The European Union: Real Estate and Demography

Saturday, 25 May 2019 - 09:00 pm (CET/MEZ) Berlin | Author/Destination:
Category/Kategorie: General, Architecture, Editorial, EU blog post series, European Union, Living, Working, Building
Reading Time:  233 minutes

(Latest update: 22 August 2022) First, there is not THE real estate market – not national and certainly not international. In fact, the market situation is very fragmented due to the general conditions, in other words, many individual markets, collectively referred to as “the market”. Metropolitan Area A faces different challenges than Metropolitan Area B and Metropolitan Area C can not even understand what A and B are talking about. Where there is comparability, is the housing situation in the “affordable segment” in urban centers in all western EU states, the US and Canada. This is where the call for the state, which should intervene regulatively, quickly becomes louder. In free market economies, however, this is on the one hand not wanted and therefore on the other hand, only limited possible. That’s pretty okay, because the market is inherently profit-oriented and that’s just what it will stay, otherwise investment incentives for new construction would sooner or later be completely absent. The “rental price brake” (Mietpreisbremse) exemplifies the problem. At the same time, more and more social housing is being let out of the rental price brake without replacement investment being made. In the following, single aspects are examined in more detail using the example of Germany, whereby the scenarios also apply to other western countries such as the EU states, the US, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, but also, e.g., to Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul in South Korea, Tel Aviv in Israel and other emerging metropolitan regions around the world.


Since the early 1990s, it has been assumed that the population development would be negative, or would be declining. Numerous studies have supported this assumption. This resulted in a decades-long housing shortage (dismantling of living space and neglect of new building measures, but also the sale and privatization of subsidized_housing and land for short-term coverage of budget deficits of public budgets, with the result that neither public debt could be noticeably reduced, nor sufficient public land remains available, to develop affordable housing, so that in case of doubt land now has to be bought at a high free market prices (in retrospect not the smartest of all ideas to cleanse the clammy households, but of course, everyone is smarter afterwards. Here, however, to presume bad intention in general is wrong, because the sales were made in the 2000s, when Germany was “the sick man of Europe”, so in fact urgently needed money. In such phases, all options are on the table and in case of doubt even jewels will be thrown on the market. The fact that the large sale of public real estate and property was a mistake is widely acknowledged in the political landscape and ways are sought to undo the resulting distortions in the housing market. It will take a few years of time, a lot of money and work, but solutions are already emerging). Even before the so-called “refugee crisis” between the end of 2015 and the end of 2017, it became clear that the demographic trend is fortunately different and that instead population growth is now assumed (Die Zeit, 18 July 2019: Demographics in Europe: The Commuter Belt Effect). In addition to the numerous positive aspects (economic development, employment numbers, etc.), however, this has the negative aspect of housing shortages and significantly rising rental and purchase prices. Due to the largely sold-off public land, municipalities and private investors alike are now facing the problem of having hardly any land available for affordable housing, so that with the help of decrees and laws, the private-sector needed to be forced to include a proportionate part of affordable housing in new building projects. However, it is not only the changes in the population development that lead to the (rental/purchase) cost increases, but also the changed demands on living space (sizes, equipment, standards, building regulations, environmental protection etc.) and changed lifestyles (increase in single households, etc.): Die Zeit, 18 July 2019: Demographics in Europe: The Commuter Belt Effect, Demographics of the European Union.

Urban planning
In general, German cities have well thought-through and permeable urban development concepts (urban development planning, integrated urban development concept, Social Design and smart city) for the middle and upper segments that can be regulated by the market. At the lower end, however, the market regulates very little (including prices for land – simplified building code, simplified building permit procedures, housing subsidies and rental prices), so that the existing urban development concepts here often correspond more to request concerts, as with the actual circumstances on site.

Based on the above mentions and additional aspects, there are demands that are only partially met. While demand in the upper and luxury segments is increasingly being covered (where there are exceptions due to the Brexit which i.a. leading investment bankers to relocate from the City of London to Frankfurt, Paris, Dublin and Madrid in order to continue to have full access to the EU Single Market, and hence the need for new housing remains clear), this is not the case in the middle and lower segments. In addition to the resulting social explosives, the actual situation also offers considerable opportunities. When there is no more money to earn in the upper segment on the big scale, then in the middle and lower segment all the more. The idea, however, has not yet prevailed everywhere. In Germany, between 450,000 and 500,000 new units will have to be built each year to meet demand and/or make replacement investments. In fact, half the needed numbers are built at best. So it’s not as if it would not be built at all, just so far not to the extent necessary and where the new construction measures are actually needed.

Income gap
The income gap ensures that the middle class increasingly breaks away. Instead there are more rich and more poor people. Here’s another reason for the pressure on the housing market, especially as it increases the concentration on the upper and lower segments and, if in doubt, investors choose the more profitable segment. In the everyday life of the real estate industry, this is also noticeable. Buyers/Tenants, who were able to afford flats and houses in fairly appealing locations at reasonable prices 20 years ago, can no longer do so today or only with great effort and economic burdens, which are compensated elsewhere (consumption, mobility etc.). The promises of the trickle-down theory are obviously only partially working (especially where it is about pure capital gain) and not only increase the pressure on the housing market, but have become a societal and macroeconomic problem, which, among other things, were publicly visible in the violent riots of the so-called yellow vests in France (vandalism and terrorism). The basic problem is of course also in Germany and other Western European countries detectable, but fortunately (still) without the appropriate joy in demonstrations and blind destructiveness. Here, entire population groups are excluded from the “normal” economic cycle and this leads macroeconomically to distortions, e.g. too high pressure on the lower level housing market. With the help of different tools, attempts have been made for years to counteract this, but with little success so far to date. An interesting approach would be to consider how it can be achieved to help people with a small income to own property, as part of a pension package, as was possible until 20 years ago.

Then there are the misguided views of the hasardeur from American who, without moms and dads millions, would at best have become a deposit bottles pre-sorter (which would have been best for the world):

Sale price developments
Purchase price developments in recent years let to the situation that young first-time buyers are being left behind because they can not afford property, which further increases the pressure on the rental market and rents, triggering a spiral that ultimately lead to the situation that first-time buyers will be hardly able to buy property in later years. In the meantime, foreign buyers and investors are increasingly holding back, because the initially moderate initial investment has grown so much that the expected returns are becoming less and less attractive. The ongoing period of low interest rates is causing speculators to drain additional profits and thus pulverize the interest rate advantage to the detriment of the buyers (asset owners see this with increasing joy, especially as they can raise their rents as well – effortless additional income). In the period between 2004 and 2019, real estate prices rose by more than 45% due to the low interest rates in the country, and in particular in the metropolitan areas, they rose even significantly higher. Another aspect was and is, of course, the location policy. Cities, where house prices have not risen steadily, saw and see themselves as possibly weak, as if only cities, where real estate prices are rising steadily, could and can expect to continue growing. Accordingly, living space was tightened, so that property ownership for investors remained interesting – with all the negative consequences. A logic and spiral that is difficult to break, because on the one hand, new housing must be created, on the other hand, it must also be ensured that property value is not weakened by new construction, so as not to jeopardize the “location factor” or follow-up financing will be necessary because the “top location” turns out to be less “top” in retrospect.

Price and cost drivers

The average values only partially reflect the actual dilemma in the large metropolitan areas. While the purchase and rental prices in the major metropolitan regions have risen much more than the average, they are even partially declining in rural areas in East Germany.

The average values only partially reflect the actual dilemma in the large metropolitan areas. While the purchase and rental prices in the major metropolitan regions have risen much more than the average, they are even partially declining in rural areas in East Germany.

It’s more common to hear that landlords, speculators, and brokers are driving up prices. That is not entirely incorrect, but it is an to easy excuse. In fact, there are many more “sensible” landlords than there are “cutthroats”. If that were not so, the real estate markets would be completely out of control. But that is at most partially so. However, it is not new to realize that real estate markets are not charity events and all market participants want to get their more or less justified share of the pie, with the majority of professional real estate investors and landlords recognizing that they also have a social responsibility (Responsibility, Social Competence, Values, Social Commitment). In this respect, nobody is interested in overheating the cost situation, especially in order to be able to achieve long-term (at best over several decades) and secure rental income. Both will only work if the right proportions are proven. Property investments are long-term investments that are usually refinanced over a period of 30 years. In order for this to all decades long, a rent must be calculated and demanded, which finances all cost factors (ongoing operating costs and taxes (local taxes, inheritance tax, wealth tax, etc.), capital service (consisting of interest and reducing loans), costs for maintenance, servicing, replacement investments, etc.), but also a reasonable share of profits (at this point, the scholars are arguing about what is to be understood as “reasonable” or at what point “unreasonable” starts) and taxes (public budgets earn from property transactions and rental income through various means, leaving the state with a considerable conflict of interest, for example property taxes make up a significant proportion of municipal revenues). In the same period, with rental and purchase prices rise up, construction costs have also risen by more than 35%. This is also due to inflation and the excellent capacity utilization of the construction industry, but above all the building regulations tightened over the years and environmental aspects. So-called “luxury refurbishments” also contribute to cost increases, but not to the extent that it is suggested in the press. Within the repair measures, landlords and private housing companies are also using the means of the modernization measures, which amounted to 11% per annum per year until 01.01.2019; since 01.01.2019 it is at 8% per annum and thus a special form of the rent increase measures, while the repair measures in principle are the durty of the landlords and housing companies, paid by rental income, this special one is covered by rent increase – legally by now. The Modernization Allocation is a tool for the implementation of a hefty rentaöl insomce, which even continues to run even if the cost of modernization has long been refinanced. The resulting conflict of interest is of course obvious and must therefore be regulated by the legislature (legislation) meaningful and without exception, because without this legal regulation is in the end once again the honest, rational and socially oriented landlord the stupid one. The whole cost issue starts at the beginning of the project development. Here you will find an overview of the services provided in order to get an impression of the expenses and risks that must be expected at this stage (construction planning and construction costs). According to the “wash me, but do not wet me” motto, not only large infrastructure projects do not work. Depending on the size of the project then another phenomenon is added, namely, let’s call it, the “9-eyed and 13-legged Schnuffel beetle” (with one eye on the rear to be able to park better and safer), which is guaranteed not to appear where it should – in fact it has never been appeared, but it does not prevent from tracking it. Of course, this has further consequences, especially with regard to the profitability of projects. As a developer of a project of “Affordable Housing”, the entire project is done as soon as initiatives of all kinds start to interfere and thus negatively affect project economics. Alternatively, you can now market the “5 * + – luxury residential resort in the best outskirts of the city and in the immediate vicinity of the Schnuffel beetle” at a rental price of 50.00 Euro/m²/netto. A rent that is needed to cover the nonsensical costs of environmental impact assessments, appraisals, court costs, upkeep costs (loss of use) and other additional expenses, while at the same time financing non-social income (asocial – just because something is legally enforceable does not make it morally reasonable) on the other side. In this way, 100 affordable apartments become 60 to 70 less affordable apartments, which is why the public sometimes believes they can deduce from this that there are bad and evil speculators from the dark side at work, although investors are least responsible for the eventually economically necessary plan changes.

A remedy would be the substantial increase in assets of public housing companies that can calculate differently from private companies (private companies are created for profit, especially for joint-stock company that need to earn dividends on behalf of their shareholders), the increase in the attractiveness of peripheries and rural areas, but also the legal obligation to proportionately create affordable housing in private-sector construction in inner-city locations to an appropriate extent, supported by appropriate support measures, to permanently ensure social equalty. These include the actual four main considerations:

  • Simplified building regulations in order to lower the building standard of “affordable housing” as far that low rental fees can be asked for, while still be adequate – a prerequisite for investors to be interested in investing in this segment.
  • Modular design (modular construction and prefabricated building) is much better than its reputation.
  • Affordable housing does not have to win any design or architectural prizes, nor be ugly, but above all be functional, be low-maintenance and thus affordable.
  • One way to reduce the cost of creating affordable housing is e.g. the so-called cooperative model, an association of interested parties (laymen, craftsmen, architects, engineers etc.) for the purpose of the construction and use of a cooperative housing estate. From an economic point of view, this model is quite interesting, but stands and falls – as always – with the commitment of those involved.

Supply of land
The distribution of land for affordable housing project (public spaces) is currently not well organized. There are enough investors, but plots for affordable housing projects remain in short supply. As a result of outdated demographic assumptions, land and housing have been privatized over the years, resulting in a shortage of the property reserves that are urgently needed today. The market regulates little to nothing in this segment.

Confiscation measures
As a result, even absurd thoughts, such as the confiscation / expropriation of land and buildings come into the conversation, to extract speculators of just these and to make them available to the free market. Since our social model still corresponds to a free, social market economy, this would only be possible in individual cases, but can not be implemented in general. Moreover, this would have a significant deterrent effect on potential investors, who would eventually have to reckon with their arbitrary expropriation, so that the seizures would have exactly the opposite effects as originally planned. Two other aspects are that expropriation does not create a single new dwelling, but deprives dwellings of the private sector to hand them over to the public sector (“left pocket -> right pocket”). The entrepreneurial skills of the state are thereby well known. It may also be interesting to see how the expropriations at market prices will be accomplished and financed, when already a 3-digit billion public investment is missing (against this background, it would only make sense to take over private assets when they are heavily financed by loans and minimal equity, so that the transfer costs would be low and the public institutions can take over the loan obligations with extended terms). The most important aspect, the proposed permanent cap on social rent, will not work, because rents and additional costs will continue to increase unless new buildings are built to on a extended scale. Now it could be argued that expropriated housing companies will invest the compensation in new construction. While this is not completely excluded, it is much more likely that their shareholders will enjoy very substantial one-time dividend before the companies will leave the market/go out of operation. Expropriations would make sense when the federal republic, the states, large landowners and large corporations would be liberated from unused land so that they can be made available to the market. The ensuing “land flood” would have noticeable consequences. Especially if the licensing authorities would grant building permits instead of being influenced by “Start to build extensively, but not in my neighborhood” calls.

Urban densification
For immediate relief of inner-city locations different measures are favored, which can be applied in parallel. Particularly popular are the so-called secondary densifications, e.g. the closing of building gaps or the full utilization of the areal (GRZ) and floor area (GFZ) permitted by zoning plans by placing additional storeys on existing buildings (both residential, office and retail holdings) and perimeter block development. Some cities have larger areas in inner city locations to be reused, e.g. identify new neighborhoods with proportionate affordable housing. Privately owned, unused commercial land and the conversion of existing land are of course a possibility as well. The construction of taller buildings is also under discussion, although up to 50 meters in height can still be built at reasonably and acceptable cost, so affordable housing can also be provided here. High-rise buildings over 80 meters, on the other hand, are only suitable for the middle and upper segment. There are also mixed concepts, as they already exist in London, the city with the absolute purchase and rent price madness in Europe (even though real estate prices in the United Kingdom have already been weakened noticeably even before the actual implementation of Brexit), on the market. This include in the context of mixed costing e.g. transversely subsidized affordable housing. The medium and high-price apartments offered in the buildings ensure that some of the apartments (usually between 15% and 20%) can be offered as affordable apartments. Of course, the affordable apartments do not have the same sizes or standards as the other apartments. For some German cities too, such concepts would be an option, even though this approach has so far only been moderately successful, perhaps because the pressure of suffering does not yet extend to all segments (Global Property Guide: World’s most expensive cities).

Support measures
State support measures (construction costs, housing subsidies, rental price break, right of first refusal by city, state and federal government, broker commissions, taxation, etc.) can ultimately be only of short-term nature, otherwise they lead to market distortions (and are used by construction companies, landlords and investors to further increase rental and purchase prices, thereby undermining support measures for tenants and buyers) and beyond, don’t solve the core problem, but only cover it up. Added to this is the resulting increase in rents and purchase prices because landlords and sellers adjust rents and purchase prices accordingly. It would be more important to sustainably improve the income situation of the middle class. This not only because of the situation on the housing market, but also in terms of overall consumption and thus the strengthening of domestic demand, in order to reduce the vulnerabilities of external influences (export). With all the positive aspects of support measures, it should not be missed that speculators and other less socially oriented market participants are taking advantage of the situation for personal gain. Where government measures are to take effect, real estate prices suddenly rise to unprecedented heights. More recently, discussions have focused on the construction of satellite/commuter towns (housing complex) in the green field, even when it is clear since the 1980s that they come with a danger of “ghettoization” (e.g. the Bronx in New York City, Mümmelmannsberg in Hamburg or the banlieues in Paris) as a result of increased construction of social housing, so that healthy neighborhood developments through social mixing are prevented, which would have to be defused again and again with a large capital investment.

Expansion of public transport
An important element in relieving inner city locations would be the significant expansion of local public transport in order to strengthen the periphery and make it more attractive to live there. However, it must be taken into account that prices will rise there as well.

Effects of the corona pandemic
Since the situation is developing dynamically, there is now a separate blog entry to the topic available: The European Union: Coronavirus Pandemic.

Life, living and working in transition
Reorientations in many ways have not only been evident since the corona pandemic. In fact, these already existed in pre-industrial times and continued during industrialization into the knowledge society, so to a certain extent they are the lifelines and fresh cell cures for living and working in metropolises, metropolitan regions, mega and alpha cities, their surrounding areas and in rural areas. The main driving force behind this are increases in productivity and effectiveness through modified work processes. We are now experiencing a part of this change 1: 1, as more and more people are noticing that they can sometimes work much more effectively from home than in the office, that online shopping can be much more fun than squeezing through pedestrian zones, and train or flight delays and traffic jams are also much more bearable if they are not affected by them thanks to Zoom, Skype & Co.

Metropolises and their surrounding areas will again be winners here, while rural areas will continue to be losers because they cannot keep up with developments in breadth and depth. This harbors a not inconsiderable political danger. The elections in the USA, which washed Donald Trump from the shallows of the boulevard into the White House, were largely supported by residents of the rural areas, the so-called flyover country, precisely because they are now clearly behind. This is not a subjective impression, but based on facts and thus ensures a division of society into the “poor rural population” and the “rich metropolitan people” or in political propaganda into “patriotic rural people” and “liberal globalists/elites in the metropolises” where “patriotic” means “nationalistic” (Rednecks, Hillbillys, QAnon, Alt-right, Ku-Klux-Klan, right-wing, nutjob and violent militias, Domestic terrorism etc. – all of them more or less sponsored by Donald Trump), “liberal” is used as a swear word and “globalist” sooner or later leads to the “transatlantic” or directly and without detours to the alleged “financial Jewry” (the largest Jewish community in the EU lives in France and here more and more in the greater Paris area. An astonishingly large number of these Jews live in the so-called banlieues, i.e. in the poor residential areas, and they do that not because they conduct social studies there, but because they are just as broke as their neighbors of other origins and religions). The NSDAP propaganda took over this argument and was unfortunately successful with it. The EU should also learn from this in order to protect the already existing anti-democrats (AfD, Reichsbürger, Identitarians, PiS (Law and Justice), Fidesz, National Rally, Lega Nord, Party for Freedom and how else the enemies of democracy and constitution name themselves) not to be strengthened additionally.

There is an estimated real estate wealth of US $ 140 trillion worldwide. That corresponds to a multiple of the GDP of all countries in the world combined. The majority of this is concentrated on metropolises and their surrounding areas, between which there are interactions in several ways. On the one hand work, living and quality of life, on the other hand relaxation and leisure activities. Depending on the direction from which the zeitgeist is blowing, the flow of living changes. If it becomes too tight or too expensive in the metropolises, people switch to the surrounding areas. If the driving becomes too much or if the connection through local public transport is not good enough, it is increasingly going back to the metropolises. In fact, there are wave movements in both directions that can be observed over the decades. The corona pandemic will develop additional dynamics as economic processes are realigned.

“Question of guilt”
An answer to the frequently asked “question of guilt” is hardly possible because it is spread over many shoulders. On municipalities and cities, large investors, private housing companies, individual investors, speculators (unused land and buildings), the building code, building standards and environmental protection and the resulting massive increase in construction costs in recent years, the various types of taxation from the acquisition, during the operation to the sale of a property, the long approval procedures, excessive rental/purchase price expectations, changed living concepts, the resulting space and equipment requirements and the tenant competition among each other (it is now more common that real estate is offered at a very reasonable purchase prices as part of a bidding process, whereupon the bidders apparently fall victim to the bidder frenzy and push each others in such a way that the actual purchase prices are ultimately a multiple of the original asking prices. The winners are, of course, above all the sellers, who can sit back and relax, because they are not to blame for the actual sales prices. They were offering at reasonable market prices, but now they have completely different problem, namely thinking about what to do with “winning the lottery” money. Other winners are notaries, intermediary brokers and the state itself (real estate transfer tax), whose “share of the loot” are determined on the basis of the actual sales prices. If the property are boughed for own uses, the new owners only have to justify purchase to themselves. When it comes to investments, the main question is how profitability should be brought into completely overpriced properties. However, it would still be suitable as a depreciation object. The tenants lose in any case, because they have to finance the refinancing through higher rents. These “price wars” can be seen on the rental market as well). Each individual market participant and all influencing factors contribute to the overall situation. The “main culprit” does not exist, although especially on the part of the private market participants certainly attract particular attention in a negative way. In general, “the market” is not a one-way road, but a roundabout. The English saying “What goes around, comes around!” applies here as well, casually translated as “everything has consequences” or “action –> reaction”. The pivotal point is the provision of real estate at entry-level prices, which allows the realization of projects in the lower and middle segments in order to be able to respond to the pent-up demand on a large scale and across the board. Everything else could be done relatively easily and quickly, because the actual construction work is the simplest part of the overall task. The federal government, states, cities and municipalities are therefore increasingly moving away from the best-price principle (highest bid and auction) in order to support the construction of affordable housing. The higher the share of this residential segment in the overall project, the lower the land price.

At the same time this is an invitation: If you own an inner city property in a metropolitan area of a western EU state, the East Coast of the US, metropolitan areas of Canada, Dubai or Tel Aviv in a B or C location (public transport, local supply, schools, doctors, etc.) for the development of 10 units or more in the “affordable housing” segment (or mixed use) and want to sell it, please feel free to contact us. We are looking to expand our own assets. Please send your offer by mail to: Of course, we are looking forward to interesting offers from other segments as well.

