeles Times, 4 May 2022: Grave by grave, police and war crimes investigators comb a Ukrainian forest, Al Arabiya, 4 May 2022: Amid tensions with Russia, Israel considers expanding military aid to Ukraine: Report, The New York Times, 4 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Fears of Expanded War Rise as Russia’s Victory Day Approaches With No Change on Battlefield, Al Arabiya, 4 May 2022: Russia stalled near Donbas, looking to cut power for railroads in Ukraine: Pentagon, Arab News, 4 May 2022: Russia pounds Ukraine, targeting supply of Western arms, NPR, 4 May 2022: Evacuees from Mariupol describe how they survived inside the Azovstal steel plant, The New York Times, 4 May 2022: U.S. Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals, Officials Say (very good. The more of Putin’s state terrorists are brought to their final destination, the fewer war crimes trials have to be conducted later), BBC, 5 May 2022: Ukraine war has dragged on, admits Putin ally Lukashenko, The Times, 5 May 2022: Russian troops ‘storm Azovstal steel plant’ in Mariupol, BBC, 5 May 2022: Evacuation convoy heading to Mariupol ‘hellscape’ says UN, The National, 5 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: EU nations nearing agreement on new sanctions, top diplomat says, The Guardian, 5 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Israel says Putin has apologised for Lavrov’s Hitler comments; fresh attempt to evacuate Azovstal civilians, DW, 5 May 2022: Western companies leave Russia — taking Russian jobs with them, Al Arabiya, 5 May 2022: The longer EU pays for Russian oil, ‘the longer this war will continue’: Ukraine FM, The National, 5 May 2022: Putin fighting ‘logistics war’ to keep forces armed, BBC, 5 May 2022: Putin sorry for Lavrov’s claim Hitler was part Jewish – Israel PM, Arab News, 5 May 2022: Moscow says Western aid cannot prevent Russian victory in Ukraine, The National, 5 May 2022: Jill Biden to meet Ukrainian refugees in Romania and Slovakia, The Times, 5 May 2022: US gives Ukraine tank-busting Ghost drone for war against Russia, Arab News, 5 May 2022: Why Europe is engaging emerging powers in Africa and Asia-Pacific, DW, 5 May 2022: Russia’s war in Ukraine has ‘backfired,’ David Petraeus tells DW, The New York Times, 5 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Russia Presses on Eastern Front and Targets Final Fighters in Mariupol, The Times, 5 May 2022: War in Ukraine: Hi-tech Russian tank left a smoking wreck, DW, 5 May 2022: Moldova: ‘I’m worried about the children’, The Hill, 5 May 2022: Pentagon denies US shared intel to target Russian generals, CNN, 5 May 2022: It’s nighttime in Ukraine. Catch up on the latest here, Irish Times, 5 May 2022: Russia calls on remaining Mariupol defenders to surrender as evacuation convoy heads to city, France24, 5 May 2022: UN again trying to evacuate Mariupol civilians, says Guterres, DW, 5 May 2022: Ukraine: Russia continues attack on Azovstal steel plant — live updates, The Times, 5 May 2022: Russian generals turning on each other to avoid Putin’s purge, says Ben Wallace, France24, 5 May 2022: Ukrainian forces flooded village of Demydiv to hamper Russian advance on Kyiv, CNN, 5 May 2022: Russians steal vast amounts of Ukrainian grain and equipment, threatening this year’s harvest (in addition to the less desired and above all very negative aspects of grain shortages and the resulting significant price increases, a very positive aspect from Putin’s point of view is of course that he will now be able to play te the “great savior” in Africa with the help of grain stolen from Ukraine, where up to now Ukrainian grain has covered up to 50% of the total requirements, by using grain as a weapon in order to tie African countries more closely to himself. Ultimately, of course, the Africans don’t care where the grain comes from, the main thing is that it is delivered and at a reasonably bearable price. The fact that the price only goes through the roof because Putin is waging his war of annihilation against Ukraine plays a rather subordinate role in view of empty stomachs), France24, 5 May 2022: Modi, Macron call for ‘immediate’ end to Ukraine hostilities, but differences remain, BBC, 6 May 2022: Fifty civilians evacuated from besieged steel plant, The National, 6 May 2022: Amnesty accuses Russia of war crimes and unlawful killings in Ukraine, France24, 6 May 2022: How ‘Babushka Z’ became the unlikely icon of Russian propaganda, BBC, 6 May 2022: Who is Alina Kabaeva, Putin’s alleged girlfriend?, The National, 6 May 2022: Pentagon denies helping Ukraine ‘target’ Russian generals, France24, 6 May 2022: Biden announces more artillery, radars for Ukraine’s war against Russia, The Guardian, 6 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Mariupol being ‘tortured to death’, says Zelenskiy; US deflects questions on intelligence-sharing, The National, 6 May 2022: Biden, G7 and Ukraine’s Zelenskyy to hold talks before Moscow Victory Day, France24, 6 May 2022: Ukraine: Whats does it take to prosecute war crimes?, The Guardian, 6 May 2022: Moskva: US shared location of cruiser with Ukraine prior to sinking, The National, 6 May 2022: Second Russian warship burns after ‘hit by missile’ claims, DW, 6 May 2022: Germany to send self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine, France24, 6 May 2022: Ukrainian army specialists hunt for explosives left behind by Russian forces, The Guardian, 6 May 2022: Kyiv: Wives of Mariupol soldiers dispersed by police at protest, DW, 6 May 2022: Victory Day in Europe: Ukraine war puts spotlight on Russia, The National, 6 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Mariupol ‘destroyed completely’, Zelenskyy says, CNN, 6 May 2022: Zelensky accuses Russia of using blockade of Mariupol as form of “torture” by starvation, DW, 6 May 2022: Ukraine: Will the railroad be what decides the war?, The Times, 6 May 