The European Union: Coronavirus Pandemic
Monday, 30 March 2020 - 12:00 pm (CET/MEZ) Berlin | Author/Destination: Knut WingschCategory/Kategorie: General, Editorial, EU blog post series, European Union Reading Time: 578 minutes
(Latest update: 18 November 2024) Over the coming months, the world will now experience not only how individual states will deal with the global coronavirus pandemic, but also how governments can or cannot intercept the consequences. It can be observed in real time how a real and worldwide crisis is reacted to, who has made provisions and built up reserves or has only wobbled. Already the unemployment numbers and the number of bankruptcies in the first few weeks will provide sufficient information and thus also give an answer to which social and state systems are viable even in crises and take their weakest with them instead of having to leave them behind. It can be assumed that the countries will cope best with the crisis, that are regularly accused of charging too high taxes and having too strong social systems in “regular times” (some Americans would even call it “pure socialism” until a big crises hit in. Then more and more people are questioning why the richest country in the world cannot provide as excellent social security as Germany has for decades – everything always has its advantages and disadvantages), because these countries can now set their full strength come into effect and let it unfold. Whatever the outcome of this “competition” will be, let us all remain prudent, relaxed, reasonable and show solidarity and, of course, let’s stay at home if possible, because the more people abide by the rules, the sooner we can get this spook under control. Even if it will take months before a vaccine will be available, we shouldn’t give the virus the pleasure to let destroy us socially and economically. Stay healthy and #flattenthecurve #StayHomeSaveLives #Coronavirus #covid19 (Coronavirus warning app for Germany)
It can already be said that, in addition to all the negative aspects, Corona has also brought some absolutely positive aspects to light. This means that all countries worldwide have been shown their own strengths and weaknesses so that they can be better addressed in the future. At the same time, the global impact of the corona crisis has caught the world’s populists, autocrats and dictators and disenchanted them for their followers (The Emperor’s New Clothes). Hopefully thit will be reflected in the results of the next round of elections aroud the world.
Of course, it is important to get information from reliable sources in order to avoid fake news or to drive yourself nuts, because those who die of fear or panic are dead as well. A public source is e.g.: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, EU vs Disinformation. Relying on information from the current US, British, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian and some more weird governments has now proven to be a significant health hazard. It is therefore important to follow the reporting of the reputable and reliable media, which have set up corresponding sections on the subject: The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post, The Hill, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times, The Atlantic, National Public Radio (NPR),, Bloomberg, Financial Times, The Times, The Guardian, BBC,, Haaretz, Times of Israel, Palestine Chronicle, Arab News, The National, Al Jazeera, Gulf Times, Al Arabiya. To hide the often imbecile comments under the reports, there are extensions or add-ons for browsers that can be installed very quickly and easily. This gives you the option to switch comments on website on or off at any time. This applies not only to news websites in general, but also to Facebook in particular. It then seems to become a bit “calmer” and you can deal with the actual topic.
Discussions are currently taking place at European level about alleged lack of solidarity, in connection with the assertion or threat that the EU could break up. A look across the pond to America shows that this is unfounded. The states there are currently also sealing themselves off from each others, in connection with travel restrictions (The New York Times, 10 April 2020: Driving and Travel Restrictions Across the United States) in order to at least slow the spread of the virus. Nevertheless, nobody there comes up with the idea of questioning fundamental solidarity or even bringing the dissolution of the USA into play. Same counts for the present and future of the EU. In addition, the EU states have already relaxed the transport system so that the flow of goods within the Schengen area is guaranteed, so that there are no supply bottlenecks. Medical needs are exchanged and the distribution of intensive care patients is getting better and better to relieve hotspots. To top it off in economic terms: even after 244 years, there are no obligations on the part of the U.S. government or the U.S. states to protect other U.S. states from bankruptcy (just as old, by the way, are the constantly recurring disputes about the budget, which is also about the distribution of wealth from the northern states to the southern states. In this context, the EU is more of a trainee). It is hard to understand why this could be different, 27 years after the EU was founded, in the relationship between Brussels and the EU states or between the EU states. It is also clear, however, that the lessons from the banking and financial crisis 2009 cannot be that of responding to the upcoming economic challenges in Southern and Eastern Europe with the EU-typical “small small”. Although there was ample time after 2015 to correct the design flaws of the eurozone, it still does not seem to have happened, which is why there is now the same friction as five years ago. “Learning from crises and mistakes” does not seem to be a concept preferred by the EU states. That the countries of Northern Europe are not willing to risk their creditworthiness and very favorable interest rates by agreeing unconditional and unlimited funds to Southern and Eastern Europe and, at the same time, a debt pooling, to compensate for the inability and mismanagement of other EU states, is understandable. After all, it does not help anyone if all EU states are broke together. At the same time, “what ever it takes” support need to be provided to make sure that the economic downturns of the countries in Southern and Eastern Europe will be as soft as possible, because the shocks that would otherwise be given would naturally also spread to Central and Northern Europe. For example, if Italy were on its economic knees, Spain, Portugal and Greece would be pulled into the abyss as well and France would alarmingly wobble. With a delay, it then hits the north and may even blow up the euro zone as such. The resulting economic devastation would lead to mass unemployment and impoverishment and the resulting from it civil war-like conditions. Not even the most insane nationalist can seriously want that. Although the consequences of the banking and financial crisis have already shown this impressively, it obviously need to be pointed out again and again from time to time.
Germany’s foreign trade figures show how strongly the German economy is dependent on foreign trade, namely with almost 40% of the total economic output and the majority of this in turn with other EU states. In absolute self-interest, there can be no ducking away with regard to massive support in favor of EU states that have been hard hit by the corona crisis, unless you want to shoot yourself in both feet several times or in other words: If Germany does not support its best “customers”, that will lead to job and prosperity cuts in Germany. The Federal Government as the voice of the largest and strongest economy not only in the EU but in Europe as a whole decides on the extent, both positive and negative. It thus holds the fate of the EU in it’s hands, even if no federal government has really wanted to do so yet. If you are honest, it was the case almost from the beginning of the EU. The EU and all its predecessors since the end of the Second World War are built on exactly that, namely that Germany is an economic giant that should be integrated into narrow multinational Western frameworks for the benefit of all, also to prevent another crazy mustache to turn German voters into overly nationalistic, “Herrenrasse” idiots. The resulting opportunities and possibilities for Germany in Europe and the world are regularly missed out or even straight out denied by far left-wingers and far right-wingers in particular, although this doesn’t change the facts, but only makes it clear that they don’t have the slightest idea of this topic as well. Retailers, service providers and end customers have known the means to be used in customer loyalty for decades: discount programs, bonus miles, payback points, free promotions. If you transfer this to entire countries, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece now want to redeem their bonus miles and payback points in the form of a (reconstruction) fund or the significant expansion of the EU budget to cushion the consequences of the corona crisis. That makes a lot of sense, although the currently announced 500 billion euros will have to be multiplied and a mix of transfer and credit programs in connection with interest and repayment suspensions will have to be given, so that Germany’s “customers” have the necessary freedom to be able to get back on their feet. The sooner and better this succeeds, the sooner the productions in Germany will run under full steam again. This has been deliberately described in purely economic terms, especially since the term “solidarity” and the related matters that should be taken for granted within the EU doesn’t currently seem to be bestseller. Current critics of the mentioned solution will later try to sell it full-bodied as “a pure act of the benevolent and downright selfless northern states towards the greedy southern states” anyway. Of course, this will only work for the rather simple and/or nationalistically charged part of the populations (at this point we can also put an end to the old wives’ tale that it would be “gifts from the northern states to the southern states”. For everyone, who is interested, it has always been clear that for every tax euro invested there is at least a factor of 10 in returns due to various effects, often even a lot more. So that it’s not about Samaritanism, it’s about tough business). If you make yourself honest here, then the consequences of the corona crisis for the northern states, with all given problems, are Sunday walks in comparison to the devastations in the southern states, some of which still have to struggle with the consequences of the financial crisis 2008, so they weren’t able to build up adequate provisions. The northern states opened their own rescue packages weeks ago, which actually hold very well and will continue to do so. This also worked so well because the northern states generally got through the 2008 financial crisis much better than the southern states and were able to build up reserves through foreign trade surpluses – with money from abroad. This is why “Payback Time” is now. On the other hand, if you listen to the negative comments on the (reconstruction) fund or the significant expansion of the EU budget to cushion the consequences of the crisis of some politicians, even finance ministers, of the northern states, you can only be surprised. Either they are actually as stupid as they sound, they have never understood the EU, they have no macro-economic skills, or all of it. In any case, they practice what they accuse the southern states of: only wanting to take advantage of the EU, but not wanting to assume the resulting obligations. This won’t work. Anyway, for the foreseeable future, the so-called Eurobonds will only continue to take place in the wildest dreams of heads of state in southern Europe, because they are politically unenforceable in the north. A key promise when the euro was introduced was that there would be no debt pooling under any circumstances. In addition, the EU substructure, which would be necessary to talk about joint financing, i.e. a significant deepening of EU integration towards EU statehood, is missing, which means that partial sovereignty of the EU states is to be given to Brussels (in particular, options for access and control in financial policy). Surprisingly, the northern states would be more willing to do so than the southern and southeastern states, which makes the motivation of the latter seem rather doubtful when it comes to “debt sharing”. At least the “road map” becomes clear again before the toxic box “bonds” could even be opened. In the south this is of course known, but for domestic reasons they have to pretend that they have never heard of it before, being able to say after the conclusion of the negotiation “We fought hard, but more than what we got now wasn’t possible!”. On the other hand, there are more than enough possibilities and tools with which the north can actively support the south. This includes the ECB buying up government bonds/debenture bonds again on a large scale. In the meantime, even Greek trash papers are accepted as security. That says a lot about the will to help. Added to this is the European short-time work payment solution suggested by Ms. von der Leyen, which can be the entry point to a European social security system and directly benefits employers and employees in the EU member states. This maintains jobs on the one hand and sustains basic consumption on the other, so that economic downturns are cushioned very gently (the instrument has been known in Germany for several decades, but is new to other states). The ESM can provide funds of 240 billion euros for a limited period of time on favorable terms to deal with further economic hardships. In addition, there is a loan program from the European Investment Bank worth 200 billion euros, which is intended to benefit small and medium-sized companies. All in all, that’s over 500 billion euros plus the ECB’s purchases of 750 billion euros. If the going gets tough, the funds could go completely to southern and south-eastern Europe, because the north can finance itself on its own anyway. On the other hand, these are repayable loans, which can usually also be found in the government debt ratio of the states. With the exception of the conditioning of the ESM funds and the Eurobonds, there is vast agreement in Brussels about the support measures. The remaining EU states are still Germany’s largest trade partners. If the largest partners break apart, this naturally has a direct impact on the turnover of German companies, and thus on the number of jobs, taxes, etc. It is therefore in Germany’s own best interest to intervene as early as possible. The longer we wait, the more expensive it will become for everyone (, 27 March 2020: Only EU solidarity can avert economic disaster,, 29 March 2020: Virtual summit, real acrimony: EU leaders clash over ‘corona bonds’,, 29 March 2020: Von der Leyen brands corona bonds a ‘slogan,’ setting off firestorm in Italy,, 30 March 2020: EU budget to be at ‘heart’ of coronavirus response, von der Leyen says,, 1 April 2020: EU response to corona crisis ‘poor,’ says senior Greek official, Reuters, 1 April 2020: EU proposes short-time work scheme to avoid coronavirus lay-offs,, 1 April 2020: Europe’s coronavirus identity crisis,, 1 April 2020: Berlin and Paris pitch competing solutions to ‘corona bonds’ conundrum,, 2 April 2020: Von der Leyen calls for ‘tangible’ solidarity on €100B jobs scheme,, 2 April 2020: Italy’s future is in German hands,, 3 April 2020: EU cool on corona bonds as economic plan takes shape, The Guardian, 5 April 2020: Europe’s future is at stake in this war against coronavirus,, 9 April 2020: Finance ministers strike deal to combat coronavirus recession, BBC, 10 April 2020: Coronavirus pandemic: EU agrees €500bn rescue package,, 10 April 2020: EU leaders to discuss recovery package on April 23).
With regard to the effects of the corona pandemic on the real estate industry (The European Union: Real Estate and Demography), it is not yet possible to make a clear forecast for Germany as of 26 March 2020, especially since the effects will depend on the duration of the restrictions. During this time, the rental and purchase market is practically frozen. On the one hand, there are little practical possibilities for relocations due to the Germany-wide ban on contacts (“social distancing” – The Times, 23 April 2020: Peter Brookes Times cartoon: April 23 2020 – Social Distancing: At last, a use for Rees-Mogg), on the other hand there are economic fears for the future, so that relocations are postponed anyway. Of course, this has negative effects especially for landlords, seller, property manager, developer, brokers, notaries, mortgage banks etc., because the market is now frozen for them too, so that the transaction volume from last year will certainly not be reached. Of course there will be catch-up effects, but complete cancellations due to economic uncertainties as well. With the help of the aid packages that have just been approved by the federal government, the country at large will be doing just fine economically for the next two to three months. In the long run, of course, such a state of emergency cannot be maintained. But the corona crisis affects a country that has just 10 years of continuous growth behind it, which is why the government debt is reduced to 60% while reserves could be built up. In addition, many companies have gone through so-called “fat years”, have also been able to build up reserves and have created a record number of jobs, with an unemployment rate of 5%, which means full employment. From an economic point of view, you can’t be much better prepared, even if you would like to do entirely without such an event. If Germany can be reopened in May, the country would have got away with a remarkable black eye. The economic output will decline compared to the previous year, also because the industry cannot restart as quickly as to just shut down (international supply chains), which means that unemployment figures can be expected to rise, but the feared “big clearcut” would be prevented. Related to rental apartments, however, it is already clear that it will have little impact on rents. There would have been well over 100,000 coronavirus deaths (which, fortunately, cannot be expected from the current state of affairs) with own apartments so that there would be a slight relaxation on the housing market. Even if it were, it would initially only reduce the hidden homelessness, i.e. people, who currently live with parents, relatives or friends because they cannot find own apartments. The situation is different in retail (except food), hotels, restaurants, tourism (how extensive the crisis would become became clear, among other things, after the federal eagle was displayed two days in a row in the smartphone’s news list and the travel app belonging to the Federal Foreign Office referred to the “Worldwide Travel Warning”, so that, in addition to the depressing feeling it created, the corona epidemic got an “upgrade” to corona pandemic), other service segments (the development on the market for office space will be pretty interesting, too), culture, arts, sport events etc.. Here, the Coronavirus can lead to noticeable changes and losses in sales. The longer the crisis lasts, the more business will have to be shifted from stationary retail to online shops and delivery services. This eliminates retail space because only intermediate storage space is required instead. With the increasing duration of the crisis, it is becoming more and more clear that video conferences are very practical and, above all, inexpensive alternatives to traditional business trips. The media in particular are doing this right now. More and more news and discussion groups are taking place from the home office. What is a relaxing experience for those involved, because even elderly seniors can easily use Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, FaceTime & Co. (, 16 March 2020: The 6 Best Free Video Conferencing Apps), of course, has an unfavorable effect on those indirectly involved (hotels, restaurants, transport, etc.). So in the future it will be important for those involved to weigh up what makes more sense: having the own “studio” at home/suitably equipped workplaces in companies or the common good by making use of the services of others for a fee. Ultimately, it will be a question of developing a healthy mix of the two, because with all justified pursuit of profit, it is of no use to anyone if at the same time the common good falls apart and several thousand unemployed are “produced”, because this creates completely different problems that certainly should be avoided. As a rule, companies work in a profit-oriented manner, so that the question is largely answered by itself. The crisis will have a particularly positive impact on the progress of digitization. Even the most stubborn refusers will suddenly realize how important digitization really is. In the future, therefore, investments can be assumed because they are essential for the economic survival (, 25 March 2020: Europe is going bold on digital. You should support it.,, 14 April 2020: EU Zooms ahead, despite worries over app, CNN, 22 May 2020: A ‘city’ for online shopping is being built in Dubai, BBC, 10 July 2020: The remote work experiment that upped productivity 13%). The hotel industry, gastronomy, tourism and the art and culture business will have to deal with the consequences of the crisis the most, because there can be no catch-up effects here (a dinner that has not taken place cannot be sold twice later, nor can a canceled trip, etc.), so it is unclear how many of these companies can open again after the crisis. After all, most other industries can expect to generate higher sales after the crisis.
All in all, after the crisis, we will find out that life goes on, that the earth has not plunged into the sun or crashed in any other way and that the vast majority of Germans aren’t experiencing economic consequences in daily life because only a limited number of people will be involved in the actual regulation of the economic damages. The vast majority of people will continue to live their everyday lives normally, maybe supplemented by a couple of alternatives that some got to know during the break. The current general uncertainty up to scaremongering (the famous “German Angst” has obviously become an export hit) is to be understood insofar as there is no effective remedy against Corona yet, but that will also come. Just like the completely meaningless precautionary purchases (one has to be very simple-minded, or at least dont have the slightest idea of the extent to which basic care is actually kept and guaranteed in Germany in order to fall into precautionary purchases. After all, in the second half of 2020 this will lead to half of the population of Germany having to eat canned food, so that the supermarkets will be empty, because fewer customers are on site, and offer a whole new, almost luxurious shopping experience. “Social distancing” thanks to canned food :-D But one number is remarkable: sales of soaps have increased by 337%. You have to ask yourself how many people before Corona have largely given up on hygiene and how many still do so today? And as a personal note: How could Germany actually have started two world wars and the Holocaust, with a people that has been raving about the end of the world when toilet paper wasn’t available in the supermarkets for two days in a row? This whining bunch can’t even tie their shoes, let alone hold a gun in the right direction. It is a mystery), the scaremongering concerning the economic downfall is meaningless as well. This is written by someone who should have experienced the end of the world at least four times and the outbreak of the Third World War (but of course one have to say that we all know who started the first two. So of course, there can be some fears about a third world abroad. Ultimately, however, we decide when it will start again and since we Germans have nothing like it in the planning at the moment, we can remain to stay totally relaxed on the topic) three times in the course of his life – none of this has actually happened. It will be the same with the forecasted consequences of the corona crisis. It can of course happen that there will be a significant downward swing for a short time, which will, however, quickly go up again, so that the full-year result compared to the previous year will be negative, but certainly no Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will move through Germany. It is possible that there will be some manageable cuts, but not much more will happen in Germany. Germany is moaning at a very high level, while at the same time maintaining practically exemplary social security – yes, the short-time work payments in Germany is sometimes lower than in other EU states, but it is granted for much longer than in other states. Other EU states will be affected much more, in this case, unlike during the banking and financial crisis, through no fault of their own. Here, Germany, as all of Europe’s largest and strongest economy, not “only” of the EU, must clearly take the initiative to significantly weaken the expected shock waves. Every action that the Federal Government starts will be criticized from all sides, as it was during the banking and financial crisis. You can’t please everyone. It is important to want to achieve results with the best intentions and to have the backbone to enforce unpopular decisions. This is exactly what I learned from talking to US counterparts when I asked them how they deal with the constant criticism of US solutions (that was during the Obama presidency). Germany will take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2020, at a time when “the hut is likely to burn”. Angela Merkel’s chancellorship is characterized by crisis management. If anyone can do crisis management at EU level, she can. Let’s be confident that she will succeed again.
At the same time, in such situations, and when the federal government and the federal states open their wallets, the lobby organizations of various orientations speak out loud, of course, to indicate how “systemically relevant” they consider themselves to be so that they can get a piece of the cake. Few of these industries are systemically important or dependent on support, but of course they can give it a try. It is sometimes quite frightening, brazen and strange when you see who is speaking up. How badly must the management of stock corporations have operated if their companies cannot take three months off? How bad must large and traditional medium-sized companies have been doing business if their companies cannot last three months? On what basis were they given rental contracts at all? According to their own current information, they are constantly at risk of bankruptcy! Since when has it been the state’s task in a social market economy to take on entrepreneurial risks from the private sector (companies, investors etc.)? If the state provides aid so that companies can distribute dividends while at the same time having their staff financed at government costs (short-time work allowance), then something went badly wrong. This form of debt pooling isn’t acceptable and should therefore be ended immediately and punished in the same way as is already the case with non-beneficiaries for emergency aid in Berlin. In a free market economy, companies that cannot withstand the pressure of the market or the market situation are disappearing from the market and that is correct (and also applies during the Corona crisis). Their market shares are then taken over by their competitors or completely new players. It is a permanent self-cleaning process of the market. There is no comprehensive insurance for entrepreneurial risk or yield, but also no upper limit for profit from entrepreneurial activity or yield. If you want the latter, you must take the former into account. Anyone who rejects either of these has no business in the entrepreneurial camp. It’s different in socialist countries, of course. There, permanently deficient kolkhozes and combines are financed by the general public – until the state bankruptcy is inevitable. Fortunately, this form doesn’t exist in Germany, but instead the free, social market economy.
It is much more important that those who “kept the shop going” during the crisis, as Chancellor Merkel rightly said, will be better off in the future. Only when this has been done can we talk about other topics, because this group will remain at the forefront in future crises. Each chairperson of the board should also bear in mind that it is precisely these people who will be responsible for their care in the future. They should therefore think carefully about how to treat those from whom they want to be looked after/cared for in the future. Keyword: Karma :-) The fact that the community and city association has its say is very understandable. There is indeed a great economic burden here that must be absorbed by the federal and state governments. In this respect, the temporary extension and conversion of the “Soli” (an additional tax to cover the costs of the German reunification) would be justified. In addition there are micro-entrepreneurs and of course the cultural business:
At the height of WWII, Winston Churchill was challenged to defend a budget that called for an increase in arts funding.
“How can you propose this at a time of extreme national crisis?” asked one member of Parliament.
Churchill replied, “I do it, sir, to remind us what we are fighting for.”
All others can humbly say “thank you” for the aid programs and then think again about their own and actual roles in our society. The aid programs have just given them the time to do so. The “social distancing” that has been prescribed since March 2020 has of course led to restrictions, but also noticeably good sides, which should be maintained well beyond Corona. Conspiracy mystics are not happy to hear this or even let their actually promising careers go down the drain on their own initiative (just one of the many C and D celebrities from around the globe who are obviously massively overwhelmed with their role model functions: Jerusalem Post, 25 July 2020: Germany’s antisemitism czar calls to investigate German celebrity chef), but at the end of the day these small groups are dispensable for the overall social cohesion anyway.
Intermediate result: At the turn of the year 2020/2021 a lot of light can be seen at the end of the tunnel and it is not the light of an oncoming train, but an effective vaccine that will now be inoculated step by step to the EU citizens (or as Karl Valentin already knew to report: “First I waited slowly and then faster and faster”). A lot has happened so far. The following links to newspaper reports document this extensively. At the moment, of course, everyone is still familiar with this, but in five years’ time some will be wondering how it actually went “back then” and will then find a lot of information here. It is clear that most of the forecasts from spring 2020 were based on the basic orientations, with very few assuming such a long duration. So far, the countries that have come through the pandemic best have been able to offer broad support measures. Here the EU has been able to assert itself well and has also grown with its tasks. Measures have been taken that will strengthen the EU well beyond the pandemic and contribute to greater integration and solidarity. The course of the pandemic in the individual EU states was, however, in some cases considerably different. Germany has so far got away with a good deal, which is also due to its economic performance and is due to the fact that reserves could be built up in previous years, which are now being drawn from. The new borrowing has nevertheless reached remarkable heights, which have so far been manageable. It is unmistakable that the limits of the resilience of all those involved are slowly being reached. Some are even well beyond that (corona deniers and other Covidiotes). The vast majority of the population is nevertheless very disciplined, not least because the end of the spook is foreseeable in the middle of 2021 (or when at least 50 of the 80 million Germans have received their two doses of vaccine). It will probably go back to partial normality as early as April / May, especially since the number of infections will then decrease considerably. In retrospect, it was interesting to see how the majority of the population faced the pandemic. Initially rather incredulous or even helpless, because it became increasingly clear that it was not just a regional outbreak with a few thousand affected people, but that all 7.8 billion inhabitants of the planet are equally threatened, finally regaining their composure and taking the necessary measures in order to be able to survive the situation as best as possible based on the current state of affairs and increasing knowledge about Covid-19 (which sometimes changed on a daily basis). After all, it was clear early on that it was a virus, so there were no guilty parties who could be brought up and powerless, but the “slippery bastard” Corona could only be dealt with with a vaccine and drugs that had to be developed. Scientists and researchers from all over the world have teamed up on an unprecedented scale to develop this vaccine in record time and were successful in various ways by the end of 2020. Now production has to be ramped up successfully worldwide. This is a bumpy and anything but easy path, but it will also be crowned with success. Nevertheless, there is the usual and completely unjustified whining from the capitals of the federal states towards Brussels. Although Brussels was commissioned to procure the vaccines for all states, it can only implement this to a limited extent due to the lack of competencies and therefore had to include the special requests of the individual states, which are sometimes completely contradictory. It is quite a impudence when there are now increasing voices from the states who seriously want to make believe that it would not be due to their own inadequacies that the EU procurement channels now have to be the ones that they have now become. The simplest example of this is the cost per vaccine dose. While Western Europe, especially Germany, can easily afford any currently approved vaccine, Eastern Europe cannot. There is also the fact that western vaccines are not even trustedin the east, so that Hungary, for example, uses Russian (Sputnik V) and Chinese (Sinopharm) vaccines (in this case, of course, it is also because Orbán has been deep in Putin’s pocket for years and is hoping for strong Chinese investments in Hungary). Brussels cannot be held responsible for either one or the other. Still, there are enough simpleton who try anyway.