France24, 2 June 2015: Low-income housing comes to luxury Paris neighbourhoods, The New York Times, 29 April 2016: In Rome, Cheap Public Housing Hid for Years in Plain Sight, BBC, 18 May 2016: The city with 20-year waiting lists for rental homes, The New York Times, 19 June 2017: Escaping the Inferno (Grenfell Tower fire), NPR, 19 June 2017: 79 People Are Believed Dead In London’s Grenfell Tower Apartment Fire, The New York Times, 26 June 2017: Why Grenfell Tower Burned: Regulators Put Cost Before Safety, The Local, 28 August 2017: The story of Sweden’s housing crisis, The Telegraph, 9 February 2018: Sun, sea, sand and super-luxury homes: Inside Tel Aviv’s red-hot property market, BBC, 18 May 2018: How the tragedy unfolded at Grenfell Tower, Bloomberg, 24 May 2018: Amsterdam Bets on Social Housing to Beat Soaring Prices, Bloomberg, 25 May 2018: Will London Ever Get Affordable Housing?, Bloomberg, 24 June 2018: Why China Can’t Fix Its Housing Bubble, Business Insider, 24 July 2019: Here’s how much it costs to rent a one-bedroom apartment in 15 major US cities, Haaretz, 15 August 2018: Only the Wealthy Can Afford an Apartment in Tel Aviv — but Is That Such a Terrible Thing?, The washington Post, 8 August 2018: Once prized and profitable, beachfront real estate can now be a losing proposition, How To Buy In Spain, 30 August 2018: Madrid real estate prices are up 21%: Is this sustainable?, Handelsblatt, 21 September 2018: Germany’s soaring housing prices spark calls for reform, Architects Newspaper, 8 October 2018: BIG completes affordable housing complex in Copenhagen, DW, 26 October 2018: Sudden drop in Chinese property prices leaves speculators reeling, Frankfurt Expat, 5 November 2018: Brexit and its effects on real estate market in Frankfurt, Gulf News, 2 January 2019: Understanding Dubai’s housing demand and supply, Montreal Gazette, 11 January 2019: Real-estate price increase in Montreal tops Toronto, Vancouver, Globes, 16 January 2019: Jerusalem, Tel Aviv home prices down faster than national average, Israel Hayom, 10 February 2019: Tel Aviv included on investment bank’s list of real estate bubbles, Bloomberg, 15 Feburary 2019: Montreal’s Real-Estate Market Is About to Eclipse Vancouver’s, Gulf News, 19 February 2019: Dubai real estate market to stabilise in 2020; price declines to continue in 2019, The Local, 1 March 2019: Paris property prices soar to highest levels ever, Arab News, 8 March 2019: Mortgage finance system has helped home ownership in Saudi Arabia, Forbes, 12 March 2019: The Real Estate Market: Recovery And Retreat In New York City, CNBC, 29 March 2019: London house prices suffer their biggest drop in 10 years as Brexit fears bite, Globes, 1 April 2019: Home price gap between Tel Aviv and rest of Israel doubles, Bloomberg, 4 April 2019: Miami Tops U.S. in Home Price Cuts as Florida Markets Cool, France24, 6 April 2019: Germans up in arms over ‘rent insanity’, Jewish Journal, 11 April 2019: COVID-19 Crushes Israeli Real Estate Market, DW, 19 April 2019: First-time buyers crowded out of booming German housing market, Arab News, 28 April 2019: Saudi real estate firm to buy mortgages worth $200m, Miami Herald, 17 May 2019: Miami home values may have peaked. But how will that affect prices?, Reuters, 21 May 2019: In inland Chinese province, property bubble haunts dreams of prosperity, Forbes, 21 May 2019: Soil Erosion Washes Away $8 Billion Annually, The Guardian, 22 May 2019: Housing market may bottom out over next year, Australian property experts say, BBC, 24 May 2019: I entrusted my pension to German builders, Jerusalem Post, 4 June 2019: How is the Israeli housing market bearing up?, City News 1130, 5 June 2019: Expert who predicted Vancouver housing price drop now expects condos to flood market, Miami Herald, 5 June 2019: ‘We are pricing everyone out of Miami.’ How locals compete with foreign buyers, CBC, 12 June 2019: Home prices in Vancouver are quadruple what average millennial can afford: report, The Guardian, 19 June 2019: House prices bouncing back? Don’t hold your breath, Los Angeles Times, 26 June 2019: Southern California home prices are flat in May as sales fall, Arab News, 26 June 2019: 13,600 mortgage e-authentications completed, Saudi ministry reports, Times of Israel, 26 June 2019: With its population set to double in 30 years, how will Israel cope?, CNBC, 1 July 2019: If you bought a house in San Francisco 10 years ago, here’s how much it could be worth now, Better Dwelling, 1 July 2019: Greater Vancouver New Home Sales Drop Nearly 90%, Gulf News, 2 July 2019: Increasing foreign ownership will move investors beyond UAE free zones, The Guardian, 2 July 2019: London house prices slide for eighth quarter in a row, Gulf News, 2 July 2019: Dubai ranks first in Arab world in future readiness, Gulf News, 9 July 2019: Dubai needs greater ‘transparency on real estate supply’, The Week, 11 July 2019: What Boris Johnson’s stamp duty cut would mean for London house prices,, 12 July 2019: London Launches Open Source App for Homebuilding, The Guardian, 16 July 2019: Berlin buys 670 flats on Karl-Marx-Allee from private owner, The Guardian, 17 July 2019: London house prices fall at fastest rate in 10 years,, 28 July 2019: Flats and Houses prices for sale in Barcelona province, Al Arabiya, 5 August 2019: Is the Gulf construction boom economically sound?,, June 2019: Protecting the American Dream: Homeownership must remain national policy priority, NPR, 5 August 2019: In Seattle, A Move Across Town Could Be A Path Out Of Poverty, The National, 7 August 2019: How to rent a property in Dubai, Bloomberg, 7 August 2019: Australia’s Housing Market Is Suddenly Heating Up Again, The New York Times, 8 August 2019: Housing Crisis Grips Ireland a Decade After Property Bubble Burst, BBC, 8 August 2019: UK house prices and sales ‘losing momentum’, The Guardian, 10 August 2019: In the retail crisis, the shutters are coming down even in New York, Irish Times, 14 August 2019: Property price growth cools to six-year low of 2%, The National, 19 August 2019: UAE construction sector to grow up to 10% in 2020,, 20 August 2019: Polish homebuyer’s lawsuit raises risk for banks and government, DW, 26 August 2019: Berlin could cap housing rents at under €8 per square meter, German taxpayers, according to the EU Commissioner, are apparently supposed to finance builders in other EU states), Gulf News, 3 September 2019: Fixing supply and demand in Dubai real estate, Arab News, 8 September 2019: Saudi companies win contracts for workers’ housing in NEOM, Saudi Gazette, 8 September 2019: NEOM awards contracts for new village to national firms, Times of Israel, 8 September 2019: State’s inability to fix the housing crisis leaves many out in the cold, Gulf Times, 9 September 2019: Qatar building permits fall in August, Arab News, 11 September 2019: Saudi foreign investor licenses more than double, U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit, 13 September 2019: Coastal Erosion,, 12 September 2019: Why new homes are key to UK prosperity, CNN, 17 September 2019: He was a Yale graduate, Wall Street banker and entrepreneur. Today he’s homeless in Los Angeles,, 18 September 2019: To build housing for the future, Britain turns to the past,, 18 September 2019: Willkommen to Germany’s Caracas, BBC, 19 September 2019: The new island solving a Nordic housing crisis, CBS News, 25 September 2019: Erosion threatens scenery and real estate along iconic California coastline, Israel Hayom, 26 September 2019: New mortgages in Israel up by 30% since start of 2019, Arab News, 29 September 2019: Dubai developers race to lure buyers as downturn bites, BBC, 3 October 2019: Poland mortgages: Homeowners win fight over Swiss Franc loans,, 3 October 2019: EU court ruling on Polish mortgages turns political, Israel Hayom, 4 October 2019: Tel Aviv included on investment bank’s list of real estate bubbles, Jerusalem Post, 14 October 2019: The day after – examinig Israel’s real estate woes (what isn’t said in the article is that corruption in the Israeli real estate and construction industry is, compared to those in the EU and North America, on a remarkable high level, which in turn pushes away foreign investors on the one hand, and increases rents and asking prices on the other hand. Even the country’s “Crime Minster” himself is believed to be guilty of several bribery and corruption cases, of which the state prosecutor picked only three to bring them to court), The National, 23 October 2019: Dubai unveils world’s largest 3D printed two-storey building, The Guardian, 29 October 2019: UK house price growth dragged back by Brexit uncertainty – business live, Irish Times, 13 November 2019: Five graphs that tell the story of the Irish rental crisis, BBC, 14 November 2019: The rise of ‘facadism’ in London, The Guardian, 16 November 2019: ‘My flat was £161,950 in 2007 – now I’m offered just £28,000’, BBC, 17 November 2019: Why US tech giants are putting billions into housing, France24, 21 November 2019: French hotel groups threaten to withdraw from Olympics planning over Airbnb partnership,, 28 November 2019: Europe’s housing squeeze, The New York Times, 29 November 2019: Real Estate Thought It Was Invincible in New York. It Wasn’t., Gulf Times, 16.12.2019: Hong Kong house prices stay stubbornly high in face of unrest, Reuters, 18 December 20219: Strong housing, public building lift German construction sales to record highs, Gulf Times, 18 December 2019: Apple, Google, Amazon eye common standard for smart home devices, Gulf Times, 25 December 2019: Qatar set to account for 308,000 residential units, 34,000 hotel keys in 2020: ValuStrat, BBC, 29 October 2019: Grenfell Tower: What happened, Arab News, 31 December 2019: SR69bn in mortgage loans offered over 11 months in Saudi Arabia, The National, 1 January 2020: UAE property market to pick up this year on government reforms and Expo 2020, Irish Times, 2 January 2020: Our housing system is broken. We need to start again, The Guardian, 8 January 2020: UK house prices up 1.5% in December, lifting annual rise to 4%, The National, 10 January 2020: Emaar launches new residential tower in Downtown Dubai, Irish Times, 19 January 2020: Micheál Martin promises first-time buyer saving scheme if elected, CNN, 24 January 2020: 8 houses built in impossible places,, 25 January 2020: Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules, Arab News, 10 February 2020: Housing program for Saudi media professionals agreed as part of Sakani initiative, CNN, 13 February 2020: Has the wooden skyscraper revolution finally arrived?, BBC, 14 February 2020: Inside the homes of maximalists and minimalists, NPR, 16 February 2020: Amid Climate And Housing Crises, Cities Struggle To Place Housing Near Transit, The Washington Post, 17 February 2020: Rental-housing options for baby boomers,, 19 February 2020: Free movement adds to EU’s homelessness crisis, France24, 20 February 2020: Just for tourists? Paris aims to draw locals back to Champs-Élysées, The Guardian, 22 February 2020: California grad students risk losing their jobs amid months-long strike, Irish Times, 22 February 2020: The Irish Times view on the housing crisis: the defining issue for a new Cabinet, The Real Deal, 28 February 2020: Coronavirus fears slam real estate stocks amid market sell-off, Irish Times, 29 February 2020: Could a high-speed rail link between Belfast and Cork sort out our housing mess?, Bloomberg, 2 March 2020: Billions at Stake for Spanish Banks in EU Court Mortgage Ruling, Financial Times, 3 March 2020: Spanish banks rally after EU court’s mortgage contracts ruling , Reuters, 3 March 2020: UPDATE 3-Spanish banks rally after EU court sends mortgage dispute back home, NPR, 3 March 2020: Mortgage Rates Near Record Lows. How To Know If Homeownership Is Right For You, Irish Times, 7 March 2020: Dermot Desmond: Everyone has a right to a home. Here is how it can be done, The National, 11 March 2020: UK slaps a 2 per cent surcharge on foreign property buyers but only from April 2021, France24, 11 March 2020: Paris’s new public housing push aims to offset soaring rents, ABC 7 News, 15 March 2020: Coronavirus complications slow down real estate market, CNN, 19 March 2020: Buying, selling, closing. How to handle a real estate deal in a pandemic, Globes, 25 March 2020: Adi Keizman, Esti Ginzburg relocate to Los Angeles, Jerusalem Post, 27 March 2020: Rising antisemitism boosts sales of luxury homes in Israel – report, Gulf News, 28 March 2020: Dubai Free Zones economic stimulus: Postponement of rent payments for up to 6 months, DW, 2 April 2020: Not even real estate is safe from coronavirus, Irish Times, 4 April 2020: Make a move to Irishtown – the affordable side of Dublin 4, NPR, 7 April 2020: Many Struggling Homeowners Not Getting The Mortgage Relief U.S. Promised, The Washington Post, 9 April 2020: Housing market shifts to the cyber side amid the pandemic, Irish Times, 21 April 2020: Cheap Irish Homes: ‘It’s opened my eyes to what’s out there for under €100,000’, France24, 28 April 2020: Strain of Covid-19 lockdown spurs calls for rent relief in hard-hit Paris suburbs, NPR, 1 May 2020: Rent Is Due Today, But Millions Of Americans Won’t Be Paying, The Guardian vom 04.05.2020: ‘It’s being built on our blood’: the true cost of Saudi Arabia’s $500bn megacity (Neom), CNN, 4 May 2020: Some retailers are too broke to go bankrupt, France24, 6 May 2020: NYC housing activists call for nationwide #CancelRent strike, The National, 6 May 2020: Homefront: ‘Is now a good time to invest in Dubai’s real estate market?’, The Wall Street Journal, 7 May 2020: Coronavirus Has Hit Some European Real-Estate Markets Harder Than Others, The Guardian, 7 May 2020: Google affiliate Sidewalk Labs abruptly abandons Toronto smart city project, BBC, 7 May 2020: Coronavirus: Google ends plans for smart city in Toronto, The Guardian, 10 May 2020: Foxtons becomes a self-preservation society as house sales drop off a cliff, BBC, 11 May 2020: Why flats dominate Spain’s housing market, Bloomberg, 12 May 2020: Covid-19 Will Sicken the Housing Market Until the Pandemic Lifts, BBC, 12 May 2020: Coronavirus: UK housing market is released from lockdown, The Washington Post, 13 May 2020: Democrats have proposed $100 billion for struggling renters. It may not be enough., NY1, 13 May 2020: Inside City Hall: Will New York City’s Real Estate Industry Recover, The New York Times, 15 May 2020: The Richest Neighborhoods Emptied Out Most as Coronavirus Hit New York City, BBC, 20 May 2020: Coronavirus: Not just any retail recession…, CNN, 22 May 2020: A ‘city’ for online shopping is being built in Dubai, The National, 22 May 2020: Dubai’s World Islands developer insists outbreak will not kill off Heart of Europe project, Haaretz, 23 May 2020: Hit Hard by the Coronavirus, Jerusalem Real Estate Market Looks for a Turnaround, BBC, 23 May 2020: Miami’s fight against rising seas, Gulf Times, 23 May 2020: Qatar real estate market may shift towards ‘better value proposition and affordability’, says KPMG, Al Arabiya, 23 May 2020: New Commercity for online retailers set to come to Dubai, first of kind in region, USA Today, 26 May 2020: Cities on the verge of a COVID-driven housing crisis, The New York Times, 31 May 2020: Tenants Stay Current on Rent, for Now, Arab News, 31 May 2020: Real estate exec Fabrice Susini confident Saudi Arabia’s coronavirus-hit mortgage demand will return, The New York Times, 2 June 2020: Office Towers Are Still Going Up, but Who Will Fill Them?, The New York Post, 5 June 2020: Tenants’ Troubles Put Stress on Commercial Real Estate, The Guardian, 6 June 2020: Lockdown location, location: surge in Britons searching for properties abroad, CNN, 7 June 2020: No taller than 500M, no plagiarism: China signals ‘new era’ for architecture, CNN, 9 June 2020: Glass-bottom deck opens atop China’s ‘horizontal skyscraper’, BBC, 11 June 2020: Coronavirus may have huge impact on property markets, BBC, 12 June 2020: The country building a ‘new London’ every year, BBC, 12 June 2020: Case Study Houses: The creation of the modern ‘dream home’, Gulf Times, 13 June 2020: UDC awards QR1.5bn contracts for Gewan Island development, CNN, 18 June 2020: NYC home sales came to a halt this spring. But things are about to change, Arab News, 20 June 2020: Neom and AlUla: A tale of two cities, France24, 22 June 2020: Farm on a Paris rooftop: Urban farm aims to be Europe’s largest, CBS News, 22 June 2020: How the coronavirus pandemic has affected the real estate industry, The New York Times, 24 June 2020: Real Estate Agents Return to Work. Things Have Changed., CNN, 25 June 2020: Are ‘self-build’ high-rises coming to a city near you?, CNN, 25 June 2020: The world’s tallest hybrid timber tower to be built in Sydney, Arab News, 26 June 2020: Singing in the rain: Dubai to build street where umbrellas are needed all year, The National, 26 June 2020: In pictures: the 2023 luxury airport in Saudi that will look like a desert mirage, Al Arabiya, 26 June 2020: ‘Sharjah Designscape’ webinars to shine light on emerging trends in urban design, Irish Times, 26 June 2020: Permission for 200-bed co-living development in Castleknock quashed, BBC, 2 July 2020: The young people fighting the worst smog in Europe, The New York Times, 2 July 2020: Real Estate Prices Fall Sharply in New York, CNN, 4 July 2020: The UK is reopening for business. London may never be the same, CNN, 6 July 2018: Looking at buildings can actually give people headaches. Here’s why, New York Magazine, 8 July 2020: Here’s What the Trouble in Commercial Real Estate Means for You, BBC, 8 July 2020: How Covid-19 has changed grocery shopping, Irish Times, 9 July 2020: Housing demand stable after lockdown, estate agency reports, Arab News, 13 July 2020: SR229 million revamp for Jeddah waterfront, DW, 14 July 2020: Coronavirus pandemic sparks house-hunting frenzy in Greece among foreigners, New York Times, 15 July 2020: House Hunting in Israel: A Modern Stone Farmhouse on 1.5 Acres,, 17 July 2020: UK housing and car markets ‘returning strongly,’ Bank of England chief says, Arab News, 20 July 2020: $800 million deal to boost Saudi home ownership, The National, 20 July 2020: Arish: the palm leaf’s role in the past and future of sustainable architecture in the UAE, The Guardian, 20 July 2020: Britain’s housing market sees post-lockdown mini-boom, The New York Times, 23 July 2020: Millions of Americans Are About to Lose Their Homes. Congress Must Help Them.,, 27 July 2020: The death of the city, NPR, 29 July 2020: The Coronavirus Housing Boom,, 29 July 2020: Trump boasts of pushing low-income housing out of suburbs (what he actually says is “I make sure that your white suburbs will remain free of “people of color””. It is an old racist concern, supported by the idea that the suburbs should remain reserved for the white middle class, while the cities are perceived as a pool for the rest of the population. In fact, until well into the 1990s, there were gated communities across the U.S. whose statutes prohibited the influx of black people or Jews. Due to changes in the law and court rulings, the provisions of the statutes have disappeared. However, it is not clear whether this has changed anything in terms of procurement practices), Irish Times, 30 July 2020: Seven ways the face of premium renting is changing in Dublin 8, Irish Times, 2 August 2020: Hunting for an Irish holiday home? Here are nine with staycation appeal, Times of Israel, 3 August 2020: Tax cut on second-home purchases could push up home prices, experts say, Arab News, 3 August 2020: Riyadh roads turn green as world’s largest urban greening project branches out, Jerusalem Post, 7 August 2020: New NYC app hopes to change the rules of the rental market, The Guardian, 9 August 2020: House for sale in London, good location, overlooks park, a bargain at £185m, Haaretz, 9 August 2020: Tel Aviv Tops All but One European City in Real Estate Prices in 2019 (obviously a few people at Deloitte Property need geography tuition. Israel lies in the Levant and thus in the Middle East/Western Asia. In the next 100 to 500 million years nothing will change it, which is why neither Israel nor any of its cities will ever be or become European), NPR, 10 August 2020: ‘A Homeless Pandemic’ Looms As 30 Million Are At Risk Of Eviction, The New York Times, 10 August 2020: Americans Are Starting to Lose Their Homes, Once Again, Globes, 10 August 2020: “Home prices in Israel will fall, period”, The National, 11 August 2020: UAE tenants take advantage of lower rents and sales prices to upgrade their homes, Financial Times, 16 August 2020: Covid-19 prompts a rethink of the case for real estate, Irish Times, 18 August 2020: ‘My best investment was a house in Sligo … with a tree inside’, DW, 18 August 2020: Germany sees record spike in money laundering cases — report, Irish Times, 18 August 2020: Should I buy an investment property or save for dream home?, CNN, 18 August 2020: Amsterdam has been collapsing for years. Now it’s paying the price,, 18 August 2020: How France’s youngest green mayor wants to transform her city, Irish Times, 18 August 2020: Dublin house prices fall 0.7% as Covid-19 puts the brakes on market, NPR, 18 August 2020: Loans For 1st-Time Homebuyers See Record Delinquencies, Al Jazeera, 19 August 2020: States have to ensure adequate housing amid the pandemic, Irish Times, 21 August 2020: What does €130k buy in Croatia, Spain, Turkey, France and Co Mayo?,, 23 August 2020: Trump is going to war on low-income housing in suburbs. He once embraced it., Al Arabiya, 23 August 2020: After explosion, Lebanese say ‘Beirut is not for sale’ to corrupt developers, BBC, 26 August 2020: The new residency schemes inviting workers abroad, BBC, 27 August 2020: Eusebio Leal: The man who saved Old Havana from decay, The New York Times, 27 August 2020: The Billionaire Behind Hudson Yards Thinks New York Is Too Expensive, CNN, 30 August 2020: ‘Not everything is pretty here’: Charleston tourism reckons with slavery and racism (the city is always worth a visit. A lot of tourist packages include aspects of slavery. It is regularly mention by tourist guides), CNN, 30 August 2020: Jerry Seinfeld is right about New York’s future, NPR, 1 September 2020: ‘Do I Really Need This Much Office Space?’ Pandemic Emptied Buildings, But How Long?, The Guardian, 2 September 2020: The Guardian view on house prices: a return to boom and bust, Bloomberg, 2 October 2020: What a Second Bauhaus Movement Means for Europe, The Guardian, 2 September 2020: UK house prices hit record high after easing of Covid lockdown, Business Insider, 4 September 2020: From warehouses to tech office expansions, these are the key commercial real-estate deals and trends to watch, NPR, 8 September 2020: Zoom Towns And The New Housing Market For The 2 Americas, Financial Times, 9 September 2020: Britain’s housing ‘boom’ obscures a divided market, CNN, 11 September 2020: The UK government sent millions of workers home during the pandemic. They may never return, DW, 12 September 2020: Coronavirus: Germany to draft new law amid rise in working from home, The National, 17 September 2020: Alone in the city? Maybe not, but post-Covid changes are coming, Der Spiegel, 21 September 2020: The Tesla Factory Near Berlin: Elon Musk Shows the Germans How to Move Quickly, Der Spiegel, 21 September 2020: The Tesla Factory Near Berlin: Elon Musk Shows the Germans How to Move Quickly (one can see straight away why Tesla is able to master the build-up of the new factory so successfully: They simply did not know that Germany’s discouragement bureaucracy, supported by questioners, prevention gurus and conspiracy crazy from all corners of the political spectrum, is focused on not allowing successful project implementation (and If that is not enough, the initiators are covered with dubious complaints from the black caste, with the aim of destroying the economic basis). Because Tesla didn’t know that, they just got started and at the same time showed Germany’s discouragement bureaucracy and the automotive industry how to get a job successfully done within a very short time frame. Great thing. One can only keep the fingers crossed for these sympathetic people that they will achieve the economic success they deserve. In terms of e-mobility, they are ahead of everyone else in terms of quality anyway. According to the company announcement, vehicles in the price range between the Polo and Golf will also be manufactured in the Brandenburg plant. If that happens, German manufacturers will have to give up a lot of market share, and that would be a good thing. The same groups that are massively committed to preventing developments are then also the ones who complain afterwards because not enough qualified jobs would be created and that the state would have to regulate this. Completely unworldly, because in a free, social market economy this task falls to companies), DW, 24 September 2020: Berlin gentrification debate flares over Norwegian billionaire’s investment, CNN, 25 September 2020: The Queen’s real estate portfolio is being slammed by the pandemic. Taxpayers will bail her out, Al Jazeera, 25 September 2020: US landlords sue over COVID-19 eviction ban as tenants struggle, The National, 1 October 2020: Why Dubai is a cooler city than others, The National, 2 October 2020: Sneak peek: Conrad Abu Dhabi Etihad Towers opens in the capital, Al Jazeera, 6 October 2020: Qatar loosens restrictions on foreign property ownership and NIMBY, Arab News, 8 October 2020: Saudi Arabia’s digital transformation helping to fuel housing market growth, The New York Times, 11 October 2020: New York’s Commercial Rents Are ‘Too Damn High’, European Commission, 14 October 2020: Press statement by President von der Leyen on the New European Bauhaus, The New York Times, 15 October 2020: Searching for Her First Manhattan Purchase for Under $800,000, The Guardian, 20 October 2020: A decade in the building, Madrid’s showpiece hotel has everything … except guests, The National, 21 October 2020: Dh674m Emirati housing project opens in Abu Dhabi, Irish Times, 22 October 2020: What will €250,000 buy in Dublin 7 and Co Clare?, NPR, 22 October 2020: Housing Boom: Sales of Million-Dollar Homes Double, The Times, 30 October 2020: House prices are still going up but market may soon run out of steam, CNN, 30 October 2020: Nearly a decade late, Berlin’s Brandenburg Airport finally opens (during a pandemic), The Times, 30 October 2020: Will house prices fall this year?, BBC, 1 November 2020: Mortgage holidays extended for up to six months, Arab News, 1 November 2020: Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Development Company signs $2bn worth of contracts to date, Jerusalem Post, 2 November 2020: The Abrahamic House in Abu Dhabi will foster interfaith reconciliation, The National, 10 November 2020: Abandoned Abu Dhabi tower block to be demolished on November 27, The Washington Post, 11 November 2020: Mounting commercial real estate losses threaten banks and recovery, The New York Times, 13 November 2020: Covid Pushes Real Estate Into the Future, The Guardian, 14 November 2020: ‘Recalibrating their priorities’: Super-rich buying up England’s ‘Downton Abbey estates’ to escape pandemic, The Irish Times, 15 November 2020: Generation Rent: Similarities will resonate deeply with Irish readers, The Guardian, 17 November 2020: The pandemic has made it clear that housing is England’s greatest divide, BBC, 19 November 2020: How bike-friendly ‘slow streets’ are changing cities, Al Arabiya, 21 November 2020: Saudi Arabia’s NEOM represents a greener future for all: UK PM Boris Johnson on G20, DW, 23 November 2020: Berlin landlords forced to reduce rents, The Guardian, 25 November 2020: Berlin’s rent cap offers a new way of thinking about Britain’s housing crisis, Arab News, 25 November 2020: Abu Dhabi’s new creative hub aims to attract 16,000 film, TV, gaming professionals, The New York Times, 25 November 2020: Her Dream of a Big Two-Bedroom Became the Reality of a Midsize One-Bedroom. Which of These Would You Choose?, NPR, 30 November 2020: More Americans Pay Rent On Credit Cards As Lawmakers Fail To Pass Relief Bill, BBC, 1 December 2020: Why cities are not as bad for you as you think, BBC, 2 December 2020: Bonmarché collapses into administration, Irish Times, 3 December 2020: First Look: Inside Dublin’s new Clerys Quarter, The Guardian, 3 December 2020: Portugal: ‘Covid created an opportunity’: Lisbon to turn tourist flats into homes, Irish Times, 3 December 2020: Property: Demand outstrips supply of €1m-plus Dublin homes, BBC, 4 December 2020: German property company collapses with my pension, Irish Times, 4 December 2020: What will €750,000 buy in the Hamptons, Spain, Clontarf, London and the Bahamas?, Arab News, 6 December 2020: PIF’s real estate developer breaks ground on flagship Riyadh project, The Guardian, 9 December 2020: Covid has finished off the old high street, but we can replace it with something better, Irish Times, 9 December 2020: Irish house prices may fall by up to 4% in 2021, Fitch says, DW, 10 December 2020: Germany: Tesla site blocked twice in one week over hibernating snakes and lizards, BBC, 10 December 2020: The psychology of buying a home, The New York Times, 11 December 2020: Should Midtown’s Empty Offices Become Apartments?, The Times, 14 December 2020: Home comforts: apartments fit for royalty in a Grade I listed masterpiece, Arab News, 15 December 2020: Saudi Arabia allocates more than SR6 billion for urban landscape, DW, 17 December 2020: US: Atlantic City auctions off demolition of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, NPR, 17 December 2020: Atlantic City Is Offering Bidders The Chance To Blow Up A Former Trump Casino, Arab News, 18 December 2020: Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Development Company awards major contracts, CNN, 19 December 2020: Italy’s €1 houses are back in time for the holidays, Irish Times, 19 December 2020: Affordable housing scheme will push up prices, Arab News, 22 December 2020: The White Land Tax will spur development opportunities, Bloomberg, 22 December 2020: Commercial Real Estate’s Pandemic Pain Is Only Just Beginning, The New York Times, 23 December 2020: The Evictions Are Coming. Housing Activists Are Ready., Arab News, 24 December 2020: First phase of Saudi Arabia’s idle land program to kick off in Madinah, Aseer: ministry,, 25 December 2020: Biden allies push back on sweeping plan to promote fair housing, The Guardian, 27 December 2020: England: Cramped housing has helped fuel spread of Covid – study, Gulf News, 3 January 2021: COVID-19: No better time for UAE expats to enter the real estate market, The Irish Times, 4 January 2021: Developer in late bid for co-living scheme on Phibsborough shopping centre site, The Times, 4 January 2021: Linley & Simpson and Lomond Capital have Lloyds’ backing for merger ambition, CNN, 6 January 2021: Big Ben and Beckham: Macao’s newest resort, The Londoner, is a shrine to all things British, Arab News, 10 January 2021: 63 Saudi and international firms vie to undertake Alkhobar’s corniche project, Gulf News, 15 January 2021: Buy in Bitcoin and cash out is trending with Dubai property, The Times, 17 January 2021: Hidden housing scandal: Sales of flats halve as cladding crisis threatens housing market, Al Arabiya, 18 January 2021: Building from the ground up: Middle East mega projects set to open their doors, The Washington Post, 21 January 2021: Mortgage rates dip as investors await actions of new administration, The National, 22 January 2021: First-time buyers snap up properties in Dubai after pandemic drives prices down, BBC, 22 January 2021: Can Brazil’s remote workers thrive outside big cities?, The National, 24 January 2021: More than 300 homes for Emiratis in Sharjah ready for handover, The Atlantic, 24 January 2021: Annals of Architecture – Office: Has the Pandemic Transformed the Office Forever?, The Guardian, 26 January 2021: Brexit: Dutch warehouse boom as UK firms forced to invest abroad, NPR, 27 January 2021: Biden’s Push Against Housing Discrimination Must Go Beyond HUD, Researcher Says, Financial Times, 27 January 2021: What London’s falling population means for the housing market, The National, 29 January 2021: How changes to Britain’s stamp duty scheme affect Middle East property investors, The Times, 30 January 2021: There’s a wave of new property millionaires outside London. Are you one of them?, The Times, 1 February 2021: Flat owners trapped by cladding crisis after Grenfell Tower fire ‘feel abandoned’, Arab News, 2 February 2021: Big changes ahead for the Saudi office market in 2021 post-COVID, New York Post, 2 February 2021: TikTok horrified by this West Village studio dubbed NYC’s ‘worst apartment’, Insider, 3 February 2021: The ‘worst apartment ever’ in NYC is going viral on TikTok for having no stove or bathroom — and still costing $1,650 a month to rent, The Times, 5 February 2021: House prices suffer first fall since May as stamp duty relief expires, The National, 5 February 2021: Britain’s housing market boom runs out of steam, BBC, 6 February 2021: House price rises ‘could be running out of steam’, The Guardian, 9 February 2021: Prince Charles vetted laws that stop his tenants buying their homes, Irish Times, 9 February 2021: How Covid-19 has impacted the mortgage market, The Times, 10 February 2021: Billions pledged to replace unsafe cladding on flats four years after Grenfell disaster, Arab News, 10 February 2021: Saudi Arabia’s crown prince launches ‘Coral Bloom’ luxury Red Sea project, The Guardian, 10 February 2021: Green homes: Hundreds of millions in green grants for English homes pulled despite delays, Gulf News, 12 February 2021: Dubai home rents turn even more affordable – now at lowest levels since 2011, The Hill, 12 February 2021: This company is offering reparations through real estate to combat the racial wealth gap, Arab News, 16 February 2021: Neom’s futuristic ‘Line’ in the sand is good news for Saudi Arabia’s tech start-ups, Treehugger, 17 February 2021: Should Single-Family Houses Be Banned?, Gulf News, 19 February 2021: One Dubai developer does away with down payment – will others follow?, DW, 23 February 2021: Berlin’s revolutionary rent cap — success or flop?, Irish Times, 23 February 2021: House prices could be 9% higher without Central Bank’s lending rules, Xinhua, 25 February 2021: Germany’s main construction industry closes 2020 with record revenues: Destatis, The New York Times, 26 February 2021: Where Have All the Houses Gone?, Irish Times, 26 February 2021: Dublin City Council faces six-year wait to start housing projects, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 February 2021: Bay Area cities want to end single-family home zoning, but will it create more housing?, Gulf News, 28 February 2021: UAE: What does a list price mean in real estate, and how do you make the most of it?, The Times, 5 March 2021: Buyers expecting end of stamp duty holiday bring house prices down, The National, 5 March 2021: Dubai tenants swap apartments for villas as rise of remote working increases demand for space, The Atlantic, 5 March 2021: ‘This Is Unprecedented’: Why America’s Housing Market Has Never Been Weirder, Miami Herald, 5 March 2021: COVID-19 rent assistance for Miami tenants has been delayed for weeks. Here’s why, The Sunday Times, 7 March 2021: Tech billionaires swap the valley for Miami and hit the Silicon Beach, The Atlantic, 11 March 2021: Renting Is Terrible. Owning Is Worse., Gulf Times, 12 March 2021: Building deals dominate weekly property sales by 59.1%, says Ezdan report, Irish Times, 12 March 2021: Dublin’s apartment boom triggers jump in planning permissions, Gulf News, 12 March 2021: In Northern Emirates, developers are using nature as a selling point, Irish Times, 13 March 2021: ‘We are trapped’: residents hit with soaring charges at luxury London homes, Gulf News, 13 March 2021: Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan: Five urban centres in Dubai to be focus of investment, Gulf News, 13 March 2021: Dubai 2040 Urban Plan: 60% of Dubai to be turned into nature reserves, The National, 14 March 2021: Megaprojects ‘will help shape future of Middle East’, Gulf News, 15 March 2021: Dubai landmarks display Dubai 2040 Master Plan logo, New York Magazine, 16 March 2021: Miami’s Little Manhattan, New York Magazine, 16 March 2021: Time Is Running Out to Rent a (Relatively) Cheap Manhattan Apartment, The Guardian, 17 March 2021: Denmark plans to limit ‘non-western’ residents in disadvantaged areas (interesting approach, at least when it is actually about a better social mix and not just about gross nationalistic nonsense. A good social mix has been shown to have a positive effect on integration efforts), Irish Times, 18 March 2021: I pay less for an apartment in Germany than for a room in a Dublin house, The Times, 19 March 2021: Cornwall overtakes London as place most of us want to live, The Guardian, 23 March 2021: Targeting New Zealand’s property speculators is popular, but won’t fix the housing crisis, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 March 2021: S.F. has nearly 16 million square feet of vacant office space. Why can’t it become housing?, The Washington Post, 25 March 2021: Brutalist buildings aren’t unlovable. You’re looking at them wrong., Irish Times, 26 March 2021: Solo buyer: I could afford a garden shed but would I ever be able to buy a house?, NPR, 26 March 2021: ‘What Are We Going To Do?’: Towns Reel As Banks Close Branches At Record Pace, Irish Times, 26 March 2021: What will €70,000 buy in Cashel, Ecuador, Montenegro, the Dominican Republic and France?, San Francisco Chronicle, 26 March 2021: S.F. apartment rents just saw the biggest increase of the pandemic, according to new report, Arab News, 27 March 2021: Want to work remotely from the beaches of Dubai? Here’s how, Haaretz, 2 April 2021: Americans Are Buying Up Tel Aviv Homes, Destroying the City in the Process, CNN, 2 April 2021: Year-round sunshine, pool days and zero taxes: How to move to Dubai and work remotely for a year, Irish Times, 4 April 2021: The plan to tackle Ireland’s housing crisis has failed, The New York Times, 4 April 2021: ‘Battle for the Soul of SoHo’: A Debate on Gentrification, Race and Wealth, The Guardian, 6 April 2021: New York City plans to erect Empire State Building-sized Penn 15 skyscraper, BBC, 6 April 2021: The Nordic dream homes surrounded by stunning nature, Arab News, 8 April 2021: The many Saudi initiatives paving the road to the future, Gulf News, 8 April 2021: Look: On Dubai’s Palm, it’s The View that matters, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 April 2021: These San Francisco neighborhoods saw biggest exodus during pandemic, Los ANgeles Times, 10 April 2021: Real Estate newsletter: Iconic Hearst estate hits the clearance rack, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 April 2021: Stocky modular buildings are popping up in East Bay. They look surprisingly good, The Washington Post, 10 April 2021: The case that may crack LA’s homeless crisis, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 April 2021: Mapped: Real estate prices soared in the Bay Area during the pandemic, but stuttered in San Francisco, The Economist, 10 April 2021: House prices are going ballistic, The Times, 11 April 2021: Investing in buy-to-let property in the UK: a beginner’s guide, The Sunday Times, 11 April 2021: Yes, in my backyard: reformed nimby to build 6,000 homes, Irish Times, 13 April 2021: Is owning a home a pipe-dream for the young?, The New Yorker, 13 April 2021: The Parisians Housing Refugees During the Pandemic, The Times, 14 April 2021: Building more homes is no magic cure for sky-high house prices, DW, 15 April 2021: Berlin rent cap overturned by Germany’s top court, The Guardian, 15 April 2021: Germany: Highest court rules Berlin rent cap illegal, Irish Times, 15 April 2021: Property prices up by 3% across State, by 1.2% in Dublin, The Guardian, 23 April 2021: Berlin’s rent cap, though defeated in court, shows how to cool overheated markets, The Times, 24 April 2021: First-time buyer mortgage deals are back — that doesn’t mean you’ll get one, The Telegraph, 26 April 2021: Rental drought to hit high-flyers relocating to UK, Irish Times, 26 April 2021: Plan for 1,259 homes in blocks up to 11 storeys at Dundrum hospital site, CNN, 27 April 2021: Meet Yahya Jan, the architect building the world’s tallest hotel, Dubai’s Ciel Tower, Al Arabiya, 27 April 2021: Saudi Red Sea project secures $3.8 billion ‘green’ loan for 16 new hotels, Irish Times, 28 April 2021: Concentration of property wealth in hands of a few will bring political change, DW, 28 April 2021: Poland’s new housing estates are communities, but not for everyone, Irish Times, 29 April 2021: Mortgage market buoyant as drawdowns and approvals rise, San Francisco Chronicle, 30 April 2021: What the Oakland A’s Howard Terminal ballpark proposal means for taxpayers, The Guardian, 30 April 2021: Netherlands: Dutch couple move into Europe’s first fully 3D-printed house, Irish Times, 1 May 2021: David McWilliams: Serial objectors are colonising future through Nimbyism, Gulf News, 1 May 2021: Dubai launches new park for food firms in vertical farming push, The Hill, 2 May 2021: Is the US headed toward a new housing bubble?, The Telegraph, 2 May 2021: The property boom will hold, but real house prices could easily fall, Miami Herald, 3 May 2021: Want to bank on Wynwood? A developer is crowdfunding $20 million for a rental project, Irish Times, 4 May 2021: Up to 20 tenants could face jail unless they leave Dublin properties, court told, Irish Times, 4 May 2021: Investment firms buy estate of 112 new houses in Dublin to rent out, DW, 5 May 2021: Germany’s Dolphin Trust was a pyramid scheme, causing devastation for investors, Gulf News, 5 May 2021: Photos: Gulf News reader shares pictures of the landmarks in Dubai, Irish Times, 7 May 2021: Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have shaken up a sorry cocktail when it comes to housing, curbed, 7 May 2021: First Look: The Plus Pool’s Official East River Parking Spot, Miami Herald, 7 May 2021: Done right, Flagler Street makeover could revive the heart of downtown Miami, The National, 8 May 2021: Dubai’s World Islands developer says Heart of Europe project will open to public later this year, NPR, 8 May 2021: Black Americans And The Racist Architecture Of Homeownership, Los Angeles Times, 8 May 2021: Real Estate newsletter: A notorious castle trades hands, Al Arabiya, 9 May 2021: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince allocates 20 mln sqm of land north of Riyadh for housing, Arab News, 10 May 2021: Saudi crown prince allocates 20 million square meters for housing units north of Riyadh, DW, 10 May 2021: German star architect Helmut Jahn dies at 81, CNN, 10 May 2021: Helmut Jahn, one of American architecture’s most celebrated figures, dies age 81, Irish Times, 10 May 2021: Property viewings are back. Here’s what it means for buyers and sellers, Irish Times, 11 May 2021: Political focus pivots from pandemic to a housing crisis with ‘no quick fix’, NPR, 11 May 2021: Government Housing Vouchers Are Hard To Get, And Hard To Use,The National, 11 May 2021: Where are rents in the US falling the fastest?, The Atlantic, 12 May 2021: The Neighborhood Fighting Not to Be Forgotten, Irish Times, 13 May 2021: How do Opposition party policies on housing stack up?, The Times, 13 May 2021: Nimbyism will cost the Tories new voters, The National, 15 May 2021: Gulf demand for London property soars but deals ‘won’t happen’ until flight curbs ease, Irish Times, 16 May 2021: Large percentage of new-builds may be reserved for first-time buyers under new plan, DW, 17 May 2021: Demand for lumber soars in Germany, and so do prices, New York Magazine, 17 May 2021: What If New York Stopped Knocking Down Buildings?, Miami Herald, 17 May 2021: This developer reshaped South of Fifth. Can he do it again in another hot ‘hood?, Irish Times, 18 May 2021: Stamp duty will rise to 10% for multiple house purchases under Government plans, NPR, 18 May 2021: It’s Harder Than Ever To Buy A House, And Bidding Wars Keep Breaking Out, Irish Times, 19 May 2021: Housing plan Q&A: Will new reforms help the current crisis?, Gulf News, 21 May 2021: All 217 of Nakheel’s Dh2.9m Al Furjan villas sell out in 4 hours, France24, 22 May 2021: New waterfront park ‘Little Island’ breathes fresh life into New York City, Irish Times, 22 May 2021: A Danish city housing model where the residents decide what’s best, Miami Herald, 23 May 2021: As Miamians go back to work, new ‘digital nomads’ are changing the city’s economy, DW, 23 May 2021: Berlin protesters urge end to soaring rents, Irish Times, 24 May 2021: Property prices: How far off boom-era highs are they, and will they climb all the way back?, New York Magazine, 24 May 2021: How to Transform Your House Into a Smart Home, San Francisco Chronicle, 24 May 2021: San Francisco ranks near the bottom of U.S. metro areas in home value increases, Irish Times, 25 May 2021: Dublin conservation project wins major European heritage award, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 May 2021: Plan for affordable downtown housing divides Bay Area city, with claims of racism, elitism, Los Angeles Times, 25 May 2021: Southern California home prices jump 20% in April, knocking down another record, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 May 2021: S.F. tenants in public housing where Breed grew up sue over health and safety concerns,, 25 May 2021: A real problem: House prices soar, despite coronavirus, Gulf News, 26 May 2021: Photos: Gulf News readers share pictures of the tourist spots at Palm Jumeirah, Dubai, BBC, 27 May 2021: The uncertain future of Britain’s offices, Irish Times, 28 May 2021: KPMG selects Hibernia Reit to develop new Dublin headquarters, The New York Times, 28 May 2021: The Market Tectonics of California Real Estate, The Washington Post, 28 May 2021: Return to New York, The Wall Street Journal, 28 May 2021: The City’s Back, and You No Longer Have It to Yourself, Irish Times, 28 May 2021: Land Development Agency plans 22-storey housing block in Dublin 8, The New York Times, 29 May 2021: House Hunters Are Leaving Cities, and Builders Can’t Keep Up, Irish Times, 29 May 2021: ‘Alarm bells started ringing’: Friends lose €2,600 in rental property scam, Gulf Times, 31 May 2021: Real estate auction fetches QR231mn, Gulf News, 1 June 2021: Sharjah’s beachfront is getting two new tourist attractions, Irish Times, 1 June 2021: Property tax reforms will increase many homeowners’ bills, Washington Post, 1 June 2021: Trump’s company will try again to sell lease for its D.C. hotel, Los ANgeles Times, 2 June 2021: Beach apartments for homeless people? Venice residents are leery, Arab News, 2 June 2021: Red Sea Project developer achieves high score on green investment benchmark, Irish Times, 2 June 2021: Property tax: how much will I have to pay now?, DW, 3 June 2021: House prices: ‘Wall of money’ hits European real estate, Los Angeles Times, 5 June 2021: Column: Their Venice home feels unsafe. They blame public officials, not homeless Angelenos, San Francisco Chronicle, 6 June 2021: These S.F. neighborhoods have high eviction rates, but little help from the city, Gulf News, 6 April 2021: In pictures: 17 of the most amazing buildings in Dubai, Irish Times, 6 June 2021: Sinn Féin’s opposition to property tax is muddled and incoherent, San Francisco Chronicle, 7 June 2021: Sausalito’s housing war is happening on the water. In this conflict, eviction means crushed boats, Gulf News, 7 June 2021: Explained: By how much can my landlord increase the rent in the UAE?, Irish Times, 7 June 2021: Eoin Ó Broin: Our dysfunctional housing system can be fixed, Irish Times, 9 June 2021: Michael McDowell: Pedestrianising streets is easy part of change, DW, 9 June 2021: World’s most liveable cities: Auckland tops chart as European cities tumble, Irish Times, 9 June 2021: Could rent-to-buy help to unlock home ownership for generation rent?, The Guardian, 9 June 2021: World’s most liveable city: Auckland wins as Covid shakes up rankings, Irish Times, 9 June 2021: World’s most liveable cities revealed as island nations soar up rankings, The Washington Post, 9 June 2021: As home prices soar in unlikely places, the most vulnerable residents pay the price, Miami Herald, 10 June 2021: Miami needs its middle class, too. As developers evict Hamilton tenants, others, where will they go?,, 10 June 2021: We Unearthed the 31 Best Rent Deals in NYC Right Now, Los Angeles Times, 10 June 2021: Homeless camps, trash and crime have transformed Venice boardwalk, eluding easy solutions, Arab News, 11 June 2021: Palestinian-designed, self-build homes seen as key to Gaza’s recovery,, 11 June 2021: Going Back to the Office Means Long Island City’s Rent Deals Are Over, Miami Herald, 11 June 2021: ‘Idiotic politics’ to fear lawmakers pulled a fast one? Not when it comes to a Trump casino, Los Angeles Times, 11 June 2021: San Pedro Fish Market is leaving its longtime harbor home. What happens next?, San Francisco Chronicle, 11 June 2021: A’s open to negotiating elements of ballpark project term sheet, Dave Kaval says, Los Angeles Times, 12 June 2021: Your guide to retrofitting your home for earthquakes, Irish Times, 12 June 2021: What fresh vision of hell is this so-called ‘Portobello Plaza’?, Los Angeles Times, 12 June 2021: The homeless situation in Venice is complicated. But that’s no excuse for inaction, Arab News, 13 June 2021: King Salman Energy Park wins US green building award, Irish Times, 14 June 2021: Shared understanding of needs vital to Ireland’s housing future, Curbed, 14 June 2021: New York’s Best Aperkments, San Francisco Chronicle, 14 June 2021: Home values sank in these S.F. neighborhoods, thanks to the ‘doughnut’ effect, The Guardian, 15 June 2021: Do millennials really prefer to rent – or have we just been cheated out of a proper home?, The New York Times, 16 June 2021: N.Y.C. to Move 8,000 Homeless People From Hotels, DW, 16 June 2021: Berlin police clash with house squatters, supporters, Irish Times, 16 June 2021: No homes to go to: Locals feel squeeze from wealthy elite,, 17 June 2021: European city air quality viewer (European Air Quality Index), The Guardian, 17 June 2021: Environment: More than half of Europe’s cities still plagued by dirty air, report finds, Irish Times, 17 June 2021: Price of coastal homes ‘soars in wake of pandemic’, The Hill, 17 June 2021: ‘Building back better’ starts with our buildings, San Francisco Chronicle, 18 June 2021: S.F.’s real estate market is an outlier in one big way, according to latest Zillow data, The Washington Post, 18 June 2021: The post-covid luxury spending boom has begun. It’s already reshaping the economy., San Francisco Chronicle, 18 June 2021: Only one U.S. city saw a bigger pandemic exodus than San Francisco, Irish Times, 19 June 2021: Irish Times poll: Majority would be happy to see new housing nearby, The Times, 19 June 2021: ‘Footing the bill for the cladding crisis will cost more than my flat’, The National, 20 June 2021: Inside the Olympic Games Village in Tokyo, The Guardian, 20 June 2021: Environment: Bee-friendly urban wildflower meadows prove a hit with German city dwellers, The Wall Street Journal, 22 June 2021: Blackstone Bets $6 Billion on Buying and Renting Homes, Irish Times, 20 June 2021: Ireland’s property market: What goes up can still come down, DW, 21 June 2021: Swedish Prime Minister Lofven loses no confidence vote, France24, 21 June 2021: Sweden’s political survivor Lofven finally stumbles, BBC, 21 June 2021: Swedish government toppled in no-confidence