2022: Russia’s Victory Day is make or break for Putin, The Hill, 6 May 2022: Pentagon moves $1.45 billion to restock Javelin, Stinger missiles sent to Ukraine, CNN, 6 May 2022: White House walks a fine line with intelligence sharing in Ukraine, DW, 6 May 2022: Ukraine: 50 civilians evacuated from Mariupol’s Azovstal steel plant — live updates, Irish Times, 6 May 2022: The Irish Times view on Europe-Russia relations: the continent’s fateful barriers, CNN, 6 May 2022: Woman searches for husband and son taken by Russians, Politico.eu, 6 May 2022: Ukraine urges allies to step up arms deliveries (the Ukrainian government should think about how to formulate the desire for support, because if the way supporters are treated remain like now, Western publics will sooner rather than later turn against Ukraine, and that will also have a negative impact on the scope of the support measures), The Hill, 6 May 2022: Biden, Zelensky to take part in G-7 meeting ahead of May 9, The Times, 6 May 2022: Russia won’t stop until it reaches Poland, says Tolstoy’s great-great-grandson, Irish Times, 6 May 2022: G7 and Ukraine to hold talks as EU seeks accord on new Russia sanctions, The Hill, 6 May 2022: Biden says US will send more aid to Ukraine, Politico.eu, 6 May 2022: Germany sends seven howitzers to Ukraine, The New York Times, 6 May 2022: Italy seizes a superyacht tied to Putin., Der Spiegel, 6 May 2022: Vladimir Potemkin: Putin’s Disaster and What Could Happen Next, Los Angeles Times, 6 May 2022: 22 hours to safety: Fleeing Ukraine’s embattled east by train, Arab News, 6 May 2022: UN races to rescue civilians from Mariupol plant, The New York Times, 6 May 2022: Live Updates: Ukraine Tries to Push Russia Back From Key Cities, DW, 7 May 2022: Mysterious series of deaths among Russian oligarchs, CNN, 7 May 2022: Macron vows to “help democracy and courage” prevail in Ukraine during inauguration, The National, 7 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Civilian evacuation of Mariupol steel plant is complete, Ukraine says, NPR, 7 May 2022: All civilians have been evacuated from a besieged steel plant in Mariupol, The New York Times, 7 May 2022: Russia’s Grave Miscalculation: Ukrainians Would Collaborate, CNN, 7 May 2022: High casualties feared after school shelter in Ukraine bombed, The Times, 7 May 2022: Russia is killing Mariupol soldiers as they try to evacuate Azovstal, fighters warn, The New York Times, 7 May 2022: Live Updates: Ukraine Pushes Russians Back From Kharkiv Before Key Holiday, CNN, 7 May 2022: “All women, children and elderly” have been evacuated from Azovstal, Ukrainian government says, DW, 7 May 2022: Russia’s war in Ukraine: Germany faces a reckoning (hardly to assume that the Ukraine will soon disappear from the western agenda. The representatives of Ukraine will take care of that. The more important question is how the Russia networkers can be prevented from doing business with the regime for an as yet unclear period of time, in order to ensure that the country is placed in an economic situation that precludes further foreign policy adventures for a longer period of time. Opinions can obviously differ about the rejection of Ukraine’s membership to the NATO in 2008. In view of the situation at the time, I still think the decision was okay, but there are different points of view. Since then, the starting position has changed several times. Recently even so dramatic that a complete reassessment is required. While Ukraine’s NATO membership was refrained from in 2008 to prevent Putin from invading Ukraine, this argument has been obsolete since February 2022 at the latest (actually since the Russian invasion of Crimea and eastern Ukraine from 2014), so that only some formal aspects against Ukraine’s admission to NATO are left. The priority is that the party to be admitted is not at war. This is another reason why it is important that Ukraine wins the war against the aggressor Russia. Admission to the EU should be easier, but not much easier. Taking Cyprus as an example, the entire country, including the territory occupied by Turkey in the north, was admitted to the EU. The same could be done with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, in a way that does not damage or devalue the “normal admission procedure” to the EU. Of course, it is also clear that the admission processes will not be a question of months but of years), Jerusalem Post, 7 May 2022: Russia uses Libyan, Syrian mercenaries, US Senior Defense official confirms, DW, 7 May 2022: Ukraine says all women, children and elderly out of besieged Azovstal plant — live updates, The Hill, 7 May 2022: Ukraine and Russia conduct prisoner exchange, Politico.eu, 7 May 2022: What will Putin pull out of his ‘Victory Day’ hat?, France24, 7 May 2022: Ukraine’s Zelensky says several hundreds were saved from Azovstal plant, Los Angeles Times, 7 May 2022: Civilians evacuated from Mariupol plant; Ukraine says it’s mounting a counteroffensive elsewhere, The Hill, 7 May 2022: Intel leaks show US success in Ukraine — but come with risks, The New York Times, 8 May 2022: Live Updates: Jill Biden Visits Ukraine, in Latest Show of U.S. Support, The National, 8 May 2022: Ukrainians vow to fight to the end at ruined Mariupol steelworks, BBC, 8 May 2022: Ukraine: Intense shelling as troops battle to regain Kharkiv region, DW, 8 May 2022: With Ukraine war, Putin tarnishes ‘Great Victory’, The New York Times, 8 May 2022: May 9 Is a Revered Day in Russia. For Many, Putin Has Hijacked It., DW, 8 May 2022: Ukraine: G7 to impose fresh sanctions on Russia — live updates, BBC, 8 May 2022: Ukraine war: Civilians now out of Azovstal plant in Mariupol, France24, 8 May 2022: G7 countries pledge to stop Russia oil imports, DW, 8 May 2022: Scholz: Ukraine won’t accept Russian dictatorship, France24, 8 May 2022: As Russia prepares military pomp, Ukraine blames it for deadly school