The European Union: Regional Policy
Saturday, 8 July 2017 - 01:00 pm (CET/MEZ) Berlin | Author/Destination: Knut WingschCategory/Kategorie: General, Editorial, EU blog post series, European Union Reading Time: 7 minutes
Regional policy of the European Union
The Regional policy of the European Union (EU), also referred as Cohesion Policy, is a policy with the stated aim of improving the economic well-being of regions in the EU (European Committee of the Regions) and also to avoid regional disparities. More than one third of the EU’s budget is devoted to this policy, which aims to remove economic, social and territorial disparities across the EU, restructure declining industrial areas and diversify rural areas which have declining agriculture. In doing so, EU regional policy is geared towards making regions more competitive, fostering economic growth and creating new jobs. The policy also has a role to play in wider challenges for the future, including climate change, energy supply and globalisation.
The EU’s regional policy covers all European regions, although regions across the EU fall in different categories (so-called objectives), depending mostly on their economic situation. In the current 2014–2020 funding period (Europe 2020), money is allocated differently between regions that are deemed to be “more developed” (with GDP per capita over 90% of the EU average), “transition” (between 75% and 90%), and “less developed” (less than 75%), and additional funds are set aside for member states with GNI per capita under 90 percent of the EU average in the Cohesion Fund. Between 2007 and 2013, EU regional policy consisted of three objectives: Convergence, Regional competitiveness and employment, and European territorial cooperation; the previous three objectives (from 2000–2006) were simply known as Objectives 1, 2 and 3.
Less developed regions0
By far the largest amount of regional policy funding is dedicated to the regions designated as less developed. This covers Europe’s poorest regions whose per capita gross domestic product (GDP) is less than 75% of the EU average. This includes nearly all the regions of the new member states, most of Southern Italy, Greece and Portugal, and some parts of the United Kingdom and Spain. With the addition of the newest member countries in 2004 and 2007, the EU average GDP fell. As a result, some regions in the EU’s “old” member states, which used to be eligible for funding under the Convergence objective, became above the 75% threshold. These regions received transitional, “phasing out” support during the previous funding period of 2007–13. Regions that used to be covered under the convergence criteria but got above the 75% threshold even within the EU-15 received “phasing-in” support through the Regional competitiveness and employment objective. Funding for less developed regions, like the Convergence objective before it, aims to allow the regions affected to catch up with the EU’s more prosperous regions, thereby reducing economic disparity within the European Union. Examples of types of projects funded under this objective include improving basic infrastructure, helping businesses, building or modernising waste and water treatment facilities, and improving access to high-speed Internet connections. Regional policy projects in less developed regions are supported by three European funds: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund.
Transition regions
These are regions whose GDP per capita falls between 75 and 90 percent of the EU average. As such, they receive less funding than the less developed regions but more funding than the more developed regions.
More developed regions
This covers all European regions that are not covered elsewhere, namely those which have a GDP per capita above 90 percent of the EU average. The main aim of funding for these regions is to create jobs by promoting competitiveness and making the regions concerned more attractive to businesses and investors. Possible projects include developing clean transport, supporting research centres, universities, small businesses and start-ups, providing training, and creating jobs. Funding is managed through either the ERDF or the ESF.
European territorial cooperation
This objective aims to reduce the importance of borders within Europe – both between and within countries – by improving regional cooperation. It allows for three different types of cooperation: cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. The objective is currently by far the least important in pure financial terms, accounting for only 2.5% of the EU’s regional policy budget. It is funded exclusively through the ERDF.
Other important EU funds are:
- Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
- European Union Solidarity Fund
- European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
- European Agricultural Guarantee Fund
- JASPERS: Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions
- European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
- Joint Action to Support Micro-finance Institutions in Europe
In addition, a few hundred subsidy programs with a wide range of individual directions are available to help companies and citizens of the European Union with their individual projects (EU funding).
Read more on Wikipedia Regional policy of the European Union, VOLT Europa, United Europe and Pulse of Europe. (Smart Traveler App by U.S. Department of State - Weather report by - Global Passport Power Rank - Travel Risk Map - Democracy Index - GDP according to IMF, UN, and World Bank - Global Competitiveness Report - Corruption Perceptions Index - Press Freedom Index - World Justice Project - Rule of Law Index - UN Human Development Index - Global Peace Index - Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index). Photos by Wikimedia Commons. If you have a suggestion, critique, review or comment to this blog entry, we are looking forward to receive your e-mail at Please name the headline of the blog post to which your e-mail refers to in the subject line.
Overview EU series:
- The European Union
- The European Union: Café Europe
- The European Garden Heritage Network
- European Route of Industrial Heritage
- European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture
- European Historic Thermal Towns Association
- House of European History
- Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations
- Museum of European Cultures
- The Way of St. James
- European Day of Jewish Culture
- Routes of El legado andalusi/Al-Andalus
- 20th Anniversary of the European Union
- The Europa Building, a new home for the European Council
- The European Union: Presidency of the Council of the European Union
- The European Union: Blessing or curse? Past or future?
- The European Union: Common Trade and Economic Policy
- The European Union: Common Foreign, Security and Defence Policy
- The European Union: Regional Policy
- The European Union: Eastern Partnership
- The European Union: Institutions
- The European Union: Bon appétit!
- The European Union: The Budget
- The European Union: Quo vadis?
- The European Union: Bon voyage!
- The European Union: Real Estate and Demography
- The European Union: 2019 European Parliament election
- The European Union: The Brexit
- The European Union: Migration debate, xenophobia, racism and right-wing extremism
- The European Union: Climate Policy
- The European Union: Coronavirus Pandemic
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