Galette (from the Norman word gale, meaning “flat cake”) is a term used in French cuisine to designate various types of flat round or freeform crusty cakes, or, in the case of a Breton galette (French: Galette bretonne; Breton: Krampouezhenn gwinizh du), a pancake made with buckwheat flour usually with a savoury filling. Of the cake type of galette, one notable variety is the galette des Rois (King cake) eaten on the day of Epiphany. In French Canada the term galette is usually applied to pastries best described as large cookies. read more…
Eu is a commune in the Seine-Maritimedepartment in the Normandyregion in northern France. Eu is located near the coast in the eastern part of the department, near the border with Picardy. Its inhabitants are known in French as the Eudois. The name of the commune is related to that of the river on which it stands. Before being called the Bresle, this small river was known in the Middle Ages under the name of Ou, which then became Eu. Eu is chiefly known for its nearby national forest, the Eu Forest, the Renaissance style Château d’Eu and its college. read more…
The Fondation Claude Monet is a nonprofit organisation that runs and preserves the house and gardens of Claude Monet in Giverny, France, where Monet lived and painted for 43 years. Monet was inspired by his gardens, and spent years transforming them, planting thousands of flowers. He believed that it was important to surround himself with nature and paint outdoors. He created many paintings of his house and gardens, especially of water lilies in the pond, the Japanese bridge, and a weeping willow tree. read more…