Pie and mash

26 January 2025 | Author/Destination: | Rubric: General, Bon appétit, London Reading Time:  9 minutes

© Goddards Pies Limited/cc-by-sa-4.0

© Goddards Pies Limited/cc-by-sa-4.0

Pie and mash is a traditional working-class food, originating in the Docks of London. Often accompanied with jellied eels, the dish has been popularised as “a Cockney classic”. It typically consists of a minced beef pie, mashed potato, and a parsley sauce known as liquor. Pie, mash and eel shops have been in London since the 19th century, and are still common in East and South London, and in many parts of Kent and Essex.   read more…

Eel Pie Island in London

13 December 2019 | Author/Destination: | Rubric: General, London Reading Time:  7 minutes

The Eel Pie Island Museum in Twickenham © flickr.com - Jim Linwood/cc-by-2.0

The Eel Pie Island Museum in Twickenham © flickr.com – Jim Linwood/cc-by-2.0

Eel Pie Island is a 8.935-acre (3.6 ha) island in the River Thames at Twickenham in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. It is on the maintained minimum head of water above the only lock on the Tideway and is accessible by boat or from the left (generally north) bank by footbridge. The island had a club that was a major venue for jazz and blues in the 1960s.   read more…

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