As was to be expected, most of the economy has come through the pandemic well thanks to government support programs. The prognosis is more difficult for the stationary retail trade (with the exception of the food retail trade), the gastronomy, hotel, art and sports business. How many of these companies switch from lockdown to closedown mode (insolvency) can only be roughly estimated so far. Obviously, however, Corona acts like a time lapse that significantly accelerates the developments that have already been evident for some time. Sales in online retail have increased to the same extent as stationary retail has recorded a decline in sales. To a large extent, this will remain the case after the pandemic. The winners were those retailers who already had an online shop before the outbreak of Covid-19. Losers are those who have missed the train (winning back market share afterwards is very difficult, especially for “lone fighters”). The logistics industry was also able to grow significantly. Manufacturers of household appliances of all kinds have made the business of their lives in Germany and hardware stores certainly had no problems either. Overall, it can be assumed that the inner cities will rearrange and realign themselves in the medium term. This also against the background of falling rents for retail space due to the expected oversupply of space.
On a business level, the desk could be cleared so far that for the first time in years the table top could be seen and not only guessed, and finally had enough time to calmly develop new projects, concepts and products. On a personal level, you could of course draw a lot of positive aspects from having more time for own fields of interest than in the previous 30 years, i.e. looking for a new hobby, deepening knowledge, reading books, opening up new individual topics, refreshing job-related topics or start a complete reorientation, etc. For a not that small number of German citizens, it was enough to simply “watch Netflix empty” or else, just the way everyone wanted to use the free time. Unimagined luxury that many people will certainly wish back after the pandemic.
One can be particularly excited to see how the “new normal” will affect professional life. Finding a good, healthy transition that is manageable for everyone will be a challenge, especially when it comes to speed and performance. It will not go from 0 to 100, but initially only from 0 to 60, and then gradually increase the pace.
Next interim result at the end of 2021: It has been clear to all interested parties since the summer of the year that Corona will be with us for a few more years. Up to now, booster vaccinations have to be given, but other treatment options will certainly be available in the future. Similar to the flu, Corona has a “boom” in autumn and winter, while spring and summer are much quieter. A gain in knowledge that everyone can work with and adjust accordingly. Politicians were once again “completely surprised” by this development, partly as the result of the Bundestag elections and the ongoing coalition negotiations. The executive federal government obviously and understandably no longer feels responsible for it and “Olaf and the traffic light men” (SPD (red), FDP (yellow) and Greens (green)) are not yet in office. So fate took its course once again and Germany runs knowingly and widely unprepared into the 4th wave, which is already running with full force. Again, almost all heads of the federal states have proven to be incapable of community solutions and this rubs off on their electorate, who now believe they can do what they want, which drives the infection and incidence numbers from one all time negative record to the next. The subject of “personal responsibility” is wrongly reinterpreted as “pure ego trip” and leads to the expected results. Obviously, it doesn’t work without clear government instructions and guidelines. Far too many are otherwise quite obviously completely overwhelmed with their (personal) responsibility.
Over the course of the year there became clear social divisions between those who have been vaccinated or those who have recovered on the one hand (around 75% of the population for whom the booster vaccination is due and has once again been remarkably poorly prepared, although the need has been known for many months) and unvaccinated people on the other hand visible. Except for those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, it must be stated that a minority is tyrannizing a majority with their refusal by ensuring that Corona cannot be fought once and for all, but that it will instead remain permanently, associated with all the negative consequences for the economy, society and social affairs. Opponents of the vaccination can be divided into the group of those who have reservations about possible long-term effects (which do not exist: either you die relatively immediately after the vaccination or everything is good and will remain so) and the Covidiotes, who are already totally lost. At the beginning of the pandemic, I still had the hope of relatively few corona deaths. Since the pandemic is now largely a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, I now think that some more thousands corona deaths would actually not be a bad thing: It would keep the unemployment figures and rates low and stable and at the the same time, wipe out the corona precariat with a damp cloth. Judging by how they have performed over the past few months, it’s hard to believe that anyone would miss them – not even at home. In this respect: they want it that way, so may Corona free them from their sufferings and miseries. It is also worrying that some of the guys have children, so that the child welfare risk can be assumed 100,000 fold.
In the past few months there have been repeated demonstrations, some of which have been extremely violent, although a clear distinction has to be made here as well: On the one hand, the largely peaceful demonstrations of professional groups and industries took place that are economically up to their necks or even beyond that, i.e. the basis of their livelihood is being pulled from under their feet by Corona and demonstrations are of course an effective means of drawing public attention to it and on the other hand, once again, the Covidiots, whose whining and yelling no one takes seriously anyway, because it is completely absurd and therefore irrelevant (from the news today, November 18th, 2021, I learned that the latest fad is to self-administer wormer cures for horses and cows, because they consider them to be more effective than the corona vaccinations. What else can you say about that? The psychiatric hospitals in Germany and the EU seem to be completely overcrowded. There is hardly any other way of explaining why the Covidiotes are still running around free and untreated instead of being forcibly admitted). One can only feel sorry for the medical staff who have to take care of the covidiots. In addition, they have much more important tasks to do, namely taking care of the lives of people who have not brought themselves into dire straits and should therefore receive priority treatment.
While on the one hand there is an abundance of vaccines in the economically strong countries of the West, also because vaccination offers are not taken up, the poor and poorest countries are still struggling to give their populations access to initial vaccinations at all. Ultimately, of course, it is clear that the pandemic can only be combated effectively if the entire world population has access to vaccination offers. As long as this is not the case, delivery failures, raw material shortages and disruptions in logistics and supply chains will remain, which of course will also affect the final prices of the products, as can be seen from the highest inflation rates in the West for decades. In retrospect, however, one can also see that those who predicted that retail / online sales (furniture, household appliances, clothing, etc.) would decline due to the pandemic, were so dramatically wrong .. my goodness, were they wrong, so incomprehensibly wrong. On the contrary, they exploded. The transactions in my bank account are impressive proof of this! 😯 Joking aside: In fact, sales have plummeted, especially of course in traditional, stationary retail. Online trading, which was able to absorb and intercept a lot, continued to benefit from this. For shopping enthusiasts, online shopping is of course not a full replacement for hours of stroling in stationary retail stores. The small, owner-run shops in particular are closing in rows and, unfortunately, with it the backbone of shopping, because after all, nothing is more boring than having to go to chain stores with their uniform offers because there is no adequate alternative on site. That, too, will change the inner cities permanently in the coming years.
After two years of the corona pandemic, it is already remarkable with which concentrated irresponsibility is proceeded by politicians at the end of the year and in view of the Corona variant Omikron. The presumably new government coalition around “Olaf and the traffic ligth men” scored a brilliant own goal even before the government took over. There is no need to even speak of the completely uncoordinated “State Minister’s Conference”. If there weren’t so many positively self-reliant citizens (that explicitly excludes the Covidiots. It is quite remarkable how much space the media gives to this comparatively very small bunch of screamers, rowdies, extremists and terrorists, instead of concentrating on those who have real problems with and because of Corona, but who are nevertheless and continue to make great efforts to remain within the social consensus. The reporting thus creates a distorted picture of the situation and gives the impression of a “social division”, which objectively doesn’t even exist. Germany has always had a share of 20 to 25% confused on various topics. Most of them are harmless weirdos, followers and everyday troublemakers who only have one thing in common that they want to be “against everything”. Today they are against corona measures, tomorrow against snow in winter and the day after tomorrow against sun in summer. They do not contribute to the “social division”, but in the worst case suffer from divided personalities, but mostly “only” have an ambivalent relationship to everyday situations. So among the opponents of the corona measures and especially the vaccinations, there are a lot of people who have actually already received the booster vaccination. The 20 to 25% confused also include 5 to 7% really crazy enemies of democracy and the constitution, whose political arm is the AfD and who are never concerned with the topics, but always with abolishing the rule of law and eliminating our free-democratic basic order including our established societal system. This sad bunch will certainly not achieve a “social split”. But they know which buttons have to be pressed so that the media jump on the bandwagon to try to turn a mosquito into an elephant, instead of reporting on the millions of sane people who are exemplary citizens and try to overcome the pandemic as prudently and quickly as possible), the country would already had gone belly up, given the political leaders. It is as if politics had learned absolutely nothing from the pandemic. The obviously completely counterproductive stumbling block “federalism” proves once again to be a first-rate creator of chaos (instead of creating a mechanism that, for example, in times of pandemics, concentrating the complete management and issuing of instructions on the Federal Chancellery), which at the same time ensures that every state leader is of the opinion to cook his own soup, only to make an already complicated situation worse, but in the end nobody wants to take the responsibility for the resulting social and economic failures – but at the same time seriously expecting to be re-elected for the swath of devastation left behind. That will probably not work. So it really comes as no surprise to anyone, that confidence in politics and their ability to act is noticeably dwindling. In addition, the unholy combination of “making any wild individual decisions, but not wanting to face any consequences” damages the role model functions of these people considerably, especially since this misses the realities of life. Of course, those who make decisions have to face the consequences of it – positive as well as negative. Also and in this respect, it would be only logical to concentrate the control of the pandemic measures on the Federal Chancellery.
It is now summer 2022: After the corona waves from autumn and winter subsided, there was a summer wave and further waves are already taking place around the world. However, Germany is on summer vacation for the time being, especially since the corona vaccinations suggest relative security for a weakened course of a corona infection. It is becoming apparent that in the future, in addition to the flu shots, you should also get a corona vaccination every year before the start of autumn to be on the safe side. The economic consequences of the past Corona months are currently mixed with the consequences of Russia’s war of aggression and annihilation against Ukraine and are piling up to veritable inflation rates, which the majority of the population is and can continue to cope with well, but not by everyone. In addition to the corona-related interruptions in global supply chains and the resulting disruptions in production, there is also a shortage of staff in Germany, which will become more noticeable in the coming years. All of this and in connection with the no longer guaranteed gas supply from Russia will hold some challenges for European societies as a whole for the upcoming autumn and winter. Internationally, potential conflicts with China are on the horizon, possibly also with Iran, so that when viewed subjectively, Corona, as one of the many crises to be overcome, seems to be getting smaller.
Corona is still an issue at the turn of the year 2023/2024. However, due to the now good vaccination rates, the topic is increasingly becoming a marginal issue, so that the “clean-up work” and the processing and evaluation of the safety measures taken are in full swing.
COVID-19 pandemic in the European Union:
- COVID-19 pandemic in Austria (Der Spiegel, 6 July 2020: The Ischgl Outbreak Families of COVID-19 Victims Seek Justice, DW, 12 October 2020: Commission blames Austrian government for poor handling of Ischgl coronavirus outbreak, BBC, 23 September 2020: Ischgl: Austria sued over Tyrol ski resort’s Covid-19 outbreak, BBC, 13 October 2020: Coronavirus: ‘Momentous’ errors worsened Austria ski resort outbreak, Reuters, 21 February 2021: Study at Ischgl ski resort finds lasting coronavirus immunity)
- COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium
- COVID-19 pandemic in Bulgaria
- COVID-19 pandemic in Croatia
- COVID-19 pandemic in Cyprus
- COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic
- COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark
- COVID-19 pandemic in Estonia
- COVID-19 pandemic in Finland
- COVID-19 pandemic in France
- COVID-19 pandemic in Germany
- COVID-19 pandemic in Greece
- COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary
- COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Ireland
- COVID-19 pandemic in Italy
- COVID-19 pandemic in Latvia
- COVID-19 pandemic in Lithuania
- COVID-19 pandemic in Luxembourg
- COVID-19 pandemic in Malta
- COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands
- COVID-19 pandemic in Poland
- COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal
- COVID-19 pandemic in Romania
- COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia
- COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia
- COVID-19 pandemic in Spain
- COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden
COVID-19 pandemic in the EFTA states:
- COVID-19 pandemic in Iceland
- COVID-19 pandemic in Liechtenstein
- COVID-19 pandemic in Norway
- COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland
COVID-19 pandemic elsewere:
- COVID-19 pandemic in Andorra
- COVID-19 pandemic in Australia
- COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
- COVID-19 pandemic in Canada
- COVID-19 pandemic in mainland China
- COVID-19 pandemic in Cuba
- COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong
- COVID-19 pandemic in India
- COVID-19 pandemic in Japan
- COVID-19 pandemic in Kosovo
- COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico
- COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand
- COVID-19 pandemic in North Macedonia
- COVID-19 pandemic in Russia
- COVID-19 pandemic in San Marino
- COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia
- COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore
- COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa
- COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine
- COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom
- COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
- COVID-19 pandemic in Vatican City
COVID-19 pandemic in the Union for the Mediterranean:
- COVID-19 pandemic in Albania
- COVID-19 pandemic in Algeria
- COVID-19 pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- COVID-19 pandemic in Egypt
- COVID-19 pandemic in Israel
- COVID-19 pandemic in Jordan
- COVID-19 pandemic in Lebanon
- COVID-19 pandemic in Libya
- COVID-19 pandemic in Morocco
- COVID-19 pandemic in Mauritania
- COVID-19 pandemic in Monaco
- COVID-19 pandemic in Montenegro
- COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Palestine
- COVID-19 pandemic in Syria
- COVID-19 pandemic in Tunisia
- COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey
COVID-19 pandemic in the Gulf states:
- COVID-19 pandemic in Bahrain
- COVID-19 pandemic in Iran
- COVID-19 pandemic in Iraq
- COVID-19 pandemic in Kuwait
- COVID-19 pandemic in Oman
- COVID-19 pandemic in Qatar
- COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia
- COVID-19 pandemic in the United Arab Emirates
- COVID-19 pandemic in Yemen
Media coverage: The Atlantic, 31 January 2020: The European Union’s Double Crisis of Legitimacy (the political union is not only desirable, it is long overdue. Instead of shifting decisions from one government to the next for fear of a few nationalist backbenchers, anti-German and EU-hostile anti-democrats and anti-constitutionalists, right-wing extremists and right-wing terrorists, it is high time for the next big step forward to make the EU more powerful and future-proof and at the same time due of the results to take the wind out of the sails of the nationalists, because the successes will expose the “critics” for what they are: substance-less simpletons), The Washington Post, 13 February 2020: Economic fallout from China’s coronavirus mounts across the world, Gulf Times, 17 February 2020: Global economic policy direction now hinges on China’s next move, The New York Times, 17 February 2020: Slowed by the Coronavirus, China Inc. Struggles to Reopen, BBC, 21 February 2020: US business levels fall sharply amid coronavirus,, 21 February 2020: The man behind the global struggle to create digital taxes, The Guardian, 23 February 2020: Economic impact of coronavirus outbreak deepens, Arab News, 23 February 2020: G20 ready to limit effects of coronavirus on global economy, Saudi finance minister, The National, 23 February 2020: G20 finance heads see moderate growth amid mounting challenges to global economy, CNN, 23 February 2020: Some of the world’s biggest economies are on the brink of recession,, 24 February 2020: Global markets fall sharply as virus cases spread past Asia, CNN, 24 February 2020: Stranded lobsters and missing wedding dresses: The coronavirus is a daily reminder of China’s global reach, Al Arabiya, 27 February 2020: Saudi Arabia halts entry for Umrah in Mecca, tourism from coronavirus-hit states,, 27 February 2020: U.S. stocks plummet and health experts warn against Trump’s claims: The latest on coronavirus, BBC, 28 February 2020: Coronavirus: Global shares suffer worst week since financial crisis, The Guardian, 29 February 2020: Markets expected to fall further as coronavirus hits China’s economy, CNN, 2 March 2020: Coronavirus is plunging the global economy into its worst crisis since 2009, BBC, 3 March 2020: US in emergency rate cut as coronavirus spreads, CNN, 3 March 2020: Markets are swinging wildly. Here’s what you need to know, The Washington Post, 3 March 2020: Fed makes largest emergency cut to interest rates since the financial crisis,, 4 March 2020: Eurogroup pledges to spare no effort to shield economies from coronavirus impact,, 6 March 2020: Coronavirus forces Europe to confront China dependency, BBC, 9 March 2020: Global shares plunge after oil prices crash, CNN, 9 March 2020: Global stocks plunge as oil crashes and coronavirus fear spreads,, 9 March 2020: The end of Europe’s corona denial, BBC, 11 March 2020: World battles coronavirus,, 11 March 2020: Coronavirus: Live updates, BBC, 11 March 2020: Stock markets plunge after WHO declares pandemic, BBC, 12 March 2020: Coronavirus: Trump suspends travel from Europe to US,, 12 March 2020: Trump’s Europe travel ban explained,, 12 March 2020: Trump’s travel ban sidesteps his own European resorts, CNN, 12 March 2020: European Union leaders disapprove of US travel restrictions over coronavirus, The Guardian, 12 March 2020: Coronavirus: EU condemns Trump travel ban as Ireland shuts schools,, 12 March 2020: EU leaders condemn Trump’s travel ban, BBC, 12 March 2020: Coronavirus: Six of President Trump’s claims fact-checked, CNN, 12 March 2020: Trump’s Europe travel ban caused US stocks to plummet and the Dow may be on pace for its worst day since October 26, 1987, NPR, 12 March 2020: Dow Drops 1,900 Points: Stocks In Meltdown After Temporary Trading Halt, The Guardian, 12 March 2020: US and European markets plunge further after Trump travel ban, Arab News, 12 March 2020: Saudi Arabia expands travel ban to and from EU, 12 more countries as coronavirus cases in Kingdom jump to 45,, 12 March 2020: ECB offers easy money but no rate cut to counter coronavirus, Arab News, 12 March 2020: LIVE: Coronavirus cases increase across Middle as UAE government employees work from home, BBC, 13 March 2020: Europe ramps up support for ailing firms,, 13 March 2020: How Europe is responding to the coronavirus pandemic, Arab News, 13 March 2020: Coronavirus sparks fears as cases rise in Middle East, The Washington Post, 13 March 2020: The companies that feed America brace for labor shortages and worry about restocking stores as coronavirus pandemic intensifies,, 13 March 2020: Coronavirus crisis: This time banks could be the good guys, The New York Times, 14 March 2020: 2 New York State Lawmakers Test Positive for Coronavirus, CNN, 14 March 2020: What does Britain know about coronavirus that the rest of Europe doesn’t?,, 14 March 2020: Russia shutting borders with Poland and Norway over coronavirus, The New York Times, 14 March 2020: “We are not prepared.” A rise in patients could overwhelm New York City’s hospitals., BBC, 14 March 2020: Coronavirus: A visual guide to the pandemic, The New York Times, 14 March 2020: U.S. Extends Travel Ban to Britain and Ireland; Trump Says He Was Tested for Virus, BBC, 14 March 2020: Coronavirus: US to extend travel ban to UK and Ireland, The Washington Post, 14 March 2020: Spain announces nationwide lockdown; U.S. expands travel ban, BBC, 14 March 2020: Coronavirus: UK deaths double in 24 hours, BBC, 14 March 2020: France orders non-essential public places to close, The Guardian, 14 March 2020: EU leaders divided on how to protect economies after coronavirus, Al Jazeera, 14 March 2020: Coronavirus could be Donald Trump’s Katrina moment, Arab News, 14 March 2020: Saudi Arabia suspends international flights starting Sunday to prevent spread of coronavirus, Gulf Times, 14 March 2020: World closes borders, restricts travel to contain coronavirus spread, Al Arabiya, 14 March 2020: Coronavirus: Denmark announces first death, closes borders, CNN, 14 March 2020: America has learned a lot about Trump during coronavirus crisis, NPR, 14 March 2020: U.S. Adds U.K. And Ireland To Travel Ban; New Restrictions In Multiple Countries, The Guardian, 15 March 2020: America has no real public health system – coronavirus has a clear run, BBC, 15 March 2020: Coronavirus: Australia orders all arrivals to self-isolate for 14 days, The Guardian, 15 March 2020: Coronavirus: Trump’s stumbles and testing failures pave way to disaster, experts say, The Guardian, 15 March 2020: This coronavirus