vote, CNN, 21 June 2021: Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven ousted in no-confidence vote, The Guardian, 21 June 2021: Sweden Prime minister Stefan Löfven loses no-confidence vote,, 21 June 2021: Swedish government on the brink after PM Löfven loses no-confidence vote, The Atlantic, 21 June 2021: The Real Problem With Corporate Landlords, BBC, 21 June 2021: Turkmenistan’s capital tops list of most expensive cities for expats, San Francisco Chronicle, 22 June 2021: More Bay Area homes are now selling above asking price. Is it demand or ‘cruel’ pricing strategies?, Los Angeles Times, 22 June 2021: Bonin: We’ll clear homeless camps from Venice boardwalk this summer, with no arrests, CNN, 22 June 2021: World’s most expensive cities for expats in 2021 revealed, Miami Herald, 24 June 2021: After the collapse of Surfside’s Champlain tower: a day of dread, helplessness, heroism (Surfside condominium building collapse), The Washington Post, 25 June 2021: Before condo collapse, rising seas long pressured Miami coastal properties, DW, 25 June 2021: Florida: More than 150 still missing after Miami condo collapse, Miami Herald, 25 June 2021: Number of missing in Surfside condo collapse rises to 159, Miami-Dade mayor says, The Guardian, 25 June 2021: Miami building collapse: Death toll rises to four and more than 150 unaccounted for, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 June 2021: The battle over a homeless encampment in Sausalito has reached a critical moment, CNN, 26 June 2021: At least 159 missing after partial building collapse near Miami, France24, 26 June 2021: ‘Deep fire’ hampers rescue effort at collapsed Miami apartment block, BBC, 26 June 2021: Florida building collapse: Report from 2018 warned of ‘major damage’, The Hill, 26 June 2021: Miami-Dade mayor orders audit of buildings over 40 years old following collapse, The New York Times, 26 June 2021: Florida Condo Was Warned of ‘Major’ Issues in 2018; Repairs Were Delayed, USA Today, 26 June 2021: Inspection reports for collapsed Miami-area condo detail ‘major structural damage’ over garage, Times of Israel, 26 June 2021: Israel sends IDF team to Florida to assist with tower collapse rescue efforts (there is a relatively large Jewish community in Surfside that has been affected by the partial collapse), The Sunday Times, 27 June 2021: The stamp duty mania is ending, so what now for first-time buyers?, The Washington Post, 27 June 2021: Housing crisis poses crucial test for Biden’s economic plans, Miami Herald, 27 June 2021: See what experts say is the probable sequence of collapse at the Florida condo tower, Tampa Bay Times, 27 June 2021: Surfside families frustrated at slow pace of condo rescue, CNN, 27 June 2021: At least 9 dead after partial building collapse near Miami, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 June 2021: California’s white population dropped 3% in 4 years with declining birth rates and increased mortality, Irish Times, 28 June 2021: House prices in Wexford, Waterford and Kerry jump by over 20%,, 28 June 2021: A Circa-1910 Flatbush Brownstone That Feels Like The Caribbean, Tampa Bay Times, 28 June 2021: St. Petersburg apartment complex sells for $56 million, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 June 2021: Californians are fueling Austin’s housing frenzy: ‘We’ve never seen migration like this’, The Washington Post, 28 June 2021: As Surfside community members wait for news, they are inundated by hundreds of acts of kindness, Times of Israel, 29 June 2021: In first for Latin America, ultra-Orthodox city planned for Mexico (Lakewood Township), Haaretz, 29 June 2021: At Least 11 Jews Among 46 Dead in Florida Condo Collapse, Irish Times, 1 July 2021: Rent increases to be capped at inflation in pressure zones, The New Yorker, 1 July 2021: Can Infrastructure Spending Save Ogdensburg, New York?, The Atlantic, 2 July 2021: Condo Buildings Are at Risk. So Is All Real Estate., NPR, 3 July 2021: The Vatican Indicts 10, Including A Former Cardinal, Over A London Real Estate Deal, DW, 3 July 2021: Vatican indicts Cardinal, 9 others over UK property deal, Th Wall Street Journal, 3 July 2021: Vatican Indicts Cardinal, Nine Other People Over London Real-Estate Deal, The New York Times, 3 July 2021: Condo Wreckage Hints at Possible Construction Flaw (Surfside condominium building collapse – generally speaking, times are becoming difficult for property owners on the Atlantic coast of South Florida. Due to climate change and rising sea levels, the outskirts of Miami are already regularly under water, so that building grounds and materials are attacked by seawater. Surfside is just a warning and reminder that in the next few years either a lot of money will have to be invested or entire streets will have to be abandoned. Urban planners are developing counter-concepts, but by the time they can be implemented, it will probably be too late for some building structures), The Guardian, 3 July 2021: Miami condo collapse: Death toll rises to 24 amid plans to demolish remaining structure, Irish Times, 3 July 2021: Housing key issue in frenetic final week of Dublin Bay South byelection, BBC, 3 July 2021: Miami building collapse: Demolition date brought forward, The National, 3 July 2021: Dubai’s property values buoyed by rising villa sales in Q2, The Washington Post, 3 July 2021: Surfside residents fight to keep their town’s character, worry about the future after condo collapse, Miami Herald, 3 July 2021: North Miami Beach orders 10-story condo evacuated after report declares it unsafe, Irish Times, 4 July 2021: The Irish don’t have an obsession with property, the market just doesn’t work, The National, 4 July 2021: Miami Beach apartments evacuated after structural damage found, The New Yorker, 4 July 2021: What we need to learn from the tragedy in Surfside, Miami Herald, 4 July 2021: Rest of collapsed Surfside condo set to be demolished Sunday night, fire officials say, Miami Herald, 4 July 2021: Eleven days after partial collapse, remainder of Surfside condo is demolished, The New York Times, 4 July 2021: Lax Enforcement Let South Florida Towers Skirt Inspections for Years, Miami Herald, 4 July 2021: ‘Everybody in Miami knows somebody from that building’, CNN, 5 July 2021: The rest of the partially collapsed Surfside condo has been demolished, BBC, 5 July 2021: Miami collapse: Remaining structure demolished over safety fears, DW, 5 July 2021: Florida demolishes rest of partially collapsed condo, France24, 5 July 2021: Collapsed Miami building demolished as Tropical Storm Elsa heads for Florida, Irish Times, 5 July 2021: What happens when Generation Rent grows old?, Arab News, 5 July 2021: Riyadh’s King Abdullah Financial District receives award for sustainability leadership, Times of Israel, 5 July 2020: In West Bank settlements, money is on an annexation real estate boom, Khaleej Times, 5 July 2021: Dubai realty market booms, as rich Indians eye their second homes,, 5 July 2021: Biden’s new dilemma: How to slash housing costs for low-income borrowers, Irish Times, 6 July 2021: Struggling to buy a home? Long-term mortgage may suit those who cannot pass income rules, CNN, 6 July 2021: Looking at buildings can actually give people headaches. Here’s why, The Washington Post, 6 July 2021: Florida officials to shift from rescue to recovery at site of condo collapse, Curbed, 6 July 2021: Inside Austin’s Wild Real-Estate Market, The New York Times, 6 July 2021: ‘Should We Sell?’ After Collapse, Hot Florida Market Faces Uncertainty., The Washington Post, 6 July 2021: Survivors of the Surfside building collapse worry: What’s next?, NPR, 7 July 2021: Officials Say They Are Ending The Search For Survivors In The Surfside Condo Collapse, Curbed, 7 July 2021: Even a Starchitect’s Homeless Housing Project Won’t Sway Venice Beach NIMBYs, The New York Times, 7 July 2021: What We Know About Why Champlain Towers South Collapsed, Miami Herald, 7 July 2021: Families told rescue phase in Surfside collapse is ending. It’s careful recovery now., The Algemeiner, 7 July 2021: US Jewish Group ‘Outraged’ by Activists Accusing IDF of Exploiting Surfside Disaster, The New York Times, 7 July 2021: Chicago Is Grappling With a Weakness at Its Very Foundations, DW, 8 July 2021: Florida ends search for survivors of building collapse, Times of Israel, 7 July 2021: In Surfside, sobbing and a moment of silence as rescue effort shifts to recovery, France24, 8 July 2021: Florida rescue crews to end search for survivors of Surfside building collapse, Miami Herald, 8 July 2021: Will affordable housing funding change? Realtor groups push constitutional change, Haaretz, 9 July 2021: Tel Aviv: A City That Only the Mega-rich Call Home,, 9 July 2021: Housing crisis spurs opposition win in Irish by-election, The Washington Post, 9 July 2021: What happens to the land under the collapsed Fla. condo?, The New York Times, 9 July 2021: N.Y.C. Halts Plan to Move Homeless People From Hotels After Legal Filing, Miami Herald, 9 July 2021: How can we avoid another collapse like Surfside? Florida can start with these reforms, Los Angeles Times, 9 July 2021: The beach is there for all of us — we just have to get there, The Guardian, 10 July 2021: Miami condo collapse: Families grieve loss of relatives as death toll rises to 86, Al Jazeera, 10 July 2021: ‘Heartbreaking number’: Florida condo death toll keeps climbing, NPR, 10 July 2021: Death Toll In Condo Collapse Rises To 86 As Recovery Work Speeds Up, The Washington Post, 10 July 2021: Following building collapse, D.C. enhances its safety review process, Miami Herald, 10 July 2021: Death toll reaches 86 in Surfside collapse. Site to be cleared ‘sooner than expected’, Los Angeles Times, 10 July 2021: From homelessness to homicides, Garcetti leaves L.A. with unfinished business, The Washington Post, 10 July 2021: Rent prices are soaring as Americans flock back to cities, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 July 2021: What’s the most San Francisco neighborhood in San Francisco? We know, Jerusalem Post, 10 July 2021: NJ co-op owners suing board for not allowing use of Shabbat elevator (again one of those very curious stories that only the real estate industry knows. As an administrator, will you ever be able to have contact with the appartment owners again without having to laugh very hard? And when the Shabbat elevator service resumes, will they sue because of the additional operating costs?), Irish Times, 10 July 2021: Cliff Taylor: The Government is about to go really big on housing, The Washington Post, 10 July 2021: Condos struggle to fund repairs after Florida building collapse, Los Angeles Times, 10 July 2021: Miami courthouse is closed after review prompted by condo collapse, Miami Herald, 11 July 2021: Brilliant young Argentine Chabad president dies in Surfside condo collapse, BBC, 11 July 2021: Miami condo collapse: Inside the recovery operation clearing the ruins, The New York Times, 11 July 2021: ‘Lord, Hear Me’: Residents in Florida Condos Fear They Could be Next, San Francisco Chronicle, 11 July 2021: Castro community group tries again to redesign Harvey Milk Plaza, San Francisco Chronicle, 12 July 2021: This is how much single-family zoning is costing San Franciscans, The New York Times, 13 July 2021: Los Angeles Goes to War With Itself Over Homelessness, Irish Times, 13 July 2021: Half of tenants spend more than 30% of pay on rent, research shows, Los Angeles Times, 14 July 2021: Apple spends $1 billion of $2.5 billion effort to fight California housing crisis, Irish Times, 14 July 2021: House prices rise at fastest rate in 2½ years, CNBC, 15 July 2021: The hot Miami condo market is a lot more complicated after tragic Surfside collapse, NPR, 15 July 2021: There’s Not A Cloud In The Sky, But Your House Could Still Be Underwater, San Francisco Chronicle, 16 July 2021: S.F. developer fined $1.2 million for cramming too many apartments into complex, New York Magazine, 16 July 2021: Can Rockefeller Center Ever Be Hip?, NPR, 16 July 2021: California Turned Pandemic Rentals Into Permanent Housing For Homeless People, Los Angeles Times, 16 July 2021: Is homelessness a property rights issue or a human rights issue? We have to decide, The Washington Post, 16 July 2021: Jewish burial tradition brings comfort for families of Surfside condo collapse victims, San Francisco Chronicle, 16 July 2021: UC regents poised to approve landmark $300 million housing gift despite eviction concerns, Times of Israel, 17 July 2021: Housing prices continue to spike, with 7.2% increase over past year, Irish Times, 17 July 2021: ?‘Bungalow Bliss’: Celebrate the modernist vernacular of post-1970s Ireland, Times of Israel, 17 July 2021: Experts warn Europe floods show need to curb emissions, adapt urban planning, The National, 17 July 2021: Dubai’s Sobha on track to hit Dh2.5bn in sales in 2021, The New York Times, 17 July 2021: Condo Collapse Raises New Fears About Florida’s Shaky Insurance Market, NPR, 17 July 2021: One Of The Deadliest U.S. Accidental Structural Collapses Happened 40 Years Ago Today, The National, 18 July 2021: Abu Dhabi grants Dh1.1bn in housing loans and repayment waivers, Gulf News, 18 July 2021: Mohamed bin Zayed orders payout of housing loans for Abu Dhabi residents,, 18 July 2021: Merkel pledges stronger post-flood focus on ‘climate protection’, The Washington Post, 18 July 2021: The new real estate normal, Irish Times, 19 July 2021: Concerns over plans for Dublin’s tallest apartment block, DW, 19 July 2021: Germany’s know-it-all attitude after the floods helps no one (of course, it is initially a tightrope act or as it is called: “keep measure and balance”. From a distance, the topic can be divided into four phases: First of all, it is about giving consolation and support to those affected (some communities will only be able to be supplied temporarily for months, have mobile toilet and washing facilities and fresh water tanks in the village squares, until the infrastructure (water, sewage, electricity, telephone, internet, television, etc.) is restored and something like normal returns). As was to be expected during election campaign times, this is currently mixed, unfortunately, with blame that has been shot from the hip and just as unsustainable. Here, too, it is urgent and prompt to find “measure and balance” in order not to escalate the situation any further. Then it is about raising tax money in unbelievable amounts for the renewal and repair of the public infrastructure (traffic and transport infrastructure, supply and discharge of drinking and service water, electricity, telephone, etc.). The previously announced 300 million euros can only be a start. Phases 3 and 4 are much more positive because they are about reconstruction. For city planners, architects, project developers and construction companies this is “a dream”, because in many cases they now have white sheets in front of them and can thus avoid the bad planning of the past and at the same time implement sustainable, future-oriented new building measures that take climate change into account. The only downer is the partial loss of old and historical buildings, with the majority of the loss being attributable to post-war buildings, which are not significant in terms of architecture and building history. So it is a mixed balance, the successful implementation of which will take 10 to 15 years and depends to a large extent on the timely provision of public funds/subsidies and permits), DW, 19 July 2021: How can we prepare for extreme flooding?, Irish Times, 19 July 2021: Prices for basic timber products up 60%, TD claims, Haaretz, 20 July 2021: For Jaffa Arabs, Affordable Housing Is a Pipe Dream, The National, 20 July 2021: UAE ranks fourth globally for highest monthly spend on rent, Haaretz, 22 July 2021: A Guide to Foreign Residents Flocking to Israel’s Real Estate Market, Miami Herald, 22 July 2021: Does your aging condo building need to get recertified? You can keep track of that, Irish Times, 22 July 2021: Delay to Government housing plan seen as setback, Gulf News, 22 July 2021: Dubai’s Marina 101: Some property buyers in stalled skyscraper project will lose all their millions, Haaretz, 22 July 2021: A Guide to Foreign Residents Flocking to Israel’s Real Estate Market, The New York Times, 22 July 2021: Rising Rents Threaten to Prop Up Inflation, San Francisco Chronicle, 23 July 2021: Fourplexes on every S.F. single-family lot? S.F. supervisor juices proposed housing legislation to allow more homes, The Guardian, 23 July 2021: Miami condo collapse: Search for bodies in Florida ends, with death toll at 97, San Francisco Chronicle, 23 July 2021: ‘Present-day redlining’: A Black homeowner says her Oakland property was undervalued by $400K, NPR, 23 July 2021: The Search for Victims Comes To An End At The Florida Condo Collapse Site, The New York Times, 23 July 2021: Buy My House, but I’m Taking the Toilet, BBC, 24 July 2021: Surfside tower collapse: No sign of final victim as Miami search ends, Irish Times, 24 July 2021: Cliff Taylor: Has Government just got the jitters about its big housing plan?, Khaleej Times, 24 July 2021: Momentum in Dubai real estate to carry over into rest of 2021, San Francisco Chronicle, 24 July 2021: Go big or go home: S.F. supervisor juices housing legislation to allow fourplexes on every single-family lot, Miami Herald, 24 July 2021: A month after the Surfside collapse, one family still waits for closure. ‘It’s too much.’, Reuters, 24 July 2021: Vatican reveals property holdings for first time in transparency drive (interesting but above all surprising. Christianity is the largest religious community in the world. The fact that only 5,100 properties have come together over the millennia is rather surprising. After all, the church must generate permanent and reliable income to finance its diverse activities. Real estate investments on a larger scale are ideal for this),, 24 July 2021: Vatican reveals property holdings for the first time, Forbes, 24 July 2021: Vatican Owns Over 5,000 Properties Worldwide, It Reveals In First Disclosures On Its Real Estate Holdings, San Francisco Chronicle, 24 July 2021: Bay Area cities face long odds in fighting state-mandated housing goals, The Sunday Times, 25 July 2021: Vatican in a holy mess as cardinal’s fraud trial begins, Times of Israel, 25 July 2021: As rescuers end search, family of last missing Surfside victim has no closure, Irish Times, 25 July 2021: HAP led to increase in rental market competition – report, The Sunday Times, 25 July 2021: Now five-year mortgages have plunged below 1%, Irish Times, 25 July 2021: Planning permission sought for 600 apartments on former Irish Glass site, The National, 25 July 2021: Dubai’s prime residential market records 43.8% rise in sales volume in second quarter, Arab News, 25 July 2021: $196 million injected into Saudi home loans fund, Miami Herald, 26 July 2021: Police identify final missing victim from Surfside condo collapse, which killed 98, Irish Times, 26 July 2021: Irish Times view on delayed publication of ‘Housing for All’ plan, Miami Herald, 26 July 2021: Evictions will soar when moratorium ends. Miami-Dade can’t leave tenants helpless, homeless, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 July 2021: S.F. is still the priciest place to rent in U.S. – but another city is quickly catching up, Miami Herald, 28 July 2021: Locals hate South Beach. Social media thinks it’s the best beach in the country, DW, 29 July 2021: Kashmir lockdowns put houseboats’ survival at risk, France24, 29 July 2021: Replanting projects turn global cities into lush green spaces, Irish Times, 29 July 2021: House-building bounces back with completions at pre-Covid levels, Curbed, 29 July 2021: Inside the Freak-out Housing Market of Upstate New York, Haaretz, 29 July 2021: U.K. Approves Plans for National Holocaust Memorial Beside Parliament, The New York Times, 29 July 2021: The Housing Market Is on Fire. It Doesn’t Need More Fuel., Haaretz, 29 July 2021: How Williamsburg Hipsters and Real Estate Billions Transformed This Hasidic Sect, The Times, 30 July 2021: Old Hamptons money balks at invasion of nouveau riche, Khaleej Times, 30 July 2021: Expo 2020 Dubai: These areas will see rents rise, DW, 30 July 2021: Is 3D printing the future for building homes?, Irish Times, 31 July 2021: Liquidator of Dolphin-linked firm queries ‘significant’ salaries and fees, Irish Times, 31 July 2021: Ireland needs to fully embrace community-led housing, Reuters, 1 August 2021: Vonovia to make new Deutsche Wohnen offer at 53 eur/shr, The Washington Post, 1 August 2021: An English castle stood for centuries. Climate change is prompting its collapse., The Guardian, 2 August 2021: Does London really need a gigantic glowing orb the height of Big Ben?, Miami Herald, 2 August 2021: Miami could be the best walking city in the United States, new study says, Los Angeles Times, 2 August 2021: How L.A. cleared most Venice Beach homeless camps and sheltered many living there, DW, 4 August 2021: Coronavirus digest: New rental eviction ban declared in US, Miami Herald, 4 August 2021: Can Surfside condo collapse bring reforms? State, local group to consider new laws, The Washington Post, 4 August 2021: Last-minute eviction ban extension fuels confusion and is too late for some, The Guardian, 5 August 2021: Germany: Government urged to do more to help rebuild flood-hit communities, Khaleej Times, 5 August 2021: Revealed: How much UAE residents spend on rent a month, New York Magazine, 5 August 2021: Conservatives Are Freaking Out About the Eviction Moratorium, Los Angeles Times, 5 August 2021: Newsom, in recall fight, says it’s ‘not acceptable’ for homeless to camp on streets, The Washington Post, 6 August 2021: The CDC’s eviction moratorium won’t last forever. So, what’s next?, NPR, 6 August 2021: Here’s What You Need To Know About The New Eviction Ban, San Francisco Chronicle, 6 August 2021: It’s a former office park and ghost town. Now, a Marin property is going to turn into 1,100 homes, DW, 9 August 2021: German floods: Up to €30 billion needed for recovery fund, Al Arabiya, 9 August 2021: Saudi Arabia’s residential market booming: Report, The Washington Post, 9 August 2021: Lake Tahoe was already short on housing. Then the remote workers came to town., Irish Times, 10 August 2021: Affordable co-op house put on private market with 50% price rise, Jerusalem Post, 10 August 2021: Israel’s fanciest new mall opens in the Judean desert, DW, 10 August 2021: German floods: Leaders agree on €30-billion reconstruction fund, Irish Times, 11 August 2021: Number of homes available to rent fell by 20% between March and June, survey finds, Gulf News, 11 August 2021: Emaar Properties reports Dh1.56 billion H1 net profit amid robust property sales, Arab News, 11 August 2021: Islamic real estate financier posts net profit of $53.6m, Gulf News, 11 August 2021: Expo 2020 Dubai: Saudi Arabia Pavilion snags three Guinness World Records for innovative displays, Miami Herald, 11 August 2021: View of the cleared site of the collapse Champlain Tower South, Los Angeles Times, 11 August 2021: More than 550 homes destroyed by Dixie fire, as it surges past half a million acres, The Washington Post, 11 August 2021: On South Carolina’s shore, some condo owners worry: Are their buildings safe?, Irish Times, 12 August 2021: 50,000 new homes needed every year to solve housing crisis – industry report, The New York Times, 13 August 2021: Overheated Real Estate Market Begins to Cool, Los Angeles Times, 13 August 2021: Federal judge leaves Biden administration’s evictions moratorium in place, The National, 14 August 2021: Home prices in world’s most expensive market hit record high, The Times, 14 August 2021: Green grants of £7,000 to help households replace gas boilers, Irish Times, 14 August 2021: The rise of suburbia: How we live is about to change, The National, 14 August 2021: Home prices in world’s most expensive market hit record high, Times of Israel, 14 August 2021: Polish president approves WWII restitution law, defying Israel and US (this raises questions about real estate deals in Poland: Should an international court overturn the law or hold Poland liable for compensating former owners, what happens to unknowingly acquired former Jewish property? Poland has never been squeamish when it comes to appropriating someone else’s property. So in the future you will have to cover your risks double as much it was already necessary (U.S. Department of State, Office of the Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues: Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act Report ). How quickly things can change: while Netanyahu tried to turn his no less corrupt and autocratic colleagues of the Visegrád Group in favor of Israel against Brussels (not least because he himself had blocked Israel’s access to EU membership) and therefore forgave all of their anti-Semitic attacks, the Bennett-Lapid administration apparently sees it differently. Good for them and improving relations with the EU), Jerusaem Post, 14 August 2021: After Polish restitution law, Lapid recalls embassy head to Israel, Arab News, 14 August 2021: Israel recalls Poland envoy over ‘anti-Semitic’ property claims law,, 15 August 2021: Israel recalls top diplomat from Poland citing ‘anti-Semitic’ restitution law, San Francisco Chronicle, 15 August 2021: In San Francisco, it’s the summer of rental scams, The New Yorker, 16 August 2021: British Idyllic Country Houses Reveal a Darker History, Haaretz, 16 August 2021: Poland Recalls Israel Envoy, Considers Downgrading Ties as Row Over Restitution Law Deepens, The National, 17 August 2021: Will pent-up demand from Gulf buyers drive up UK house prices?, Jerusalem Post, 17 August 2021: Blinken: Poland must ‘provide justice’ for Holocaust victims, Haaretz, 17 August 2021: Poland’s