Mercado da Ribeira in Lisbon

4 March 2019 | Author/Destination: | Rubric: General, Bon appétit, Shopping Reading Time:  4 minutes

© - Paul Arps/cc-by-2.0

© – Paul Arps/cc-by-2.0

The Mercado da Ribeira is a market hall on Avenida 24 de Julho of the Portuguese capital of Lisbon, where fresh fish, vegetables and fruits have been sold since the 19th century. It can be reached by public transport from the Carris via the Cais do Sodré station.   read more…

Santa Justa Lift in Lisboa

21 August 2013 | Author/Destination: | Rubric: General Reading Time:  6 minutes

© - islandjoe/cc-by-2.0

© – islandjoe/cc-by-2.0

The Santa Justa Lift (Portuguese: Elevador de Santa Justa, also called Carmo Lift (Portuguese: Elevador do Carmo, is an elevator/lift in civil parish of Santa Justa, in the historical city of Lisbon, situated at the end of Rua de Santa Justa. It connects the lower streets of the Baixa with the higher Largo do Carmo (Carmo Square.) Since its construction, the Lift has become a tourist attraction for Lisbon as, among the urban lifts in the city, Santa Justa is the only remaining vertical one. Others, including Elevador da Glória and Elevador da Lavra, are funiculars, and the other Lift constructed around the period, the Elevator of São Julião has since been demolished.   read more…

Lisbon, the white city

23 November 2010 | Author/Destination: | Rubric: General, Architecture, European Union, European Capital of Culture Reading Time:  10 minutes

© Stefan Didam-Schmallenberg

© Stefan Didam-Schmallenberg

Nowhere in Portugal visitors will find a more impressive reminder of the great seafaring tradition and the wealth of the former colonial power than in the capital. It seems as if one would breathe history and even untrained eyes can see “Once here was power and money at home!”. Much is well preserved, especially the pride of the residents. Lisbon is one of the quieter, yet vibrant European cities with the typical southern European lifestyle, which could keep much of its originality without missing the connection to the modern era, on the contrary: For a number of years now, an increasingly stronger start-up scene from the IT sector has been established, which also attracts large international corporations (Startup Lisboa). Lisbon owes the nickname “The White City” the picturesque white houses, historic buildings and palaces.   read more…

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