bombing, Politico.eu, 8 May 2022: Germany’s Scholz: Russia can’t dictate peace deal in Ukraine, BBC, 8 May 2022: War in Ukraine: Zelensky WW2 speech accuses Russia of Nazi atrocities, The Guardian, 8 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Zelenskiy says 60 civilians killed in school bombing; Jill Biden makes unannounced Ukraine visit, Politico.com, 8 May 2022: Biden administration braces for Putin’s Victory Day surprise, NPR, 8 May 2022: Russia’s Victory Day celebrations take on new importance for the Kremlin this year, The Hill, 8 May 2022: UN ambassador: Russia has ‘nothing to celebrate’ on Victory Day, Los Angeles Times, 8 May 2022: Jill Biden, Justin Trudeau visit Ukraine; dozens feared dead in school bombing in eastern battle zone, Al Arabiya, 8 May 2022: US imposes sanctions on 27 Gazprombank executives, Russian TV stations, Arab News, 8 May 2022: Sixty feared dead in Ukraine school bombed by Russia, governor says, NPR, 9 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (May 9), The National, 9 May 2022: Biden signs Ukraine ‘lend-lease’ bill in jab at Putin, The Hill, 9 May 2022: Leaks raise concern Ukraine will spill into US-Russia proxy war, Al Arabiya, 9 May 2022: US has completed training hundreds of Ukrainian forces on new weapons: Pentagon, Arab News, 9 May 2022: Ukrainians report fierce fighting as Russia marks Soviet WW2 victory, Jerusalem Post, 9 May 2022: EU should seize Russian reserves to rebuild Ukraine, Borrell says – FT, The National, 9 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Putin praises ‘heroism of troops’ in Victory Day speech (in the real world he is celebrating Russia’s serial war criminals), BBC, 9 May 2022: Ukraine War: Putin gives few clues in Victory Day speech, CNN, 9 May 2022: Exclusive: Putin ‘has recognized he has no victory to celebrate,’ US ambassador to UN says, DW, 9 May 2022: Moldova’s struggle with ‘frozen conflict’ and Russian uncertainty, The New York Times, 9 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Putin Delivers Defiant Speech, but Stops Short of Escalation, The Guardian, 9 May 2022: For Vladimir Putin, the sinister cult of victory is all that is left, CNN, 9 May 2022: What we learned from Putin’s ‘no Victory’ Day speech, Los Angeles Times, 9 May 2022: Putin defends invasion of Ukraine during display of Russian might, CNN, 9 May 2022: Russian Ambassador doused with red paint at Soviet cemetery, DW, 9 May 2022: Destruction in Mykolaiv after Ukraine blocks Russian advances, The Guardian, 9 May 2022: Putin may have high ratings – but Russians are terrified too, The Times, 9 May 2022: Russian ambassador pelted with red paint at Victory Day in Warsaw, DW, 9 May 2022: Chancellor Olaf Scholz finds clear words on Ukraine, BBC, 9 May 2022: Intense fighting around towns in eastern Ukraine, CNN, 9 May 2022: Biden tests how much he can ratchet up the pressure on Putin, DW, 9 May 2022: Russia: Vladimir Putin defends Ukraine war in Victory Day speech, The Times, 9 May 2022: Ukrainian troops shell Russians with American howitzers, DW, 9 May 2022: Fact check: Vladimir Putin’s Victory Day speech, The Guardian, 9 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Russia trying to storm Azovstal plant, says Ukraine; European council president caught up in Odesa shelling, DW, 9 May 2022: Germany’s Scholz hosts Macron in Berlin, CNN, 9 May 2022: Biden calls on Congress to pass Ukraine aid this week, The Times, 9 May 2022: What Putin said in his Victory Day speech — and what he didn’t say, Irish Times, 9 May 2022: ‘We will not be held to ransom’ over protocol, says O’Neill, DW, 9 May 2022: Ukraine: Zelenskyy vows ‘two Victory Days’ — live updates, France24, 9 May 2022: Putin uses anniversary of Europe’s WWII victory to justify Ukraine invasion, The National, 10 May 2022: Sanctions imposed on Russia over Ukraine invasion hit ransomware gangs, Arab News, 10 May 2022: Putin’s Victory Day speech passionate but empty, Irish Times, 10 May 2022: Putin defends ‘pre-emptive’ invasion of Ukraine on second World War Victory Day, Jerusalem Post, 10 May 2022: Belarus to deploy special forces to southern border near Ukraine, France24, 10 May 2022: Heavy shelling in Odesa places global grain shipments at risk, CNN, 10 May 2022: CNN explains pivotal role bridges play in Russia’s military strategy, The National, 10 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: UN says more than 8 million people displaced within Ukraine, BBC, 10 May 2022: Putin preparing for long war in Ukraine – US spy chief, CNN, 10 May 2022: Top US spy chief says war in Ukraine will likely become ‘more unpredictable and escalatory’, France24, 10 May 2022: On the front lines with volunteer Ukrainian soldiers near Izium, The Guardian, 10 May 2022: Live: Putin preparing for prolonged war and will turn to more drastic measures to achieve aims, says US, BBC, 10 May 2022: Ukraine war: Bodies of 44 civilians found as battle for Izyum rages, The Times, 10 May 2022: Russian dead ‘slung onto huge pile’ in Ukraine, CNN, 10 May 2022: Lithuanian foreign minister: Russian regime must be removed to stop “warmongering”, Politico.eu, 10 May 2022: Atomic energy chief: Ukraine’s nuclear safety situation ‘far from being resolved’, Irish Times, 10 May 2022: Ukraine civilian death toll ‘thousands higher’ than official figure of 3,381, says UN, The Guardian, 10 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: Putin could use nuclear weapon if he felt war being lost – US intelligence chief, Politico.eu, 10 May 2022: Germany tells Ukraine ‘no shortcut’ to EU membership as Baerbock meets Zelenskyy, Irish Times, 10 May 2022: Ukrainian troops retaking territory in east as Russian forces focus on Donbas, Politico.com, 10 May 2022: Congress races to pass $40B Ukraine aid package, The New York Times, 10 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: As Russia Claims Gains in the East, U.S. Warns