New Law ‘Slams the Door’ on Holocaust Survivors’ Hopes for Restitution, The Hill, 17 August 2021: The fastest shrinking city in America, Miami New Times, 17 August 2021: Will Surfside Ever Be the Same? Residents Tell Their Small Town’s Story, The New York Times, 19 August 2021: How This Texas Town Became One of America’s Fastest-Growing Cities, The Guardian, 19 August 2021: The US city that has raised $100m to climate-proof its buildings, San Francisco Chronicle, 19 August 2021: Bay Area home prices dropped in July. Is this the end of the COVID buying spree?, The New York Times, 19 August 2021: Want to Solve the Housing Crisis? Take Over Hotels., Los Angeles Times, 20 August 2021: How should California confront the rising sea? These lawmakers have some bold ideas, Miami Herald, 20 August 2021: This insurance company wants to hike homeowners’ rates 36%. Florida regulators balk, Arab News, 20 August 2021: Saudi housing market presents immense opportunities, Los Angeles Times, 20 August 2021: L.A. had a golden opportunity to house homeless people in hotels — but fell short of its goal, Miami Herald, 21 August 2021: Before Glades water flows, small community needs flood protection. This project is the hope., Miami Herald, 22 August 2021: Rents going through the roof: Tech and the ‘San Francisco-ization’ of Miami, Los ANgeles Times, 23 August 2021: L.A. officials urge residents to be prepared amid unprecedented fire season, San Francisco Chronicle, 24 August 2021: As Caldor Fire smoke chokes Lake Tahoe, a Northern California paradise reels, NPR, 24 August 2021: Looking For A New Apartment? Here’s A Checklist To Help With The Housing Hunt, Saudi Gazette, 24 August 2021: Architectural wonder, The New York Times, 25 August 2021: ‘They Were Bullies’: Inside the Turbulent Origins of the Collapsed Florida Condo, Gulf News, 25 August 2021: Photos: Ain Dubai, the world’s largest, tallest observation wheel set to open in Dubai, here is all you need to know, Al Arabiya, 25 August 2021: Vision 2030 Saudi: Vision 2030 unleashed $1 trln projects in real estate, infrastructure: Analysis, Miami Herald, 25 August 2021: Feds announce team investigating Surfside collapse — won’t divulge early findings, Gulf News, 25 August 2021: In pictures: All you need to know about Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan, Miami Herald, 25 August 2021: Feds’ video shows ‘astronomical’ corrosion, crowded rebar in Champlain Towers debris, New York Magazine, 26 August 2021: Supreme Court Blocks Biden’s Eviction Moratorium, The Times, 26 August 2021: Housing market suffers from shortage, The Guardian, 26 August 2021: San Francisco: Luxury tower still sinking even as engineers work on $100m fix, San Francisco Chronicle, 26 August 2021: S.F. wants to put homeless hotels around the city. These are the neighborhoods pushing back, Los Angeles Times, 26 August 2021: Photos: South fire swells to 700 acres in less than 24 hours, DW, 27 August 2021: US Supreme Court ends pandemic eviction ban, Miami Herald, 27 August 2021: ‘It’s tragic’: Miami housing advocates respond to end of the eviction moratorium, San Francisco Chronicle, 27 August 2021: One housing project has turned into an epic San Francisco battle. The real enemy is city red tape, The New York Times, 27 August 2021: The Gentrification of Blue America, The Washington Post, 27 August 2021: Millions of Americans face financial cliff as eviction ban, unemployment aid lapse, The Hill, 27 August 2021: New York considering special session to delay evictions, The New York Times, 27 August 2021: Supreme Court’s Decision Opens Door to Millions of Evictions, Curbed, 27 August 2021: The Village’s Skinniest Townhouse Is for Sale Yet Again, The Scotsman, 27 August 2021: Chance to live in a castle on an estate once owned by Robert The Bruce and visited by Winston Churchill during World War Two, Gulf Times, 28 August 2021: US Supreme Court ends Biden’s pandemic eviction moratorium, The Scotsman, 28 August 2021: SNP-Green deal could be catastrophic for house prices – John McLellan, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 August 2021: Millennials are buying more homes – after moving back in with their parents,, 28 August 2021: ‘Nobody is this incompetent’: Rental aid slowdown puts target on governors, mayors, Irish Times, 30 August 2021: Homeowners in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown to get 15% property tax cut, Miami Herald, 30 August 2021: The owner of this iconic building ordered all tenants to leave. Some aren’t going, Arab News, 30 August 2021: Saudi mortgage lending picks up in July 2021, Miami Herald, 30 August 2021: Surfside’s Champlain Towers South site on the market. Live bidding planned., Irish Times, 30 August 2021: Dublin build-to-rent scheme will exacerbate housing crisis, SF leader says, Miami Herald, 30 August 2021: Surfside memorial wall dismantled amid hurricane season. Museum will preserve mementos., Irish Times, 30 August 2021: Housing should be affordable, secure and appropriate. It’s a right, Miami Herald, 30 August 2021: Surfside’s Champlain Towers South site on the market. Live bidding planned., The Scotsman, 31 August 2021: George IV Bridge Fire: Repairs underway on fire-stricken building in Edinburgh’s Old Town which damaged ‘Harry Potter’ cafe, Irish Times, 2 September 2021: Housing for All plan: Taoiseach wants to ‘end homelessness’ by 2030, Curbed, 2 September 2021: Those Flooded Basement Apartments are a Deadly Part of the Housing Crisis, The New York Times, 2 September 2021: How the Storm Turned Basement Apartments Into Death Traps, Miami Herald, 3 September 2021: With evictions set to soar, Miami-Dade seeks to mediate between landlords and tenants, The Guardian, 3 September 2021: New York floods: calls for action after 11 die in basement apartments, San Francisco Chronicle, 3 September 2021: The state of Tahoe real estate: As the Caldor Fire spread, homes in its path were still selling, The Atlantic, 3 September 2021: Climate Change Is Already Rejiggering Where Americans Live, Miami Herald, 4 September 2021: Hialeah slated for new $90M rental community. Say ‘hola’ to more living options, Irish Times, 4 September 2021: The 20 best places to live in Ireland: What they are like and what they cost, Miami Herald, 4 September 2021: Navigating open houses or compensation for remote work? A guide to five housing trends, Los Angeles Times, 4 September 2021: Real Estate newsletter: Ellen is at it again, Arab News, 5 September 2021: Saudi authorities tighten rules for contracting firms to ensure quality, DW, 5 September 2021: Merkel, Laschet return to flood-damaged German state, Miami Herald, 5 September 2021: Portions of Miami-Dade under a flood advisory Sunday night. Storms to return Labor Day., Irish Times, 5 September 2021: Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil caused the housing crisis – they cannot fix it, Arab News, 6 September 2021: Kuwait’s 3S International snaps up Taskeen property app owner – MAGNiTT, Arab News, 6 September 2021: Emaar gets regulatory greenlight to merge properties and malls businesses, Irish Times, 7 September 2021: The management company at my apartment block won’t let me park my car,, 7 September 2021: Biden tours flood-ravaged N.J., NYC, says infrastructure plan needed to deal with climate change, Arab News, 7 September 2021: Saudi crown prince announces 15-year project to revitalize historic Jeddah district, Irish Times, 7 September 2021: Chivers site with full planning for 550 rental apartments guiding at €25m, DW, 7 September 2021: Berlin faces expropriation vote: What happens if the people say ‘yes’?, Tampa Bay Times, 10 September 2021: How will Florida make housing more affordable for middle income workers?, Irish Times, 12 September 2021: Developer Tetrarch gets UK backing for 1,500-home plan,, 12 September 2021: It’s Time to Dismantle America’s Residential Caste System, DW, 12 September 2021: German flood region: Can people still live close to a river?, The National, 13 September 2021: Owner of the ‘most expensive US home’ defaults on $165m debt, NPR, 13 September 2021: The Federal Government Sells Flood-Prone Homes To Often Unsuspecting Buyers, NPR Finds, Global Times, 14 September 2021: Indebted Evergrande expects ‘significant continuing decline’ in September sales, DW, 14 September 2021: Evergrande: Why the Chinese property giant is close to collapse, The New York Times, 15 September 2021: Why the Empire State Building, and New York, May Never Be the Same, Global Times, 15 September 2021: Evergrande crisis’ impact on China’s housing market remains to be seen: senior official, DW, 15 September 2021: Evergrande: Why the Chinese property giant is close to collapse, San Francisco Chronicle, 16 September 2021: Gap’s Fisher family estate in Atherton listed for $100 million, Global Times, 16 September 2021: Evergrande related stocks plunge as liquidity crisis deepens, CNN, 17 September 2021: What’s going on with Evergrande, the Chinese giant in crisis?, Miami Herald, 17 September 2021: Key West’s airport hit a new record with passengers. But it has brought problems, San Francisco Chronicle, 17 September 2021: Another extra-tall tower may be headed to S.F. skyline – this one near Market Street, Los Angeles Times, 18 September 2021: As China’s property giant Evergrande veers toward collapse, its unpaid debts spark protests, Tampa Bay Times, 18 September 2021: Tampa announces reforms to Crime-Free housing program, NPR, 18 September 2021: A New Housing Regulator Could Make The American Dream More Accessible For Millions, DW, 18 September 2021: Evergrande: Chinese property giant admits to misconduct by executives, The Times, 20 September 2021: How Evergrande became investors’ worst nightmare, Curbed, 20 September 2021: A Brooklyn Storefront Church Finds New Life As a Family Home, NPR, 20 September 2021: A Chinese Real Estate Company Is Walloping Your Stocks. Here’s Why, The Times, 20 September 2021: Evergrande is rattling the markets — and putting Beijing to the test, CNN, 20 September 2021: Evergrande’s debt crisis is wreaking havoc on Hong Kong’s stock market, The New York Times, 21 September 2021: Evergrande Crisis Shows Cracks in China’s Property Market, Los Angeles Times, 21 September 2021: How the pandemic helped scatter $1-million homes across L.A., The National, 21 September 2021: Saudi Arabia to merge Red Sea project developers to cut costs, Al Arabiya, 21 September 2021: Saudi real estate market expanding at ‘unprecedented rate,’ mortgages up 10-fold Saudi Vision 2030 Saudi real estate market expanding at ‘unprecedented rate,’ mortgages up 10-fold, The Guardian, 22 September 2021: Evergrande: Embattled property firm rattles financial markets, BBC, 22 September 2021: Evergrande: Crisis-hit firm strikes China debt deal, France24, 22 September 2021: China’s Evergrande strikes deal to avoid default on key bond, The New York Times, 23 September 2021: Residents of Troubled Supertall Tower Seek $125 Million in Damages, San Francisco Chronicle, 23 September 2021: That tree blocks my view, so it’s got to go. Pacific Heights resident wins dispute over neighbor’s pine, Los Angeles Times, 24 September 2021: Smith: Despair over gentrification reaches new depths in South L.A., Miami Herald, 24 September 2021: Middle East developer offers $120 million for collapse site of Surfside condo tower, DW, 26 September 2021: Germany: Berlin locals vote to expropriate real estate giants, USA Today, 27 September 2021: Stars bring glamour to the Academy Museum opening in LA: Lady Gaga, Nicole Kidman, more, Gulf News, 27 September 2021: A Dh180m Dubai penthouse at Palm Jumeirah keeps an eye out for a buyer, Irish Times, 27 September 2021: Property hot spots: The towns with the biggest price rises in Ireland, Arab News, 28 September 2021: Saudi crown prince launches 50bn riyal strategy to turn Asir into global tourism hub, Al Arabiya, 28 September 2021: Saudi Arabia unveils plans for new luxury ‘Desert Rock’ mountain resort, Irish Times, 28 September 2021: A surge in house prices – but where is the money coming from?, Los Angeles Times, 28 September 2021: A new, ‘first-class’ high-rise will house homeless people on L.A.’s skid row, Irish Times, 29 September 2021: Berlin referendum shows the way on fixing Ireland’s housing crisis, CNN, 1 October 2021: The fairytale capital of the world, Haaretz, 2 October 2021: ‘Urban Oasis’: Lakes Are Becoming the Latest Trend of Israel’s Real Estate Market, Irish Times, 2 October 2021: Local property tax: Revenue will not contest lower self-assessed values, The Times, 2 October 2021: Housing boom could net Bridgepoint £1.3bn for Miller Homes sale, Miami Herald, 3 October 2021: How Julio Iglesias used shell companies to build, cloak his real estate empire, Haaretz, 3 October 2021: Israel Is Promoting Urban Renewal. But Some Will Pay a Hefty Price, Miami Herald, 3 October 2021: Investor invasion: Profit-minded home buyers flock to South Florida like you won’t believe, Arab News, 3 October 2021: PIF-owned ROSHN starts selling units in its first integrated community, Gulf Times, 4 October 2021: Construction sector plays key role in bolstering trade with Qatar, say top diplomats, Arab News, 4 October 2021: Evergrande to raise $5bn from property unit sale: Global Times, The Guardian, 4 October 2021: Evergrande: Shares in China property giant suspended pending ‘major transaction’, BBC, 5 October 2021: Yemen’s ancient, soaring skyscraper cities, The Times, 5 October 2021: Another developer on brink as China’s property woes continue, San Francisco Chronicle, 5 October 2021: S.F. is buying three sites for homeless housing. Controversial Japantown hotel isn’t yet one of them, CNN, 6 October 2021: Looking at buildings can actually give people headaches. Here’s why, Times of Israel, 6 October 2021: Israeli housing prices have nearly doubled in a decade, with no signs of slowing, Arab News, 8 October 2021: Saudi, Dubai ports launch development works at Jeddah Islamic Port, Irish Times, 8 October 2021: ‘We did nothing wrong’: Mica homeowners protest in Dublin, Gulf Times, 9 October 2021: Barwa residential units in Mesaimeer and Al Sailiya see high occupancy rates, DW, 9 October 2021: Germany’s flood-hit regions brace for winter, Gulf Times, 9 October 2021: Place Vendôme Lusail to open early next year, Khaleej Times, 9 October 2021: Dubai Crown Prince launches housing scheme to help families live in same area, Gulf Times, 9 October 2021: ‘Community Market’ at The Pearl-Qatar nears completion, CNN, 9 October 2021: Black real estate agent and his Black clients file lawsuit after being handcuffed by police during home showing, Gulf Times, 9 October 2021: Evergrande creditors brace for battle on offshore assets, Los Angeles Times, 10 October 2021: Looking for your first apartment in L.A.? Start here, NPR, 10 October 2021: A Black family got their beach back — and inspired others to fight against land theft, The Atlantic, 11 October 2021: Washington Is Getting China Wrong, Khaleej Times, 11 October 2021: Expo 2020 Dubai: Record new residential units come online this year, Irish Times, 11 October 2021: Lack of rentals causing hardship and threatens State’s future economic success, The Times, 11 October 2021: Chronic housing shortage ‘caused by SNP’s anti-landlord rhetoric’, Gulf News, 12 October 2021: Sharjah developer Arada is connecting with nature – building a ‘forest’ is the way to do it, The National, 12 October 2021: Sales of luxury London property soar in first three quarters of 2021, Gulf Times, 12 October 2021: Dubai real estate recovery fragile and uneven: S&P, Gulf Times, 12 October 2021: China property sector stalked by Evergrande default concerns, Globs, 13 October 2021: UBS: Tel Aviv housing highly overvalued, Irish Times, 13 October 2021: New land hoarding tax presented as game-changer as hopes rise for housing, Curbed, 13 October 2021: TikTok’s Realty Stars: Viral dances have nothing on apartment walk-throughs and neighborhood in-jokes., Miami Herld, 13 October 2021: ‘Enough buildings’: Brickell residents oppose church plan to sell land for development, Gulf Times, 13 October 2021: Chinese property firms suffer fresh downgrades amid Evergrande crisis, Arab News, 14 October 2021: Six giga-projects that epitomize Saudi Arabia’s $7 trillion development plan, Irish Times, 14 October 2021: House price growth surges to 10.9% as demand outstrips supply, San Francisco Chronicle, 14 October 2021: Oakland developers built a popular waterfront park. Now they want to wrap a marina around it, The Guardian, 14 October 2021: ‘Beautiful buildings wherever you look’: Germany’s best towns and villages, by readers, Irish Times, 14 October 2021: Student accommodation crisis: ‘We are literally roaming the streets’, France24, 14 October 2021: Dozens killed after ‘extremely fierce’ blaze engulfs 13-story Taiwan building, CNN, 14 October 2021: At least 46 people killed after fire tears through 13-story residential building in Taiwan, Curbed, 14 October 2021: We Unearthed the 31 Best Rent Deals in NYC Right Now, BBC, 14 October 2021: Kaohsiung: Fire at Taiwan tower block kills at least 46, Irish Times, 15 October 2021: Green mortgages are increasingly popular, but do they work?, Curbed, 15 October 2021: Can Eric Adams Really Turn 25,000 Hotel Rooms Into Affordable Housing?, Israel Hayom, 15 October 2021: Demand for new housing in Israel rises 9% in Q3, The Times, 15 October 2021: Californians pack their wagons and head to Texas, CNN, 15 October 2021: ‘Ghost towns’: Evergrande crisis shines a light on China’s millions of empty homes, San Francisco Chronicle, 15 October 2021: A slice of Wine Country waterfront was sold for almost $4 million. But the buyer is a mystery, Miami Herald, 16 October 2021: Some buyers have a rare chance to save money on financing, Khaleej Times, 16 October 2021: Look: First-of-its-kind luxury glamping destination now open in Sharjah, Miami Herald, 16 October 2021: Biscayne Bay to get a license plate. Options include Stiltsville, sailboats, paddleboarders, Arab News, 16 October 2021: Sakani pays taxes on behalf of first-time homebuyers, issues 558,367 certificates, Gulf News, 17 October 2021: Bosnian builds rotating house so that his wife has diversified view, Arab News, 17 October 2021: PIF to use oil platforms to attract tourists through ‘THE RIG.’ project, DW, 17 October 2021: Fixing Germany’s housing crisis is neither quick nor easy, CNN, 18 October 2021: When your home becomes a tourist attraction, The Washington Post, 18 October 2021: The prospect of a speedy real estate deal compounds some Surfside families’ grief, Irish Times, 19 October 2021: Property tax changes: What price to put on your home?, The Times, 19 October 2021: Make your home greener to get a mortgage, CNN, 19 October 2021: The year’s most stunning architectural photos revealed, NPR, 19 October 2021: Here’s why Zillow won’t be buying any more homes to renovate and resell this year, The Hill, 19 October 2021: To Build Back Better, Congress should encourage real estate investment, not restrict options, San Francisco Chronicle, 19 October 2021: Japantown hotel will not turn into homeless housing, following months of backlash, Irish Times, 20 October 2021: Over 50 cost-rental homes to open for applications in Kildare, Miami Herald, 20 October 2021: As if Brickell weren’t posh enough, one of regular folks’ last havens about to be lost, BBC, 20 October 2021: Evergrande $2.6bn property unit deal collapses, Miami Herald, 20 October 2021: A Miami developer wants to buy out, knock down sister towers of collapsed Champlain South, The Scotsman, 20 October 2021: Analysis: More than hot air needed to bring about heat pump revolution, The New York Times, 20 October 2021: House Hunting in France: In Brittany, a Medieval Makeover for $1.2 Million, KCRW, 20 October 2021: LA’s Veterans Row gets a visit from VA Secretary Denis McDonough, who vows to fight veteran homelessness, South Florida Business Journal, 20 October 2021: These financial firms are flocking to the ‘Wall Street of the South’, Khaleej Times, 21 October 2021: Ain Dubai opens: It’s like floating in the clouds, say residents, Gulf News, 21 October 2021: Inside Ain Dubai, world’s tallest and largest observation wheel, Arab News, 21 October 2021: NEOM’s green hydrogen plant to operate in 2026: Air Product’s CEO, The Guardian, 21 October 2021: Evergrande: Shares fall sharply after $2.6bn asset sale collapses, CNN, 21 October 2021: Evergrande teeters on the edge of collapse, Los Angeles Times, 22 October 2021: Smith: A solution for gentrification in South L.A.? ‘Don’t sell your damn house!’, Al Arabiya, 22 October 2021: Dubai eye, world’s tallest observation wheel, opens with lavish firework show, San Francisco Chronicle, 22 October 2021: 50,000-acre Bay Area land sale snuffs dream of creating California’s next great state park, The Times, 23 October 2021: Rishi Sunak’s budget: Property developers to pay £2 billion cladding tax, DW, 23 October 2021: China to test out property tax plan in some regions — report, Gulf News, 23 October 2021: Stunning new tourist attractions coming to Dubai’s Hatta region, Irish Times, 23 October 2021: Rent trap: I’m leaving Dublin as my homeowning dreams will never be realised, Los Angeles Times, 23 October 2021: Real Estate newsletter: A Halloween house-and-horror combo, Gulf News, 24 October 2021: Al Ghurair Properties rides the wave with new projects, Al Arabiya, 24 October 2021: UAE investigates Union Properties executives over financial irregularities: WAM, Jerusalem Post, 24 October 2021: Tel Aviv Central Bus Station to close by December 5 after 5-year delay, Irish Times, 24 October 2021: Property industry lobby groups have aggravated the housing problem, Tampa Bay Times, 24 October 2021: How Zillow, other companies buy houses around Tampa Bay, Gulf Times, 25 October 2021: Retail spaces offered at Lusail Tram stations, Haaretz, 25 October 2021: In Tel Aviv’s Richest Area, a Working Class Neighborhood Is About to Be Destroyed, The Washington Post, 25 October 2021: The hotel where Trump allies plotted to overturn the election has a wild and sometimes violent history, NPR, 26 October 2021: The world’s largest Ferris wheel just opened in Dubai, Miami Herald, 26 October 2021: Have you seen that cool new building on U.S. 1 in Coral Gables? Here’s what’s inside, The Times, 28 October 2021: Mortgage costs increase as lenders fear post-budget rate rise, Miami Herald, 26 October 2021: Slashing affordable-housing money from the reconciliation bill is a huge mistake, Arab News, 29 October 2021: Red Sea Development collaborates with local communities on jobs, sustainability — CEO, The Hill, 29 October 2021: Biggest aquarium in the world will debut with staggering 68,000 marine animals, Arab News, 29 October 2021: Three projects that prove the power of Saudi Arabia’s NEOM giga-project, Curbed, 29 October 2021: Yes, Build the Windowless, Bathroomless Dorm in My Backyard, Los Angeles Times, 29 October 2021: Billionaire Marc Andreessen buys Malibu mansion for $177 million, a California record, Miami Herald, 31 October 2021: Housing inventory in South Florida remains tight but some trends may loosen things up, The National, 31 October 2021: On the front lines of Dubai’s suburban housing rush, properties go in minutes, Globes, 31 October 2021: 800 homes approved for Jerusalem urban renewal project, Arab News, 1 November 2021: Red Sea Development Company signs agreements to develop museums, Saudi heritage, Al Arabiya, 1 November 2021: Riyadh City Boulevard, part of Riyadh Season, opens its doors, Haaretz, 1 November 2021: Why This Powerful Israeli Agency Won’t Disclose the Scale of the Palestinian Properties It Manages, San Francisco Chronicle, 1 November 2021: S.F.’s real housing crisis: Supervisors who took a wrecking ball to plans for 800 units, The National, 3 November 2021: Dubai property of the week: Dh50 million jewel among Pearl Jumeirah villas, Arab News, 3 November 2021: Saudi Real Estate Refinance Company and Bank Aljazira to purchase $80m real estate financing portfolio, Al Arabiya, 3 November 2021: Saudi residential boom sees apartment prices climb at fastest pace in five years, Irish Times, 3 November 2021: Centrality of horses to Travellers’ culture must be acknowledged in housing policy – EU, Miami Herald, 3 November 2021: Oceanfront Key West Margaritaville resort is opening soon — and now you can book a room, Curbed, 4 November 2021: Why Did So Many Homeowners Sell to Zillow? Because It Overpaid., DW, 4 November 2021: Why China’s property crash isn’t a new Lehman moment, Forward, 4 November 2021: In Frank Lloyd Wright’s only synagogue, a masterful blending of color and light, The Guardian, 5 November 2021: Speculation nation: Can Xi Jinping’s property tax deflate China’s housing bubble?, Gulf Times, 5 November 2021: Technology is key in hospitality industry, Irish Times, 5 November 2021: All you need to know about retrofitting your home, NPR, 6 November 2021: Democrats are seeking largest ever investment in affordable housing, The National, 6 November 2021: Real Madrid unveil impressive new retractable pitch system for Santiago Bernabeu stadium, Haaretz, 7 November 2021: Israel’s Most Talked-about Building Gets a Skyscraper Sibling That Will Change Tel Aviv, Arab News, 9 November 2021: Saudi Arabia’s TRSDC becomes top-ranking sustainable tourism developer, Khaleej Times, 9 November 2021: Dubai: Oversupply in property market is a thing of the past, says Danube founder, Saudi Gazette, 9 November 2021: Real Estate Fund wins best government call center award, Arab News, 9 November 2021: Lower rates for commercial property drive real estate market in Hijri quarter, The National, 11 November 2021: Cityscape 2021: Egypt’s Ora Developers to spend $1bn in five years on African expansion, New York Times, 12 November 2021: What Does It Take to Build a