crisis has forced the retirement of pantomime Johnson, BBC, 15 March 2020: Coronavirus: Isolation for over-70s ‘within weeks’, CNN, 15 March 2020: This pandemic risks bringing out the worst in humanity, The New York Times, 15 March 2020: C.D.C. Gives New Guidelines, New York to Close Restaurants and Schools and Italian Deaths Rise, The Washington Post, 15 March 2020: Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to ‘flatten the curve’,, 16 March 2020: Coronavirus: The incompetence pandemic, BBC, 16 March 2020: Rate cuts: US goes to almost zero and launches huge stimulus programme, CNN, 16 March 2020: Trump claims coronavirus is under control — contradicting reality and his own top expert, BBC, 16 March 2020: Coronavirus: Stocks plunge despite global central bank action, CNN, 16 March 2020: Dow futures plunge 1,000 points after Fed cuts interest rate to zero, BBC, 16 March 2020: Coronavirus: US man who stockpiled hand sanitiser probed for price gouging,, 16 March 2020: Von der Leyen calls for ban on travel to EU, CNN, 16 March 2020: Millions across the US wake up to massive shutdowns to curb spread of coronavirus, The New York Times, 16 March 2020: Public Schools to Shut in New York City and Suburbs, Gulf News, 16 March 2020: Coronavirus: Qatar to ban entry of non-Qataris, The Washington Post, 16 March 2020: Wall Street suspends trading for third time in two weeks, NPR, 16 March 2020: America Closed: Thousands Of Stores, Resorts, Theaters Shut Down,, 16 March 2020: EU weighs into German-American spat over vaccine company, The New York Times, 16 March 2020: Grieving for My Sick City, The National, 16 March 2020: Coronavirus offers a stinging rebuke to protectionists,, 16 March 2020: Coronavirus could break the EU, CNN, 16 March 2020: The global coronavirus recession is beginning, Khaleej Times, 16 March 2020: Coronavirus in UAE: Mosques close for four weeks, Independent, 17 March 2020: Coronavirus: Parisians flee capital as ‘overstretched’ hospitals in Alsace battle pandemic, BBC, 17 March 2020: Coronavirus: Spanish deaths surge close to 500, CNN, 17 March 2020: The world’s biggest carmaker is shutting down in Europe, The Guardian, 17 March 2020: Markets rally as White House pushes for stimulus package – business live,, 17 March 2020: Europe hunkers down for war against coronavirus, The New York Times, 17 March 2020: Mayor Warns of Crisis Akin to Great Depression in New York City, Al Arabiya, 17 March 2020: EU imposes entry ban for 30 days due to coronavirus: Merkel, BBC, 17 March 2020: Trump angers Beijing with ‘Chinese virus’ tweet, The Guardian, 17 March 2020: When will a coronavirus vaccine be ready?, Reuters, 17 March 2020: Saudi Arabia closes mosques, calls G20 leaders to meet over coronavirus, Gulf News, 17 March 2020: Qatar shuts mosques amid coronavirus concerns, The Guardian, 17 March 2020: Iranian police disperse crowds from shrines after Covid-19 closures, NPR, 17 March 2020: Pence Warns Coronavirus Outbreak Could Last ‘Well Into July’, The New York Times, 17 March 2020: Defying Virus Rules, Large Hasidic Jewish Weddings Held in Brooklyn,, 17 March 2020: Belgium shuts down public life to fight coronavirus, BBC, 18 March 2020: Las Vegas casinos ordered to shut for a month, CNN, 18 March 2020: Virus confronts leaders with one of modern history’s gravest challenges,, 18 March 2020: Europe’s economy is in safe hands — for now, The Guardian, 18 March 2020: Profit warnings from firms across Europe mount as Covid-19 bites, Der Spiegel, 18 March 2020: Greece, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Kenya: Fear Grows of a COVID-19 Outbreak in Refugee Camps, The New York Times, 18 March 2020: Nations Pledge Trillions to Stave Off Economic Catastrophe, Arab News, 18 March 2020: Europe facing a perfect political and economic storm, Israel Hayom, 18 March 2020: Saudi Arabia closes mosques in attempt to check coronavirus spread,, 18 March 2020: With coronavirus, the easyJet generation learns to live in a Europe with borders, NPR, 18 March 2020: The coronavirus crisis: ‘A Socio-Economic Tsunami’: How The World Is Dealing With Pandemic,, 18 March 2020: China is winning the coronavirus propaganda war, The New York Times, 18 March 2020: New Yorkers Brace for Months of Restriction: Updates, Globes, 18 March 2020: Bank of Israel to sell $15b foreign currency to support shekel, Arab News, 18 March 2020: UAE stops issuing visas on arrival and bans citizens from traveling abroad over coronavirus, Al Arabiya, 18 March 2020: Coronavirus: Qatar closes all shops except food stores, pharmacies for 14 days, Newsweek, 19 March 2020: Bergamo: Italian army transports dozens of coffins out of city after crematorium overwhelmed with coronavirus deaths, BBC, 19 March 2020: Europe sets up emergency lifeline worth billions, Der Spiegel, 19 March 2020: Deadly Fake News: Battling Virulent Coronavirus Rumors in Africa, The Washington Post, 19 March 2020: New York City is the epicenter of coronavirus in the U.S. Is this due to density — or testing?, CNN, 19 March 2020: Toilet paper makers: ‘What we are dealing with here is uncharted’, The Washington Post, 19 March 2020: China reports no new locally transmitted cases, The New York Times, 19 March 2020: World Feared China Over Coronavirus. Now the Tables Are Turned.,, 19 March 2020: ECB rises to expectations with massive bond-buying move, DW, 19 March 2020: Traffic chaos at German-Polish border a threat to local supply chains?, The New York Times, 19 March 2020: Virus Hits Europe Harder Than China. Is That the Price of an Open Society?, NPR, 19 March 2020: People With Mild Symptoms Can Spread Coronavirus, European Researchers Warn,, 19 March 2020: Coronavirus: who wins in the Senate GOP’s big bailout, NPR, 19 March 2020: ‘Stay Home,’ Californians Are Told By Governor As Coronavirus Spreads, The Washington Post, 19 March 2020: Floridians fret over coronavirus as young revelers try to keep party going, The National, 19 March 2020: Trump’s bungling of coronavirus will reshape US politics, Haaretz, 19 March 2020: After Large Wedding and 240 Coronavirus Cases in N.Y.C. Orthodox Community, Rabbis Called on to Act, Gulf News, 20 March 2020: Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia suspends prayers in arenas outside Mecca, Medina holy mosques, CNN, 20 March 2020: Governments are pumping trillions into their economies. But some people could still be left out, BBC, 20 March 2020: Coronavirus: California issues state-wide ‘stay at home’ order, CNN, 20 March 2020: California’s governor has ordered all 40 million residents to stay home and 45 million people have been ordered to stay home as Argentina enacts a nationwide lockdown, The Guardian, 20 March 2020: Coronavirus: the week the world shut down, Politico Magazine, 20 March 2020: Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How., Al Arabiya, 20 March 2020: Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia halts prayer in courtyards of holy mosques in Mecca, Medina,, 20 March 2020: EU triggers deficit rules ‘escape clause’ to boost public spending, NPR, 20 March 2020: N.C. Sheriffs Find 18,000 Pounds Of Toilet Paper And Other Products In Stolen Truck,, 20 March 2020: Europe’s citizens back their leaders’ coronavirus response, say polls, NPR, 20 March 2020: America’s Shopping List: Here’s What We’re Buying The Most, The New York Times, 20 March 2020: New York Has Over 40 Percent of U.S. Cases: Updates, Arab News, 20 March 2020: Saudi Arabia announces 120 billion riyals worth of measures to mitigate coronavirus impact, The National, 20 March 2020: One million jobs are being lost every day as coronavirus hits travel and tourism industry, Gulf Times, 20 March 2020: New York expecting sharp rise in cases, Al Arabiya, 20 March 2020: Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia suspends domestic flights, public transportation, Arab News, 20 March 2020: Middle East hospitality and tourism industry braced for hard times,, 20 March 2020: ‘This is crazy:’ Rage boils over at Amazon sites over coronavirus risks,, 20 March 2020: EU triggers deficit rules ‘escape clause’ to boost public spending, Haaretz, 21 March 2020: 88-year-old Holocaust Survivor From Jerusalem Is Israel’s First Coronavirus Fatality, Jerusalem Post, 21 March 2020: The real reasons coronavirus is spreading in my Hasidic community, BBC, 21 March 2020: Coronavirus: One in five Americans ordered to stay at home, The Guardian, 21 March 2020: Coronavirus cases climb across Asia Pacific as lockdowns in US widen, Al Arabiya, 21 March 2020: Coronavirus: UAE temporarily shuts beaches, pools, cinemas, gyms, BBC, 21 March 2020: Coronavirus: Leaders tell citizens to stick to rules, The Guardian, 21 March 2020: Here’s what a ‘stay home’ order means for New York, CNN, 21 March 2020: 30 days that brought the world to the brink of a depression, Arab News, 21 March 2020: UAE shuts beaches, parks, pools, cinemas and gyms over coronavirus concerns, Al Arabiya, 21 March 2020: Coronavirus: Qatar bans all forms of gathering by law, confirmed cases at 481, NPR, 21 March 2020: African Countries Respond Quickly To Spread Of COVID-19,, 21 March 2020: Europe’s coronavirus crisis seen from the sky, The New York Times, 21 March 2020: Stabilization Package Would Exceed $1 Trillion, White House Adviser Says, Arab News, 21 March 2020: Saudi Arabia calls for G20 summit to help inoculate global economy, CNN, 21 March 2020: Google launches educational coronavirus website,, 21 March 2020: Coronavirus: Will spring breakers become super-spreaders?, CNN, 21 March 2020: At least 30 cruise ships are at sea right now. Here’s what it’s like on board, NPR, 21 March 2020: Coronavirus Deaths Spike Abroad As New York City Becomes U.S. Virus Epicenter,, 21 March 2020: Senate closing in on deal for $1.6 trillion rescue package, BBC, 22 March 2020: Coronavirus: Australian PM warns of lockdowns, CNN, 22 March 2020: Cultural events are being canceled amid the coronavirus. So what?, The Guardian, 22 March 2020: New York has 5% of Covid-19 cases worldwide as city becomes battlefront, Reuters, 22 March 2020: UPDATE 1-German, Swiss hospitals to treat coronavirus patients from eastern France, BBC, 22 March 2020: Coronavirus: Lombardy region announces stricter measures,, 22 March 2020: Italy closes all nonessential factories to halt spread of coronavirus, BBC, 22 March 2020: Coronavirus: Boris Johnson in Mother’s Day warning amid concern for NHS, The Guardian, 22 March 2020: EU states ‘dragging their feet’ over financial transparency, report finds, Coronavirus in Europe, Reuters, 22 March 2020: Breakingviews – Corporate bailouts should be quick, big and wide, CNN, 22 March 2020: Spain to extend coronavirus state of emergency as deaths soar,, 22 March 2020: Washington Is About to Pick Which Companies Survive, Arab News, 22 March 2020: Middle East shuts down more public spaces to curb coronavirus spread, DW, 22 March 2020: What are Germany’s new coronavirus social distancing rules?, Reuters, 22 March 2020: Canada coronavirus death toll jumps, officials could punish those ignoring precautions,, 22 March 2020: Spanish PM calls for EU ‘Marshall Plan’ to stop the coronavirus, The New York Times, 22 March 2020: Coronavirus Live Updates: As State Pleas Mount, Trump Outlines Some Federal Action; Senate Democrats Block Stimulus Package, The Washington Post, 22 March 2020: Clash between GOP, Democrats over stimulus bill intensifies, Al Jazeera, 22 March 2020: In Africa, social distancing is a privilege few can afford, Times of Israel, 22 March 2020: Crowds of Jerusalem ultra-Orthodox clash with cops enforcing virus lockdown, Times of Israel, 22 March 2020: Two ultra-Orthodox Jews die in London as coronavirus shutters most communities, Jerusalem Post, 22 March 2020: Extremist haredi men stone police on coronavirus enforcement patrols, NPR, 22 March 2020: Reporter’s Notebook: Crossing Into Canada Before Coronavirus Closes The Border, Haaretz, 23 March 2020: Palestinian PM Orders West Bank Lockdown; Coronavirus Cases in Israel Pass 1,000, Times of Israel, 23 March 2020: 65 out of 114 quarantined NY Chabad passengers now diagnosed with coronavirus, CNN, 23 March 2020: Dollars vs. deaths is the sickening choice created by coronavirus,, 23 March 2020: Locked-down Europe asks: How long can we afford this?, BBC, 23 March 2020: Coronavirus: Strict new curbs on life in UK announced by PM, The Guardian, 23 March 2020: Italian mayor flies his student daughters out of ‘unsafe’ England,, 23 March 2020: EU ministers suspend deficit limits to fight coronavirus slump, CNN, 23 March 2020: Chef: We need seismic change, right now, The Guardian, 23 March 2020: South Africa to go into 21-day lockdown on Thursday night, The Guardian, 24 March 2020: India’s 1.3bn population locked down to beat coronavirus, BBC, 24 March 2020: Coronavirus spreading in New York like ‘a bullet train’, CNN, 24 March 2020: Trump says he wants the country ‘opened up and just raring to go by Easter,’ despite health experts’ warnings,, 24 March 2020: Democracy in critical care as coronavirus disrupts governments, NPR, 24 March 2020: Spanish Military Finds Dead Bodies And Seniors ‘Completely Abandoned’ In Care Homes, The Guardian, 24 March 2020: Australia coronavirus live updates: NSW records more than 1,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 including two children under 10 – latest, BBC, 24 March 2020: Coronavirus: India enter ‘total lockdown’ after spike in cases, The Guardian, 24 March 2020: An unreal city: lockdown in London, CNN, 24 March 2020: 4 reasons the ‘American Resurrection’ won’t work,, 24 March 2020: European Union finance ministers deadlock on coronavirus economic strategy, The Washington Post, 24 March 2020: Guide to the pandemic, CNN, 24 March 2020: Death of juvenile in California from coronavirus believed to be first in US of someone that age, Jerusalem Post, 24 March 2020: Coronavirus: Moscow says outbreak in Russia ‘much worse’ than it seems, The Guardian, 24 March 2020: New York governor issues dire warning as coronavirus rates rise faster than expected, The New York Times, 24 March 2020: Updates: People Who Recently Left N.Y.C. Are Asked to Self-Quarantine, The National, 24 March 2020: Coronavirus shows why Ronald Reagan was wrong about ‘big government’, The Washington Post, 24 March 2020: Trump wants ‘the country opened,’ but easing coronavirus restrictions now would be disastrous, experts say, Gulf Times, 25 March 2020: Qatar helps Gaza fight spread of Covid-19, Gulf Times, 25 March 2020: Europe’s bond market springs back to life after Fed lifts mood, Arab News, 25 March 2020: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman to chair extraordinary virtual summit of G20 leaders, BBC, 25 March 2020: Coronavirus: At least 50 priests killed by coronavirus, Gulf Times, 25 March 2020: Qatar starts providing aid to Palestinians in Gaza, CNN, 25 March 2020: A coronavirus test can be developed in 24 hours. So why are some countries still struggling to diagnose?, CNN, 25 March 2020: Coronavirus: Spain’s death toll surpasses China’s,, 25 March 2020: Michel: EU leaders to consider ‘Marshall Plan’ for Europe (European Civil Protection And Humanitarian Aid Operations: rescEU: What is it?), CNN, 25 March 2020: Coronavirus: One case lays bare America’s testing failure, NPR, 25 March 2020: Why Germany’s Coronavirus Death Rate Is Far Lower Than In Other Countries,, 25 March 2020: Berlin pushes back in coronavirus propaganda war,, 25 March 2020: Coronavirus: NYC morgues near capacity, DHS briefing warns, The New York Times, 25 March 2020: Updates: New York Region, The Washington Post, 25 March 2020: Cuomo says more aid needed in N.Y., which has most cases in U.S., The Guardian, 25 March 2020: The shock of coronavirus could split Europe – unless nations share the burden, CNN, 25 March 2020: The US is asking other countries for everything from hand sanitizer to ventilators to help fight the coronavirus, BBC, 26 March 2020: A cultural history of the beloved corner shop, The Guardian, 26 March 2020: ‘A nightmare all over again’: after surviving Katrina, New Orleans battles Covid-19, CNN, 26 March 2020: Covid-19 will change us as a species, Moscow Times, 26 March 2020: 80% of Russia’s Coronavirus Aid to Italy ‘Useless’ – La Stampa, The Guardian, 26 March 2020: The economy v our lives? It’s a false choice – and a deeply stupid one, CNN, 26 March 2020: G20 videoconference gathered world leaders coping with coronavirus, The Guardian, 26 March 2020: Anger over Prince Charles’s Covid-19 test is a warning sign of divisions to come, The New York Times, 26 March 2020: Jobless Numbers Convey Scale of Economic Wreckage, The Washington Post, 26 March 2020: In fight against coronavirus, the world gives medical heroes a standing ovation, BBC, 27 March 2020: Covid-19: What makes a good leader during a crisis?,, 26 March 2020: Von der Leyen slams ‘only for me’ coronavirus response (the example of the USA shows that the EU will also survive the pandemic. In the meantime, the states there are also sealing themselves off from one another in order to at least slow the spread of the virus. But no one comes up with the idea of abolishing liberty rights in principle or dissolving the United States), CNN, 26 March 2020: McDonald’s and other brands are making ‘social distancing’ logos, Jerusalem Post, 26 March 2020: Why do some Christians believe coronavirus is an apocalyptic prophecy?,, 26 March 2020: Democrats delayed stimulus bill to tighten ban on Trump family profiting, NPR, 26 March 2020: What’s Inside The Senate’s $2 Trillion Coronavirus Aid Package,, 26 March 2020: Merkel’s moment of truth,, 26 March 2020: European Commission to develop coordinated ‘exit strategy’ from lockdowns,, 27 March 2020: Virtual summit, real acrimony: EU leaders clash over ‘corona bonds’, BBC, 27 March 2020: Coronavirus travel: China bars foreign visitors as imported cases rise, Der Spiegel, 27 March 2020: North-South Divide: Calls for Corona Bonds Met with Familiar “Nein”, The New York Times, 27 March 2020: Watch: Governor Andrew Cuomo Gives New York Virus Update, The New York Times, 27 March 2020: For France, Coronavirus Tests a Vaunted Health Care System, BBC, 27 March 2020: Dutch try to calm north-south economic storm over coronavirus, BBC, 27 March 2020: Coronavirus: US overtakes China with most cases, The New York Times, 27 March 2020: Updates: Trump Lashes Out at Lawmaker Who Threatened to Delay Vote, The National, 27 March 2020: Coronavirus: Deserted streets across UAE as residents heed calls to stay home during sterilisation drive, CNN, 28 March 2020: How Spain became a hotspot for coronavirus, NPR, 28 March 2020: Map: Tracking The Spread Of The Coronavirus In The U.S., BBC, 28 March 2020: UK will do well to keep deaths under 20,000 – health official, CNN, 28 March 2020: The US hits a grim new record as Trump continues to preach optimism, BBC, 28 March 2020: Deserted London landmarks seen from above, The Guardian, 28 March 2020: France death toll passes 2,000 while 90,000 cases confirmed in Italy, The National, 28 March 2020: ‘We are at the point of collapse’: coronavirus pushes Spain’s hospitals and businesses to the brink, CNN, 28 March 2020: Italy’s coronavirus death toll passes 10,000. Many are asking why the fatality rate is so high,, 28 March 2020: Lockdown rules baffle Europeans, Gulf Times, 28 March 2020: German air force Airbus A-310 Medivac to assist fighting Covid-19, Cologne, Germany, The New York Times, 28 March 2020: New York Updates: Cuomo Dismisses Quarantine Idea, Haaretz, 28 March 2020: N.Y.C. Mayor: Synagogues That Don’t Comply With Coronavirus Rules May Be Shut Down Permanently (those who endanger the common good for purely selfish reasons don’t need to be surprised about the consequences. One can imagine what had happened in advance and must have gotten so out of hand to use such drastic means, even more so in a country in which religious freedom is one of the founding and cornerstones, laid down in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. One has to know that the spread of the measles epidemic in New York City (2019 New York measles outbreak, BBC, 9 April 2019: New York measles emergency declared in Brooklyn) has already been massively pushed by the ultra-orthodox (in no other city in the world (including West Jerusalem) do more ultra-Orthodox live than in New York City (which is pretty paradoxical, because ultra-orthodox actually want nothing to do with the rest of the world, but rather withdraw accordingly and then move in droves to the metropolitan area of New York City, the capital of the world, to achieve this goal, where they are confronted with cultures and religions from at least 180 countries of origin). There are also comparatively large ultra-Orthodox communities in the surrounding area and deep into the state of New York (Upstate New York)) because they refuse to vaccinate so that the measles worked from there through the large community of ultra-Orthodox in the state of New York and of course has caused significant collateral damage to other parts of the population, leading to an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitic incidents in New York City. But now it’s about the coronavirus, against which there is currently no vaccine. One can imagine the likely counter-reactions), CNN, 28 March 2020: One nation, under coronavirus: How two weeks changed America, Times of Israel, 29 March 2020: Haredi communities urged to ‘wake up’ as infections in Bnei Brak, Jerusalem soar, Times of Israel, 29 March 2020: Global coronavirus death toll passes 30,000, two-thirds in Europe, CNN, 29 March 2020: Coronavirus: ‘Millions’ of Americans could be infected, expert warns, The Guardian, 29 March 2020: Bolsonaro threatens to sack health minister over coronavirus criticism, CNN, 29 March 2020: Coronavirus: Six months before UK ‘returns to normal’ – deputy chief medical officer, The Guardian, 29 March 2020: Coronavirus US live: Trump hails briefings’ high ratings as critics warn of misinformation, The Guardian, 29 March 2020: Italy sets aside €400m for food vouchers as social unrest mounts, The New York Times, 29 March 2020: ‘Thousands of People Will Pass Away,’ Cuomo Warns: Live Updates, The Guardian, 29 March 2020: Spain calls for action from Europe as daily death toll rises again, The Washington Post, 29 March 2020: Live updates: More than 700,000 cases reported worldwide; Fauci says U.S. could have 100,000 coronavirus deaths, The New York Times, 29 March 2020: Coronavirus Live Updates: State and City Leaders Clamor for Medical Supplies as U.S. Cases Top 135,000, NPR, 30 March 2020: Cuomo Makes Plea To Medical Workers Nationwide: ‘Please Come Help Us In New York’, BBC, 30 March 2020: Coronavirus: Oil price collapses to lowest level for 18 years, The Guardian, 30 March 2020: Brazilian left demands Bolsonaro resign over coronavirus response, NPR, 30 March 2020: Florida Megachurch Pastor Arrested After Defying Order Not To Hold Gatherings, CNN, 30 March 2020: Model cited by White House says 82,000 people could die from coronavirus by August, even with social distancing, The Guardian, 30 March 2020: New York: makeshift hospitals set up as Cuomo warns ‘tsunami is coming’, ynet news, 30 March 2020: Haredi extremists hurl insults, stones at police enforcing coronavirus rules, The New York Times, 30 March 2020: New York Updates: Cuomo Says Worst Is Still to Come, The Washington Post, 30 March 2020: Trump steels nation for longer shutdown after experts warn virus could kill 200,000 in U.S.,, 30 March 2020: Dutch face friendly fire as corona bond bad cops, Jerusalem Post, 30 March 2020: Police disperse hundreds of ultra-Orthodox from synagogues in Mea Shearim, Arab News, 30 March 2020: LIVE: Middle East at a standstill as coronavirus grips the world with rising cases, Haaretz, 31 March 2020: In Israel’s Haredi Coronavirus Hotspot, Biggest Challenge Is Quarantine, Times of Israel, 31 March 2020: Hasidic community in Canada placed under lockdown after 20 diagnosed with virus, BBC, 31 March 2020: Coronavirus: ‘Greatest test since World War Two’, says UN chief, Arab News, 31 March 2020: Mafias looking to gain from Italy’s economic losses, CNN, 31 March 2020: Trump warns of ‘painful’ two weeks ahead as White House projects more than 100,000 coronavirus deaths, The Washington Post, 31 March 2020: Why are journalists skipping Trump’s daily coronavirus briefing? Not enough news to risk their health., The Guardian, 31 March 2020: The Guardian view on Jair Bolsonaro: a danger to Brazilians, The Washington Post, 31 March 2020: Governors plead for medical equipment from U.S. stockpile plagued by shortages, confusion, BBC, 31 March 2020: Coronavirus: Stock markets suffer