of a Long Fight, DW, 10 May 2022: Frontline residents in Ukraine hold out hope for peace, NPR, 10 May 2022: Leonid Kravchuk, independent Ukraine’s 1st president, dies at age 88, DW, 10 May 2022: Displaced Ukrainians return as Russian forces retreat, The Hill, 10 May 2022: China ‘learning lessons’ from Russia war in Ukraine, intelligence officials say, Al Arabiya, 10 May 2022: Belarus to deploy special forces to southern border near Ukraine, DW, 10 May 2022: Leonid Kravchuk: The man who buried the Soviet Union, Al Arabiya, 10 May 2022: US Senators to introduce resolution to designate Russia a state sponsor of terrorism, Arab News, 10 May 2022: Ukraine pushes Russian troops back in counter-offensive near Kharkiv, The Guardian, 11 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: UK vows support if Sweden or Finland attacked; peace talks harder ‘with each new Bucha’, says Zelenskiy, CNN, 11 May 2022: Pussy Riot’s Maria Alyokhina says she escaped Russia dressed as a food courier, The National, 11 May 2022: More than 560 Ukraine National Guard soldiers killed in war, BBC, 11 May 2022: Ukraine war: Russia pushed back from Kharkiv – report from front line, CNN, 11 May 2022: Putin’s current dilemma was JFK’s worst fear, The Times, 11 May 2022: Putin sidelines FSB over intelligence failures in Ukraine, Irish Times, 11 May 2022: Ukraine reports counterattack gains towards Russian border as Kyiv shuts gas flow, BBC, 11 May 2022: Ukraine war: Snake Island and battle for control in Black Sea, CNN, 11 May 2022: It’s just after 7 p.m. in Kyiv. Catch up on the latest developments in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine., The Times, 11 May 2022: Collaborator government asks for occupied Kherson to join Russia, Politico.eu, 11 May 2022: Ukraine needs €500B to €600B for reconstruction: Commission’s Dombrovskis, NPR, 11 May 2022: Wives of Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol’s steel plant plead for an evacuation, The Hill, 11 May 2022: What’s included in the Ukraine aid bill?, Los Angeles Times, 11 May 2022: Ukraine retakes territory in the east amid more Russian attacks, The New York Times, 11 May 2022: What Happened on Day 77 of the War in Ukraine, Arab News, 11 May 2022: Ukraine pushes Russian forces back, restricts gas flow to Europe, DW, 11 May 2022: ‘You cannot seriously sit down with Putin anymore,’ MSC chair tells DW, Politico.eu, 11 May 2022: Czech Senate recognizes Russian actions in Ukraine as genocide, France24, 12 May 2022: Live: Ukraine to hold first war crimes trial of captured Russian soldier, BBC, 12 May 2022: Ukraine war: Russia pushed back from Kharkiv – report from front line, The Times, 12 May 2022: Dmitry Medvedev warns of Russia-Nato nuclear war over western help to Ukraine, The Guardian, 12 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow warns of ‘retaliatory steps’ over Finnish Nato bid; Russia inflicting ‘pure evil’, says Ukraine, CNN, 12 May 2022: Ukrainian migration service doing “audit” of Russian expats to identify unfriendly activity against Ukraine, The Times, 12 May 2022: Ukraine forces destroy Russian tank behind enemy lines in Donetsk, Politico.eu, 12 May 2022: If Finland and Sweden join NATO, it’s on Russia, The Times, 12 May 2022: Russian battalion wiped out trying to cross river of death, Reuters, 12 May 2022: In Berlin, Ukraine’s Kuleba welcomes positive changes in Germany’s position, NPR, 12 May 2022: Among the many losses of the war in Ukraine: nearly 5 million jobs, The New York Times, 12 May 2022: Life in a Ukrainian Unit: Diving for Cover, Waiting for Western Weapons, Politico.eu, 12 May 2022: Putin’s war backfires as Finland aims to join NATO, Los Angeles Times, 12 May 2022: Putin refuses to waver on east Ukraine; Finland’s leaders endorse NATO bid, The New York Times, 12 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Finland’s Move to Join NATO Upends Putin’s War Aims, The National, 12 May 2022: Russia suffers heavy losses in Kharkiv at hands of ‘highly motivated Ukrainians’, Arab News, 12 May 2022: NATO to welcome Nordic members as Ukraine pushes back Russian forces, The National, 12 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: UN to set up inquiry into possible Moscow war crimes, Haaretz, 12 May 2022: The Fake Accounts Whitewashing Oligarchs’ Wikipedia Pages, DW, 12 May 2022: Ukraine: UN human rights chief ‘shocked’ by killings near Kyiv — live updates, CNN, 13 May 2022: Ukraine blows up Russian helicopter on Snake Island, France24, 13 May 2022: Georgia’s breakaway region to hold referendum on joining Russia in July: leader, BBC, 13 May 2022: Ukraine aiming to arm a million people, The Times, 13 May 2022: Putin’s ex-wife and family members added to sanctions list, Politico.eu, 13 May 2022: UK sanctions Putin’s ex-wife and alleged girlfriend, CNN, 13 May 2022: Snake Island: The tiny speck of land playing an outsized role in Russia’s war on Ukraine, DW, 13 May 2022: Ukraine: Germany’s Scholz and Russia’s Putin discuss stalled peace talks — live updates, France24, 13 May 2022: Pentagon chief urges ‘immediate’ Ukraine ceasefire in call with Russian counterpart, The Times, 13 May 2022: Eastern Europe puts boots on the ground to stamp out Putin’s bounceback, BBC, 13 May 2022: Bloody river battle was third in three days – Ukraine official, CNN, 13 May 2022: Ukrainian prosecutor general is investigating more than 11,000 alleged war crimes by Russia, The Guardian, 13 May 2022: Georgia: Breakaway region to hold referendum on joining Russia, DW, 13 May 2022: Putin losing confidence in Ukraine war, former Russian PM says, CNN, 13 May 2022: Ukraine sends images of dead Russian soldiers to their families in Russia. Hear the responses they received back, France24, 13 May 2022: Live: EU ramps up military aid to Ukraine as diplomatic efforts intensify, BBC, 13 May 2022: Ukraine begins first war crimes trial of Russian soldier, CNN, 13 