The Sonnenberg-Kreis e.V. is an independent provider of international, non-school based education in Europe, its work is solely and exclusively not for profit. The International House Sonnenberg near St Andreasberg/Oberharz is its conference centre.
Conferences take place there throughout the year, primarily on subjects in the area of political education. The conferences often have an international dimension so that participants from very different countries can work together and exchange ideas.
The aim of all activity is the enhancement of international understanding and co-existence on the basis of mutual respect. The essential values upheld include respect for human rights, a sustainable manner of living in the ecological, social and economic areas and the recognition of variety as enrichment.
Activities are directed towards various target groups: adults, young people from all educational backgrounds, trainees, families with children, teachers, multipliers, people with disabilities and many other groups.
Participants from different national and social backgrounds and viewpoints discuss and exchange ideas on educational and political questions, the world of work and leisure time, the environment and the economy, on current and historical topics. In our conferences we aim to examine critically social developments, open up different ways of seeing things and look for sensible action strategies for the future.
To this end, a variety of methods with a high proportion of group and individual work are particular characteristics of our educational work. Learning and experiencing together helps to overcome prejudice and to develop ways for communal and responsible action. Work and leisure time are integrated during the conferences.
Depending on the individual project, the Sonnenberg-Kreis e.V. receives financial support from different funding bodies. The international dimension in our day to day activities is guaranteed through our international network of Sonnenberg associations in 23 countries in Europe as well as Israel and the United States, which make up the International Sonnenberg Association (ISA).