worst quarter since 1987, CNN, 31 March 2020: Some ultra-Orthodox Jews are ignoring Israel’s coronavirus rules, despite a warning to ‘wake up!’, The New York Times, 31 March 2020: Why Asia’s New Wave of Virus Cases Should Worry the World,, 31 March 2020: Europe completes first export deal with Iran to dodge US sanctions, The Washington Post, 31 March 2020: Officials project 100,000 to 240,000 U.S. deaths, even with mitigation,, 31 March 2020: Dutch finance minister acknowledges lack of empathy on corona bonds, NPR, 31 March 2020: New York, ‘Still In Search Of The Apex,’ Sees Another Spike In Coronavirus Cases,, 31 March 2020: Dutch ‘no’ on corona bonds undermines European project, NPR, 31 March 2020: Coronavirus World Map: Tracking The Spread Of The Outbreak, The New York Times, 31 March 2020: Updates: New York Region, Times of Israel, 31 March 2020: In ‘idiotic’ breach, hundreds from virus epicenters enter Israel with no checks,, 31 March 2020: The next coronavirus hot spots are in states that aren’t testing enough, The National, 31 March 2020: Coronavirus cases in Europe: everything you need to know about Covid-19 across the region, Jerusalem Post, 31 March 2020: UK Jews overrepresented in coronavirus deaths, some theories as to why, Arab News, 31 March 2020: Saudi Arabia’s Hajj and Umrah minister tells Muslims to wait for coronavirus clarity on pilgrimage, Jerusalem Post, 31 March 2020: More than half of Americans have been praying for an end to coronavirus, Al Arabiya, 31 March 2020: Delivery of 5,000 urns undermines China’s coronavirus official death toll: Report, Jerusalem Post, 31 March 2020: The ultra-Orthodox radicals fighting the police coronavirus enforcement,, 31 March 2020: Europe’s coronavirus lockdown measures compared, Haaretz, 31 March 2020: As Coronavirus Spreads in N.Y., These U.S. Jewish Communities Pray They’re Not Next, The Washington Post, 1 April 2020: How a prayer meeting at a French megachurch may have led to scores of coronavirus deaths, Irish Times, 1 April 2020: How five days of evangelical worship set off the coronavirus outbreak in France, The New York Times, 1 April 2020: About 2 Million Guns Were Sold in the U.S. as Virus Fears Spread, Times of Israel, 1 April 2020: Bnei Brak evacuates 67 virus carriers to stadium, then to isolation hotels, The Wall Street Journal, 1 April 2020: The Soccer Match that Kicked Off Italy’s Coronavirus Disaster, CNN, 1 April 2020: More than 60 residents of an Italian elder care home died in a month, The Guardian, 1 April 2020: Coronavirus live news: rise in Italy, US and France deaths takes global confirmed toll past 40,000, The National, 1 April 2020: Coronavirus worst global crisis since Second World War, says UN chief, Arab News, 1 April 2020: Erdogan under fire over plea for cash, The National, 1 April 2020: US might rethink Iran sanctions in light of coronavirus outbreak, says Pompeo, BBC, 1 April 2020: Spanish deaths rise as European toll passes 30,000, The Guardian, 1 April 2020: Coronavirus could be final straw for EU, European experts warn, The Guardian, 1 April 2020: Coronavirus is now contaminating Europe’s democracy, CNN, 1 April 2020: The world’s largest coronavirus lockdown is having a dramatic impact on pollution in India, Der Spiegel, 1 April 2020: Corona Shockwave: Half a Million German Companies Have Sent Employees into Short-Time Work, The Guardian, 1 April 2020: Spain passes 100,000 cases, as UN says world faces worst crisis since WW2,, 1 April 2020: Russia and China push ‘fake news’ aimed at weakening Europe: report, Reuters, 1 April 2020: EU proposes short-time work scheme to avoid coronavirus lay-offs, The New York Times, 1 April 2020: A Month of Coronavirus in New York City: See the Hardest-Hit Areas, BBC, 2 April 2020: Coronavirus: More than 10,000 lives lost in Spain, Der Spiegel, 2 April 2020: Corona Compassion Around the World: People Are Finding Creative New Ways To Support Each Other, Haaretz, 2 April 2020: After N.Y.C. Outbreak, Fearful British ultra-Orthodox Fight to Stave Off Coronavirus, Times of Israel, 2 April 2020: Poorer NYC neighborhoods, including Jewish enclaves, hit hardest by virus, The Hill, 2 April 2020: Cities across the country in danger of becoming coronavirus hotspots, BBC, 2 April 2020: Coronavirus: US jobless claims hit 6.6 million as virus spreads, The Guardian, 2 April 2020: EU plans to spend €100bn on saving jobs amid coronavirus crisis, The New York Times, 2 April 2020: Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump Administration Expected to Recommend Wearing Cloth Masks, The Washington Post, 2 April 2020: European leaders warn coronavirus could lead to the breakup of their union, CNN, 2 April 2020: Millions of Europeans are losing their jobs. The EU wants to raise €100 billion to help, The Hill, 2 April 2020: NY paying 15 times going rate to get crucial medical equipment: report, The Guardian, 2 April 2020: Spies, hijacks and export bans: the global battle for coronavirus equipment, The New York Times, 2 April 2020: New York Updates: Deaths in City Top 1,500, The Washington Post, 2 April 2020: Coronavirus stimulus payments begin April 9, but some won’t receive checks until September,, 2 April 2020: Von der Leyen calls for ‘tangible’ solidarity on €100B jobs scheme, The Guardian, 3 April 2020: Farmers across Europe bank on improvised armies of pickers to save harvest, The New York Times, 3 April 2020: In the American South, a Perfect Storm Is Gathering,, 3 April 2020: EU’s top diplomat: Coronavirus in Africa ‘of particular concern’, NPR, 3 April 2020: U.S. Lost 701,000 Jobs In March; Much Worse To Come, Dallas Observer, 3 April 2020: How Do Texas’ Coronavirus Numbers Compare to Other States?, The New York Times, 3 April 2020: ‘Stress-Free’: Coronavirus Aid Flows Quickly to Berlin’s Self-Employed, CNN, 3 April 2020: Bodies are being left in the streets in an overwhelmed Ecuadorian city, The Guardian, 3 April 2020: Coronavirus: the week explained,, 3 April 2020: European citizens support strict coronavirus lockdown, say polls, BBC, 3 April 2020: Coronavirus: Europe’s care homes struggle as deaths rise, The Guardian, 3 April 2020: Unemployment in US and UK ‘may be worse than in Great Depression’, Arab News, 4 April 2020: LIVE: Mideast reports growing cases of coronavirus as more containment measures announced, Al Arabiya, 4 April 2020: Coronavirus: Canada won’t retaliate for US mask export ban, says Trudeau, The National, 4 April 2020: Coronavirus: Turkey’s Erdogan juggles economic and health concerns, NPR, 4 April 2020: German, French Officials Accuse U.S. Of Diverting Supplies (well, what else can be expected from a criminal like Trum?), The Guardian, 4 April 2020: Bondi Beach: how the Australian icon became a coronavirus hotspot, The National, 4 April 2020: Coronavirus: another 708 people die in UK of Covid-19, Haaretz, 4 April 2020: The Silence of ultra-Orthodox Politicians in Israel Betrayed and Imperiled Their Own Community, Arab News, 4 April 2020: Saudi Arabia records 140 new cases of coronavirus infections, 4 new deaths, Al Arabiya, 4 April 2020: Dubai extends sterilization, enforces strict restrictions on movement, BBC, 4 April 2020: Spain ‘close to passing peak’ as deaths fall again, The National, 4 April 2020: UAE doctors in Germany confident in country’s coronavirus response, Al Arabiya, 4 April 2020: Qatar reports 250 new coronavirus cases, total at 1325, Jerusalem Post, 4 April 2020: PA fears workers returning from Israel will raise number of coronavirus cases, Haaretz, 4 April 2020: Israel Considers Expanding Coronavirus Closure as Cases Top 7,800, Arab News, 4 April 2020: Dubai announces two week lockdown to disinfect city around the clock, CNN, 4 April 2020: As northern Italy is ravaged by coronavirus, there’s trouble brewing down south, The Guardian, 4 April 2020: Sanctions are crippling Iran’s fight against coronavirus, Arab News, 5 April 2020: Kuwait reports its first death from COVID-19, CNN, 5 April 2020: Taiwan’s coronavirus response is among the best globally, BBC, 5 April 2020: New York virus deaths surge past 3,500, Reuters, 5 April 2020: Death at home: the unseen toll of Italy’s coronavirus crisis, Los Angeles Times, 5 April 2020: In coronavirus-stricken Italy, a new field hospital quickly rises with volunteers’ help, Gulf Times, 5 April 2020: SDG advocates voice solidarity with Covid-19 victims, Gulf Times, 5 April 2020: Qatar panel distributes food parcels to needy Gaza families, Times of Israel, 5 April 2020: As New York virus toll spikes, governor says worst yet to come, CNN, 5 April 2020: Hope on the horizon for a European virus hotbed, Arab News, 5 April 2020: LIVE: Coronavirus cases, deaths rise across the Middle East, Irish Times, 5 April 2020: Coronavirus: Varadkar returns to practising medicine to help during crisis, The Guardian, 5 April 2020: Europe’s future is at stake in this war against coronavirus, Foreign Policy, 6 April 2020: Note to Nations: Stop Hacking Hospitals, Jerusalem Post, 6 April 2020: Belgian Jews concerned about large haredi population and coronavirus, Irish Times, 6 April 2020: EU must mobilise all its resources to help member states, ynet news, 7 April 2020: Jerusalem ultra-Orthodox are nine times more infected by coronavirus than other residents, CNN, 7 April 2020: Coronavirus may be giving Beijing an opening in the South China Sea, Der Spiegel, 7 April 2020: Coronavirus in South America: What the Death of a Maid Means for Brazil,, 7 April 2020: Mafia plots post-coronavirus pounce, The New York Times, 7 April 2020: Black Americans Bear Brunt of Infections and Deaths, ynet news, 7 April 2020: Haredi extremists urge neighbors to ignore virus rules, The New York Times, 7 April 2020: Deaths in New York Region Hit New High, but Hospitalizations Slow,, 7 April 2020: European Union science chief resigns, slamming bloc’s coronavirus response, The National, 7 April 2020: Europe’s ‘infodemic’: EU gears up to combat coronavirus disinformation,, 7 April 2020: The reasons why the U.S. isn’t on track to open up,, 7 April 2020: Brussels drops lockdown exit plan after anger from capitals, BBC, 8 April 2020: US records highest death toll in single day, The Guardian, 8 April 2020: New York state suffers largest single-day increase in coronavirus deaths, The National, 8 April 2020: 100 days of coronavirus: How countries are defending their economies as they face the biggest challenge since the Great Depression,, 8 April 2020: Belgium to increase testing as part of coronavirus exit strategy, Jerusalem Post, 8 April 2020: US Department of Defense give 1 million masks to IDF for coronavirus use,, 8 April 2020: How Europe failed the coronavirus test, Jerusalem Post, 8 April 2020: Swiss, German companies boost disinfectant production to fight coronavirus, Gulf Times, 8 April 2020: Italian envoy thanks Qatar for medical aid, Arab News, 8 April 2020: Number of coronavirus cases in Saudi Arabia could hit 200,000, says health minister,, 8 April 2020: ‘Nothing would have prevented’ virus spread, says health agency chief., 8 April 2020: WHO senior adviser: We had to work with China to understand COVID-19, BBC, 8 April 2020: Coronavirus: ‘Drop in global trade to be worse than 2008 crisis’, CNN, 8 April 2020: Worst recession in decades piles pressure on EU to agree new relief package, The Guardian, 8 April 2020: Germany heads for deep recession as EU ministers fail to agree Covid-19 rescue – business live,, 8 April 2020: Trump’s evangelical supporters want China to pay a price for coronavirus, The National, 8 April 2020: Europe’s ‘coronabonds’ are a far-off solution to an urgent problem, Al Jazeera, 8 April 2020: The free market will only deepen the coronavirus crisis,, 8 April 2020: Germany’s corona bond offer to Italy is … nothing, BBC, 8 April 2020: The Jewish Chronicle and Jewish News to go into liquidation, Haaretz, 8 April 2020: Why Wikipedia Is Immune to Coronavirus, The New York Times, 8 April 2020: Europe Poised to Repeat Austerity Mistakes in Coronavirus Response, BBC, 9 April 2020: Coronavirus: EU could fail over outbreak, warns Italy’s Giuseppe Conte, The Guardian, 9 April 2020: How coronavirus spread across the globe – visualised, The Washington Post, 9 April 2020: Coronavirus killed a mother and her three sons, devastating their surviving relatives, The Guardian, 9 April 2020: The cluster effect: how social gatherings were rocket fuel for coronavirus, Haaretz, 9 April 2020: In Coronavirus Crisis, Erdogan Faces an Opponent He Can’t Silence, The New York Times, 9 April 2020: Updates: Merkel Says Coronavirus Numbers Give ‘Cautious Hope, Arab News, 9 April 2020: Iran needs to be on board if Middle East is to change, Al Jazeera, 9 April 2020: In Pictures: People in Gaza take no chances as virus threat looms, Arab News, 9 April 2020: LIVE: Cases continue to rise across the Middle East as Bahrain allows some shops to reopen, The National, 9 April 2020: UN: coronavirus will widen global inequality, unless urgent action is taken, Jerusalem Post, 9 April 2020: Coronavirus: EU supports Palestinians with 71 million euros, Times of Israel, 9 April 2020: World faces potential new ‘Great Depression’ as virus toll mounts, Haaretz, 9 April 2020: ‘The Coronavirus Finally Gave the World a Chance to Feel What We Gazans Have Always Felt’, CNN, 10 April 2020: New York to resort to burying unclaimed coronavirus victims in mass graves on Hart Island, officials say, BBC, 10 April 2020: Coronavirus: New York ramps up mass burials amid outbreak, Irish Times, 10 April 2020: Euro zone deal explained: Breaking down the detail of the €500bn funding, The National, 10 April 2020: Mixed response to Europe’s €540 billion Covid-19 bailout fund, Der Spiegel, 10 April 2020: Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on the Coronavirus: I Find It Appropriate that Every Member State First Acted Nationally, CNN, 10 April 2020: The EU has bungled its response to coronavirus and it might never fully recover, The Guardian, 10 April 2020: A tale of two New Yorks: pandemic lays bare a city’s shocking inequities, Times of Israel, 10 April 2020: More basic than a crisis of faith: Will the virus upend ultra-Orthodox society?, Haaretz, 10 April 2020: ‘The Health System Is in Hysteria’: Israeli Doctors and Hospital Officials Warn of Major Coronavirus Fallout, Jerusalem Post, 10 April 2020: Turkey aids Israel in time of coronavirus despite tense relations, BBC, 10 April 2020: Coronavirus: German region eases Baltic coast travel ban, Arab News, 10 April 2020: MENA economies face $116 billion hit from virus, oil slump: World Bank, The Guardian, 10 April 2020: Mafia distributes food to Italy’s struggling residents,, 10 April 2020: Romania shuns its diaspora in coronavirus fight, Miami Herald, 10 April 2020: Virus disrupts Miami area’s international trade and supply systems, Al Jazeera, 10 April 2020: Isolationism is not the way forward during coronavirus, Arab News, 10 April 2020: Driver smashes $750,000 Porsche on deserted Manhattan streets during New York COVID-19 lockdown (bad luck is, when you crash your car during a Corona-related lockdown right in the middle of New York City. No insurer on this planet will ever compensate you :-D Happy Easter!), The National, 10 April 2020: Germany to launch Europe’s first antibody testing programme,, 10 April 2020: Crisis recovery fund needed urgently, ex-Italian PM Letta warns, The Guardian, 10 April 2020: EU members clash over pandemic economic rescue package,, 10 April 2020: Italy’s Conte threatens to derail EU summit over corona bonds, Palestine Chronicle, 10 April 2020: Israel Opens Wastewater Tunnels to Smuggle Palestinian Workers into West Bank,, 10 April 2020: Portugal’s Costa questions Dutch commitment to EU, BBC, 11 April 2020: US death toll overtakes Italy as world’s highest, NPR, 11 April 2020: NYC Mayor Says Schools Are Closed For Academic Year — But Governor Overrules Him, BBC, 11 April 2020: The couples meeting at closed borders, The Guardian, 11 April 2020: Covid-19 from the West Wing: ‘History’s verdict will be unforgiving’, BBC, 11 April 2020: Coronavirus in New York: A paramedic’s diary, NPR, 11 April 2020: Governors Call For $500 Billion Bailout Amid Standoff Over Coronavirus Relief Funds, Arab News, 11 April 2020: Europe’s virus crunch time,, 11 April 2020: Coronavirus hot spots erupt in nation’s high-risk communities, Politico Magazine, 11 April 2020: Inside America’s Two-Decade Failure to Prepare for Coronavirus, The National, 11 April 2020: A comprehensive guide to face masks: types, management and safe disposal, The Guardian, 11 April 2020: Coronavirus live news: US overtakes Italy as country with world’s highest death toll, Politico Magazine, 11 April 2020: 5 Increasingly Hardball Versions of the Next Stimulus, Arab News, 11 April 2020: The poor will pay the biggest price for this pandemic, The National, 11 April 2020: Germany condemns anti-French virus insults in border zone (sometimes you just can’t believe what kind of idiots are allowed to hold a German passport), Al Arabiya, 11 April 2020: It might take years for global economy to take-off after coronavirus: Experts, Los Angeles Times, 11 April 2020: Tracking coronavirus across California, Tampa Bay Times, 11 April 2020: After DeSantis aide calls, Miami Herald’s law firm drops lawsuit seeking elder care records, Miami Herald, 11 April 2020: Florida nears 19,000 cases and more than 450 deaths, health officials say, Los Angeles Times, 11 April 2020: Trump, Congress scramble to revive virus-hunting agency that was marked for cuts, San Francisco Chronicle, 11 April 2020: Overcrowding on San Francisco’s Tenderloin streets — a bad scene getting worse in the coronavirus crisis, The New York Times, 11 April 2020: As They Console Coronavirus’s Victims, Italy’s Priests Are Dying, Too, BBC, 11 April 2020: Coronavirus in New York: 24 hours on the frontline, The New York Times, 11 April 2020: Burning Man Falls Victim to Pandemic, The Guardian, 11 April 2020: Burning Man cancels festival amid coronavirus and plans virtual event, Gulf Times, 12 April 2020: Deadly virus fails to trigger World Bank’s pandemic bonds, The New York Times, 12 April 2020: Israel’s Not-So-Secret Weapon in Coronavirus Fight: The Spies of Mossad, CNN, 12 April 2020: Why New York has been hit so hard by coronavirus, BBC, 12 April 2020: Coronavirus: Fauci says US ‘could have saved lives’ with earlier action, ynet news, 12 April 2020: 1 in 100 Bnei Brak residents infected by coronavirus, The Guardian, 12 April 2020: Bolsonaro dragging Brazil towards coronavirus calamity, experts fear, CNN, 12 April 2020: These countries are reopening — here’s how they’re doing it,, 12 April 2020: German foreign minister: EU ‘must correct mistakes’ exposed by crisis, The Guardian, 12 April 2020: Pope urges EU to show solidarity amid coronavirus crisis in Easter message, The Washington Post, 12 April 2020: Russia’s state-backed media uses the pandemic to spin anti-Western views. They are not alone.,, 12 April 2020: What’s next for Europe’s economic recovery plan, Times of Israel, 12 April 2020: Coronavirus ‘extremely dangerous’ for Palestinian areas, UN envoy warns, Times of Israel, 12 April 2020: Xi Jinping’s China did this, NPR, 12 April 2020: No, You Don’t Need To Disinfect Your Groceries. But Here’s How To Shop Safely,, 12 April 2020: Central Europe battles coronavirus without the euro,, 13 April 2020: Blank checks, taboos and bazookas: Inside the global battle to prevent another depression, BBC, 13 April 2020: Coronavirus: Don’t expect changes to UK lockdown this week – Dominic Raab, CNN, 13 April 2020: A storm system that spawned tornadoes and killed 24 people is now taking aim on the East Coast, NPR, 13 April 2020: Easter Tornadoes Kill At Least 6, Cause Damage In Several Southern States, BBC, 13 April 2020: How factories change production to quickly fight coronavirus, CNN, 13 April 2020: Beijing tightens grip over coronavirus research, amid US-China row on virus origin, BBC, 13 April 2020: World Bank warns South Asia’s economic growth to slump, Al Jazeera, 13 April 2020: The pandemic may change Russia’s calculus in the Middle East, The Guardian, 13 April 2020: Coronavirus US live: Cuomo announces plan to reopen New York and other states, The New York Times, 13 April 2020: Putin’s Long War Against American Science, Al Jazeera, 13 April 2020: Belgium: How a ‘failed state’ managed to contain a coronavirus outbreak, The Guardian, 13 April 2020: A third of Americans believe Covid-19 laboratory conspiracy theory – study,, 13 April 2020: Inside the global race to prevent another depression,, 13 April 2020: Europe begins tentative easing of coronavirus lockdown, The New York Times, 13 April 2020: Millions of Children Are at Risk for Measles as Virus Fears Halt Vaccines, The Guardian, 13 April 2020: How did coronavirus start and where did it come from? Was it really Wuhan’s animal market?, The New York Times, 13 April 2020: New York: Cuomo Says ‘Worst Is Over’ if State Stays the Course, The National, 13 April 2020: Putin warns Russia to brace for ‘extraordinary’ virus crisis, The Guardian, 13 April 2020: Coronavirus conspiracy theories targeting Muslims spread in India,, 13 April 2020: Von der Leyen: Life won’t return to normal until vaccine, Arab News, 13 April 2020: Virus has potential positive effect on foreign policy, The National, 13 April 2020: Coronavirus: From Brexit to Syria, the non-pandemic news you may have missed, Times of Israel, 13 April 2020: Israel said fuming at PA accusations it’s spreading virus in West Bank, Jerusalem Post, 14 April 2020: In some European Jewish communities, getting coronavirus carries a stigma, CNN, 14 April 2020: Hundreds of thousands return to work as Spain relaxes coronavirus lockdown, The Guardian, 14 April 2020: Germany calls on migrant medics to help tackle coronavirus, The Guardian, 14 April 2020: Investors brace for U-shaped Covid-19 recession — business live, The Guardian, 14 April 2020: Australian government plans to bring in mobile phone app to track people with coronavirus,, 14 April 2020: IMF predicts global contraction on par with Great Depression,, 14 April 2020: EU left behind as capitals plan coronavirus exit strategies, The New York Times, 14 April 2020: ‘Accelerate the Endgame’: Obama’s Role in Wrapping Up the Primary,, 14 April 2020: How Portugal became Europe’s coronavirus exception, CNN, 14 April 2020: Women leaders are doing a disproportionately great job at handling the pandemic. So why aren’t there more of them?,, 14 April 2020: EU left behind as capitals plan coronavirus exit strategies, BBC, 15 April 2020: Coronavirus: Germany slowly eases lockdown measures, The New York Times, 15 April 2020: Think This Pandemic Is Bad? We Have Another Crisis Coming, The Washington Post, 15 April 2020: Americans are dying by the thousands. All Trump cares about is the show., The New York Times, 15 April 2020: A Catastrophic Month for Retailers, and Now a Race to Survive,, 15 April 2020: Trump halts funding to World Health Organization (now that Donnie has successfully bankrupted many of his companies and is on the same track with the United States, he is now again targeting international organizations. It is becoming increasingly clear that the United States is no longer a leading country, which is a shame, but somebody finally voted in favour of the simpleton and therefore wanted exactly this result. By the end of Bush Junior’s tenure, American pop and rock stars were touring around the world to apologize for their president, and it worked, in parts because the Obama presidency started. After Trump, it will not be that easy to clean up the national and international chaos and mess he will leave behind), Financial Times, 15 April 2020: FT Interview: Emmanuel Macron says it is time to think the unthinkable, The Washington Post, 15 April 2020: As U.S. discouraged mask use for public, White House raced to secure face coverings for senior staff, The Guardian, 15 April 2020: Coronavirus is killing far more US health workers than official data suggests, Al Jazeera, 15 April 2020: Coronavirus: Dubai extends shutdown of hotels, restaurants until further notice,, 15 April 2020: Von der Leyen calls for ‘huge’ initiative within EU budget, Arab News, 15 April 2020: Saudi Arabia allocates SR50 billion for private sector support, Politico Magazine, 15 April 2020: ‘It Really Is the Perfect Storm’: Coronavirus Comes for Rural America, Arab News, 15 April 2020: Tunisia tourism could lose $1.4bn, as government eyes bond sale, Haaretz, 15 April 2020: 24 Hours in the Israeli Arab Town Hit Hardest by the Coronavirus,, 15 April 2020: G20 freezes poor countries’ debts to add $20B for pandemic fight, The National, 15 April 2020: Coronavirus: Europe to remain closed to the world until later in the year, Haaretz, 15 April 2020: Israel Shuts Palestinian Coronavirus Testing Clinic in East Jerusalem, Chicago Tribune, 15 April 2020: Chicago officials say city is ‘bending the curve.’ How do we know? What does it mean?, The Guardian, 15 April 2020: What does the WHO do, and why has Trump stopped supporting it?, The Economist, 16 April 2020: Pandemic geopolitics: Is China winning?, Haaretz, 16 April 2020: Angry at ultra-Orthodox Jews for ‘Defying’ Coronavirus Rules? It’s More Complicated Than That,, 16 April 2020: ‘It’s overwhelming’: On the frontline to combat coronavirus ‘fake news’, Jerusalem Post, 16 April 2020: Jewish communities in the Diaspora are collapsing – we should help,, 16 April 2020: EU Parliament struggles for influence due to coronavirus, Times of Israel, 16 April 2019: US alerted Israel, NATO to disease outbreak in China in November — TV report,, 16 April 2020: Coronavirus ends China’s honeymoon in Africa,, 16 April 2020: Von der Leyen: Europe is ‘world’s beating heart of solidarity’ on coronavirus, NPR, 17 April 2020: In South Korea, A Growing Number Of COVID-19 Patients Test Positive After Recovery, CNN, 17 April 2020: Wuhan officials have revised the city’s coronavirus death toll up by 50%,, 17 April 2020: Brussels urged to act as coronavirus sends milk, food prices plunging, NPR, 17 April 2020: Indonesia Now Has The Most Confirmed COVID-19 Cases In Southeast Asia, BBC, 17 April 2020: China’s virus-hit economy shrinks for first time in decades,, 17 April 2020: EU should back ‘recovery bonds’ in response to coronavirus, says European Parliament,, 17 April 2020: Finland puts brakes on EU unemployment scheme, NPR, 17 April 2020: U.N. Agency Fears ‘Vulnerable’ Africa May Suffer At Least 300,000 COVID-19 Deaths, CNN, 17 April 2020: The EU is facing a ‘moment of truth’ as it tackles mammoth economic crisis, Macron warns, Jerusalem Post, 17 April 2020: How New York hassidic communities have been beaten by coronavirus, The New York Times, 17 April 2020: France Weighs Its Love of Liberty in Fight Against Coronavirus, The Washington Post, 17 April 2020: This photo of a protest against stay-at-home orders looked like a zombie movie. Zombie movie directors think so, too., NPR, 17 April 2020: Several European Leaders See A Popularity Boost During Coronavirus Pandemic, BBC, 17 April 2020: EU helps protect weak firms from foreign takeovers, The New York Times, 17 April 2020: Denmark became the first country in the Western world to reopen its elementary schools since the pandemic began., The New York Times, 17 April 2020: China’s Aggressive Diplomacy Weakens Xi Jinping’s Global Standing, The Washington Post, 17 April 2020: Virus crushes China’s economy as Wuhan death toll is revised higher, The New York Times, 17 April 2020: The World’s No. 2 Economy Shrinks 6.8%, Ending 4 Decades of Growth, The Guardian, 17 April 2019: Israel’s first coronavirus victim survived Holocaust hiding in cellars, Times of Israel, 18 April 2019: 78-year-old woman is East Jerusalem’s first virus fatality, BBC, 18 April 2019: Coronavirus: Japan doctors warn of health system ‘break down’ as cases surge, NPR, 18 April 2019: Clubbing In The Time Of COVID-19: Berlin Clubs Are Closed, So DJs Are Livestreaming, The Guardian, 18 April 2019: Beware a new wave of populism, born out of coronavirus-induced economic inequity, NPR, 18 April 2019: Across America, Frustrated Protesters Rally To Reopen The Economy, The New York Times, 18 April 2020: Conservatives Fuel Protests Against Coronavirus Lockdowns, The Washington Post, 18 April 2020: Millions have lost their jobs. They’re losing their health insurance, too., The New York Times, 18 April 2020: Coronavirus in America: What the Next Year (or Two) May Look Like, Al Jazeera, 18 April 2020: Landmark Lebanon hotel closes over economic crisis, coronavirus lockdown, Arab News, 18 April 2020: Saudi Arabia announces $533m action plan to support food sector, Reuters, 18 April 2020: ‘Captain Tom’, 99, to help open hospital after raising $29 million, The Washington Post, 18 April 2020: #FloridaMorons trends after people flock to reopened Florida beaches, Times of Israel, 18 April 2020: At-home deaths spike in Brooklyn Jewish neighborhoods during pandemic, The Washington Post, 18 April 2020: He left his family to save strangers. He’s unsure if he’ll make it back., The Guardian, 19 April 2020: Coronavirus live news: Europe fatalities pass 100,000, but death rate slows in Spain and Netherlands, Al Arabiya, 19 April 2020: Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia arrests 34 people for violating curfew, health measures, The Guardian, 19 April 2020: US and Russia blocking UN plans for a global ceasefire amid crisis,, 19 April 2020: EU needs extra 500 billion for recovery, says eurozone bailout fund chief, CNN, 19 April 2020: The Mafia is poised to exploit coronavirus, and not just in Italy,, 19 April 2020: Belgium to unveil plan for easing coronavirus lockdown Friday, The Guardian, 19 April 2020: Migrant workers bear brunt of coronavirus pandemic in Gulf,, 19 April 2020: ‘Smart solutions’ will enable summer vacations, says Ursula von der Leyen,, 19 April 2020: Why is Belgium’s death toll so high?, The New York Times, 19 April 2020: New York: De Blasio Asks if Trump Is Telling City to ‘Drop Dead’, CNN, 20 April 2020: Italy records first fall in active virus cases, The Guardian, 20 April 2020: Germany opens some shops as Merkel warns of second wave of coronavirus, BBC, 20 April 2020: Disney stops paying 100,000 workers during downturn, Al Arabiya, 20 April 2020: Coronavirus: Super rich flee to secret millionaire mansion bunkers in New Zealand, CNN, 20 April 2020: One of Australia’s biggest cities is so quiet that kangaroos are jumping through the center, The Guardian, 20 April 2020: Cuomo says New York cases ‘coming down’ but warns against rush to reopen, Arab News, 20 April 2020: COVID-19 cases in Saudi Arabia surpass 10,000, Der Spiegel, 20 April 2020: European Commissioner for Financial and Economic Affairs: “The EU Cannot Afford to Get Bogged Down in Past Discussions”, Al Arabiya, 20 April 2020: Middle East faces a long, ‘ugly’ recession amid coronavirus fallout: Experts, The Guardian, 21 April 2020: Coronavirus is the biggest disaster for developing nations in our lifetime,, 21 April 2020: Russia and China promote coronavirus ‘conspiracy narratives’ online, says EU agency, The Washington Post, 21 April 2020: Trump and his allies are using the pandemic to push an unrelated agenda, Bloomberg, 21 April 2020: Germany Cancels Oktoberfest Over Coronavirus Fears, NPR, 21 April 2020: Senate OKs Bipartisan Deal For $484 Billion More In Coronavirus Aid, The Guardian, 21 April 2020: ‘Bitter pill’: Bavaria cancels Oktoberfest over fears of coronavirus spread, CNN, 21 April 2020: Study finds no benefit, higher death rate in patients taking hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19, The New York Times, 21 April 2020: ‘Plague on a Biblical Scale’: Hasidic Families Hit Hard by Virus, NPR, 21 April 2020: Timeline: What Trump Has Said And Done About The Coronavirus, The Washington Post, 21 April 2020: South Africa is hunting down coronavirus with thousands of health workers, The Guardian, 21 April 2020: EU should use perpetual bonds to finance Covid-19 recovery fund,, 21 April 2020: EU leaders draft coronavirus recovery plan, Der Spiegel, 21 April 2020: Interview with EPP President Donald Tusk: “What the Economy Needs Is a Blitzkrieg”,, 21 April 2020: Joint response to coronavirus crisis will benefit all EU countries, The New York Times, 21 April 2020: Coogan’s Is Closing. This Is the New York That We’re Losing., The Washington Post, 21 April 2020: Anti-malarial drug Trump touted is linked to higher rates of death in VA coronavirus patients, study says, BBC, 22 April 2020: Where ‘quarantine’ was invented,, 22 April 2020: Spain to EU: Forcing debt on members will deepen crisis,, 22 April 2020: The eurozone’s problem country: Germany, Der Spiegel, 23 April 2020: The Dawn of a New Era: A Paradigm Shift Accelerated by the Coronavirus, The Guardian, 23 April 2020: How Covid-19 poured cold water on Netherlands’ EU romance, BBC, 23 April 2020: Coronavirus: Why fractious EU still believes together is better,, 23 April 2020: Why Italy should ❤ the ESM, Jerusalem Post, 23 April 2020: UN chief warns against repressive measures amid coronavirus crisis, Der Spiegel, 23 April 2020: The Year of the Rat: How the Coronavirus Is Changing the World, Jerusalem Post, 23 April 2020: Mike Pompeo warns US may never restore WHO funding,, 23 April 2020: Angela Merkel: More time needed to discuss EU recovery fund, The Guardian, 23 April 2020: Bank of England warns of worst contraction in centuries, as economic activity slumps – business live, Irish Times, 23 April 2020: EU leaders face split over coronavirus recovery plan, The New York Times, 23 April 2020: ‘Sadness’ and Disbelief From a World Missing American Leadership, Arab News, 23 April 2020: Ramadan 2020 will start on Friday: Saudi Arabia,, 22 April 2020: If you want a bailout in Europe, don’t use tax havens, Reuters, 23 April 2020: EU’s von der Leyen sees 2-3 year hike in EU budget firepower,, 23 April 2020: If you want a bailout in Europe, don’t use tax havens, Reuters, 23 April 2020: EU leaders agree on need for EU recovery fund, says Merkel after talks, The New York Times, 23 April 2020: Home Alone at the White House: A Sour President, With TV His Constant Companion (The Hill, 26 April 2020: Trump on ‘Noble’ Prize tweets: ‘Does sarcasm ever work?’),, 23 April 2020: Commission to present budget and coronavirus recovery plan on May 6, NPR, 23 April 2020: Trauma On The Pandemic’s Front Line Leaves Health Workers Reeling, CNN, 23 April 2020: Merkel warns Germany is on the ‘thinnest ice’ as Europe realizes social distancing is here to stay, The Guardian, 23 April 2020: ‘We’re in a prison’: Singapore’s migrant workers suffer as Covid-19 surges back, NPR, 23 April 2020: Coronavirus Has Infected A 5th Of New York City, Testing Suggests, The Times, 23 April 2020: ‘Pick for Britain’ website to recruit thousands for harvest, The Guardian, 23 April 2020: From an Italian hotel to a US state, coronavirus ‘lawfare’ takes off (Times of Israel, 16 April 2020: US alerted Israel, NATO to disease outbreak in China in November — TV report), NPR, 23 April 2020: N.Y.’s Met Museum Projects $150 Million Shortfall, Lays Off 81 Employees, CNN, 23 April 2020: Preliminary antibody testing in New York suggests much wider spread of coronavirus, The Guardian, 23 April 2020: Coronavirus delivers a ‘moment of truth’ on the meaning of the EU, NPR, 23 April 2020: 8 In 10 Americans Support COVID-19 Shutdown, Kaiser Health Poll Finds, The Guardian, 23 April 2020: ‘What’s wrong with you Mexico?’ Health workers attacked amid Covid-19 fears, CNN, 23 April 2020: The dangerous morality behind the ‘Open it Up’ movement, DW, 23 April 2020: How the coronavirus impacts the book industry (it would be easy to create a common platform. You don’t need 2,000 people for this, just 20 and a data center. The connected publishers can do the rest themselves, thus keeping the costs low. However, there are probably once again single interests that prevent this step. Above all, the corona crisis shows that the German retail sector is hopelessly lagging behind in terms of digitalization. Individuals were well positioned before, but the majority were not. “Traditional retail” in particular will decline because of the crisis while it still believes that “personal advice” would be unbeatable compared to “this Internet that will go away anyway”. A remarkable misjudgment), NPR, 23 April 2020: EU Leaders Fail To Agree On Coronavirus Economic Recovery Program, The Guardian, 24 April 2020: US stays away as world leaders agree action on Covid-19 vaccine, The JC, 24 April 2020: UK Jewish coronavirus deaths rise to 335, CNN, 24 April 2020: Plenty of whiskey, few backpackers: The wild story behind Lonely Planet’s first Thailand guidebook, BBC, 24 April 2020: Recovery expert: ‘Some businesses will never reopen’, CNN, 24 April 2020: Coronavirus: US death toll passes 50,000 in world’s deadliest outbreak, Times of Israel, 24 April 2020: US ultra-Orthodox whistleblowers targeted as traitors, including amid pandemic, The Guardian, 24 April 2020: ‘Please don’t inject bleach’: Trump’s wild coronavirus claims prompt disbelief, Irish Times, 24 April 2020: Coronavirus: EU leaders reach agreement on everything but the big stuff,, 24 April 2020: Belgium to begin relaxing coronavirus restrictions on May 4,, 24 April 2020: EU leaders back budget reboot for coronavirus recovery, Vanity Fair, 24 April 2020: Prince William Earned a Few Laughs on the Coronavirus Telethon Big Night In, CNN, 24 April 2020: Prince William’s reason for not watching ‘Tiger King’ will make you laugh, The New York Times, 24 April 2020: Pressured by China, E.U. Softens Report on Covid-19 Disinformation (once again it depends on the wording, after all it has already worked perfectly fine: The so-called Spanish flu originated in Kansas in the United States. Patient Zero was a cook who became infected while working with pigs and subsequently infected a large number of other people, causing an explosion of infections within a very short period of time. By giving the virus the name Spanish flu, it was very successfully distracted from its actual origin. If you look at the “lines of argument” in dealing with Corona and Covid-19 by Trump and Xi Jinping today, you can see astonishing similarities),, 24 April 2020: Cash-strapped Greece weathers virus for now, but fears second wave,, 24 April 2020: Belgium to begin relaxing coronavirus restrictions on May 4, DW, 25 April 2020: Austria persists with relentless hard line on asylum-seekers, Times of Israel, 25 April 2020: Virus drives US unemployment toward highest rate since Great Depression, The Washington Post, 25 April 2020: The cost of Trump’s deadly state of denial, NPR, 25 April 2020: Praised For Curbing COVID-19, New Zealand’s Leader Eases Country’s Strict Lockdown, DW, 25 April 2020: Coronavirus and Germany: Why the world is looking to Angela Merkel, The Washington Post, 25 April 2020: Trump expands battle with WHO far beyond aid suspension, Times of Israel, 25 April 2020: Police shut down ‘despicable’ London Jewish wedding with dozens of guests,, 25 April 2020: China put pressure on EU to soften coronavirus disinformation report, The New York Times, 26 April 2020: New York: Some Upstate Businesses Could Open in May, Cuomo Says, DW, 26 April 2020: Wolfgang Schäuble: Coronavirus to cause ‘structural’ economic change,, 26 April 2020: Gentiloni: A €1.5T EU recovery fund should be ready by mid-September, The Guardian, 26 April 2020: France, Italy and Spain prepare to ease coronavirus lockdowns, NPR, 26 April 2020: Science Becomes A Dividing Issue In Year Of Election And Pandemic, Arab News, 26 April 2020: Dubai financial district introduces COVID-19 directive, allows employment changes, protects jobs, CNN, 26 April 2020: From private testing for the rich to unrest in banlieues, coronavirus is highlighting France’s stark divide, The Washington Post, 26 April 2020: A pandemic of corruption: $40 masks, dubious contracts and rice-stealing bureaucrats, The New York Times, 26 April 2020: U.S. Can Expect Social Distancing to Last for Months, Official Says,, 26 April 2020: Italy and Spain announce plans to ease coronavirus lockdowns further, CNN, 26 April 2020: Social distancing in 100 square feet: Hong Kong’s cage homes are almost impossible to self-isolate in, NPR, 26 April 2020: Speaker Pelosi: President Trump’s Effort To Sideline The WHO Is ‘Dangerous’, Jerusalem Post, 26 April 2020: Palestinian medical officials fear disaster if the coronavirus spreads, The Guardian, 26 April 2020: Greece preparing new tourism rules with EU in wake of coronavirus,, 26 April 2020: Heiko Maas warns against restarting tourism too early, The Guardian, 26 April 2020: Germany’s Covid-19 expert: ‘For many, I’m the evil guy crippling the economy’, Jerusalem Post, 27 April 2020: Coronavirus crisis devastates north African economies, BBC, 27 April 2020: Belgians urged to eat more chips by lockdown-hit potato growers, The New York Times, 27 April 2020: Coronavirus Travel Restrictions, Across the Globe, CNN, 27 April 2020: Germans face fines of up to $5,000 as wearing a face mask becomes mandatory, BBC, 27 April 2020: New Zealand claims no community cases as lockdown eases, CNN, 27 April 2020: Coronavirus pandemic: Updates from around the world, BBC, 27 April 2020: Italy’s PM outlines lockdown easing measures, CNN, 27 April 2020: The world’s biggest car factory just reopened. Here’s what Volkswagen had to do,, 27 April 2020: Macron, the lonely Europeanist, The Guardian, 27 April 2020: Inside the Bergamo hospital where Russia has planted a flag,, 27 April 2020: Beijing doubles down in EU propaganda battle, NPR, 28 April 2020: Blue Angels And Thunderbirds Salute New York Coronavirus Responders With Flyover,, 28 April 2020: EU leaders to discuss debt relief for Africa, CNN, 28 April 2020: US surpasses 1 million known coronavirus cases, The New York Times, 28 April 2020: Cuomo Calls Subway Cars Filled With Homeless People ‘Disgusting’: Live Updates,, 28 April 2020: Europe’s banks win relief but no free pass on coronavirus lending, The Guardian, 28 April 2020: Coronavirus has revealed the EU’s fatal flaw: the lack of solidarity, Der Spiegel, 28 April 2020: The Impact of the Pandemic: Coronavirus Forces Aid Organizations To Improvize, NPR, 28 April 2020: Coronavirus Has Now Killed More Americans Than Vietnam War, The New York Times, 28 April 2020: U.S. Passes 1 Million Known Coronavirus Cases,, 28 April 2020: Thomas Piketty: Willing EU countries should spearhead fiscal union, Der Spiegel, 28 April 2020: Fixing the Economic Damage: Italy Enters Chapter Two of the Corona Crisis, The New York Times, 28 April 2020: De Blasio Breaks Up Rabbi’s Funeral and Lashes Out Over Social Distancing (Jerusalem Post, 30 March 2020: Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn fight COVID-19 and antisemitism, The Guardian, 29 April 2020: New York mayor criticized for tweet about packed Jewish funeral, New York Post, 29 April 2020: De Blasio blasted after criticizing Jewish community for Brooklyn funeral, Business Insider, 29 April 2020: New York City Mayor de Blasio singles out the city’s Jewish community for flouting coronavirus rules and said cops will start arresting people gathered in large groups, NBC New York, 29 April 2020: Brooklyn Synagogue Apologizes for Crowd at Rabbi Funeral; De Blasio Bashed for Tweets, CNN, 30 April 2020: De Blasio apologizes for comments but frustrations rise over large gatherings violating NYC social distancing guidelines, The New York Times, 1 May 2020: Bill de Blasio Finds His Scapegoat, Haaretz, 1 May 2020: Bill De Blasio’s ‘Jewish Community’ Tweet Was Intemperate, but He Wasn’t Wrong, Times of Israel, 1 May 2020: New York City police break up another ultra-Orthodox funeral as crowds gather – they don’t even notice that anti-Semitism is increasing due to the current practices and disregard of public rules by the Orthodox egomaniacs. Already after the 2019 measles epidemic, which was significantly strengthened by the Orthodox community and left some collateral damage in other parts of the population, they should have known what the backlash would be, after they aggressively endangered other people’s lives for purely selfish reasons. The New York population was already thin-skinned (New York City and Upstate New York) a year after the measles epidemic and now the same drama is happening again during the corona pandemic, even more dangerous because there is actually no cure against Covid-19. If Orthodox Jews are prone to collective suicide, they are free to do so, but please do so that other parts of the population are not endangered in any way, because otherwise Mayor de Blasio, as mayor of all New Yorkers, has to take action accordingly. Criticizing him for doing his job (which he has only managed to a limited extent in dealing with the pandemic, especially since he, like Trump, has tried to play down the danger and thereby possibly contributed to the fact that New York City was hit so hard by corona. It has been shown earlier that he is not particularly sensitive. He gave a speech in Miami, where many Cuban exiles fled from the Castro regime, to actually quote Che Guevara) and on top of that trying to construct a reversal of guilt is hard to beat in boldness (it is not de Blasio’s reaction that leads to more anti-Semitism, but the brain-dead behavior of the participants is the trigger for it. It is true, however, that he could have named the specific group more clearly for non-New Yorkers. Anyone who is a little familiar with New York and its population distribution can safely bet a larger amount of money that a Jewish funeral of this size, especially in Brooklyn (where most of the city’s orthodox and ultra-orthodox communities are located at) would be a gathering of orthodox or ultra-orthodox Jews. Of course, this is not immediately apparent to outsiders). This is particularly because the New York administration has made great educational efforts, especially in the Orthodox community, to address and inform the senior rabbis so that they should pass the information on to their community members. This did not happen in many communities or only after the administration had made it absolutely clear that synagogues would be closed forever if the rules were still not observed. The prerequisites for this would now be in place – due to significant misconduct and acute health risks with deliberately accepted deaths for other residents by at least 2,500 Orthodox Jews. If de Blasio had had the participants arrested, he would have even received applause from the city’s liberal and secular Jews. They are increasingly uncomfortable with the appearance of their Orthodox “brothers and sisters” (what connects them to their liberal and secular brothers and sisters in Israel: there even the IDF had to move in part (Bnei Brak and Mea Shearim) to protect the population from these religious zealots and sectarians. The use of the New York police is very cautious, although the use of the National Guard to protect the other parts of the population could be considered), especially since they also suffer as a result of being classified as “ignorant, egomaniacal jerks” (Times of Israel vom 01.05.2020: New York City police break up another ultra-Orthodox funeral as crowds gather). Another of several negative events was a wedding with over 250 participants (despite the lockdown already imposed). Almost half of them got infected with Covid-19 and then traveled around the city as “super spreaders”) (in the reporting the terms “Haredim/Haredi” and “Hasidic Judaism” are used more often, terms most parts of the populations in Europe and the USA aren’t familiar with. To simplify, it is instead mostly spoken of Jews (not only as a whole group, but also the group of liberal/secular Jews are meant – the vast majority of the population group), Orthodox Jews (notably religious Jews) and Ultraothodox Jews (Jewish sectarians or Haredim/Hasidism (parts of this group are also known as “taliban with kippah” in Israel) – the smallest part of the population group – Times of Israel, 12 May 2020: Brooklyn synagogue blasted over funeral told to shut down services, The New York Post, 12 May 2020: Hundreds of Orthodox Jews defy social distancing for holiday in Brooklyn, Jerusalem Post, 13 May 2020: Hundreds of haredi Jews in Brooklyn celebrate Lag Ba’omer, break lockdown, Haaretz, 12 May 2020: 106% Rise in anti-Semitic Assaults in New York State in 2019, ADL Reports, Times of Israel, 18 May 2020: Police shut down a Brooklyn yeshiva with approximately 60 students, The New York Times, 18 May 2020: Brooklyn ZIP Code Has N.Y.C.’s Highest Death Rate: Live Updates, Times of Israel, 18 May 2020: US biggest source by far of Israel’s COVID-19 cases, genome sequencing shows, Jerusalem Post, 14 June 2020: Orthodox Jews sue de Blasio, Cuomo for discrimination over lockdown rules (it’s hard to believe, but the corona virus actually makes religious people from all over the world even crazier than they already were before), Times of Israel, 16 June 2020: Defying NYC mayor, Orthodox lawmakers cut chains off shut Brooklyn playground, Jerusalem Post, 24 June 2020: Bill de Blasio argued to be stricter on Orthodox Jews regarding COVID-19), Haaretz, 5 May 2020: ‘Primitive, Diseased Invaders’ Threatening America: How Scapegoating ultra-Orthodox Jews for Coronavirus