May 2022: See how gamers are outwitting and helping to kill Russian soldiers, The Guardian, 13 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Zelenskiy ‘ready to speak to Putin’; Russia to cut electricity supply to Finland after Nato decision, Politico.eu, 13 May 2022: Western allies diverge over Ukraine war aims, DW, 13 May 2022: Russia’s nuclear threat ‘an attempt to intimidate NATO’: former NATO chief Rasmussen, France24, 13 May 2022: Ukraine river ambush shows again Russian military is ‘not up to scratch’, CNN, 13 May 2022: Russia’s retreat from Kharkiv, another key Ukrainian city, reveals new evidence of atrocities, The Guardian, 13 May 2022: Full report: First Russian soldier goes on trial in Ukraine for war crimes, Politico.eu, 13 May 2022: Zelenskyy: Macron asked Ukraine to make concessions to help Putin save face, Miami Herald, 13 May 2022: Sanctioned by U.S. allies, a former Russian banking titan lies low in South Florida, Los Angeles Times, 13 May 2022: First war crimes trial starts in Ukraine as new sanctions target the ‘wallet’ of Putin’s family and friends, The New York Times, 13 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Western Nations Take Steps to Frustrate Putin, Al Arabiya, 13 May 2022: Pentagon chief speaks to Russian counterpart for first time since Feb. 18, DW, 14 May 2022: Ukraine says Russian forces withdrawing from Kharkiv — live updates, CNN, 14 May 2022: Russia must take responsibility for Ukraine war, German foreign minister says, DW, 14 May 2022: G7 warn of global food crisis, vow indefinite supply of weapons for Ukraine, CNN, 14 May 2022: Exclusive: Russian general who oversaw atrocities in Syria led cluster bomb attacks on civilians in Ukraine, DW, 14 May 2022: Ukraine and Russia fight intense battles for Snake Island, Arab News, 14 May 2022: G7 ‘will never recognize’ borders changed by force by Russia, Al Arabiya, 14 May 2022: Top US Senate Republican McConnell meets Zelenskyy in Kyiv, The New York Times, 14 May 2022: Live Updates: Ukraine Pushes Russia Back From Kharkiv as U.S. Senators Visit Kyiv, Politico.eu, 14 May 2022: G7 presses China to put real pressure on Putin to stop Ukraine war, Los Angeles Times, 14 May 2022: Ukraine appears to drive Russians from Kharkiv; Finland, Sweden draw closer to NATO, Politico.com, 14 May 2022: McConnell leads delegation of Republican senators to Kyiv, CNN, 14 May 2022: What you need to know about Finland, Sweden and NATO, Irish Times, 14 May 2022: G7 nations call on China not to help Russia amid global food and energy crises, The Times, 14 May 2022: From hedonism to war: meet the young ravers of Kyiv, CNN, 15 May 2022: Lethal Russian flechette projectiles hit homes in Ukrainian town of Irpin. ‘They are everywhere,’ say residents, France24, 15 May 2022: Live: Blinken ‘confident’ Finland and Sweden will join NATO despite Turkey’s concerns, BBC, 15 May 2022: Ukraine war: Russia’s invasion not going to plan, Nato says, CNN, 15 May 2022: Ukraine claims Russians are suffering “significant losses” as they try to advance west, The Guardian, 15 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Sweden says it will follow Finland in applying to join Nato; Russian Donbas offensive ‘loses momentum’, Al Arabiya, 15 May 2022: Burning munitions seen over Mariupol plant, expert says possible phosphorus attack, BBC, 15 May 2022: Ukraine war: Sweden and Finland confirm Nato plans in historic shift, Al Arabiya, 15 May 2022: Kadyrov asks Erdogan not to evacuate ‘murderers, atheists’ at Azovstal plant, France24, 16 May 2022: Ukrainian fighters ‘evacuated from steel plant in Mariupol’, DW, 16 May 2022: Ukraine forces in Kharkiv push through to Russian border — live updates, France24, 16 May 2022: Fighting for the future: Ukraine tackles rebuilding cities destroyed by war, The National, 16 May 2022: McDonald’s to exit Russia over ‘humanitarian crisis in Ukraine’, NPR, 16 May 2022: Hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers evacuated from steel plant to Russian-held territory, France24, 16 May 2022: War in Ukraine: Latest developments, NPR, 16 May 2022: Ukraine says it’s downed 200 aircraft, a mark of Russian failures in the sky, France24, 16 May 2022: War in Ukraine: Irpin residents return to ruins after Russian withdrawal, The New Yorker, 16 May 2022: A Ukrainian City Under a Violent New Regime, Los Angeles Times, 16 May 2022: Ending weeks of standoff, Russia takes Mariupol but sees setbacks elsewhere, Al Arabiya, 16 May 2022: France says will defend Sweden, Finland against any attack amid Russian threats, Arab News, 16 May 2022: Putin says new military infrastructure in Finland, Sweden would demand reaction, Politico.eu, 16 May 2022: Europe’s leaders fall out of key on Ukraine, Irish Times, 16 May 2022: Nato says Kyiv can win war as Moscow accused of causing food crisis, Al Arabiya, 16 May 2022: Russia using mercenaries to replace troop losses in Ukraine: US analysts, Irish Times, 16 May 2022: ‘This city is invincible’: Kharkiv breathes again after repelling Russian forces, Politico.eu, 16 May 2022: Putin says Russia has ‘no problems’ with Finland, Sweden in NATO, Irish Times, 16 May 2022: Zelenskiy congratulates Kyiv’s soldiers on ‘reaching Russian border’ in Kharkiv region, The Guardian, 16 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Turkey says it won’t approve Finland and Sweden’s Nato membership; Zelenskiy praises soldiers in Kharkiv, The New York Times, 16 May 2022: After 32 years, McDonald’s plans to sell its Russia business. (now, that’s a very precise and at the same time painful kick in the butt of the Putin regime. McDonald’s activities in Russia once embodied a spirit of optimism, peace and East-West rapprochement. The departure shows quite unmistakably how Putin’s Russia is actually doing today: once again on a steep downward course. No Western company’s departure could better symbolize the hopelessness and