Disaster-Proof House?, CNN, 12 November 2021: The ‘floating hotel’ rusting away in North Korea, Los Angeles Times, 12 November 2021: Amenities go wild at luxe apartments: Music studios, rooftop dog parks, bed making by app, The New York Times, 12 November 2021: Will Real Estate Ever Be Normal Again?, Miami Herald, 12 November 2021: When did Miami become all about skyrocketing luxury housing costs and Michelin stars?, New York Times, 13 November 2021: Urbanites Flock to Atlantic Canada as Pandemic Blunts Cities’ Appeal, Arab News, 14 November 2021: Saudi crown prince announces world’s first non-profit city, Irish Times, 15 November 2021: Residential property prices up 12.4% in the year to September, The Times, 15 November 2021: Saudi’s Mohammed bin Salman to build world’s first ‘non-profit city’, BBC, 16 November 2021: How cities are going carbon neutral, Irish Times, 16 November 2021: Renters to get right to ‘unlimited’ tenancies under new legislation, Arab News, 16 November 2021: NEOM to see world’s largest floating industrial complex OXAGON, Tampa Bay Times, 17 November 2021: Scientology members fuel another land-buying surge in Clearwater, Los Angeles Times, 18 November 2021: How online shopping is polluting California’s Inland Empire, Miami Herald, 19 November 2021: A $40 million renovation has turned this former hostel into a Miami Beach gem, NPR, 20 November 2021: Hey, I want to buy your house: Homeowners besieged by unsolicited offers, Gulf News, 23 November 2021: Deira Enrichment Project: Revamping the historic heart of Dubai, The National, 23 November 2021: Frozen, the disputed European property empire of Rifaat Al Assad, San Francisco Chronicle, 23 November 2021: Supervisor Mar pushes compromise for contested Sunset District affordable housing project, Irish Times, 24 November 2021: Net zero houses: The homes that produce as much energy as they consume, Irish Times, 24 November 2021: Johnny Ronan refused permission for ‘overbearing’ Appian Way plan, Miami Herald, 26 November 2021: The last stand of Champlain Towers South. Computer model, witnesses reconstruct the tragedy,, 26 November 2021: Renters strike back as cities cap price hikes by landlords, DW, 26 November 2021: Germany’s next government aims to tackle housing crisis, Gulf Times, 27 November 2021: Msheireb Properties wins ‘Best Commercial Project’ honour at AD Design Awards, Miami Herald, 27 November 2021: Slog of finding a home turns into a sprint leading up to closing day, Los Angeles Times, 27 November 2021: Ban homeless encampments everywhere? It might have more support than liberals think, The New York Times, 27 November 2021: How Austin Became One of the Least Affordable Cities in America, Irish Times, 28 November 2021: A year around the world with four children: One family’s solution to the housing crisis, Khaleej Times, 28 November 2021: Dubai: Dh3.8 billion housing projects approved; lower EMIs, government fee exemptions announced, Irish Times, 28 November 2021: Irish house prices undervalued? Shows how misleading stats can be, Gulf News, 28 November 2021: A game-changing property development in Business Bay, Miami Herald, 28 November 2021: Take a walk downtown: Miami leaders make homelessness a crime, but won’t enact real solutions, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 November 2021: Which Bay Area cities have the oldest and youngest populations — and why that matters, The Times, 29 November 2021: Sharp drop in mortgage lending, Irish Times, 30 November 2021: Built fabric of towns much more than product of economics, The National, 1 December 2021: Saudi Arabia’s Neom teams up with Germany’s Volocopter for urban air mobility system, The Guardian, 1 December 2021: Tel Aviv overtakes Hong Kong, Paris and Zurich as most expensive city to live in, Irish Times, 2 December 2021: Irish families’ wealth is surging, helped by house prices, CNN, 3 December 2021: World’s second tallest building tops out in Malaysia, Haaretz, 3 December 2021: Tel Aviv Is the Most Expensive City in the World. Here Are a Few Reasons Why, San Francisco Chronicle, 3 December 2021: A Black couple ‘erased themselves’ from their home to see if the appraised value would go up. It did – by nearly $500,000, Khaleej Times, 4 December 2021: Dubai: Tenants rebuilding, renovating properties in Al Quoz exempt from paying rents for up to 2 years, Haaretz, 4 December 2021: ‘It’s a Bloodbath’: When It Comes to Housing, Berlin Is Not the Haven Israelis Envision, Gulf News, 4 December 2021: Rent exemption for renovation in Al Quoz Creative Zone, DW, 4 December 2021: 10 most expensive cities in the world, Khaleej Times, 4 December 2021: Dubai property ready to take off as Expo 2020 impact begins, The National, 6 December 2021: Dubai property deals jump 80% in November amid economic recovery, Gulf News, 6 December 2021: Dubai scores high on Euromonitor city destinations index, The National, 6 December 2021: The Middle East has the world’s priciest and cheapest cities, and that’s a problem, BBC, 6 December 2021: Evergrande shares slump on renewed default fears, The National, 6 December 2021: Parisians in the ‘City of Lights’ want fewer lights, Los Angeles Times, 6 December 2021: ‘Remember that can easily be you’: Angelenos closest to the homelessness crisis urge compassion, Miami Herald, 6 December 2021: ‘The city will help us.’ Miami Beach took cash, fast-tracked tower on Champlain’s edge, Curbed, 6 December 2021: Architects Agree: The Buildings Around the High Line Are Terrible, CNN, 6 December 2021: Evergrande shares crash after debt warning, The Times, 7 December 2021: Evergrande bond default ‘looks inevitable’ after payment missed, Irish Times, 7 December 2021: Blackstone agrees €400m purchase of stake in Facebook’s Dublin 4 HQ, The Times, 7 December 2021: House prices rise at fastest pace in 15 years, CNN, 7 December 2021: China pumps $188 billion into the economy to counter real estate slump, NPR, 7 December 2021: Why is the Biden administration increasing the cost of building houses?, France24, 7 December 2021: Near default, China’s property giant Evergrande prepares for restructuring, Irish Times, 8 December 2021: Top 10 commercial property deals of 2021, Khaleej Times, 8 December 2021: Look: Dubai to get world’s first floating hotel in 2023, Gulf Times, 9 December 2021: Evergrande and Kaisa cut by Fitch to default, The National, 9 December 2021: Fitch downgrades Evergrande and declares developer in default, Irish Times, 9 December 2021: Housing squeeze not going away for buyers, and could get worse for renters, CNN, 9 December 2021: Evergrande has defaulted on its debt, Miami Herald, 9 December 2021: Amid state’s affordable housing crisis, DeSantis proposes highest spending in a decade, Irish Times, 11 December 2021: Twelve missing in Sicily after building collapses in gas explosion, The Guardian, 12 December 2021: Tel Aviv: Poverty and eviction in the world’s most expensive city, Gulf Times, 12 December 2021: Four dead, five missing in Sicily apartment blast, DW, 12 December 2021: Italy: 3 dead, more missing after building collapse , Irish Times, 13 December 2021: New Dublin city development plan will end apartment construction, Arab News, 13 December 2021: Saudi housing body aims to build 300,000 units in 5 years, Irish Times, 13 December 2021: The Irish Times view on the planning laws: a new system faces early tests, Gulf News, 14 December 2021: Look: World’s new second-tallest building tops out at 678.9 metres, The National, 15 December 2021: New York’s Little Syria in peril of destruction by developers, Irish Times, 15 December 2021: House price inflation surges to pandemic high of 13.5%, The National, 15 December 2021: Foreigners buy Turkish homes at record pace as lira slides, Times of Israel, 15 December 2021: Housing prices surged over 10% in past year, the biggest spike in a decade,, 15 December 2021: Brussels’ big building grab, NPR, 15 December 2021: A Surfside condo collapse grand jury report calls for immediate reforms, The New York Times, 16 December 2021: Two New York Newbies Dive Into Midtown Manhattan. Which Apartment Would You Choose?, The Economist, 16 December 2021: Why Americans are rethinking where they want to live, Gulf News, 16 December 2021: Dubai’s November real estate sales are its best since 2014 – and it could get even better, Al Arabiya, 17 December 2021: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince launches Jeddah Central Project, The Algemeiner, 17 December 2021: Maine Commission Votes Against Landlord Couple Biased Against Jewish Tenant, Arab News, 17 December 2021: Crown Prince launches Jeddah Downtown $20bn master development plan, The Washington Post, 17 December 2021: In Amsterdam, a community of floating homes shows the world how to live alongside nature, Miami Herald, 17 December 2021: There’s a new wave of capital flight from Latin America — and Miami is reaping a windfall, Irish Times, 18 December 2021: Renting in Ireland: ‘We’re at the end of our tether. It shouldn’t be this difficult’, Irish Times, 20 December 2021: Remote working during pandemic fuels rent hikes in rural towns, The National, 20 December 2021: Is 2022 the year to buy property?, Irish Times, 21 December 2021: ‘Landlords are petrified’: Property owners’ perspective on the rental crisis, The Times, 21 December 2021: Selfridges’ billionaire suitors close to sealing takeover deal (interesting. The same guys who are asking for the support by German taxpayers to run their “Galeria” business are on shopping tour elsewhere), Irish Times, 21 December 2021: Landlord ‘at wits’ end’ two years after serving notice on tenant, The National, 22 December 2021: Saudi Arabia’s Jadwa launches $66.6m fund to invest in property market, Irish Times, 22 December 2021: Renters just waiting ‘for disaster to strike… it’s the vulnerability’ – Belfast tenant, Miami Herald, 22 December 2021: A lost ‘Champlain’ tower languishes in Surfside. Residents don’t know if they’re safe, The Guardian, 22 December 2021: Luxury homes, short lets and shacks: Inside Lisbon’s housing crisis, San Francisco Chronicle, 22 December 2021: Here’s what S.F.’s China Beach bathhouse will look like after a $20 million renovation that starts in 2022, The New York Times, 22 December 2021: How the Building Industry Blocked Better Tornado Safeguards, Miami Herald, 22 December 2021: After Surfside, why wait 40 years to inspect buildings? We’re not the only ones asking, San Francisco Chronicle, 22 December 2021: S.F. has a slew of mega housing projects on track for 2022. Here’s what it could mean for the city, Miami Herald, 23 December 2021: 1 million square feet: Developer surpasses property milestone after buying 3 more downtown Miami buildings, San Francisco Chronicle, 23 December 2021: New Lake Tahoe resort project closer to breaking ground, The New York Times, 23 December 2021: Selling Luxury Apartments Where Oliver Twist Once Asked for Gruel, The Washington Post, 24 December 2021: After Surfside condo collapse, an ‘excruciating’ Christmas for those who lost loved ones, San Francisco Chronicle, 24 December 2021: These are the Bay Area ZIP codes with the fastest and slowest home value growth in 2021, The Guardian, 25 December 2021: Florida: British estate agent shot dead ‘by evicted tenant’, The Washington Post, 27 December 2021: Many home insurance premiums are rising faster than inflation, Arab News, 27 December 2021: The challenge of making Riyadh a global city in less than 10 years, Irish Times, 27 December 2021: Build-to-rent tower planned on top of Arnotts car park, Miami Herald, 28 December 2021: How to make the Surfside tragedy even worse? Add an ugly fight over money, NPR, 28 December 2021: Home prices are up. For Black families, is selling Grandma’s house the right choice?, Irish Times, 29 December 2021: Michael McDowell: We must build beautiful urban structures, Miami Herald, 30 December 2021: Collapse reconstructed: How years of problems converged the night Champlain Towers fell, Haaretz, 30 December 2021: Raze the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station, The Guardian, 31 December 2021: Restored Big Ben to bong again at midnight to bring in new year (there are buildings that are located in specific cities, but actually belong to the whole world, such as the Great Pyramids in Egypt, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin or Big Ben in London, so that the whole world is interested in their fate), Irish Times, 31 December 2021: House prices set to grow by up to 8% in 2022, Sherry FitzGerald says, Miami Herald, 31 December 2021: After Surfside collapse, a push not just for more high-rise inspections but smarter ones, Al Arabiya, 1 January 2022: Saudi Arabia celebrates New Year’s Eve for first time in Boulevard Riyadh City, Miami Herald, 1 January 2022: Real estate agents make the same regardless of experience. Is that right?, The Economist, 1 January 2022: Metaverse landlords: Virtual-property prices are going through the roof, The Sunday Times, 2 January 2022: Debating chamber destroyed in suspected arson at the parliament of South Africa, BBC, 2 January 2022: Man arrested over fire at South Africa parliament, The Guardian, 2 January 2022: outh Africa: Man due in court after fire ravages parliament, France24, 2 January 2022: Suspect due in court after huge fire destroys South Africa parliament, BBC, 3 January 2022: Fire flares up again at South Africa’s parliament, Al Arabiya, 3 January 2022: NYC offices empty again just as demand, rents begin to recover, France24, 3 January 2022: Firefighters tackle fresh blaze at S. African parliament, suspect charged with arson, The Times, 3 January 2022: High winds reignite fire at South African parliament, Miami Herald, 3 January 2022: Future of claims involving confiscated properties in Cuba may lie with U.S. Supreme Court, Los Angeles Times, 3 January 2022: L.A. has a new plan for creating more housing. An AIDS nonprofit wants it thrown out, Bloomberg, 3 January 2022: Property Stocks Sink After Demolition Order: Evergrande Update, Los Angeles Times, 3 January 2022: Even in a hot market, L.A. won’t allow rent hikes for most tenants until 2023, DW, 4 January 2022: South Africa Parliament arson suspect appears in court, Irish Times, 4 January 2022: Fintan O’Toole: When and why did ‘flats’ become ‘apartments’ in Ireland?, The Times, 4 January 2022: Evergrande ordered to tear down 39 buildings, CNN, 4 January 2022: Evergrande has been ordered to demolish 39 buildings in Chinese resort, Haaretz, 6 January 2022: Which City Will Be the Next Tel Aviv?, Gulf News, 6 January 2022: For many Dubai property investors, now is a good time to sell, Miami Herald, 6 January 2022: Judge hoped to fast-track Surfside collapse lawsuit. Now, it won’t happen until next year, Los Angeles Times, 7 January 2022: A tiny home transforms this Santa Monica backyard into a WFH retreat, The New Yorker, 7 January 2022: The Wild, Wonderful World of Estate Sales, The Washington Times, 7 January 2022: Habitat for Humanity is 3-D-printing houses. The first one is in Virginia., Khaleej Times, 7 January 2022: Rents will pick up further in 2022, New York Magazine, 6 January 2022: Bronx Apartment-Building Fire Kills at Least 19, The New York Times, 9 January 2022: At Least 19 Are Killed, Including 9 Children, in Bronx Apartment Fire, The Washington Post, 9 January 2022: N.Y. blaze that killed 19 probably began with space heater, fire chief says, The Hill, 9 January 2022: Nine children among 19 dead in Bronx apartment building fire, The Times, 10 January 2022: Flat-owners won’t pay to fix fire safety issues, pledges Gove, Haaretz, 10 January 2022: Gentrification Is About to Destroy Tel Aviv’s Main Market Too, Miami Herald, 10 January 2022: Booming real estate market causing developers to build bigger, Los Angeles Times, 10 January 2022: In El Sereno, homicides increase amid fears of gentrification, BBC, 11 January 2022: Evergrande: Real estate giant moves from Shenzhen head office to cut costs, The Atlantic, 11 January 2022: Stop Fetishizing Old Homes, Los Angeles Times, 11 January 2022: With Omicron surging, now is not the time to push homeless people into group shelters, Irish Times, 12 January 2022: How property investors are set to save more than €500m in tax, The New York Times, 12 January 2022: Housing Costs Swell, Hampering Home Buyers and Pushing Up Rents, BBC, 13 January 2022: Nowa Huta: The city that went from communism to capitalism, Khaleej Times, 15 January 2022: Burj Al Arab is the most beautiful five-star hotel in the world, says survey, Irish Times, 15 January 2022: Social contract at heart of planning process is broken, The Times, 15 January 2022: Jeremy Clarkson: I watched in horror as my restaurant dreams were destroyed by nimbys, Los Angeles Times, 15 January 2022: If elected mayor, Rep. Karen Bass wants to house 15,000 homeless people in first year, New York Post, 17 January 2022: Stopping the next tragedy: Lawmakers demand new heat regulations following deadly Bronx fire, CNN, 17 January 2022: Florida tornadoes destroy dozens of homes, leave 7,000 customers without power, The National, 17 January 2022: London super-prime house sales at highest level in eight years, NPR, 17 January 2022: An epic inheritance fight will soon cost a Texas-born princess her 16th century villa, New York Post, 17 January 2022: Historic Wonder Bread factory in Hoboken turns into luxury building, Times of Israel, 18 January 2022: How to navigate the Israeli property maze: Pointers and pitfalls for homebuyers, DW, 18 January 2022: Housing: Rethinking the space we need to live, The Washington Post, 18 January 2022: As Florida home prices spike, middle-class residents wonder if they can afford to stay, Irish Times, 20 January 2022: Government will not oppose motion to buy site of new National Maternity Hospital, Miami Herald, 20 January 2022: Hialeah tenants protest at landlord’s office as investment firm hikes rent by $650, Irish Times, 20 January 2022: How realistic are property asking prices in today’s market?, Al Arabiya, 21 January 2022: Saudi Arabia: ‘Boutique Group’ to develop historic palaces into boutique hotels, The New Yorker, 21 January 2022: What a Fire in the Bronx Says About Immigrant Life in New York, Los Angeles Times, 22 January 2022: Amid housing crunch, officials want Orange County to stay the way it is, Miami Herald, 25 January 2022: ‘Stagnant mall’ Sunset Place loses another tenant as this South Miami food hall closes, Irish Times, 25 January 2022: Housing starts now back at Celtic Tiger levels, Arab News, 25 January 2022: Saudi TRSDC gets a boost with environmental ISO accreditation, Miami Herald, 25 January 2022: Responding to Surfside tragedy, Senate moves bill to require statewide inspections, BBC, 26 January 2022: Why small cities and towns are booming, The Guardian, 27 January 2022: Housing: Large investors drive up prices in Europe’s cities, study finds, Gulf News, 27 January 2022: In Pics and Graphs: As Dubai’s end-users drive sales, property values are gaining fast, The National, 28 January 2022: Dubai registers record property deals worth $82bn last year, Irish Times, 28 January 2022: Green minister opposes plan to rezone green space in his estate for housing, Miami Herald, 28 January 2022: This luxury boutique hotel in Miami Beach just opened a Mediterranean restaurant, The National, 28 January 2022: Everything you need to know about buying property to hedge against inflation, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 January 2022: Why are so many San Franciscans moving to Montana?, Miami Herald, 28 January 2022: Feds try to block victims of Surfside condo collapse from accessing crucial evidence, The New York Times, 28 January 2022: The Ticking Clock for Miami’s Condo Empire,, 29 January 2022: Infrastructure bonanza might not head off future bridge collapses, Miami Herald, 29 January 2022: ‘Be different, be bold’: Miami real estate agent mixes music and home selling, The Times, 29 January 2022: The fortunes of Russia’s megarich are safe as houses in Londongrad, The Times, 30 January 2022: Cash real estate deals good for sellers, but they raise red flags, Irish Times, 31 January 2022: Bord Pleanála clears way for 276 unit Dún Laoghaire student accommodation scheme, The Times, 1 February 2022: The perfect storm that rocked sector to its foundations, Gulf News, 2 February 2022: Great neighbourhoods of Dubai: Explore The Palm Jumeirah, this engineering marvel is the epitome of luxury, Tampa Bay Times, 2 February 2022: Don’t swallow Florida developers’ snake-oil promise to re-grow seagrass beds, Miami Herald, 2 February 2022: Structural supports added in Champlain Towers North garage, as safety check continues, Tampa Bay Times, 2 February 2022: Florida renters scramble for shelter as affordable housing erodes, Gulf News, 2 February 2022: Reader’s photo essay: Inside Qasr Al Watan, UAE’s presidential palace in Abu Dhabi, Tampa Bay Times, 3 February 2022: Tampa Bay has huge flood risk. What should we do about it?, Miami Herald, 3 February 2022: Housing costs are so high, only out-of-state transplants think Miami’s a bargain, Los Angeles Times, 3 February 2022: Hundreds of tents that lined Venice Beach are gone, but residents say job is far from done, Miami Herald, 3 February 2022: New Downtown Miami high-rise project seeks to bring more affordable urban living, Times of Israel, 5 February 2022: Lured by cheap prices and luxury digs, Arab Israelis are snapping up West Bank homes, NPR, 5 February 2022: Here’s how to best protect your home from freezing temperatures, San Francisco Chronicle, 5 February 2022: You might not notice it, but S.F.’s Portola neighborhood has its largest housing project in 50 years., Irish Times, 6 February 2022: House prices ‘very close’ to Celtic Tiger levels after 12% rise, report says, NPR, 6 February 2022: Tiny homes, big dreams: How some activists are reimagining shelter for the homeless, The Hill, 6 February 2022: California rooftop solar proposal sparks firestorm, Irish Times, 7 February 2022: Retrofit grants: €25,000 offered to households to help insulate homes, Miami Herald, 8 February 2022: If the roof on your home is 15 years old, your property insurance policy is at risk, Irish Times, 8 February 2022: Cabinet approves retrofit grants to cover up to half the cost of home insulation, Miami Herald, 8 February 2022: Florida to set goals for 100% renewable energy by 2050. But will it actually happen?, Irish Times, 8 February 2022: Q&A: How will the new home-retrofitting grants work?, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 February 2022: These are the hottest real estate neighborhoods in each Bay Area county, Times of Israel, 10 February 2022: Tel Aviv office market gone mad: High demand drives shortage, steep prices for space, San Francisco Chronicle, 11 February 2022: S.F. takes control of controversial Monster in the Mission property, with plans for affordable housing, The Times, 12 February 2022: Eight in ten new property millionaires created outside London, Miami Herald, 12 February 2022: A familiar name in Wynwood is building high in the hipster haven. Here’s what’s planned, The Times, 12 February 2022: Stuff the nimbys and build, build, build — the future of Britain (and the Tories) depends on it, The Washington Post, 12 February 2022: A home Super Bowl is good for the Rams. But is SoFi Stadium good for Inglewood?, The New York Times, 13 February 2022: Super Bowl Validates Inglewood’s Dramatic Change, DW, 14 February 2022: DW exclusive: Nazarbayev family owns German luxury real estate, NPR, 14 February 2022: It’s not just home prices. Rents are rising sharply across the U.S., Irish Times, 15 February 2022: Planning regulator knocks back Dublin build-to-rent curbs, France24, 15 February 2022: Sea level projected to rise a foot on US coasts by 2050, Irish Times, 16 February 2022: Soaring building costs threaten to stall new home building, surveyors say, The Times, 16 February 2022: Average house price rose by £27,000 last year, Irish Times, 16 February 2022: €500,000 price tag for ‘average’ Dublin property, BBC, 17 February 2022: The people building edible cities, The Guardian, 17 February 2022: London’s smallest microflat up for sale at £50,000 for 7 square metres, Irish Times, 17 February 2022: Will the price of Irish houses just keep on rising?, New York Times, 18 February 2022: Bad credit? No savings? There are unconventional ways to buy a home, but buyers might not fully grasp the risk., Miami Herald, 18 February 2022: Sea rise prompts Miami-Dade to consider raising heights of roads, seawalls and canals, NPR, 18 February 2022: First-time homebuyers are getting squeezed out by investors, The Washington Post, 18 February 2022: For many home buyers, karma matters more than the kitchen, Arab News, 19 February 2022: NEOM project has been fast tracked to meet deadline, says official, The Guardian, 20 February 2022: ‘Golden visa’ lawyers call for UK to rethink blanket ban, San Francisco Chronicle, 20 February 2022: With no more rent control for their refurbished apartments these S.F. tenants are seeing rents soar, The Guardian, 20 February 2022: Starmer: Russians hide cash in ‘soft touch’ UK, Tampa Bay Times, 20 February 2022: Rents reach ‘insane’ levels across US with no end in sight, Irish Times, 21 February 2022: Sinn Féin would pursue ‘radical’ alternative housing policy, says Doherty, France24, 22 February 2022: ‘Most beautiful building on Earth’ opens in Dubai, Gulf News, 23 February 2022: Saudi investors dream of Neom homes: Survey, Jerusalem Post, 23 February 2022: Israeli homeowners enjoy high returns but not from rent, Gulf News, 23 February 2022: Residential prices and rents in Dubai are growing at the fastest rate since early 2015: CBRE, Al Arabiya, 23 February 2022: NEOM first choice among giga-projects for Saudi Arabian homebuyers: Survey, The Guardian, 24 February 2022: ‘It’s a sanctuary’ The magic of quiet, low-cost, allergy-free ‘passive’ homes, Arab News, 24 February 2022: A $20bn Saudi project will transform Jeddah, with history, heritage and culture at its core, Gulf Times, 25 February 2022: Sheraton Grand Doha: 40-year legacy lives on, Los Angeles Times, 25 February 2022: So you want to build an ADU in California? Here’s what you need to know, Miami Herald, 26 February 2022: Can my landlord raise my rent that much? Florida renters do — and don’t — have rights, Arab News, 27 February 2022: Red Sea resort to keep tourist numbers at environment-friendly levels: Official, The Guardian, 1 March 2022: Roman Abramovich: Russian oligarch hastily selling UK properties, MP claims, Gulf News, 2 March 2022: UAE: What are the risks of purchasing an off-plan property?, Irish Times, 3 March 2022: Modular homes may be used to house Ukrainian refugees as they arrive in Ireland, Tampa Bay Times, 3 March 2022: St. Petersburg to use all $45 million stimulus for affordable housing, health, The Guardian, 3 March 2022: Ireland: Homeowners hit by mica building scandal welcome report, Los Angeles Times, 3 March 2022: California judges could order help for homeless Californians under Newsom’s new plan, Tampa Bay Times, 3 March 2022: Tampa Bay rents to ‘get worse before they get better,’ experts say, Miami Herald, 4 March 2022: Judge slams Miami Beach for trying to ‘delay’ demolition of historic Deauville hotel, Arab News, 6 March 2022: The Red Sea project secured capital for 1st phase; moving into operations: CFO, Gulf News, 6 March 2022: Architect of Namal Pakistan Tony Ashai: Making dreams a reality, Irish Times, 6 March 2022: Europe faces building material shortages as energy prices soar, Arab News, 6 March 2022: AMAALA project’s first phase to be completed by the end of 2024, says TRSDC CFO, Al Arabiya, 6 March 2022: Masterplan revealed for new planned city in Saudi Arabia, Miami Herald, 6 March 2022: Empty Champlain Towers garage offers rare window into impact of sea rise underground, Gulf News, 8 March 2022: Dubai’s luxury home sales are enjoying another golden run in ‘22, Irish Times, 8 March 2022: The Irish Times view on housing supply, Miami Herald, 8 March 2022: Over 100 demand new rights for tenants in downtown Miami protest, Arab News, 9 March 2022: NEOM gets its first-ever deputy CEO as its financial needs advance, Los Angeles Times, 9 March 2022: Older homeowners face hefty tax bills as L.A. County struggles to implement 2020 tax law, Miami Herald, 9 March 2022: New Surfside condo collapse podcast documents the rise and fall of Champlain Towers South, Miami Herald, 9 March 2022: Episode 1: ‘Is anybody there?’ Inside the chaos of the Surfside condo collapse, Miami Herald, 10 March 2022: Miami Beach issues demolition permit to take down historic Deauville Beach Resort, New York Magazine, 10 March 2022: An Architect-Historian’s Carefully Preserved 1894 Townhouse in Park Slope, Miami Herald, 10 March 2022: How Florida law makes it hard for Miami tenants to get a break from rent hikes, Miami Herald, 10 March 2022: ‘Forever change the Miami skyline’: MSC building largest cruise hub in North America, Al Arabiya, 11 March 2022: Dubai building fire ‘under control,’ large parts completely burnt, Miami Herald, 11 March 2022: Many condo owners can’t agree on funding reserves for repairs. Legislature can’t, either, San Francisco Chronicle, 11 March 2022: UC Berkeley enrollment fight: Neighbors complain there’s not enough housing, then try to block it, officials say, The New York Times, 11 March 2022: ‘This Is Everyone’s Culture’: Ukraine’s Architectural Treasures Face Destruction, Miami Herald, 11 March 2022: Florida legislators won’t require condo inspections. Here are the consequences, The New York Times, 11 March 2022: Welcome to Londongrad, Where Kleptocrats Wash Their Money Clean, Irish Times, 13 March 2022: Dublin 8 is ‘primed for prosperity’, alongside four other global neighbourhoods, Los Angeles Times, 14 March 2022: Why it’s been so hard to kill Article 34, California’s ‘racist’ barrier to affordable housing, Curbed, 14 March 2022: The WeWork-ification of Lever House, Miami Herald, 15 March 2022: Legislature adjourns without addressing Florida’s property insurance crisis, Los Angeles Times, 15 March 2022: Home buyers are losing hope as costlier loans sap affordability, Los Angeles Times, 15 March 2022: A new downtown L.A. hotel’s is going all in on amenities. Guess where they put the pool, Jerusalem Post, 16 March 2022: Israel’s housing market: Under-supplied, over-demanded, San Francisco Chronicle, 17 March 2022: 10 real estate markets on the cusp of a San Francisco-style affordability crisis, The New Yorker, 17 March 2022: How Putin’s Oligarchs Bought London, Miami Herald, 18 March 2022: Residents of evacuated Miami condo launch GoFundMe campaign to pay for costly repairs, BBC, 18 March 2022: The incredible afterlife of an abandoned luxury hotel, Los Angeles Times, 18 March 2022: Grammy winner plans eye-catching music studio complex in Hollywood, Miami Herald, 18 March 2022: Plan for soccer stadium at Miami Freedom Park is in motion. But what do neighbors think?, Los Angeles Times, 18 March 2022: L.A. homeless encampment is cleared amid taunts and shoves, Irish Times, 18 March 2022: What will €350,000 buy in the US, Estonia, France, Turkey and Longford?, Miami Herald, 18 March 2022: Miami Airbnb hosts’ cash haul among biggest worldwide. Here’s how much and more, Curbed, 18 March 2022: Good-bye to Flip or Flop, The Guardian, 19 March 2022: Queensland floods raise questions about the ‘ethical obligation of planners’, industry figures say, The Scotsman, 19 March 2022: Scottish homeowners saved around £1,800 compared to those renting, bank finds, Irish Times, 21 March 2022: Does selling a share of former home to my family create problems?, The Guardian, 21 March 2022: Norway’s £500m National Museum to open after eight-year wait, Haaretz, 22 March 2022: Solve the Housing Crisis, The National, 22 March 2022: Abu Dhabi megaprojects: four new developments announced so far in 2022, BBC, 22 March 2022: Alisher Usmanov: Oligarch says he ditched mansions before sanctions, Jerusalem Post, 23 March 2022: Israel ranks second least affordable country to buy property in the world, The Guardian, 23 March 2022: Evergrande delays publishing annual results over ‘drastic change’ in prospects, Haaretz, 24 March 2022: Putin’s Oligarchs’ Rush for Israeli Luxury Rentals, Preferably in Cash, Jerusalem Post, 24 March 2022: Jerusalem of concrete: Is Israel’s capital becoming unlivable?, Miami Herald, 25 March 2022: Miami declares emergency over housing crisis, allowing city to award no-bid contracts, Los Angeles Times, 25 March 2022: Big population drops in Los Angeles, San Francisco transforming urban California, Miami Herald, 25 March 2022: Miami metro residents most rent-burdened in U.S.; Census figures show county population drop, Irish Times, 25 March 2022: What will €675,000 buy in Spain, Chile, South Africa, France and Wexford?, Miami Herald, 26 March 2022: Pandemic creating demand for bigger new houses, builders say, Irish Times, 26 March 2022: Six hospitalised after building fire in Dublin city centre, Miami Herald, 27 March 2022: Before the glitzy high-rises, Sunny Isles was famed for its kitschy motel row, Miami Herald, 28 March 2022: Miami-Dade needs affordable housing — but not at the expense of the Everglades, NPR, 29 March 2022: There’s never been such a severe shortage of homes in the U.S. Here’s why, Miami Herald, 29 March 2022: ‘A gift to the city.’ This $4 billion development is creating an outdoor museum in Miami, Irish Times, 30 March 2022: Almost 1,000 homes planned for Dundrum hospital site under scaled-down scheme, CNN, 30 March 2022: The Caribbean mangrove forest that defied destruction, Al Arabiya, 30 March 2022: Plans announced for new Armani Hotel in Riyadh’s Diriyah, Los Angeles Times, 30 March 2022: L.A.’s homelessness crisis boils over: Pain, confusion, anger and a congressional F-bomb, Miami Herald, 31 March 2022: If city approves Inter Miami soccer complex, which neighborhood might get a new park?, Irish Times, 31 March 2022: Increased supply and interest rate hike to cool property market, San Francisco Chronicle, 31 March 2022: Men can afford nearly four times as many homes in San Francisco as women, according to a new study, The Times, 31 March 2022: House price growth hits 18-year high, says Nationwide survey, Miami Herald, 31 March 2022: Judge hears passionate arguments from Surfside victims but OKs $83 million settlement, The Washington Post, 31 March 2022: Corporate landlords are gobbling up U.S. suburbs. These homeowners are fighting back., The National, 1 April 2022: The world’s unique museums: from espionage to noodles, Gulf News, 1 April 2022: Dubai starts complex process to create District 2020 out of the Expo site, Los Angeles Times, 1 April 2022: Touring an open house this weekend? Avoid these three things, Irish Times, 2 April 2022: Dolphin Trust-linked firm’s liquidator targets former investment distributor, BBC, 2 April 2022: Hargeisa fire: Inferno devastates market in Somaliland’s capital, Miami Herald, 2 April 2022: Looking for waterfront property with a $15,000 starting bid? Keys lighthouses for sale, Irish Times, 2 April 2022: My 14-month hunt for a home to rent: The bedrooms were mouldy, the couches filthy, The National, 4 April 2022: Aldar acquires land on Saadiyat Island to develop $4bn mega project, Arab News, 4 April 2022: NEOM’s Trojena ski resort: Where mountain sports and outdoor adventure will be on offer year round, Miami Herald, 4 April 2022: 60-unit building in North Miami Beach ordered evacuated, ‘structurally unsound’, Los Angeles Times, 6 April 2022: How to visit the best private gardens in and around L.A., Haaretz, 6 April 2022: As Israel’s Housing Crisis Rages, a Misguided Focus on the Trivial, Arab News, 6 April 2022: PIF push to propel Saudi construction market to pre-pandemic levels, Los Angeles Times, 6 April 2022: How a tech billionaire’s bid to uplift the poor became a windfall for the rich, Irish Times, 6 April 2022: What is my tax liability on selling an apartment I own with my mother?, The Times, 7 April 2022: UK house prices rise for ninth month in a row, The National, 7 April 2022: World’s skinniest skyscraper in Manhattan is ready for residents to move in, The Times, 8 April 2022: Catalonia’s Maresme Line is falling into the sea, The Guardian, 8 April 2022: Heartbreak as Canada’s oldest ‘prairie castle’ is destroyed by fire, Miami Herald, 9 April 2022: Interest rates are rising, but that won’t cool Miami’s hot real estate market. Here’s why., Los Angeles Times, 10 April 2022: California’s renter tax credit has remained unchanged for 43 years. It could soon increase, DW, 11 April 2022: Power and myth of the Kremlin, The New York Times, 11 April 2022: I Would Have Never Bought This Home if I Knew It Flooded, The Guardian, 11 April 2022: The Coffee Stirrer: New York’s super-thin skyscraper is ready for residents – just don’t mention the swaying, DW, 11 April 2022: Cities are major polluters: Can we make them climate neutral?, The Times, 11 April 2022: Robin Hood’s Bay taken by the rich, Miami Herald, 12 April 2022: After Surfside collapse, Miami-Dade drafts reforms that fall short of recommendations, Times of Israel, 12 April 2022: Israel touts tax breaks to help first-time home buyers, Miami Herald, 12 April 2022: ‘Lives are at stake.’ Congressional Democrats call for DeSantis to address condo safety, The Guardian, 12 April 2022: Canada: Housing prices are an ‘intergenerational injustice’, says deputy PM, Miami Herald, 13 April 2022: The seawalls in Florida’s future: Higher, stronger and better for marine life, Irish Times, 13 April 2022: Up to 2,000 homes could be freed up for rental under Fair Deal changes, Los Angeles Times, 13 April 2022: What $500,000 buys in five L.A. County communities, Irish Times, 14 April 2022: House price inflation jumps to 7-year high of 15.3%, NPR, 14 April 2022: Millions of Americans are resorting to risky ways to buy an affordable home, Irish Times, 14 April 2022: Home improvements: How to get cheap finance as building costs rise, The Times, 15 April 2022: New York life is an uphill struggle when the lifts don’t work, The New York Times, 15 April 2022: They Expected Luxury. They Got Leaky Ceilings and Broken Elevators., The Times, 15 April 2022: Opening of Procuratie Vecchie palace takes Venice views to next level, The New York Times, 16 April 2022: How a Lone Tenant Is Holding Up a $70 Million Condo Deal, Haaretz, 16 April 2022: If This Pace Keeps Up, Israel’s Home Prices Will Rise by 20% This Year, The New York Times, 16 April 2022: The Sky-High Pandemic Housing Market Finds Gravity Does Exist, Los ANgeles Times, 16 April 2022: Column: The house was listed at $1.2 million. The sale price? Even crazier than you might think, Miami Herald, 18 April 2022: ‘[Bleep] that wall,’ contractor said when vibrations near Surfside condo got ‘too high’, The New Yorker, 18 April 2022: Transforming Trees Into Skyscrapers, Miami Herald, 18 April 2022: Luxury tower group to start post-collapse testing next to Champlain Towers South site, The New York Times, 19 April 2022: Inflation, Interest and the Housing Paradox,, 19 April 2022: The plan to rebuild a green Ukraine, Irish Times, 19 April 2022: The harsh reality of buying property in Ireland – as described by estate agents, Miami Herald, 20 April 2022: Surfside became known for deadly condo collapse. Now the town looks to champion reforms., Miami Herald, 20 April 2022: After Surfside collapse, Miami-Dade drafts reforms that fall short of recommendations, Los Angeles Times, 20 April 2022: Mortgage rates are rising. Will that slow our out-of-control housing market?, Miami Herald, 20 April 2022: Episode 7: ‘My pain is unbearable.’ Inside the courtroom fight over the Surfside tragedy, Miami Herald, 20 April 2022: Miami-Dade home prices hit new high, crushing American Dream for many people, Los Angeles Times, 21 April 2022: Mold and sewage plague South L.A. apartments even after inspections, tenants say, Miami Herald, 21 April 2022: Looking to buy a Miami-Dade home? Here are helpful tips to close a deal in hot market, Los Angeles Times, 23 April 2022: $1-million milestone: Orange County median home price hits seven figures, NPR, 23 April 2022: PHOTOS: See the bold buildings that sprang up after South Asia regained independence, Miami Herald, 23 April 2022: Hialeah residents have received millions of dollars to help with rent. They need more., Al Arabiya, 24 April 2022: Dubai ruler announces $1.72 billion investment in housing for citizens, Miami Herald, 25 April 2022: Miami Beach bought an affordable housing building years ago. Now future is uncertain, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 April 2022: Why Bay Area housing prices are unlikely to drop despite climbing mortgage interest rates, The Atlantic, 25 April 2022: Why Americans Are Leaving Downtowns in Droves, DW, 25 April 2022: More than just parties: Exploring Miami Beach’s cultural side, DCist, 25 April 2022: D.C. Family Says A Shoddy House Flip Punctured Their Dreams Of Homeownership, Miami Herald, 26 April 2022: DeSantis sets dates for Legislature to convene to deal with property insurance crisis, San Francisco Chronicle, 26 April 2022: Broken Homes, The Guardian, 26 April 2022: London: 120 firefighters fight ‘intense fire’ in Deptford block of flats, BBC, 26 April 2022: How to save energy at home, Haaretz, 26 April 2022: ‘Jerusalem’s Burj Khalifa’ Will Reshape the City’s Urban Landscape, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 April 2022: Homelessness officials seek $16 million to improve services in run-down SROs after Chronicle investigation, The New Yorker, 28 April 2022: A Clash Over Housing Pits U.C. Berkeley Against Its Neighbors, Miami Herald, 28 April 2022: Surfside families to meet at condo collapse site on anniversary of tragedy that killed 98, Haaretz, 28 April 2022: Tel Aviv Is Not Doing Well, Forward, 28 April 2022: 30 years after L.A. burned, two Latino Jewish immigrants bring hope to ground zero, Haaretz, 28 April 2022: Can’t Afford Israeli Real Estate? Israeli Arabs Opt for Nablus and Jenin, San Francisco Chronicle, 29 April 2022: Is the Bay Area at risk of a housing bubble? Here’s what experts say, Miami Herald, 29 April 2022: ‘Ecstatic’ Beckham got the OK for Miami soccer stadium. Next step: vote on zoning approval, San Francisco Chronicle, 29 April 2022: A 700-acre Napa resort with a high-tech ‘wellness village’ and massive restaurant opens Friday, DW, 30 April 2022: China: Dozens trapped, missing in building collapse, Los Angeles Times, 30 April 2022: A long-forgotten toxic dump site is raising new worries for this Los Angeles neighborhood, San Francisco Chronicle, 1 May 2022: How some Bay Area home buyers are saving thousands a year in property taxes, BBC, 1 May 2022: Rescue efforts under way after China building collapse, The New York Times, 1 May 2022: The Extraordinary Wealth Created by the Pandemic Housing Market, San Francisco Chronicle, 2 May 2022: ‘Projects are just dying’: Applications for new housing in San Francisco hit a new low, Los Angeles Times, 2 May 2022: California population keeps falling, led by coastal losses; inland areas keep growing, The Times, 2 May 2022: Dwindling green space around new homes ‘cuts people off from nature’, Miami Herald, 2 May 2022: Real estate market is ‘too hot’ right now, but homebuilder incentives are on the horizon, San Francisco Chronicle, 2 May 2022: Bay Area counties helped drive California’s second year of population loss, Los Angeles Times, 2 May 2022: L.A.’s crackdown on homeless camping off to slow start with little enforcement, The New Yorker, 3 May 2022: Can Sustainable Suburbs Save Southern California?, Irish Times, 4 May 2022: Helsinki’s underground city a legacy of cold war fears, San Francisco Chronicle, 4 May 2022: She sold her home for nearly half its $1 million value. The ‘pay it forward’ deal is a new tactic in the Bay Area’s housing crisis, Miami Herald, 4 May 2022: Episode 9: ‘Uniquely dysfunctional’: How a group of Canadian developers built Champlain South, The New York Times, 5 May 2022: They Wanted a House in Los Angeles Without the Bidding War. Would Their Budget Be Enough?, Arab News, 5 May 2022: Madinah governor inaugurates Exhibition of Prophet’s Holy Mosque Architecture, The New York Times, 5 May 2022: Rent Increases May Be Coming for More Than 2 Million New Yorkers, France24, 6 May 2022: Eight dead in Havana hotel blast, gas leak suspected, The National, 6 May 2022: Havana explosion: at least eight killed as three floors of Cuba’s Hotel Saratoga destroyed, France24, 6 May 2022: More than 20 people killed in powerful blast at Havana hotel, gas leak suspected, DW, 6 May 2022: Cuba: Massive explosion devastates Havana hotel, The Guardian, 6 May 2022: Havana explosion: Eight killed and 19 injured in hotel blast, DW, 6 May 2022: Germany’s Fuggerei: The world’s oldest social housing project, Miami Herald, 6 May 2022: Twenty-two dead after explosion rips through five-star Hotel Saratoga in Havana, CNN, 6 May 2022: Massive explosion at Havana hotel leaves several dead, BBC, 7 May 2022: Saratoga Hotel: 25 dead after huge explosion in Havana, The Times, 7 May 2022: House prices hit new high after ten months of rises, according to Halifax, NPR, 7 May 2022: 26 people died in an explosion at a hotel in Havana, San Francisco Chronicle, 7 May 2022: Oakland will get millions to solve the ‘inhumane’ crisis at one huge homeless encampment. Officials say it’s not enough, DW, 7 May 2022: Cuba: Death toll climbs in Havana hotel blast, France24, 7 May 2022: Rescuers find at least one survivor after deadly Havana hotel blast, Miami Herald, 7 May 2022: Four children are among the 26 dead in explosion in Saratoga Hotel in Havana, Los Angeles Times, 7 May 2022: Karen Bass wants to end homelessness. Are know-how and connections enough?, Tampa Bay Times, 7 May 2022: Inflation hits Tampa Bay renters especially hard, Miami Herald, 8 May 2022: Havana hotel death toll at 30 as dogs search for survivors, Miami Herald, 9 May 2022: New designs emerge for redevelopment of Knight Center and Hyatt in downtown Miami, Times of Israel, 10 May 2022: Looking upward: Global architects reimagine Tel Aviv skyline, blending new and old, BBC, 10 May 2022: The UK ‘climate refugees’ who won’t leave, The Times, 10 May 2022: The ultimate doer-upper? Ruined stately home on sale for £600,000 (on ebay the object would probably be offered under the heading “for hobbyists”), NPR, 10 May 2022: The death toll rises to 42 after an explosion at a hotel in Cuba, Miami Herald, 10 May 2022: Building safety concerns shut down Miami Beach bath house. Owner pushing to reopen, Arab News, 10 May 2022: Pagano sees contribution of TRSDC-AMAALA tourism projects to Saudi GDP at $9bn, Miami Herald, 11 May 2022: Lawyers in suit over Surfside collapse reveal staggering legal settlement: $997 million, Arab News, 11 May 2022: How a 103-year-old hospitality brand stays ahead of the curve, The New York Times, 11 May 2022: Surfside Condo Collapse Victims Reach $997 Million Settlement, Arab News, 11 May 2022: NEOM seeks to regenerate the area, offer ‘guilt-free’ vacations, Miami Herald, 11 May 2022: Miami-Dade closer to 30-year building inspections in proposal after Surfside collapse, NPR, 12 May 2022: Home prices could fall in some U.S. cities. Here’s where and why, Los Angeles Times, 12 May 2022: Edison reports ‘circuit activity’ at time of Coastal fire that destroyed 20 homes in Laguna Niguel, Curbed, 12 May 2022: The Ugliest Divorce in Manhattan Real Estate: HFZ’s luxury developers staked their futures on Bjarke Ingels’s High Line debut and lost everything., Times of Israel, 12 May 2022: Jerusalem eyes its own Burj Khalifa as Israeli cities seek new heights, Los Angeles Times, 12 May 2022: Welcome to Portugal, the new expat haven. Californians, please go home, The New York Times, 12 May 2022: Finding a Hamptons Home With Investment Potential for $2 Million, DW, 12 May 2022: Florida condo collapse victims reach nearly $1 billion settlement,, 12 May 2022: Milan’s struggle to tame gentrification, The Times, 12 May 2022: Huge fire wipes out California mansions, Irish Times, 12 May 2022: Flooding will threaten more than 8,500 Dublin buildings, climate summit hears, The National, 13 May 2022: At least 27 dead in New Delhi building fire, Irish Times, 13 May 2022: Renting in Ireland: ‘I’m 35 at home with my mother. That’s ridiculous’, Miami Herald, 13 May 2022: ‘Do not forget.’ Surfside hangs banners along collapse site honoring 98 victims, Irish Times, 13 May 2022: Renters on the rack: Pressed tenants lift the lid on stress and greed, Los Angeles Times, 14 May 2022: Newsom’s new California budget offers few details on costs for court-ordered homeless help, The Times, 14 May 2022: Are heat pumps worth it or just a lot of hot air?, BBC, 15 May 2022: Delhi office fire: Dozens killed as fire sweeps through building, Times of Israel, 15 May 2022: Housing prices soar by more than 16% in past year, highest rise in over a decade, Irish Times, 15 May 2022: Covid-induced surge in Irish house prices has reached tipping point, Los Angeles Times, 16 May 2022: State attorney general asks for hold on Angel Stadium land sale amid corruption probe, Miami Herald, 16 May 2022: Surfside condo was ‘screaming’ as an alarming crack formed just weeks before the collapse, Los Angeles Times, 16 May 2022: California properties at risk of wildfire expected to see sixfold increase in 30 years, Arab News, 16 May 2022: NEOM ‘fully under Saudi sovereignty, regulations,’ says government official refuting inaccurate media reports, The Hill, 17 May 2022: How Biden is taking action on the housing shortage, Curbed, 17 May 2022: New York Now Has More Airbnb Listings Than Apartments for Rent, Miami Herald, 18 May 2022: Miami-Dade home rental costs explode. Oceanfront area leads with 2-year 115% spike., Los Angeles Times, 18 May 2022: For the love of apartment signs! (A tribute to the most overlooked letters in L.A.), Miami Herald, 18 May 2022: Episode 11: ‘No action taken.’ Cracks in Surfside condo were a warning sign of collapse, The Hill, 19 May 2022: Flood insurance bill seeks to curb rising tide of bankruptcies, Irish Times, 21 May 2022: Are short-term lets to blame for the shortage of rented accommodation?, Miami Herald, 21 May 2022: Surfside condo collapse site to be sold for $120 million to Dubai developer, no other bids, Los Angeles Times, 21 May 2022: Why swimming pools are getting a break despite unprecedented water restrictions, Irish Times, 21 May 2022: Very few Irish people are buying new apartments. Is it because they can’t – or won’t?, San Francisco Chronicle, 22 May 2022: ‘NIMBYism is destroying the state.’ Gavin Newsom ups pressure on cities to build more housing, Miami Herald, 24 May 2022: Condo reforms coming: Inspections at 25 or 30 years, no waiving financial reserves, Los Angeles Times, 24 May 2022: SoCal needs to keep vital trees alive despite unprecedented watering restrictions, Miami Herald, 24 May 2022: Judge in Surfside collapse lawsuit agrees to pay condo owners more for property loss, Los Angeles Times, 24 May 2022: Anaheim City Council votes unanimously to halt the sale of Angel Stadium, NPR, 24 May 2022: Cuba hopes if it builds new hotels, tourists will come, after a long COVID shutdown, Irish Times, 24 May 2022: ‘Time to get tough’ with online platforms like Airbnb on short let housing, says Sinn Féin, Miami Herald, 25 May 2022: Five things to know about the Florida Legislature’s proposed condominium reforms, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 May 2022: S.F. population fell 6.3%, most in nation, to lowest level since 2010, Irish Times, 25 May 2022: No housing bubble brewing, says European Commission, Miami Herald, 25 May 2022: Financial reserves, inspections will soon be law as Legislature passes condo reforms, The Hill, 26 May 2022: Here are the states where housing prices are rising fastest, Irish Times, 26 May 2022: Proposal for homeowners to be required to test for radon when selling property, Miami Herald, 26 May 2022: Tour this $6.2 million estate for sale in Port Orange with two aircraft hangars, Los Angeles Times, 27 May 2022: L.A. is banning most gas appliances in new homes. Get ready for electric stoves, The National, 28 May 2022: Iranian police fire tear gas as protesters demand justice after building collapse, Los Angeles Times, 28 May 2022: Homelessness and ‘the soul of the Westside’: Stakes high in race to replace Mike Bonin, Miami Herald, 28 May 2022: Judge gives preliminary approval to billion dollar Surfside class-action settlement, The Hill, 29 May 2022: Sun Belt cities boom as major cities bleed population, The New York Times, 30 May 2022: N.Y.C. Companies Are Opening Offices Where Their Workers Live: Brooklyn, Haaretz, 31 May 2022: Iran Cuts Internet as Protest Erupts Over Deadly Tower Collapse, Miami Herald, 31 May 2022: Miami voters will again decide on future of Riverside Wharf project in downtown, Curbed, 31 May 2022: 60 Days to Find a Not-Horrible Apartment, Miami Herald, 1 June 2022: ‘We led the charge.’ Miami-Dade passes building safety reforms on heels of state changes, Al Arabiya, 1 June 2022: Saudi Arabia plans to build world’s largest buildings in NEOM: Sources,, 2 June 2022: Europe’s renovation wave risks exposing workers to asbestos, Arab News, 3 June 2022: Shubra Palace: An architectural marvel of Taif, New York Magazine, 4 June 2022: White Christian Nationalism ‘Is a Fundamental Threat to Democracy’, Miami Herald, 4 June 2022: Miami has a housing crisis. You’d never know it from the lax oversight of this program, Arab News, 4 June 2022: Kerzner International adds to its ultra-luxury resort portfolio in MENA, The Guardian, 4 June 2022: Greece: Residents evacuated as wildfire on outskirts of Athens threatens homes, The Times, 4 June 2022: Find a buyer, Countryside urged by leading investor Browning West, Irish Times, 4 June 2022: Catholic Church’s billion-euro land sale is just getting started, Al Arabiya, 5 June 2022: Saudi property developer prices IPO at top of range, Arab News, 5 June 2022: Exploring the oceanic materials used in Historic Jeddah’s Hejazi houses, Al Arabiya, 7 June 2022: Russian and CIS investors account for over 20 pct of potential homebuyers in Dubai (Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)), NPR, 7 June 2022: With Cubans leaving en masse, much of Cuba’s real estate is up for sale, CPR News, 9 June 2022: Cheap, energy-efficient manufactured homes? New federal standards aim for both, BBC, 10 June 2022: Fanfare and fireworks to open Russia-China border bridge, DW, 10 June 2022: Top 10 new museums around the world, Miami Herald, 10 June 2022: Not a ‘floating structure’ after all: County backs off taxing Star Island floating mansion, Los Angeles Times, 10 June 2022: Some L.A. homeless camps cleared as world leaders arrived for Summit of the Americas, DW, 11 June 2022: Saudi Arabia’s economic shift from oil to ski slopes — fantasy or genuine?, Irish Times, 11 June 2022: Planning for State sites to accommodate 12,000 homes will not begin until 2025 or later, Jerusalem Post, 12 June 2022: Israel to boost building starts in bid to rein in soaring housing costs, Irish Times, 12 June 2022: Are property funds turning us into a nation of renters?, The Times, 13 June 2022: ‘It’s a constant battle’: Five years on the pain of Grenfell Tower disaster is as raw as ever, Times of Israel, 13 June 2022: In unveiling major housing program, government signals more of the same, The National, 13 June 2022: UAE golden visa programme attracts investment and talent, report finds, The Hill, 13 June 2022: Biden administration proposes standards to increase home heating efficiency, Curbed, 14 June 2022: Why Do the Men of Saturday Night Live Have Such Horrifying Apartments?, The Times, 14 June 2022: Adelaide Cottage, duke and duchess’s new home, was scene of royal scandal, Miami Herald, 14 June 2022: Front line of housing crunch: Miami nonprofit leader spearheads effort to help residents retain homes, Los Angeles Times, 14 June 2022: Home sellers are cutting list prices as more buyers take pause: ‘The market is not the same’, Times of Israel, 15 June 2022: Israel sees sharp drop in new home sales, but prices holding steady, Los Angeles Times, 15 June 2022: People mover, new bike paths and bus lanes: 2028 Olympics could fuel a transit boom in L.A., The Times, 15 June 2022: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge hear Grenfell stories, NPR, 15 June 2022: The U.S. needs more homes, but builders may be slowing construction, Los Angeles Times, 15 June 2022: My South L.A. home is for sale on Zillow. But I’m not sure I’m ready to leave, The Atlantic, 16 June 2022: The Real Villain in the Gentrification Story,, 16 June 2022: New York state of mind: EU plans to buy €20M Manhattan mansion, Miami Herald, 17 June 2022: Broward County home to severe housing affordability woes. Who’s making big push to tackle the problem?, Miami Herald, 17 June 2022: Amid home demolition trend, Miami Beach owner seeks to revamp, not raze, Art Deco gem, The Hill, 18 June 2022: Is Houston a model in reducing homelessness or will its policies fail?, The Times, 18 June 2022: What if we banned all second homes?, The Washington Post, 19 June 2022: Modern ‘redlining’ is pushing some Texans out of their homes, Los Angeles Times, 20 June 2022: Affordable housing in California now routinely tops $1 million per apartment to build, Miami Herald, 20 June 2022: Surfside victims to be honored at private vigil, public event on collapse anniversary, DW, 20 June 2022: Germany seizes first Russian-owned property under sanctions, Los Angeles Times, 20 June 2022: California needs more housing and good jobs. There’s a bill to create both, Al Arabiya, 20 June 2022: Expo 2020 to be rebranded ‘Expo City Dubai,’ reopening in October, NPR, 21 June 2022: What tiny towns in rural America can teach the cities about adaptation, Al Arabiya, 21 June 2022: Dubai to have 10,000 new villas, townhouses in two years: Real estate developer, Al Arabiya, 22 June 2022: Saudi Arabia’s mega project appoints founding president for first university in NEOM, Jerusalem Post, 22 June 2022: Are Israeli elections going to harm the construction industry?, BBC, 22 June 2022: The village once owned by England’s first queen, Miami Herald, 23 June 2022: Judge gives final approval to ‘remarkable’ $1 billion Surfside condo collapse settlement, Los Angeles Times, 23 June 2022: Judge approves deal of more than $1 billion in deadly Florida condo collapse, Miami Herald, 23 June 2022: After finding only death in Surfside, a rescuer fights to put her own life back together, NPR, 23 June 2022: One year after Surfside condo collapse in Florida, a legal settlement is approved, Miami Herald, 23 June 2022: See new photos of Champlain Towers South condo site in Surfside one year after collapse, NPR, 24 June 2022: The housing market squeeze pushes renters into bidding wars, Miami Herald, 24 June 2022: ‘Take one breath at a time.’ Surfside marks collapse anniversary with grief, closure, Irish Times, 25 June 2022: Ireland’s most expensive postcode to buy a property — and the cheapest, Arab News, 25 June 2022: Greener cities are critical to regional sustainability, Los Angeles Times, 28 June 2022: ‘We are finally here’: Plan to return Bruce’s Beach wins unanimous approval, Miami Herald, 28 June 2022: Biden’s housing chief calls Miami the ‘epicenter of the housing crisis in this country’, The Hill, 28 June 2022: House Democrats pin blame on corporate landlords for rising rental costs, Irish Times, 28 June 2022: Interest rates and your money: the good, the bad and the wait and see, BBC, 29 June 2022: Bruce’s Beach returned to family nearly a century after seizure, Der Spiegel, 30 June 2022: Massive Urban Growth: Considering the African City of the Future, Los Angeles Times, 30 June 2022: Inside Frank Gehry’s latest Los Angeles mega-project,, 30 June 2022: How Vienna took the stigma out of social housing, Los Angeles Times, 30 June 2022: This L.A. restaurant was excited to open. Then the graffiti and protests happened, Los Angeles Times, 30 June 2022: Southern California housing prices will fall, some experts say. The question is how much, Arab News, 1 July 2022: Riyadh no longer one of the 100 most expensive cities for expats: Mercer, Curbed, 1 July 2022: The Great Boy Scouts Land Sell-Off, DW, 4 July 2022: As floods intensify, governments consider managed retreat, The Guardian, 4 July 2022: Eiffel Tower riddled with rust and in need of repair, leaked reports say, The Times, 4 July 2022: ‘Crumbling’ Eiffel Tower needs urgent repairs, reports say, Irish Times, 5 July 2022: ‘Dublin will have a Metro’: Plans unveiled for €9.5bn rail-link to capital’s airport, Miami Herald, 5 July 2022: ‘This was our mall.’ What is lost when a popular flea market closes? More than you think, Irish Times, 6 July 2022: Vacant property tax on way in budget, Donohoe confirms, Miami Herald, 7 July 2022: Leading Miami-Dade housing expert offers big fix for home affordability crisis. Read about it, The New York Times, 7 July 2022: A Studio in Manhattan for Less Than $500,000? These Were His Options., Miami Herald, 7 July 2022: Density isn’t a dirty word. Miami-Dade has got to tackle its housing crisis — for real, Irish Times, 7 July 2022: Explainer: How will the Government’s new First Home scheme work, and can I get access?, Miami Herald, 8 July 2022: The gentrification of the West Grove, explained by a local pastor, The New York Times, 8 July 2022: The Chain of Failures That Left 17 Dead in a Bronx Apartment Fire, France24, 8 July 2022: Cairo’s floating homes are disappearing to make room for a tourism project, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 July 2022: This ZIP code on California’s coast continues to see the most home price growth in the state, Times of Israel, 9 July 2022: Israeli nature loses equivalent of a medium-sized city to development every year, The Washington Post, 9 July 2022: The housing market, at last, appears to be cooling off, Los Angeles Times, 9 July 2022: Dramatic new 6th Street Bridge opens, delivering a ‘love letter’ to Los Angeles, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 July 2022: This unique home is in one of Marin’s hottest real estate areas. Can you guess the sale price?, Arab News, 11 July 2022: The changing ground realities of global urban living, The National, 11 July 2022: The glory days of Abu Dhabi’s first hotel, The New York Times, 11 July 2022: Relief Eludes Many Renters as Fed Raises Interest Rates, San Francisco Chronicle, 11 July 2022: Housing at exclusive athletic club in Alameda? Members say ‘over my dead body’, Los Angeles Times, 11 July 2022: Think rent is rising fast? It’s worse than you think (and inflation might be too), CNN, 11 July 2022: China crushes mass protest by bank depositors demanding their life savings back, Irish Times, 12 July 2022: Five homes on view this week, Miami Herald, 12 July 2022: ‘There’s no place to move that’s affordable.’ Parents share rent woes with Miami-Dade mayor, Irish Times, 12 July 2022: Fintan O’Toole: The shift back towards landlordism didn’t happen by accident, CNN, 12 July 2022: China tries to stem growing anger over frozen bank deposits,, 12 July 2022: EU countries plan Bond-style bunker to stop foreign spies, Irish Times, 12 July 2022: House price growth slows again as cost-of-living issues bite, Arab News, 13 July 2022: Dubai’s Select Group buys luxury hotel in the UK, Miami Herald, 13 July 2022: Citizens drops insurance policies as cost of Florida home replacements pushes past $700,000 cap, DW, 13 July 2022: Flooding in Germany: One year on, nothing is back to normal, Miami Herald, 13 July 2022: Miami-Dade mayor proposes cut in 2023 property-tax rates. Critics want more, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 July 2022: It’s official: Bay Area home values are finally going down, NPR, 14 July 2022: There’s a massive housing shortage across the U.S. Here’s how bad it is where you live, The New York Times, 14 July 2022: The Housing Shortage Isn’t Just a Coastal Crisis Anymore, The Times, 14 July 2022: Mortgage revolt over unfinished Evergrande homes threatens Chinese economy, Miami Herald, 15 July 2022: Gentrification wiping out Miami’s 130-year-old, historically Black West Coconut Grove, BBC, 15 July 2022: Egypt’s Red Sea resort that’s making waves, San Francisco Chronicle, 15 July 2022: What would happen to Bay Area home prices if a recession hit?, Miami Herald, 15 July 2022: Would you save Al Capone’s Miami Beach home? Readers favor saving 100-year-old house, The National, 15 July 2022: Dubai and Abu Dhabi top the world in improving real estate transparency, report says, Arab News, 17 July 2022: Sharjah rakes in $517m in real estate sale transactions, Times of Israel, 18 July 2022: Better mortgage conditions may help more homebuyers get a leg up, experts say, Khaleej Times, 18 July 2022: Dubai: Where apartment, villa rents have increased and decreased, San Francisco Chronicle, 18 July 2022: Bay Area home sales dropped and prices slid in June. Here’s by how much, Los Angeles Times, 19 July 2022: The SoCal housing market is cooling. Here’s how far prices have fallen, San Francisco Chronicle, 19 July 2022: Oakland council allows delayed housing project near West Oakland BART to move forward, Haaretz, 20 July 2022: Real Israel: Real Estate-stan, Los Angeles Times, 20 July 2022: Bruce’s Beach has been returned to descendants of Black family, Arab News, 20 July 2022: Saudi housing ministry launches training program with UNDP, Los Angeles Times, 20 July 2022: Bringing down inflation might cause your rent to rise, Israel Hayom, 20 July 2022: Southern Israeli towns compete for Israel’s largest waterpark, The Times, 20 July 2022: North Korea will send workers to rebuild occupied Ukraine (forced labour promoted by the Putin regime. The workers are all held in some sort of labour camps, controlled all days and all nights by guards), The Atlantic, 20 July 2022: The Next Generation of NIMBYs, San Francisco Chronicle, 21 July 2022: S.F. Mayor Breed vetoes law to end single-family zoning, arguing it will actually hurt housing production, Arab News, 21 July 2022: Dubai issues ‘Musataha’ land decree to spur real estate investment, The Washington Post, 21 July 2022: Heat pumps work and are eco-friendly. So why do Americans barely use them?, The Times, 21 July 2022: @sohoplace: West End’s new landmark is a relief for female theatregoers, The Guardian, 21 July 2022: London: Grenfell fire inquiry ends with shocking reminder of human cost, Times of Israel, 21 July 2022: Pool sinkhole victim named, as police grill owner over suspected safety failures (you have to have that much “luck” to dig a hole in the ground over a hole in the ground), BBC, 22 July 2022: Man killed as sink hole opens under swimming pool in Israel, Arab News, 22 July 2022: Design codes launched for Riyadh’s giant Sports Boulevard, San Francisco Chronicle, 23 July 2022: What it’s like to live in the hottest Bay Area real estate neighborhoods now, The New York Times, 23 July 2022: We Need to Keep Building Houses, Even if No One Wants to Buy, The Times, 23 July 2022: How the mortgage-free majority squeezed out first-time buyers, Irish Times, 23 July 2022: Ireland’s housing crisis is eroding university life, Trinity College provost warns, Los Angeles Times, 25 July 2022: She cut her water bill in half by tearing out her lawn and going all in on ‘hugelkultur’ (now, that’s one cool word. In German it’s “Hügelkultur”, literally “hill culture” or “hummock in the landscape culture”. Meanwhile, raised-bed gardening (oder “hochbeetkultur”) became very popular these days in Germany. Both work on the same principle. The latter just looks a little “tidier”.), Miami Herald, 25 July 2022: Miami-Dade landlord fatally shot tenant in the head after heated argument, police say (I loved Miami and South Florida for its openness, liberalism and vibe. But like the French Riviera, idiots are ruining what South Florida once was. It is no longer the place where you would like to be, but only suitable for package tourists), Los Angeles Times, 25 July 2022: Homeless people wait as Los Angeles lets thousands of federal housing vouchers go unused, Curbed, 25 July 2022: Bunny Heaven in Williamsburg, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 July 2022: Richer people left San Francisco in the pandemic. And they took billions of dollars with them, Al Arabiya, 25 July 2022: Crown Prince: THE LINE is a model for future cities facing environmental challenges, Arab News, 25 July 2022: Saudi crown prince announces designs of The Line in NEOM, Al Arabiya, 26 July 2022: Saudi Crown Prince: THE LINE vertical design communities to house 9 mln residents, NPR, 26 July 2022: A 105-mile-long city will snake through the Saudi desert. Is that a good idea?, The National, 26 July 2022: Saudi Arabia’s Neom is likely to be listed by 2024, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman says, Arab News, 26 July 2022: New real estate brokerage law in Saudi Arabia, The Times, 26 July 2022: Traffic lights on Hong Kong pavements help ‘phone zombies’ safely cross road, Los Angeles Times, 27 July 2022: Worried about mortgage interest rates? Here’s what the Fed’s rate hikes mean, Miami Herald, 28 July 2022: Miami sets a historically low property tax rate. What does that mean for you?, Los Angeles Times, 28 July 2022: Housing slowdown? Looming recession? Not for the ultra-rich buyers of L.A.’s 8-figure condos, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 July 2022: Here’s how much money you need to make to rent an apartment in S.F., CNN, 28 July 2022: Future or fantasy? Designs unveiled for one-building city stretching 106 miles in Saudi Arabia, Miami Herald, 28 July 2022: Miami to put ‘tiny homes’ for homeless on an island after commissioners change course, The Times, 28 July 2022: Grid has ‘no power for new homes in west London until 2035’, Irish Times, 28 July 2022: Sandycove house changes hands for more than €12m in biggest sale of 2022 so far, Los Angeles Times, 29 July 2022: California exodus continues, with L.A., San Francisco leading the way: ‘Why are we here?’, San Francisco Chronicle, 29 July 2022: How to conserve water at home amid California’s worsening drought, NPR, 30 July 2022: As interest rates rise, the ‘American dream’ of homeownership fades for some, New York Post, 30 July 2022: These buildings changed NYC and now define it — for better or worse, NPR, 30 July 2022: Professional landscapers are reluctant to plug into electric mowers due to cost, Haaretz, 31 July 2022: Neom and The Line: Saudi Arabia’s Futuristic City Already Belongs in the Past, New York Times, 31 July 2022: A Town’s Housing Crisis Exposes a ‘House of Cards’, Los Angeles Times, 31 July 2022: Moving in with your parents could be good for America, Irish Times, 1 August 2022: High installation costs seen as significant barrier to retrofitting homes, The Economist, 1 August 2022: The global housing boom is running out of steam, San Francisco Chronicle, 2 August 2022: Court blocks huge Lake Tahoe ski development at Olympic Valley, DW, 2 August 2022: Once booming, Kyiv’s housing market ravaged by war, Miami Herald, 3 August 2022: Surfside land sale now official. What’s next for the oceanfront property where 98 died?, San Francisco Chronicle, 3 August 2022: The price gap between renting and buying Bay Area homes reaches new high, Arab News, 3 August 2022: NEOM’s industrial city OXAGON launches first edition of hackathon, Al Arabiya, 3 August 2022: NEOM’s OXAGON to launch hackathon and startup accelerator to support Saudi talent, Los Angeles Times, 3 August 2022: A special kind of crazy in L.A.: A $50-million condo in the land of homeless tents, Irish Times, 4 August 2022: Smaller gardens and dramatic reduction in apartments is ‘game-changer’ plan for solving housing crisis, homebuilder says, Arab News, 4 August 2022: Diriyah Gate Development Authority, the beating heart of Riyadh, celebrates its 5th anniversary, San Francisco Chronicle, 5 August 2022: UC Berkeley’s $312 million People’s Park housing plan halted as court reviews opponents’ appeal, San Francisco Chronicle, 5 August 2022: Tahoe’s housing crisis is so bad ski resorts are lodging workers in campsites, Irish Times, 6 August 2022: Fintan O’Toole: Recent record of the Irish construction industry is one long cowboy movie, Miami Herald, 7 August 2022: The 5 Florida homes taken from a Miami doctor convicted of a $38 million fraud, Los Angeles Times, 7 August 2022: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House will soon reopen to the public, The National, 7 August 2022: Canada is home to ‘some of the most liveable cities in North America’, Irish Times, 8 August 2022: Retrofitting your home: ‘The heat is retained for up to three days’, The Times, 8 August 2022: Thornton Heath explosion: child dies as home destroyed, Miami Herald, 8 August 2022: Surfside judge grants $800,000 in tax breaks to condo owners after some complained about bills, Irish Times, 8 August 2022: ‘Energy-efficient’ homes paying higher gas bills than those with lower BER, CSO figures show, The Washington Post, 9 August 2022: Housing issues force universities, students to make tough decisions, NPR, 9 August 2022: ‘We have nowhere to go’: Many face eviction during a crisis in affordable housing, Al Arabiya, 9 August 2022: Inflation, Russian buyers and pent-up demand driving UAE’s property sector: Experts, Arab News, 10 August 2022: Middle East investors eye London property on back of weak pound, Irish Times, 10 August 2022: Budget support for tenants and landlords being considered, Varadkar says, The Washington Post, 11 August 2022: We built a fake metropolis to show how extreme heat could wreck cities, BBc, 11 August 2022: Turkey’s underground city of 20,000 people, The National, 12 August 2022: Saudis given a first glimpse inside The Line, the kingdom’s newest megaproject, CNN, 12 August 2022: Hong Kong suffers biggest ever population drop as exodus accelerates, The National, 12 August 2022: Battersea Power Station finally opens its famed turbine halls for new London generation, Miami Herald, 12 August 2022: Homeowners insurance in Florida is a precarious mess that was years in the making, The Washington Post, 12 August 2022: How the covid economy triggered soaring costs at this dream home, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 August 2022: S.F. developer hits brick wall in bid to turn Tenderloin lot into housing, DW, 13 August 2022: Kashmir opens first ecological village, Miami Herald, 15 August 2022: Have you been dropped by your homeowners insurance company? Here’s what you can do, The Hill, 15 August 2022: 62 percent of Americans worried about paying for housing in the next year: poll, Irish Times, 15 August 2022: Plans for apartments on Terenure College playing pitches turned down, Los Angeles Times, 16 August 2022: Sellers strike? Some homeowners back out of a slowing housing market, The Washington Post, 16 August 2022: The fabulously wealthy are fueling a booming luxury ranch market out West, The Times, 16 August 2022: Property developer finds gold at the end of her rainbow roads, The National, 17 August 2022: The Line in Neom is ‘the greatest real estate challenge that humans have faced’, Los Angeles Times, 17 August 2022: Southern California home prices slipped in July. More drops may be coming, The National, 17 August 2022: Saudi megaprojects 2022: from The Line at Neom to the Red Sea Project, NPR, 17 August 2022: Italy is spending hundreds of millions to save dying villages. Will it work?, BBC, 17 August 2022: Designed to Last: 10 of the world’s most ingenious buildings, The New York Times, 17 August 2022: The Housing Market Is Bad but Not That Bad, Irish Times, 17 August 2022: Why on earth would we need a constitutional referendum on the right to housing?, Miami Herald, 17 August 2022: Homeowners keep paying a high price for Florida’s dysfunctional insurance market, Al Arabiya, 17 August 2022: Photos show progress made on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Project, guests expected in 2023, Irish Times, 17 August 2022: First Look: Inside Ireland’s first Lego store, about to open on Grafton Street, The New York Times, 18 August 2022: California Needs More Housing. Unions Might Stand in the Way., Miami Herald, 18 August 2022: Exclusive: House hunting in South Florida? Here’s the salary you need to afford a home, New York Magazine, 18 August 2022: A Guide to the Many Houses Mehmet Oz Forgot He Owns, The National, 18 August 2022: Giant ring surrounds Burj Khalifa 550 metres above ground in stunning new design,, 18 August 2022: Markus Söder: Bavaria’s NIMBY-in-chief, The New York Times, 19 August 2022:Workers in the Catskills Can’t Find Housing. Bosses Are Trying to Help., Irish Times, 19 August 2022: Large-scale apartment blocks planned for Dublin mountains greenbelt, Miami Herald, 19 August 2022: Miami-Dade housing market finally cooling, as prices dip for first time since 2021, Irish Times, 19 August 2022: Cost of repairing defects in a Celtic Tiger-era apartment complex triples to €15m, The National, 22 August 2022: Michael Heizer’s megaproject ‘City’, 50 years in the making, to finally open to the public, Irish Times, 22 August 2022: Cost-rental homes: ‘This makes us really, really happy. We feel secure’, DW, 22 August 2022: China property crisis stirs unrest as homebuyers despair.



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