Mirrors Islamophobia, Jerusalem Post, 6 May 2020: ‘Ultra-Orthodox suffering in COVID-19 pandemic due to sins of community’, Jerusalem Post, 7 May 2020: Lawfare Project investigates NYC for calling out Jews on social distancing, Jerusalem Post, 10 May 2020: Jewish, Christian congregations leaderless due to COVID-19 deaths,, 6 April 2020: Covid-19 crisis draws haredi community to Internet (regardless of the headwind for de Blasio’s approach to prevention, he obviously also contributed to positive changes, at least afterwards), New York Post, 25 August 2020: NYC banquet halls hosting large weddings despite COVID-19 ban, Financial Times, 2 October 2020: Coronavirus puts Israel’s Haredi Jews at centre of political storm, Haaretz, 6 October 2020: N.Y. Governor Blasts Orthodox Jewish Community for Flouting COVID Restrictions, The New York Times, 6 October 2020: Cuomo Imposes Tight Virus Rules on Areas Hit by Spikes Across State, Haaretz, 7 October 2020: Anger, Locked Synagogues and a Divided Community: Brooklyn Jews Grapple With COVID Restrictions, CBS News, 7 October 2020: Protesters burn masks in Brooklyn coronavirus hotspot over Cuomo’s crackdown on religious gatherings, The New York Times, 7 October 2020: Backlash Grows in Orthodox Jewish Areas Over Virus Crackdown by Cuomo, Independent, 7 October 2020: Ultra-orthodox Jewish New Yorkers protest new coronavirus restrictions as Cuomo threatens to close synagogues, New York Magazine, 7 October 2020: A Brooklyn Protest Against Lockdown Measures Turns Violent, NBC News, 8 October 2020: Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn rebel against Cuomo’s Covid-19 clampdown on their neighborhoods, Daily Mail, 8 October 2020: Jewish man is left critically injured after being branded a ‘snitch’ by ultra-Orthodox rioters in Brooklyn who attacked him and a photographer for recording COVID-19 violations amid spike in coronavirus cases, Times of Israel, 8 October 2020: Jewish journalist assaulted by ultra-Orthodox mob at Brooklyn virus protest, The Washington Post, 8 October 2020: Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jews burn masks in violent protests as New York cracks down on rising coronavirus cases, Haaretz, 8 October 2020: Why ultra-Orthodox Trump-worshipping Mobs Are Attacking Fellow Jews in New York, Times of Israel, 8 October 2020: NYC mayor pans ‘disgusting’ attack on reporter at ultra-Orthodox virus protest, Jerusalem Post, 8 October 2020: Jewish reporter assaulted by ultra-Orthodox mob in Brooklyn, The New York Times, 9 October 2020: Cuomo’s Restrictions on Synagogues in Virus Hot Spots Can Go Forward (it’s pretty unbelievable: even before the second corona wave, the New York administration carried out active prevention, and this time too, parts of the ultra-orthodox are actively working against it. The New York State Police should completely seal off their residential areas to protect the rest of New York from these sectarians. The rate of those infected with Covid-19 is around 10 times higher among the ultra-Orthodox than in the rest of the population. Those who are inside the residential quarters can then continue to carry out their rituals without endangering others. Corona is not interested in religions or holidays. It is there and takes every opportunity to spread, which is why the restrictions apply to all parts of the population and every day – without exception. It’s not as if the communities in question don’t know about it. It is simply being actively ignored and there are indeed MPs on the city council trying to justify this ignorant wrongdoing), Times of Israel, 10 October 2020: In Brooklyn, ultra-Orthodox Jews defiant in face of virus shutdown, Jerusalem Post, 10 October 2020: Orthodox group sues Cuomo over NY religious gathering restrictions, Times of Israel, 10 October 2020: Brooklyn anti-lockdown protest leader says he’ll be arrested for ‘inciting riot’, New York Post, 11 October 2020: Defying COVID-19 restrictions, Brooklyn’s Ultra-Orthodox sing and pray in crowds, NPR, 12 October 2020: Police Arrest Anti-Lockdown Protest Leader In New York’s Orthodox Jewish Community, Times of Israel, 12 October 2020: Jewish Democrats and Republicans jointly condemn Brooklyn attack on journalist, Jerusalem Post, 13 October 2020: Understanding the haredi perspective on the coronavirus – analysis, Times of Israel, 13 October 2020: Home on bail, NY anti-lockdown leader vows to keep up fight, but not violence, Jerusalem Post, 13 October 2020: More than half of over-65s with COVID are from the ultra-Orthodox community, Newsweek, 12 October 2020: Orthodox Jews vs Bill De Blasio and Andrew Cuomo—Why New York is Battling Anti-lockdown Protests, Haaretz, 14 October 2020: Ultra-Orthodox Extremists Reopen Schools, Violating Israel’s COVID Lockdown, The Guardian, 15 October 2020: Blood and tears as Israeli police storm wedding during lockdown, Times of Israel, 15 October 2020: After wedding shutdown, family of bride say cops shattered bottle on son’s head, The New York Times, 15 October 2020: Inspired by Trump, Hasidic Backlash Grows Over N.Y.C. Virus Rules, Times of Israel, 15 October 2020: ‘Moser’ is one of the ugliest words in Judaism, Jerusalem Post, 15 October 2020: What is a ‘moser’? The ugly history of Judaism’s most dangerous accusation, Jerusalem Post, 16 October 2020: How New York Jews feel watching the unrest in Borough Park, Times of Israel, 17 October 2020: Dear New York, here’s how not to seem anti-Semitic during COVID, ABC News, 17 October 2020: NY shuts down 10,000 person wedding as Cuomo reveals new COVID-19 plan, NBC New York, 17 October 2020: NY Health Officials Order Shutdown of 10,000 Person Wedding in Brooklyn, New York Post, 17 October 2020: Wedding of Hasidic leader’s grandchild was expected to draw 10K to NYC, Times of Israel, 18 October 2020: New York said to halt planned Orthodox Jewish wedding with up to 10,000 guests, Jerusalem Post, 18 October 2020: Is Israel a failing state? – analysis, Times of Israel, 18 October 2020: Threatened with fines, top Haredi MK says community will not shut down schools, Jerusalem Post, 18 October 2020: Jerusalem Post photographer attacked by haredim, Jerusalem Post, 20 October 2020: NYC ‘End Jew Hate’ protest demands apology from Cuomo (what is wrong with these people? The sectarian ultra-Orthodox/Hasidic death cult of Brooklyn inexcusable endangered public health and life in New York City by violenting virtually all rules and regulations concerning Coronavirus/Covid-19 prevention, so that both, the mayor and the governor, had to react on it, and yet these ultra-Orthodox idots are asking for an apoligy because the mayor and the governor did their jobs by actively protecting other New Yorkers who don’t want to die because of the Coronavirus. The ultra-Orthodox even wanted to start a over 10,000 visitor’s strong wedding party. On the “End Jew Hatred” part: It’s quite simple. Don’t behave like an ignorant, selfish, irresponsible, religious extremist, and you won’t be treated as such), New York Post, 20 October 2020: De Blasio apologizes to ultra-Orthodox leaders over lack of COVID-19 communication, Israel Hayom, 20 October 2020: Ultra-Orthodox leadership has failed, Haaretz, 21 October 2020: What Fuels ultra-Orthodox Jews’ Unsettling Fervor for Donald Trump, Times of Israel, 21 October 2020: I blew the whistle on the planned 10,000 person Satmar wedding, Jerusalem Post, 22 October 2020: Police allow participation of 300 hassidim in illegal funeral – report, Haaretz, 25 October 2020: I Love My Haredi Community. But Our Persecution Complex Is Killing Us, Jerusalem Post, 26 October 2020: Contradictions in Orthodox Jewry highlighted at NY ‘Jews for Trump’ rally, Times of Israel, 1 November 2020: Ministers okay higher lockdown violation fines, but Haredim vow to foil measure, Haaretz, 6 November 2020: Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Were Part of Society. Then the Satmar Rabbi Showed Up, Daily Mail, 8 November 2020: De Blasio broke rules, so why can’t we? Hundreds of Orthodox Jews ignore social distancing for funeral of prominent rabbi in NYC’s Lower East Side – a day after mayor did the same to celebrate Biden’s victory, Jerusalem Post, 9 November 2020: Coronavirus: Infection rate rising in haredi sector – again, CNN, 26 November 2020: In a 5-4 ruling, Supreme Court sides with religious groups in a dispute over Covid-19 restrictions in New York (the next superspreader events in the making), The New York Times, 26 November 2020: Midnight Ruling Exposes Rifts at Supreme Court Transformed by Trump, Haaretz, 26 November 2020: Orthodox Jewish Groups Celebrate Supreme Court Ruling Against N.Y. Virus Curbs (Covidiots), The Washington Post, 26 November 2020: Trump’s imprint on Supreme Court shows conservative effect in key coronavirus ruling, Times of Israel, 1 December 2020: ‘This is an emergency’: Top health official warns Israel is at start of 3rd wave, Arab News, 1 December 2020: Zarif ‘desperate’ to blame Saudi Arabia for anything negative that happens in Iran: Al-Jubeir, Jerusalem Post, 1 December 2020: Coronavirus crisis: ‘This is the beginning of the third wave’, Haaretz, 2 December 2020: SCOTUS ‘Religious Freedom’ Ruling: Supremely Irresponsible, Immoral and Profoundly unJewish, Israel Hayom, 4 December 2020: Thousand attend funeral of revered rabbi despite restrictions, Slate, 6 December 2020: Faith-based: “Somehow, I’ve Become the Threat”, Jerusalem Post, 7 December 2020: ‘We are not Americans,’ says Satmar grand rabbi, Jerusalem Post, 8 December 2020: Large crowds gather for Hasidic rabbi’s funeral in Brooklyn, Times of Israel, 8 December 2020: Thousands again defy restrictions to attend Brooklyn ultra-Orthodox funeral, Times of Israel, 11 December 2020: Efforts by NY Jews to unify and fight violent anti-Semitism undone by pandemic, Jerusalem Post, 11 December 2020: Dream vacation turns nightmare as Israelis argue about masks on flight, Times of Israel, 18 December 2020: Hundreds of maskless Haredim crowd in Jerusalem for Hanukkah candle-lighting, Times of Israel, 20 December 2020: Bnei Brak, Beitar Illit, Elad in top infection tier as cabinet to meet on rules, Israel Hayom, 24 December 2020: Poll: Half of secular Israelis unwilling to have Haredi neighbors, Haaretz, 25 December 2020: Israel to enter full lockdown on Sunday, Times of Israel, 25 December 2020: Ministers okay rules of 3rd lockdown, expected to cost NIS 2.5 billion a week, Jerusalem Post, 25 December 2020: Coronavirus lockdown starts Sunday. Here’s what you can and cannot do, Times of Israel, 3 January 2021: A quarter of all new virus cases diagnosed are among ultra-Orthodox, Jerusalem Post, 3 January 2021: COVID haredi unit head: Enforcement ineffective, Jerusalem Post, 6 January 2021: Hundreds attend hassidic wedding in city with highest rate of infections, Haaretz, 6 January 2021: Cops Suspended for Allowing Mass Wedding That Flouted Israel’s Coronavirus Rules, Times of Israel, 6 January 2021: As infections surge, mass ultra-Orthodox weddings held despite lockdown rules, Haaretz, 6 January 2021: Haredi Leader Orders to Open Religious Schools Despite Stricter Lockdown, Israel Hayom, 7 January 2021: 3rd lockdown to cost Israeli economy $1.3B a week, Israel Hayom, 8 January 2021: Haredim will respond to financial sanctions, not force, Jerusalem Post, 9 January 2021: Haredi newspaper photoshopped masks onto rabbis, Haaretz, 18 January 2021: With Enforcement Lax and Politicians Mostly Silent, Virus Runs Wild Among Israel’s Haredim, Haaretz, 19 January 2021: Haredi Values Have Been Erased in Our Failed Response to COVID-19, Times of Israel, 21 January 2021: Travelers returning from Dubai turn violent at Jerusalem quarantine hotel, Times of Israel, 21 January 2021: With Haredi lockdown violations rampant, health minister says jail the offenders, Haaretz, 22 January 2021: A Battle Over COVID Rules Breaks Out in Israeli Haredi City. This Is What It Looked Like, The Times, 22 January 2021: Police break up wedding party with 400 guests (Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls’ School), BBC, 22 January 2021: Covid: Wedding party in Stamford Hill broken up by police, Times of Israel, 22 January 2021: London cops bust mass wedding at Haredi girls school for violating lockdown, Haaretz, 22 January 2021: Coronavirus Israel Live: Police, ultra-Orthodox Groups Clash Over Restrictions; Minister Urges Calm, Irish Times, 22 January 2021: Wedding with 400 guests discovered at north London school, Haaretz, 22 January 2021: The COVID Sacrifice: The ‘New Jewish Martyrs’ Dying to Defend Israel’s Haredi Autonomy, The Times, 22 January 2021: ‘We feared for our lives,’ says cop attacked by ultra-Orthodox mob, Jerusalem Post, 22 January 2021: Haredi autonomy needs to stop so Israel can beat COVID-19, Haaretz, 23 January 2021: Leading Israeli Rabbi Okays Opening More ultra-Orthodox Schools During Lockdown, Times of Israel, 23 January 2021: Site of mass Haredi wedding in London: A school whose principal died of COVID, Haaretz, 23 January 2021: Police Pledged Minimal Enforcement of COVID Rules in Haredi Communities, Barring Attacks on Officers, Jerusalem Post, 23 January 2021: Viznitz grand rabbi instructs schools to open, Times of Israel, 24 January 2021: Hasidic rabbi calls for reopening ultra-Orthodox schools, then backtracks, Jerusalem Post, 24 January 2021: Haredi rioters clash with police across country – WATCH, Times of Israel, 24 January 2021: Cop shoots in air after ultra-Orthodox rioters surround and shove police, Haaretz, 24 January 2021: Ultra-Orthodox Protesters Clash With Police Over COVID Rules, Attack Bus Driver, Times of Israel, 24 January 2021: Fresh clashes in Bnei Brak as Haredi leaders blame police for violence, Al Jazeera, 24 January 2021: Israeli ultra-Orthodox clash with police over school closures, Haaretz, 25 January 2021: After Days of Clashes With ultra-Orthodox Over COVID Rules, Israeli Police Brace for More, Jerusalem Post, 25 January 2021: Skunk spray, burning bins highlight govt impotence to haredi resistance, Times of Israel, 25 January 2021: Police, firefighters stood by for an hour as ultra-Orthodox mob torched bus, Jerusalem Post, 25 January 2021: Haredi protests in Jerusalem continue against light rail construction, Haaretz, 26 January 2021: The ultra-Orthodox Street Has Been Ablaze for 5 Days, and Rabbis Can’t Stop the Flames, Jerusalem Post, 26 January 2021: Haredi rioters clash with police over lockdown enforcement, Jerusalem Post, 27 January 2021: Israel’s ultra-Orthodox and the future of the state, Times of Israel, 27 January 2021: Enfeebled and enraged, Haredi society feels forsaken on all sides, Jerusalem Post, 27 January 2021: Police warn hassidic communities not to hold Tu Bishvat celebrations, Jerusalem Post, 28 January 2021: Understanding haredi defiance to COVID-19 regulations – opinion, CNN, 29 January 2021: Violence and slurs from some of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Jews in battle over coronavirus lockdowns, Jewish Chronicle, 29 January 2021: The Charedi mindset is no excuse for this behaviour, Jerusalem Post, 29 January 2021: Oholei Menachem – The Chabad school blazing a trail with secular subjects, Jerusalem Post, 30 January 2021: It is time for the Ultra-Orthodox to be drafted by the IDF, Jerusalem Post, 30 January 2021: Haredi Jews in London hold illegal weddings regularly, Haaretz, 31 January 2021: This Picture Shows How Israel’s COVID Battle Is Spiraling Out of Control, Times of Israel, 31 January 2021: For 2nd time in day, thousands attend funeral of rabbi, flouting lockdown rules, Haaretz, 31 January 2021: For Second Time in One Day, Thousands Attend Funeral of ultra-Orthodox Rabbi in Jerusalem, Jerusalem Post, 31 January 2021: Thousands break COVID rules at Rabbi Meshulam Soloveitchik’s funeral, Haaretz, 31 January 2021: Shameless Netanyahu Turns a Blind Eye to ultra-Orthodox Anarchy, Times of Israel, 1 February 2021: Organizers of mass Jerusalem funerals said summoned for police questioning, Haaretz, 1 February 2021: Rabbi’s Funeral Amid COVID Lockdown Makes a Mockery of Israelis’ Trust in Gov’t, Times of Israel, 2 February 2021: Ten thousand flout rules in Tamra at funeral of student slain in police shootout, Jerusalem Post, 3 February 2021: Orthodox Jewry reels as rabbis die during COVID-19 pandemic, Haaretz, 3 February 2021: U.S. Chabad Rabbi Fired for Barrage of Anti-vaccine Social Media Posts, Times of Israel, 3 February 2021: Anti-vaxxer rabbi fired by Chabad over social media posts, Jerusalem Post, 3 February 2021: Coronavirus: Gov’t fails to meet on lockdown as cases remain high, Haaretz, 4 February 2021: How the Haredi Street Turned Racist and Ultra-nationalist, Times of Israel, 7 February 2021: Thousands pack Bnei Brak streets for funeral of senior rabbi who died of COVID, Jerusalem Post, 8 February 2021: 10,000 mourners gather for funeral of senior ultra-Orhtodox rabbi, Times of Israel, 10 February 2021: Israeli Society and the Haredim: A Turning Point?, Times of Israel, 12 February 2021: 15,000 Muslim worshipers pack Temple Mount in defiance of COVID restrictions, BBC, 15 February 2021: Covid-19: Vaccine as good in ‘real world’ as in trial in Israel, CNN, 15 February 2021: Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine sharply reduces symptomatic Covid-19 in the real world, Israeli researchers say, The New York Times, 17 Februaray 2021: ‘How Many Funerals Will Come Out of This One?’, DW, 17 February 2021: COVID-19: Israel’s vaccination drive hits stumbling blocks, The New York Times, 17 February 2021: As Ultra-Orthodox Defy Israel’s Rules, Virus Exacts a Grim Toll., The Guardian, 19 February 2021: Vaccinated people to enjoy bars and hotels with ‘green pass’, DW, 20 February 2021: Vaccine prevents 98.9% of COVID-19 deaths — Israel, Jerusalem Post, 22 February 2021: Coronavirus: Haredi, Arab cities had high unemployment during lockdown, Haaretz, 22 February 2021: Coronavirus Israel Live: Bill to Give Authorities Details of Unvaccinated Citizens Passes First Vote, Jerusalem Post, 22 February 2021: Buy one, get jabbed free: IKEA, Big offer vaccines to shoppers, DW, 24 February 2021: Israel launches ‘green pass’ for vaccinated people, Haaretz, 24 February 2021: Drop in Israel’s COVID Infection Rates Comes to a Halt, Raising Concerns of Renewed Outbreak, Times of Israel, 26 February 2021: Police break up over 100 parties, give 2,500 fines on 1st night of Purim curfew, Times of Israel, 27 February 2021: Traffic to Jerusalem blocked on 3rd night of Purim curfew to curb virus spread, Jerusalem Post, 27 February 2021: Passover reliefs could be at risk as thousands break Purim guidelines, Times of Israel, 27 February 2021: More illegal Purim partying Saturday as hundreds converge on Jaffa Flea Market, Times of Israel, 27 February 2021: Gantz, opposition scrutinize claim Haredim let into Israel while secular denied, Jerusalem Post, 28 February 2021: COVID crisis: Amid scenes of mass Purim gathering, ‘R’ approaches 1, Times of Israel, 28 February 2021: Mass gatherings in Jerusalem as thousands get together for banned Purim parties, Haaretz, 2 March 2021: Israel Rolls Out ‘Green Passport’ for Vaccinated. It’s a Security Disaster, Jerusalem Post, 4 March 2021: COVID-19: Haredim drift further from Israeli mainstream – opinion, Haaretz, 4 March 2021: Black Death Weakened the Catholic Church. COVID-19 Will Do the Same for Israel’s Rabbis, Times of Israel, 5 March 2021: As transmission rate rises above 1, virus czar says 4th lockdown a possibility, Times of Israel, 5 March 2021: Tel Aviv hosts its first ‘Green Pass’ concert for the vaccinated, Jerusalem Post, 6 March 2021: Most red cities are Arab and Druze, says Arab sector commissioner, Haaretz, 7 March 2021: Israel Reopens Restaurants, Venues for Vaccinated, Lifts Restrictions on Arrivals, Times of Israel, 7 March 2021: Poll: Only 30% of Israelis see Arabs, ultra-Orthodox as integral part of society, Arab News, 7 March 2021: With many vaccinated, Israel reopens economy before election, Jerusalem Post, 11 March 2021: Coronavirus and the haredim: By the numbers, Times of Israel, 12 March 2021: Netanyahu speaks to Ukrainian leader, vows to renew Hassidic pilgrimages to Uman, Jerusalem Post, 12 March 2021: We must stop enabling haredi domination of religion and state – opinion, The Algemeiner, 13 March 2021: Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Jews Get COVID Vaccine But Still Face Resentment, Jerusalem Post, 13 March 2021: Quebec’s Hasidic Jewish community submits challenge on COVID-19 curfew, Jerusalem Post, 18 March 2021: Coronavirus: Israel’s rule-breakers defend their right to party, Jerusalem Post, 18 March 2021: Israel post-COVID-19: Haredi integration or end of liberal democracy?, Haaretz, 19 March 2021: Coronavirus Israel Live: Cases Continue Decline as Nearly Half of Israelis Fully Vaccinated, Jerusalem Post, 21 March 2021: COVID-19: Israel’s tourism industry renovates for post-pandemic tourists, The Algemeiner, 26 March 2021: Israel Relaxes Into a Passover Much Freer of COVID Closures Than Last Year, Times of Israel, 27 March 2021: For Israelis, this year, Passover marks a celebration of freedom from virus, Israel Hayom, 2 April 2021: Christians mark Good Friday in Jerusalem as pandemic winds down, The New York Times, 3 April 2021: ‘Like a Miracle’: Israel’s Vaccine Success Allows Easter Crowds in Jerusalem, Jerusalem Post, 5 April 2021: Pfizer halts corona vaccine shipments to Israel after country fails to pay, Al Araby, 5 April 2021: Pfizer suspends Covid-19 vaccine shipments after ‘banana republic’ Israel fails to pay, Jerusalem Post, 6 April 2021: Coronavirus damage on economy is four times worse than 2008 crisis, Times of Israel, 9 April 2021: Pfizer said to warn Israel: Pay up or go to the back of vaccine line, The Atlantic, 9 April 2021: Hasidic, Devout, and Mad as Hell About COVID-19, Haaretz, 11 April 2021: Why Are 700,000 Doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Meant for Israel Being Held Up?, Al Arabiya, 13 April 2021: Israel reopening to foreign tourists after year-long break, Jerusalem Post, 16 April 2021: Hasidic pilgrimage worries Hungarian villagers under COVID strain, Jerusalem Post, 17 April 2021: Leader of anti-Zionist haredi group Neturei Karta dies from coronavirus, Jerusalem Post, 29 May 2021: NYC initiative partners with communities to fight hate crime, antisemitism), BBC, 29 April 2020: Greeks ponder ban on fax machines in state offices (Coronavirus: the best and most efficient structural reform helper ever. Great! Italy (and Germany as well) should watch carefully and learn), CNN, 29 April 2020: Deaths soar in country that didn’t lock down. Officials identify big reason why,, 29 April 2020: The world after coronavirus, Jerusalem Post, 30 April 2020: European Investment Bank to assist Israeli bio-convergence research (when the EIB is able to provide financial assistance to any Asian country, then it should be no problem at all to provide comprehensive transfers to the southern states of the EU), BBC, 30 April 2020: Eurozone economy shrinks at record rate, The New York Times, 30 April 2020: As Several States Loosen Rules, California Closes Some Beaches,, 30 April 2020: Eurozone economy declines by record 3.8 percent in first quarter, Arab News, 30 April 2020: Germany leading the way in Europe’s virus battle, BBC, 30 April 2020: New York funeral home puts corpses in lorries,, 30 April 2020: Spain’s economy suffers record 5.2 percent lockdown slump, The New York Times, 30 April 2020: European Slump Is Worst Since World War II, Reports Show, CNN, 30 April 2020: Welcome to the worst economy ever, The Guardian, 30 April 2020: Coronavirus latest: at a glance,, 30 April 2020: EU education funds targeted by cybercriminals, The New York Times, 30 April 2020: Trump Officials Are Said to Press Spies to Link Virus and Wuhan Labs, The Washington Post, 30 April 2020: U.S. crafting retaliatory actions against China over coronavirus as Trump fumes,, 30 April 2020: German ‘corona presidency’ plan pivots to crisis management, NPR, 30 April 2020: With Trump’s Coronavirus Response, U.S. Forfeits Global Leadership Role, CNN, 30 April 2020: Trump contradicts US intel community by claiming he’s seen evidence coronavirus originated in Chinese lab, The Washington Post, 30 April 2020: France is blaming the poor for their own deaths. But look at how it treats them.,CNN, 1 May 2020: Lessons from China: How global business has changed forever, BBC, 1 May 2020: World marks May Day amid pandemic – at a distance,, 1 May 2020: Spain predicts unemployment will hit 19 percent, The Guardian, 1 May 2020: Unemployment is ravaging America. Trump should be worried for November, The New York Times, 1 May 2020: Tensions Rise as Many States Move to Reopen Businesses,, 1 May 2020: Wearing a mask is for smug liberals. Refusing to is for reckless Republicans.,, 1 May 2020: Melinda Gates: European leaders ‘understand need for global cooperation’, The Washington Post, 1 May 2020: Coronavirus is spreading rapidly in Belarus, but its leader denies there is a problem,, 1 May 2020: NATO preparing for second wave of coronavirus infections: report, Reuters, 2 May 2020: UK shadows Italy as worst hit in Europe: virus death toll passes 28,000, The New York Times, 2 May 2020: New York: ‘We Cannot Let Up Now’ de Blasio Says, Reuters, 2 May 2020: New York’s Cuomo warns against ‘blindly’ reopening states, The New York Times, 2 May 2020: With Pressure Growing, Global Race for a Vaccine Intensifies, CNN, 1 May 2020: Lessons from China: How global business has changed forever, The Washington Post, 2 May 2020: The pandemic is a hard enough story for journalists to cover. Leaders like Trump make it harder., Reuters, 2 May 2020: New York’s Cuomo warns against ‘blindly’ reopening states, The Washington Post, 2 May 2020: Trump moves to replace HHS watchdog who found ‘severe shortages’ at hospitals fighting coronavirus, The Washington Post, 2 May 2020: Boom-and-bust federal funding after 9/11 undercut hospitals’ preparedness, The Guardian, 2 May 2020: Ireland extends Covid-19 lockdown to 18 May before phased exit, BBC, 2 May 2020: US reported death toll passes 65,000, CNN, 2 May 2020: Another wave of coronavirus will likely hit the US in the fall. Here’s why and what we can do to stop it, The Guardian, 2 May 2020: How coronavirus is spurring the cause of a united Ireland, Irish Times, 2 May 2020: Coronavirus claims 25 more lives in Ireland and 343 more cases reported, NPR, 3 May 2020: Belgians Urged To Eat More Fries To Help Potato Farmers Amid Pandemic-Related Glut, The New York Times, 3 May 2020: The Pandemic Isn’t Changing Everything, NPR, 3 May 2020: Orange County Beaches Shut Down, But Legal Battle Still Making Waves, The New York Times, 3 May 2020: Covid-19’s Race and Class Warfare, NPR, 3 May 2020: Man Arrested For Camping At Abandoned Disney World Island, The Guardian, 4 May 2020: Mexico’s López Obrador holds daily briefings rivalling Trump’s: ‘A spectacle without any value’, CNN, 4 May 2020: ‘So many more deaths than we could have ever imagined.’ This is how America’s largest city deals with its dead,, 4 May 2020: Bailout Europe’s chance to go green is in danger, Der Spiegel, 4 May 2020: EU Fundraising Effort: Europe Launches Massive Campaign to Fund Coronavirus Vaccine, The Guardian, 4 May 2020: Coronavirus live news: cases in Germany likely to be 10 times higher than official count, say researchers, BBC, 4 May 2020: Italy relaxes lockdown as number of deaths falls, CNN, 4 May 2020: A ‘travel bubble’ between New Zealand and Australia could be a model for the future,, 4 May 2020: In China, a struggling America looks like ‘the disaster flick of 2020’, The Washington Post, 4 May 2020: Trumpers are resistant to experts — even their own,, 4 May 2020: Europe’s coronavirus lockdown exit strategies compared, CNN, 4 May 2020: Europe is in a new phase of reopening, but it’s hardly a return to normal, DW, 4 May 2020: World leaders pledge €7.4 billion for European Commission’s coronavirus vaccine fundraising conference,, 4 May 2020: Europe’s economic future in German judges’ hands, The New York Times, 4 May 2020: Coronavirus Live Updates: Models Project Sharp Rise in Deaths as States Reopen,, 4 May 2020: EU leads (an almost) global effort to fight coronavirus,, 4 May 2020: Fish flourish under lockdown — but fishermen flounder,, 4 May 2020: Europe’s economic future in German judges’ hands, The New York Times, 4 May 2020: Coronavirus Live Updates: Models Project Sharp Rise in Deaths as States Reopen,, 4 May 2020: EU leads (an almost) global effort to fight coronavirus, CNN, 4 May 2020: Some retailers are too broke to go bankrupt, The Washington Post, 5 May 2020: Andrew Cuomo gets it right: Govern by science, not your gut, BBC, 5 May 2020: Virus deaths pass 250,000 as countries lift curbs,, 5 May 2020: German high court warns ECB that bond buying could be illegal, The Washington Post, 5 May 2020: Andrew Cuomo gets it right: Govern by science, not your gut, Yale Global Online, 5 May 2020: Irresponsible Superpowers Must Cooperate, BBC, 5 May 2020: Virus deaths pass 250,000 as countries lift curbs,, 5 May 2020: German high court warns ECB that bond buying could be illegal,, 5 May 2020: German court lays down EU law, CNN, 5 May 2020: Disney’s profit plunged 91% last quarter as its parks closed their doors, BBC, 6 May 2020: Coronavirus: EU facing ‘deep and uneven recession’,, 6 May 2020: Europe faces ‘recession of historic proportions’, Foreign Affairs, 6 May 2020: The Coming Post-COVID Anarchy, Der Spiegel, 6 May 2020: A New Era for Beijing: China Is Happy to Fill the Leadership Vacuum Left by the U.S., BBC, 6 May 2020: Coronavirus: White House plans to disband virus task force, Times of Israel, 6 May 2020: Fears of second wave lurk as countries begin to ease virus lockdowns, Times of Israel, 6 May 2020: Thus passes the glory of Europe, The Guardian, 7 May 2020: ‘We are living in a catastrophe’: Peru’s jungle capital choking for breath as Covid-19 hits, CNN, 7 May 2020: How Angela Merkel went from lame duck to global leader on coronavirus, Al Jazeera, 7 May 2020: The US was sick long before coronavirus, Yale Global Online, 7 May 2020: Don’t Blame Supply Chains, The Guardian, 7 May 2020: Global report: Russia becomes Europe’s coronavirus hotspot, The New York Times, 7 May 2020: Travel From New York City Seeded Wave of U.S. Outbreaks, The Guardian, 7 May 2020: New Zealand ‘halfway down Everest’ as Ardern plans big easing of Covid lockdown,, 7 May 2020: Germany under pressure to lift coronavirus border closures, The Guardian, 7 May 2020: World tourism faces worst crisis since records began, says UNWTO, Arab News, 7 May 2020: Gatherings of more than 5 banned in Saudi Arabia as virus death toll reaches 219,, 7 May 2020: Madonna joins the EU!, Al Arabiya, 7 May 2020: Saudi Arabia bans family gatherings, crowds of more than 5 people,, 8 May 2020: Eurozone backs 10-year credit lines for coronavirus costs, BBC, 8 May 2020: Pandemic sends US jobless rate to 14.7%,, 8 May 2020: Trump says Merkel and others ‘view us as the world leader’ on fighting coronavirus (Europeans and Asians see Trump as world leader only when it comes to spreading fake news and lies), CNN, 8 May 2020: Bolsonaro continues to dismiss Covid-19 threat as cases skyrocket in Brazil,, 8 May 2020: Coronavirus prompts calls for ‘more Europe’ on health care,, 8 May 2020: Sassoli demands bigger European Parliament role in recovery plan, CNN, 9 May 2020: Coronavirus: Chinese official admits health system weaknesses, CNN, 9 May 2020: Coronavirus: Obama calls US response ‘chaotic disaster’, CNN, 9 May 2020: Obama says White House response to coronavirus has been ‘absolute chaotic disaster’, CNN, 9 May 2020: US blocks UN resolution on global coronavirus ceasefire after China pushes WHO mention, CNN, 9 May 2020: Allies despair as Trump abandons America’s leadership role at a time of global crisis, The Guardian, 9 May 2020: IMF warns of further drop in global growth due to Covid-19, NPR, 9 May 2020: Haitian Doctor Says This Is The Worst Epidemic He’s Faced,, 9 May 2020: Coronavirus will increase number of Europeans at risk of going hungry, experts warn, Times of Israel: Jewish lawyer dresses as the Grim Reaper to protest Florida beach reopenings, The Guardian, 9 May 2020: The right cannot resist a culture war against the ‘liberal elite’, even now, NPR, 9 May 2020: Anti-Vaccination Activists Join Stay-At-Home Order Protesters, Arab News, 9 May 2020: Coronavirus crisis changing public attitudes in the Middle East, polls suggest, The Guardian, 10 May 2020: Foxtons becomes a self-preservation society as house sales drop off a cliff, BBC, 10 May 2020: Coronavirus: Number of global cases rises above four million, The Guardian, 10 May 2020: Under Trump, American exceptionalism means poverty, misery and death, BBC, 10 May 2020: Coronavirus: Germany infection rate rises as lockdown eases, The Guardian, 10 May 2020: Coronavirus live news: China reports possible new wave of cases; Germany sees infections rise again, The New York Times, 10 May 2020: Why the Road to Reopening New York Will Be So Hard, Haaretz, 10 May 2020: OU Lays Out Guidelines for Reopening U.S. Shuls, but No End in Sight for New York, The National, 10 May 2020: US jobless rate likely to be above 20% before Covid-19 lockdown ends, Gulf Times, 10 May 2020: Australia to open crippled economy, restore lost jobs, Times of Israel, 10 May 2020: Two ultra-Orthodox bastions account for 37% of Israel’s virus deaths, Jerusalem Post, 10 May 2020: Jewish, Christian congregations leaderless due to COVID-19 deaths,, 10 May 2020: Paolo Gentiloni: EU emergency finance has no ‘draconian’ strings attached, BBC, 10 May 2020: Boris Johnson speech: PM unveils ‘conditional plan’ to reopen society,, 10 May 2020: Brussels eyes a bigger EU shareholder role in the coronavirus recovery, The Guardian, 10 May 2020: Elites have failed us. It is time to create a European republic,, 10 May 2020: Von der Leyen considers infringement proceedings after German court ruling, The Guardian, 10 May 2020: It’s no accident Britain and America are the world’s biggest coronavirus losers, BBC, 11 May 2020: Coronavirus: French passengers exempt from UK quarantine plans,, 11 May 2020: Snake oil, quackery and deglobalization, NPR, 11 May 2020: In Coronavirus War Of Words With The U.S., China Pulls No Punches, Haaretz, 11 May 2020: U.S. Jewish Institutions Not Rushing to Reopen, Despite White House Pressure, Times of Israel, 10 May 2020: ‘God is telling us something’: Deri says 70% of Israel’s virus cases are Haredim,, 11 May 2020: Europe fears coronavirus second wave, CNN, 12 May 2020: Fauci tells Congress that states face serious consequences if they reopen too quickly, The Guardian, 12 May 2020: Trump is making America an obstacle in the global fight against Covid-19, The National, 12 May 2020: Coronavirus: Dubai releases post-Ramadan ‘reopening’ plan for malls and offices, The Washington Post, 12 May 2020: U.S. death toll surpasses 80,000, CNN, 12 May 2020: Putin’s coronavirus crisis deepens with fatal hospital fire and spokesman’s diagnosis,, 12 May 2020: The epidemic Russia doesn’t want to talk about, The Guardian, 12 May 2020: UK rail worker dies of coronavirus after being spat at while on duty, Eurovision: Europe Shine a Light (due to the corona pandemic, the Eurovision will be broadcasted in a correspondingly adapted format in Europe, Australia and Israel. They should have come up with this idea a few years earlier), CNN, 13 May 2020: Europe promises to reopen for summer tourism in wake of coronavirus, CNN, 13 May 2020: Europe promises to reopen for summer tourism in wake of coronavirus, BBC, 13 May 2020: Coronavirus: Tui urges opening up tourism to safer countries, CNN, 13 May 2020: GLOBAL LIVE EU: We ‘will not go back to business as usual soon’, BBC, 13 May 2020: We will have summer tourist season, promises EU,, 14 May 2020: Sanofi faces more heat in France after CEO’s vaccine comments, BBC, 15 May 2020: Coronavirus pushes German economy into recession, BBC, 15 May 2020: Coronavirus: Brazil’s Bolsonaro sees second health minister quit, The Guardian, 15 May 2020: ‘The ship is sinking’: Bolsonaro battles to block foul-mouthed cabinet video, NPR, 15 May 2020: Police Back Off From Social Distancing Enforcement, BBC, 15 May 2020: Coronavirus: 14,000 lockdown-breach fines imposed,, 15 May 2020: Get ready for a two-speed recovery, BBC, 15 May 2020: Coronavirus infection ‘R’ rate in UK creeps up, NPR, 15 May 2020: Northeast: Coronavirus-Related Restrictions By State, CNN, 15 May 2020: German cafe tells customers to wear pool noodles to enforce social distancing, The Guardian, 15 May 2020: World looks on in horror as Trump flails over pandemic despite claims US leads way, Irish Times, 15 May 2020: Coronavirus: Further 16 deaths in Ireland as confirmed cases approach 24,000, The Washington Post, 15 May 2020: Noose, ax, Trump-inspired insults: Protesters ramp up violent rhetoric, Al Arabiya, 15 May 2020: Coronavirus: Abu Dhabi businesses to reopen, employees to resume workplace attendance,, 15 May 2020: Criminals poised to take advantage of coronavirus crisis, NPR, 15 May 2020: Germany, Europe’s Largest Economy, Enters Recession Due To Coronavirus, The New York Times, 15 May 2020: The Richest Neighborhoods Emptied Out Most as Coronavirus Hit New York City, The Washington Post, 15 May 2020: Europeans emerging from lockdowns are wary of the cheek kiss, Times of Israel, 15 May 2020: US Orthodox rabbis split over resuming communal prayer amid virus fears, Al Arabiya, 15 May 2020: Coronavirus: Restaurants use mannequins, dolls to fill ‘social distancing’ voids, Arab News, 15 May 2020: Governments take measured steps to jumpstart economies amid coronavirus fears, DW, 15 May 2020: Which European Union countries are open for summer tourism?, The National, 15 May 2020: Iran and Italy cited by numerous countries as the source of cross-border infection, Arab News, 16 May 2020: From China to Saudi Arabia: Doctor fights COVID-19 on frontline, The National, 16 May 2020: Coronavirus: Fears grow as pandemic reaches Rohingya camps, CNN, 16 May 2020: Deserted Venice contemplates a future without tourist hordes after Covid-19, The Guardian, 16 May 2020: Barack Obama attacks Trump administration’s response to coronavirus pandemic, CNN, 17 May 2020: Exclusive: Lack of immunity means China is vulnerable to another wave of coronavirus, top adviser warns, BBC, 17 May 2020: Coronavirus: Obama criticises Trump administration’s virus response, CNN, 17 May 2020: Coronavirus has devastated Moscow. Now it’s spreading across Russia’s 11 time zones to ill-funded regions, The Guardian, 17 May 2020: Trump, Putin and Bolsonaro have been complacent. Now the pandemic has made them all vulnerable, CNN, 17 May 2020: Obama criticizes leadership on coronavirus response, gives three pieces of advice in virtual commencement addresses, Washington Post, 17 May 2020: Obama criticizes nation’s leaders for bungled handling of coronavirus pandemic, BBC, 17 May 2020: Coronavirus: Brazil overtakes Spain and Italy as new cases grow, Reuters, 17 May 2020: EU’s Vestager: Discrepancy in state aid distorts single market, hampers recovery, The Guardian, 17 May 2020: Coronavirus live news: daily death tolls fall in UK, Spain and Italy, CNN, 17 May 2020: Obama reminds us what a US president should sound like, CNN, 18 May 2020: Germany and France try to break deadlock over how to rescue the EU, BBC, 18 May 2020: Coronavirus: France and Germany propose €500bn recovery fund, The Guardian, 18 May 2020: Merkel and Macron propose €500bn EU rescue fund, The New York Times, 18 May 2020: Germany and France Propose $545 Billion Coronavirus Fund for Europe: Live Coverage (Merkel and Macron have now delivered a very respectable, solidary and future-oriented solution. Now the 25 others are about to do the same. It was also a tactical highlight: if the plan works as suggested, Merkel and Macron are the saviors of the euro. If it doesn’t work, the others have screwed it up. It remains exciting and interesting. In any case, one would like to see the Berlin-Paris tandem more often leading the pack then as been haunted by the pack),, 18 May 2020: Berlin buckles on bonds in €500B Franco-German recovery plan, BBC, 18 May 2020: Europe’s supercomputers hijacked by attackers for crypto mining, Arab News, 18 May 2020: Arab countries of North Africa feel coronavirus’ economic pain, The Guardian, 18 May 2020: Coronavirus live news: Italy begins reopening bars and cafes as rate of deaths and new infections falls again, The New York Times, 18 May 2020: Brooklyn ZIP Code Has N.Y.C.’s Highest Death Rate: Live Updates,, 18 May 2020: In Europe, they’re burning witches again, Irish Times, 18 May 2020: European project and Ursula von der Leyen face an existential threat in Covid-19, The New York Times, 18 May 2020: Isolated Key West Will Reopen. For Some People, It Will Be Too Late., BBC, 19 May 2020: US slams WHO as ‘puppet of China’ (Putin’s puppet in the White House is trying to slam the WHO, to try to destored from his completely failed coronavirus response. Pretty funny),, 19 May 2020: Merkel’s milestone moment, The National, 19 May 2020: Coronavirus: Is Angela Merkel’s solution to EU’s problems feasible?, CNN, 19 May 2020: Europe promises to reopen for summer tourism in wake of coronavirus,, 19 May 2020: Ischinger: German-French recovery plan could transform EU and seal Merkel’s legacy,, 19 May 2020: Don’t save the economy. Change the economy.,, 19 May 2020: Franco-German recovery deal meets resistance,, 20 May 2020: German conservatives’ eurobond awakening,, 20 May 2020: Italian PM: Franco-German recovery deal is not enough, Politico, 20 May 2020: Merkel warns against protectionism in face of coronavirus recession, BBC, 21 May 2020: Alarm as crowds flock to European beaches, CNN, 21 May 2020: Trump heads to Michigan as Washington fails in pandemic battle, The Guardian, 21 May 2020: Face masks and no duty free: EU issues coronavirus air safety guidelines, Politico, 21 May 2020: Juncker: EU internal border closures ‘nonsense’ (the Trump administration has announced, that the travel restrictions from Europe to the US will remain in place. The exorbitantly high number of Covid-19 infected and killed in the US given, there will be very few Europeans who would accept the risk of entering the US anyway. In this respect, it’s obviuosly just another misleading election campaign stunt by the Trump administration, to distract Trump voters from the real reasons why Europeans don’t travel to the United States at the moment), CNN, 22 May 2020: Wilson Jerman: Ex-White House butler dies of coronavirus, The Guardian, 22 May 2020: We lived the European dream. Will any politician stand up for open borders?, Der Spiegel, 22 May 2020: Half a Trillion Euros: Merkel and Macron Find the Strength for Europe, Der Spiegel, 22 May 2020: “Times of Struggle”: France and Germany Show the Way Forward in the COVID-19 Crisis,, 22 May 2020: This isn’t Europe’s ‘Hamilton’ moment, The Guardian, 22 May 2020: No masks allowed: stores turn customers away in US culture war, BBC, 23 May 2020: Anti-lockdown car protest draws thousands, CNN, 23 May 2020: Bolsonaro calls coronavirus a ‘little flu.’ Inside Brazil’s hospitals, doctors know the horrifying reality, The New York Times, 23 May 2020: As U.S. Nears 100,000 Deaths, Pandemic Swells in South America,, 23 May 2020: ‘Frugal four’ propose ‘loans for loans’ approach to coronavirus recovery fund, The Guardian, 24 May 2020: Sweden ‘wrong’ not to shut down, says former state epidemiologist,, 24 May 2020: Trump ‘has a point’ on WHO, German health minister says,, 24 May 2020: How Russia’s coronavirus crisis got so bad, The Guardian, 25 May 2020: The Guardian view on Europe and Covid-19: time for true solidarity,, 24 May 2020: American nationalists’ European vacation, Irish Times, 25 May 2020: EU divisions laid bare by ‘frugal four’ Covid recovery proposal, The Guardian, 26 May 2020: Coronavirus live news: Putin says Russia past peak of outbreak despite highest daily death toll, CNN, 26 May 2020: The EU is still divided over coronavirus relief. That could tear it apart, The Guardian, 26 May 2020: Franco-German plan for European recovery will face compromises, The Washington Post, 26 May 2020: The coronavirus pandemic will turn into a poverty pandemic unless we act now, The Guardian, 26 May 2020: Coronavirus US live: Trump pushes conspiracy theory and mask politics as death toll approaches 100,000, BBC, 27 May 2020: Von der Leyen calls €750bn recovery fund ‘Europe’s moment’, CNN, 27 May 2020: EU plans to raise $825 billion for coronavirus relief. Hard-hit countries need help soon, The Guardian, 27 May 2020: European commission: ‘Defining moment’ as EU executive pushes for €500bn in grants,, 27 May 2020: European Commission proposes €750B EU recovery package, The New York Times, 27 May 2020: A €750 Billion Virus Recovery Plan Thrusts Europe Into a New Frontier, The Washington Post, 27 May 2020: Pandemic has exposed nation’s vulnerabilities and dangerous divide,, 27 May 2020: Germany’s Scholz sees recovery fund as more than money, The New York Times, 27 May 2020: Coronavirus in N.Y.: Live Update, The Washington Post, 27 May 2020: E.U. proposes $825 billion coronavirus rescue plan giving Brussels power to raise money for first time, BBC, 28 May 2020: EU budget: Who pays most in and who gets most back?, The National, 28 May 2020: Europe prepares to reopen: the travel restrictions in place for the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy, The Guardian, 29 May 2020: Norway and Denmark drop mutual border controls – but exclude Sweden, Arab News, 29 May 2020: Turkey eases coronavirus restrictions amid economic concerns,, 29 May 2020: Back off, Trump. Germany wants to Make Europe Strong Again, The Guardian, 29 May 2020: Coronavirus live news: Donald Trump says US is ending WHO relationship, Arab News, 29 May 2020: UAE to shorten COVID-19 prevention curfew by two hours, The Washington Post, 29 May 2020: Europeans emerging from lockdowns find conspicuous absence of Americans, Al Arabiya, 29 May 2020: Saudi Arabia sets guidelines for malls, industrial sector, as it reopens, Arab News, 29 May 2020: Saudi Arabia records more COVID-19 recoveries than infections in past 24 hours, The National, 29 May 2020: United Nations initiative will help countries tackle trade and transport challenges, The Hill, 29 May 2020: Cuomo: New York City on track to start reopening week of June 8, Al Arabiya, 29 May 2020: New York City is on track to lift coronavirus restrictions on June 8, The Guardian, 29 May 2020: Which European countries are easing travel restrictions?, NPR, 29 May 2020: OPINION: The Ghosts Of Colonialism Are Haunting The World’s Response To The Pandemic,, 30 May 2020: Don’t treat Italy as a leper colony due to coronavirus, says minister, CNN, 30 May 2020: Which international destinations are reopening to tourists?,, 30 May 2020: Nordic neighbors say no thanks to Swedish tourists, The New York Times, 30 May 2020: How We Broke the World,, 31 May 2020: Trump’s national security adviser chief slams WHO as ‘corrupt’ (it is amazing to see what cheekiness and audacity the thoroughly corrupt and criminal Trump administration is showing), Arab News, 31 May 2020: Abu Dhabi bans travel in, out and within emirate to limit coronavirus spread, The Guardian, 31 May 2020: ‘People are going to go hungry’: pandemic effects could leave 54m Americans without food, Arab News, 31 May 2020: Saudi Arabia reopens mosques after 2 month coronavirus lockdown, Al Arabiya, 31 May 2020: Coronavirus: New York finance industry won’t recover until 2026, report says, The Guardian, 1 June 2020: Coronavirus will haunt US economy for a decade and wipe out $8tn, says CBO,, 1 June 2020: Mass protests could undo hard-won progress in pandemic, NPR, 1 June 2020: Northeast: Coronavirus-Related Restrictions By State, Der Spiegel, 2 June 2020: Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz: “The EU Consists of More than Just Two Member States”, The Guardian, 2 June 2020: Global report: Germany eases travel ban and cafe culture returns to Paris, The Guardian, 3 June 2020: We should have done more, admits architect of Sweden’s Covid-19 strategy, DW, 3 June 2020: Coronavirus latest: Germany to scrap EU travel warnings by mid-June, The Guardian, 3 June 2020: The pandemic is being used as cover for a no-deal Brexit,, 3 June 2020: Germany to greenlight tourist travel to 31 European countries from mid-June, BBC, 3 June 2020: Sweden’s Tegnell admits too many died, The Guardian, 4 June 2020: Coronavirus live news: Germany reveals major stimulus plan as global cases grow by 100,000 a day,, 4 June 2020: Belgium loosening lockdown but crisis not over yet, PM warns, BBC, 4 June 2020: Eurozone in fresh emergency action to boost economy,, 4 June 2020: German coalition agrees €130B economic rescue package, The Guardian, 4 June 2020: How a small Spanish town became one of Europe’s worst Covid-19 hotspots,, 4 June 2020: UK and EU clash over British share of COVID-19 fund, NPR, 5 June 2020: How A Historic LA Guitar Shop Is Fighting To Stay Afloat During The Pandemic, The Guardian, 5 June 2020: Global report: South Africa records biggest jump in Covid-19 cases since pandemic hit,, 5 June 2020: EU eyes return to free travel by early July, DW, 