lack of future prospects of the Russian population), The Guardian, 16 May 2022: McDonald’s to sell its business in Russia after 30 years, CNN, 17 May 2022: Not lovin’ it: How Russians reacted to McDonald’s closing, BBC, 17 May 2022: McDonald’s to leave Russia for good after 30 years, CNN, 17 May 2022: McDonald’s is leaving Russia altogether, DW, 17 May 2022: ICC sends war crimes investigative team to Ukraine — live updates, The National, 17 May 2022: Putin ‘must be defeated’ in Ukraine, Greek PM tells US Congress, BBC, 17 May 2022: Talks to end Ukraine war on hold as both sides trade blame, DW, 17 May 2022: In Ukraine, volunteers help the wounded, The Guardian, 17 May 2022: Mariupol: Fate of hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers unclear as Azovstal resistance ends, BBC, 17 May 2022: Retired colonel speaks out on Russian TV, The Times, 17 May 2022: Azovstal steelworks evacuated as Ukraine ends combat mission in Mariupol, DW, 17 May 2022: ‘Like hell’: An eyewitness recounts her evacuation from the Azovstal steel plant, CNN, 17 May 2022: The fall of Mariupol could conceal war crimes evidence from the world and give Russia’s offensive a boost, The Times, 17 May 2022: Partisans who helped to halt Russia’s advance on Kyiv paid with their lives, The New York Times, 17 May 2022: Live Updates: Ukrainian Soldiers Who Surrendered Face Uncertain Future, CNN, 18 May 2022: It’s nighttime in Kyiv. Here is the latest on Russia’s war in Ukraine, NPR, 18 May 2022: In a war crimes trial, a Russian soldier pleads guilty to killing a Ukrainian civilian, BBC, 18 May 2022: Mariupol: Ukraine doing everything to save remaining fighters, The New York Times, 18 May 2022: Live Updates: With Soldier’s Trial and Mariupol Surrender, Ukraine and Russia Fight Information War, NPR, 18 May 2022: A member of Ukraine’s parliament now trains a recon and sabotage unit to fight Russia, CNN, 18 May 2022: Setbacks in Ukraine trigger rare criticism of Russia’s war effort by Russian bloggers, France24, 18 May 2022: US reopens Kyiv embassy as Russian soldier pleads guilty at first war crimes trial, Politico.eu, 18 May 2022: Russia takes first steps to withdraw from WTO, WHO (once again on the express way to it’s final downfall. Congrats!), BBC, 18 May 2022: Zelensky seeks to extend martial law in Ukraine, The Times, 18 May 2022: Russia deploys its ‘Terminator’ vehicle in sign of frustration, France24, 19 May 2022: US Congress approves new $40 billion Ukraine aid package, BBC, 19 May 2022: Biggest-ever US aid package approved for Ukraine, The Guardian, 19 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Russia ‘will only open ports if sanctions reviewed’; Nato chief ‘confident’ in quick decision for Finland and Sweden, The National, 19 May 2022: US accuses Russia of using food as a weapon in Ukraine, The Times, 19 May 2022: Black Sea blockade in Russia-Ukraine war threatens world food supply (Putin is killing Africans and Asians en mass), CNN, 19 May 2022: US Senate overwhelmingly approves $40 billion in aid to Ukraine, The Times, 19 May 2022: Senior Russian commanders fired for military failures, Irish Times, 19 May 2022: European Parliament accuses Russia of using rape as weapon of war, NPR, 19 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened today (May 19), The Hill, 19 May 2022: Biden authorizes $100 million in weapons, equipment to Ukraine, The New York Times, 19 May 2022: New Evidence Shows How Russian Soldiers Executed Men in Bucha, Los Angeles Times, 19 May 2022: Moscow says hundreds of Ukrainian troops in custody; U.S. Senate approves $40-billion in new aid, Arab News, 19 May 2022: UN urges Ukraine grain release, warn of ‘mass hunger’ that could last for years, DW, 19 May 2022: Ukraine: Zelenskyy warns population of a long war – live updates, The New York Times, 19 May 2022: Live Updates: Senate Approves $40 Billion in New Aid for Ukraine, Arab News, 19 May 2022: US intel shows Kremlin officials alarmed over Russian abuses against Mariupol defenders, DW, 19 May 2022: Chancellor Olaf Scholz tells German parliament ‘Russia must not win this war’, The New York Times, 20 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Russia Vows to Halt Gas Exports to Finland as War’s Fallout Spreads, Al Arabiya, 20 May 2022: US says diplomats not ready for talks with Russian counterparts over Ukraine war, The National, 20 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Moscow claims to have taken full control of Mariupol, Politico.eu, 20 May 2022: Infowars: Putin’s propaganda permeates Italian media, Al Arabiya, 20 May 2022: Military command orders stopping defense of Mariupol: Ukraine’s Azov Regiment, Politico.eu, 20 May 2022: Poroshenko: Time to hit Putin where it really hurts, Politico.eu, 20 May 2022: Western allies ramp up rhetoric against Russia, want to see ‘defeat’ of Moscow, Los Angeles Times, 20 May 2022: Russian bombardment has turned Ukraine’s Donbas into ‘hell,’ Zelensky says, Politico.eu, 20 May 2022: G7 raises close to $20B for Ukraine, The Guardian, 20 May 2022: Live Russia ‘takes control of Azovstal steel plant’; gas supply to Finland to be cut on Saturday, CNN, 20 May 2022: US likely to keep 100,000 troops in Europe for foreseeable future in face of Russian threat, US officials say, BBC, 20 May 2022: Ukraine says giant Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant can’t supply Russia, France24, 20 May 2022: Russia claims full control of Mariupol after nearly three-month siege, CNN, 20 May 2022: New York Times: Investigation reveals potential war crime in Bucha involving Russian forces, Politico.eu, 20 May 2022: Vladimir Putin is no Peter the Great, BBC, 20 May 2022: Russia says it has taken control of devastated Azovstal steelworks, CNN, 20 May 2022: Russia claims it has “completely liberated” the besieged Azovstal plant in Mariupol, The New York Times, 21 May 2022: The Russian Orthodox Leader at the Core of Putin’s Ambitions, The Hill, 21 May 2022: Russia cuts off natural gas supply to Finland amid NATO dispute, The New York Times, 21 May 2022: Live Updates: Biden Signs $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Package as Russia Presses Its Campaign, CNN, 21 May 2022: Days-long roadblocks, missiles and ‘lots of blood.’ Civilians recall terrifying attempts to escape Ukraine’s cities as Russian forces tighten grip, The Hill, 21 May 2022: Biden signs $40B Ukraine aid package into law, The New York Times, 21 May 2022: We Must Prepare for Putin’s Worst Weapons, CNN, 21 May 2022: After bloody battles, Ukraine war will end with diplomacy, Zelensky vows in anniversary interview, Al Arabiya, 21 May 2022: Russia bans 963 Americans from entering country, adds 26 new Canadians (very funny. If there hadn’t been a newspaper report about it, nobody would have noticed. Not even the sanctioned themselves. As if there were anyone stupid enough to go to Russia voluntarily right now. In fact, even the Russians themselves are fleeing Russia), Los Angeles Times, 21 May 2022: Russia cuts off gas to Finland amid wider push into Ukraine’s east, Al Arabiya, 21 May 2022: Russia stops Finland gas flow over payments dispute, Politico.eu, 21 May 2022: Putin’s Russia vision shows need to equip Moldova, UK’s Truss says, Arab News, 21 May 2022: Joe Biden signs $40 billion for Ukraine assistance during Asia trip, Politico.eu, 21 May 2022: Russia halts gas supply to Finland amid payments, NATO rows, Irish Times, 21 May 2022: Russia stops delivering gas to Finland as Zelenskiy says only diplomacy will end war, The Times, 21 May 2022: Why Kremlin propagandists now tell Russians they’re at war with the whole West, The Guardian, 21 May 2022: Mariupol: Zelenskiy signals readiness for new talks if troops are not harmed, DW, 21 May 2022: Ukraine: Diplomacy only way to end war, Zelenskyy says — live updates, BBC, 21 May 2022: Zelensky: Only diplomacy can end Ukraine war, DW, 21 May 2022: Prisoners of war from Azov: Do the fighters face the death penalty in Russia?, The National, 22 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Kyiv rules out ceasefire, The Algemeiner, 22 May 2022: Yandex Wants to Move Headquarters to Israel, With Conditions, Los Angeles Times, 22 May 2022: Ukraine says it’s holding off Russia’s intensified thrust in the east, The New York Times, 22 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: Russia Renews Assault on Key Eastern City as Advances by Both Sides Slow, NPR, 22 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine war: What happened this weekend (May 21-22), Politico.eu, 22 May 2022: Ukraine must ‘decide its own future,’ Poland’s Duda tells MPs in Kyiv, Irish Times, 22 May 2022: Ukraine extends martial law as artillery battle rages for Donbas, CNN, 22 May 2022: Russian officer reveals why he risked it all to quit Putin’s war, The Guardian, 22 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: airstrikes target Mykolaiv and Donbas regions; Ukraine EU bid ‘could take 20 years’, CNN, 22 May 2022: UK Prime Minister to “redouble efforts” to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Downing Street statement says, BBC, 22 May 2022: Ukraine peace deal: Kyiv rules out ceding land to Russia, France24, 22 May 2022: Live: Russia intensifies push into Donbas as Polish president visits Kyiv, DW, 22 May 2022: Ukraine must decide its own future, says Poland’s Duda — live updates, The Atlantic, 23 May 2022: The War Won’t End Until Putin Loses, France24, 23 May 2022: Chernihiv residents recall dramatic downing of Russian fighter jet, The National, 23 May 2022: Russian encirclement of key Donbas city Severodonetsk ‘inevitable’, The New York Times, 24 May 2022: Russia’s Shrinking War, DW, 24 May 2022: Ukraine says 200 bodies have been found in Mariupol basement — live updates, The National, 24 May 2022: Joe Biden says Quad leaders are ‘navigating a dark hour’, DW, 24 May 2022: Germany’s Scholz decries Putin’s ‘imperialistic’ war in Ukraine, The New York Times, 24 May 2022: Live Updates: World Leaders Call for Action to Free Trapped Ukrainian Food, France24, 24 May 2022: Ukraine says more than a dozen civilians killed in Russian attacks in Donetsk and Luhansk, DW, 24 May 20222: Russia: Alexei Navalny appeal fails, will move to a ‘maximum-security’ jail, The National, 24 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: EU blames Moscow for global food crisis, France24, 24 May 2022: Population decline in Russia: ‘Putin has no choice but to win’ in Ukraine, Los Angeles Times, 24 May 2022: Russian troops move to encircle strategic city in eastern Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 24 May 2022: Russia taunts US on global food security crisis (“Russian harvest” means that they have stolen several thousand tons of Ukrainian wheat to use it as a weapon in Asia and Africa. If Putin isn’t reaching his goals in these regions he will starve millions of Africans and Asians to death), NPR, 24 May 2022: Three months of war: Russia underachieves, Ukraine overachieves, The Times, 24 May 2022: Russian general shot down in battle for key eastern city, CNN, 24 May 2022: Ukrainian special forces release video of military using foreign-made kamikaze drones, Irish Times, 24 May 2022: Ukraine says fierce fighting for Donbas may decide fate of country, Arab News, 24 May 2022: Criticism of Western double standards over Ukraine ‘fair’: RUSI chief, The Guardian, 24 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: more than 200 bodies found in Mariupol basement; invasion in ‘most active phase’, says Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 25 May 2022: Russia offers fast-track citizenship to residents of occupied Ukraine (Russia does not offer citizenship but instead imposes citizenship on Ukrainians from eastern and southern Ukraine. This is part of the strategy to wipe out