The Arab World Institute in Paris

24 October 2015 | Author/Destination: | Rubric: General, Museums, Exhibitions, Paris / Île-de-France Reading Time:  6 minutes

Pont de Sully (front) with the Institut du Monde Arabe in the background to the right, to the left the northern buildings of the Jussieu Campus © David Monniaux/cc-by-sa-3.0

Pont de Sully (front) with the Institut du Monde Arabe in the background to the right, to the left the northern buildings of the Jussieu Campus © David Monniaux/cc-by-sa-3.0

The Arab World Institute (abbreviated “AWI”; French: Institut du Monde Arabe, abbreviated “IMA”) is an organization founded in Paris in 1980 by 18 Arab countries with France to research and disseminate information about the Arab world and its cultural and spiritual values. The Institute also promotes cooperation and exchanges between France and the Arab nations, particularly in the areas of science and technology, contributing to the understanding between the Arab world and Europe. Libya joined the institute in 1984.   read more…

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