Covid-19 – your unique chance
Friday, 13 August 2021 - 07:54 pm (CET/MEZ) Berlin | Author/Destination: Around the World / Rund um die WeltCategory/Kategorie: General Reading Time: 5 minutes
“If someone thinks that the corona vaccinations could alter his or her genes, then he/she/it should take advantage of this unique opportunity, because it will not repeat itself that quickly. This is their big chance, as things are looking pretty unpleasant for them so far.”
At the same time, of course, one must also resolutely oppose the common conspiracy myth that unvaccinated people would allegedly be discriminated: This is not true, because the unvaccinated, although in percentage terms a lot less than vaccinated people, are allocated a lot more beds in hospitals in Europe than vaccinated people, were they receive intensive care until the end. Vaccinated people, on the other hand, have to care for themselves and how they manage their everyday life on their own.
Of course, don’t forget the great “Bill Gates Chips”. They have long been used on animals to identify escaped cattle so that it can be clarified from which barn they escaped. It is, so to speak, an electronic identity card that is definitely suitable for those who oppose and refuse vaccination and deny the coronavirus. However, the chips can usually not do more. Even if, for what? Have you heard of a single country in the world where digitization hasn’t gone haywire? So what are you worried about? Instead, you should look forward to a free electronic ID card that you would otherwise have to pay a lot of money for.
Again and again, you can hear from the ranks of the self-proclaimed “lateral thinkers“, a word creation that suggests that they do not even succeed in thinking straight forward and ahead, and that they at least pretend to try to think at all (with the well-known, very modest and weak results), conspiracy myths and fables about an alleged “Corona dictatorship”. This is of course obvious and utter nonsense or, if at all, would aim in the opposite direction, especially since a small bunch of incorrigible unvaccinated people, anti-vaccination opponents and enemies of democracy/constitution/state, who hijacked the corona demonstrations in order to conceal their state-disrupting activities (they were never interested in solving the Covid-19 pandemic at all), took the majority society hostage and continue to tyrannize the majority by argumentatively utmost possible nonsense and the use of violence for more than two years in order to try to enforce their crude worldview along the way. Fortunately, they fail time and again because of themselves and the resistance of the rational majority society. It is less gratifying that this very small group, ranging from esotericists to right-wing terrorists (which are included in the larger group of societal sediments and whose share in Germany, for example, has always been between 15 and 20%), actively prevents the pandemic from being successfully combated and from being downgraded to an endemic).
Of course, it is important to get information from reliable sources in order to avoid fake news or to drive yourself nuts, because those who die of fear or panic are dead as well. A public source is e.g.: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, EU vs Disinformation. Relying on information from the current US, British, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian and some more weird governments has now proven to be a significant health hazard. It is therefore important to follow the reporting of the reputable and reliable media, which have set up corresponding sections on the subject: The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post, The Hill, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times, The Atlantic, National Public Radio (NPR),, Bloomberg, Financial Times, France24, The Times, The Guardian, BBC,, Haaretz, Times of Israel, Palestine Chronicle, Arab News, The National, Al Jazeera, Gulf Times, Al Arabiya.
DW, 7 December 2021: ‘Vaccination or nothing’ — 150 major German companies launch social media offensive, DW, 3 February 2022: Germany: Vaccine advisory panel backs Novavax COVID jab, DW, 3 February 2022: German vaccine body backs fourth COVID-19 shot for most vulnerable.
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