Ukraine), Haaretz, 25 May 2022: ‘Denazification’? Neo-Nazi Groups Fighting Alongside Russian Forces in Ukraine, Jerusalem Post, 25 May 2022: Russia and Iran discuss swapping supplies for oil and gas, goods logistics, Al Arabiya, 25 May 2022: Explainer: Ukraine looks for ways to get its grain out, The New York Times, 25 May 2022: Live Updates: Russia Makes Small Gains in Ukraine’s East in Narrowly Focused Attacks, Los Angeles Times, 25 May 2022: Russia takes steps to bolster army and tighten grip on Ukraine, DW, 25 May 2022: Baltic Sea countries rally together against Russia, BBC, 25 May 2022: Putin weaponising Ukraine’s crops, says Polish PM, France24, 25 May 2022: Live: Fighting reaches ‘outskirts’ of key east Ukraine city Severodonetsk, Politico.eu, 25 May 2022: Russian parliament green-lights closure of ‘unfriendly’ Western news bureaus, DW, 25 May 2022: Ukraine calls Putin’s passport plan ‘criminal’ — live updates, France24, 25 May 2022: In Davos, Ukraine says it ‘badly’ needs rocket systems, The Times, 25 May 2022: Advance is slower than planned, admits Russian defence minister, The Guardian, 25 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Nato ‘doing literally nothing’ to stop Russia, says Kyiv, CNN, 25 May 2022: Putin announces 10% hike in state pensions and minimum wage as inflation rises in Russia , The Times, 25 May 2022: Briton narrates Kremlin video attacking Ukrainian ‘Nazis’, BBC, 25 May 2022: Severodonetsk: Battle for key road as fighting reaches Ukraine city, CNN, 25 May 2022: Zelensky condemns Kissinger idea for negotiations with Russia as 1938-style appeasement, The Times, 25 May 2022: Kissinger’s cynicism is music to Putin’s ears, The National, 26 May 2022: Ukraine war at ‘maximum intensity’ as Russia shells 40 towns, The New York Times, 26 May 2022: Ukraine Live Updates: In Wake of Davos, a Growing Debate on Ending the War, The National, 26 May 2022: Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz says Russia will not win its war in Ukraine, Politico.eu, 26 May 2022: Ukraine gets symbolic win as WHO countries condemn Russia, Los Angeles Times, 26 May 2022: Russians shell dozens of Ukrainian towns in fierce battle for the Donbas, The Guardian, 26 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: shelling intensifies in Kharkiv as Ukrainian general warns of Russian advantage in Luhansk, DW, 26 May 2022: Ukraine says war in Donbas at ‘maximum intensity’ — live updates, BBC, 26 May 2022: Russian mum’s fight to save sons from Putin’s war, DW, 26 May 2022: Enough talking — it’s time to act, CNN, 26 May 2022: US is preparing to approve long-range rocket systems as it becomes Ukraine’s top request, Politico.com, 26 May 2022: One Ukrainian family’s perilous journey through Russia’s ‘filtration camps’, DW, 26 May 2022: ‘Putin must not win this war,’ Germany’s Olaf Scholz tells Davos, France24, 26 May 2022: Russia shells Kharkiv, war in Donbas reaches ‘maximum intensity’, BBC, 26 May 2022: As it happened: Ukrainian forces may retreat from eastern area, Politico.com, 26 May 2022: Blinken calls China ‘most serious long-term’ threat to world order, The Guardian, 27 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: experts warn of ‘serious and imminent’ risk of Ukraine genocide, Washington Post, 27 May 2022: Biden says Putin is trying to ‘wipe out’ Ukrainian culture, identity, DW, 27 May 2022: Ukraine: Separatists claim to have control of key Donbas town — live updates, BBC, 27 May 2022: Russia gains control of another city in Ukraine’s east, Washington Post, 27 May 2022: U.S. is preparing to send long-range rocket systems to Ukraine, DW, 27 May 2022: German minister slams Putin over food crisis on Ukraine trip, The National, 27 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Severodonetsk close to falling to Russian forces, The New York Times, 27 May 2022: Live Updates: Russian Attacks Intensify, Along With Accusations of Genocide, DW, 27 May 2022: Scholz: Putin’s war not just against Ukraine, but European values too, The Guardian, 27 May 2022: What hope is there for diplomacy in ending the Russia-Ukraine war?, France24, 27 May 2022: Ukraine fighting to keep control of key town in Donbas, CNN, 27 May 2022: Zelensky promises Donbas will be “Ukrainian again,” as Russian forces continue to make gains, Politico.eu, 27 May 2022: Putin: We could reopen Odesa, but we want sanctions removed (since when are war criminals like Putin are allowed to make demands?), Irish Times, 27 May 2022: ‘Serious risk of genocide’ as Russian troops grind their way forward in Donbas, The National, 28 May 2022: Russia-Ukraine live: Moscow claims it has captured key town in Donbas, The New York Times, 28 May 2022: Live Updates: Street Fighting in Key City as Russia Gains Ground in Ukraine’s East, The Hill, 28 May 2022: Navalny in prison: How a thorn in Putin’s side reaches the outside world, Politico.eu, 28 May 2022: How to end Russia’s Black Sea blockade, Los Angeles Times, 28 May 2022: Russia takes small cities, aims to widen battle in eastern Ukraine, The Hill, 28 May 2022: Supplying freedom in Ukraine, The Times, 28 May 2022: 100 days of war in Ukraine — and it’s still not clear who’s winning, NPR, 28 May 2022: Ukrainians say they’re badly outgunned by Russia in the battle for the Donbas, The Guardian, 28 May 2022: ‘Get ready for Nuremberg 2.0’: Kremlin mulls show trials based on second world war tribunals, Irish Times, 28 May 2022: Ukraine: Russia takes control of strategic eastern town as assault on Donbas continues, The Times, 28 May 2022: Russia is winning battle to control the world’s wheat, DW, 28 May 2022: Ukraine: Russia amps up pressure in Donbas and confirms capture of key town — live updates, BBC, 28 May 2022: Russia scraps age limit for new troops in Ukraine push, The Guardian, 28 May 2022: Live Russia-Ukraine war: Russia claims capture of strategic town as fighting rages in east; Johnson an