5 June 2020: EU sets up financial crime unit in pandemic-hit economy, The Guardian, 6 June 2020: Merkel among winners as Europeans give verdict on anti-Covid battles, The Guardian, 6 June 2020: Europe’s big two kiss and make up for pandemic rescue deal, The New York Times, 7 June 2020: Mayor de Blasio, Don’t Make New York’s Budget Crisis Worse, BBC, 8 June 2020: New Zealand lifts all Covid restrictions, declaring the nation virus-free, The Guardian, 8 June 2020: World Bank warns Covid-19 pandemic risks dramatic rise in poverty, The New York Times, 8 June 2020: New York City Begins to Reopen, 100 Days After Its First Case, CNN, 9 June 2020: The illegal industry booming under lockdown in South Africa, NPR, 9 June 2020: U.N. Chief: Security Council Gridlock Blocks Effective Coronavirus Response,, 10 June 2020: Trump’s Scottish golf courses in line for £1M from corona bailout, BBC, 10 June 2020: Coronavirus: UK economy could be worst hit among leading nations, says OECD, The Guardian, 10 June 2020: EU says China behind ‘huge wave’ of Covid-19 disinformation, The New York Times, 10 June 2020: As U.S. Reopens, Some States See Virus Cases Rise,, 10 June 2020: European Commission accuses China of peddling disinformation, BBC, 10 June 2020: Outlook for virus-hit global economy ‘dire’, The New York Times, 10 June 2020: Threat of Military Action Rattles Brazil as Virus Deaths Surge, The Washington Post, 10 June 2020: Coronavirus hospitalizations rise sharply in several states, Gulf Times, 10 June 2020: Airlines set for ‘worst year’ on record; long road ahead for recovery, The Guardian, 11 June 2020: As lockdown slowly lifts in New York, the new normal is profoundly unsettling, BBC, 13 June 2020: Fear of second wave in Beijing after market outbreak, The Guardian, 13 June 2020: Argentina pastor turns church into bar in protest at uneven coronavirus restrictions, The Washington Post, 13 June 2020: Beijing goes into ‘wartime mode’ as virus emerges at market, Arab News, 13 June 2020: EU agrees purchase of 300 million coronavirus vaccine doses, Jerusalem Post, 13 June 2020: Brazil’s COVID-19 deaths surge past UK, now second in the world,, 14 June 2020: Europe’s country-by-country travel restrictions explained, The National, 14 June 2020: Europe stands united with fiscal support package of requisite magnitude, IMF says,, 14 June 2020: Europe’s country-by-country travel restrictions explained, The Guardian, 15 June 2020: Germany and France reopen borders as Europe emerges from lockdown, BBC, 16 June 2020: US retail sales in record monthly rebound, The Washington Post, 16 June 2020: Brazil ignored the warnings. Now, while other countries fret over a second coronavirus wave, it can’t get past its first.,, 16 June 2020: New factions emerge in EU recovery fund fight, DW, 17 June 2020: Over 600 people test positive at German slaughterhouse, CNN, 17 June 2020: Days before Trump rally, Tulsa sets daily record for confirmed coronavirus cases, The Guardian, 17 June 2020: While other countries are recovering from Covid-19, Britain is still in intensive care, The Guardian, 18 June 2020: Global report: Germany orders local Covid-19 lockdowns as Spain boosts tourism sector,, 18 June 2020: Merkel: Coronavirus pandemic revealed Europe’s fragility, DW, 18 June 2020: Coronavirus latest: Germany imposes quarantines to counter fresh outbreaks, Arab News, 18 June 2020: EU leaders under pressure as bloc approaches crossroads, The Guardian, 18 June 2020: The end of tourism?, The National, 18 June 2020: Coronavirus: Nato to begin stockpiling medical equipment, CNN, 19 June 2020: Beijing’s new outbreak is a reminder to the world that coronavirus can return at anytime, The Guardian, 19 June 2020: Anxiety in Beijing as officials battle new coronavirus outbreak, DW, 20 June 2020: Coronavirus latest: Fresh clusters raise Germany’s reproduction rate, DW, 20 June 2020: Egypt tries to restart tourism during coronavirus pandemic, DW, 20 June 2020: Germany: Quarantined housing block residents attack police, Al Arabiya, 21 June 2020: Palestinian Authority closes two West Bank cities after coronavirus spike, The New York Times, 21 June 2020: Coronavirus: U.S. Cases Surge, With Clusters Linked to Bars and Parties, The Washington Post, 21 June 2020: Trump says he told officials to slow testing to find fewer cases, The Washington Post, 22 June 2020: In countries keeping the coronavirus at bay, experts watch U.S. case numbers with alarm, BBC, 22 June 2020: Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia bars international pilgrims for Hajj,, 22 June 2020: The Rock and Ursula von der Leyen to co-host corona event, NPR, 22 June 2020: Remembering Front-Line Workers Lost To COVID-19, The New York Times, 22 June 2020: Saudi Arabia Will Sharply Limit Hajj Pilgrimage, The Washington Post, 22 June 2020: The U.S. is falling behind its peers. Americans — if not their leaders — are starting to notice., BBC, 23 June 2020: Coronavirus: German outbreak sparks fresh local lockdowns, BBC, 23 June 2020: Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro ordered to wear mask in public, CNN, 23 June 2020: Fauci concerned by ‘disturbing surge in infections’, The Guardian, 23 June 2020: Europeans believe in more cohesion despite EU’s Covid-19 failings, The New York Times, 23 June 2020: E.U. May Exclude U.S. as It Reopens Borders, Citing Failures on Virus, DW, 23 June 2020: Coronavirus latest: Hotspots flare in Europe and US, The New York Times, 23 June 2020: E.U. May Exclude U.S. as It Reopens Borders, Citing Failures on Virus,, 23 June 2020: America out, China in as EU looks to reopen external borders, CNN, 24 June 2020: A European ban on US travelers would send a humbling message, BBC, 24 June 2020: Coronavirus: New York imposes quarantine on nine US states, CNN, 24 June 2020: Texas governor urges people to stay home as states report surges of new Covid-19 cases, The Guardian, 24 June 2020: On different planets: how Germany tackled the pandemic, and Britain flailed, The New York Times, 24 June 2020: Surging Cases Set Records in Several States; Markets Drop Sharply, The Washington Post, 24 June 2020: The High Line has been sidelined. When it reopens, New Yorkers may get the park they always wanted., The Guardian, 25 June 2020: Trump administration sent $1.4bn in stimulus checks to dead people, BBC, 25 June 2020: Coronavirus: ‘Very significant’ resurgences in Europe alarm WHO, The New York Times, 25 June 2020: U.S. Cases Are Probably 10 Times Higher Than Reported, C.D.C. Says, BBC, 26 June 2020: Coronavirus: Sweden says WHO made ‘total mistake’ by including it in warning, BBC, 26 June 2020: Coronavirus: US has ‘serious problem’, says Fauci, New York Times, 26 June 2020: E.U. Plans to Bar Most U.S. Travelers When Bloc Reopens, BBC, 26 June 2020: Coronavirus: US hits record high in daily cases, New York Times, 26 June 2020: Fauci Urgently Warns of New Outbreaks as Pence Praises Response, The Washington Post, 26 June 2020: Europe prepares to reopen to foreign travelers, but Americans don’t even figure into the discussion, Forbes, 27 May 2020: Canada Opens Door To International Students While U.S. Shuts It, Irish Times, 27 June 2020: Angela Merkel: UK will have to live with consequences of looser ties with EU, BBC, 27 June 2020: Coronavirus: UK to open up European holidays from 6 July, BBC, 28 June 2020: Number of virus infections tops 10m worldwide, The New York Times, 28 June 2020: Tensions and Risks Grow as U.S. Testing Sites Are Overwhelmed, The Washington Post, 28 June 2020: With Trump leading the way, record surge in new infections exposes failures in U.S. response, The Guardian, 29 June 2020: Poland should get less from Covid-19 fund due to rights record, claim EU member states (rightly so. As the Poles claim that they are a Christian nation (according to their reactions on the migratin crsis, they don’t even have the slightest idea what Christian values are), they should know the biblical “eye for an eye” concept pretty well), CNN, 29 June 2020: More than 500,000 people have been killed by Covid-19. A quarter of them are Americans, The Guardian, 29 June 2020: Europeans’ trust in US as world leader collapses during pandemic, NPR, 29 June 2020: Former NIH Director Calls Trump Administration’s Pandemic Response ‘Amateur Hour’, The New York Times, 29 June 2020: Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Restrictions, The Guardian, 30 June 2020: US buys up world stock of key Covid-19 drug remdesivir (the EU and Canada should first drive up prices so that the Trump administration has to pay properly and then suddenly drop out of the bidding process in order to ultimately be able to achieve much cheaper purchase prices for themselves), DW, 30 June 2020: Opinion: Angela Merkel’s moment to define the EU’s future, BBC, 30 June 2020: Fauci warns of 100,000 US cases per day, CNN, 30 June 2020: One graphic explains why Americans are facing an EU travel ban,, 30 June 2020: EU’s travel safe list emerges from battle for national interests, DW, 1 July 2020: Angela Merkel’s last EU Council Presidency — what to expect, The Guardian, 1 July 2020: US reports record one-day increase in Covid-19 cases as Trump stays silent (it is becoming increasingly clear that it is once again time for big pictures and visions of an integrated EU and that real leaders must courageously go ahead, take the EU population with them, animate them, cheer them up – just as outstanding coaches in team sports have to do it in order to ultimately win the trophy. Because of and through Corona, the EU has once again been “given” a time window for major changes. This means that the most important basic requirements are already in place: money is there, there is general consensus, there is a spirit of optimism right up to impatience, and there is pressure to change for years. There is a lot to do, but it can be taken as a very positive challenge because it means work for everyone. What does it start with? Development clear specifications and requirements for the individual departments (economy, education, social issues, environment, digitization, EU defense etc.). After that, only one thing is missing, namely the starting shot! It is actually very simple and only needs to be done), The Guardian, 1 July 2020: Trump attacks plan to paint ‘Black Lives Matter’ outside his New York City home – live, The New York Times, 1 July 2020: New York City and California Pull Back on Reopening as U.S. Cases Surge, NPR, 1 July 2020: Green, Yellow, Orange Or Red? This New Tool Shows COVID-19 Risk In Your County, The New York Times, 1 July 2020: The ‘Rocket Ship’ Economic Recovery Trump Promised Is Crashing, Politico Magazine, 1 July 2020: Why Coronavirus Is an ‘Existential Crisis’ for American Democracy, DW, 2 July 2020: Germany takes helm of EU presidency, Merkel urges resolve on virus recovery plan, BBC, 2 July 2020: Coronavirus: Testing sewage an ‘easy win’, DW, 2 July 2020: EU agrees to reopen borders to 14 countries, extends travel ban for US tourists, BBC, 2 July 2020: US firms create record 4.8 million jobs in June, CNN, 2 July 2020: Trump’s approach to the presidency: Ignore the challenges and embrace the easy, The Guardian, 2 July 2020: Coronavirus live news: Florida reports a record 10,000 new cases in one day, Irish Times, 2 July 2020: Trump says economy ‘roaring back’ as coronavirus cases surge, NPR, 2 July 2020: Another Day, Another Coronavirus Record In Florida, The New York Times, 2 July 2020: The U.S. Is Lagging Behind Many Rich Countries. These Charts Show Why., The Washington Post, 2 July 2020: Live updates: ‘We are not flattening the curve,’ official says as Florida reveals 10,000 new covid-19 cases, NPR, 2 July 2020: How Chile Ended Up With One Of The Highest COVID-19 Rates, The New York Times, 2 July 2020: Virus Spiraling Out of Control in U.S., June Data Show, The Washington Post, 2 July 2020: Pandemic will scar U.S. labor market for the next decade, agency says, USA Today, 2 July 2020: College students going to ‘COVID parties’ to see who gets sick first, Alabama officials say, Times of Israel, 3 July 2020: Cyprus says it won’t waive quarantine requirement for Israeli tourists, The New York Times, 3 July 2020: European Workers Draw Paychecks. American Workers Scrounge for Food.,, 3 July 2020: European Parliament leaders in Spanish spat, DW, 4 July 2020: Donald Trump slams ‘far-left fascism’ at Mt. Rushmore speech for July 4 (fortunately, our freak shows are not called Trump, but instead AfD, NPD, Reichsbürger, Rassemblement National, Partij voor de Vrijheid, Fidesz, PiS, English Defense League and how else Europe’s anti-constitutional and democratic freak shows, racists and fascists call/name themselves. So there is little reason for arrogance as long as we don’t get our own extremists under control), DW, 4 July 2020: Opinion: Donald Trump is in crisis mode, BBC, 4 July 2020: People head to pubs as England’s lockdown eases, BBC, 4 July 2020: Coronavirus clouds US 4 July Independence Day events, CNN, 4 July 2020: The UK is reopening for business. London may never be the same, CNN, 4 July 2020: Cracks in the Trump-Europe relationship are turning into a chasm, CNN, 4 July 2020: Plastic screens, tracings apps and table service. English pubs reopen on bittersweet day, The Guardian, 4 July 2020: Trump claims US on way to ‘tremendous victory’ over Covid-19 as cases surge – live,, 4 July 2020: EU budget rules to come back after crisis: Dombrovskis, The Washington Post, 4 July 2020: U.S. enters holiday weekend facing a surge of infections, Al Arabiya, 4 July 2020: Coronavirus outbreak in Saudi Arabia ranks at high risk: Expert metrics , DW, 5 July 2020: Coronavirus: Spain’s young lose out again, The New York Times, 6 July 2020: U.S. Is Still ‘Knee-Deep in the First Wave’ of the Pandemic, Fauci Warns, The New York Times, 6 July 2020: How America Lost the War on Covid-19, The National, 6 July 2020: UAE travel advice: Airline flights and testing for residents and tourists explained, BBC, 6 July 2020: US to withdraw visas for foreign students if classes moved fully online, CNN, 7 July 2020: The ugly truth about millions of American jobs: They are not coming back, CNN, 7 July 2020: International students may need to leave US if their universities transition to online-only learning (this has, of course, undeniable advantages: Instead of exposing yourself to the risk of an infection from the Trump virus when studying at Harvard University or other US universities, you can instead study online from your safe home country, while enjoying the benefits of universal health care. The necessary literature is available in European university libraries as well. Only the study experience and networking in the US cannot be replaced by online studies. Foreign students spend approximately $ 45 billion annually. They will be missing in the future), CNN, 7 July 2020: There are more than 1 million international students in the US. Here’s where they’re from, BBC, 7 July 2020: Wuhan: City of silence, CNN, 7 July 2020: Trump administration begins formal withdrawal from World Health Organization, The New York Times, 7 July 2020: U.S. Gives Formal Notice of Withdrawal From W.H.O., Effective 2021, The Guardian, 7 July 2020: Americans can’t travel to Europe because of Covid-19. I’m glad,, 7 July 2020: EU foresees worse economic slide, warns of more lockdowns, Irish Times, 7 July 2020: The Irish Times view on the dual threat of coronavirus and Brexit,, 7 July 2020: Why the recovery fund won’t work, Arab News, 7 July 2020: Saudi Arabia records 3,392 new COVID-19 cases, BBC, 8 July 2020: How Covid-19 has changed grocery shopping,, 8 July 2020: Merkel looks east as ties fray between Germany and US, Al Jazeera, 9 July 2020: In Pictures: Belgrade protest over COVID-19 curfew turns violent, Jerusalem Post, 9 July 2020: Two Israelis arrested in Belgrade during anti-lockdown protests, DW, 9 July 2020: People die as Donald Trump lets the pandemic rage, The National, 9 July 2020: Beyond the Headlines: how did the US coronavirus outbreak become the world’s worst?,, 9 July 2020: Merkel sees tough road to EU budget and recovery deal, BBC, 9 July 2020: Coronavirus: Serbia scraps curfew plan for Belgrade after protests,, 9 July 2020: European Parliament clashes with Merkel over rule of law in budget talks, The Guardian, 9 July 2020: South Africa warns of coronavirus ‘storm’ as outbreak accelerates across continent, The New York Times, 9 July 2020: U.S. Hits Another Daily Record for Cases, Its 6th in 10 Days, The Washington Post, 9 July 2020: Covid-19 pandemic creates openings for extremism worldwide, analysts warn, CNN, 10 July 2020: The US is diving into a dark Covid hole — and there’s no plan to get out (is the reelection actually worth 200,000 corona dead?), NPR, 11 July 2020: Masks And Mouse Ears: Disney World Reopens As Coronavirus Cases Climb In Florida, The New York Times, 11 July 2020: Disney World Opens Its Gates, With Virus Numbers Rising, CNN, 11 July 2020: ‘Please help us, we are abandoned here.’ Thousands of Moroccan seasonal workers stranded in Spain, The Guardian, 11 July 2020: Coronavirus live news: Trump makes first public outing in mask while global deaths tally over 560,000, The Washington Post, 11 July 2020: Stay away from South Carolina, CNN, 11 July 2020: ‘You cannot fight the pandemic with lies’ — Angela Merkel knows how to insert a dagger, The Washington Post, 11 July 2020: Economic recovery may be fizzling as disruption from virus lingers, The Guardian, 11 July 2020: Global ‘catastrophe’ looms as Covid-19 fuels inequality, DW, 11 July 2020: Foreign students in US face ‘huge amount of stress and fear’ after visa change, CNN, 11 July 2020: America’s passport now as weak as Mexico’s, The Guardian, 11 July 2020: Serbian police arrest 71 in coronavirus protests, CNN, 12 July 2020: Before the virus, Asia’s ecosystems were buckling under overtourism. When the tourists return, it has to be different, BBC, 12 July 2020: Florida sets new state daily case record of 15,299, CNN, 12 July 2020: Britain is the worst-hit country outside of the US and Brazil. But it STILL won’t wear masks, The Guardian, 12 July 2020: EU leaders are split over coronavirus recovery, BBC, 13 July 2020: South Africa bans alcohol sales again to combat Covid-19, CNN, 13 July 2020: Hundreds of people celebrated the July 4 weekend at a Michigan lake. Now some have Covid-19, DW, 13 July 2020: Coronavirus latest: No return to old normal for foreseeable future — WHO, DW, 13 July 2020: German Chancellor Angela Merkel says EU leaders ‘remain apart’ on coronavirus recovery deal, CNN, 13 July 2020: Hundreds of people celebrated the July 4 weekend at a Michigan lake. Now some have Covid-19, BBC, 13 July 2020: Too many countries headed in wrong direction – WHO, CNN, 13 July 2020: Coronavirus cases in the US continue to surge, reaching nearly 1 out of every 100 American, The Guardian, 13 July 2020: Coronavirus live: ‘no return to normal for foreseeable future,’ says WHO; Latin America deaths pass US and Canada, NPR, 13 July 2020: NYC Has Its First Day In Months With No COVID-19 Deaths, The National, 13 July 2020: ‘Worse and worse’: WHO chief issues grim warning on coronavirus crisis, The New York Times, 13 July 2020: Los Angeles and San Diego Schools Will Go Online-Only in the Fall, Arab News, 13 July 2020: IMF predicts worst Mideast downturn in half century, The National, 13 July 2020: IMF cuts Middle East and Central Asia economic outlook as pandemic persists, CNN, 14 July 2020: Trump administration drops restrictions on online-only instruction for foreign students, NPR, 14 July 2020: Miami Is Becoming The ‘Epicenter Of The Pandemic,’ Expert Warns, BBC, 14 July 2020: California reimposes sweeping restrictions amid virus spike, NPR, 15 July 2020: New York City’s High Line Reopens In A Potential Boost To Local Business,, 15 July 2020: The coronavirus recovery plan that von der Leyen built, NPR, 15 July 2020: Ireland Delays Further Reopening, Keeping Bars Closed As Case Numbers Grow, Irish Times, 16 July 2020: Coronavirus in Ireland: Further reopening delayed amid ‘worrying’ rise in infection rates, The Guardian, 16 July 2020: Coronavirus live news: Fauci says US must ‘stop nonsense’; South Africa cases top 300,000,, 16 July 2020: Live blog: EU summit on budget and coronavirus recovery fund, CNN, 16 July 2020: As Trump refuses to lead, America tries to save itself,, 16 July 2020: The EU’s budget fight — by the numbers, DW, 16 July 2020: Germany finds new coronavirus generosity ahead of EU summit, The New York Post, 17 July 2020: New York City Eases Into Phase 4 of Reopening, but Indoor Limits Remain, BBC, 17 July 2020: EU’s ‘moment of truth’ as leaders seek Covid funding deal, The Guardian, 17 July 2020: After bumps, bows and birthday gifts, EU leaders get down to business, The New York Post, 17 July 2020: U.S. Report Finds 18 States With ‘Red Zone’ Outbreaks,, 18 July 2020: EU leaders call it a night after Dutch block in budget talks, CNN, 18 July 2020: Fauci implores state and local leaders to ‘be as forceful as possible’ with mask orders, Irish Times, 18 July 2020: EU member states at loggerheads over fund in ‘moment of truth’, Arab News, 18 July 2020: COVID-19 sends Malaysia’s retail tourism in a downward spiral, CNN, 18 July 2020: Health experts urge Americans to wear masks and take other precautions as coronavirus cases continue to climb, BBC, 18 July 2020: Coronavirus spike continues amid new Catalonia restrictions, CNN, 18 July 2020: I can’t shake Covid-19: Warnings from young survivors still suffering,, 18 July 2020: Live blog Day 2: EU summit on budget, coronavirus recovery fund, Arab News, 18 July 2020: Saudi Arabia hosts G20 talks on debt crisis, virus recovery, The National, 18 July 2020: Deadlock as EU’s Covid-19 bailout summit stretches into second evening, Al Arabiya, 18 July 2020: Hosted by Saudi Arabia, G20 vows to keep cooperating to bolster global economy,, 19 July 2020: Viktor Orbán: I don’t know why Mark Rutte hates me and Hungary, DW, 19 July 2020: Coronavirus latest: Record single-day increase in cases globally, CNN, 19 July 2020: ‘He’s unteachable’: Doctor blasts Trump’s latest mask remarks,, 19 July 2020: Belgian PM Wilmès: Now is not the time for regrets on coronavirus response, The National, 19 July 2020: Coronavirus: UAE records lowest number of new Covid-19 cases for more than three months, BBC, 19 July 2020: Coronavirus: Third day of wrangling over huge EU recovery plan, DW, 19 July 2020: EU summit: Angela Merkel warns of possible no deal on recovery aid, CNN, 19 July 2020: Florida reports more than 12,000 new Covid-19 cases, again, as governor declines to mandate masks, Al Arabiya, 19 July 2020: Coronavirus: Dubai launches ‘Dubai assured’ stamp for tourism, retail establishments, The Washington Post, 20 July 2020: The crisis that shocked the world: America’s response to the virus, The National, 20 July 2020: Coronavirus: EU struggles to agree on recovery deal as global deaths surge,, 20 July 2020: Live blog Day 3: EU summit on budget, coronavirus recovery fund, The National, 20 July 2020: EU leaders fail to reconcile differences over recovery fund as talks continue, Irish Times, 20 July 2020: Irish economy to get injection of up to €7bn in stimulus measures, Al Arabiya, 20 July 2020: Coronavirus: EU grapples with ‘mission impossible’ at deadlocked recovery summit, The National, 20 July 2020: US Republicans prepare a further $1 trillion stimulus in bid to stave off deepening recession, Al Arabiya, 20 July 2020: Coronavirus: US reports more than 60,000 new COVID-19 cases for six days in a row,, 20 July 2020: EU leaders see path to budget-and-recovery deal,, 20 July 2020: Why the EU can’t agree on anything,, 20 July 2020: Live blog Day 4: EU summit on budget, coronavirus recovery fund, CNN, 20 July 2020: EU’s future at stake as tempers fray over recovery fund, The Guardian, 20 July 2020: EU Macron seeks to end acrimony as pandemic recovery fund summit enters fourth day, BBC, 21 July 2020: EU agrees €750bn virus recovery fund, The Guardian, 21 July 2020: EU Leaders seal deal on €750bn Covid-19 recovery plans, BBC, 21 July 2020: Coronavirus: EU leaders reach recovery deal after marathon summit,, 21 July 2020: POLITICO’s guide to the EU budget deal, CNN, 21 July 2020: EU leaders have reached an agreement on a $858 billion coronavirus stimulus package,, 21 July 2020: EU leaders agree on €1.82T budget and coronavirus recovery package,, 21 July 2020: Toward an ever closer imperfect union, The New York Times, 21 July 2020: E.U. Adopts $857 Billion Stimulus to Fight Coronavirus Recession, The Washington Post, 21 July 2020: E.U. leaders agree to $859 billion stimulus package,, 21 July 2020: